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hotchner-edu · 8 months ago
Eyes Don't Lie | Aaron Hotchner
Synopsis: The one where you think you’re being slick about your crush on Aaron (spoiler: you’re not.)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x BAU!sunshine!reader
Warnings: fluff, Aaron's arms, drinking
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You remember it all too clearly, the day you got the highly coveted profiler position in the BAU. Not because you actually managed to get the job, that was secondary, but because the man who interviewed you was possibly the most gorgeous human you'd ever laid eyes on.
And now that very same man was your unit chief. Unbending in his resolve and ever self-assured, you stood absolutely no chance. You still had trouble recalling how you even answered the interview questions back then, only remembering how your mind spun the longer you stared at him.
When you joined the team, the overflowing abundance of joy and sunshine tying them together (thanks to one Penelope Garcia) seemed to fly into overdrive.
The team never let you forget just how much they adored your smiley nature, grateful for your constant comforting presence. Although they all absolutely loved Penelope, she was usually stationed back in her lair when the team had to fly to different places, and the effects of heavy cases weighed on them during those days.
That seemed to change when you were roped into the team, always keeping someone company and trying to alleviate their stress.
Never with Aaron though.
You seemed to malfunction every time he was alone with you, and that often led you to scurry off, your school girl crush festering deeper in your heart.
"Good morning, sunshine." Derek's voice meets your ears as he enters the precinct, dropping a kiss to the top of your head as he sits beside you.
"Good morning!" You chirp with a grin, sorting out the papers in front of you— all ransom notes that had been left by the unsub for his victims' parents. All starting with demands for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and all ending with half-buried bodies.
Derek glances at the papers for a moment before directing his attention to Spencer who was staring at the whiteboard in front of him. "Any luck with the geographical profile, Reid?"
"Working on it..." Spencer mumbles under his breath, the precursor to his flow state. Yeah, he would figure it out in no time.
Your attention is averted to the entrance of the meeting room when Emily strolls in with both her coffee and yours in her hands. "Early start today... again." She grumbles playfully and smiles as she hands you your cup.
"At least we all seem to be energized today." You smile brightly in gratitude, bringing the cup to your lips so you could blow on it.
Emily nods and plops down across from you. "Yeah, and it seems like our guy is in no rush." She huffs and frowns a bit as she addresses the three of you guys. "Lisa's parents haven't gotten a second ransom note yet."
Your eyebrows furrow at the news. Lisa Thomas was the unsub's latest victim, having been snatched almost three days prior.
"He's breaking pattern?" You ask in disbelief, frowning as you think.
"Or he's found what he was looking for." Aaron's smooth voice flows into the room and you instinctively stiffen up, posture suddenly pin-straight. "Good morning." He nods to all of you.
You miss the amused look Derek and Emily share as your eyes flicker to Aaron's figure as he strolls towards the table. He was in his usual suit, bringing his arm up to check his watch for a moment, the action drawing your gaze to his hands.
Your voice dies a little in your throat and Aaron's eyes find yours, softening a bit.
Emily swoops in and jumps off of his suggestion. "You think he's found the perfect opportunity from Lisa?"
Aaron debates this and spares a glance toward Spencer's motionless figure. "Her parents are the most affluent. It could be that he's planning out his next move to optimize monetary gain."
Still, that theory didn't seem right to you. It had to be something else. His ransom notes were vague, making steep demands that were undeniably impossible to meet in his given time window.
Besides, autopsy had told you all that he had killed the previous girls only hours after the ransom notes were estimated to have been delivered.
And then it hits you.
"He was practicing." You suddenly say, blushing sheepishly when you realize you said it louder than you intended.
Aaron looks back to you and gently asks, "Practicing?"
Willing every ounce of professionalism in your body to come together, you nod and glance toward Reid's map. "What if Lisa isn't just another one of his victims? What if she was the goal the entire time? He never intended on letting any of his previous captives live, that's why he never even went to pick up any ransom money that was offered."
Derek's eyes widen and he nods, the gears turning in his head. "Her background doesn't match his previous three victims then, but how?"
Spencer suddenly cuts in, having had an epiphany as he draws four circles around the map, three forming a triangle around the fourth circle. "Status. Lisa's family lives on the top of the estate hill."
"But the other three girls also came from wealthy backgrounds?" Emily asks, leaning forward in her seat.
"The hill is the status symbol... he's been targeting increasingly wealthy girls to test the limits, to see if he'd get caught." You say softly.
Reid nods and looks to you in an almost excited manner from the breakthrough. "We've been looking at this the wrong way. He's not trying to get ransom money, it's much more personal than that and he's trying to throw us off his trail."
"We need to interview the residents living at the bottom of the hill. Prentiss, pay the Thomas' another visit and ask them about anybody in their lives who they've casted aside that may have been personally involved with Lisa" Aaron says firmly, already reaching for his phone. He pauses before looking at you, face softening a bit. "Nice work."
Your eyes widen and you stutter out a surprised response. "I... thank you, sir."
Aaron looks like he wants to say something again, but he decides not to and spins on his heel to make some calls. Derek chuckles and shakes your shoulders. "Good job, sunshine. But you have got to stop making googly eyes at the boss man."
"I'm not making googly eyes!" You protest, ignoring your sweaty palms and racing heart.
Derek lifts his hands up in surrender, his smug grin unwavering. "Whatever you say."
It takes only half a day after your revelation to catch the unsub, a secret boyfriend of Lisa's who lived at the bottom of the hill. He had intended to take her and run away since her parents disapproved of their relationship, but he wasn't able to follow through with that plan because Lisa had found out about his penchant for murder and planned to turn him in.
"How scary." You sigh and frown a bit as the team packs up, ready to leave the precinct and get back on the jet.
"You're telling me. Killing innocent girls to try and hide your girlfriend's abduction is certainly..." Emily trails off with a flabbergasted look, not having a word to describe the situation.
"This is why I am never dating." You grumble, smiling when Emily gives you an eyebrow raise. "I mean it!"
"Sure, sweetheart. Don't think we forgot how you want to be Mrs. Unit Chief." Derek jokes, snickering as he slings his bag over his shoulder.
Emily nods in agreement and pats your arm fondly. "Steam practically erupts from your face whenever he's within a four feet radius of you, honey."
You gasp in denial and turn to Spencer. "Spence, I'm not like that, am I?"
Your friend perks up at the sudden question and blinks a couple of times. "Uhm... you kinda are." He says with a sheepish smile, hating to burst your bubble of delusion.
"Oh my god... I need a drink." You huff and sigh in defeat.
"Now that's something I can agree with." Derek chuckles and slings his arm around your shoulder. "Let's celebrate when we get back."
You throw your head back and sigh dramatically. "You guys totally suck by the way."
You try to avoid thinking of the matter in the coming days, becoming even more skittish around Aaron. Unbeknownst to you, your boss had long caught on to the crush you harbored for him, and was growing more impatient with your constant avoidance.
A week after you get back from the case, you're distracted by a sight in front of you that has you nearly drooling. Aaron is pacing in his office, blinds open, suit jacket off, with his arm muscles rippling as he adjusts the cuffs of his sleeves.
He's speaking into his phone, his signature frown painting his face.
Your chin is propped up against your hand as you watch him, a hint of wonder in your gaze as your paperwork is long forgotten about in front of you.
You're suddenly jolted out of your stupor when a pair of hands land on your shoulders. "What are we looking at, sunshine?" Derek's voice rings out by your ear as he follows your gaze with a chuckle. "That checks out."
"Here to torment me again, oh great one?" You joke and poke his ribs with your finger.
He shakes his head and moves his hand to rest on the back of your chair. "Maybe later. The team was planning on grabbing some drinks tonight, and you're coming."
"I have no say in this?" You ask and chuckle, smiling brightly at the prospect of having a fun night out with the team.
"Nope. Neither does the boss man." Derek grins mischievously as he glances towards Aaron's office.
Your eyes widen owlishly and you gape. "Wait, Hotch is coming too?"
He pats the back of your chair and smirks. "Yep! See you tonight, sweetheart. JJ's picking the place so make sure to check the groupchat." He says and walks off before you can get another word out.
Blinking slowly, your mind suddenly conjures up a mental image of your closet as you start debating on what to wear.
Meanwhile, across the bullpen, Hotch is speaking lowly into his phone as he suddenly feels very silly. "So?" He gruffly asks, eyes darting to his discarded jacket.
"What? You're telling me you couldn't feel the heart-shaped lasers coming your way?" Emily's voice rings out on the other side of the phone with an amused huff.
He sighs softly and frowns. He had no idea what the hell he was doing and why he even agreed to the the team's little scheme in the first place.
"Okay, I can hear you overthinking from here. Trust me, she was ogling you like no tomorrow. And she knows you're coming tonight, so wear something nice." She advises gently.
His frown deepens and he looks out of his office window and into the bullpen, seeing your frazzled figure deep in thought at your desk. "Yeah, like what?"
"You didn't hear this from me, but she likes your arms. Do what you will with that knowledge." Emily muses out lightly, recalling the time when you had practically gushed to her and JJ that Aaron wasn't in his suit for once when he came by to pick something up at his office.
Both her and JJ figured out pretty quickly that you were raving about it because of his exposed arms as you kept circling back to how muscular they looked.
Emily felt a bit guilty for tipping Hotch off about that, but she could ask for your forgiveness at a later date.
Later that night, you're contemplating faking a flat tire to get out of the get-together, but Aaron being the kind of person he is, would likely offer to come pick you up instead.
Seeing no escape, you decide to just toughen up and join in on the night of fun. You were dressing up a bit more than usual, and you decided to arrive fashionably late to avoid being paired off with your early-bird boss. You don't think you'd survive another embarrassing interaction with him.
It's a bit past nine by the time you arrive at the bar, most of your team already two shots of vodka deep. Waving at the group, you do a double take when you see Aaron sitting beside the only empty spot, sporting a navy polo shirt that hugged his biceps deliciously, two of the top buttons undone.
You pause in step for a second and nearly stumble into someone as your eyes are zeroed in on him. What the fuck was he wearing, and was he trying to kill you?
Regaining your bearings after a couple of seconds, you continue walking and smile softly.
"Hey guys..." You chuckle as Penelope gasps at the sight of you.
"Hot! Hot!" She squeals out and stands up, hugging you and looking at your outfit.
You smile brightly and shake your head. "Says you, beautiful! Also, are you already drunk?" You chuckle, knowing she could never pass up any kind of fruity margarita.
"Not yet! I was waiting for you!" She giggles excitedly and drags you closer to the table your team was occupying.
"Look who made it!" Derek calls out and grins, a half-empty glass of negroni in front of him.
You slowly shuffle toward the only vacant spot that was coincidentally beside Aaron, narrowing your eyes playfully at your beaming friend. "I knew you'd come kicking down my door if I didn't turn up."
Derek simply picks up his glass and cheers to your words, not even bothering to deny it. Shaking your head a bit, you place your bag in your lap and brave a glance at Aaron, plastering on a small smile when you meet his gaze.
"You look beautiful." Aaron says to you in a low voice, his entire attention focused on you.
"Oh, thank you, sir..." You say bashfully, eyes scanning his face and dropping down to the pink cocktail JJ's sliding to you with a subtle wink.
Aaron tilts his head a smidge and smiles at you fondly. "How many times have I told you that you can just call me Aaron? Or Hotch, at the very least."
"Oh, right. Sorry, Aaron." You say a bit shyly, taking a sip from the cocktail and praying no one takes notice of your shaky hand. "Uhm... I'm surprised you came out tonight."
Aaron leans his elbows on the table, keeping his head turned to face you. It was sinful the way his muscles were flexing, and you really couldn't escape the sight of the defined veins running down his forearms.
His large, calloused hands kept calling for your attention and you could only force yourself to look away from them when he responded to you.
"Well, I thought it would nice to celebrate a bit."
You nod at his explanation and gaze at him. "You... you look really nice." Your voice is soft and barely audible over the booming laughter and upbeat music echoing around the bar.
Aaron seems pleased by your words, his eyes twinkling as he chuckles and smiles almost boyishly. "Thank you, sweetheart."
Your entire face blossoms with warmth as you hear the pet name, mouth parting a bit in surprise as you try to muster up a response. Luckily, you're saved when Penelope loudly announces that everyone is doing a round of shots, leaving no room for argument.
The rest of the night is filled with endless laughter and tall glasses of colorful cocktails, leading Penelope and Derek to quickly get tipsy, hitting the dance floor together before you're even through with your first drink. You and Aaron decide to opt out of drinking too much, with the man being completely sober by the time midnight rolls around.
It's not long before you find that your entire team, save for Aaron, are scattered around somewhere in the bar. You glance at the man and find him already gazing at you, expression soft and adoring. It was clear that he was growing a bit weary the longer the night dragged on, and you couldn't understand why he was forcing himself to stay.
"Are you the designated driver?" You ask and smile kindly at him, knowing everyone else on the team would be sloshed by the time they had the sense to call it a night.
Aaron nods and he leans a bit closer to you, shoulders sagging tiredly. "Seems like it." He pauses before sighing almost bashfully. "To be honest, I lied to you earlier about why I came out tonight."
"Huh, why?" You ask and tilt your head, your heart racing a bit as he licks his lips nervously.
"Because... Well, the reason I decided to come tonight was because of you." He states quietly, eyes gazing at you fondly. "I'm tired of waiting."
You stay silent, eyes wide as you try to process his words.
"May I kiss you?" He finally whispers, eyes flickering from yours and down to your lips.
Without hesitating, you surge forward and lock your lips with his, hands resting against his firm chest. Aaron reciprocates immediately, one of his hands moving to your waist while the other rests against the back of your head, gently keeping you close.
Kissing Aaron feels magnetic, every movement flowing into something more intense as neither of you can help but draw closer to one another. His hand squeezes your waist as his nose nudges against yours, his lips relentless in their pursuit of yours.
When you finally pull back a little for air, you grow a bit shy as you see the string of saliva between you both.
"I like you." You whisper, hands rubbing against the material of his polo shirt.
He chuckles breathlessly and pulls you closer to him by your hip. "I like you too, honey." His arm wraps around you and your eyes close instinctively, feeling yourself becoming addicted to his lips already.
Neither of you see your team members cheering from across the bar as they see Aaron dive in for more kisses from you, movements akin to that of a starved man.
When they finally stumble back to the table a mere ten minutes later, no one says anything for a second as they all realize you're both long gone.
Emily groans softly and plops down in one of the chairs. "Did Hotch forget he was our ride home?"
Derek grunts and picks up a pink sticky note on the table, your penmanship a bit sloppy as if you had written on it in a rush.
'Called cabs for you guys! JJ, I called Will. Text us when you guys get home safely x'
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lillyrob · 6 months ago
Actual footage of me patently waiting for my favorite author to upload😫😫😫
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hoe4hotchner · 3 months ago
Can you write a story where the reader, a BAU member, is on maternity leave after she and Aaron just had a baby? One day, she goes to the office to bring their daughter to visit Aaron, only to find him in the bullpen with the agent who replaced her while she’s been on leave. The replacement has a crush on Aaron and doesn’t know that he’s married to the reader. The replacement becomes jealous when she sees how much attention Aaron is giving their daughter and confronts the reader, but Aaron gets angry and ends up firing her."
Family first | [A.H]
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader | WC: 1.1k | CW: Fluff, mom!reader, they have a daugther, bitch of a replacement coworker who doesn't know her place.
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As you stepped into the all too familiar bullpen you were met with the usual sound of phones ringing, keyboards clicking, and the occasional laughter bubbling up from conversations between team members. You hadn’t stepped foot in the office in months — your maternity leave had been an endless storm of sleepless nights, diaper changes, and indescribable moments of joy. Now, cradling your six-month-old daughter in your arms, you stood at the threshold of the office, taking it all in — realizing how little you'd missed working, as long as you got to spend your time with your daughter.
“Ready to surprise Daddy?” you cooed to your baby, brushing a soft kiss against her fluffy head. She giggled in response, her little hand grasping at your necklace — the one Aaron had gotten you with a charm of your daughter's initial. Her chubby fingers wrapped around the charm, and you couldn’t help but smile at her curiosity.
Heads turned as you had entered, and a wave of warmth spread through you as familiar voices from your friends greeted you.
“Y/N!” Garcia’s exclamation came first as she flew across the bullpen, pulling away from her conversation with Morgan, her colorful dress trailing behind her. “Oh my gosh, let me see that precious little angel!”
You laughed, carefully handing over your daughter as Garcia immediately began cooing at her. Emily, Morgan, and JJ soon gathered around, their faces lighting up at the sight of the baby.
“Look at those cheeks,” Morgan said, his voice soft as he tickled her tiny hand. “Hotch better have her signed up for karate classes already. Gotta keep the boys away.”
“Or girls,” Emily added. “She’s going to be a heartbreaker either way.”
You beamed at their affection, the team’s love for your little family filling your heart. “Where is Aaron?” you asked, glancing toward his office. The blinds were drawn, but you knew he wasn’t inside.
JJ nodded toward the conference room. “He’s in there, showing something to Agent Morrison.”
Your smile faltered slightly at the mention of Morrison, the agent who had been brought in temporarily to cover your leave. You hadn’t met her yet, but you’d heard through the grapevine that she was ambitious, skilled, and confident — maybe a little too confident.
You spotted Aaron through the windows, his back turned as he reviewed what you assumed were some case files with Morrison. He looked relaxed yet tired, his tie slightly loosened, though his usual air of authority remained in place. Morrison stood close to him — a little too close — her laughter ringing out at something he said.
Your lips pressed into a thin line, but you pushed the feeling aside. Aaron was your husband, your partner, and the father of the baby currently making grabby hands at Morgan’s face. You had no reason to feel insecure.
Morgan handed your daughter back to you as you went to greet your husband.
And still, as you approached, you couldn’t help but notice the way Morrison’s body language leaned toward him, her hand brushing his forearm as she laughed again. Aaron didn’t seem to notice — or if he did, he wasn’t encouraging it.
