#criminal minds fan ficion
thorne93 · 8 years
Fox the Fox (Part 2)
Prompt: Reader starts her job at the BAU, but her young associate and her have a chemistry they can’t deny; but will the fates let them be together?
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: language, mention of violence probably
Word Count: 1661
Note: First whack at a dedicated Criminal Minds fic. A huge thanks to my beta @like-a-bag-of-potatoes I couldn’t have done this without her. Thank you all for reading!!
Song: Roses - The Chainsmokers
The following morning at the office, you began filling out the report at your cubicle across from Spencer, his eyes lingering on you longer than socially acceptable. You saw it out of the corner of your eye and pretended not to notice all morning. At one point, you went to refill your coffee while he was at the coffee station as well.
“Hi!” you said cheerfully as you came up.
He turned to greet you but his hand accidentally knocked over the sugar onto the floor.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he said as he bent down to pick it up, muttering something about making a mess. “Hope you don’t like too much sugar, since most of it’s on the floor now,” he informed, his mouth turning down on one side as he eyed the white granules on the carpet.
“I’m sure whatever’s left will be sweet enough for me,” you dismissed sweetly, reaching past him, your proximity getting closer to him. You didn’t mean to be that close to him, but you were reaching around him to get a coffee pod and you could feel his body stiffen, his breathing halt. You assessed the reaction for a moment, but dismissed it as him being uncomfortable with physical contact.
Morgan came up to fill up his cup as well when Spencer began to explain something about coffee and sugar.
“You know, the Mayans believed coffee was better than sex and it was actually the Columbians who started to sweeten coffee. They felt it was a delicacy, if you will,” he explained excitedly.
You were riveted but Morgan scoffed lightly.
“Thanks, kid, real interesting,” he teased as he shook his head, rolled his eyes, and started to walk away with a small smile on his face. Spencer’s face seemed to fall slightly, and you could tell just from the two days with him that he loved to rattle off facts but unless it had to do with a case, no one was interested.
As you stirred your coffee, you quietly said, “I didn’t know that. That’s fascinating.”
“Really?” Spencer questioned as he turned to you. “Most people here find my facts rather trying at times.”
You smiled gently to yourself. “I’ve noticed. But I like being informed and educated, if they don’t like that, that’s their loss. You can educate me whenever you want.”
You picked up your coffee and walked away.
As the day progressed, Spencer’s gazes were getting longer and more frequent. You noticed when he spoke to you, his speech pattern changed - it was more rushed and he tried to use words that weren’t in his usual vocabulary otherwise. He seemed almost as if he was trying to impress you, but was nervous in doing so. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say Spencer had a budding crush on you...
The next day, while you and the team were eating lunch around your desks while working, idle chit chat was circulating. They were getting to know you and so far everyone seemed to like you just fine. The feeling was mutual. Emily was a strong, independent woman and you absolutely supported that. Gideon was quiet, reserved, pensive, you felt like you shared a lot with him. Hotch was a little...stiff for you, but a great man nonetheless. Morgan was a good agent and he was nice and easy going, so you got along alright with him. Then there was Spencer, of course. You couldn’t quite pin how you felt about him. He was a great person, obviously, but something else about him stood out to you.
“Ugh, I just found out yesterday I have to go to my cousin’s wedding in a month,” Spencer explained with distaste.
“What’s wrong, don’t you like your cousin?” Emily asked as she looked up to him.
“She’s great. It’s that I’ll have to dance with her.”
“You don’t like dancing?” Morgan questioned before taking a bite of his sandwich.
“I don’t know how,” Spencer admitted, his eyes shifting to Morgan.
“Oh, the great brain doesn’t know something?” Morgan questioned with a smile.
“I know how to dance, but executing it is entirely different. Did you know that the waltz, originally derived in the 13th century, was revised later in Vienna? It actually caused a lot of controversy and scandal, because prior to it, men and women hardly ever danced together, and when they did it was rigid and they barely touched,” he informed animatedly and your giant grin betrayed you.
You cleared your throat and added, “And the waltz is in ¾ timing, rather than 4/4 like virtually every other dance.”
