#critical role campaign 2 episode 91
I know everyone loves C2 episode 97 as like a fav Essek episode, and I do too, but I feel like people sleep on episode 91 sometimes because of that
That episode is so fucking cute you guys,
It’s got hot tub shenanigans and bonding and sharing close personal secrets and awkward ice breakers
It’s the first time Essek really goes out of his way to spend time with the M9 and realizes how lonely he’s gotten in their absence
It’s when the M9 really begin to trust him not just as an ally but also as a close friend
In hindsight it’s so good because you can really pin-point the conflict in Essek and the anxiety because he got close to these chucklefucks because they were a security risk to him, but he *actually* grew to like them and really care about him because they’ve only ever been nice to him, even when he was a ball of hidden anxiety because they were close to finding out his secret
Hindsight is also good because we can see just how much Essek lies this episode, how much he’s dancing along the truth to save his own skin, but also how much he’s opening up about himself.
He lies about being consecuted, he lies about his involvement with the beacons and the Assembly, he obfuscates how much he really knows, and his reactions reveal just how much he’s been kept on the outs of the Assembly’s research as well—
This all to save face in front of the Nein to what most would assume would be standards of his culture (pretending to be consecuted when he’s not for example), but at the same time being strangely forthright with the Nein about other things that would be considered heresy in Dynasty culture, like his views on religion and the Luxon and his willingness to keep secrets from the Bright Queen, to his admission of his father’s death from the result of angering him.
It’s so interesting to go back and see what he was lying about and what he was being mostly truthful about, and dancing this line of being nervous anytime the Nein got close to questioning something he might have had involvement in to the genuine endearment he is gaining as he learns more about these individuals.
He admitted himself that he accepted their invitation after some thought because he didn’t realize how lonely he was and he was lacking good friends, how he began to lean towards the Nein because they are not strongly affiliated with either side of the conflict and not held up to one strong ideology over another, so he feels he can be himself around them and not hide his true feelings about certain subjects
This in turn endears him to the Nein because they agree with him on his candidness and because him endangering himself to hang out with them and help them and be nice to them in a world where so few people are nice to them let’s them really grow to like him
And in this group of secrets where they are known for hiding secrets upon secrets from each other and the world, seeing Essek appear to reveal some secrets to them and be trusted with some of their secrets I feel really brought them together
This episode (and the many episodes preceding it) I feel really built up the foundation of their friendship that could withstand the revelation of episode 97, because otherwise they would have turned him in or he would have fought back if he cared about them just a little less. And while it fundamentally changed their relationship I think for the better to have everything out in the open, that couldn’t have happened without all the hard work put into it first
I find myself grateful in a way that the M9 didn’t suspect Essek’s involvement with the beacons or possibly being the traitor up until the peace talks, because if they had been more suspicious or guarded with him, they would never have grown close enough to be hurt by his betrayal, and he would not have become friends enough to consider it one.
It was something he did before he ever met them, and it only became a betrayal after he grew to care about them, and by that point it was too late to take back, and this he is left with this mingled feeling of guilt and gratefulness to have met them in the first place.
Also episode 91 is just awesome anyway, you’ve got the Traveler Pitch, you’ve got Essek not knowing how to do small talk so he asks about their Ultimate Goals™️, you’ve got the Fjord Stone revelation, you’ve got “I’m the transmutation Wizard, but you’re the one that changes people”, you’ve got “I smell like a crayon” you’ve got the completion of Halas’s spell and Caleb hugging Nott and Essek, it’s literally the Best. I love this episode so fucking much, I keep having to pause it to kick my feet and giggle at how much I love Essek because of how awkward he is and how much he’s trying and he’s stress drinking and bashfully dipping his feet in the hot tub and I’m just 💜✨🥰💕❤️💜✨💕❤️🥰✨💜💕🥰❤️✨💕❤️✨💜
Anyway, in conclusion: Hot Boi Wizard is fav ❤️
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danwhobrowses · 5 months
So a thing happened on Critical Role this week (campaign 3 ep 91), we're gonna talk about it - a long talk - so if you haven't been caught up and don't wanna be spoiled don't keep reading okay?
One of the disadvantages of being in a different time zone is that after fretting all morning, going to work, thinking 'it's 7am maybe it's done now' I had to sit in my office for a stressful final half hour murmuring don't do this don't fucking do this don't you dare fucking do this!
