#crimson veil rpg
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Sur CRIMSON VEIL je recherche la famille de mon Castiel :
● Famille influente dans leurs domaines respectifs, les Ó Murchú sont toustes codépendant.es les un.es des autres, jusqu'à en oublier parfois le monde extérieur, les dramas intra-familiaux prenant souvent beaucoup de place. Malgré leurs différences, c'est eux avant les autres, quitte à sacrifier tous ceux qui les entoure pour arriver à leurs fins. Venus d'Irlande mais ayant voyagé à travers le globe, iels se sont toustes retrouvés à Scarborough, certain.es pour l'anniversaire de la mort de Maryan (la mère), d'autres s'y étant établi définitivement.
GIDEON : son père, homme d'affaires intraitable et chef de famille à la main adroite.
SIOBHAN : sa grande sœur, figure maternelle bien plus que leur mère, elle a pourtant le paraître froid, sarcastique et intransigeant.
NATHAN : le frère, car toute famille a besoin d'un membre qui ne mérite ni sa place ni son argent.
ANTHEA : Ex-femme de mon Castiel, forte et blessée, accueillie malgré tout parmi elleux comme une pièce maîtresse.
LYSANDRA : Femme de Siobhan, chaleur contrant la froideur de sa femme, elle a pourtant monté les échelons de son job avec férocité.
JAMES : le fiancé inconnu de Niamh, empli de mystère et en-dehors des drames familiaux.
Tout ce qui concerne le caractère des personnages et de nombreux pans de leur vie sont vraiment modulables, ce qui m'intéresse c'est la dynamique familiale qui va s'installer avec tous ses éléments-là et les secrets de famille (ne pas hésiter à en RAJOUTER).
A savoir que le forum se basant sur un système de SECRETS, il y a tout un pan surnaturel à découvrir :eyes:
#forum rpg#rpg#pré-liens forums rpg#forum surnaturel#crimson veil rpg#préliens familiaux#forum francophone#french rpg
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SECRET SANTA 2024 (crimson veil) ; jeremy allen white
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PROMOTIONS !! À l'adoption d'un personnage Dryade ou d'un prélien surnaturel top secret, gagne 150 livres et un artéfact exclusif après validation.
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Instant pub !!!
Sur Crimson Veil, un forum fantastique basé sur les secrets (personne ne sait qui est quoi comme créatures... armez vos loupes de Sherlock Holmes !), je cherche la famille de Sienna : 2 petits frères et 1 sœur qui attirent les emmerdes comme des mouches.. résultat, Sienna va encore devoir jouer les grandes sœurs maternelle pour sauver tout ce petit monde ! Attention : famille de looser complètement fauchés ! 😄
Mais Sienna n'est pas en reste en terme de conneries... Je cherche également le petit ami coincé aux États-Unis. Elle l'a ptetre un peu dénoncé aux autorités pour lui laisser la latitude de retrouver son ex-mari... ahem...
Ça fait très city dis comme ça, mais il y a du drama la dessous et peut-être pas tant d'humanité que ça... et on ne peut rien dire en terme de surnaturel... c'est à vous d'enquêter !^^
Venez voir ! 😉
#forum rpg#crimson veil#rpg#roleplay#forum#pub#scenarii#postes vacants#scénario#forum fantastique#avatar réel
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The Red Veil Syndicate
"Coin rules the streets, but blood keeps them in check. In the twisting alleys and towering rooftops of the underworld, the Red Veil Syndicate operates unseen. They strike deals with one hand and cut throats with the other. No contract is too dangerous, no target too powerful. If you see their crimson mark painted on a door, know this—someone inside won’t live to see the morning."
This Bandit Miniature Set is perfect for Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, and other TTRPG campaigns, offering a mix of stealth, combat, and criminal intrigue. Whether they’re deadly assassins, cutthroat mercenaries, or elite spies working in the shadows, these rogues are ready to change the fate of your world.
🛠️ Details:
Available in 32mm, 40mm, 54mm, and 75mm scales
Printed in gray resin for outstanding detail
Includes three dynamic poses, ideal for diverse NPC encounters or a rogue player character trio
🎲 Encounter Idea: The Red Veil Syndicate has been hired to silence a noble who knows too much. Whether your adventurers protect the target, track the killers, or take the contract themselves, one thing is certain—no one walks away clean.
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Games part 5
Xolta's Big old recommended games list Part 5 gen 6-7
Dreamcast: Illbled(mind fuck/ surivival horror) Sonic Adventure 1&2(platformer) Chu chu rocket(puzzle) Crazy taxi1&2(taxi em up) Dynamite cop(beat em up) Jet Set Radio( 3d platforming) Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (adventure) Power Stone 1&2(platform fighter) SoulCalibur(fighting) Space channle 5(rythm)
Game Boy Advance: Advance Guardian Heroes(beat em up) Advance Wars(Tatics) Astro Boy: Omega Factor (anime em up) Bomberman Max 2(bomber man) Bomberman Tournament(zelda like rpg) Bubble Bobble: Old & New (singel screen platformer) Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (metroidvania) Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure (platformer) Digimon Battle Spirit 2(platform fighter) Drill Dozer (platformer) F-Zero: Maximum Velocity (Future racing) Fire Emblem (Srpg) Game & Watch Gallery 4 (mixed bag) Godzilla: Domination! (kaiju fighting) Golden Sun (rpg) Gunstar Super Heroes (Run and gun platforming) Justice League Heroes: The Flash (im speed em up) Konami Krazy Racers (kart racing) Metal Slug Advance (run and gun) Metroid Fusion (metroidvania) Pinball of the Dead (pinball) Mario advance series(platformer) Sonic Advance series(platformer/ bullshit pits) Summon Night 1&2(rpg/Gay charters in the 2000s) Super Puzzle Fighter II (puzzle) Wario Land 4(platformer)
Xbox (og): Beyond Good & Evil (adventure) Blinx: The Time Sweeper(platformer) Breakdown(first person action) Burnout 3 (raceing) Crazy taxi 3(taxi em up) Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge(plane fighting action/plup em up) Fable(rpg) Gladius(rpg) Halo 1&2(fps/ i perfer the pc port) Jet Set Radio Future(action 3d platforming) Ninja Gaiden Black (charater action) Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (Fps/tps) Panzer Dragoon Orta(on rails shooter) Phantom Dust (action/wackey) Psychonauts (platformer) Super monkey ball deluxe(ball rolling/rage)
PlayStation 2: The Adventures of Cookie & Cream(platformer) Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance(action rpg) BCV: Battle Construction Vehicle(janky vehicle combat) Castlevania: Curse of Darkness (3d metroidvania) Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (3d metrovania) DarkWatch(fps) Final Fantasy X-2 (jrpg) Final Fantasy XII (jrpg) Gitaroo Man (rythm) God Hand (charater acrion) God of war(charater action) Grand Theft Auto 2-3(sandbox action) GunGrave (big dumb action game) IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (combat racing) Katamari Damacy (Ball rolling action) Killzone (fps) Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (platformer) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (hack n slash) Maximo vs. Army of Zin (Platformer) Metal Slug Anthology(collection) Namco Museum: 50th Anniversary (mixed bag) Nightshade(action hack and slash platformer/Ninja ass and tits) OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast(raceing) King Kong(adventure) The Punisher(tps) The Red Star(beat em up/shooter) Samurai Western(samuri em up) Sega Classics Collection(collection) Shadow Hearts series (jrpg) Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1&2 (jrpg) Shinobi (action platformer/Ninja ass and Dick) Soul Calibur 2&3(fighting) TimeSplitters 1&2(fps) War of the Monsters (3d kaiju fighting) The Warriors(beat em up) We heart Katamari(ball rolling) Dragon quest 8 (jrpg) Viewtiful Joe 1&2(CRAZY ACTION/i perfer the gamecube versions)