When you reached the conference room, Aaron glanced up, and the moment his eyes met yours, his entire demeanor softened.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice filled with warmth and surprise. His gaze immediately dropped to the baby in your arms, and he stood quickly, coming around the desk to envelop you both in a hug.
“You should’ve told me you were coming,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your temple before gently brushing a finger across your daughter’s cheek. She squealed in delight, reaching out for him, and he took her into his arms with ease.
“It wouldn’t have been a surprise if I told you,” you replied, grinning as you watched him cradle her. “I figured you could use a break.”
Aaron’s smile widened, and he kissed the baby’s forehead before turning back to you. “I always have time for my girls.”
Morrison’s voice cut into the moment, a hint of confusion lacing her words. “Wait, your girls?”
You turned to her, offering a polite smile. “Hi, I’m Y/N. Aaron’s wife.”
Her eyes widened, darting between you, Aaron, and the baby. “Wife?” she repeated, her tone almost incredulous.
Aaron’s arm settled protectively around your waist as he nodded. “Yes, my wife. Y/N used to work here before going on maternity leave.”
Morrison’s expression shifted, her initial surprise giving way to something more guarded. “Oh. I… I didn’t realize.”
“Well, now you do,” Aaron said firmly, his tone polite but edged with finality, hoping that your visit would make Morrison drop her antics.
The tension in Morrison’s posture was clear as day, but she pasted on a smile. “She’s adorable,” she said, nodding toward the baby. “You’re very lucky.”
Aaron’s grip on you tightened slightly. “I know I am.”
The interaction seemed to conclude there, and Morrison excused herself, claiming she had paperwork to finish. But as the day went on, it became clear that the encounter had unsettled her. You noticed her watching you from across the room, her eyes narrowing whenever Aaron’s attention lingered on you or the baby.
Finally, as you were gathering your things to leave, Morrison approached you near the elevator. Her smile was tight, her tone clipped.
“Can I talk to you for a moment?” she asked, glancing around to ensure no one else was within earshot.
You raised an eyebrow but nodded. “Sure. What’s on your mind?”
Her polite facade dropped almost instantly. “You don’t have to flaunt your relationship in front of everyone,” she said sharply. “It’s unprofessional.”
Your jaw tightened, but you kept your voice calm. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
She scoffed. “You know exactly what I mean. Walking in here with your baby like you own the place, acting like Hotch is your personal property… It’s distracting and completely inappropriate.”
You blinked, stunned by the audacity. Before you could respond, a familiar voice cut through the tension.
“Agent Morrison.”
Aaron’s tone was ice-cold, and you turned to see him standing a few feet away, his expression thunderous. “A word, please. Now.”
Morrison’s face paled as she stammered, “I… I didn’t mean…”
“My office. Now.”
You watched as Aaron led her away, his posture stiff with fury. The bullpen had fallen silent, and you could feel the eyes of your colleagues on you, but you held your head high, refusing to let Morrison’s pettiness rattle you.
Minutes later, Aaron returned, his expression softer but still serious. He placed a hand on your arm, guiding you toward the elevator. “Let’s go home,” he said quietly.
As the elevator doors closed, you glanced up at him. “What happened?”
He sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “Morrison won’t be returning. Her behavior was unacceptable, and I made it clear that we won’t tolerate that kind of attitude here.”
You nodded, your heart swelling with gratitude and love for the man beside you. “Thank you.”
Aaron’s eyes softened as he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead. “No one disrespects my family,” he said firmly. “No one.”
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luveline · 4 months ago
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬
Aaron sets the record straight when an overheard conversation convinces you that you’re not good enough for him. 5k
c: fem, hurt/comfort, fluff, suggestive theme (non-graphic implied sex scene). hotch is a good husband. requested here  
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“Honey, this is Clint McMoore. We went to college together.”
You step into Aaron’s side. Clint McMoore is a handsome older man with silvering hair and a beard that looks out of control. His bowtie is loose around his neck, and his cheeks are blotchy with drink, but Clint smiles at you and offers his hand. “How do you do?” he asks. 
“Quite well, thank you.” You’ve been practising fancy dinner talk with Aaron’s friend Emily for weeks. She has all the political background you’d needed to see yourself into the culture. “It’s nice to meet one of Aaron’s school friends.” 
“While you still can,” Clint says with a chuckle. Something about being in your forties is obscene to these men, as though death waits for fifty candles to snuff them out. 
“Clint and I were in the Student Theatre club together, our first year.”
You grin, smile laced with teasing. Each time you’re reminded of Aaron’s young interest in drama, you have to focus very hard on not laughing; the Aaron who has his hand to your shoulder isn’t one you could envision on stage. “Did you perform together?” you ask. 
“Saturday Night Fever,” Clint says. 
They laugh and reminisce. You find these sorts of events hard to keep up with, but you come when Aaron asks because he so rarely asks you for anything. He hasn’t mentioned knowing that you don’t like coming, But perhaps he hasn’t noticed —it’s not like you to frown, not when you’re with Aaron. The way he treats you, he probably thinks you’re the happiest girl in the world. 
There’s a contentedness to be found when he touches you. He spreads a hand against your lower back and you let yourself sink into his side, curled into his embrace and amazed at the giggly laugh he lets out as Clint brings up the ‘King of the River’ tattoo Aaron has hidden beneath his shirt. You’re tempted to kiss his cheek.
Clint asks, “Isn’t that right?” and forces you back into the conversation. 
You’re wearing a dress you panicked over for days. It’s black, cut playfully just above your knees with small petal sleeves. Your necklace is of a delicate chain and a not so delicate pearl —a black Tahitian South Sea pearl that glows pink and green in the light. For you, Aaron wrote, his pretty scrawl inky across a square of scalloped card from atop the box. I’m in love with you. Forgive me for not having the courage to tell you in person. 
Your Aaron is quiet. Some days he comes home from work and doesn’t manage more than a sentence. Some days he can barely speak at all. But there are nights when he holds you to hold you and talks in murmurs against your ear, and he’s good at making calls when he’s away. Talking or not, smiling or otherwise, Aaron finds a way to let you know he loves you, and that’s all you care about. 
“Excuse us,” Aaron says, giving Clint a rare, warm smile, “I’m being flagged by my boss.” 
Sure enough, Erin Strauss is beckoning Aaron with a strange pained look.
“Nice to meet you,” you say quickly to Clint. He repeats your goodbye, and you and Aaron swerve around him. 
“He was nice,” you murmur. 
“Yeah, he’s okay.”
“How come you fell out of touch?” 
“Oh, you know how things go, honey, you forget all the people you meet and make room for new ones.” He kisses your cheek. “And besides, he used to gossip like my mother. Why don’t you go find JJ?” 
“You’ll be alright?” 
“No, maybe not.” He squeezes your elbow quickly. “Go, find some hors d’oeuvres, at least.”
You find neither JJ nor finger foods. The gala you’re attending is being held in a hotel in the richest part of D.C, and the events hall is huge. The ceiling is a fantasy, glass and miles upward, overhead chandeliers dangling lower, dousing the crowds below in a light that’s clean. The rich and powerful gather at the edges of the room, though the performance toward the back of the room is watched by a few tens of couples with flutes of champagne held in gloved hands. 
You hadn’t worn gloves. Hadn’t thought about it until you got here. Honestly, you felt grateful enough that JJ texted you to tell you to buy a shawl; if you weren’t wearing one you’re sure you’d feel bare. 
What you’re lacking in fancy is made up for by your earnestness, or so you’d like to believe. You aren’t rich nor powerful, but Aaron’s a good man and you his good wife. You work hard, which is more than some of the richest in the room can say. You hold your head high without a second thought. 
The hall is confusing. Tables are set but you aren’t sure Aaron said anything about a dinner service. Wait staff carry silver platters and hold bottles of champagne, but each time you approach one they seem to have already headed in another direction. JJ and Derek are both supposed to be here tonight, but you haven’t seen either of them since you arrived. You cast your gaze for Derek’s figure, searching for an easy gait and a strong set of shoulders. You cock your head waiting for a hint of JJ’s practised, polite laughter, but any familiar signs are gone. You can’t even find Aaron anymore, and your shoes are pinching your toes.
Disaster. You should’ve listened to Aaron when he told you to size up, just you doubted his knowledge of ladies shoes considering how rarely he wears them. Stupid man, you think to yourself, lovingly yet ruefully as you sit down at one of the uninhabited tables to the very side of the room. Knows everything. Tonight, you’ll limp back to the car and he won’t bother saying I told you so, he’s too good for it, which is worse. He’ll give you one of his amused smiles. He might offer you a massage. 
Ridiculous man, you further to yourself, biting back a cheesy smile as you peel your shoe from a sore foot. If you shove your hand deep enough into the toe you can stretch them out a little. 
You look up. Clint McMoore’s resurfaced just a table away with his back to you. A sweet-faced woman with brown hair sits adjacent to him, her shoulder under Clint’s hand. 
“You’ll never guess who I just bumped into,” he says. 
Me, you think. 
“Aaron Hotchner and his new wife.” 
“You didn’t,” the woman says. 
“I knew you’d be envious of that,” he laughs. “Charlotte, she’s unbelievable.” 
Your stomach does a strange flip. He’ll say something nice, you insist, but you know his tone is a precursor for gossipy nonsense. 
“I’ve never seen such a mismatched pair,” he says. 
Charlotte rolls her eyes at him. “Well, what were you expecting? They were married after six months of knowing one another. I couldn’t so much as tolerate you until our first anniversary.” 
“What’s wrong with her, then?” Charlotte asks. 
“Nothing like that, Charlotte. She seemed perfectly pleasant–”
“But, she’s nothing like Aaron’s usual woman.” 
“Hm, I said as much when we saw their wedding photos.“ They both laugh. “It’s not like she had much of a chance. First Haley, and then that Beth, the designer, she’s in Milan now–”
“He seems rather besotted, in any case,” Clint says. “Very lady and the tramp.” 
“Gentleman and the tramp.” 
“Don’t be cruel, Charlotte.” 
You know in a way that Charlotte is kidding, but you boil up with anger the moment you recognise what it is they’re implying. Then they laugh, and your anger quickly finds itself taking a crueller shape. 
You slip your foot back into your shoe slowly. Your throat feels dry and then warm, like a crux of smouldering coal stuck in your windpipe as you stand, jerkily, hand stiff where it holds your weight on a silken tablecloth. 
You blink and stare at the floor. It’s marble. It’s shot through with dark veins like a drop of ichor in water. 
What the fuck? 
You aren’t sure why you’re leaving the hall until you’re walking down the steps of the hotel and turning along the skirts of a hedge. A low brick wall lies in front of it, just short enough to sit on with your heels. Your coccyx stings with the force of how hard you go down. 
Your head races with hurt feelings. 
You’re not unaware of your husband’s past loves. It comes as no surprise to you that people regard Haley and Beth highly —Haley was extremely beautiful and veritably brave, intelligent, kind-hearted. Beth was funny, Aaron said, and not too much else. Being a designer in Milan hasn’t been mentioned before, but it’s impressive. They’re both impressive, and– and his usual woman. 
You rub the starchy stockings stretched over your knees. 
What had they meant by usual woman?
It hadn’t felt mismatched when Aaron asked you to marry him. It wasn’t six months after knowing one another as Clint’s wife suggested, but it wasn’t much more than that. He proposed to you after eight months together, and you were married two months later, which is incredibly fast to some people but it just hadn't felt fast when he asked. It was exciting —it still is. 
“Would you marry me, if I asked you to?” he’d said, some seven months after you’d agreed to be his girlfriend. Your head in his lap, his fingers rubbing at the soft skin of your nape. A sleepy Sunday morning like any other, you suppose that was a proposal in itself, but you hadn’t realised that when you murmured, “Yeah, handsome. I would.” 
You thought it was just love. Making innocuous comments about the future is part of falling in love. It’s terrifying to tell someone that you’d like to live life in their lap, but you tell them, and they tell you to go ahead if you’re lucky. 
He asked you to get married a few weeks later. “I had to talk to Jack,” he explained, “or I would’ve asked you then and there.“
You’re a wife suddenly, a step-mother, a partner. Aaron would’ve sold the house and bought you a new one if you wanted him to, but you like his life. You’ve always felt like you fit right in. 
Angry again, you scrub at your knees with itchy palms and practise how you’re going to tell Aaron about his cruel friend. Gossipy was right, what a lark, and you’re not perfectly pleasant, you’re a delight, you hadn’t said one bad word to Clint and you didn’t deserve to be whipped and twisted into a bad joke between sips of Cristal. 
Your eyes burn with the injustice of the thing. 
Rawness overtakes. A thudding in your chest turns painful, neck wrought with tightness as you hang your head. Hiding from the cold air. November brings with it a promise of chapped lips the longer you stay there, biting into your thighs as your hands turn stiff with disuse. 
She was unbelievable. 
“Y/N!” The shout is sharp. You’ve never heard Aaron’s voice at that level or with that level of formidability, carrying from the bottom of the hotel stairs. You twist in shock on the wall and watch in real time as his face fills with relief. “Honey,” he says, calling but not half as scary as he jogs to you, “are you alright?” 
“You scared me,” he insists, bending down to hold your shoulders. “Nobody’s seen you for the last fifteen minutes, sweetheart, we talked about this. You can’t just disappear, you left your purse on the table, I thought something happened to you.” 
You startle at his scolding. “I–”
“You should feel my heart.” 
“I didn’t mean to come out here.” 
“I wish you would’ve let somebody know,” he says. His frown softens slowly, but the concern around his eyes remains. “What?” he asks. 
His eyes finally soften. “No, I’m sorry. It’s alright, I just worry when you’re not with me.” 
“That’s romantic.” 
He holds your cheek, pulling you in, and gives you two gentle kisses. Your lips part instinctively to receive them. “We’ll get our things and go home. It looks as though dinner isn’t happening.” He smiles. “Why were you out here?” 
“Scavenging for food.” 
That gets a laugh out of him, and another nice kiss. “You tried your best.” 
Aaron takes you home, and when dinner’s been cleared away, when you’ve showered and he’s undressed, he pulls you toward the bed and kisses you warmly. His eyes track from your face to the tucked corner of your towel, a silent Can I?
You let him take it off. He lays you out, and for a while you’re only his. His wife, his half, his to tease and turn and delight. He says “Beautiful,” against your thigh, says, “Honey, is that okay?” says, “Please, I’ve got it, I have you, just let me have you…” 
After, he tells you he loves you, his voice still ever so slightly high in contrast to usual dulcet tones. 
“I love you, too,” you say. 
His breath comes fast. Your lap is a mess he’d wiped as clean as he could manage, the memory of him bearing down on you yet to fade. He lies on his stomach beside you with his arm over yours, his face turned into you, his nose on your cheek. 
“Are you alright?” he asks softly. “You feel tense.”
“No, did I hurt you? You’re rigid.” His hands fret a line down the side of your chest. “You didn’t…” 
You hadn’t said anything, because he really hadn’t hurt you. But the thoughts you’re having now are intrusive —am I okay? you think. Do I measure up? He’s never made any indication that you’ve let him down, not in sex or anything else, but you’re unbelievable. 
You swallow a lump. “Sorry,” you say, the lingering ebbs of pleasure twisting into tears faster than you can stop it. 
“Are you crying?” he asks under his breath. 
You suck in a breath as he pushes onto his hands. 
“These aren’t good tears,” he says. 
He’d know. They’re not. 
Aaron reaches over you to turn on the lamp on the nightstand before settling, his hand cupping your waist. It’s too much suddenly, too bare, he’s too much to look at as you squeeze your eyes closed. “Sorry,” you squeeze out. 
“What did I do?” he asks, holding you carefully. “Please, sweetheart, what’s hurting? I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s not you.” 
“But something does hurt?” 
“No, no, I’m okay.” You cover your face with your hands. When you start to sob, it shakes the entire mattress, Aaron’s hand wobbling where it cups your ribs. 
“Please.” His thumb works a soft spot into your skin. “Honey, please, you can’t cry now without telling me what’s wrong.” He tries a laugh, but it falls flat. “Honey. Honey.” 
It wasn’t the sex. He never does anything wrong, he’s so gentle even when he isn’t, and if he did you’d only have to tell him, but the rush of being touched by him so nicely, fuck, the way he’d been looking at you, the way he took your face into his hand as he moved —you’re not trying to be a crier, but he makes you feel like you’re everything and you’re just not. 
He looks sick. 
“It wasn’t you, it was at the gala,” you manage. 
For a long while after, you can’t get a word out. You shiver and sob as Aaron scoops you into his chest, his nose in your shoulder waiting for you to calm down. He rubs your waist, fingers parted and waving slowly as he shushes you. Not to make you stop, though. He’s reassuring. 
“What happened at the gala?” he asks quietly. 
“It’s so stupid.” 
“No, it’s alright. Can you tell me what happened? Did someone hurt you?” 
You wrap your arms around his head. It really is stupid, you feel smaller than an ant under the shadow of a giant heel. Aaron doesn’t waver when you struggle to answer, feeling around behind you for a pillow and helping you against it. He kisses your forehead. “Let me get you something to wear.” 
You catch his wrist. “It wasn’t you, wasn’t–” You lift your chin. 
He kisses you. “Okay,” he says simply. “Let’s get dressed.” 
He dresses quickly, bringing you underwear and one of your sleep shirts, a loose fit. You shuffle into them and watch him patiently as he cleans the small mess of the evening away. You’re sniffling softly when he returns to you, sitting with his back to your thighs. 
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry if I read things wrong. I never would’ve initiated anything if I knew you were feeling like this.” 
You laugh weakly, worriedly, looking at him through your lashes. “It made me feel better,” you admit.
“If this is better, you must’ve been feeling awful.” 
You relax as he puts his hand on your thigh. 
“In the time I left you to talk to Strauss, something upset you. JJ and Morgan didn’t see you. So someone in the gala said something or did something that made you leave. If you tell me who it was, I can make sure it doesn’t happen again.” 