I already was worried for everyone given the cliffhanger last episode, and the 5 hour length made me further worried as players kept being knocked down by Otohan Thull - already frightening in base form but now with an even higher AC and empowered. Then Sam Riegel had to do what he does best, a devastating sacrifice where FCG blows himself up to take down Otohan - Ludinus' No. 2, harrowed for being proficient in slaughter, defeated by no assassin or warrior but a cleric saving their friends. We've been well past 'get off the moon' hours with this one, but now there is an impact on every one of the Hells to think about, which is what this will be about.
FCG Though he is dead there is still stuff to talk about with FCG's death. A common debate right now is the potential of the Reincarnate spell; while the wording of the death implies that FCG's current body is irreparable there is a chance that a 5th Level Druid Spell can fashion him a new body, one of flesh, bone and tongue. The body itself needs to be dead for less than 10 days so there is wiggle room to gain the necessary components too if the top brass of Exandria turn it into a fetch quest. There is argument on both sides though; if FCG comes back does it undermine his sacrifice? Perhaps, but there's no incentive for the Hells to not try. Reincarnation hasn't quite happened in Critical Role yet - Since Molly/Lucien/Kingsley was kinda different, he kinda had the opposite, different mind same body - so it'd be a refreshing new option and also a way to redesign FCG without having to create a whole new cleric (because they definitely need a cleric) with a whole new skillset that the Hells will need to warm towards before the final battle. But at the same time, the soul has to be willing. FCG was content with his sacrifice, and in the arms of the Changebringer would he go back? I'd like to hope so if it's an option, it'd also entertain a whole new character arc for him as a 'real boy' - plus Matt and Sam don't have to fully abide to the D100 rule of what race he turns into. Of course, I like this angle more than needing a new character, because I like happy endings and it makes narrative sense that the Hells would claw and bite to pull him from that sweet goodnight. It would also validate a reason for the Hells to align with the gods, because if divine favour comes into play and the Gods decide against helping Bell's Hells' greatest advocate for saving them then they are foolishly and callously forsaking key players to their survival, FCG reincarnating with the help of the Gods would play a big part in the Hells standing with them rather than losing faith in them, and even with friction between the Titans & Temults and the Gods from the past they would have a common enemy. Still living or dying can have varying effects on the other characters.
Ashton From the moment Ashton met FCG they wanted to make sure this little bot would be okay, that they'd learn to value their life and be able to thrive. While part of that did happen, Ashton is likely going to feel like nothing's changed since Bassuras; knocked out by Otohan and when awakened a friend is dead, another person they couldn't protect.
Before the shard, I think Ashton would very easily fly off the handle, in their anger they'd blame everything including themselves and maybe even consider leaving themselves, it probably have made them more self-destructive too. Now though I'm not so sure, nobody would hold it against them to waver a little on their promise to take care of themselves in a burst of grief, this was after all their best friend someone they looked after like a little brother, and while I can see Ashton quietly and angrily grieving I can also see Ashton double down on trying to keep their promise, making sure that FCG didn't go out like a martyr and that it won't be in vain. FCG reincarnating would assist in Ashton's character drive too, since I feel like they would detest any replacement cleric because it's not FCG, they may also be less abrasive towards the gods if they came through for them and proved that they care - at least to the Changebringer, think they'd still throw copper at the Dawnfather given the whole Angel incident.
Imogen As the nominated leader of Bell's Hells, many will probably look to Imogen Temult for action, the problem is she has her own mother issues to deal with too - and I'm not entirely sold that Liliana has fully made a turn just yet, only that she won't hand over the Hells to Ludinus. FCG's death is gonna produce a lot of guilt from Imogen though, she was detesting the fact that she had to play dead at 1HP while Otohan cut down her friends again, she will likely blame her inaction which in turn may push her to be more aggressive in combat.
At the same time, I can see her being one of the more gung ho characters to push towards the Reincarnate option, perhaps even going as far as to accost or lambast anyone regardless of alliances or rank who she feels isn't as committed. Imogen has been in the position of loss before, and knowing that FCG had a connection with FRIDA she would likely compel herself to fix it rather than have to deliver the bad news. Regardless of whether he reincarnates though I feel like Imogen may look towards some more defensive spells, and maybe through Liliana try to tap into the powers of an Exalted to try and match the power she saw from Otohan, a risky endeavour for sure but FCG took an even greater risk for them.