Spencer’s eyes shifted to you, his mouth opening slightly, as if to say something then he just closed it and narrowed his eyes, looking down.
“Right. Well, either way, I guess I’ll have to go get dance lessons. Joy,” he said, raising his eyebrows and pursing his lips, a habit of his when he was unhappy or unsure of something.
“I could teach you,” you offered without hesitation or thought.
“You know how to dance?” Spencer questioned as the team’s eyes floated to you.
“Yes, believe it or not I was in ballet, tap, and took several dance lessons.”
“I’d appreciate that, thank you,” Spencer said.
“Sure thing. We can practice three times a week, how does that sound?”
The glances from the other’s in the office to each other wasn’t well hidden from your observant eyes but you kept to yourself.
Later that night, just before everyone was leaving, you stopped Spencer.
“Hey, would you want to start the practice tonight?” you questioned, standing from your desk.
He glanced around the room for a second then replied, “Yeah, sure, that’d be fine. We can go to the conference room, it has a lot of open space.”
He led you through the building to one floor above yours to the large conference room. Together you moved the table to the farthest corner, then walked up to him.
“Okay, Spencer, what do you know about the waltz?”
“Everything,” he said quickly before you cocked an eyebrow. “I know the steps and the history of it, if that helps.”
“It does. Okay, so first let’s get the steps down then we’ll add music. I find that music on your first time is too much pressure to keep with the timing,” you said, thinking like a teacher.
“Whatever you say, Y/N,” he said joyfully as he stood there awaiting your instruction.
“Okay, put your right hand here on my back,” you instructed, grabbing his hand and putting it right underneath your shoulder, suppressing the feeling you got from it. He’s a coworker, you reminded yourself. “Now, take my hand in yours, like this.” You grabbed his free hand and held it up in the correct form. “Now make sure this is tight. It shouldn’t waiver, or be soft. We are one form that is solid so if I push--” you pushed his arm and his arm moved with it “--good! Just like that. The point is so neither one of us are slacking in form. Now, I’ll put my other hand on your shoulder. Remember to keep our hands about eye level. Am I going too fast?” you suddenly asked, realizing this was a lot.
“Trust me, I can keep up,” he informed softly.
“Good. Now, looking down while dancing is wrong and frowned upon, but for your first time, look down. Okay now, as the woman, I’ll step back on my right foot as so--” You stepped back and he didn’t move. “Now move your left foot with mine.” He did as instructed. “Great! Now the other foot…” you stepped back and he followed. “Excellent. So we’re going to go back, then side, together, and keep repeating that.”
For the first bit it felt like you were leading him, but after one time around the floor, he picked it up and was leading expertly. You had to remind him only once to keep the form firm and then he got it.
“Great! Now let’s add some music so you get used to the timing.” Regretfully, you broke apart and went to grab your phone. You opened your music app and found Blue Danube by Johann Strauss and played it. Running back to Spencer, you got back in formation, holding each other’s eyes as you danced gracefully across the floor.
“Very good,” you complimented once the song ended. Then added, “Would you like to learn how to twirl or no?”
“I’m willing to learn whatever you’ve got to offer,” he said with a patient smile.
“Okay, the twirl is really easy for you, all you’re going to do is hold your hand up, like a ceiling.” You pulled his left hand up and held it there as you slowly twirled underneath.
“What do I do?” he questioned.
“You just stand there and look pretty,” you joked with a laugh and a smile. “See, you’re the woman’s framing device. All eyes will be on her, and you’re simply there to put her on display, show her off, frame her.”
“I can believe that,” he said as he stared at you, his pupils dilating.
You stared at each other for another moment before you said, “Again?”
“Sure, one more time, then I’ve got to get home.”
You nodded as you reassumed the position and did one twirl, very successfully. You’d taught a few men to dance before but with Spencer, he picked things up so quickly, he did everything expertly after a few seconds of knowing what to do.
You said goodnight to each other and went home, your theory of his crush solidifying as he slightly blushed when he left. Knowing Spencer had a crush on you was incredibly flattering and endearing. He was renowned, intelligent, confident, reserved...What could he see in you? Probably a lot considering he profiles people for a living. You smirked to yourself before getting in your car.
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