#crossfit richland
falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/11/november-11-2023/
November 11, 2023
WOD: Hero “Chad”
For Time: 1,000 Box Step-ups
*Complete with a partner or individually. 
Time Cap: 70 Minutes
Learn about the Hero WOD: https://chad1000x.com/
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Saturday, 26 August, 2023.
Dana got us started at 0730, and Admiral Armando did the honors at 0930.
5 Rounds
3 Pullups
5 Pushups
10 Back Raises
3 Reps EMOM For 10 Minutes
All 80% 1 Rep Max
Ed/Armando=316 Bernie=315 Smoothie=275 Dyer=245 Tim/Adrian/Caleb=225 Dana/Warren A/Rodney=205 LSU=185 Coach/Joe=165 Sandy/Elisa=125 Linda/Sue=95 Faith (KID)=85 PR
Angel/Alicia and at least 10 others failed to post.
5 Rounds
25 / 20 Calories Any Erg
(135/95/65) Single Barbell
9 Deadlifts
6 Front Squats
3 Push Press
Bernie=15:24 Armando=17:05 Adrian/Caleb=no post
Ed=16:03 Tim=16:10 Smoothie=21:23
The Rest:
Sue=14:01 LSU=15:19 Elisa=15:47 Rodney=17:04 Warren A=17:35 Linda=18 Joe=18:40 Sandy=19:04 Dyer=21:36 Shannon=22 Dana/Angel/Alicia/Coach= Faith (KID)=Cross Country
Biceps Curls " 21's " X 5
We had a fine large crowd but many did not post and I don't have everyone's names. All I know for sure is that Sammy D and Robert weren't here and that's why everything ran so orderly and smooth and quiet.
Faith (KID) accidentally deadlifted Shannon's 85 lb bar so fast and with such perfect form that we let her continue that for the entire EMOM, and then she rang the PR bell. FYI, that is 7 lbs more than the KID weighs, and 30 lbs more than we have ever allowed her to try in the past.
Miss Sugar (Goodrich) took me to the Richland CC where we followed Warren (Tripp on the Bag) thru 8 holes of the Members Championship. WG Birdied 4 out of the last 5 holes and came close to an Eagle. He will probable play with the last grouping tomorrow. After-which WG treated me to lunch in the Men's only Grill where WG seems to have more than 30 best buddies. One of them asked me if I knew Jeff King. I said NO. In the Gentlemen's Lavatory on a shelf behind the 6 sinks there were over 35 bottles of colognes & aftershave lotions lined up. That seems excessive.
I'm not really certain what Adrian Bozman's job is currently at CrossFit LLC, but he was here today. He has been on the Training Seminar staff forever, has been Head Judge at the CF Games for years, and maybe is the Director of Programming. Adrian has worked for CF for over 15 years, mostly in California, and recently moved to Middle TN. He proudly owns 30 acres in Pegram where he and Kim are putting down roots. Yes, he got a LHCF T-shirt.
Sunday at 0730 and at 1 PM. Rain is forecasted for sometime.
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falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/11/november-10-2023/
November 10, 2023
STRENGTH: Squat clean pyramid, for time,
10 Squat Cleans, by 2:00
8 Squat Cleans, by 4:00
6 Squat Cleans, by 6:00
4 Squat Cleans, by 8:00
2 Squat Cleans, by 11:00
WOD: For time,
30 x hang power cleans
20 x bar facing burpees
1000 m run
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falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/11/november-9-2023/
November 9, 2023
SKILL WORK: 9 minute EMOM (3 rounds of each)
6-8 strict HSPU
10-12 x Toes to Bar
8-10 x Alternating Single Leg Squats
WOD: 3 rounds, against a 3:00 clock
24/18 fan bike cals
Max deadlifts in remaining time
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falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/11/november-8-2023/
November 8, 2023
STRENGTH: Overhead Squat
*Build in weight as reps decrease. If feeling good, may attempt a new 1 RM in the singles. 