Orym Orym is probably the toughest of the Hells to read when it comes to FCG's death. There will of course be a deep sadness at the loss of a friend, but I would also sense a...not bitterness but discontent that this is how it went down. Otohan killed his family, he kept fighting her until he could no longer stand because that's what they would've done, and now she's dead but it doesn't make it better, he wasn't the one to do it, he didn't even see it, and the one who did is gone with her. When Bor'dor was killed, Orym coldly reminded himself that 'we're at war', but I don't think he can justify that way with FCG, the loss was greater than the catharsis.
The death also has to turn attention to his deal with Nanna Mori. Many have pointed out that there is a lot of technicalities that may prolong, void or complete the deal; it was never specified how many times the Hells could return from the moon to continue the deal, but at the same time they did technically return from the moon to Exandria safe and sound via the Secret Backdoor. Still, Mori is his best friend's grandmother, there could be leeway on that matter too and even if he does have to commit to the deal (which I call 'Fatekeeper Orym') it's never been explicitly said that Orym needs to constantly attend to Mori in the Feywild, only that he has to be her caretaker and answer her beck and call. However, FCG's death will likely provide a sobering thought that his deal with Mori was perhaps voided, unless there is one more thread he can have her pull. When it comes to seeking options to bring a friend back, I would keep a close eye on Orym - it's not the first time Liam's resolved himself to be damned before.
Fearne Fearne will likely be a linchpin if the Hells seek out Reincarnate. The spell is exclusive to Druids and if Keyleth isn't on hand to do it the task and pressure will fall to her. It'll be interesting how she reacts, I don't wanna say she'll be the most positive of it because she'll certainly be upset, but I can see her being optimistic even if it's to also convince herself, the one who is most encouraging to find a way. As a shipper I of course want her to be the one who comforts and gets through to Ashton while they grieve but if she also is key to his reincarnation that also adds to their slow-burn. Outside of that, FCG's death may also lead into learning about Mori's deal with Orym, which will probably anger her that Orym kept it from her, there is also the fact that having FCG's life in her hands may bring back bad memories of Bassuras and Whitestone. One must also especially worry about her Asmodeus calling card, the Prince of Lies does nothing for free and I still feel like Klask was planted in her path by Asmodeus' (and maybe even Athion's) titan-seeking design.
If FCG does reincarnate though, I could see her friendship with FCG being even greater than it was, since they'll both feel a greater zeal for life - it may also make her feel further distant from her Evil vision, since she will have saved half her friends rather than risked killing them. If not though, Fearne may have to play mediator for the new cleric and may also be pushed towards freeing up more slots for healing to provide more support for the Hells in future battles.
Chetney It's gonna be an interesting one for Chetney too, from one perspective you could see him thinking that FCG traded their life for his; he died, he made peace with that, but then the one who revived him died. Chetney's more personal mindset has often been cloaked in secrecy, perhaps as one of the least open of the Hells despite many claiming him as the Heart of the group, so I wonder if Chetney may harbour some Survivor's Guilt for what happened.
I can see Chetney being the one to keep his emotions close to his chest, even if FCG were to reincarnate he would perhaps try to shrug off that he always knew it'd happen anyway. That being said someone who remains stoic and unwavering may prove a positive or a negative to the group, depending on the person or their interpretation of it. If a new cleric comes along though I could see him being additionally protective of them, having been the new guy before.
Laudna We should all be worried for Laudna right now. The recent 4SD already revealed that Laudna's 'close to the brink' and I'm pretty sure this is the brink. The aftermath of the Otohan fight will likely push each of the Hells to get stronger, since had they hit harder or been able to take stronger blows it wouldn't have come to this, but that will mean bad things when it comes to Laudna, as she may seek to gain power the only way she thinks she can - through Delilah. After all her last two levels went to Sorcery and did little in the fight, whereas her Warlock class Eldritch Blasts hurt Otohan fairly decently, such a thing can linger in the mind for Delilah to manipulate.
It'll be telling if they do try to Reincarnate him whether the damage will have been done already to Laudna, and that the joy of bringing him back turns to tragedy of Laudna losing herself further, as it often does it will fall to how she leans on Imogen, and how open about it she'll be to her. If FCG is lost however, we may have to keep a very close eye on Laudna being next.