“You’re trying to bargain with me,” you mumble. 
“I’m just telling you what can be done. I can take care of things.” 
“It’s nothing… nothing so severe. You’ll wonder why I–” You give an unexpected sob. “Made all this fuss.” 
“I don’t think I’ll wonder,” he says. 
You laugh through tears. These ones are slow, your eyes already itchy from crying. 
“Please tell me.” He tries teasing instead of sternness, lowering his face to yours. “Or I’ll cry too.” 
“I will. You think I can’t, but seeing you crying like this, it’s more than enough ammunition.” 
You let out a breath, admitting defeat. “Your friend, Clint? I overheard him with his wife. He didn’t have very nice things to say about me.” 
“What could he possibly have to say?” Aaron asks with a frown. 
You pull the sheets up your legs. “He said I’m… unbelievable, and I don’t think he meant it kindly. Said that I’m not your type, and that I… I had no chance of measuring up, because of who you’ve been with before. They were laughing about our wedding photos.” Your throat feels pressed into by a hot poker. “They said we were the gentleman and the tramp.” 
His eyes squint. He looks disgusted, and for an uncomfortable moment you feel like it might be directed at you, but then he scoffs. “What a crock of shit.” 
“Aaron!” you laugh. 
“What could Clint McMoore possibly know about marriage? This is his fourth wife. And to imply that you’re any sort of calibre below the women I’ve dated before isn’t just misogynistic nonsense, it’s not true. You are the most beautiful women I’ve ever met, and what’s that supposed to mean, gentlemen and the tramp?” He gives you such an earnest glare of confusion that you can’t for a second doubt what it is he’s saying. “I’m sorry, honey, I think he’s allowed himself a few too many nightcaps over the years. Perhaps he’s suffered a stroke.” 
“Aaron, don’t say that,” you chide, secretly very pleased. 
“Our wedding photos,” he says, his hand drifting further down your leg to rest just shy of somewhere more intimate, “are beautiful. You look beautiful. Clint would’ve writhed in jealousy in the pews if he’d been invited, because he would’ve seen it for himself.” 
“I just sat there while they laughed at me,” you mumble.
“What were you supposed to do?” His hand travels out, to your hip, and then he holds you by the waist with both of his hands. They have a way of making you feel encapsulated, big and strong and careful on the bump of your hips. 
“I don’t know.” 
“Nothing,” he says, meeting your eyes with his usual tender-hearted compassion. “You weren’t supposed to do or say anything.” Aaron appears younger than he is for a second, his eyebrows raised, eyes big and brown as they track over your lips. “Honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t realise he was like that. I’m sorry you had to hear that.” 
“I guess I’m just worried he’s right.” 
“He’s not right. You are everything to me.” Again, he puts weight on the word, roughly said, like it takes a lot from him to say it. “I’m lucky to have been with women who were beautiful, and intelligent, but if there’s a question of you measuring up, there’s no competition. I’ve never been this in love.” 
You take a shaky breath. “Never?” you ask. 
He holds your gaze. “I knew it when we met. That's why I couldn’t wait to ask you to marry me.” 
“You said you weren’t getting any younger.” 
“Well, I’m not, but not everything’s about my age, you know,” he says, giving your waist a playful squeeze. 
”You said it.” 
“I did. That felt easier to say than, if I don’t marry you soon I might implode,” —he shuffles forward, encroaching on your legs and pressing his lips to your cheek— “would’ve just,” —he kisses your cheek, before turning your head— “wasted all that time waiting for someone else’s idea of the right time,” —and he kisses the other cheek, his nose skirting up your face— “wishing I was your husband when I could just,” —he smiles into your eyebrow as his hand slips under your shirt, holding your bare back— “ask.” 
“I’m glad you asked me.” 
You’d cried then, too, but it was less to do with a rush of adrenaline that knocked you out of balance and more to do with how lovingly he’d taken your hand as he asked. You knew from that moment on that someone was going to take care of you for the rest of your life. He’s doing it right now. 
“I love you,” you say, forcing your arms over his shoulders. 
He pulls you in so much that you lift from the mattress. 
“I love you. Are you sure it wasn’t me that upset you? I have to check.” 
“No. What you did to me wasn’t particularly upsetting.” 
He laughs. “Are you sure? You can look a little teary–”
You shush him quickly.
He tips your head to the side to kiss your ear. “Maybe next time, you can tell me about whatever upset you beforehand.” 
“And you can make me feel even better.”
His laugh is nearly inaudible, but his lips are by the side of your head. You hear it, the warmth of his breath kissing the shell of your ear. 
Aaron likes to see you in your sweatpants. You look nice in everything, especially your dresses for the evening events he often drags you to, but he likes it when you wear sweatpants because it opens a window. You’ve purchased the wrong size, too big and too long, but you’ve tied them at the waist and you make do. You’re wearing the big shirt he helped you into the night before, sitting on the couch with your ferried breakfast. 
The night before has been washed away, no sign of tears or upset. You have a clean, bright face, one he’d quite like to kiss, or hold, or have pressed to his neck, but none of this is unusual. Your eyes look sore, if he really looks. He’ll make you a compress after breakfast. 
Dropped off by Jess an hour ago, Jack sits beside you picking at the breakfast tray. You’re sharing a plate. You don’t ever mind. 
“Are you eating that one?” you ask. 
Jack immediately nudges half of a chocolate chip pancake your way. “Was the gala fun?” 
“Uh, sure. Saw your dad’s friends. But they had a weird thing with the caterers and we had to get dinner on the way home.”
“You could’ve made dad cook.” 
“I guess, but we were tired. What did you have for dinner?” 
“Jess made spicy chicken. It was amazing.” Jack squints at you. “Your eyes are puffy, Y/N. Are you sick?” 
“I think I might be a little. Not enough to make you sick too, don’t worry.” 
Aaron piles the last of the pancakes onto a plate and carries them to you in the living room. “Here, you two.” 
“Did you eat?” you ask. 
He loves you, bending over to kiss your forehead right in the middle. “Yes.” 
“How come they didn’t have dinner at the gala, dad? I thought that was the whole point,” Jack says. 
He sits down next to Jack on the couch. You cut a big square of pancake and grin at him, seemingly pleased with your breakfast and Jack’s sense of humour. 
“It was a disaster, that’s all. No food, barely any wine, and terrible, awful company.” 
“I thought Miss Jareau went?” 
“She did. But besides her and a handful of others, it was a party for sad old people.” 
“And you didn’t have fun?” Jack asks. 
You laugh so hard tears gather in the corners of your eyes. Aaron cups Jack’s shoulder, surprised when his son doesn’t duck away from the touch. The older he gets the less affection he requires, so it’s nice for Aaron to hug him sideways and be allowed, better that you finish your choking laugh with a hug of your own. “Jack, thank you for that. I think you cured whatever illness I had,” you say.  
“Hey,” Aaron says. 
You run your hand up his neck. Your wedding ring catches against his jaw. 
“It was worth going, though, to see your step-mom in her nice dress,” Aaron says, peeling away from Jack so he has room to breathe. 
Jack turns to you, and his smile is audible, “Do you have any pictures?” 
“I didn’t take any, sorry.” 
“Just think of her now but in a dress, and that’s how beautiful she looked,” Aaron says. 
“Dad, don’t be gross,” Jack says, cutting into the pancakes with his fork.
“It’s not gross, it’s just a fact.” Jack drops pancake down his front. Warm chocolate chips stain his t-shirt. “Missed your mouth, bud. I’ll get a rag.” 
He’s up as quickly as he sat down, running his fingers along your arm and to the palm of your hand, touching you until he can’t. He heads back into the kitchen. His phone is beeping on the table, screen flashing with each new text. 
Penelope: boss, I think the thing you asked for is illegal 
Penelope: also, I assume you were kidding? 
Penelope: so while making it that every link on McMoore’s computer freezes the desktop would’ve been very very funny, I didn’t do that 
Aaron had been kidding, emphatically, because illegal activities aren’t his style. It was a sarcastic suggestion, and yet he’s disappointed nonetheless. 
Penelope: I just signed him up for a bunch of recovering narcissists forums and an email subscription for self help, and maybe also a free online class about manners and etiquette 
Penelope: And I ordered that big canvas for you. It was the one of you guys cutting the cake, right? 
Aaron texts her back quickly: Thank you, Penelope. I couldn’t work out the dimensions online. 
Penelope: You’re welcome! I live to serve :D 
The canvas will look good in the entryway, Aaron believes. Somewhere you can see it, and remember exactly what it is he thinks of you; his eyes glowing with love where he’d been staring at your face, his hand guided yours atop the knife as he traced your features, and you cut that first, fat slice of cake. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
thanks so much for reading! please think about commenting, liking or reblogging if you enjoyed I love knowing what you think!❤️
also small note: this fic is in no way meant to diminish haley im a haley supporter usually (these days at least!) and I just didn’t mention her for brevity’s sake
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ssahotchnerr · 2 months ago
how do you think Aaron and reader who are married, react to both being called ‘Agent Hotchner’ and they both answer? That’s so cute, I could just imagine Derek smirking and Rossi having a proud dad moment
the hotchners
AHHH I LOVE THAT cw; bau!reader, established relationship, typical cm case talk, playful banter/fluff 🥰
"The unsub is devolving, they’re getting more reckless," Derek thought aloud, clicking his pen in hand. "He dumped the last victim in a public place, rather than the usual, secluded spot."
"They're losing control." You inputted in agreement, your eyes darting across the conference room table to him.
Aaron leaned down on the table, still standing, but with his palms pressed against the surface. He was next to you, and this stance allowed him to be ever so slightly closer. Your heart warmed by his proximity, as any displays of affection were at a minimum when in the field. You were happy he was just close by. "The next victim will probably be someone they can’t control-"
"Agent Hotchner?" A voice came from behind, hindering the conversation.
"Yes?" Both of you answered swiftly, out of habit, though it was a new habit for you. Your tickled eyes met Aaron's, your nose scrunched up slightly in amusement.
Derek grinned, swiveling back and forth in his chair in observance. Rossi raised his hand to his mouth casually, concealing a chuckle.
The voice in question, one of the local police department's officers, even hesitated himself, as if he didn't know which Hotchner he were to rely the information to.
As soon as you and Aaron got engaged, the discussion of whether or not you'd take his last name was on the table. To avoid confusing situations like these, or to prevent any reputable prejudices. It was rare, but every so often you received grimaces from bystanders, both in the field and in the office back home. Marrying your boss? Either tremendously romantic or something to be frowned upon.
But in the end it was unanimous; you wanted his last name, and as did Aaron. It was even more important to him. A symbol of a bond he couldn’t wait to share with you; an acknowledgment of the life you were about to build together. You and him. The Hotchners.
"Uh- sorry to interrupt. The victim's fiancé is here for their interview. They're waiting in interrogation." He stammered, his gaze switching between the two of you.
"Thank you. We'll send someone in shortly." Aaron replied, politely dismissing the officer. He kept his trained demeanor, but you could hear the laughter underneath his voice.
As his footsteps trailed away, you nudged Aaron, humorously bumping your shoulder into his upper arm.
He kept his gaze on the files laid on the table, his lips spread in a soft smile as he slowly shook his head.
"Wipe that smirk off your face, Dave." He didn't even need to look up.
"Hey!" Dave commented, his tone light as he spoke. He held up his hands in surrender, but that didn't diminish from the proud gleam in his eyes; it also happened to be the same one he had adorned on your wedding day. "I didn't say a thing."
"Oh, but it's written all over your face." You quipped also, raising an eyebrow in his direction.
"Just when I thought the two of you couldn't be any more married." Derek rolled his eyes, playfully as his lips pulled back into a grin. "What's next? Have you mastered the art of the ‘yes honey’ yet, or is that still a work in progress?"
"Please, that was perfected before we got married." Aaron remarked as he relaxed his posture, straightening up. He flashed a smile in your direction, speaking over Morgan's cackle. "Isn't that right, honey?"
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thatboisus · 7 months ago
yall ever read a fanfic so majestic it completely altered your entire life
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chithereader · 3 months ago
jealousy, jealousy / aaron hotchner
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here’s my masterlist! pairing: aaron hotchner x bau!reader / shy!reader word count: 2.4k genre & cw: fluff, a little jealousy and pining angst if u squint, mentions of made-up case, different use of cm character a/n: thank u so much for all the support i've been getting on my fics!! hope you love this one as much as i do, i really enjoyed writing this one the most!
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Today was a bad day. That much was clear. From the moment you woke up to the minute you arrived at the BAU– you’re convinced that the universe has simply gone the extra mile to make your life a little harder. 
You slept through your alarm and a few phone calls from Garcia, making your morning stressful and complete chaos. You didn’t have time to grab a cup of coffee or a snack, and apparently you also didn’t have time to remove the colorful pimple patches that adorned your face. 
Your blouse is buttoned asymmetrically, your hair resembling a bird's nest, and you left your ID at home, making your arrival more delayed as you had to employ Garcia’s help in presenting a copy of your ID to let you through. 
That too was not without stress given that your phone was on the verge of dying as you were in the call, but thankfully you could finally breathe in the elevator. Or so you thought. 
There were two things that immediately caught you off guard as you walked into the bullpen: one, almost all the desks were deserted and two, Reid and Morgan were watching you- as if waiting for your reaction, which led you to look around in anticipation. Is there a surprise? A prank? Did I miss a patch? I’m…wearing pants, right? 
Not wanting to prolong your search, you look at the two for any indication or clue. Tilting your head to the side as if to ask what? But to your surprise, they both nod their heads in one direction. Oh.
Strauss was in Hotch’s office, along with Rossi and a woman you don’t recognize. Hotch looked a bit tense, Strauss firm, Rossi is as relaxed as ever, and the woman… is looking directly at Hotch. Just Hotch. Huh. 
You were stood just shy of your desk when you shook thoughts out of your head, slowly approaching your desk to settle your things. Dozens of scenarios were running through your head, trying to make sense of new additions to an otherwise normal day. 
But the way she was studying him made your chest tight like someone was stepping on it.. and you couldn’t figure out why. 
You approach the two rascals only to lean on Derek’s desk as you whisper under your breath, “What’s happening there?” 
Morgan shrugs but his focused face remains, “I don’t know, kid. I tried Garcia but she doesn’t have a clue either.” Eyes studying the people in the room, noting anything that could tell them something. 
Mulling over more possibilities, you hum in response. Turning to Reid, you ask him- hoping that his eidetic memory can tell you anything about the woman even if they’d only met in passing. 
“Do you know anything, Spence?” But Reid only pouts at you, a sign that he’s thought about it hard but is coming up empty. 
Shaking his head, he soberly replies, “No..I don’t think so. I– I’ve never seen her before. Sorry.” 
Before any more thoughts could be voiced between the three of you, the door to Hotch’s office opens and all four of them file out- the woman walking a little too close to Hotch. 
You’re approaching your usual seat on the jet beside Morgan and across from Hotch when suddenly Agent Seaver overtakes you and sits on your seat. Caught by surprise, your eyes instinctively go to Hotch who’s already looking at you. 
He nods to himself, moving from the aisle seat to the one by the window. But it appears Agent Seaver misunderstood his gesture and moved beside him, “Oh! Thank you, sir.” Even going as far as touching his arm and leaning closely. 
Now, you’ve never been a violent person. Rage has just never overcome your senses like that but today.. of all days– you couldn’t help the image of spilling your hot chocolate all over her cream blouse. 
You don’t even notice that you’re frowning as you sit beside Morgan, somehow still unaware of how much their closeness really upsets you. You honestly thought you’ve maintained an expressionless face until Morgan looks up from his file and leans close to whisper in your ear, “You’ll need claws not paws, baby girl.” Winking at you as you separate. 
You steal a glance at Hotch only to see him watching you and Morgan with furrowed brows. He almost looks normal if it weren’t for the clenching of his jaw that’s his tell of irritation. Moving your gaze to Seaver, in case you missed something that’s causing his new mood, you find her reading the case file. 
As you return your gaze on Hotch, you watch as Seaver touches his arm again and engages him in conversation about the case. It’s through the whole jet ride that you had to stomach the constant Agent Hotchner, Agent Hotchner! paired with a giggle or a slight touch. UGH!
If it weren’t for Strauss personally recommending Agent Seaver as a consultant for this case, you would have done– …still absolutely nothing. You had no claim whatsoever over Hotch. Morgan and Rossi may tease the two of you occasionally, forcing that he treats you specially or whatever but his behavior could simply be chalked off as him being a good and attentive boss. 
And yes, okay fine. You may have some moments here and there… but! they could honestly just be built up in your head because of the feelings you have for him. Like when he said he likes it when you stare? Come on, being stared at can be flattering and that’s just a universal truth. 
After a whole day of coming up with theories, visiting crime scenes and M.E.’s, you’re all completely spent. Lounging in the makeshift discussion room, all of you are still working tirelessly on the case given that the unsub’s on a spree and his timeline is alarmingly short. 
Reid’s been silently staring at the board for 20 minutes while Morgan’s pretending to read files of potential suspects with his legs stretched out and feet on the table, “This is impossible. We just don’t have enough.” He exclaims as he tosses the file on the table with a thud. 
To the left of Morgan, you’re also silently mulling over files of potential suspects. Not wanting to admit that he’s right, you guys don’t have enough…bodies. You barely have anything on the guy, barely any clues- for a working profile. 
You sigh heavily, peeling your eyes off the paper and looking at the board. “Reid?” The boy genius shakes his head softly, confirming that the known dump sites don’t say much about the unsub’s comfort zones or hunting ground. 
You suddenly wonder where Seaver, Hotch and Rossi are. You and Morgan got back to the precinct at around 11PM, and you realize you haven’t seen any of them, “Where are the others?” 
Morgan, in an effort to lighten the mood, jumps at the chance to tease you, “Hmm. I think what you’re really asking is: Where’s Hotch and is he with Seaver?” He punches your arm lightly, making it obvious he’s only teasing. 