Gamecube: Alien Hominid (run and gun) Animal Crossing (life sim) Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and The Lost Ocean (jrpg) Beyond Good & Evil (action adventure) Bloody Roar: Primal Fury(fighting) Custom Robo (mecha combat) Donkey Konga (rythm) DragonBall Z: Budokai 1&2(anime fighting) F-Zero GX (future racing) Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles(action rpg) Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (tatics rpg) Gauntlet: Dark Legacy(hack n slash/warrior needs food badly) Kirby Air Ride (racing) Lost Kingdoms (jpg) Mario Kart: Double Dash (kart racing) Mario Superstar Baseball (baseball) Mega Man Anniversary Collection (collection) Metroid Prime 1&2 (fps/3d metroidvania) Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (rpg) Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (platformer) Puyo Pop Fever (puzzle) Resident Evil 4 (surivial horror) The Simpsons Road Rage (crazy taxi clone) Skies of Arcadia Legends (jprg) Sonic adventure 1 &2(platformer) Super Monkey Ball (ball rolling/rage) Super Smash Bros. Melee(platform fighter) TubeSlider(future racing) Ultimate Muscle( Wrestling) Viewtiful Joe 1&2(CRAZY ACTION) X-Men Legends (action rpg) Sonic heroes(platformer)
Nintendo DS: Advance Wars: Dual Strike(tatics) Advance Wars: Days of Ruin(tatics) Aliens: Infestation(metroidvania) Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow(action rpg) Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow(metroidvania) Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin(metroidvania) Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia(metroidvania) Contra 4(run and gun/hard) Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies(jrpg) Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime(action adventure) Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker(monster rasing rpg) Elite Beat Agents(rythm) Final Fantasy Tactics A2(srpg) Izuna 1 & 2(rouge like/rpg) Kirby Canvas Curse( kirby rolling) Kirby Squeak Squad(platformer) Kirby Super Star Ultra(platformer) The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass(advenutre/ gimmicks abound) The Legendary Starfy(platformer) Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ(shoot em up) Metriod prime pinball(pinball) Lunar Knights(action adventure) Mario kart ds(kart racing) Metal Slug 7(run and gun) New Super Mario Bros.(platformer/bah bah sim) Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword(charater action) Okamiden(adventure) Pokémon Platinum& daimond(monster rasing rpg) Pokemon soul sliver and heart gold(monster rasing rpg) Pokémon Black and White 1&2( monster rasing rpg) Scribblenauts 1&2(puzzle) Scurge: Hive(metroidvania) SNK vs Capcom: Card Fighters DS(tgc) Sonic Rush (platformer) Sonic colors(platformer) Super Mario 64 DS(3d platformer) The World Ends With You(action rpg) WarioWare: Touched!(mirco games)
Xbox 360: Bayonetta (charater action) Beautiful Katamari(ball rolling) BioShock 1&2 (fps with some rpg elements) Blue Dragon(rpg) Burnout Paradise (raceing) Crackdown1&2(Sandbox tps) Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage (manily anime em up) Halo 3(fps/I perfer the pc version) Lost Planet 1&2(tps) Tekken Tag Tournament 2(fighting) Vanquish (tps/Exploding knees) Viva Piñata(life sim) Sonic Generations(platformer) Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (action adventure) F.E.A.R. (fps/horror) Forza Motorsport 3(sim racing) Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (kart racing) Call of Duty: Black Ops 1&2(fps) Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2&3(fps)
Wii: Animal Crossing: City Folk(life sim) Battalion Wars 2 (rts/tps) The Conduit (fps) de Blob (platformer) Donkey Kong Country Returns (platformer/ i perfer the 3ds version) Epic Mickey (3d platfroming/Bad camera) Excite Truck (racing) Excitebots: Trick Racing (racing) Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn(Srpg) The House of the Dead: Overkill (light gun) Kirby's Epic Yarn(platformer) Kirby's Return to Dream Land(platformer) MadWorld (charater action) Mario kart wii(kart racing) Metal Slug Anthology (run and gun) Metroid Prime Trilogy (fps/3d metroidvania) Monster Hunter 3 Tri(monster hunting) Muramasa: The Demon Blade (action) NEW Super Mario Bros. Wii(platformer) NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (flying/jank) No More Heroes 1&2(action/ i hear other versions are better) Okami ( adventure) Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers( hack and slash jank cheese cake fest) Rodea the Sky Soldier (flying platformer/ dont play the wiiu version its trash) Sin & Punishment: Star Successor(rail shooter) Sonic Colors (platformer) Super Mario Galaxy 1&2(3d platfromer) Super Smash Bros. Brawl (platform fighter) Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars(fighting) Wario Land: Shake It(greed) Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure(puzzle adventure) Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law (law em up)
psp: Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (paltformer) Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (fighting) Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law (law em up) Metal Slug XX (run and gun) Power Stone Collection (platfrom fighter) Wipeout Pure(future racing) Wipe out pluse( future racing)
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The Dreams in Which I'm Dying
Well wtf, it's a new fandom for me. Unexpected! I started watching D/imension20 RPGs and fell in love with F/abian Seacaster and G/arthy O'Brien from F/antasy H/igh and P/irates of L/eviathan. This takes place 20 years after the events of the games.
And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I’m dying Are the best I’ve ever had. ~ Tears for Fears, Mad World
It begins with nightmares - dark, heavy things Fabian doesn’t remember on waking. At least, not the first few nights. He’s left with nothing more than vague shadows and a lingering sense of unease. Everything seems wrong - his apartment simultaneously too big and claustrophobically small. He’s suffused with restlessness. He knows something’s coming, like a squall brewing just beyond the horizon. He might not be able to see the gathering clouds, but feels the barometric pressure plummeting.
At first he attempts to dance out of the way - to dodge and evade - but the dread wraps around him like his own battle sheet, tangling him tight. He tries to ignore the tension singing along his shoulders, the constant twist in his gut. It’s nothing, he tells himself, less than nothing. There’s no time for it to be something. Rumor has it the ship carrying one of the last pirates of the Crimson Claw will reach the mouth of Leviathan in mere days. If he’s going to meet it, he needs to pull together a party. Barely enough time remains to cement plans once he knows the group’s strengths and weaknesses.
As he paces his living room, trying to outrun the apprehension, Fabian’s eye is caught by a piece of red string, like Riz always used in his conspiracy boards. In that instant he longs for them. The Bad Kids. No matter how many years passed since any of them were kids, it’s still at the heart of who they are. (Isn’t it?) They fit together in their roles. Like that movie Kristen made them all watch once - a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess and a criminal. The others had bickered good naturedly over roles that night - specifically who was the basket case. Kristen joked it was Gilear. Ragh said it was her. Fabian didn't need to argue because he knew the truth - Riz was the brain, Gorgug the athlete, Adaine the princess, Fig the criminal, Kristen the saint. Himself the basket case. Even in all the intervening years, he’s never found a group that connects as well as they had, before they all went their separate ways. Even if they hadn’t lost touch, none of the others adventure anymore. In their absence he needs to choose alternatives, like he always does, attempting to fill the holes they left behind - and failing.