Bell's Hells As I mentioned with Laudna, FCG's death will have made something apparent and clear; despite everything Bell's Hells need to get stronger. Even at Lv13, even with Exalted powers, Fey bargains and Titan shards they still just barely escaped a TPK, and granted they were weakened and worn out but no fight is guaranteed to ever be fought at 100%. Otohan may've been the toughest General of the Vanguard but the other Generals - the Weavemind, Zathuda and the Dominon of Cruft Commander - are still not ones to take lightly, Ludinus is still not one to take lightly, and if Liliana is going to be used by him to become a vessel for Predathos, that cannot be taken lightly. Bell's Hells may need to look towards enhancing their stats as well as their equipment, the harness is still a factor too which can boost them all with enough enchanted items at their disposal. An interesting one would be if Otohan's backpack ends up in one of the Hells' hands; many beforehand have talked about Orym being an Echo Knight but I would personally like to see Ashton take it, since it is powered by the Potion of Possibility like their own Dunamancy powers, it's possible (eheh) that they may align in some manner and could you imagine Ashton + 3 Echoes all raging to get All 4 Dunamancies? Otohan's swords may also provide unique properties for Chetney and/or Orym to use. Reincarnation or not I feel like that may be the Hells' next plan once it's discussed whether to attempt Reincarnation and they're off of Ruidus, gathering allies will likely also be something to prepare for for the final battle given how Otohan stated that they have 'enough Ruidusborns' for their plan. As a group it is difficult to tell if this will strengthen or weaken them, it could strengthen them in a 'never again' way like the Nein, but they were also very enthusiastic about bringing Molly back - it drove them through several arcs - FCG however often was the Hells' beacon of hope and the self-imposed attempted therapist, without that the Hells will either have to put it upon themselves to go the extra lengths or they'll close further in on themselves. If FCG does reincarnate I feel like it would definitely strengthen them mentally but if not I am not so sure.
It shouldn't come to a surprise that I will hold onto the Reincarnate potential so that the Hells can get back their friend, but rest assured I'm worried for all of them right now, there are crossroads ahead.
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critrolestats · 2 years
Quick Answers 91
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Updated to C3E048.
Do you do "makin' my way" stats/counts? Trying to figure out if the no singing/dancing video was Matt's first "makin' my way."
Matt’s first recorded use in a campaign was in episode C2E131, 2:28:48.
We don’t keep a list specifically for this stat, but we did collect all of the Campaign 2 references. You can also easily find every individual reference to “A Thousand Miles” by visiting each of our individual Media Reference posts; we’ve made sure to label each instance, so a Ctrl+F will serve you well.
Can you tell me which episode of VM Percy admitted to Vex that he heard her when she said “it’s yours, darling”?
C1E087, 2:59:12
What are the most consecutive episodes without a dragon in a main CR campaign?
That honor belongs to the Mighty Nein, who faced off with Gelidon, an ancient white dragon, in C2E075, and then went 48 episodes before seeing her again in C2E123.
Next are Bells Hells, who went 46 episodes before Gloamglut, a fey dragon, appeared in C3E047.
After that is the Mighty Nein again, who went 44 episodes before meeting Thelischas, the young blue dragon, in the Folding Halls of Halas in C2E045.
Is Critical Role still pre-recorded? If so, are the CritRoleStats livetweets pre-planned, scheduled, or are they done live as the stream is broadcast assuming the author has not seen the pre-recorded video?
We can confirm that the episodes are still recorded in advance. CritRoleStats is not affiliated with Critical Role; we’re watching everything unfold with the rest of the fandom. All our liveposts are made as soon as the content airs!
Read more at critrolestats.com
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kouichikimura · 10 months
Favorite critical role c2 episodes. Eps I love rewatching:
97- Fancy and the Fool
72-76 (fjord fjocused episodes and Mica is in it)
55- Duplicity
87- The Cathedral
126- Beauyasha Date
91- Stone to Clay
93- Misery Love Company
43- In hot water
111- New Homes and old Friends
127- Sarsaparilla, Licorice, and Red Hot
So many wonderful eps. God I love Campaign 2
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deramin2 · 5 months
Spot the difference.
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ID 1: White classical Greek tragedy and comedy masks with exaggerated expressions.
ID 2: Liam O'Brien and Travis Willingham on Critical Role at the end of Campaign 3 episode 91. Liam has a deep frown and his arm is hooked behind his chair. Travis has a look of awe and wonder resting on his forearms. End IDs.