WOD: Against a 10:00 clock,
Row for max calories
*Every 2 minutes [starting at 0:00], complete 15 x overhead squats
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falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/11/november-7-2023/
November 7, 2023
WOD: “Adderall”
AMRAP in 10:00
1 mile run
Max clean and jerks
REST 10:00-13:00
AMRAP in 7:00
800 m run
Max power snatches
REST 20:00-23:00
AMRAP 4:00
400 m run
Max thrusters
ACCESSORY: 2 rounds, not for time,
1:00 push up plank hold plate pull through
20 x single leg V ups
REST 1-2 minutes
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falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/11/november-6-2023/
November 6, 2023
STRENGTH: Strict Press
*Build in weight as reps decrease. 
*If feeling good, may attempt a new 1 RM in the singles. 
WOD: AMRAP 10:00
5 x pull ups
30 x double unders
10 x push ups
2:00 plank
1:00 side plank (Right)
1:00 side plank (Left)
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falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/11/november-4-2023/
November 4, 2023
WOD: For time, with a partner,
Med Ball Run 200m Together – take turns carrying med ball
60 Wall Balls
50 Hand release push ups
40 Front rack double DB walking lunges
Med Ball Run 200m Together
40 Front rack double DB walking lunges
50 Hand release push ups 
60 Wall Balls
Med Ball Run 200m Together
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falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/11/november-3-2023/
November 3, 2023
STRENGTH: On the 2:00 x 5 sets
5 x back squats
*Use same weight across
30 x double unders
3 x power cleans
3 x front squats
3 x push jerks
ACCESSORY: For time,
300 x box step ups, weighted if possible
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falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/11/november-2-2023/
November 2, 2023
WOD: On the 4:00 x 6 rounds
12 x pull ups
21 x kettlebell swings
400 m run
ACCESSORY: Not for time,
150 m farmer’s carry, 40 weighted sit ups
100 m farmer’s carry, 30 weighted sit ups
75 m farmer’s carry, 20 weighted sit ups
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falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/11/november-1-2023/
November 1, 2023
STRENGTH: A) Floor Press
On the 2:00 x 5 sets
5 x presses, using same weight across sets
B) Max effort push ups x 1 set, then,
1 set of push ups @ 50% rep count from max effort
1 set of push ups @ 40% rep count from max effort
1 set of push ups @ 30% rep count from max effort
*Rest as necessary between sets
WOD: “Rahoi” [HERO]
AMRAP 12:00
12 x box jumps
6 x thrusters
6 x bar facing burpees
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falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/10/october-31-2023/
October 31, 2023
STRENGTH: Deadlift
4 x 3 deadstop deadlifts @ 70%
4 x 3 deadlifts at 75%
WOD: 5 rounds for time,
200 m run
21-18-15-12-9 Toes to bar
200 m run
21-18-15-12-9 Deadlift
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falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/10/october-30-2023/
October 30, 2023
STRENGTH: Power Snatch
Set 1: 3 reps @ 40%
Set 2: 3 reps @ 50%
Set 3: 3 reps @ 60%
Set 4: 3 reps @ 75%
Set 5: 2 reps @ 80%
Set 6: 1 rep @ 82%
Sets 7 and 8: 1 rep @ 85%
*Rest 1-2 minutes between sets
WOD: AMRAP 10:00
10-20-30… Overhead squat
15-25-35… Calorie row
*Add 10 reps to each movement every round
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falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/10/october-28-2023/
October 28, 2023
WOD: With a partner, for time, 10 rounds each,
5 x Thrusters
7 x Handstand Push Ups
6 shuttle runs (down/back = 1)
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falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/10/october-27-2023/
October 27, 2023
10 Rounds For Time,
3 Snatches
3 Bar-Facing Burpees 
ODD: 15 x double unders + 4 x pistols
EVEN: 7/5 cals on fan bike + 25 ft handstand walk
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falloutcrossfit · 11 months
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on https://falloutcrossfit.com/2023/10/october-26-2023/
October 26, 2023
STRENGTH: EMOM, alternate minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets of ea)
6 x bench press
8 x floor lying double dumbbell triceps extension
WOD: For time,
40-32-24-16-8 kettle bell swings
30-26-22-18-14 cal row
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