theevilgifs · 7 years
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Will you go to the dance with me?
The Loved Ones (Dir. Sean Byrne, 2009)
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kabonvi · 7 years
You’re sending to Carmen Lee [email protected] ₩60,000,000
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hey, congrats on the whole getting married thing. i’m amazed that you and jaebum were able to stop being stubborn enough to fall in love and junk. and now you’re having a baby too? holy shit, that’s disgusting, but i’m happy for you? i guess. you’re like a whole adult and a half now! anyway, i suck at this whole sentimental friend crap (obviously) and also at giving gifts, so take this as a token of my appreciation. i don’t know what people usually give for babies and marriages, but i hope this is enough to suffice? get your monster baby some sweet goth shit in my honor and then use the rest to male your mcr fan husband to lighten up a little maybe (they broke up four years ago, bro, it’s time to move on!).
i know i never say so, but i’m glad we’re friends. thanks for putting up with me for so long, even though we both know i’m annoying as fuck. lowkey, i’m depressed that i’ll never get to pork you, but as long as you’re happy, it’s fine. don’t you dare show jaebum this, i swear to satan!
have a great life. you deserve it.
best wishes,
I’m incredibly flattered, taken aback – just absolutely DISGUSTED by this gesture. Honestly I’m really grateful for this little display of affection considering how you are. I will archive this among the things I can blackmail you with. But honestly, thank you. Despite me being a hot ass mess when we first met, and even up until this point of me being a more controlled mess you never fail to call me out on my shit. How are things with you? I’ve actually missed your little grumpy ass. I’m actually still mad you say things like pork, you’re not some American frat boy. I don’t think I can ever express my gratitude to you and all of your entirety enough but I do want you to know that I’m thankful for you just being you.
We need to actually get together soon. Who still communicates via emails with their friends? You, fucking weirdo.
I plan on coming to bother you very soon, I love you.
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ghastlychase · 7 years
“Just pretend to be my date”.
random sentence starters | accepting;
 ❛  WHAT?  ❜     she  must’ve  heard  wrong.      Ahn  Moonsik  asking  HER  to  be  his  date  to  the  exact  dinner  party  that  she  was  trying  to  sneak  into?      She  felt  a  smile  slowly  creep  onto  her  lips,    eyes  twinkling  with  childish  mirth  as  the  woman  crossed  her  arms  in  front  of  her  chest.    ❛  Are  you  going  to  be  stone-faced  and  grumpy  at  me  the  whole  night?  ❜
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spoiledsovls · 7 years
crookedflesh replied to your post: over the past few days, i’ve made new mutuals but...
be my friend s-senpai uwu
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illvnis · 8 years
           「 — 352 sentences meme            「 — status: accepting
dusk had come at last for the city, scarlet stained rays of sunlight filtering through the rows of shops and houses as the sun slipped from the sky for the night. books are clutched tightly against her chest, wrapped neatly in tan wrapping paper and held together with string. winter break only meant that there were more hours she could dedicate to trivial activities such as perusing the hundreds of shelves loaded with books for the entirety of an afternoon, as she had done that very day. 
hiromi’s ambling about the city, completely oblivious to the well known dangers that lurked around every corner, as if there were some sort of layering about her that protected her from any sorts of horrors that could come. every step and every movement is dealt with a smile upon her lips, as if she were wandering towards some land of happiness, rather than small, pitiful college dorm she was truly making her way to. 
eyeing the confectionary stands that stood neatly next to her on the street, she’ll stop to make a purchase before noticing a lone figure sitting on a bench nearby. it’s only human curiosity to approach such a man ( though it’s only ‘hiromi’ curiosity to approach such a man with no fear ) and sit besides them. 
“hello!” it’s too loud for the night, too energetic for those around her who were yearning for nothing more than the end of their day. there’s a slight lull in her words as she reaches for a candy from her bag, the crinkle of plastic almost amplified in the otherwise silent atmosphere as she searched for the brightest colored sweet. 
upon finding it, she’ll hand it over with the widest smile curving her lips.
"smile! it increases your face value.”
