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chinitangmonkey28 Β· 7 years ago
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The Crazy Crossfitter Asians πŸ˜‚ . . Date night with Rachel Chu and Nick Young 😍😍😍 @constancewu @henrygolding . . I loved how Rachel and Eleanor’s battle comes to a head over a game of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g (sorry, spoiler if i type it here), and it’s one of the more impressive and smart rom-com climaxes I’ve seen, as full-hearted as it is smart.Β  . . Overall it's a must watch! Melted my ❀ with an Awwwww and awwwwweee... πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ . . #crazyrichasians #movienight #squadgoals #goodvibes #romcom #positivity #crossfitfamily #crossfitter #cfk #fambam #crossfitkagayan
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chinitangmonkey28 Β· 7 years ago
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I was contemplating if I'd do the WOD today as I haven't recovered yet from yesterday's workout. . It took this outfit and a careless whisper from my bestie @bornoneabril to give the WOD a chance (πŸ˜‚ chance daw oh?! Hahah) . And so here I was. Happy and smiling just right before the workout. I might as well give justice to my aching legs to have some pampering today. . #happiness #biggirlswholift #crossfitter #crossfitmom #effyourbeautystandards #confidentinmyskin #camooutfit #crossfitkagayan (at Crossfit Kagayan)
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chinitangmonkey28 Β· 7 years ago
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My first WOD for this year coz i like the date today. The 8th of Jan 😊 excuse my siopao face here, gikan pako nag holidays. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #biggirlswholift #crossfitdiaries #crossfitter #crossfit #cfk #cfkagayan #crossfitkagayan (at Crossfit Kagayan)
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chinitangmonkey28 Β· 7 years ago
Partner deadlifts at 415lbs. 😲😲😲 awesome WOD today at @cfkagayan shoutouts to my super hot partner @audeaicnelav for killing it with me! Happy Friday everyone! Lift. Love. Laugh #biggirlswholift #crossfitdiaries #crossfitter #crossfitcouple #partnerwod #crossfit #crossfitmom #powercouple #deadlifts #crossfitkagayan #cfkagayan πŸ“½ credits: @babapelaez 😘😘😘 (at Crossfit Kagayan)
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chinitangmonkey28 Β· 7 years ago
Friday grind at the box! What's the best part of this video? When your coach dab's after your rep. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ @yobikkin @aprilsiy πŸ“½: @loi_b #crossfit #crossfitkagayan #cfk #crossfitdiaries #crossfitmom #biggirlswholift #weightlossjourney #weightlossjourney #tgif #fridays (at Crossfit Kagayan)
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chinitangmonkey28 Β· 7 years ago
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Good morning everyone! It's a thankful Thursday today so make sure to pause and think of things, milestone, instances that you are thankful for. Don't forget to include the small things ayt? Because sometimes those small things are the ones that are life changing. Take for example this small group of lovelies in our 7:15 AM class at @cfkagayan, I am thankful for having them as they serve as my inspiration to push myself to be better everyday. Love more, give more, LIVE happily. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺβ€β€β€πŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ‘Ÿ #biggirlswholift #crossfitdiaries #crossfitmom #crossfit #crossfitkagayan #roadto100 #cfkagayan #thankfulthursday
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chinitangmonkey28 Β· 8 years ago
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My morning #ohana 😍😍😍 4 kilos lost from 4 weeks of training and healthy eating. I am still far from my ideal weight but i gotta start somewhere right? Thank you to our coaches esp @yobikkin of @crossfitkagayan for always motivating me to trust the process. Thank you to my beshies for always killing me in our chatrooms @aprilsiy @ruben @mark and to all my fitspirations out there! #cfkagayan #cfk #crossfitmom #crossfit #crossfitdiaries #weightloss #fitness #cleaneating #fitnessjourney (at Crossfit Kagayan)
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chinitangmonkey28 Β· 7 years ago
Excuse my tummy. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ @bornoneabril lakaaaas! . 7 deadlifts @155lbs. 7 burpee over bars 7 toes to bar . #biggirlswholift #crossfitter #crossfitter #crossfitkagayan #cfk #cfkagayan #mondaywod (at Crossfit Kagayan)
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