davekat-sucks · 2 months
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rokuromei-blog · 7 years
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submitted by hairy-legs-and-homestuck
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andisupreme · 11 years
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Cronus Ampora/Kankri Vantas
Cronus Ampora
Kankri Vantas
Mituna Captor
Rufioh Nitram
Meulin Leijon
Additional Tags:
Tumblr Prompt
Major Character Injury
Got an anonymous prompt for a Cronus/Kankri fic that featured one or both of them getting hurt in some way. Since that was REALLY vague, this probably isn't anything like you were picturing, anon. Still hope you enjoy it. 
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kirayamidemon · 11 years
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Cronus/Fem!Kankri and Rufioh/Fem!Horuss request for weredragonartist. Sorry it took a while =v=;;;
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theatheneum · 11 years
AUTHOR: TheAmazingMcCormick CAST: Meulin/Kurloz, Latula/Mituna, Meenah/Aranea, Cronus/Kankri, Rufioh/Horuss, Damara/Rufioh; Porrim, RATING: T WORD COUNT: 12344 ADDITIONAL TAGS: complete, humanstuck, part two of a series SUMMARY: Twelve teenagers huddled in the particularly cold night of March. They all had different stories, different reasons as to why they were there. School would get out in a little more than a month; they were all seniors, ready for lives of their own, separate from each other. But before that, they got together for a final night of solidarity. This was the night that brought them closer together. This was the night that tore them farther apart. And then, Porrim wanted to have a reunion. EXCERPT: As the officers spoke, twelve teenagers huddled in the particularly cold night of March. They all had different stories, different reasons as to why they were there. School would get out in a little more than a month; they were all seniors, ready for lives of their own, separate from each other. But before that, they got together for a final night of solidarity. This night included: drag racing, accidental arson, skinny dipping, the imbibing of multiple forms of alcohol, hot make-outs, the kidnapping of the student body president, one impromptu love-making session in the back of a car, drug dealing, sexual experimentation, a nervous breakdown, breaking and entering, and a nearly serious concussion, none of which would ever be able to be proved by the cops. This was the night that brought them closer together. This was the night that tore them farther apart. rec'd by ashippersbrokenheart
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neonferriswheels · 11 years
Trying to get a team together for HSWC
Hey all, as some of you may or may not be aware, but there is a summer-long event that's sort of like the cousin to the Homestuck Shipping Olympics being done this year. It's called the Homestuck Shipping World Cup and it's basically the same thing. I did HSO last year and it was a blast!
Now, I was wondering how many people would be willing to put together a team for Cronus/Kankri. I know we have a lot of amazing artists and writers out there that could be awesome contributors. Not to mention it's all kinds of fun!
I personally cosplay and write. I doodle some, but it's nowhere near as good as some other people on here. I just want to have fun shipping my main OTP and producing work for it. :)
If anyone's interested they could reply here or contact me personally. I just think it would be a lot of fun and a good way to get to know my fellow shippers.
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submitted by lefeudemort
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bi-mirandalawson · 11 years
The Bubbles Aren't Nearly As Kind As You
Fandom: Homestuck Pairing: Cronus/Kankri Characters: Cronus Ampora, Kankri Vantas Rating: G Word count: 1102 Summery: Cronus finds a friend just when he needs one, but his friend needs him more. Contains: dream bubbles, hurt/comfort,
Author's note: this is for sesquipedalianscribbler, who won my giveaway uvu
there are accompanying pictures here
also on Ao3
Cronus kicked a rock and took a deep sigh. He was walking, hands stuffed in his pockets, wondering why he was still so lonely. No one could stand him, which was usually just an annoyance, but today it was deeply upsetting. He didn't like feeling unwanted, but he had grown accustomed to it after years in the bubbles. Today, though, Meenah had said some things that really hurt, saying he was faking his identity as human and to stop dressing like an idiot because it was just a cry for attention. Cronus had left then, before he started crying, trying to save as much of his dignity as possible.
He could still hear Meenah's harsh words in his head as he walked through the bubble. The scenery around him was changing until suddenly he was in a neighborhood from Beforus he hardly recognized. The buildings were familiar - high class like he was used to - but it wasn't the seadweller neighborhood he grew up in.
With his eyes staring down at his feet, he didn't see anyone until they were crashing into him. Cronus almost fell over, but managed to catch himself and the other troll before they both fell to the ground.
"Watch it, chief," he said, patting the other person's shoulder as he set them upright.