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jngh-blog1 · 7 years
↛ @crookedflesh
✩ — It wasn’t every day that Jungha walked into the bookstore, her house was filled with books but they were her parents. The books at home she had already read, well most, because they were her parents and some books just were not appealing. Nobody really wanted to read an air traffic control book in their free time? Not her. 
The brunette walked into the store, surprised at the number of people who were inside. She blinked at the group of humans, soon noticing how they were all holding the same book in their hands. She squinted when she noticed something familiar, the author on the back. Her eyes widened and she soon went near the signing table, picking up the book to reveal the face. “Oh god...” 
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adamonite · 8 years
for @crookedflesh​
Crisp suites adorn the bodies of two men whose insides are nothing less than lethal. The discussion itself is brief; free the country of the infestation that is its inferior citizens and leaders while also taking supreme control. Well, for Alec, it isn’t so much about control as it is helping his friend get the job done. But there is revenge behind his motives; it’s fiery and very much alive. 
The one thing that keeps Alec so closely tied to Moonsik is their mutual understanding of what sets the both of them part from the average population. In other words: the X-gene. Metals lie at the mercy of Moonsik’s fingertips, and for Sehun it’s his skin to diamond ability that keeps him immune. Not to mention his telepathy which allows him to communicate in private with his close friend. 
A lovely view of the Blue House becomes a taunting sight for the pair as the final details are sorted out between them. Alec doesn’t fail to catch the excitement emanating from Moonsik; everything is just within grasp, and in the next 72 hours they’d be safe within the arms of victory. 
Fast forward and it’s well past midnight in Naegok-dong, Seoul where the headquarters of the NIS attempt their undercover activities. The building in and of itself blends in well with the area; no large signs or any indication of its significance within the nation. 
Breaking in is the easy part. But executing the plan presents another challenge, one that both mutants are well prepared for. Cameras decorate the pristine white walls like an endless string of Christmas lights. They only have a a minute or two to spare before an alarm sounds to warn everyone of their intrusion into the building. 
They’re both armed, and there’s a slim chance that any rubber bullets will be in use, considering the lack of expectation the organization holds. So they should be fine. Or at least, Alec hopes so. He’s ready to throw himself in the line of fire if needed though- it’s worth it if it’s for Moonsik. 
“You know what to do,” Alec says amidst loading his hand gun, “Ready?”
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lavtiena · 7 years
muse aesthetics: horror edition
repost, don’t reblog / bold whatever applies / tag however many people you want / feel free to add stuff in any category, too!
tagged by: goth king @crookedflesh tagging: @thcrnful ( scarlet & malachai ) / @nictophiliia / @vvolfiisms / @savoirfairre / @devildebt / @intestato
gothic horror. gaslights. corsets. ballrooms. candlelight. mist. starless nights. full moons. cobbled streets. horse-drawn carriages. mysterious strangers. bogs. moors. forests. mountains. castles. velvet. silver. brass. gold. jewels. domino masks. the opera. dangerous romances. tragic romances. violins. roses. lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows. crows. milk-white skin. ambiguous illness. fangs. pointed nails. something howling in the night. capes. gloves. top hats. straight razors. lightning. pipe organs. underground caverns. bats. mice. rats. ravens. cats. pearls. attics. talismans. axes. wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires. werewolves. ghosts. coffins. western europe. eastern europe. bones. churches. catacombs. mausoleums. spiders. books.
classic horror. black and white. powder puffs. red lipstick. winged eyeliner. white kitten heels. black lace lingerie. icy blue eyes. rain. abandoned cars. skeletons. acid. poison. voyeurism. switchblades. strangling.overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-atlantic accents. private detectives. dinner parties. haunted mansions. alcohol in glass decanters. cobwebs. perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock. cellars. dust. dark alleys. empty streets. driving at night. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation. zombies. serial murder.paranoia. the city. witches. the devil. cannibalism. conspiracies. amulets. abject terror. the american south. the american northeast.  england. analog cameras.
slashers. bloodbaths. massacres. wanton nudity. newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets.converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest. bonfires. lakes. babysitters. suburbia. high school. lockers. dead leaves in the fall. jack-o’-lanterns. outdated television sets. nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals. unstoppable forces. gunfire. police. landline telephones. household objects turned into improvised weapons. halloween. secrets. revelations. character masks. scrunchies. queerness. wild curls. jeering children. parties. fire. swearing. revulsion. california. the american midwest. ambulances.