The smug, playful smile on his face makes you fight one of your own, desperately trying to not give yourself away, “Shut up,” hitting him in the head softly with the file in your hand. 
While you two were exchanging playful glares, Reid interjects, “Seaver wanted to turn in early since she’s also the one meeting with the families tomorrow so Hotch brought her to the hotel.” 
You instantly lift your gaze to him and watch as he removes the marker’s cap and scribbles rapidly on the board, quickly adding “And I’m pretty sure Rossi’s getting us coffee from the diner around the block.” 
You want to blame it on your exhaustion– your inability and ineffectiveness at hiding how you truly feel about what Reid just revealed to you, groaning loudly in pain and frustration. You put your head in your hands, muffling the sounds you’re making that are somehow a combination of a laugh and a sob. 
Morgan understands your reaction immediately and laughs out loud. 
“It’s not funny!” There was honestly no point in hiding it. As much as Morgan teased you, you knew he wouldn’t tell anyway, and Reid.. well, he was honestly an even better keeper of secrets than Morgan, Rossi and Garcia. 
He puts a hand on your shoulder to comfort you, “Baby girl, worry not. You know you hold a special place in boss man’s heart.” Then gripping both your wrists to pry your hands off your face. 
Pressing your face even further into your hands, you let out a muffled version of “That’s not true!” that came out more as “Daffs noft thwu!” 
When Morgan successfully pries your hands off your face, you’re surprised to see Reid’s moved from the board to behind Morgan, half leaning half sitting on the table, curiously watching you. 
Morgan turns around to look at the door behind you, making sure the coast is clear before he says, “Kid. Be real with me for a sec… are you blind?” That was not the question you were expecting. 
You must have looked so lost because he continues, “Hotch cares for you. Deeply. And not in the same way he does for us. You’ve gotta have felt that, kid.” Funny, you are starting to feel like a kid– the only thing missing are his hands on your shoulders to complete that huddle pep talk experience. 
“That’s just not–” you try to start. But Reid swiftly raises his hand, signing you to stop–
“Did you know that every morning Hotch makes sure all the pens and mug handles on your desk are pointing to the right– the way you need it to be– in case the night janitors move any out of place?”
“Or that he never really ate lunch in the office before but started bringing sandwiches and other food he could microwave, while timing his lunches with yours presumably so he could strike up a conversation with you during break?” 
“Or do you remember that one time the AC in the bullpen broke and we were all sweating badly, and I said the heat was making me too thirsty then he disappeared into his office and came back with a bottle of water and an orange juice box only to give it to you?” 
Morgan lets out a loud laugh at that one while Reid pouts playfully, “I mean I was genuinely dying then.” 
Not without his own input, Morgan smiles softly at you with a raised brow “Did you know he personally restocks your favorite hot chocolate in the pantry and on the jet? Including the marshmallows.” 
You breathe in deeply, the revelations sounding too good to be true but winding nonetheless. You crack a small joke, trying to play it off “And I thought the bureau was just feeling really generous.” 
The two, who have grown to be such brothers, give you the exact same look of Really? 
As Reid rounds the table to go back and stand by the board, Morgan catches your attention and holds your eye, “Look, there’s so much more, kid. But they all point to the same thing.” He says this as softly as possible, as if to not scare you away. 
You let out a soft, breathy laugh. Shaking your head, “That just can’t be true.” 
With all three of your backs to the door, you don’t notice Rossi nearing. You just suddenly hear his voice from behind, rounding the table and settling the coffee cups in front of all of you, “Coffee, anyone?” 
As if trapped in the null of the previous conversation, you’re still looking at Morgan as you lean back in your chair, slumping further to seek non-existent cover. Reid, who is now back in his own world with the board, is handed a cup by Rossi, who didn’t even turn to look- only stretching out an arm to receive it and mumbling a distracted “Thanks.”  
Rossi, who is simply too smart for his own good, impressively senses something hanging in the air, nonchalantly asking about the tailend of a conversation he was not supposed to hear, “So… what can’t be true?” 
Back to lounging excessively on a chair that is a tad too tiny for him, with legs outstretched and feet on the corner on the table– Morgan spouts, “That she’s Hotch’s girl, and has no reason to be jealous of Seaver– who by the way needs the HR orientation more than Penelope and I.” 
Now– all of your backs are to the door except Rossi’s. Not one of you tried to move due to fatigue, let alone look.
Unbeknownst to you, Morgan, and Reid, on the way back to the precinct from the hotel, Hotch had the genius thought of picking up Rossi so the latter wouldn’t have to walk a block with trays of coffee on hand.
Hotch and Rossi arrived together. And as Rossi went around the table to give you your cups of coffee, Hotch stayed behind– leaning on the doorframe with arms crossed, watching you and the team.
Imagine his surprise, hearing what Morgan just said. His heart skipped a beat, his stomach dropped. His entire being froze entirely.. What? Jealous? 
In his mind, he had two choices: Act like he didn’t hear it and save you from embarrassment or use it to his advantage and make his intentions clear..ish. 
You gasp loudly at his bluntness– and in front of Rossi! Straightening in your chair and pointing an accusatory finger at Morgan, “You little– I am NOT jealous! and I am NOT Hotch’s–” 
Cut off by someone loudly clearing their throat from behind all of you, you all freeze, including Reid who hasn’t been actively paying attention until now. 
The hair on your neck stands up as you hear the nearing footsteps, already envisioning digging your own grave in your head when finally, Hotch is standing right beside you. 
You’re all still pretty frozen, save from the slow movement which is your eyes slowly lifting its gaze to the man in question until they meet his hazel orbs. He holds your stare as he leans on the desk, arms straining in his shirt– 
Out of the corner of your eye you can see Rossi fighting a smile, and just as you’re about to mentally curse him in your head, you’re broken out of your thoughts by a deep voice, 
“You don’t think you’re my girl?” 
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minswriting · 10 months ago
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warnings: NSFW CONTENT, MDNI, you have to be 18 or older to interact or i will block.
notes: if you have any p links to add, just send them in my inbox with the link and character!
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• sucking spencer off
• fucking you while you’re on top
• spencer fingering you while you’re whining and moaning
• spencer fucking your thighs
• spencer being a munch 🥰
• riding spencer
• spencer eating you out
• fingering you after a long day
• fucking you before work
• taking his stress out on you
• punishing you for acting out :(
• mutual masturbation with hotch
• teasing you with his cock
• riding hotch
• fucking you so good
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solardrop · 8 months ago
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aaron hotchner x fem!bau!reader
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summary: a loser at the local pub thinks spencer is your boyfriend. Aaron drags him. tags: fluff. creepy men being creepy. body shaming (of spencer I'm so sorry). spencer just catching strays in general. word count: ~1.7k a/n: based on an ask. I was gonna just write my thoughts or a short 500 word drabble or something but then ended up writing this until the point I forced myself to just end it lmao. I think it gets a bit convoluted and cringe at the end but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it was fun! not proofread. divider cred @/cafekitsune
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The pub was going to the rue the day they made half-off appetizers their weekly special.
The team squeezed in two pushed-together tables and binged on the greasy delights. you and Spencer had gotten into sharp back and forth about the apocalypse on the way there, which earned the both of you a quick banishing to a corner of the table where the rest of the team wouldn’t be subject to your bickering.
You rest your head against the cool concrete pillar you were sandwiched against. A table pressed against a half-wall facing outdoors was a hard sell to a bunch of field agents. However, Penelope’s animated declaration for the team to ‘live a little’ —specifically, to do so before Rossi got any greyer— landed you a wonderful view of the outdoors. You could watch all the homey, drunken people sway to the music flowing from the patio. The crisp night air flushes the overwhelming smell of burnt grease away from your nose. Maybe you could convince Hotch to grab a window seat for some date nights, you have to admit, the vibes were growing on you. While you enjoy poking the brain of your younger genius friend, you miss the solid warmth of Aaron beside you. Thankfully, he opted to sit in front of you instead. 
You took the opportunity to tease him. You kick him playfully under the table, stealing his attention away from the conversation he is having with Derek. He turns to squint at you for a moment, only to grab your food to sandwich it between the wall and his thigh in retaliation. His fingers drum a steady rhythm against your ankle, the ticklish tap tap tap making you squirm. You motion to ensnare his ankle with your other leg when Spencer turns to point his flimsy white plastic fork at you. 
“If emergency services were still in full effect during the zombie apocalypse, there would be a drastic increase in the number of people infected and a significant loss in—”
“A significant loss in medical supplies. Spoken like a true prepper Reid. What's next, gonna tell me about the importance of learning how to pickle your own food for rationing?”
“Actually, during the Great Depression housewives pickles things that lasted their families almost—”
His impending rant is cut short by the return of your server. Anticipating the bill, Rossi reached for his wallet before the woman shakes her head at him. Instead, sliding a drink and a folded up napkin on the table and nodding her head at you. 
“For the lovely young miss by the window.” She flashes a smile at you, “One of our lovely patons seems to fancy you.”
All eyes snap to you, all the color draining from your face as you stare down at the offending item. The drink was almost glowing at you, bright pink glitter swirling in the liquid with pink gummy hearts floating at the top and crystal sugar bedazzling the rim. There was no way this was actually something for the human body to consume. Even Penelope’s brows raised in shock at its extreme display. 
You glance at Hotch, his leg picking up a steady bounce next to yours after the waitresses revelation. His face is hardened, jaw rocking back and forth as he glares at the folded paper next to the drink. You clear your throat and face the woman again.
“Can you tell me who sent this?”
She juts her sharp chin over your head towards one of the outdoor tables. Hotch’s neck cranes around before your own, and you lock eyes with an older man sitting a few tables down. His face was unpleasantly square, the outdated sandy mullet crowning his head doing him no favors either. He raises his beer bottle towards you with a wink. You shiver, scooting closer to Spencer when the admirer hauls himself out of his stool to stride towards you. Aaron has turned almost fully towards outside now, his brow raised.
“Ohh this is gonna be good,” JJ whispers from the other side of Reid. The comment earns her a sharp glare from Hotch, a blush burning in her cheeks as she goes back to nursing her cheeto-crusted mozzarella sticks.
“I just don’t understand,” Spencer starts, “There are seven other people at this table including men at this table why would he be bold enough to-”
A sharp knock sounder off the ledge of the short wall. 
“Well, hello darlin’. I don’t mean to interrupt the dinner with your friends here, Hello friends, m’  names Miles!” He flashed his eyes around the table with a toothy, mustached smile. 
“But i couldn’t help but see your pretty little face in this window ‘ere and I had to buy ya’ a drink!” 
“Ah… Thank you but um-”
“Don’t even sweat it beautiful!” Small specs of saliva fly from his mouth, causing even Spencer to jump back pulling on the hem of your shirt. As if to use you as a human shield from the germs the man was spewing in his general direction. Hooray. Your hero. 
“I even wrote my number on that there lil’ napkin for ya’. My momma raised a gentleman, so I gotta buy you more than a lil liquor before I take you down.” His beady eyes shoot down to your cleavage before snapping back to your face, licking his lip. 
The fingers on your ankles pause at this. Aaron stares down the side of the mans face, lips pressd into a fine line spread across his face. You decide to jump in before your boyfriend takes it upon himself to tear the mystery man a new one.
“Listen, I appreciate the sentiment but, I’m here to have dinner with my friends and my boyfriend so… I could pay you back for the drink? No harm done-”
“Boyfriend!?” He steps back, eyes scanning the table once more before landing on Spencer and snorting. 
“This lil’ stringbean? You can’t possibly be serious” He smiles at Spencer before he continues “Jack and the beanstalk here could barely muscle steel so ya’ll stuck him with plastic,” He waves a crooked finger aimlessly around the table, “And you expect me to believe he’s wrangling a fine figure like yourself down every night?”
That seems to hit a sore spot for Reid, who finally peeps his head from around you. He takes the moment to ramble about the millions of germs and pathogens that could be found on community utensils even after a full wash cycle. Much to the dismay of the creep and team alike, so much so that Derek had to nudge him with his foot. With the conclusion of Spencer’s monologue the man continues
“Anyways, darlin’ for one night let me take you for a spin. Lil' boy like that won't do ya' any good. I promise you only a bigger, older man knows how to really take care of someone crafted as fine as you.” His eyes lower to your chest again and stay there. 
“I assure you she already knows that,” Aaron spits. 
Your eyes snap to his face. He seemd deceptively calm now, his expression almost bored. 
“Pardon?” Miles asks, half-heartedly turning his body towards him. 
“I’ll put it like this for you Miles. Stringbean over here isn’t her boyfriend,” Spencer begins to squeak out in opposition to his new pet name, but Hotch’s voice bellows out above his own, “I know you’re pathetic, that was apparent from the moment you walked up here puffing your chest after buying the cheapest drink on the menu as a gift. But I’m almost surprised you made your impotence so obvious too, considering you made eye contact with everyone you view as non threatening, the women, the man in his late years, the kid.”
Aaron lazily cocks his head towards Morgan, “But not me and my friend here in the corner. But I’m sure you thought you got away with that. Now, I’d suggest you move. The cologne you sprayed to mask the smell of Motel 8 is starting to wear off.”
Your ears warm at his words. Every sharp word honeyed by his calm, almost sweet tone. He spoke as if he was reading the well thought out profile of an elusive crimminal instead of just some ass in a sit down. God you wanted to kiss him. He’d have to let team politics go just this once right? Just a thank you peck. 
Before you can move to move ask him for one, Miles sputters out, “Talkin’ to me like I’m some dumbass— Who the hell d’ya think you are man!?”
Each syllable causes a spray of spit to launch out his mouth, forcing you to scoot even closer to spencer to evade the line of fire. His face shines with sweat and grease, red rising from his shirt collar as he barks at Hotch’s words. 
“I’m her man. Her bigger, older man. But I’m sure you already knew that, since you still refuse to look at me.” Aaron reaches down into his pockets, flipping out his credentials with deft fingers, “And I’m also an agent. As is everyone at the table including the woman you’ve spent the past several minutes sexually harassing.” He scowls, “Now, go sit down and shut the hell up.”
Miles' eyes finally rip away from you to meet his now. The angered flush erupts across his whole body now. He opens his mouth several times before closing it again, iced out by the cold stare Hotch gives him. He turns on his heel and marches back to his table without a fight. He sniffs his collar before jumping back in clear disgust.
A beat passes and the whole table erupts into laughter at the absurd happenings. Aaron’s face softens, still frowning in the general direction of the slimy man. Jolting when Derek claps him on the back and shakes him in praise. 
“Alright Hotch! Racing to defend your girl, I didn’t know you had it like that!”
“Well, I’m not surprised,” You stretch across the table to grasp his hand, kissing his knuckles before he could protest. He envelopes your hand in both of his and gives you a warm smile,  “my man is my hero in and out of the field.” He breathes out a laugh, knocking his knee against yours for your teasing. 
“Next time, you and String Bean get into it, we’re doing a different seating arrangement.”
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infictionalwonderland · 8 months ago
The BAU team meeting Hotch’s younger gf who looks like she walked off the front cover of a magazine & she’s so bubbly and has a really comforting energy! How would they react????
The satisfying little clicks of heels against the marble floor wasn’t enough to gain any of their attention usually, but accompanied by the delicately enchanting chimes of true laughter and sweet smell of baked goods—eyes were immediately lifting to investigate to the scene.
“Thank you so much!” An incredibly sweet, honeyed voice gushed genuinely, “here, all of these are meant for my boyfriend but I’m sure he won’t even notice.”
The team traded immensely interested looks as they surveyed the scene, Anderson (who was uncharacteristically blushing a bright flustered cherry red) was being handed a chocolate chip muffin by—wow—a startlingly gorgeous young women who was dressed in inviting soft colours and had a large sweet smile on her face that served to emphasise her lovely appearance.
“My day just got a hundred times better.” Derek grinned, swivelling his chair sideways to speak to the rest of his team while barely taking his eyes off you.
“You’re telling me.” Emily’s mouth hung open a little as she leaned forwards on her elbows to look at you more closely.
“Behave.” JJ scolded before her brief look of reprimand melted under Emily’s pointed stare, “she’s looks so sweet I just wanna eat her.”
“She has a boyfriend.” Spencer reminded them.
“Pretty boy—you and—“
“Oh—oh, no!” Spencer flustered, sputtering out the gulp of his coffee he had in his mouth (JJ handed him a napkin with a mothers readiness). “Not—I would be absolutely honoured—and—and, for lack of a sensical phrase, over the moon, to have a romantic relationship with a woman such as her but—no, unfortunately. She—she said a few moments ago that has a boyfriend.”
“Ah.” Emily blinked, a slow almost sheepish smirk on his lips, “I wasn’t really listening to what she was saying, just watching her lips move.”
“Preach sister.” Derek leaned forward for a fist-bump which Emily easily gave, both of them nodding in solidarity.
“Hello!” They all startled heavily as your gentle, happy voice chimed now much closer to them and mouths dropped subtly at just how beautiful you looked up close.
“Well hello sweetheart.”
“Hi gorgeous.”
You blinked at them, an adorable giggle leaving you at the onslaught of greetings that came all at once. “Hi! You wouldn’t happen to know where Aaron Hotchner’s office is would you?”
“Hotch?” Emily furrowed her brows at you curiously and then seemed to forgot about, well, any of anything she was thinking as your bubbly smile and sparkling eyes turned her way and you gave a cheerful ‘yep!’ “Um—just, up those stairs, the first door at the top.”
“Thank you very much.” You told her, voice as sweet as the packet of fizzy haribos hidden in her desk. “It was lovely meeting you all, we’ll probably be better acquainted later on.”
With a sparkly mischievous twinkle in your bright eyes and another adorable giggle, you took off in a small spin that sent the enchanting mix of your perfume and the baked goods wafting over to all of them and they all watched, entranced, as you climbed the steps to their boss’ office.
After several seconds of dazed silence, Spencer gasped.
“Yeah I wouldn’t mind being her boyfriend either.” Derek murmured. “At all—really, no sweat off my back.”