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rainzday · 2 years
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I posted 1,873 times in 2022
That's 1,190 more posts than 2021!
165 posts created (9%)
1,708 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 250 of my posts in 2022
#critical role - 109 posts
#cr liveblog - 74 posts
#cr spoilers - 58 posts
#campaign 3 - 53 posts
#my post - 50 posts
#critical role spoilers - 16 posts
#exu: calamity - 14 posts
#laudna - 13 posts
#dimension20 - 11 posts
#marisha ray - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#so not much finished work lately but a lot of character pages that just look like this aha. hope thats cool!!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
“My girlfriend turned into the moon”
- Laudna probably
37 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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37 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
*talking about Delilah*
Vex: She’s a bitch right!?
Imogen: SUCH A BITCH!!
39 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
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59 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The whole Matilda Laudna name thing (in which I have no idea what’s going on there)
Reminds me of when FCG asked Laudna if she had a last name and Laudna replied “laudna!”
Clipped from Marisharayguns YouTube channel
(Cause it’s easier than looking through the episode on CRs channel)
159 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tumbleweedtech · 2 years
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jfc Caleb seriously have some chill once in awhile
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trent-ikithon · 5 years
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This week’s episode has got me bawling I love Essek so much
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otterlyart · 5 years
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“I want to show you something I have been working on. I don’t know what you have planned for Traveler Con, but if I can help in anyway with something like this-”
2K notes · View notes
makeawisdom · 4 years
When you’ve been waiting the whole evening to make a move on your crush, but when you finally do it your friend interrupts you to ask if you want to date somebody else. 
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tinylittlealchemist · 3 years
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My [redacted] is trying to make it though campaign 1 right now and needed someone to draw her a bear with armour
She drew the pikachu ears and did the colouring, I’m very proud of her @nicodranas-pastries
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doctortomyriver · 5 years
matt: *brings essek over for dinner and has him open up and engage in meaningful and important conversation with the nein* 
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bravenot · 3 years
caleb & veth moments 🔥🏹
here’s a list of some of my favourite caleb and nott/veth moments from campaign 2 of critical role, with linked timestamps. these do not include ones which were already covered in hla rosa’s compilation. enjoy!
episode 2 - “down, you beast!”
2 - “let me see your teeth”
3 - caleb squeezes her cheeks
4 - shielding nott
4 - ‘I scoop her up’
6 - distracting thaddeus
8 - checking in with each other
8 - 60 gold
8 - “that’s not exactly what it is”
8 - “you are adorably fucking wrong right now”
9 - transcribing a spell together
10 - thieves’ cant
11 - “so he can save me” until “I need him. I need him to live.”
11 - “come to bed,”
12 - mother’s love
12 - enemy of my enemy “seems extreme” (again)
12 - “we’re either a team, or you’re working for yourselves. decide”
12 - stealing the scrolls
13 - “people find my teeth off-putting sometimes” 
13 - nott sleeping against caleb’s thigh
14 - molly is nasty to nott / caleb steps in
15 - nott casts featherfall / caleb is ‘thoroughly impressed’
16 - “take my ring”
19 - “with all due respect, she is smarter than that”
19 - “I will go with you”
19 - cherry wine
19 - “the door is always open for you”
20 - “that means a lot to me”
21 - “bren” (caleb stares at nott for 50 seconds straight) - again - and again!
23 - “yeza was his name”
26 - “well done, nott. well done”
28 - be very quiet
31 - an agreement
46 - buddy system
46 - “I won’t stop thinking about you”
52 - fireline
57 - the group jokes about nott and yeza / caleb zones
65 - do you want my vulture?
65 - flying around the tree (for 1 entire hour)
66 - kiss for frumpkin
71 - pink flowers
76 - celebrate later
76 - invisible conversation
85 - reasons for the crush
85 - “come with me.”
90 - “lucky man” until insight check 
91 - stay with us for a while
102 - did you see that spell?
102 - enlarge veth
102 - scalding - caleb gives her the driftglobe
103 - hop hop hop
103 - conversation in the programmed illusion dome
106 - veth amulet
108 - “caleb do you want to come dance?”