paranormal horror. malevolent spirits. seances. spells. missing bodies. hidden graves. white noise.static. flickering lights. rings of salt. demons. poltergeists. dark histories. old buildings. cold air.wells. urban exploration. a dog barking at something you can’t see. black ooze. old photographs. faces you can swear you’ve seen before but can’t for the life of you figure out where. dark bodies of water. crucifixes. priests. possession. exorcisms. dolls.
cryptid & urban legend horror. aliens. blinding light. dark woods. claw-marks. bite-marks.men in black. memory loss. dismembered bodies. sewers. flashlights. cell phones. video cameras. cars with tinted windows. abandoned houses. unlabeled cassette tapes. bugs. big cities. urban crimes. clowns.something rustling outside your window. glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest. the american midwest. hiking / backpacking.
thrillers. daylight. fluorescent lighting. morgues. asylums. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms with no one inside them. a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed. steely gazes. paperwork. anagrams. codes. convicted killers. missing persons. law enforcement. federal agents. small towns.suspicion. subdued terror. dimly-lit parking lots.
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inwolvesteeth · 7 years
crookedflesh replied to your post: "Well, well, well. If it isn't my boy, Skinny...
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kabonvi · 8 years
— random generator meme. *✲ status: ACCEPTING *;
❝ ♕ —상환❞Carmen has a SICK fascination withachieving the unattainable by any means necessary. And any sentence startingwith you can’t is twisted in her mind to, you most definitely should try. Acommon mistake mainly made with those that have had fleeting conversations withher, yet is constantly made by none other than Ahn Moonsik. 
Being told that nothing, not even the twitch of a spider leg couldspook the very embodiment of ominous shadows in dark alleys could even so muchas get a squeak from him bothered her. Everyone had a hair trigger – everyone.If there was anything that Carmen had learned from being around Moonsik was thelimit of how far she could push him without causing too much damage to theirrelationship. But that was what having relationships was all about, no? Thetesting of boundaries to see where the other person stood with you. It wasespecially fun to test those boundaries every now and again, especially whenthe similarities of both their personality and tempers came into the picture.
No matter, she falls into a plague of boredom when Moonsikexcuses himself to run a quick errand while she’s over. After exploring thesurface of his home, entertaining his cat Evil when he decided that he wantedattention, and even taking time out of her preciousday to roll him a few blunts – she’s decided to scare him. At least try to.After all, as long as some effort was put into the action then she deservedsome sort of points that could grant her at least a little of his respect inthe horror field. 
Things quickly go wrong when she hears the sound of his keypadbeing used and quickly makes a break for the first place that she can find:underneath his bed. The quick judgement of both her height and weight are alittle misguided however, the thought doesn’t occur to her until after she’sunder the bed.
The call of her name causes her senses to become hyperaware andshe rolls her eyes dramatically upon the declaration that he indeed knows whatshe’s doing and that she should stop. “God you’re no fucking fun.” She mumbles,voice dripping with disappointment as she slowly but surely crawls fromunderneath the bed. His response is muffled and she lightly taps her nailsagainst the floor to draw his attention without verbally letting him know whereshe is.
Her hips get stuck between the bed frame and the floor and shebites her bottom lip, muffling a frustrated groan. If anything, this is whatshe got for trying to do something that she’s failed to do so many timesbefore. “I’m down here, under the bed.”She finally gives in, propping her elbows on the floor as she rests her chin inher upturned palm in an attempt to maintain her innocence. “Did you have fun onyour little errand trip Moonpie?” 