He picks up his crystal, turning it over in his hands. The group chat is saved, they are all still members, but no one has used it in years. Maybe he’s wrong; maybe he needs to let them go.
He knows there’s no time for self-indulgence. But he still stalls, the trepidation casting a fog of doubt over every option. He cannot decide on even one person to trust. Perhaps this time he should go alone. He can defeat one single pirate himself. The rest - crew and spoils alike - is irrelevant. The Maelstrom’s Maw will likely bring in the boat and then he can attack. He rubs his forehead against a growing headache and puts the decision off again.
Two nights pass, with only the lightest veil of sleep and even that torn by disquiet. The intervening days feel equally foggy with a mix of exhaustion and dread. Fabian drags himself through the necessary tasks by his fingernails until he’s done everything he can without a crew. A crew on which he still has not managed to settle. In the midst of circling the problem for the five hundredth, or five thousandth, time his crystal flashes an alert. The ship’s been sighted just a few nautical miles off Harroway Bay and will reach Leviathan before dawn. He’s waited too long, he realizes. It will be a solo adventure, then. Nothing else for it.
Fabian knows, almost from the moment he engages, that he’s made a deep mistake attempting the attack this way. Though he comes upon the pirate in the dead of night, alone as planned, he hadn’t considered that the pirate’s shipmates might still be within earshot. His blade only crosses the pirate’s once before he hears heavy boots closing fast.
The pirate thrusts and he manages to parry, but only just. His body feels strange and disconnected, as though he’s a half-beat behind in the dance, perpetually off-step. The pirate presses his advantage; Fabian retreats. Suddenly there’s a flash of light on another drawn sword and several more pirates surround him. At his best he can handle eight, maybe ten. He is not at his best, and light from the streetlamp falls on fifteen.
The pirate grins. “Yer goin’ down, boy.”
“Not a boy anymore.” At least he’ll die in battle, and if he’s very lucky he’ll take this scourge to hell with him. Make his papa proud.
“That remains to be seen,” another says.
The battle is fierce. Swords clash, lunge and dodge, strike-parry-riposte, movements Fabian knows in his sleep, but something is wrong. His body won’t obey. His lungs ache and he can’t catch his breath. Sweat drips into his eye, burning. And then - an opening - the pirate attacking leaves his flank unguarded and Fabian darts in fast - too fast to pull back when he realizes it’s a feint.
I’m fucked, he has time to think, as the pirate whirls. A sharp blow cracks across his elbow, his fingers go numb and his sword falls, clattering to the cobblestone. One of the crew kicks the back of his knees and he stumbles forward and drops. He grabs for his sword, but just as his hand closes around it, the point of the pirate’s sword is at his throat. Should have known it would end this way. Alone. On Leviathan. Fitting for it to be here, tonight - on the anniversary. The way it should have ended if he hadn’t run like a coward, abandoning Alistair to Captain James. Fabian fumbles in his pocket for his crystal, wishing for just enough time to send a last message to the Bad Kids. “Do it,” he says from between gritted teeth.
The pirate barks a laugh, but shakes his head. “Ain’t worth the world o’ hurt that would bring down on me head, boy. Chungledown Bim’s a right devil and yer marked as his. Can’t let ya follow for another go at me, though this has been a delight.”
A brilliant flash of pain blinds him. The crystal slides through his fingers. He falls… and falls… and falls…
through ropes that burn his skin and do nothing to slow his speed and his body hits water that closes over his head like he’s been swallowed whole and still he falls through freezing darkness until the ocean parts and he falls through fire and the flames crackle and whisper - What will you tell the Captain when you meet him in Hell? Have you written your name on the face of the world, Fabian? No, you have written nothing. Nothing to be remembered by. Even your friends have forgotten you. How does it feel to be a failure of a pirate and a failure of a friend? the whisper turns to choking smoke and
Fabian coughs himself awake, lungs aching like he’s been breathing water and smoke, but he still lays where he’d fallen, in some Four Castles back alley. His body’s not been hijacked. Not dropped here by imps. He blinks up at the sky for a long moment, struggling to orient himself. The sky is heavy with clouds, hiding even a sliver of moon. Fat drops of rain pelt down, edged with ice. He blinks the water from his eye and pushes himself to his feet. Once again he staggers through the streets of Leviathan, shivering hard enough to rattle teeth. This time, however, there’s no Cathilda to wrap him in a blanket, no Hangvan to disappear into. No Kristen to slap sense back into him. He wraps his arms around himself, but the rain soaks his shirt and finds no warmth.
Those he passes take no notice of him, perhaps assuming he’s nothing more than another drunken pirate. Even so, he needs to find a place to lay low. Given enough time someone will roll him just to see if he has any coin. Or simply for the fun of it. He’s not even sure, at this moment, that he could defend himself against a single assailant. His head aches where the pirate hit him and his throat is unaccountably raw. Then, as if to add insult to injury, he sneezes. Once, twice, thrice, smothered in the sleeve of his shirt. He always sneezes in threes. Riz teased him mercilessly about it.
“If you’d just sneeze like a normal person, instead of those pinchy things, you’d be done in one, Fabiahn,” Riz would say, drawing his name out like his elvish grandfather did.
“It’s called being polite, The Ball,” he’d reply. “And what do you know about normal?”
“About as much as you.”
They’d laugh together and Fabian’s embarrassment would ease. He would give anything for Riz to be laughing with him now.
Suddenly a door slams open and a wash of warm yellow light spills over the ground in front of him. He glances up. Maybe Kristen sent Cassandra to watch over him, because his meandering path has brought him to the Gold Gardens. The exiting patron brushes past with a muttered curse, but Fabian barely notices. As the doors swing shut, Bob’s voice slips through, full of dream and promise. Fabian checks his pockets and breathes a sigh of relief at the comforting feel of coin.
He stands straighter, raises his chin, allowing the light to fall on his face, scars and eyepatch and all, as the Goliath guard regards him suspiciously. Though it has been some time since he’s been on Leviathan and longer since he’s sought refuge at the Gold Gardens, he trusts the reputation he’s built in the intervening years yet holds. “Good evening. I find myself in need of a room for the night,” he says. “I have payment.”
The other guard, a half-orc he vaguely recognizes from previous visits, turns to him. Her face betrays no reaction to his disheveled state. It’s likely that she’s seen worse. “Ah, Master Seacaster. Garthy O’Brien has made it known there is always room for you here. Please, enter.”
Fabian sketches a small bow. The doors swing wide and the heat that flows out and envelops him is nearly as heavenly as Bob’s voice. But the change in temperature makes his nose run. He sniffs, presses the back of his wrist against the tickling itch, but can’t stop the inevitable. He’s barely inside before he’s sneezing again and wishing for something other than his sleeve to cover with. “H’tchsh! Chh! H’tsh!” He hopes the music and general merriment of the patrons is enough to hide the slight sound, but of course he is noticed.
“Blessings, Fabian, darling. Are you ill?” Garthy touches his shoulder gently and before he can stop himself, Fabian flinches away. His skin feels too tight, even the light pressure too much sensation. They take a step back, one hand raised in a calming gesture.
“I beg your pardon, Garthy,” Fabian says, attempting his usual charming smile. He’s not sure he pulls it off, because a small frown of concern still lingers between their brows. Somehow the expression does nothing to mar their beauty; the proprietor of the Gold Gardens is exquisite as always, the few silver threads in their black dreads the only indicator of years passing. “I’m fine. Just a little chilled from the rain. And you, my friend, are a sight for sore eyes. Eye.” His mouth quirks. “Might there be a room for a traveler seeking shelter from the storm?”