JJ’s mouth dropped open as she realised where Spencer was going with his train of thought, rolling back in her chair as they pointed at him in realisation.
“Oh my God!”
“Hotch—hotch, is her boyfriend..?” Spencer sounded extremely confused, mouth falling open and closing repeatedly.
“Reid, you are having a giggle.”
“No, he’s right.” JJ confirmed, mouth open and eyebrows raised. “She said she was here to see her boyfriend and she’s gone to see Hotch. . 2 plus 2 equals. .”
“. . An incredibly brokenhearted Derek Morgan.” Derek’s own mouth dropped open, craning his neck to see what was going on in the office of his boss before realising that Hotch had shut the blinds. Derek gasped, that sneak.
“And a flummoxed Emily Prentiss.”
“But she’s so—“
“And he’s like—“
“Well, the last few months Hotch has been incredibly more relaxed, in fact his percentage of smiles given has gone up from a measly 30% to almost 84%, his laugh quota has reached high yet levels than I’ve ever known it to be. I had also noted that every Thursday he never goes home as late as he usually retires for the day and with this new revelation of a relationship—I assume this correlates to their date nights.”
“It does.”
Everyone turned in their chairs quickly to face their boss who now stood outside his office a faintly amused smile curving up his lips, at his side was you and you were wearing an amused and loving smile, eyes practically sparkling after Spencer’s speech on your boyfriend’s behaviour as they flickered up to said boyfriend beside you who looked down at you with soft, fond eyes.
“So you figured out my secret.” You grinned at them all, taking in Spencer’s red cheeks and Emily’s flabbergasted, dazed stare. “I’m Y/N, Aaron’s girlfriend!”
“Doesn’t that just crush a man’s hopes and dreams.” Derek pouted quietly to himself, straightening up in alarm when his boss’ intense eyes zeroed in on him.
“Honey, this is JJ—“ The blonde gave a warm, welcoming smile and a wave, “Spencer,” said genius gave a tight lipped awkward smile, hands flailing awkwardly and cheeks a burning fiery red, feeling this pulse thump when they smiled back directly at him, “Emily and Derek.” Both of the aforementioned gave waves with half flirty-ish smirks and half genuine smiles.
The door to Rossi’s office opened and when he stepped out and saw you beside Aaron he smiled happily, walking towards you both.
“Ah, Y/N!” He took you into an embrace, kissing both of your cheeks. “You get more beautiful every time I see you, is this big brute treating you right?”
“Always, Dave.”
He patted you on the shoulders, smiling, before turning to Aaron who was rolling his eyes at him fondly.
“Let’s keep it that way.”
“Rossi!” Emily’s astounded voice exclaimed, “you—know Y/N—you knew about this—“
It was Dave’s turn to roll his eyes as he continued walking to descend down the stairs, tutting at her disappointedly.
“You thought I wouldn’t?” He countered, “who do you think encouraged him to go for it?”
You laughed at that and your boyfriend smiled down at you fondly, looping an arm around your waist—seemingly forgetting he was in his place of work and needed to keep up the facade of stone cold, emotionless boss.
“What—Rossi—get back here—“ Derek leaped up from his seat and trailed after the older man.
“What, you gonna come watch me take a leak?”
“If it means we get some answers!”
“Shoo parassita.”
All you could do was laugh again, smiling up at your boyfriend as his arm tightened around your waist and he pulled you closer into his side. You were very happy with your decision to come and deliver baked goods to him.
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kiwriteswords · 22 days ago
Because You're Just a Man [Aaron Hotchner x Reader]
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Masterlist (updated!!)|| Ao3||Word Count: 10k|| AN: Who's going to explain to my boss that seeing this prompt caused me to get ZERO work done today. I'm getting more comfortable with writing smut again and this was honestly my favorite piece I have ever written so far! Also! Thank you for the encouragement on my original post @honeypiehotchner @ssamorganhotchner and @hoe4hotchner <3 Tags/Warnings: female reader, mdni, canon typical themes, sexual themes, flirting, hotch and reader pushing each others limits, jealous!Hotch, simp!Hotch, unprotected sex, horny hotch, horny reader, provoking hotch hours. Summary: Based on the prompt from @urfriendlywriter: "You're making it really hard to be a gentleman right now."
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The hum of the BAU office felt different at night--quieter, but still charged with the weight of unfinished cases and the scent of stale coffee.
It was late, most of the team had already left, and the bullpen was washed in the dim glow of desk lamps and the occasional flicker of the overhead fluorescents. You sat at your desk, typing halfheartedly on your laptop, stealing occasional glances at the one person still in the office.
He sat in his glass-walled office, posture perfect as ever, his tie loosened just enough to suggest he’d been at this for hours. His jaw was tight, his fingers moving steadily across reports, and even from here, you could see the muscle in his cheek flex every time he clenched it.
God, he was impossible.
You’d been seeing him--or at least talking about the possibility of seeing him--for weeks now. There had been stolen moments, almost-confessions, a tension so thick between you that even the team had started noticing. But Hotch, ever the professional, ever the stoic leader, hadn’t given you much to go on. A lingering glance? A stray touch? A sharp inhale when you got too close? Sure. But he never acted. Never said anything.
Nothing concrete, anyways. 
And it was starting to drive you insane.
At first, you thought maybe he was just slow to act. That he wanted to be sure. But the more time passed, the more you started to wonder: Was he even attracted to you?
You knew he cared. You’d seen it in the way his eyes lingered when he thought you weren’t looking. In the way he checked in after cases, always ensuring you were okay. But physically? He was impossible to read. He was so composed, so disciplined, that you couldn’t tell if he was holding himself back or if he simply didn’t feel the way you did.
So you decided to test him.
Nothing outrageous, nothing too obvious--just enough to see if you could shake his composure.
You leaned back in your chair, stretching your arms overhead, the hem of your blouse riding up just a fraction. If he was looking, he didn’t show it.
You stood slowly, making a deliberate show of gathering your things. You could feel the soft stretch of your pencil skirt as you shifted, the way your blouse clung just right in the low light. You weren’t normally one to be overly conscious of what you wore to work, but tonight? Tonight, you wanted him to notice.
File in hand, you took your time walking toward his office, letting the faint click of your heels punctuate the silence.
He didn’t look up right away, but you knew he knew you were there.
"Still working?" you asked, voice just a little softer than usual.
Hotch finally glanced up, dark eyes flicking to yours before settling back on the paperwork in front of him. "Looks that way." His voice was smooth, measured. Controlled.
You stepped inside, setting the file down on his desk--closer than necessary. Close enough that you could smell the subtle, clean scent of his cologne, something rich and warm beneath the sharpness of his aftershave.
"You should take a break," you mused, tilting your head slightly.
He exhaled slowly through his nose. "I don’t have time for a break."
"Not even for me?" You rested your hand against the edge of his desk, fingers just barely brushing the wood as you leaned in--just enough to make it impossible for him to ignore the proximity.
That did it.
It was quick, almost imperceptible, but you saw it.
The slight shift of his jaw. The way his fingers tightened around his pen just briefly before setting it down.
A rush of satisfaction curled in your stomach.
So, he does notice.
But the moment passes as quickly as it came. Hotch barely spares you another glance, flipping the page of his report with that same unreadable, impassive expression. If he was affected, he sure as hell wasn’t showing it now.
You narrowed your eyes slightly, watching him.
That’s how you want to play it, Hotchner?
You could almost see it--the way his mind worked, the methodical discipline he relied on to keep himself locked up tight. He was compartmentalizing. Shoving down whatever impulse had flickered through him the second he caught your scent, or felt the heat of your body just inches from his desk.
He wasn’t indifferent. He was deliberately refusing to acknowledge it.
That realization sent a slow hum of intrigue through you.
This wasn’t going to be as simple as you thought. If you wanted to get a real reaction out of him, you’d have to be smarter about it. Subtler.
You straightened up, deliberately not lingering the way you had been. Let him think you were backing off.
“Don’t work too hard,” you said lightly, turning toward the door.
You swore you felt his eyes on you as you walked away--but when you glanced back, he was already staring at his paperwork again, jaw tight.
Oh, this was going to be fun.
Back at your desk, you settled into your chair and let your fingers drift over your keyboard, not really typing, not really thinking about work anymore. Instead, your mind was spinning, plotting.
What else would get to him?
A slow smirk tugged at the corner of your lips.
You had all the time in the world to figure that out.
The conference room was buzzing with low chatter, the sound of files rustling, and the distant whir of the coffee machine in the bullpen. The team was gathering for a briefing, and you were one of the last to arrive, slipping in just as Hotch stood at the head of the table, setting down the case file.
You slid into the chair across from him, casually smoothing the hem of your skirt as you crossed your legs, slow and deliberate.
His gaze flicked up--so brief, so controlled, that anyone else would have missed it. But you didn’t.
Your stomach hummed with satisfaction.
His eyes dropped immediately to the folder in front of him, fingers adjusting his watch before flipping open the case file. His movements were precise, methodical. A man rebuilding his walls, brick by brick.
Good. You weren’t done testing their strength yet.
Morgan and JJ were still chatting, waiting for Garcia to finish setting up, so you leaned forward, resting your chin on your hand, watching Hotch as if you were actually interested in the file he was reading.
“You didn’t go home last night, did you?” you mused.
Hotch’s jaw tightened just slightly. “I was finishing reports.”
You hummed, tilting your head. “Right. That explains why you’re so grumpy today.”
“I’m not grumpy,” he replied, voice smooth, but the way his grip subtly flexed around his pen told you otherwise.
“You kind of are.” You let the amusement curl in your voice. “At least a little.”
His exhale was barely audible, a long, slow breath through his nose. He still wasn’t looking at you, keeping his attention on the paperwork in front of him, but his fingers tightened around his pen just slightly.
You smiled.
And then, because you wanted to see just how much he was holding back, you stretched--a lazy, innocent stretch, your back arching just enough to accentuate your figure, your blouse shifting ever so slightly.
Hotch froze.
Just for half a second.
But it was there.
The slight pause in the movement of his pen. The subtle way his jaw went even tighter. The fraction of a second where his eyes flicked toward you before snapping back to his papers.
You bit back a smirk.
This was working.
You tapped your fingers against the table, feigning nonchalance. “You know, Hotch, if you ever actually relaxed once in a while, I think the world would keep turning.”
His lips parted slightly, as if he was about to respond--but at that moment, Garcia’s voice burst through the moment, her usual chipper tone filling the room.
You didn’t miss the slight tension in Hotch’s shoulders as he very purposefully turned his full attention to the case.
He was trying so hard.
And it was only making you more determined.
The night air in Quantico was thick with humidity, the kind that settled into your skin and made the inside of the BAU feel heavier than usual. It made you wonder if this is where they decided to save bureaucratic dollars, by turning the air conditioner off when people worked after office hours.
Most of the team had already left, the bullpen dimly lit except for the faint glow of desk lamps and the occasional flicker of the coffee machine cycling through its last brew of the night.
Hotch was still in his office, as always.
And you were still here.
At first, your little experiments had been entertaining--a game to see if you could shake his impossible composure, test the limits of his discipline. And while you had noticed the cracks--those fleeting glances, the small shifts in body language--he never let them grow into something more.
And it was starting to piss you off.
It wasn’t as if you expected him to shove the desk between you aside and kiss you breathless (though the thought was an incredibly tempting one). But you needed something. A sign. A confirmation that this thing--this slow, unbearable push-and-pull--wasn’t just in your head.
Because if he wasn’t interested, if all of this was just a cruel trick of your own imagination, then what the hell were you doing?
You pushed away from your desk, snatching up the case file you’d been pretending to work on, and made your way up the stairs to his office.
His door was open, but he was in his usual state of intense focus--pen in hand, elbow resting on the desk, brows drawn together. His sleeves were rolled up now, exposing the lean muscle of his forearms, and his tie was loosened just enough to be tempting.
You leaned against the doorway, tilting your head. “You do realize the case is over, right?”
Hotch didn’t even look up. “Paperwork isn’t.”
You rolled your eyes, stepping inside. “You work too much.”
“I’ve been told.”
There was something infuriating about his ability to stay perfectly neutral. You stepped closer, rounding his desk slightly, just enough to lean against the edge.
Close enough to be impossible to ignore.
“You ever think about taking a break? Doing something fun?”
His eyes flicked up at that--just for a second--but his expression didn’t change. “I have fun.”
You huffed a laugh, crossing your arms. “No, you don’t.”
His lips pressed into a thin line.
You took it further. “When was the last time you let yourself actually relax?”
“I don’t have the luxury of--”
“Oh, come on, Hotch,” you interrupted, frustration leaking into your tone now. “You’re always like this. So composed, so in control.” You leaned in slightly, voice dipping into something just a little more pointed. “So unaffected.”
Something flickered behind his eyes. A warning. A silent caution that you were pushing too hard.
You ignored it.
You tilted your head, considering him, your frustration bubbling into something sharper.
And then, because you couldn’t stop yourself, because you were tired of second-guessing and waiting for something that might not even be there, you let the words slip:
"You must be the most disciplined man on the planet, Hotchner." You let it sit for a beat before adding, deliberately flippant, "Or maybe I’m just not your type."
That did it.
It was instant.
His pen stilled, fingers tightening around it before setting it down with deliberate care. His jaw tensed, the muscle there flickering under the low light. And then--finally--he looked at you.
Not a glance. Not a fleeting acknowledgment.
A look.
Slow. Measured. And dark in a way that made your breath hitch.
For the first time, you felt something shift in the air between you--something crackling, something dangerous.
He didn’t answer right away.
Instead, he leaned back in his chair, rolling his shoulders, his gaze locked onto yours like he was considering his next move. Like he was deciding.
When he finally spoke, his voice was lower than before. “You really think that?”
Your stomach tightened.
You shrugged, feigning nonchalance even as your pulse picked up. “Well, I don’t see you proving me wrong.”
His exhale was slow, controlled--like he was reining himself in.
And suddenly, you weren’t sure if you were the one poking him--or if you had just walked straight into something you weren’t ready for.
The room felt smaller.
Hotch hadn’t moved--not an inch. He was still leaning back in his chair, arms resting on the desk, posture as composed as ever. And yet, something had shifted.
Maybe it was in the air between you, thick with unsaid things.
Maybe it was in his eyes--still dark, still unreadable, but no longer distant.
Or maybe it was in the silence, the heavy pause after your words had landed, stretching just long enough for doubt to creep in.
Maybe you were right? Maybe you were wrong? 
"You really think that?"
He repeated. His voice was low, controlled, but there was something new in it. Something deliberate.
You lifted a shoulder in a shrug, determined to keep your ground, even as your heartbeat knocked against your ribs. “Well, again, I don’t see you proving me wrong.”
Hotch inhaled slowly, tilting his head ever so slightly as he studied you.
And then--he smirked.
It wasn’t full, wasn’t obvious, but it was there. The barest hint of amusement curling at the edges of his lips, just enough to make your stomach tighten.
“You’re impatient,” he murmured.
Your brow furrowed. “Excuse me?”
He tapped his fingers against the desk once--just once--before leaning forward. Not much, but enough that the shift in proximity sent a shiver down your spine.
"You expect me to react on your timeline," he said, voice smooth, steady. "You think if I don’t, it means I don’t feel it." His eyes flickered over your face, slow and deliberate. "That I don’t want to."
Heat licked up your spine.
His words were careful, calculated--but there was something beneath them. A warning.
Your pulse quickened, but you refused to let him see it. You lifted your chin slightly. "Am I wrong?"
Hotch exhaled sharply, the ghost of a laugh under his breath, before shaking his head.
“No,” he admitted. “But you are underestimating me.”
Your stomach flipped.
You felt the weight of those words, how easily they unraveled the confidence you’d built up.
Underestimating him?
Your lips parted slightly, but before you could speak, he continued, voice dropping just slightly:
“If I wanted to give in, I would have already.”
The sheer certainty in his tone sent a thrill down your spine.
You swallowed, throat suddenly dry. "So why haven’t you?"
He held your gaze steady and unwavering.
"Because I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of winning this little game you're playing."
Your breath caught.
So he knew.
He’d known this whole time.
Every shift in your tone. Every touch that lingered just a little too long. Every glance, every tease, every attempt to get a reaction out of him.
He had seen all of it.
And he had been letting you play.
Your heart pounded against your ribs, frustration and thrill curling into one. You had been trying to push him, to get under his skin, but now it was you who felt unsteady, heat pooling low in your stomach.
"You think this is a game?" you challenged.
Hotch’s gaze flickered lower--just briefly, just enough to make your breath hitch--before snapping back to yours.
“I think you’re trying to get a reaction out of me,” he murmured, voice like velvet. “And I think you’re getting frustrated because I won’t give you one.”
You sucked in a breath, hands curling at your sides.
“And that’s why you’re underestimating me.”
Your throat tightened.
He’s turning this on you.
You had walked into this office thinking you were the one in control, that you were the one poking at his restraint.
But now, sitting there, completely composed, unshaken, he was making it clear:
He had never been the one losing control, but you did have an effect on him.
He was letting you think you were winning--letting you push, letting you test, letting you play.
But the second he wanted to break the tension, he would.
And not a moment sooner.
Silence stretched between you, and you realized that if you said anything now, you’d only be proving him right.
So you did the only thing you could.
You stepped back.
Not much. Just enough to put a few inches of space between you. Just enough to breathe.
Hotch’s lips twitched slightly, almost like he knew he had won this round.
"Goodnight," he said, voice as smooth as ever.
Your nails pressed into your palm, heat still simmering low in your stomach, but you forced yourself to stay composed as you turned.
And as you walked out of his office, one thought burned in your mind.
You had severely underestimated Aaron Hotchner.
And now, you were more determined than ever to make him break.
The local precinct smelled like stale coffee and cheap disinfectant, the kind of place that saw too many long nights and not enough successful arrests. The team had been working with the local PD all morning, briefing the officers, pouring over evidence, and establishing a strategy for catching the unsub. The air was thick with tension--case tension, but also something else.
Hotch tension.
