#criminal mindsfic
Retaliation: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: Everyone can see just how much you're suffering, Spencer more than most. When he confesses to the team about your nightmares, Derek takes matters into his own hands.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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News of another murder comes in at the house that belonged to Dan Otey so your entire team heads over there immediately. The only people left behind by the crime are Dan's wife and son who are upstairs. Dan is dead on the ground downstairs, and Schrader and his partner are long gone.
You turn to the front door and see Dale and his partner come in. You can't get much out of the partner but you know it's a man with brown hair. Dan and his wife are trying to protect his crying son but they ordered her and the son upstairs. The partner goes up there to make sure they are taken care of while Dale shoots Dan downstairs. God, will you ever be able to escape this feeling? Will you ever not take other people's pain and think it's your own?
"His wife and son were home," JJ whispers. "The partner took them upstairs while Schrader destroyed the place. Emily is with the wife right now."
You walk upstairs and stay outside the bedroom door where Dan's wife is. You don't make yourself known but you're close enough to hear their conversation.
"Dan had turned everything around. He was clean. Life was finally good, but I was always afraid to believe it, you know? Because then he could be taken away."
"I'm so sorry for your loss. Did you get a good look at the man Dale was with?"
"Uh, white, mid-forties, short hair? I don't know," she sighs.
"Have you ever seen him before?"
"Dale, yes. The other guy, no."
"We're trying to figure out how Schrader knows his partner."
"I have no idea."
"How did they talk to each other?"
"They didn't. Dale trashed the place and the other guy took us upstairs. He kept pushing me and Jason. I didn't know what was gonna happen," she sniffles.
"Did he hurt you?"
"He just scared us. He locked us in the back room and told us to shut up. Jason wouldn't stop crying."
You stare at the wall in front of you and let the tears fall down your cheeks. God, you hate crying. You wish you never had this gift. It's two AM by the time you get back to the station. Derek is in one of the empty office rooms talking on the phone so you gather with the rest of the team to talk about the case.
"Schrader gets off on power. Power, money, and revenge are what motivate him. He spent eleven years in prison and comes out as a murderer who needs a partner, somebody as bold as him. Where did they meet?"
"Schrader was away and patient. The minute he got out, he hooked up with his partner before killing Stacy on his way to kidnap his daughter. What's missing from his day?"
"The money," you say quietly. "He took his daughter but left the money. It doesn't make sense. Did he have another plan on how to support himself in Canada?"
"He's only known a life of crime. He's incapable of change. Time away proved that," Spencer says.
"Otey's wide said the partner locked them away like he didn't want them to get hurt. He was protective."
"They're both dominant personalities, but they sound like they played good cop/bad cop. It's been four hours since the accident. Do you still think I'm in shock?"
"Let's find out. Y/N, would you do the honors of giving a cognitive interview?"
"Sure," you mutter and get up.
You bring Emily to an empty office to give yourself some peace and privacy.
"Are you doing okay?"
"Fine. Let's just focus on you."
"Emily, drop it. I am not talking about this with you. Okay?" She nods and you grab her hands so you can focus on her energy and her experience. You'd rather be alone right now but you're the only one who can see clearly what happened. "Start from the beginning. Just talk about it and I'll pull what I need."
She begins the story of what happened and you use her energy and words to paint yourself a pretty picture. You close your eyes and picture yourself in the backseat of the car, next to Schrader.
Emily was in the passenger seat and Bunting was driving the car. The road was dark and lonely but that didn't stop Schrader from yapping his mouth the whole time. One small four-door black car passes by and he's looking out the window as if he is looking or waiting for someone.
Another car passes by them but this time, it's a big truck. It looks like a worker's truck with yellow lights attached to the top, only they were off. As soon as the truck passes by, Schrader takes off his seatbelt. He bends over as if he is sick and lifts himself out of the seat to pull his arms under himself so he can get his cuffed hands to the front and not the back.
Emily thinks he's actually sick but she can't see what you can see. When Schrader gets his hands in the front, he puts his seatbelt back on. Suddenly, the worker's truck from before comes crashing into the side of the car where Bunting is.
The car flips multiple times down the ditch where Derek found the car. Emily is pretty out of it but Schrader leans over and wraps his cuffed hands around Bunting's neck and starts to strangle him. Once Bunting is dead, he climbs over the seat and fishes for the keys in Emily's pockets, but she is too dazed and hurt to do anything about it.
Someone comes from the truck and Emily believes it's someone coming to help. However, he opens Schrader's door and helps him out, saving him. His partner. No matter how hard you try, you can't put a face to the partner. All you know is that he's a white man wearing jeans and boots.
They struggle for a bit and you know it's because Schrader wants to kill Emily. She knows there is a partner. She's seen both of their faces, but the partner won't allow it. He drags Schrader away before anything else can happen. That's when she gets out and crawls to the street where Derek intercepts her.
You let go of Emily's hands and take a step back from her to collect yourself. She looks tired from having to relive that but she'll be fine. You leave the room and address the team, telling them everything you saw.
"The partner took Otey's family upstairs and protected them from Schrader, just like he did with Emily," you finish.
"Do we really think a good guy hooked up with a criminal like Dale Schrader?"
"Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?"
You look back and see Derek in the empty office where he was making his phone call. You leave the group and join him inside, and he closes the door behind you.
"Am I in trouble?"
"No. I'm not going to beat around the bush here. I know you're not okay even though you say you are."