Garthy considers him for a long moment, gaze intent. Fabian resists the urge to look away, to avoid scrutiny. It’ll only make them more suspicious. He concentrates on keeping his expression vaguely flirtatious, his stance loose and easy. At last Garthy gives the smallest nod, allowing him his ruse. “I have told you before, lovey, you are always welcome here. You and yours. Come.” They turn down a hallway and Fabian follows.
Bob’s voice, the rattle of dice, the din of too much conversation fade and Fabian releases a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. The Bad Kids always stayed in a room just off the main parlor, right in the midst of the action. Fig and Gorgug would take over for the house band and practically blow the roof off. Kristen would try to outdrink that biggest pirate she could find, and usually ended up drunk-best-friends with everyone. If Tracker had to pull her out of a fight or two, well, that just kept things interesting. Ragh and Fabian would drink too much mead and take too much snuff and Ragh would challenge the wrong people to wrestling matches and Fabian would beat the wrong people at dice and sometimes fists would be thrown. Good naturedly, of course. Adaine would watch them all over the spine of a book from the Compass Points and shake her head. Sometimes she had to heal one or another of them, but she never seemed to mind. Riz would disappear into the crowd for indeterminate amounts of time, only to suddenly appear at their table with a sharp-toothed grin and clues to whatever mystery they were trying to solve that he’d gleaned from overheard conversations. Fig and Kristen, especially, never wanted the nights to end. Sometime around dawn, though, Kristen and Tracker would peel off, followed by Fig and Ayda. The rest of them shared a room, Fabian, Riz, Gorgug, and Ragh all sprawled on a huge bed while Adaine tranced on a chaise nearby. Somehow Fabian slept better those nights than before or since, even though the room was never peaceful, or silent. Ragh and Gorgug snored. Adaine muttered to herself in her trance. Riz, when he slept, was restless, taking up more room than a three and a half foot tall goblin should. When he didn’t, his pen would scratch across his notebook for hours. None of it ever bothered Fabian.
A door creaks open, startling Fabian out of his thoughts. The room Garthy offers is a small and simply furnished space, just a bed, desk, and fireplace. Fabian crosses the room to a large window and looks out over the edge of the city to the black ocean beyond. It’s still raining, drops pattering against the pane. He should say something to Garthy. Thank them for the room, make a joke about another Leviathan brawl gone badly. He can’t find the words. Any words.
“Would you like something to eat? Or perhaps a warm drink?” Garthy’s voice is quiet, as though they might be intruding.
“No, thank you,” he says. Kippers, Master Fabian? Cathilda’s voice in his head. I don’t deserve kippers. He didn’t. Doesn’t. Twenty men dead. Twenty innocent men. Worst of all, Alistair Ash. Still a child. Dead because he needed to prove that he was a true pirate, heir to his father’s fame. That he is worthy. Instead he left Alistair to the fate that should have been his. He rubs his hand over his eye as though he could rub away the ache. The failure.
Garthy whispers something Fabian doesn’t catch, and flames rise in the hearth, hot and bright, crackling cheerfully. “At least let me take your wet things,” they say. “You’re shaking.”
He hadn’t realized how cold he still feels, despite being out of the wind and rain, until Garthy points it out. He takes a breath to declare, again, that he’s fine, but a chill cascades over him, followed by several sneezes, instantly proving him wrong. “H’ngxt! Fuck. H’Ntch! Ngxt!” He straightens and Garthy offers a handkerchief. Abashed, he takes it, blows his nose. “Pardon me.” Before he can gather himself, he’s overtaken again. At least this time he has a handkerchief to mute the sound. The sneezes shiver through him hard enough to send drops of rain spattering from his hair.
“Bless you, darling.” Garthy draws him closer to the fire. With deft fingers they undress him, peeling sodden clothes from his body, then wrap him in a thick robe. He doesn’t resist, suddenly beyond exhausted. Everything feels like it’s happening at a distance. Or maybe through a pane of glass. “Come, have a lay down. Things’ll look better in the morning.”
Fabian nods, even though he’s certain things will look just the same. He barely slides between the sheets when his eye drifts closed. He feels the bed dip slightly as Garthy sits beside him and, seeking warmth, he curls close. They smell spicy and sweet, like cinnamon and sandalwood and orange blossoms. Garthy curves a hand over his forehead. It’s strangely comforting and he wants to bury his face in Garthy’s hair, but instead he drifts out and out and…
floats in a strange grey emptiness. He can only identify his surroundings by absence. No color. No sound. No touch. He thinks he lifts his hands, or tries to lift his hands, or what should be his hands, but there’s nothing. He tries to look down, what he might assume is down, only to find no body. Nothing. It’s like the Nightmare Forest, but worse because they defeated the Nightmare King. They defeated Kalina. Which means this must be real. This nought. Of course no one reaches out… you don’t exist.You never existed. You are not even memory. You are a nonentity. A nullity. He opens his mouth to argue, but there’s no mouth, no vocal cords, no lungs, no breath. No words. No thoughts. Just deep, endless cold. Bone aching cold, if he had bones.
“...safe…You’re all right. Wake up, Fabian, love.” Garthy’s voice coalesces from the cold, at first sounding sharp as ice breaking. But they know his name, beckon him back into form by shaping the word. “Come on, darling. You’re dreaming.”
“Should’ve left me; felt better there. Nothing hurts when you don’t have a body,” he mumbles, and even though he has vocal cords again, he sounds nothing like himself. He clears his throat, sniffs.
Garthy laughs, low and kind. “Let me help you feel better, here in your body.” They cup his cheek gently, then urge him up and through a door to a bathing chamber.
A large bathtub stands in the center of the room, steam rising in soft curls. It is surrounded with dozens of candles and in their light Garthy glows, irises and tattoos molten gold. Fabian reaches for them, hesitantly. As if touching them might dim their shine. They smile tenderly, allowing him to trace the Zajiri script, the flowers and leaves with one tentative finger. He wonders what the writing might mean. Their skin is soft under Fabian’s own calloused hands. He longs for Garthy to wrap their arms around him, to hold him close until his shivering stops, until he’s finally warm. He doesn’t know how to ask.
Instead he moves back, putting a bit of distance between them. “I’m not w…” he starts to say, but an unexpected set of sneezes interrupts and he only just manages to pull the handkerchief from his robe pocket. “Ht’ngxt! Heh...ihh… Nxgt! H’tchh!”
“Not well?” Garthy suggests, steadying him. “Blessings.”
Heat rises in Fabian’s cheeks and he coughs a laugh. “That either. But no.” He gestures broadly, including the room, the bath, Garthy themself. “Not worth this.”
Garthy tilts their head with a puzzled frown. “Oh, lovey, of course you are.” They press one finger to Fabian’s lips before he can continue arguing. “Shh. It’s all right.” They take Fabian’s elbow, guiding him into the bath.
Fabian sinks into the heat with a deep sigh as his muscles begin to relax. He slides down, submerging himself completely in warm darkness. The water closes over his face; he rests his head on the bottom of the tub, and the only thing he hears is the thump of his own heart in his ears, still beating, beating, beating. At last his breath runs out and he surfaces with a gasp.