You had been careful, playing it safe the last couple of days after your last conversation with him. He had successfully flipped your game back on you, made you second-guess your own approach, and that had annoyed you. But more than that--it had intrigued you.
You had underestimated him.
But that only made you want to try harder.
So now, standing in the middle of the precinct, surrounded by officers, detectives, and your team, you found your next move.
It happened when one of the younger officers--a rookie, maybe mid-twenties--sidled up beside you while you were scanning over a map of the unsub’s hunting ground. He was cocky, too casual for a case like this, but harmless enough.
“You guys always get put on the bad ones, huh?” he asked, shaking his head.
You hummed, glancing at him briefly. “Something like that.”
He smelled like cheap cologne and bad news. 
His eyes flicked over you--not in a way that was offensive, but in a way that was obvious. “So, what’s it like working for him?” His gaze drifted past you, and you knew exactly who he was referring to.
You glanced toward the other side of the room, where Hotch was standing with Rossi and Morgan, discussing logistics with the local captain. He was doing what he always did--keeping his tone measured, his posture unwavering, his presence demanding attention even when he wasn’t speaking.
“What do you mean?” you asked, playing dumb.
The rookie smirked. “I mean, he’s kind of intense, right? Seems like the type of guy who doesn’t let his team breathe.”
You let out a short laugh, shaking your head. “Oh, he lets us breathe. Just not when we’re wasting time.”
The officer chuckled, leaning slightly closer. “And what about after hours? He loosen up at all then?”
It was an innocent enough comment. It wasn’t inappropriate, wasn’t particularly suggestive, but it was loaded--an implication lingering beneath the surface.
And that’s when you felt it.
The shift.
It wasn’t obvious. No one else in the room would have noticed. But you did.
His energy--you could feel it surrounding you without him even making as much as a subtle eye movement. He was all around you. All at once. Just not physically. 
The way Hotch’s posture stiffened, ever so slightly.
The way his conversation faltered for just a fraction of a second before continuing.
The way his fingers twitched, like he had the urge to look over but refused to.
You had just done something dangerous.
And you liked it.
A slow, wicked idea unfurled in your mind.
You didn’t even have to flirt with the rookie. You just had to let him think he had a shot. Let Hotch think that someone else might be in your orbit.
So you smiled--just a small, amused smile--as you said, “Why? You looking for some FBI mentorship?”
The officer grinned. “I wouldn’t say no.”
And then, because you could, because you were feeling reckless, you let your fingers lightly trail over his forearm. A barely there touch. A casual, fleeting thing.
But it wasn’t casual at all.
You felt the shift further before you even looked up.
And when you finally glanced toward Hotch--when you saw the way his gaze was locked onto you now, the sharp, barely restrained tension in his features--you almost lost your own composure.
His expression was unreadable, but his eyes?
His eyes were burning.
A rush of heat surged through your body.
You had found something.
But before you could process it, Hotch’s voice cut through the air--calm, too calm.
“Agent,” he said sharply. “A word.”
Your stomach dropped.
And not in the way that made you nervous.
In the way that made your pulse spike.
You turned slowly, heart hammering, as Hotch gestured for you to follow him.
He didn’t wait for you--just walked toward one of the quieter hallways of the precinct, expecting you to keep up.
You did.
His legs were so long--such long strides. 
Your mind was racing, trying to figure out if he was mad or if this was something else--if you had finally managed to push too far.
When he finally stopped, he turned abruptly, standing so close that you almost collided into him.
His jaw was tight. His breathing controlled.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, voice low.
You blinked up at him, playing the part of the innocent. “Excuse me?”
His eyes flickered with something unreadable. “The officer.”
Your heart thumped. You knew what this was now.
It wasn’t anger.
It was something else entirely.
A slow, knowing smirk curved your lips. “Oh,” you said, tilting your head. “You were paying attention.”
His nostrils flared slightly.
“You’re playing a dangerous game,” he murmured, voice even lower now.
Your pulse thrummed in your throat. “Am I?”
Hotch’s gaze locked onto yours, something sharp, something restrained--but this time, barely.
For the first time, you knew you had him.
And now?
Now you were dying to see what happened when Aaron Hotchner stopped holding back.
The hallway was too quiet.
Or maybe it wasn’t. Maybe it was just you, hyperaware of every single breath, every shift in the air between you and Hotch. The precinct buzzed faintly in the distance, but here, in this small, dimly lit corridor, it felt like another world entirely.
Hotch hadn’t moved.
Neither had you.
The space between you was barely a few inches, and yet, the tension crackled like a live wire, sparking in the narrow gap separating you.
His jaw was tight. His shoulders squared. His hands twitched--just slightly, like he was debating what to do with them.
Hotch exhaled through his nose, slow, measured, but there was something off about it--something that told you it wasn’t just an exhale. It was restraint.
Tightly coiled, barely-leashed restraint.
You had never seen him like this.
He was always so careful. So composed. So in control.
But right now? Right now, there was something just beneath the surface, something barely held together by the thread of his discipline.
And it was because of you.
You could feel your pulse hammering against your ribs, heat rising up your spine, but you didn’t step back.
Neither did he.
“I didn’t realize talking to an officer was against BAU protocol,” you mused, letting the words hang in the air between you, testing, pushing.
Hotch’s eyes darkened. “That’s not what this is about.”
Your lips curled slightly, your confidence returning in full force. “No?”
His breath hitched--just a fraction, just enough.
Then, before you could blink, he took a step closer.
It was subtle. Barely there.
But it was deliberate.
You were trained to decipher human behavior, after all. This man--he was one of the hardest shells to crack, but something told you how to put the pieces together now. 
Your spine straightened instinctively, the sudden nearness setting off a slow burn low in your stomach.
For the first time, it felt like he was the one testing you.
“You think I don’t see what you’re doing?” he murmured, voice dangerously low.
A shiver trailed down your spine.
You forced yourself to hold his gaze, even as the heat between you thickened. “And what am I doing, Hotch?”
His jaw ticked. “You want a reaction.”
You tilted your head slightly, barely suppressing a smirk. “Do I?”
His exhale was sharp this time, less measured, less composed. His fingers flexed at his sides, like he was physically keeping himself from moving.
Then, before you could process what was happening, he leaned in--just enough that his breath ghosted over your skin, warm, sharp.
“You really want to test me?” he murmured.
Your stomach flipped.
Your lips parted slightly, a retort forming, but nothing came out.
Hotch let the moment hang, suspended, the air thick with something neither of you wanted to name.
Then--just as quickly as he had closed the space--he pulled back, his expression unreadable once more.
His discipline snapped back into place like a steel trap, as if he had never let it slip at all.
But you had seen it.
You had felt it.
And as he straightened, adjusting his tie, clearing his throat, you knew.
He wasn’t unaffected.
Not even close.
“Get back to work,” he said finally, voice smooth, controlled.
But he didn’t look at you when he said it.
And that?
That told you everything you needed to know.
You thought you had won.
You felt the tension, saw the moment Hotch nearly cracked, heard the shift in his breath. You knew now--knew for certain--that you affected him. That you weren’t imagining things.
That Aaron Hotchner wanted you.
And yet, as you walked back into the main room of the precinct, trying to steady your own breathing, trying to refocus on the case, something gnawed at you.
Because when he had pulled back, when he had gathered himself, when he had smoothed his tie and sent you back to work like nothing had happened--there had been something in his expression.
Not regret. Not hesitation.
Something else.
And you realized it too late.
You had just handed him the upper hand.
It started small.
You were seated at the long table in the precinct’s war room, reviewing files, mapping out patterns on a whiteboard with Morgan and Prentiss, when you felt it.
A gaze.
Hotch was across the room, engaged in a discussion with Rossi and the lead detective, his voice even, steady. Composed.
But he was watching you.
Not directly. Not obviously.
But you could feel it.
The way his eyes flicked toward you between sentences, the way his attention lingered just a second too long before returning to the conversation at hand.
It shouldn’t have rattled you.
But it did.
Because you had spent so long trying to get a reaction out of him. And now, suddenly, he wasn’t ignoring you. He wasn’t brushing it off.
He was watching you back.
And worse?
He wasn’t hiding it anymore.
Your stomach twisted in a way you weren’t used to.
You forced yourself to refocus, flipping through the files in front of you, but it was impossible to concentrate, not when you could still feel his eyes on you, his presence like a gravitational pull you couldn’t ignore.
And then--he upped the ante.
It was in the small things.
Like the next time you spoke to him--when you handed him a report, expecting him to simply take it like he always did, business as usual.
But instead, his fingers brushed yours as he took the file, slow, deliberate.
The touch was barely there, but it sent an electric jolt up your arm.
You glanced up at him, startled, only to find his gaze already on yours. Steady. Controlled.
Like he knew exactly what he had done.
Your lips parted, but he simply nodded, expression unreadable. “Thank you.”
And then he walked away.
Your breath stuck in your throat.
Oh, he’s good.
It only got worse from there.
During the next strategy meeting, you found yourself seated beside him--not an unusual occurrence, but this time, you felt it.
The space between you was almost nonexistent.
His arm rested along the table, his fingers occasionally brushing the edge of your notepad, each accidental touch sending a slow hum through your body.
But the worst part?
The absolute worst part?
Was when you went to reach for your coffee mug at the same time he reached for his.
Your fingers brushed again, but this time, he didn’t move away.
Not right away.
Instead, his thumb lingered against your skin for a half-second too long.
And when you looked up at him, startled, he just--
It was small. Subtle. So quick that if you hadn’t been looking, you might’ve missed it.
But it was there.
You swallowed hard, gripping your coffee mug like it was your lifeline, because suddenly, the temperature in the room felt ten degrees hotter.
And he just continued on like nothing had happened.
Like he hadn’t just turned the game back on you.
You barely heard a word Morgan was saying, barely processed anything but the way Hotch’s arm remained just close enough that if you moved, even slightly, you would touch again.
He was toying with you now.
Testing you.
And suddenly, you understood.
He had been waiting for this.
Letting you push him. Letting you get bold.
Because he had known the whole time that the moment he pushed back, you wouldn’t be ready for it.
You inhaled sharply, forcing yourself to refocus, forcing yourself to push through the way your stomach twisted, the way your pulse hammered against your ribs.
If he wanted to play, you could play.
But you were starting to realize something you hadn’t expected.
Aaron Hotchner was a much more dangerous opponent than you had ever given him credit for.
And now, you weren’t sure if you were winning--or if you were about to completely lose yourself in him.
The bar was dimly lit, the kind of place the team liked to celebrate in after a case closed--a quiet enough spot to talk, but loud enough that no one paid much attention to a group of FBI agents drinking in the corner.
The case had been a difficult one, drawn out and exhausting, but the unsub was in custody, the victims’ families had answers, and--for tonight at least--you could all breathe a little easier.
You nursed your drink, watching as Morgan and Prentiss laughed at something Garcia said, Rossi swirling his whiskey in his glass as he smirked at whatever banter they were trading.
And then there was Hotch.
Sitting beside you, as always.
Close enough that you could feel the warmth of his presence, but still distant in that way only he could manage--always composed, always aware of himself, of his surroundings.
Always in control.
You had spent the entire night testing that control.
At first, it was subtle. A lingering touch when you handed him his drink, a fleeting brush of your fingers against his wrist when you leaned in to speak over the noise of the bar.
Then, bolder.
A teasing remark, the way you laughed just a little softer when he said something dry and sarcastic, the way your hand rested lightly against his thigh just as you shifted in your seat.
You had expected a reaction.
You wanted one.
But instead of pulling away, instead of scolding you, instead of doing what he always did--remaining unaffected, unshaken--Hotch did something worse.
He played along.
He didn’t move your hand. He didn’t shift away.
He let it happen.
And the worst part?
He let you sit with it.
Let you feel the weight of your own actions, the way the tension between you thickened, the way your pulse picked up when his dark eyes flicked toward yours, unreadable but aware.
He was so much better at this game than you were.
And you were losing.
You needed to tip the scales back in your favor.
So you made a choice.
You reached for your drink, fingers brushing the rim, and took a slow sip--letting your lips close around the edge of the glass, letting your tongue flicker just slightly against the rim as you pulled back.
It was innocent enough.
But the moment you placed your glass back down, you shifted in your seat--legs crossing deliberately, brushing against his knee as you tilted your head, looking up at him from beneath your lashes.
And then you said it.
Low. Soft. Just for him.
"You know, Hotch…I don’t think I’ve ever seen you flustered before."
It was a direct challenge.
A blatant, deliberate provocation.
And this time?
He reacted.
The shift was instantaneous.
His fingers tightened hard around his glass, his jaw clenching as his breath hitched--so subtly that no one else would have noticed, but you did.
His lips parted slightly, his tongue flicking against the inside of his cheek like he was considering his next move.
Then, finally--finally--he turned to look at you fully.
And the intensity in his gaze?
It nearly knocked the breath out of you.
His voice was low, rough around the edges, laced with something you had never heard from him before.
"You’re making it very hard to be a gentleman right now."
Your stomach dropped.
Your fingers curled slightly against the table, and you swallowed, suddenly feeling so much smaller beneath the weight of his attention.
You had wanted this.
You had asked for this.
And now?
Now you weren’t sure if you were ready for what happened next.
Because the way Hotch was looking at you?
Like he had been holding back for so long--so painfully long--and was finally, finally reaching the edge of his control?
It sent a shiver down your spine.
And suddenly, for the first time since this little game started…
You realized you might have just gotten in over your head.
Your stomach clenched, heat flooding through your body in waves, but you didn’t move.
You couldn’t.
Not when he was looking at you like that.
Not when his fingers flexed against his glass, his jaw clenched so tightly that you could almost hear the strain in it.
Not when you realized--really realized--that you had finally done it.
You had finally pushed him to his limit.
And now, for the first time, you were the one feeling unsteady.
A slow smirk threatened at the corner of his lips, barely there, his fingers tapping against his whiskey glass before he finally--finally--pulled his gaze away from yours.
But not before he leaned in, just a fraction closer.
Just enough for you to feel his warmth.
Just enough for his breath to ghost against your skin when he murmured, “Finish your drink.”
Your breath hitched.
You forced yourself to swallow, gripping the glass as your pulse pounded in your ears, suddenly hyperaware of the fact that he hadn’t given you an order before.
Not like that.
Not in a way that made your thighs press together beneath the table.
You took a slow sip, the whiskey burning down your throat, but it wasn’t the alcohol that was making your head spin.
It was him.
You were utterly and completely drunk on him. 
Hotch leaned back in his chair, as if regaining some of his composure, but you could see it now.
The way his fingers still flexed against the glass.
The way his chest rose and fell just a little deeper than usual.
The way his entire body was coiled tight, like he was waiting.
And the worst part?
The absolute worst part?
You had no idea what he was waiting for.
A few minutes passed, conversation continuing around you, but it felt like background noise now--like nothing else in the room mattered except the heavy weight of whatever this was sitting between you.
Then, after what felt like an eternity, Hotch glanced at his watch and pushed back his chair.
The shift sent a jolt of anticipation through your body.
He leaned down slightly, voice low in your ear.
"Let’s go."
Your stomach flipped.
You set your glass down, fingers slightly shaky as you grabbed your coat, barely managing a quick glance at the team.
Morgan smirked. Rossi raised an eyebrow. Prentiss definitely noticed something.
But you didn’t have time to care.
Because the moment you stepped outside into the cool night air, the second the door shut behind you, you barely had time to turn before Hotch’s voice--low, measured, dangerous--cut through the silence.
"Tell me something."
You looked up, breath catching. “What?”
His gaze burned into yours, dark and unwavering.
"Was this just a game to you?"
Your throat tightened.
You blinked. “What?”
His jaw clenched. “All of it,” he murmured. “The teasing. The touches. The way you looked at me back there.” His eyes flickered to your lips before snapping back to your gaze. “Was it just a game?”
The air between you was electric.
Your stomach churned, your pulse hammering in your chest, because this was it.
This was him--finally, finally dropping the act.
And the rawness in his voice?
The realness in it?
It made you realize exactly what you wanted.
Your lips parted slightly, a shaky breath escaping before you whispered, “No.”
Hotch’s entire body reacted to that word.
A sharp inhale. His fingers twitching like he was holding himself back.
And then--finally--he stopped holding back.
His hand lifted--slow, deliberate--fingers grazing your jaw as he tilted your chin up.
Not demanding. Not rushed.
Just assessing.
Just waiting.
Like he needed you to give him permission.
Like he needed to know you wanted this as much as he did.
And God, did you want this.
Your breath stuttered, but you didn’t look away.
Instead, you leaned into his touch, exhaling softly as your fingers curled against the lapels of his jacket.
That was all it took.
Hotch moved.
His lips were on yours, firm but controlled--measured, like he was still trying to hold back, still trying not to lose himself completely.
But you wanted him to lose it.
So you made a sound--soft, desperate--pressing yourself closer, and that was it.
His restraint snapped.
A sharp inhale against your lips, his hands gripping your waist, pulling you flush against him.
His body was warm, solid, hot, and suddenly you were gripping him, fingers twisting into his shirt as his lips parted, deepening the kiss, letting out a low, gravelly noise that sent a shockwave down your spine.
The street was too open.
The world was too present.
But Hotch--Aaron--was kissing you like it was the only thing that had ever mattered.
And the second his hands tightened around you, the second his teeth grazed your lower lip, you knew.
You had both lost this game.
And you couldn’t wait to see what happened next.
The kiss was heated, sharp, and all consuming, a slow unraveling of every ounce of tension you had been building for weeks.
Hotch’s hands were firm against your waist, fingers flexing like he was still battling the instinct to pull you closer, like he was still trying to cling to the last fragments of control that were slipping through his fingers.
You weren’t making it easy for him.
Your hands fisted into the front of his shirt, tugging him forward, pressing yourself into the solid warmth of his chest, needing more--needing all of him.
And God, the way he reacted--
The sharp inhale against your lips, the way his fingers dug into your waist, the soft, barely-contained groan that rumbled deep in his chest--
It was like nothing you had imagined.