"Derek, can we do this some other time? Or never, I prefer."
"Y/N." It's the way he says your name so softly that makes you shut up and willing to hear him out. "I've noticed you're spaced out a lot, distracted, and anxious. I know what happened at the house of our last case. I see it here. You're terrified. You're living in fear." 
You can't say anything because you know it's true.
"What's your point, Derek?"
"Look, prison changes people whether you're in there for years or two and a half months." Again, you can't say anything about that. "You don't have to talk to me about this but you will talk to someone."
"What do you mean?"
Derek hands you a paper with people's names and phone numbers on it.
"Those are therapists the FBI are willing to send you to to help you out. You can choose who you go to."
"I'm fine--"
"No, you're not. You'll have weekly sessions until the therapist deems you okay."
"Derek!" He only shrugs in response. "You're really forcing me to go to therapy?"
"No, I'm not forcing you to do anything, but you'll go if you want to keep your job."
He leaves the office and you look at the paper in your hands. You scoff angrily and watch him talk to the team as if he didn't just order you to go back to a different kind of prison. This time, it's an emotional one.
By the time six AM rolls around, you're not any closer to figuring out who the partner is or where Schrader might be. You're on your fifth cup of coffee while everyone else is having their second. You might be killing yourself with the caffeine but you need it if you're going to stay awake.
"So, how did Schrader get this guy to sign on?" Derek asks.
"Good people do bad things. I'm just saying, it happens."
"Maybe, but this partner wouldn't let me die. He protected Otey's family. On the same day, he helped a convicted felon escape custody. His loyalties are all over the place," Emily sighs.
"The guy sounds desperate. Maybe he needs some money. I mean, Schrader's got a lot of it still out there. He could have promised him a cut."
"I don't know," Emily disagrees. "He's an accomplice to three murders and a kidnapping. Is there enough money out there for you to sign on to something like that? I think it's something bigger than the money. Maybe Schrader's threatening him. Whatever it is, it'd have to be big."
What's the point of discussing with the team anymore? What's the point of anything? You're too tired to think so you're too tired to actively engage with anyone on the team. You'll do what you can to help but you'll need to be told what to do instead of taking initiative which you used to have.
"We caught Schrader because he kidnapped his daughter. He was emotional and his guard was down. Clearly, family means more to him than we thought. Schrader's ex-wife forced him to give up custody of Jenny. Maybe he wants this guy to know what it feels like to lose his family, too."
"It sounds like revenge to me."
"Maybe it is."
"Do we have anything on Schrader's case? Any potential victims?" JJ asks when she walks into the station after getting some sleep.
"The usual--judges and lawyers."
"They're all accounted for this morning," Derek says.
"If it's revenge, then it's gotta be someone who put him away. If it's not the officers who put him away or the judge who sentenced him, then who is it?"
Hotch gets Penelope on the phone.
"Garcia, I need the names of every law enforcement agent Involved in the Schrader case."
"You know everybody."
"Yeah, but I want every single employee the year that he was arrested."
"Give me a minute."
"A whole minute? Come on, baby girl, are you losing your touch?" Derek grins.
"Oh, watch your pretty mouth. Personnel records come at you now."
Maybe Schrader is using someone on the police force as his partner, someone he is threatening.
"Who is still active?"
"Would he risk using an active officer?"
"Depends on how much he hates them. Has anyone retired?"
"Two of them. Mat Massey and Jeff Messick. Both are married with kids, white, and in their fifties," Spencer reads from the file Pen sent over.
Why are you even here? There is nothing stopping you from getting up, walking out of this building, and never returning. Wait, there is one. Spencer. He's been so kind and good to you. You could never leave him no matter what you're going through.
"Can I see those pictures?" Emily asks. She shakes her head when she doesn't recognize either of them. "They aren't the partner. Why wouldn't he go after one of the officers who arrested him? It makes the most sense for revenge."
"Wait a minute, guys, listen to this," Derek says. "There was a witness who never testified on Schrader's behalf. He might have seen that as a betrayal. When he gets out of prison, he can use him to get what he wants. Garcia, I want you to run a history on a witness from the Schrader case, Joey Short."
"Alright, Joey was born in 1966 in New York City. He didn't hold a lot of jobs except for in construction. He was in and out of rehab."
"Where is he now?"
"His last known address was ten years ago."
"Did he do time?"
"Come on, Garcia. People don't just disappear. This guy's got a history with a lot of holes in it. He went to rehab. You know, maybe this guy had to walk the walk."
"He was undercover," Hotch says.
"That makes sense. Those guys are up for anything, and they take big risks professionally and personally. It explains his behavior, too. Good guy doing bad things."
"Garcia, what's his real name?"
"It's not here," she says after a few seconds.
"If Schrader can find it, so can we. The guy needed to be Schrader's friend so they're probably around the same age. Look for academy graduates in the early nineties. Did any of them not go into police work?"
"Baby, I don't follow you," Penelope frowns.
"If he went undercover, then anything tied to the academy would have to be severed. I mean, the guy graduated but had to immediately start working his history as Joey Short. He went into construction, made his contacts in the bank robbery world, and then he met Schrader. He earned Schrader's trust, turned him in, and got out of the game."
Penelope works quickly through the list of men that fit the description Derek gave.
"Okay, here are a couple of guys that look like they dropped out."
"Are there pictures?" Emily asks.
"Sending them to you now."
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