Gathy’s pulled a stool up beside the bath and as Fabian wipes water out of his eye, they wet a cloth and begin to wash his back, humming quietly. The soap smells of eucalyptus and peppermint, cool and clean. Fabian shivers once, and only slowly eases into the touch, closing his eye as Garthy washes his hair, gently working his fingers over his scalp. A memory rises, unbidden - himself, in the bath, he can’t be more than five and he’s sobbing. His papa is away, his mama asleep in her room even though it’s not even dark outside and he’s sick and scared. But then Cathilda’s there, as she always is, and she’s cleaning him up and humming a lullaby. Tears rise now, before he can stop them, dripping into the water.
“What’s distressing you, love?” Garthy asks.
It takes him several minutes to gather his thoughts; they feel ephemeral as clouds floating through his mind. “It’s been twenty years, Garthy. Shouldn’t it have faded?” He coughs, trying to clear the lump in his throat. “I still see them, you know. My father’s warlocks.” He presses the heels of his palms against his eye sockets. Breathe, he tells himself.
Garthy hums a listening noise.
“I shouldn’t have gone alone that night. I just wanted a moment in Crow’s Keep - we’d gone there together, my papa and I. When I was little. It was the one time Mama got angry at him, for bringing me to Leviathan, when he wasn’t supposed to be interacting with pirates. But he’d taken me up to watch the sun rise. He said he’d bring me to the top of the world, that we could touch the clouds. If I was lucky, I might even bring some home in my pockets…
“He gave me cotton candy, told me it was one he’d harvested himself. I’d never imagined clouds tasted so sweet…” he licks his lips, remembering how the candy had melted on his tongue, just like a rain cloud.
“I thought, maybe… somehow… if I spoke to him from the top of the world, he might hear me.” Fabian laughs at himself, coughs on a sob but manages to swallow it back. “Of course, Papa wasn’t listening. He was busy taking over Hell and selling spells to pirates. Always on to a bigger adventure, even in death.
“When the warlocks came, I let myself get swept up. Figuratively, as well as literally. I told them about Papa. About what I’d done… and it wasn’t enough. I killed him and it wasn’t enough.” He takes a ragged breath and Garthy rubs his back in slow circles. “I thought we could take Captain James. I thought I could take Captain James. It would make up for… everything.” He sucks in another breath, on the edge of desperation. He can’t get enough air. When he blinks, he feels Whitclaw’s tentacles on his face, cold fingers gripping him tight, raw hatred pulsing in the air between them.
“It went so fast. So fast. If I didn’t run… if I didn’t… he would have killed me… with the others. I didn’t stop to think, I didn’t even grab Alistair and he was fighting for me. I abandoned him… and I didn’t die, but he did. Because I fucked up.” Fabian sits in silence for several minutes, jaw clenched, struggling to breathe and not cry.
“I thought the guilt would fade,” he finally says, voice rough and not much above a whisper. “I thought the good I’ve done since would make up for it. I thought the adventures I had with the Bad Kids would make up for it. But it hasn’t. It doesn’t. And they’re gone… I thought killing the last of Whitclaw’s men would be penance. But I fucked that up, too.”
The only sound for a long moment is the rain on the roof, thunder rolling in the distance. Then Fabian takes a breath like he’s about to dive into the ocean and turns to face Garthy. “Am I forgivable?”
“Oh my darling Fabian. Of course you are. You are already forgiven.” They lean forward and brush the lightest kiss across his lips. “Yes, dire mistakes were made. And you have repented of those mistakes, and made reparations. You did not follow in your father’s footsteps; you found your own way. You have made a good man of yourself. You help those who are in need. You do not take advantage of anyone. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. Tales of your deeds are not spoken of as widely as Captain Bill Seacaster, but I have heard them nonetheless. Be proud of who you have become, Fabian Aramais Seacaster. And you should know that Alistair Ash lives again.”
A warm breeze whirls through the room and the candles suddenly go out. It’s as though the light has been transmuted into a seed of hope in Fabian, gold as the irises of Garthy’s eyes. Back in bed, Fabian curls into Garthy and they wrap their arms around him, holding tight until his trembling passes.
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stars fall from the sky when his dragon was struck ; the roar had been ferocious enough that the mighty beor mountains had quaked and the deep cavern dwellers had seen the stalagmites tremble. the scorned did not emerge from his seclusion, and the herculean riders of the fierce dragons did not hold fear within their noble hearts, for they had vanquished all evil within the lands and had long grown arrogant. the diviner did not foresee the blood that would turn the emerald fields of illirea crimson, nor did she foretell that the skeletons of the dragons would litter the city of doru arabea. his disappearance was simply a disappearance ; not the event that would foretell the fall of the riders.
shurtugal is an inheritance cycle rpg set before the fall of the dragon riders and the events of the series. heavy inspiration will be drawn from the lore of the books while characters will be divergent from canon. it is an 18+, mature lsrpg that will be focused on plot drops, character deaths, and rpg events. shurtugal is currently seeking two admins to assist with running the still veiled main.
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Of corrupted souls.
Once a mercenary, Ayame now serves the Royal Family as a guard of the highest honor. Her job is to travel outside the Kingdom and hunt down those touched by the corruption.
A/N: I was talking with my friends and I got inspired to write a small piece for an RPG AU. Basically what's going on here, is that Ayame wields a really heavy blade but it's filled with gravity runes so she can actually lift it. Her book is a cursed artifact that has a small pocket dimension in its pages where Ayame keeps her other weapons.
Tw: dark themes.
She stood between the tainted grass, the vines held out their thorns like desperate claws, trying to snake around her legs, yet she ignored them, her full attention lay just beyond the ruins of what once was a proud shield of safety for people fleeing from the corruption that crept it’s way to the town’s heart.
Ayame's lips formed into a smug smile, her piercing eyes shone with excitement as she reached down to her bag, not daring to break eye contact with the being that stood just outside her vision. Her fingers gently traced the book’s worn out cover, carved runes and symbols of ancient, dead languages greeted her in their familiar way.
She broke the seal of chains that held it down with one swift motion, the book sprung to life in seconds. It flew behind her, to anyone looking from outside, it looked like a twisted halo, a broken crown atop her head like a reminder of what she had to do in order to keep it’s blades.
It opened to a page dripping with inky magic, remnants that stained its pages like a dying ember of a candle who’s smoke trailed Ayame like her own shadow.
A heavy blade bound by runes fell from the sky, it pierced the ground with a thud, the dust it rose up soon faded in the heavy wind. It’s sharp edge shone in the dim light of the dying sun, it was surrounded by a plum outline of a spell casted long ago.
Her pale hair swayed in the cool breeze as she locked eyes with the man standing across from her on the final step of the old, crumbling stone steps that sat in front of the ruined church. The man looked at her with clear anger visible in his cold features as a scowl fell on his pale lips. The corruption spread through his veins like a deadly poison, Ayame felt a tingle of guilt for not being able to get there in time, but she knew what she had to do now.
The man spoke in a broken voice, shattered into millions of shards that reminded one of precious gems. It was obvious he was long gone, his body controlled by a darker force like a puppet, ready to be thrown away the second he was no longer useful.
“They took everything from me!” His voice would make those that just picked up their swords flinch, but Ayame knew that tone, she’d seen many like him, countless souls lost to obsession and greed.
“My home, my family, and my life!” He screamed in pure agony, his head slightly rolled back as he picked up one of the many fallen blades that lay bloodstained around the decayed, rotten entrance of the building.
She tilted her head slightly in response, yet she remained quiet. An eerie silence fell like heavy war fog upon the two, they locked eyes once more, but now all she saw in his blue ones was emptiness. She realised he was completely gone, and so, she walked over the blade resting a few feet away from her.