108 - ‘I dance veth joyously over to the bar’ 
108 - “our home” - “I need you” - teleport commute
110 - “one: I need veth” - “maybe on another night” 
111 - Veth’s tower suite - “and you are my best friend” - name banter
114 - Hello Birdie - two hot cocoas 
115 - cat’s ire sled (“Join me?” “Yes!”)
116 - frumpkin in veth’s hood - “go with veth”
117 - The Magician and The Tinker
119 - veth gets swallowed - liam is Stressed 
121 - feeling guilty - “I love you”
125 - I care for him very much
126 - projection 
128 - bring it in bubby - shellshocked (cuddling distance) - caleb gives luc some gifts 
130 - five hundred if you have it - too steep
131 - “one more time. are you sure?”
132 - crawl space - message - “I don’t want you to go alone” - spider-caleb plays with veth’s hair
133 - arm squeeze 
134 - “HEY YOU GET AWAY FROM MY... FRIEND” (true love’s hdywtdt)
135 - “are you being careful?”
139 - sharing a beat - liam mad
141 - caleb’s produce flame
141 - “I’ll take you anywhere you want to go, Veth Brenatto” (as his godfather)
141 - goodbyes
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yikesbergs · 3 years
In honour of Critical Role Campaign 2 finishing I thought I’d share all my alternate titles for the episodes:
Episode 1: 7 Wandering Destinies Walk Into A Bar
Episode 2: Prison Is Not Beaus Favoured Terrain
Episode 3: The Gang Don’t Find A Witch Hut
Episode 4: Caleb Takes A Bath
Episode 5: Fjord Has A Wet Dream
Episode 6: The Gang go Knoll Hunting
Episode 7: Caleb Is Straight Up Not Having A Good Time
Episode 8: The Mighty No Is Born
Episode 9: The Nein Takes A Bath
Episode 10: Molly Mocks A Spider To Death
Episode 11: Jester Gets Some Smut
Episode 12: Just A Little Friendly B&E
Episode 13: Caleb Gets A Hit Off The Dodecahedron
Episode 14: The Gang Meet A Sweaty Sweaty Man
Episode 15: Frumpkin Gets Cubed
Episode 16: Fjord Deepthroats A Sword
Episode 17: This is Sparta??
Episode 18: Caleb Widogasts Honesty Hour
Episode 19: Yasha Gets Yolked
Episode 20: Jester Becomes A Mother
Episode 21: The Nein Meet A Dragon
Episode 22: Caleb Gets A Shave
Episode 23: Nott Is Just Your Average American Man
Episode 24: The Nein Win A Drinking Contest
Episode 25: Laura And Travis Have A Baby
Episode 26: Shine Bright You Crazy Diamond
Episode 27: The Nein Do Some Recon
Episode 28: The Nein Find A Grave Digger
Episode 29: Calebs High Noon
Episode 30: The Nein Take A Long Rest
Episode 31: Jester and Nott have a Girls Night Out
Episode 32: The Nein Adopts A Bird 2.0
Episode 33: Family Jewels Reunited
Episode 34: Who the fuck is Traci?
Episode 35: Jester Dies At The Docks
Episode 36: Caleb pulls a Betty White
Episode 37: The Hunt For Fjords Third Ball Continues
Episode 38: Beau gets Jungle Fever
Episode 39: Nott hears Colour
Episode 40: Fjord FJUCKS
Episode 41: Nott Makes A ‘Bomb’ Bolt
Episode 42: Jester Starts A Bar Fight
Episode 43: The Nein Go Deep Sea Diving
Episode 44: Fjord and Caleb become Blood Brothers
Episode 45: Impromptu Weeklong Getaway
Episode 46: Yasha Thinks of Home
Episode 47: Cad Capsizes The Boat
Episode 48: The Nein goes through Customs
Episode 49: Caduceus “Geoff” Clay
Episode 50: Frumpkin is the Fae King
Episode 51: you know that one bird in FFXV? Yeah
Episode 52: Zorth and Gorth make a deal
Episode 53: The Nein Find A Witch Hut??
Episode 54: Æłdrïtćh błaæęšt
Episode 55: Just A Little Friendly PVP
Episode 56: Caleb Changes Everything
Episode 57: Beau Checks The Thread Count
Episode 58: Nott and Caleb Update Their Character Art
Episode 59: Cad Makes New Friends
Episode 60: Just a Normal Fucking Turtle Matthew
Episode 61: The Nein Gets New Threads
Episode 62: Cad and Jester make a Hot Tub
Episode 63: The Nein Fights A ‘bugbear’
Episode 64: Jester Gets A Kiss
Episode 65: The Nein Find A Birds Nest
Episode 66: Jester has a pet bat?