"Thanks, Cronus. I'm sorry for running into you. I'm late for something," Kankri said, brushing off his sweater and continuing along the street.
"What are you late for?" Cronus asked, following Kankri. "I'll tag along. I don't got nothing better to do."
"I..." Kankri stood straight up and his brow furrowed. "I don't remember where I was going or what I was late for."
"Well, no problem, chief. I'll walk along with you anyway." Cronus started walking in the direction he was before Kankri ran into him. Kankri took a second to catch up, partially because he was still a little stunned by his lack of memory and partially because he was much shorter than Cronus.
"Isn't it weird? That I can't remember where I was going?"
"Nah. Happens to everyone." Cronus turned around and looked at Kankri. He looked about the same age as the Kankri he knew, but there was a youngness to his face that Cronus hadn't seen in a long time. This Kankri didn't look nearly as worn down as his Kankri. "You're new here, aren't you?"
"No, I've lived here my whole life." Kankri was confused and was growing concerned.
"Aw Kan, this ain't your neighborhood. I mean, it is, in a way, but it ain't at the same time." Cronus ran a hand through his greasy hair. "You're in a dream bubble."
"So I'm..." Kankri trailed off, as if he was afraid to finish his sentence. He'd never been afraid of words before.
"Dead," Cronus finished. Kankri stared down, white eyes wide, and there were tears but no sobs. Cronus pulled Kankri into his chest and gently ran his hands through his hair. He half expected Kankri to push him away, but he gripped the back of Cronus' shirt and dug his face harder into his chest.
Cronus held him for a few minutes, and Kankri cried, little soft sobs that Cronus barely heard. When the sobs reduced to sniffles, Cronus released Kankri and grasped his hand, pulling him along as he walked with a determined gait.
"C'mon chief. Let's get you something nice and hot to drink and you can tell me what happened." Kankri followed and didn't ask where they were going until the bubble changed.
"Wait, Cronus, where are we going?"
"My hive," Cronus said, and Kankri should have recognized the shifting dream bubble as the seadwelling neighborhood he had visited often for the purpose of seeing Cronus.
Cronus led Kankri into his hive and set him on a stool by the island in the center of the kitchen. He fixed up some instant hot cocoa and turned back to Kankri.
"Sorry you had to find out that way, Kan." Cronus rubbed the back of his neck. "To be honest, it isn't easy for anyone, though."
"Don't feel sorry. It's not your fault." Kankri took a sip of his cocoa. "I would rather have heard it from you than anyone else." Cronus smiled as he took the seat across from Kankri. "So can I ask about this new attire? I mean, I don't want to offend or upset you, but it's quite different from what you usually wear and I'm just wondering why. Unless this is what you usually wear and I'm being insensitive for assuming that all Cronus' dress the same." Cronus smiled. This was the Kankri he knew.
"It is new, thanks for noticing. I'm just getting in touch with different sides of me. Sides I never realized until I got into the dream bubbles." Kankri gave him a look asking him to explain.
"Well you know how we played that game? And we scratched and reset it? Well in the post-scratch universe, our ancestors are younger and they play the game and they actually win and create a new universe. And in that universe, there's these aliens called humans. And they're not gray and they're squishy and generally pretty weak and they don't even have horns. But they play the game and I met some of them in the bubbles and I realized," Cronus paused here for a breath- he hadn't realized how quickly he was speaking, "I was supposed to be a human."
Kankri looked at Cronus, letting the information process. "So you identify as human?" he asked. Cronus nodded. "I see. That still didn't explain the new outfit."
"Oh. Right. Well the new duds are based on a human style. It's kinda outdated on Earth, but I like it a lot and I think it suits me."
"You seem happier than I remember. Then again, you aren't quite the Cronus I know, so your timeline might have been happier, I really don't know. If your timeline wasn't very happy, then I apologize for the erasure of your struggles."
Cronus laughed. "Don't worry about it, Kan. Boy, you're just like the Kankri from my timeline." He shrugged. "I mean, you aren't exactly the same. Obviously you've both got your own life experiences and your own separate thoughts, but you sure do act like the Kankri I knew."
Kankri smiled softly. "I suppose that's a compliment?"
"It's just nice to know that some things are constant," Cronus said, returning the smile. Cronus laid his hand over Kankri's hesitantly. Kankri laced his fingers with Cronus'.
"It's good to see you, Cronus."
"You too, chief."