She wrapped her fingers around the hilt of the heavy sword, gripping it with an unreadable expression on her pale features, she pulled it out of the inky grass.
The clouds above them swirled, morphing into abyssal constellations as she sharply exhaled.
The first time she encountered one of these poor, lost souls, she tried to talk to them, pull them out of whatever depths those horrid, faceless whispers put them in. It didn’t take long for her to figure out that would only get her killed, the only option was to get it over with before she lost her head.
She stood still, waiting for her opponent to make the first move. Her eyes scanned his sword carefully, the tip was broken, the edge dulled from the countless wars it was wielded in before falling silent forevermore.
The man, left as nothing but a shell void of life, moved awkwardly towards her, his arms and legs moved, but not quite right.
He swung blindly, his arms snapping in directions unnatural even for the dead. Each time he held the broken sword up, he missed her by a few hars.
She cried out in pain as a thin, shallow line of crimson was sliced into her shoulder, the blood trickled down in small droplets of scarlet rose petals as she jumped back, surprise clear in her eyes.
She didn't have time to move, as the creature ran towards her, it moved with speed that almost matched her own, its face no longer that of a human, but one of a creature far beyond the veil of their world.
With a rough swing it roared, the sound that left its mouth made Ayame wince in pain, she harshly placed her hand over her right eye, looking at the creature with a burning hatred.
She stepped back, barely dodging yet another attack, her head snapped back as she momentarily lost her balance.
The creature finally managed to find an opening, it kicked her with its clawed foot, sending Ayame skidding on the ground. She rolled over just as her sword landed where her head was mere moments ago. Standing up as quickly as she could, she tried to pull her sword from the dirt. The second her fingertips touched the grip, the runes shattered, her eyes widened, panic bloomed in her lungs like a grim wildfire. With all her remaining strength she tried to pull up her sword again, and again, yet it didn't budge.
With no other option left, she reached for the book again, reaching into it, she pulled out a small blade.
It was far too small and light for a gravity spell, yet Ayame kept glancing to it, feeling its solid, metal weight in her hand.
She quickly finished her mission, having no time left to spare.
She sighed heavily, throwing the dagger back in the book’s mirror dimension. As she turned, she saw the creature turn to ashen dust, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief. Slowly, she walked back to her sword, looking over at the damage. Ayame cursed knowing she would have to walk all the way to the main city to get it fixed by the royal smiths.
In moments like these, she remembered the whole reason she bought that damned, cursed book from the traveling merchants. Yet, what that book truly had planned for her could never be compared to simply writing down runes and spells.
#Rpg#Rpg au#Last legacy#Last legacy fictif#That's it. That's all I have for today#Tomorrow? Who knows
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– Missing Ghosts in Bodie
POINTS REQUIRED: Two Hundred Twenty
At the height of the gold rush Bodie, California was a prospering boom town, home to thousands of miners and their families, who’d all made the treacherous journey across the country in order to find gold out west. For several decades the town would flourish and grow due to the wealth of gold bouyon mined from the local hills, but by the late 1880s the bottom began to drop for the local mining company. In 1880 the town’s census records would report over 5,000 residents, however in only ten short years the population dropped to just under 800. By 1950 the last residents would vacate the town, and thus all that was left of the once booming Bodie, were the ghosts that inhabited it- both figuratively and literally.
Today the ghost town of Bodie is a National Historic Landmark, and welcomes thousands of visitors each year, both no-maj and wix alike. To no-maj visitors the ghosts rumored to dwell in Bodie would be a legend that many sought out, but none ever found. For any wixes that travel through the town though, those ghosts were very much a reality. At least ten ghosts have been confirmed by wixes over the years to reside in the town, some being much more social than others. For any wix that walked into the town of Bodie it was a certainty that at least one of the town’s former residents would make themselves known- that is until one month ago.
The first report of something strange going on with the ghosts of Bodie was by a wixen family in late July. The family of four often visited the historic site, and had become well acquainted with three of the ghosts known to haunt the local church and its grounds. According to the family however, all three ghosts and all others in the town were unable to be found. Similar incidents would be reported by every wix who has frequented the area ever since. With concern growing for the town’s ghosts, MACUSA’s Pacific Squad has been called in to investigate the town to see just what might have befallen its well beloved ghosts.
The Whispering Preacher: One of the three ghosts known to inhabit the church. The Whispering Preacher was known to conduct daily services at the dilapidated house of God, but always in a very hoarse and raspy voice. Rumor is The Whispering Preacher was hanged for one reason or another, and that is the cause of his vocal condition.
The Wealthy Widow: The second ghost to inhabit the church. The wealthy widow is a frequent resident of the last three pews of the church. Visitors know her for her elaborate black gown and black veil. Despite her attire, she is a fairly happy spirit, and often cheerfully greets those wixes stepping into the church.
Hoop-Stick Petey: The third spirit of the church. Petey is often found in the small cemetery next to the church. He appears 8-10 years old in age, and is usually running around the headstones of the cemetery, playing with his ghostly hoop and stick.
The Dutiful Deputy: One of two spirits found in the small prison of the ghost town. The Dutiful Deputy is often found either leaning against one of the posts outside the prison, or inside watching over his prisoner.
Drunk Tank George: Drunk Tank George can always be found in one of two places- the prison or the saloon across the street. Even though it is impossible for the spirit to get intoxicated, he seems to be in a constant state of inebriation.
The Rancher’s Daughter: A lone ghost known to walk quietly back and forth between a dilapidated house and the town’s general store. The Rancher’s Daughter doesn’t talk to any wixes, and only seems to communicate with the other resident ghosts. Many wixes wonder if she can even see them, as she has never recognized a non-spirit’s presence.
Moonshine Murray: The bartender for the town’s saloon. Murray is a very personable ghost, who always tries to talk visitors into staying for a drink- even if the saloon hasn’t been serving living patrons since 1924.
Red-Lipped Rosie: One of the saloon’s “ladies of the night”. Red-Lipped Rosie is known as such due to the crimson color of her lips and chin. The red stained handkerchief in her hand reveals to visitors that the crimson color of her lips was likely due to consumption. Red-Lipped Rosie can often be found chatting up Murray at the bar, or walking up towards stamp mill on the hill.
The Solitary Miner: Located at the off-limits stamp mill, where precious ore was once extracted from rock. The miner is a rarely seen spirit, and the most usually seen of them is their shadowy silhouette from the hillside where the mill sits. Visitors are not allowed to go to the mill, as it’s considered too dangerous due to the building’s unstable roof, and old heavy machinery that still sits inside.
The Black Hound of Bodie: A black hound that is often seen by The Solitary Miner’s side, or sitting at Red-Lipped Rosie’s feet. The Black Hound is not friendly to mortal visitors, and will growl at any that dare get too close to it.
Ghosts passing on is not an uncommon thing, what is uncommon though is that nine ghosts who have been inhabiting an area for anywhere from 100-150 years all disappearing at once. These ghosts may already be dead, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be harmed, so it’s important we find out what happened to them.
- Chief Lin
We are only assuming right now that all nine ghosts are gone. Two of these ghosts, the miner and their dog, are rare sightings anyway. It may be beneficial to check out the off-limits mill, to see if the miner truly has vanished along with the others.
