zvoneradikalni · 3 years
Nadao sam se večeras malo pomaziti sa ženom, s obzirom da su dica ranije u krevetu jer sutra počinje škola … a onda je žena na TVu vidila Kolindu i Karamarka kako se grle i ljube i dobila slom živaca … fuuuck you all #croatiantragedies https://web.facebook.com/zvonimir.vanjak/posts/10205781036028911
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teolodopulus · 6 years
Trying to find cold glass bottle of Heineken. End up in tears 😥. #heineken #spoiler #interspar #croatiantragedies #colddrinks (at Rijeka, Croatia)
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amenneamen-blog · 8 years
Kraj jedne ljubavne priče  u hrvatskoj provinciji
Napokon je vidio da je plamen u njezinim očima nestao,  dok  su slušali kako njihova poznanica govori.  Nešto se u njemu raspadalo; bilo jasno da ono što je osječala prema njemu je duboko zakopala i ostavila da umre. Nije  si mogla dopustiti da to  iziđe više van, jer previše je toga bilo na kocki . Izabrala je sigurnost, buduću djecu, društvene i poslovne veze i  antiknu mašinu za šivanje; jednom riječju siguran život u provinciju. Svjesna da će njezin odabranik nju varati, a i ona njega, no to je cijena koju je spremna platiti.  Šta  reći klasična hrvatska priča, lik sa sigurnim poslom nasparam njemu koji  je još i sam izgubljeniji od nje. On je prešao 30tu, ona je na pragu. Dok ga je ostavljala i govorila da je uvijek bila iskrena prema njemu, shvatio je da ga je pobijedila upravo ta kopija singer mašine s  jednim brakom iza sebe. Dok su se pozdravljali i kretali svaki prema svom autu, znao je sada i neslužbeno gotovo. Ona je krenula dalje, a i on mora da nastavi svojim putem, nekako.
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fckngnickname · 9 years
Sam ja jedina primjetila da pahulje snijega nisu u obliku zvijezdica? Zakaj padaju crtice s neba?
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anniabfab · 10 years
Bribe & corruption around every corner
 Not investing in education system
 Expensive scholarship for those who want to educate, but to them it must be disabled
 Brain drain of educated ones
Complete privatization, began with factories and big corporations, currently - the most vulnerable and most valuable people are at risk of slavery in the 21st century. (see referendum against exploitation of working people)  It will end with the sale of all the islands, national parks, forests, rivers, drinking water and related resources.
Super high degree of unemployment, that will soon be at HALF A MILLION of unemployed!
Pointless shameful expensive suspiciously financed referendums for / against people, who are treated as a
Marginal members of society because they are the same, not different
 Spooky claustrophobic toilets which costed millions of kunas. Nearly, Gypsy women are selling some stuff to feed their families. Their dignity could or  might be allowed with the money spent on that toilets.
Hungry children in schools, because their parents can not afford even the subsidized meal, not to speak about a vacation (even through the Red Cross),
 Government and the president who don't give a fuck damn about it, as long as their asses are on a safe place,
Ruining agriculture and farmers in all segments - low purchase prices, the import of GMOs and degenerative hybrids, land robbery, no payment for nature caused damages, usury " incentives "...
Vicious circle of failed factories - factory perished, then in its halls they opened shops and boutiques, but people have no  money to spend there, then these are not charged for the lease, and they have to close their shops. Just like the factories previuosly did,as well (karma??)
 Putting  children in ghettos. Children of national minorities mustn't play together with Croatian children. Children who are not the ones to blame for the crimes of their ancestors. But, they must hate each other from an early age, should not be playing together or attend the same schools.There is a danger that one day they will might be able to live in harmonious coexistence. Which can result an offspring. It should not come to that because one blood is flowing trough our veins, some xylkkjhs blood is flowing trough their veins ... (this has nothing to do with blood types!) But, both of them have the same kafanska Balkan music in their ears,... How come??? Well... this music is trendy......ah!
Mafia which stands behind a lot of things said
Bank slavery, (foreign banks of course), which keeps people on the edge of the life (on the street)
Health system which is one of the worst worldwide ...
I can recite till the doomsday, rather go straight to the point:
In a distant and beautiful country, a members of our nation's overpaid "boys in chess board-esque jerseys" annulled goal, award non-existent penalty opponents, blablabla, "boys in chess board-esque jerseys" sucked, lablablab, FIFA is a mafia MaFIFa, blablabla... To be honest, the referee did not play fair play - it's a scar on his soul! But Croats, like real thoroughbred Croats, in the manner of "a national idol" Zdravko Mamić, started to throw sticks and stones at members of the same people from whom football referee comes.  The same people, which's visits to our county are one of the little bright points of our tourism  (they are coming even outside of summer season). That tourism is just one branch of our screwed economy, which is although only in its infancy, but somehow is trying to fix the problems mentioned above. A nation that is among the first ones who responded and reacted to appeals and sent help, tbt last month when our nation and neighboring states were hit by the floods. Floods which destroyed the country, the soil, the people - mentally, physically and totally!
Dear Croats!!!
Folks, WE ARE SO FUCKING LUCKY! All this above mentioned problems can't turn us out of stroke, shock, inspire to make some changes for a better future, make us seriously worried and concerned! But  one small football referee, who was accidentally  Japanese - really killed & broke our minds! Lucky us! We have really proved that we are "tough," sticks and stones can't break our bones, we are made of the rock stones ! Maybe from island Brač quarry (until the day it will be sold to strangers like a tomcat in a sack)!
I simply had to! How and why - I do not know. But I'll reveal you my mystery formula: Insomnia + boredom = an inspiration!
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wyeko · 10 years
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