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tamerofdarkstars · 11 years
Cronkri - Formal!Stuck, Tie, Kiss
Kankri scowls at himself in the mirror, glaring at his tie. It was uneven. Again. He begins tugging at the knot, ready to undo it and start over again when there was suddenly a rapping at the door. The Cancer growls low in his throat and stalks to the door, ripping it open angrily. Cronus blinks at him and Kankri hates him a little bit for how casually unruffled he looks. His suit is pressed and his tie is perfectly straight; his hair, however, is delightfully rumpled and he looks as though he just stepped out of a magazine ad and damn it, Kankri, you are not here to appreciate the effort it must have taken to get that tie to match his blood color, although it is quite pleasing to the eye and perfectly acceptable for an event such as this.
Kankri turns around. “What are you doing here, Cronus?” He asks, yanking at his tie knot, digging his thumb into the loop and tugging. Cronus shrugs, pulling a cigarette out of its box and putting it between his teeth.
“Came to getcha.” He says through the cigarette. “The others were wondering what was takin’ so long.”
Kankri finally gets the tie undone and turns back to the mirror, draping both ends over his neck, his tongue poking between his teeth as he examines the silky fabric. “Pardon me for my tardiness.” He grits out, flipping one end of the tie over the other as he concentrates. “It was highly rude of me to take such a painfully long time, as dedicated to timeliness and decorum as I am and on such an important day I wouldn’t want to keep anyone waiting, but I am having a bit of trouble with—”
He breaks off speaking, focusing on tying the tie. Cronus watches, a little amused, as Kankri finishes tying with a flourish and examines himself in the mirror. His face goes from triumphant to furious in the blink of an eye.
“Oh, for the ever loving fuck!” He snaps before clapping a hand to his lips, his eyes wide. “Uh, my apologies, Cronus, for my foul language. That was incredibly rude and I don’t know what came over me and I sincerely—”
Cronus has crossed the room while he was speaking and is suddenly standing in front of him, a half-grin on his face as he examines Kankri’s uneven tie.
“It’s all in the wrist.” He says casually, digging his thumb into the knot and prying it loose. Kanrki stares at him, his mouth open like he doesn’t know whether to be offended or not. Cronus carefully unties the tie, feeling the soft silk run through his fingers as he straightens the ends. “You keep puttin’ too much on the one side.” He begins to tie the tie, knotting the fabric with practiced ease.
Kankri finds his voice, clearing his throat. “Thank you.” He says, words quiet as he grudgingly accepts the help. After all, it was only polite to thank one’s rescuer, even if one was not particularly in mortal danger and one’s rescuer happens to be a perpetually sexually-charged deviant. Cronus hums in response, chewing the end of the cigarette as he slides the slip knot all the way up to Kankri’s throat. Kankri looks up at him and their eyes meet. The moment is suddenly tense, the air thick between them. Almost without thinking, Cronus curls the tie around his hand and tugs Kankri gently towards him.
Kankri’s eyes widen. “Cro—!” His voice is cut off abruptly as Cronus opens his mouth, letting the cigarette fall to the plush carpeting as he melds their lips gently, holding him in place by the end of his tie. Kankri is frozen, his eyes huge, his hands hovering about a foot off of Cronus’ shoulders in midair. The kiss, which has Kankri’s head hot and his blood thrumming and he really is trying very hard to pull away so why isn’t he moving, ends as gently as it had begun as Cronus steps back slightly, releasing Kankri’s tie.
For once in his life, Kankri can’t think of anything to say.
Cronus smiles. “Don’t take too long or Porrim’ll get pissy.” He says casually before turning on his heel and heading back the way he’d come. The door swung shut after him, a resounding click in the silent room.
Kankri stares after him for a moment before he suddenly realizes his mouth is still open and he snaps it shut almost angrily. He turns back to the mirror, willing his heartbeat to settle and glances at his reflection.
He lets out an angry puff of air and ripped at the knot at his throat, cursing slip knots and Cronus and his tugging and his soft lips on his and—
And if Porrim had anything to say to him, her perfect eyebrow arching as he slides into his seat next to her roughly twenty minutes later, his tie finally tied to an acceptable standard, about the scent of signature musky cologne that still clung to him even after he’d washed his hands in the little room, well, that was her own business and certainly none of his.
For guavas-on-patrol 
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sugarcoatedvenom · 12 years
I sometimes feel like the only Kankri/Cronus shipper that doesn't like to see dominating Kankri, or just them hurting each other in any way. I always see poor Cronus being hurt and idk, homie don't play that.
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bi-mirandalawson · 11 years
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giveaway prizes for sesquipedalianscribbler! 
they go with this fic here
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