- Deputy Chief Harbird
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stars fall from the sky when his dragon was struck ; the roar had been ferocious enough that the mighty beor mountains had quaked and the deep cavern dwellers had seen the stalagmites tremble. the scorned did not emerge from his seclusion, and the herculean riders of the fierce dragons did not hold fear within their noble hearts, for they had vanquished all evil within the lands and had long grown arrogant. the diviner did not foresee the blood that would turn the emerald fields of illirea crimson, nor did she foretell that the skeletons of the dragons would litter the city of doru arabea. his disappearance was simply a disappearance ; not the event that would foretell the fall of the riders.
shurtugal is an inheritance cycle rpg set before the fall of the dragon riders and the events of the series. heavy inspiration will be drawn from the lore of the books while characters will be divergent from canon. it is an 18+, mature lsrpg that will be focused on plot drops, character deaths, and rpg events. shurtugal is currently seeking two admins to assist with running the still veiled main.
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Lisbeth est la sœur de Sayanel, à qui il n'a pas parlé depuis une dizaine d'années. Rapports tendus et possibles orages à venir, il ferait pourtant tout ce qu'il peut pour sortir sa sœur de sa situation actuelle, de cette ancienne relation qui la met en danger.
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Gladiator Heroes Hack
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Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Magic: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014.
Check PlayStation 3 cheats for this game
Genre: Role-Playing, Third-Person 2D Action RPG
Developer: Stainless Steel Studios
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
ESRB Rating: Teen
Release Date: June 26, 2013
Currently we have no tips for Magic: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Magic: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Title Unlocks
Alara Champion : Defeat every node on Alara.
Auramancer : Control a creature enchanted with three Auras you own.
Demonic Master : Control five Demons.
Herald of Angels : Have five Angels enter the battlefield under your controlduring a game.
Innistrad Champion : Defeat every node on Innistrad.
Lord of Leviathans : In a duel, control creatures with a combined power of50.
Mage of Alabaster : Your favorite color is white.
Mage of Azure : Your favorite color is blue.
Mage of Crimson : Your favorite color is red.
Mage of Jade : Your favorite color is green.
Mage of Onyx : Your favorite color is black.
Master of the Planes : Complete the single-player campaign.
Necromancer : Control thirteen Zombies.
Phantom Mage : Win a game controlling only Illusions.
Puppet Master : Control a creature an opponent owns.
Ravnica Champion : Defeat every node on Ravnica.
Shandalar Champion : Defeat every node on Shandalar.
Sliver Hivelord : Win a game with the Sliver Hive deck.
Spellslinger : In a duel, use spells to deal 20 damage to your opponent.
The Annihilator : Cause an opponent to sacrifice five permanents in a singleduel.
Zendikar Champion : Defeat every node on Zendikar.
Promotional Unlock Codes
Promo Card #01 : Enter GKSNDR
Promo Card #02 : Enter DWNNDR
Promo Card #03 : Enter FTHPTH
Promo Card #04 : Enter TRCKSC
Promo Card #05 : Enter PRSTTT
Promo Card #06 : Enter RSNGSN
Promo Card #07 : Enter XBXBDZ
Promo Card #08 : Enter PXPRMD
Promo Card #09 : Enter MGCCTN
Promo Card #10 : Enter JRHPRD
Masks Of The Dimir
Archaeomancer : 18th win
Archaeomancer : 9th win
Avatar of Will : 20th win
Consult the Necrosages : 11th win
Countersquall : 29th win
Diluvian Primordial : 26th win
Dinrova Horror : 28th win
Dire Undercurrents : 14th win
Doomsday Specter : 30th win
Evil Twin : 10th win
Fool’s Demise : 17th win
Guardian of the Ages : 19th win
Hands of Binding : 24th win
Illusionary Armor : 13th win
Illusionary Armor : 4th win
Lobotomy : 15th win
Lobotomy : 2nd win
Mark of the Vampire : 6th win
Mental Vapors : 25th win
Mindleech Mass : 1st win
Ravenous Rats : 3rd win
Shadow Slice : 22nd win
Slate Street Ruffian : 21st win
Sleep : 5th win
Smog Elemental : 23rd win
Stolen Identity : 27th win
Threads of Disloyalty : 7th win
Threads of Disloyalty : 16th win
Treasure Hunt : 8th win
Vengeful Vampire : 12th win
Deck Awards: Sliver Hive
Armageddon : 12th win
Armageddon : 22nd win
Battle Sliver : 4th win
Bifurcate : 23rd win
Bifurcate : 7th win
Blur Sliver : 14th win
Bonescythe Sliver : 6th win
Faith’s Fetters : 26th win
Faith’s Fetters : 5th win
Faith’s Fetters : 17th win
Fiery Justice : 25th win
Fiery Justice : 3rd win
Indestructibility : 21st win
Indestructibility : 2nd win
Indestructibility : 9th win
Lifeline : 18th win
Lifeline : 27th win
Lifeline : 13th win
Megantic Sliver : 1st win
Mirror Entity : 19th win
Path to Exile : 11th win
Predatory Sliver : 8th win
Savage Beating : 28th win
Shared Animosity : 10th win
Survival of the Fittest : 20th win
Thorncaster Sliver : 16th win
Titanic Ultimatum : 30th win
Unflinching Courage : 24th win
Wild Pair : 15th win
Wild Pair : 29th win
Deck Awards: Mind Maze
Æther Figment : 5th win
Æther Figment : 13th win
Ætherplasm : 27th win
Cancel : 2nd win
Chronozoa : 10th win
Counterspell : 28th win
Draining Whelk : 11th win
Gossamer Phantasm : 4th win
Halcyon Glaze : 19th win
Halcyon Glaze : 8th win
Illusory Angel : 25th win
Incursion Specialist : 24th win
Krovikan Mist : 20th win
Leyline Phantom : 23rd win
Lord of the Unreal : 9th win
Lord of the Unreal : 14th win
Lord of the Unreal : 17th win
Lord of the Unreal : 1st win
Omniscience : 30th win
Ovinize : 21st win
Ovinize : 29th win
Pantasmal Image : 7th win
Phantasmal Image : 16th win
Phantasmal Image : 12th win
Twincast : 22nd win
Unsummon : 3rd win
Unsummon : 18th win
Veiled Sentry : 15th win
Veiled Sentry : 6th win
Wistful Thinking : 26th win
Deck Awards: Hunter’s Strength
Beastmaster Ascension : 26th win
Bellowing Tanglewurm : 27th win
Biorhythm : 25th win
Bramblebrush : 19th win
Brawn : 22nd win
Craterhoof Behemoth : 30th win
Elephant Guide : 16th win
Enlarge : 7th win
Eternal Witness : 9th win
Eternal Witness : 15th win
Fangren Firstborn : 23rd win
Leatherback Baloth : 8th win
Living Hive : 12th win
Master of the Wild Hunt : 1st win
Nature’s Lore : 29th win
Nature’s Lore : 21st win
Overrun : 6th win
