#cristoph hahn
rainingmusic · 3 years
Swans - Screen Shot
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midnightbookclub93 · 3 years
7 reasons why you should watch WandaVision right now
The first advent of the Marvel Cinematic Universe into the world of online streaming, WandaVision is a magical blend of classic television and the larger than life superheroes we have come to love. The series opens with Wanda Maximoff and Vision living a seemingly blissful life in 1950s suburbia, following the events of Avengers:Endgame. How did they get here? Why is Vision still alive? I promise you, the answers aren’t what you’re expecting!
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Here are 7 reasons why you should watch the show and find out for yourselves -
1.     A homage to TV through the decades
Every episode places our favourite superhero couple in the sitcom trope of a new decade, including The Dick Van Dyke Show, Bewitched, Full House, Malcolm in the Middle and the more recent The Office and Modern Family. And what’s more, it all makes complete sense in the end! Director Kevin Fiege’s decision to explore Wanda’s grief through different sitcom eras was a risky one, but that is what sets this show apart from the very beginning.
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2.     Incredible musical score
The musical intelligence of this show extends from Cristophe Beck’s weekly scores, which range from bouncy 60s sitcom music to the short instrumental opening themes of today’s television; interspersed with a common four note motif, the variables of which appear throughout the show. The theme of every episode is familial, yet singular to the decade it belongs to. Oh, and “Agatha All Along” is a certified bop.
3.     Chemistry between Olsen and Bettany
Wanda and Vision’s relationship was touched upon in Captain America:Civil war and Avengers: Infinity War. However, in the grand scheme of things (what with the world coming to an end), this dynamic mostly remained unexplored and before the audience or Wanda herself could come to terms with it, Vision sadly dies. This series allows the two unlikely lovers to shine like never before, just like Wanda always envisioned it.
4.     Origin Story Of the Scarlet Witch
Throughout the Avengers timeline, Wanda has never been referred to as The Scarlet Witch, her comic book moniker. Though we had an inkling as to where Wanda gets her powers from ( covert experimentation on humans conducted by Hydra), this series explores in depth the origin and scope of Wanda’s powers. In other words, this show is the perfect origin story for the most powerful witch in this dimension.
5.     Kathryn Hahn all along
Kathryn Hahn plays Agnes, a central character living in the same town as Wanda and Vision, and often helping them out of sticky situations. She seems to have their best interests at heart, or does she? Every quirk of this character is played out endearingly by Kathryn, and she emerges as the most memorable actor among the talented ensemble. She even has a catchy theme song all about herself! All in all, based on the viewers’ appreciation of her character, we can expect to see more of her in forthcoming Marvel projects.
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6.     Stellar script
Whether it’s the dialogue, the structure or the aesthetic, the screenwriters have produced an extraordinarily unique yet relatable script. In a poignant flashback, Vision says to Wanda - “ but what is grief, if not love persevering?” This memorable phrase delivered perfectly by Paul Bettany is an apt delineation of the theme of this series. The writers touch upon loss and grief expertly and delicately, and that is what makes the show so heartbreakingly beautiful.
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7.     Closure for Wanda
From being experimented on by Hydra to losing her brother in Sokovia, Wanda has undoubtedly had a tough life. She seemed to have found an unlikely partner in Vision, until he was killed by Thanos. Wanda herself vanishes after Thanos’ snap. When she returns to defeat Thanos with the Avengers, she has absolutely no loved ones left on the earth. This series gives her a semblance of the life she so badly wanted with Vision, but couldn’t get. Wanda begins to come to terms with her grief as the show progresses. She realizes that she is a powerful factor in this multiverse, even if her sitcom paradise was temporary.
This nine-part Disney+ series is unlike any other Marvel superhero project. The top-notch acting, the delightful cameos and the intriguing Easter eggs will have you glued to the screen and leave you wanting for more!
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swanslunacy · 10 years
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Mr. Hahn and Mr. Gira
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