He wasn’t careful.
He wasn’t measured.
He was starved.
Hotch tore his lips from yours, breathing hard, forehead resting against yours, his grip still tight on your hips as if he was physically keeping himself from devouring you completely.
Your own breath was uneven, your hands sliding up his chest, nails scraping lightly against his shirt.
His groan was immediate, like hearing his name like that sent a direct current through his body.
Then his hands moved.
He skimmed them up your sides, tracing the curves he had so painstakingly ignored for weeks, months, forever--his fingers ghosting over the fabric of your blouse before one of them slid into your hair, tilting your chin just so before he kissed you again.
No restraint now.
It sent a shockwave through your body, heat pooling low in your stomach as his teeth scraped your lower lip, his other hand gripping your waist like he needed you, like he couldn’t stop himself anymore.
And God, you didn’t want him to stop.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you were aware that you were still outside the bar, still in public, still far too exposed for what was rapidly spiraling into something uncontainable.
Hotch must have realized it at the same time because he broke away, breathless, dark eyes burning into yours.
“Come with me.”
You didn’t even hesitate.
The ride to his place was a blur.
You barely remembered getting into the car.
Barely remembered the way his hands tightened on the wheel, the way his jaw ticked as you sat beside him, thighs pressing together, anticipating.
The air in the car was thick, electric with everything unsaid, everything about to happen.
And the second the door to his apartment closed behind you--
It snapped.
Hotch was on you before you could take another breath.
His lips crashed into yours, his hands gripping your hips, backing you against the wall like he needed to feel you, like he was making up for every second he had spent denying this.
Your breath hitched, your arms looping around his neck, nails dragging along the short hairs at the nape of his neck as you kissed him back, tilting your head to let him deepen it, let him take what he wanted.
And God, did he want.
His hands wandered, gripping your waist, sliding up your back, fingers teasing the hem of your blouse before slipping beneath it, palms searing against your skin.
He let out a low groan, his mouth moving to your jaw, down to your neck, hot, open-mouthed kisses trailing lower, sending a pulse straight to your core.
Another groan.
His fingers tightened on your hips, his breath warm against your skin.
“You--” He exhaled sharply, voice wrecked. “You have no idea what you’ve been doing to me.”
You shivered, gripping his shoulders. “Then show me.”
Something snapped in him at that.
His hands slid to the back of your thighs, and before you could react, he was lifting you, guiding your legs around his waist, pressing you firmly against the wall, his body pressing flush against yours.
Heat flared through you at the sheer strength of him, the way he held you so effortlessly, the way his lips found yours again, his tongue sweeping into your mouth, owning the kiss in a way that made you dizzy.
He walked you to the bedroom like that, lips never leaving yours, never giving you a moment to breathe.
And when he laid you down, settling between your legs, hands braced beside your head, his breath coming out ragged--
You realized you had been so, so wrong.
You had thought you were in control.
Had thought you were winning this game.
But the way Aaron Hotchner was looking at you now?
Like he owned you?
Like he was done holding back?
You knew.
You had never stood a chance.
And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
The room was dim, bathed in the soft glow from the city lights spilling through the window. The air was thick--heavy--with heat and want and weeks of barely restrained tension finally snapping apart at the seams.
Hotch hovered above you, one hand braced against the mattress, the other tracing along your jaw, his thumb dragging over your lower lip, teasing.
You exhaled sharply, your chest rising beneath him, fingers digging into the fabric of his shirt. You had never seen him like this--eyes dark, his breath uneven, his entire body wound so tight, like he was fighting every urge to just take you right then and there.
He was still holding back.
You weren’t having that.
Your fingers tugged at his collar, pulling him down until his lips crashed against yours again, hot and desperate, teeth scraping, tongues meeting, consuming.
A low sound rumbled in his chest--a groan, gravelly and wrecked--as his weight settled between your legs, pressing firm against you, and God, you could feel everything.
Your thighs tightened around his waist, your nails dragging down his back, and that was it.
He broke.
Hotch's mouth moved--leaving your lips, tracing a path down your jaw, to the curve of your throat. He sucked, bit--just enough to make you gasp, his tongue sweeping over the sting.
"Aaron," you breathed, your hands threading into his hair, tugging hard.
His reaction was immediate--a deep groan against your skin, his fingers gripping your waist, his hips pressing flush against yours in a slow, torturous roll.
You gasped, arching up against him, heat flooding through your body as his hands wandered, sliding beneath your blouse, fingers tracing over your stomach, exploring.
“You drive me insane,” he muttered, lips dragging down your collarbone, his breath hot against your skin. “You and your games.”
You smirked, gasping as his teeth grazed a particularly sensitive spot. “I think you liked them.”
Hotch exhaled a sharp breath, pressing his forehead to your shoulder for a moment, laughing, but it was low, dark--not amusement, but something else.
Something dangerous.
Then he lifted his head, his fingers tilting your chin just so until your eyes met his.
“I let you play, sweetheart.” His voice was silk and steel, deep and gravelly, thick with desire. “But now?”
He smirked--smirked--and leaned in, lips brushing against yours in a whisper of a kiss.
“Now it’s my turn.”
A shiver ran through you, your pulse pounding, your entire body on fire.
Then, in one swift motion, he sat up, pulling you with him, his fingers tugging at the hem of your blouse. His eyes met yours, giving you one last out.
But there was no hesitation.
Not from you.
Not from him.
Your hands covered his, pushing the fabric up, and then it was gone--tossed aside, forgotten.
His eyes--God, the way he looked at you.
Dark. Devouring. Like he was memorizing every inch.
“Beautiful,” he murmured, voice thick, rough.
Then his hands were on you again--roaming, claiming--his lips pressing, trailing, worshiping.
Your head tipped back, another breathless gasp escaping as his hands found the clasp of your bra, his fingers making quick work of it before sliding the straps down your shoulders, his lips following their path, tongue flicking, teasing.
You arched into him, needing more, your own hands tugging at his shirt, desperate to even the playing field.
Hotch chuckled--deep, dark--before obliging, sitting back just enough to yank the offending fabric over his head.
Your breath hitched.
You had seen him in varying states of undress before--worn-down hotel rooms, bulletproof vests over tight shirts, dress shirts rolled up to his forearms.
But this?
Seeing him like this--the broad lines of his shoulders, the toned muscle of his chest, the faint scar near his ribs--
Your fingers traced over it instinctively, your touch featherlight.
Hotch inhaled sharply.
“That’s not fair,” he muttered, his voice wrecked, a teasing edge beneath the gravel.
You barely had time to process before he was kissing you again--deep and desperate, his hands sliding down, over the curve of your hips, fingers gripping, pulling you closer.
You gasped, hands curling around his biceps, feeling the tension in them, the way he was still holding himself back, still reining himself in.
So you tested him again.
Rolling your hips just so against his.
Hotch groaned, a sharp, wrecked sound against your lips. His fingers dug into your thighs, his control finally fraying--
“Fuck,” he exhaled, forehead pressing to yours.
You smirked, barely able to breathe.
“That’s all it took?” you teased. “I thought you had more self-control than that, Hotchner.”
His breath hitched.
You barely had a second to react before he had you pinned, his body flush against yours, his lips ghosting over your ear.
His voice was low, dangerous, devastatingly wrecked.
"You're going to regret saying that."
Your breath caught.
Then his hands moved--and you shattered.
Your pulse pounded, every inch of your body burning under Hotch’s touch, under the way he was looking at you now--like he had waited for this, ached for this, and was finally letting himself have it.
You swallowed, fingers tightening against his shoulders, feeling the tension in his muscles, the way he was still holding himself back--even now.
"Then make me," you whispered.
Hotch moved.
His lips crashed against yours, harder this time, rougher, his hands gripping your waist like he needed to touch you, like letting go wasn’t an option anymore.
You moaned into the kiss, arching against him as his hands slid down, fingers tracing the curve of your hips, exploring, learning you.
You were already dizzy, already losing yourself in him, but you didn’t care.
You didn’t want careful.
You wanted him.
You tugged at his belt, fingers fumbling with the buckle, but Hotch caught your wrist, breath ragged, his forehead pressing to yours.
His eyes--dark and burning--searched yours, his fingers tightening around your wrist like he was waiting for something.
"Are you sure?" His voice was rough, strained, but still careful.
Your heart ached at the question, at the way he was still thinking about you, still making sure this was something you wanted.
You lifted your other hand, tracing along his jaw, feeling the tension there, the restraint.
"I've never been more sure of anything in my life," you whispered.
Something in him snapped.
His lips were on yours again, his hands sliding lower, gripping your thighs as he lifted you, guiding your legs around his waist before pressing you firmly against the mattress.
His body was solid, strong, his weight pressing into you in a way that had your breath catching, heat spreading low in your stomach as his mouth wandered--down your jaw, your throat, lips and tongue claiming you inch by inch.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, gasping as his hands explored, learning the shape of you, teasing, tormenting--
The groan that ripped from his throat was wrecked, his fingers digging into your skin as his hips pressed flush against yours.
"You love saying my name like that, don’t you?" His voice was low, teasing, but you could hear the strain in it.
You smirked, tilting your head back, offering him more as his lips traced a path down your collarbone. "I like what it does to you."
His breath hitched.
Then his teeth scraped, just enough to make you gasp, his hands finally making quick work of the last barriers between you.
Fabric was pulled away, discarded, forgotten.
And when his gaze lowered--when his hands finally moved where you needed them most--
You shattered.
Hotch devoured every reaction, every gasp, every moan, learning you, memorizing you, until you were a writhing, trembling mess beneath him.
And when he finally, finally pressed into you--
It was slow. Deliberate.
Like he wanted you to feel every inch of him.
Like he wanted to ruin you.
Your fingers clawed at his back, legs wrapping tighter around him as he groaned, head dipping into the crook of your neck.
"You feel so--" His voice broke, his breath ragged, his lips pressing against your shoulder as he rolled his hips--
You gasped, arching into him, pleasure crashing through your veins.
Hotch cursed, a low, deep sound against your skin, his movements slow, controlled, but hard, perfect.
He was relentless.
He set the pace, dragging it out, making you feel every second of it, torturing you with the way he pulled back just enough before thrusting deep, the friction sending sparks down your spine.
Your moans were breathless, your nails scraping down his back, but it only spurred him on.
"You wanted this," he groaned, his breath hot against your skin. "All those games--"
You gasped as his hips snapped harder, his fingers digging into your thighs.
"You wanted to see if you could break me."
He rolled his hips again, making your eyes squeeze shut, pleasure coiling tight in your stomach.
"Do you feel broken now?"
You let out a sound that wasn’t even words, your fingers fisting into the sheets, your entire body on fire.
Hotch smirked against your skin, but his composure was fraying now--his thrusts turning more erratic, his breath coming faster, his muscles tensing beneath your hands.
He was losing it too.
And God, it was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
His head dipped, lips crashing into yours in a deep, desperate kiss as the tension finally snapped.
Pleasure ripped through you, white-hot and overwhelming, your entire body trembling as his name tore from your lips.
Hotch groaned, his movements turning sloppy, frantic, chasing the edge--
And then he fell, his body shuddering against yours, his lips parting in a low, wrecked moan as he collapsed, breathless, his forehead resting against yours.
For a long moment, neither of you moved.
Your bodies were still tangled, limbs entwined, your hearts pounding in sync.
Then, finally, Hotch exhaled--a slow, deep breath--before lifting his head to look at you.
His gaze was soft now, but sated, his thumb brushing lazily over your cheek, tender.
"You really are trouble," he murmured, voice thick with exhaustion, but teasing.
You smirked, tracing your fingers down his chest, lingering. "And yet, here we are."
Hotch huffed a laugh, shaking his head. "You’re insufferable."
You grinned, pressing a lazy kiss to his lips. "You love it."
His smirk widened slightly.
Then he kissed you again--slower this time, softer.
Like he was memorizing the taste of you.
Like he already knew this wasn’t the last time.
And God, neither of you wanted it to be.
You blinked, the haze of exhaustion settling in as reality began to sink in.
You had slept with Aaron Hotchner.
And it hadn’t been careful. It hadn’t been measured.
It had been raw. Consuming.
You swallowed, turning slightly in the bed, suddenly hyperaware that he was rolling off of you.
For a moment, your stomach twisted--should you leave? Would this change things between you? Was he already regretting it?
But before you could spiral, before you could even begin to untangle your thoughts, you heard it--
The quiet sound of running water.
You furrowed your brows, shifting up slightly onto your elbows, and then you saw him.
Hotch was standing near the bathroom sink, his back to you, shirtless, his lean muscles flexing as he ran a washcloth under warm water.
Your breath caught.
And more than that--he wasn’t panicked. He wasn’t rushing.
He was taking care of you.
Your throat tightened.
He turned a moment later, towel in hand, his dark eyes immediately finding yours.
“You should lie back,” he murmured, voice softer now, the roughness of the night before smoothed into something gentle.
You blinked at him, lips parting, but you didn’t argue. You simply did as he asked, sinking back against the pillows, watching as he approached the bed.
The mattress dipped as he sat beside you, his warm hand skimming lightly over your thigh before he pressed the warm cloth against your skin.
The sensation made you exhale, your body still aching in the best way, but his touch was tender, careful.
"You don't have to--"
Hotch gave you a look.
You stopped.
Because you realized--he wanted to.
He continued in silence, wiping away the remnants of the night before, his touch slow, thoughtful. His fingers brushed against you so gently that your chest tightened.
The air between you was different now.
The tension of the past weeks, the game you had been playing--it was gone.
All that was left was this.
The weight of what you had just done, settling between you like something neither of you could take back.
When he was finished, he set the towel aside, fingers tracing over your hip absentmindedly before finally speaking.
"Are you okay?"
You blinked.
The question caught you off guard.
Not because you weren’t--God, you were--but because you hadn’t expected him to ask.
You swallowed, nodding. "Yeah. I am."
His lips pressed together slightly, his fingers brushing against your skin again, almost like he needed to feel you still there.
Your stomach twisted--not in doubt, but in something else entirely.
Something dangerous.
Something real.
So you asked.
"What about you?"
Hotch exhaled slowly, like he was steadying himself, and then--finally--he met your gaze.
And you knew.
Whatever restraint he had left--whatever pieces of the mask he had been holding onto--it was gone.
"I'm not sure I know how to stop wanting you now," he admitted, voice low, raw.
Your breath hitched.
Because that?
That was the first real truth he had given you.
Your fingers curled against the sheets, your heart hammering in your chest. "Then don't," you whispered.
Hotch exhaled sharply, shaking his head slightly, his fingers tightening just slightly against your hip.
"You don’t understand," he murmured. "I’ve wanted you for so long."
Your stomach flipped.
You opened your mouth, but he continued before you could speak.
"I tried--" He exhaled again, rough, like he was frustrated with himself. "I tried to ignore it. To pretend it was nothing. That it was just...passing attraction."
You swallowed. "Was it?"
Hotch let out a short, almost humorless laugh, shaking his head.
"No," he admitted. "It never was."
Your breath caught, your fingers gripping the sheets tighter, because this--this--was more than you had ever expected him to admit.
"You drove me insane," he murmured, voice dropping lower. "The way you looked at me. The way you challenged me. The way you--" He exhaled, shaking his head. "The way you said my name."
Your heart stuttered.
"You noticed that?"
Hotch huffed a soft laugh, his fingers trailing up your arm, his touch leaving a burning path in its wake.
"I noticed everything," he murmured. "The way you crossed your legs during briefings. The way you stretched when you were tired, your shirt lifting just enough to make me lose my train of thought. The way you knew exactly what you were doing--"
You let out a breathless laugh. "I didn’t always know."
Hotch tilted his head slightly, studying you.
Then, slowly, his lips curled into something dangerous.
Your stomach flipped. "No."
His fingers brushed your jaw, thumb tracing over your lower lip.
"You really think you weren’t getting to me?" His voice was low, rough, something dark beneath it.
Your breath hitched.
"You were always getting to me," he admitted. "And you loved it."
You swallowed, suddenly feeling very small beneath the weight of his gaze.
Because God--he was right.
You had.
You had loved it.
But what you hadn’t realized was that he had loved it, too.
Hotch moved before you could speak, pressing you back into the mattress, his lips ghosting over your jaw.
His weight was warm, solid, comforting.
And for the first time, there was no hesitation.
No restraint.
Only truth.
"I’m done holding back," he murmured against your skin.
You shivered.
"Good," you whispered.
And when his lips met yours again, soft and slow, hands sliding under the sheets this time--
You knew.
This wasn’t just a game anymore.
This was real.
And neither of you were walking away from it.
Not now.
Not ever.
Tag List: @zaddyhotch @estragos @todorokishoe24 @looking1016  @khxna @rousethemouse @averyhotchner @reidfile @bernelflo @lover-of-books-and-tea @frickin-bats @sleepysongbirdsings @justyourusualash @person-005 @iyskgd @hiireadstuff @kcch-ns @alexxavicry
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hotchner-edu · 8 months ago
Pickpocket (Drabble) | Aaron Hotchner
Synopsis: You find something rather interesting in Aaron's pant pocket when you go to do laundry.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Warnings: fluff, sneaky reader
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You were fiddling with the sleeves of the sweater you were wearing, a navy quarter zip-up you stole from Aaron eons ago.
Just an hour before, you were getting ready to do the laundry, sorting out the clothes in the laundry basket and making sure the pockets were empty. As you were checking on a pair of Aaron's work pants, your fingers brushed against a compact object that had you freezing on the spot.
The nagging curiosity in your head had you slowly pulling the object out from the pocket, and you nearly dropped his pants to the floor when you saw the black ring box peeking back at you.
Aaron was at work, so you had time to compose yourself and think through what you wanted to do next. You decided not to open the box and to just stuff it back into the pant pocket.
Ultimately, you decided to be oblivious to your findings, even momentarily convincing yourself there wasn't a ring in there but something else.