Episode 67: Yasha Uses Chidori
Episode 68: The Nein Traverse Mickies Haunted Mansion
Episode 69: Episode 69 Is Not As Fun As It Should Be
Episode 70: Bren Meets A Prisoner
Episode 71: Luc Gets A Dog
Episode 72: Fjord Yee’s his last Haw
Episode 73: Nott and Beau Climb A Tree
Episode 74: Beau Spends 2000 Gold At The Library
Episode 75: Caleb Turns Swedish
Episode 76: The Nein Invent Mead Pong
Episode 77: Beau Becomes The Man
Episode 78: 6 Wandering Destinies Walk Into A Bar
Episode 79: The Nein Crash Land
Episode 80: Caleb Widogasts Web of Fire
Episode 81: Caleb Becomes A Father
Episode 82: The Nein Get Vored
Episode 83: Nott Takes A Nap Right There
Episode 84: The Nein Get Their Library Cards Back
Episode 85: Pumat Is Not A Combat Wizard
Episode 86: Thunderbolts And Lightening Very Very Frightening
Episode 87: The Nein Reach For The Squishy
Episode 88: Caleb Sees An Old Friend
Episode 89: The Nein Find A Fight Pit
Episode 90: Fjord Does Time
Episode 91: Essek Stays For Dinner
Episode 92: The Nein Run Into Old Friends
Episode 93: The Nein Finally Find A Witch Hut
Episode 94: Nott Hires Some Help
Episode 95: The Nein Go Bug Stomping
Episode 96: Good Night At The Ranch?
Episode 97: Extreme Makeover: Veth Edition
Episode 98: Yashas Self Care Sunday
Episode 99: Fjord Gets A Orchiectomy
Episode 100: The Nein Fights An Island
Episode 101: Caduceus’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Episode 102: The Nein Go Cave Diving
Episode 103: The Nein Search For The Butthole
Episode 104: Caleb “Let’s go Lesbians” Widogast
Episode 105: Beau And Caduceus Just Vibe
Episode 106: Jesters Problatunity
Episode 107: T-Rex vs T-Rex: Jurassic Fight Ring
Episode 108: Traveller Con 3000 Goes About As Good As We Expect
Episode 109: Fjord Makes A Great Purchase
Episode 110: Beau Gets More Pocket Bacon
Episode 111: The Nein Visit A Friend
Episode 112: Fjord Smacks A Painting
Episode 113: Caleb Flirts With A Sea Monster
Episode 114: The Mighty Neins Murder Mystery Hour
Episode 115: Veth ‘Snow’ Brenatto
Episode 116: Fjord Yeets Veth Off A Cliff
Episode 117: Yasha Doesn’t Know Weasel Life
Episode 118: The Gang Go Sledding
Episode 119: Cad Kills A Baby
Episode 120: Veth Cockblocks The Lesbians
Episode 121: Jester Does A Tarot Reading
Episode 122: The Nein See The Attic
Episode 123: Fjord Does 69 Damage (nice)
Episode 124: The Nein Get Mulaned
Episode 125: Veth Uses Halfling Luck
Episode 126: Caleb Goes Dancing
Episode 127: The Nein Commits Some Friendly B&E
Episode 128: Fjord Becomes A Busboy
Episode 129: The Lesbians Pick A Lock
Episode 130: The Spice Girls Go Shopping
Episode 131: The Nein Get Essek Naked
Episode 132: Veth Recreates The Opening
Episode 133: Caleb Shows Essek The Stars
Episode 134: Fjord Gets A Haircut
Episode 135: Veth Gets A Crossbow
Episode 136: Sprinkle The Archfey
Episode 137: Caduceus Smacks A Sheep
Episode 138: Wizards Break Reality For Nap Time
Episode 139: Essek And Veth Tell Some Jokes
Episode 140: The Nein Live Up To Their Number
Episode 141: Nine Wandering Destines Part Ways
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cronchy-dumbass · 3 years
im watching episode 91 of critical role campaign 2 and essek stans, I get it now. I get it
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jamandstuff · 4 years
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Critical Role Campaign 2 - Episode 91
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