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spoiledsovls · 7 years
it’s okay. she knew he was only there to listen. she wasn’t going to go to someone who felt the same way (that would just be a huge mess.) rather, she’d go to someone who’d lay all the cards down, showing her all the moves to make and in a realistic manner too. or well, maybe not showing but suggesting is a better way to put it. he didn’t have to respond, maybe a nod of the head once in a while but that would be okay to her rambling on and on about her ex. ex. god that stung just a bit. okay. maybe a lot. “it jus’ sucks. iunno if you’ve experienced it but m’not gonna poke that topic for ya.”
her eyes trail down to the dessert that he had bought for her (does she even want it now?) yes. indulge in the sweetness lying in front of you. it wasn’t even a lot, just a bowl with coffee flavored ice cream topped off with another scoop of vanilla ice cream. the egg waffle hiding behind it and a strawberry on top (she just liked them better than cherries.) fuck. even ice cream was such a heartbreaking experience because their first unofficial date was to get ice cream. great. you’re thinkin’ about him again. he’s gone, shut the fuck up. she grumbles to herself, stabbing the ice cream before taking a spoonful into her mouth.
“yeah. uh. what’s the word. dandy. jus’ fine. okay. i’m breathin’. not too quick, not too slow. y’know? i’m talkin’. so i’m fine.” she knew that wasn’t what he meant, but what could she do but try to be the sarcastic hyejung that people knew? she already had her share of mental breakdowns just within the past two days.
she didn’t even want the damn ice cream. it annoyed her how she could lose appetite over a guy. not just any guy, that one guy. that one guy she shared her secrets with-- his arms being a safe space when her own wasn’t her enoug. when her house wasn’t enough, when the park wasn’t enough. se huffs again, the most idiotic sentence spills out and she didn’t even realize that she was alluding to jungkook. get over yourself. she takes a deep breath, devouring the ice cream before licking her lips.
“oh, drinks? yeah. i drink. ha, funny thing--”
don’t mention him again.
“funny thing-- i had drinks.. last week! yeah.. let’s get some. i think i’d rather drown in that.”
i’d rather drown in that instead of drownin’ in my feelings.
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pertir · 7 years
#please stream the best girl group of all time >
joy voice silly oppa. you’re right! let me change it to “best GROUP of all time”! that’s more fitting, huh. dreamcatcher can just be the best girl group. >
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eterneli · 7 years
Character Thesis Q&A:
To him: You drowned me into a bitter and vicious ocean haunted by hurricanes and shattered me to pieces out of hatred. Those tainted hands have inflicted the pain of the world upon my flesh and torn me to shreds over the painting of mother -- you were blinded by rage and I was your releasing canvas. It took six years to break it off, and I ripped you of the pleasure of completion so that wicked anger only grew inside you. You turned me into an unrecognizable reflection in the mirror and I embraced the monstrosity when you least expected. I died over and over again in your hands and my screams were your favorite symphony. I, too, learned the venomous sentiment that is hate. Wait for me. I will make you suffer as much as you made me. I will break you and leave your soul to a slow and painful death by the mouths of ferocious demons.
About names, possession and everything I have ever admitted to anyone: There is nothing to be owned when you are not yourself. There are no strings between you and I.
To angels: Our paths shall never cross for I could not bear to taint the grace of your existence. My path guides me to hell and heaven is too far apart to catch a glimpse of your beauty. Forgive me.
To her: I am embarrassed to look up and meet your eyes in the starts, to breathe in the suffocating air of Earth in the realm of the living while you watch from high above. You have witnessed my doings, my true facade -- I wonder if you’re still there or if you looked the other way. I’m hoping for the latter. Please do not look for I am ashamed. Keep the image of an eight year old that you had, your pride and joy. I beg you to not look down on me. It pains me to acknowledge that your eyes have been spectators to my nature. I thank you for the years your tender heart guided me down the right path and I am sorry for what I have become. I miss you immensely. I love you.
Questions to the body: You are immortal. A thick and impenetrable armor. But nothing really lasts forever. For how much longer can you take pain and agony until you are reduced to nothing but irreparable, shattered pieces?
To the heart: Where are you? You have abandoned me to be nothing but an empty shell. Come back to me. Home awaits you in a bed of red velvet between cages of bones.