Overwhelming Stampede : 24th win
Predator Ooze : 11th win
Prey Upon : 18th win
Primalcrux : 10th win
Rampaging Baloth : 20th win
Rancor : 5th win
Rancor : 17th win
Rancor : 28th win
Regal Force : 14th win
Revive : 4th win
Savage Summoning : 13th win
Staff of the Wild Magus : 3rd win
Wurmskin Forger : 2nd win
Deck Awards: Guardians Of Light
Angelic Destiny : 10th win
Armored Ascension : 25th win
Armored Ascension : 7th win
Aura of Silence : 19th win
Auratouched Mage : 4th win
Concerted Effort : 30th win
Daybreak Coronet : 16th win
Divine Deflection : 29th win
Divine Favor : 2nd win
Divine Favor : 12th win
Evangelize : 21st win
Final Judgment : 20th win
Guardian’s Magemark : 13th win
Guardian’s Magemark : 27th win
Idyllic Tutor : 23rd win
Idyllic Tutor : 17th win
Kor Spiritdancer : 8th win
Kor Spiritdancer : 28th win
Mesa Enchantress : 14th win
Mesa Enchantress : 5th win
Pacifism : 18th win
Pacifism : 6th win
Pariah : 22nd win
Retether : 26th win
Seasoned Marshal : 3rd win
Seraph of the Sword : 11th win
Sigil of the Empty Throne : 1st win
Three Dreams : 9th win
Totem-Guide Hartebeest : 15th win
Unquestioned Authority : 24th win
Deck Awards: Firewave
Browbeat : 18th win
Chandra’s Spitfire : 20th win
Disintegrate : 21st win
Final Fortune : 26th win
Final Fortune : 22nd win
Fire Servant : 24th win
Fire Servant : 5th win
Fireshrieker : 8th win
Fireshrieker : 29th win
Fireshrieker : 16th win
Flame Slash : 19th win
Flamebreak : 6th win
Flames of the Firebrand : 17th win
Furnace of Rath : 9th win
Grim Lavamancer : 14th win
Grim Lavamancer : 7th win
Hostility : 30th win
Inferno : 1st win
Inferno Titan : 10th win
Kiln Fiend : 13th win
Kiln Fiend : 4th win
Kiln Fiend : 23rd win
Lava Axe : 2nd win
Reverberate : 25th win
Seismic Assault : 12th win
Staff of the Flame Magus : 3rd win
Stalking Vengeance : 28th win
Sulfuric Vortex : 15th win
Sulfurice Vortex : 27th win
Wild Guess : 11th win
Deck Awards: Enter The Dracomancer
Artifact Mutation : 27th win
Banefire : 23rd win
Bloodbraid Elf : 24th win
Borderland Ranger : 4th win
Broodmate Dragon : 20th win
Consume Strength : 21st win
Crucible of Fire : 13th win
Crucible of Fire : 6th win
Dragon Breath : 19th win
Dragon Broodmother : 30th win
Dragon Fangs : 3rd win
Dragon Roost : 11th win
Dragonlair Spider : 25th win
Dragonspeaker Shaman : 16th win
Dragonspeaker Shaman : 12th win
Form of the Dragon : 1st win
Hellkite Hatchling : 8th win
Jund Battlemage : 15th win
Kaarthus, Tyrant of Jund : 10th win
Maelstrom Pulse : 17th win
Maelstrom Pulse : 9th win
Maelstrom Pulse : 28th win
Ogre Battledriver : 18th win
Penumbra Wurm : 29th win
Predator Dragon : 7th win
Sangrite Surge : 5th win
Spellbreaker Behemoth : 26th win
Torrent of Fire : 14th win
Torrent of Fire : 2nd win
Torrent of Fire : 22nd win
Deck Awards: Deadwalkers
Consuming Vapor : 27th win
Corrupt : 13th win
Corrupt : 18th win
Cruel Revival : 4th win
Death Baron : 30th win
Death Cloud : 26th win
Endless Ranks of the Dead : 9th win
Exhume : 23rd win
Farbog Boneflinger : 5th win
Geralf’s Messenger : 16th win
Geralf’s Messenger : 7th win
Grave Betrayal : 28th win
Grave Pact : 22nd win
Gravecrawler : 11th win
Gravecrawler : 6th win
Lord of the Undead : 19th win
Lord of the Undead : 8th win
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed : 10th win
Mutilate : 24th win
Nightmare : 15th win
Quest for the Gravelord : 17th win
Reanimate : 14th win
Rise of the Dark Realms : 20th win
Shrivel : 2nd win
Staff of the Death Magus : 12th win
Undead Warchief : 29th win
Undead Warchief : 21st win
Vampric Tutor : 25th win
Vial of Poison : 3rd win
Zombie Apocalypse : 1st win
Deck Awards: Chant Of Mul Daya
Artisan of Kozilek : 16th win
Bountiful Harvest : 2nd win
Bountiful Harvest : 13th win
Eldrazi Conscription : 7th win
Elvish Piper : 25th win
Elvish Piper : 20th win
Exploration : 29th win
Exploration : 22nd win
Explore : 5th win
Eye of Ugin : 12th win
Fierce Empath : 9th win
Green Sun’s Zenith : 11th win
Into the Wilds : 4th win
Oracle of Mul Daya : 6th win
Pelakka Wurm : 17th win
Plow Under : 27th win
Primeval Titan : 1st win
Rites of Flourishing : 15th win
Rites of Flourishing : 14th win
Scute Mob : 10th win
Summoning Trap : 26th win
Tangle : 24th win
Tangle : 21st win
Terastodon : 8th win
Terastodon : 28th win
Tooth and Nail : 30th win
Vengevine : 19th win
Vigor : 23rd win
Woodborn Behemoth : 18th win
Woodborn Behemoth : 3rd win
Deck Awards: Avacyn’s Glory
Angel’s Mercy : 2nd win
Angelic Overseer : 9th win
Avacyn, Angel of Hope : 10th win
Baneslayer Angel : 16th win
Bonds of Faith : 18th win
Champion of the Parish : 12th win
Champion of the Parish : 6th win
Deathless Angel : 26th win
Devout Invocation : 20th win
Elite Inquisitor : 25th win
Fiend Hunter : 15th win
Gather the Townsfolk : 4th win
Grand Abolisher : 22nd win
Hallowed Burial : 24th win
Honor of the Pure : 5th win
Increasing Devotion : 19th win
Martyr’s Bond : 27th win
Mentor of the Meek : 14th win
Mikaus, the Lunarch : 1st win
Restoration Angel : 23rd win
Ring of Three Wishes : 13th win
Seraph of Dawn : 17th win
Seraph of Dawn : 3rd win
Seraph of Dawn : 7th win
Soul Warden : 21st win
Soul Warden : 29th win
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben : 11th win
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben : 28th win
Thraben Doomsayer : 8th win
Twilight Shepherd : 30th win
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Magic: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Magic: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Trophy List
Acquire the Sliver Fossil – Defeat the “Sliver Hive” deck in campaign mode. – Bronze
Burn Monster, Burn! – Lose the ‘Angry Mob’ encounter. – Bronze
Chandra’s Ally – Defeat Ramaz. – Gold
Defeat Ramaz’s Ally – Defeat the “Chant of Mul Daya” deck in campaign mode. – Bronze
Flawless Victory – Win a game without losing any life. – Bronze
In it to Win – Win 25 games. – Bronze
Lord of Foriys – Win a Two-Headed Giant game. – Bronze
Maestro of Sealed – Complete the Sealed campaign. – Silver
Masterful Strategist – Win a Multiplayer game. – Bronze
Recover the Scrying Shard – Defeat the “Enter the Dracomancer” deck in campaign mode. – Bronze
Sealed the Deal – Win a Sealed game. – Bronze
Secrets of the Dimir – Defeat the “Masks of the Dimir” deck in campaign mode. – Bronze
Skilled Tactician – Solve a Challenge. – Bronze
Spellbook Complete – Fully unlock one deck. – Bronze
Worthy Adversary – Defeat the “Avacyn’s Glory” deck in campaign mode. – Bronze
0 notes