Tagged by: @zureo & @sarcemia Tagging: @iceur @adamonite @solarade @deadbones @spected @7vth @crookedflesh @gumihc @flvursng @ailesbrisees @scintillist @florichor
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luxinexitium · 8 years
film noir archetype
take the quiz here and post your result. REPOST, don’t reblog.
tagged by: @sunmichi @pijichu @wonhwarang @psevdonym (thank you!!!)
tagging: @oedvpus @ahnthos @hyejvng @monster-hyojung @runest @avinzas @ahyeos @chraeon @crookedflesh @muertev @crudist @tripglitch @victem @abscondos @mariicn @vigilandae @caerium @dulcedio (if you’ve already done this, feel free to pass!)
key characteristics: conventional, nurturing, nonthreatening, realistic, loyal
while many may go after you for being boring, you have achieved something they lack: a place in the conventional world. what this means is that you are capable of maintaining the illusion of safety, a beacon that calls friends and family to you in their time of need. your caring attitude makes you an asset to all who befriend you, and your realistic outlook keeps them from flying into dangerous situations unguarded. you will work hard to eliminate temptations from your life, and the lives of those close to you.
film recommendations: out of the past, the big heat
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adamonite · 8 years
tracker ( 020617 ) 
owe :
+ memes need to be fulfilled
waiting for replies from (absolutely no rush, this is just for my track keeping sake!!!!) :
plotting with :
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caerium · 8 years
a  very  descriptive  &  detailed  basic profile  of  your  muse
( repost with  the  information  of  your  muse,  including  headcanons,  etc. when  you’re  done,  tag other  people  to  do  the  same )
TAGGED BY: @hansteria, @theoutcall (don’t lie, you did) TAGGING: @blindsensed, @simulapia, @clementide, @dawndusts, @antisynth, @sanguinae, @boksoonie, @crookedflesh, @badpsyche, @namghoul, @ahnology, @persequir, @pijichu, @muertev, @stilledsouls or anyone that wants to do it
NAME: Kim, Niclas Lee, Hyun-woo AGE: 27 SPECIES: Human ██████ GENDER: Male ORIENTATION: Bisexual Demiromantic PROFESSION: US Air Force Pilot, currently stationed in South Korea, Osan Air Base. Captain of squadron eight, special ops. 
BODY TYPE: Athletic, toned
HAIR: Black, neat
EYES: Black
HEIGHT: 183 cm
[    FAMILY    ]
SIBLINGS: he should be in college now, majoring in the performing arts. I wonder if he still plays the piano. perhaps he’s moved on. he used to follow me around and repeated everything I said. then he grew up. he ran with a bad crowd back in high school. and mom cried every time he came home with a new bruise. one day he stopped. perhaps he grew up again. he’s a good kid. one day he’ll do great things.
PARENTS: maybe its a dad thing, but I think he’ll be alright. we were a family of fighters, but he was the toughest of us all. its mom I am most worried about. she feels too much, she wants so badly. I had not been a good son. I left nothing but tears. one day someone will pick up the pieces I broke. they may never fit back together quite the same way but that’s alright. we learn to live with the mismatched pieces. because what else can we do?
ANY PETS?:  yes  [  ]  no [ x ] 
[    LIKES    ]
COLORS: muted silvers, never hospital white. all shades of blue and military green. midnight black against a flickering light.
SMELLS: sharp winds, an effervescent sky. falling stars and cobblestone streets. gun powder and steel, blood spilled.
FOOD / DRINKS: all beef burgers with mustard seeds, charred a minute too long on one side and raw on the either, topped with a slice of kraft cheese, a bottle of coke.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?: yes  [ x ] rarely [  ] no [  ]
FAVORITES: the sound of an engine roaring to life, the taste of sweat. the end to rain, a few clouds. whiskey, not scotch. slowing down, rushing forward. life with purpose, genuine laughter. forgetting, always remembering. forgiving, forgiveness. black and white movies, memories faded to a whisper. sharp knives, sharper tongues. blue walls, museums. seeing, not looking. getting lost. alone not lonely. together, in love. in the moment, content.
[    OTHER    DETAILS    ]
SMOKES?: yes  [  ]   no  [ x ]  occasionally  [  ]  tries not to [  ]
DRUGS?: yes  [  ]  no  [  ]  occasionally  [  ]  forced [ x ]
DRIVER LICENSE?:  yes  [ x ]  no  [   ]
EVER BEEN ARRESTED?: yes  [  ]  no  [ x ]  almost/detained  [  ]   
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