To be even less conspicuous, you undid all your hard work and stuff all the clothes back into the laundry basket, delaying the wash. You decide to busy yourself by cleaning the house— mopping, vacuuming, dusting, cooking, organizing, then reorganizing.
Aaron unceremoniously arrives home two hours earlier than his usual time when he's not on long trips away, practically pulling the front door off its hinges.
You pad toward him with a frown of concern, watching as he takes off his shoes and tries to hurry down the hall before noticing you.
"Honey..." he says breathlessly, searching your face for something.
Your frown deepens and you instinctively reach toward him. "Aaron? You're home early. Is something wrong?"
His hands find your sides as he pulls you closer. "No, no... just finished early is all." Which you knew to be a bold faced lie because his work was neverending. "How was your day?" He asks carefully.
"Busy. Just cleaned up around the house." You sigh tiredly, omitting your earlier findings. Kissing him softly, you peer at him curiously. "But why are you in such a rush?"
Aaron's shoulders tense a little again. "Do you happen to know where my work pants are?"
"Aaron, they're all identical and you have like six of them." You joke and chuckle, realizing why he was panicking now.
He gives a weak smile and squeezes your waist a little, eyebrows still furrowed in stress. "The ones I wore earlier this week on Tuesday."
You let out a false gasp of realization and sigh. "They're probably in the laundry basket. I was going to do the laundry today, but I completely got swamped with cleaning the house." You lie smoothly, plastering on a disappointed frown for good measure.
Aaron nearly sags in relief as he smiles at you. "Don't worry about it, honey. I just forgot an important business card in the pocket. I'll go put the laundry in the wash right now."
Smiling fondly, you bring him down for a loving kiss. "You're the best. I haven't had dinner yet, so I can warm some up and we can eat together."
He nods and kisses your nose. "Sounds great. I'll only be a moment." He gives your ass a little pinch before he's walking off toward the laundry room.
As you start walking toward the kitchen, he turns around again and beams at you with a boyish grin. "Oh, and honey? I love you."
Yeah, what he doesn't know won't kill him.
And a mere two weeks later, you're a teary-faced mess as he's down on one knee in front you, nervously proclaiming his love for you again and staring up at you in devotion.
You very nearly get whiplash from how quickly you nod, hand clasped over your mouth.
As he sweeps you into his arms after your fervent acceptance to his proposal, you get a glimpse of the glittering rock on your finger as you cup his cheek to kiss him.
Luckily, the ring stayed as a surprise since you never opened the box.
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zvdvdlvr · 8 months ago
from the club
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Derek’s wolf whistle made you roll your eyes and try to slip into your seat without drawing too much attention. “Damn, mama,” he sang teasingly, eyeing you up and down.
“Derek Morgan! I ought to-“
You glared at Spencer, trying to ifnore the way his eyes trailed over your cleavage. “It’s like you guys have never even been in the presence of a female before,” you snark sarcastically. Secretly, though, you feel complimented that such aesthetically pleasing people thought you looked good.
Emily, Jennifer, Penelope, and Rossi were later than Hotch surprisingly. Aaron strode in next, laying a stack of files on the table. He sat down at his regular spot and turned to make conversation until the other arrived when he turned and saw you. His lips drew thinly over his face as he watched you reach over the table to grab a file. He swallowed and averted his eyes from you when you sat back in your seat. Hotch felt like a pervert and averted his mind to the more pressing matter. Dead bodies, knives, murder, he repeated to himself- trying to draw blood away from his crotch.
J.J., Penelope, and Emily arrived next. “Coffee for you all, my precious gems!” Penny sang, placing the team’s favorite brews in front of them. After she placed yours down her eyes gleamed and she raised her eyebrows. “Did you call-“
“Penelope!” You hollered, turning away from the red-head with a laugh. 
She just giggled and wiggled her eyebrows. As Emily took her place beside you, she leaned in to whisper in your ear, “I’m no better than the men here, y/n. You look hot.” 
You swatted her away and waited for J.J. to start the briefing. Emily snickered beside you.
There was really nothing professional about being called into work wearing low-rise jeans and a lacey tank top. But it wasn’t your fault- some of your college friends had stopped in the city and wanted to go to the club and wouldn’t take no as an answer.
Rossi showed up right before Hotch said his favorite phrase (read: “wheels up in 30”). You collected your file and started out of the room.
“Good lo- y/n!”
You whipped around to see Penelope rushinf towards you. “Wh-What?”
“You’ve surprised me more times today than I thought possible, darling girl. Turn around! I didn’t know you had ink!” 
You breathed out a sigh of relief and tried to ignore the feeling of her cold fingers tracing over the black ink just above your jeans. “I have some on the mid back too,” you said quietly.
“Impressive,” Rossi- of all people- hummed. “One of my ex wives roped me into getting a matching tattoo with her. The pain was somethinf else and the aftercare was hell. Rookie, here has a high pain tolerance.” He patted your practically bare shoulder and walked by without another word.
Emily purred lowly as she walked by, laughing at the way you flipped her off in return.
“You know, Jeffery Dahmer didn’t consume people that had tattoos… He said that the ‘tattoos made the meat taste like… shit’,” Reid spouted.
The way Spencer paused before saying shit was endearing. Maybe it was your attraction to nerds, but you felt particularly flattered at the weight of his gaze on you. “That’s interesting, Spencer,” you replied quietly. “Did you know the oldest recorded tattoo ink recipe required insect eggs?”
Spencer just hummed.
“I- uh,” Aaron cleared his throat. You stepped back from Penelope’s hands. “I imagine you have more professional attire?”
Your cheeks flushed. “Yes, Hotch. I’m really sorry, my friends convinced me to go out with them, you know, and I-“
Hotch chuckled and held his hands up. “It’s okay, y/n. What you do on your own time is your business,” he said.
You wrung your hands. “Thanks, Hotch.”
“No problem, y/n.” Hotch started to walk away and you felt Derek’s arm wrap around your shoulder. “Nice ink,” he called back to you. 
“I’ll see you on the plane, y/n,” Spencer told you with a wave. You smiled back at him and watched him run a hand through his hair as he walked away.
“Lover boy’s gotta thing for you, y/n,” Derek told you, a shit eating grin on his face. “And Hotch too, if I took a guess. I think you made the old man pop a bo-“
“Derek Morgan!”
You shoved him off of you and tried to ignore his gleeful laughter.
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hoe4hotchner · 2 months ago
the team meeting aaron's lawyer!wife who's personality is similar to his + she's the best in her field
Langston & Bell | [A.H]
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Lawyer wife!reader | WC: 1.2k | CW: Not really anything except for a little law jargon and mentions of a case the BAU is working on.
A/N: My brain hurts from looking up law terminology, and I'm not even sure if I used all the words correctly
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The glass doors of Langston & Bell opened as Hotch led the rest of his team inside. The air felt heavy—as they entered—from the scent of freshly brewed coffee and a faint lemony aroma.
The firm itself was one of the most prestigious ones in all of Virginia, and its reputation suited it. Everything about the space was designed to impress—shining marble floors in the lobby, towering bookshelves filled with thick leather-bound volumes of law books and journals, and abstract art that screamed of a space aimed to do business with rich and pretentious people.
Emily glanced around, clearly trying to process how they’d ended up here. “Langston & Bell?” she muttered under her breath. “Isn’t this place out of our league?”
“They’re not dealing with criminal justice,” Spencer pointed out. “They specialize in corporate litigation and high-profile estate law. The firm is known for taking on cases that require absolute discretion.” Emily tried her best not to roll her eyes at Spencer's outburst of knowledge but failed.
Hotch didn’t respond, he kept his pace steady as he approached the front desk. His usual stone-faced demeanor was on full display, his features—although set not completely in a frown—were unreadable. He seemed unbothered by the hushed stares they received from the staff as they had entered with their badges held out in front of them.
The receptionist, a young woman with a straight posture and a sharp smile, greeted them. “Good afternoon. How may I assist you?”
Hotch stepped forward, his voice even. “We’re with the FBI. We’re looking for the attorney who handled the probate case for Samuel Larkin.”
The receptionist’s fingers danced quickly over her keyboard, her expression unchanged. “That would be Attorney Hotchner.”
Dead silence.
Emily blinked. “I’m sorry, did you say Hotchner?”
“Yes,” the receptionist replied, unfazed, almost on the brink of annoyance. “Would you like me to see if she’s available?”
“She,” Morgan echoed, his brows furrowing a little as his gaze flipped from the receptionist to Hotch.
Before anyone could recover from their shock, the sound of sharp heal clicks echoed through the lobby.
“Aaron,” came a clear voice from behind. “If this is your idea of surprising me, I’ll admit it’s more creative than flowers. But I have a deposition in thirty minutes.”
The team turned as one, their collective gazes landing on the woman who had just entered the room. You were dressed in a tailored navy suit that emphasized your poised demeanor. Your expression was both curious and faintly amused as your eyes locked on Hotch.
“Counselor,” he greeted smoothly, his tone carrying a subtle warmth that the team rarely heard.
“Counselor?” Rossi asked, a slow grin forming as his gaze flicked between you and Hotch.
Your lips quirked up in a small smile as you approached, your heels clicking against the marble with each step. “I assume this is your team?”
“It is,” Hotch confirmed.
You turned your attention to the group, giving them a brief once-over with an expression that wasn’t unkind but clearly measured. “Well, where are my manners? I’m Y/N Hotchner, senior litigation partner here at Langston & Bell. And yes, I can see the wheels turning in all your heads.”
Morgan crossed his arms, already grinning. “Oh, I’ve got a lot of questions right now.”
You raised an eyebrow, unfazed. “Feel free to ask them, Agent Morgan. I’ve been cross-examined by some of the sharpest minds in the country—I’m sure I can handle you.”
JJ stepped forward, clearly trying to keep her surprise in check. “Wait, you’re married?”
You tilted your head toward Hotch, your expression softening just a fraction. “You didn’t tell them?”
“It never came up,” Hotch replied with a shrug, though the faint glimmer of amusement in his eyes didn’t escape you.
You shook your head, exhaling a soft laugh. “Aaron’s great at compartmentalizing, isn’t he? Well, to officially answer your question—yes, I’m his wife. And judging by your expressions, this is news to you.”
“Big news,” Emily muttered, still processing.
Hotch cleared his throat, subtly redirecting the conversation. “We need access to the probate records for Samuel Larkin. Anything that might help us build our case.”
Your demeanor shifted instantly, professionalism overtaking the playful edge. “Aaron, you know I can’t just hand over client information without a court order.”
“We’re only asking for publicly available records,” he clarified.
You studied him for a moment, a silent exchange passing between you. Then you turned to your assistant, who stood nearby. “Jane, pull the Larkin docket and bring me all publicly filed documents. Annotate them if you have time, and leave them on my desk before your shift ends.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Jane replied, already moving toward the elevator.
“You always find a way around the rules,” Hotch said, his voice was low but carrying a note of fondness.
“And you love that about me,” you shot back with a wink, your eyes glinting with mischief.
Morgan leaned closer to Emily, his voice just loud enough for her to hear. “I don’t know what’s more surprising—the fact that he’s married, the fact that she's a lawyer, or the fact that she might be scarier than him.”
Although Jane hadn't gone through the records yet, she sent you a digital copy as soon as she had found them. You walked the team through them with ease. Every legal term you used was calculated, giving away as little about your client as you could, while still helping your husband and his team. You made sure to translate every dense legal jargon into actionable insights every time you saw one of their faces pull an expression.
“Here,” you said, pointing to a transaction on the financial statement. “These wire transfers are from an offshore account linked to Larkin. It’s not evidence of criminal activity, but it raises enough red flags to warrant further investigation.” If Larkin found out you had helped the feds, you could be in big trouble, you thought as you revealed the account.
Spencer leaned in, his eyes lighting up with understanding. “If we trace the accounts, we might uncover a connection to our unsub.”
“Precisely,” you replied, offering him a small nod of approval.
By the time the team wrapped up, they had everything they needed to move forward. As they gathered their materials, you leaned against the edge of the table, folding your arms as you looked at Hotch.
“Dinner at seven?” you asked, your voice softer, the edge of professionalism giving way to something more personal.
“Seven,” he confirmed, his tone lighter than usual.
You smiled, leaning in just enough to lower your voice. “Try not to scare anyone off before then, okay?”
“No promises,” he replied, his lips twitching upward in the faintest of smiles.
As the team exited the building, Morgan shook his head in disbelief. “She is definitely scarier than Hotch”
Emily grinned. “I think I like her better.”
“I like her too,” Rossi added with a chuckle.
Hotch walked ahead, the faint smile still playing on his lips, but he didn’t say a word. He didn’t have to. The team had seen enough to know he’d married his perfect match—an equal who could still challenge him enough to keep him on his toes.
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luveline · 19 days ago
you get a good dose, confess your affections, and leave poor, oblivious hotch to fix things up neatly. 
cw painkiller high, light suggestive theme 
˚‧꒰ა ✮ ໒꒱‧˚
You lift your gaze without blinking. Hotch is standing in the doorway, making his way in with a bouquet of flowers tucked under one arm and a white envelope against his chest. 
“Hello,” he says again, meeting your wide, still eyes with concern. “You okay?” 
“Flowers for me?” 
“You’re the one here in a hospital bed. They’re from me and Jack. He insisted.” 
You nod up and down robotically. Your heart is unhappy today. You’ve been fast and slow and now it’s running fast again, a tip-tip-tip on the heart monitor that makes Hotch frown. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks. “They told me you were on a lot of pain medication, you shouldn’t be hurting anymore. Is it not working?” 
“I feel a lot.” 
“And that’s unsettling,” he surmises.
“Can I have my flowers?” 
Hotch offers them to you immediately. “Why don’t you count to a hundred for me?” 
“They’re beautiful, but there’s not that many.” 
“Count to one hundred. I can start. Do you need me to start for you?” 
You dip your face into the flowers. “I love when you say stuff like that.” 
Hotch doesn’t answer you. You begin counting, hoping he’ll say a nice thing if you do as he asked. The numbers get mixed up after thirty five, there really aren’t enough flowers to count to a hundred, but when forty five and fifty four begin to feel like the same number spiritually, Hotch reaches for your forearm and gives it a squeeze. That means job well done. Nobody else in the team gets arm squeezes —they’re for you. Nobody else has noticed, but you have. 
“Thank you,” he says. 
You beam at him. The heart monitor beeps in slow loops. “You’re welcome. Did it help?” 
“I’d say so.” He takes off his suit jacket and puts it over the back of the chair, pulling the chair towards the bed with his foot, and getting comfortable beside you, a little lower down than you but tall regardless. “Are you feeling alright?” 
“I can’t believe you got me flowers.” 
“I got you flowers the last time you were injured.” 
“I know,” you say with a laugh. “I know, it was amazing.” 
“Here’s your card from Jack. I’ve opened it for you, I hope that’s okay.” 
“I cannot open anything. I tried to stab my pudding open with a spoon and broke it and can’t find the sharp part in my blankets. I’m worried it’s going to poke me.” 
Hotch stands from his chair. “That’s not good.” 
You take up Jack’s card, pinching the folded printer paper and pulling all of its homemade glory from the envelope. The front has a red heart drawn with bandages wrapped around it, and inside is a message written in impressive penmanship considering his age. To Y/N, it says, Please get well soon. We are hoping you to have a speedy recovery! Love you, Jack and Aaron 
“It says you love me,” you say. 
“Mm, Jack wrote the message. He misses you.” 
You catch the feeling of Hotch’s hand where it slips between your legs and almost burst, giggling excitedly, which makes his hand jump away from you like a fish out of water. “You have the spoon!” 
“Found it. No more danger.” 
“Thank you. I knew you could find it.” 
“Don’t mention it.” 
The pain medication Hotch spoke of is starting to make itself known. You hadn’t felt very different to begin with, the only worthy note your absence of pain, but right now you feel weird. Light. Happy, but strange, like the opposite feeling of missing a step. You know something’s wrong and you know it’s the medication, but you’re elated at the same time. Hotch is here. Maybe it’s just him. Maybe he’ll know. 
“Do you think I feel happy ‘cos of you or the morphine?” you ask. Softly, slurring, you swallow and try not to sound as drunk. “I feel amazing.” 
“It’s the morphine.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Well, it’s been a long time since I had some myself, but I remember feeling amazing at the time, and you’re on a lot more of it than I was.” Hotch sets himself back down in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Are you staying for long?” 
“Until they make me leave,” he says. 
You breathe out a sigh of relief. “Oh, good. Yesterday you were here for ten minutes and I felt like my heart was bruised.” 
He doesn’t speak for a moment. His eyes seem darker than usual. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I had to be home to take care of Jack.” 
“I know you had to, it’s not your fault, but I still missed you.” 
You prop Jack’s amazing card on the nightstand with a proud grin. You love Jack Hotchner, he’s the smartest, kindest, sweetest boy you’ve ever met, and it must be because of his parents. You’ve not met Haley many times, but Hotch is amazing. It makes sense that his kid would be just as awesome as he is. Turning your attention back to the flowers, you find the courage to ask, “Do you think you could bring Jack to see me?” 
“I think he might be a little young for hospitals, I’m sorry.” 
“Well, maybe I can see him when I’m out of the hospital? How can I say thank you for the card? Does he still like bears?” 
“He has enough bears,” Hotch says gently. “You don’t need to buy him anything, he just wants you to get better soon.” 
“You’re such a good dad.” Your lashes kiss with the force of your smile. “You’re lovely. Jack is really kind.” 
“Thank you.” 
“You’re handsome,” you continue, slinking down in the bed. You feel tired but not sleepy, craving a really big, hot sandwich. Hotch holds your gaze. “Can I ask you a question?” 
“What?” he asks quietly. 
“Can you please get me a big, hot sandwich? Maybe with hot chicken? Or spicy chicken in a burrito? I really need it to be hot.” 
Hotch laughs aloud and reaches for your forearm to squeeze you again. “Of course I can. I’ll call Derek and I’ll make him get you both of those things, if you like.” 
“Oh, good. I really really don’t want you to leave but I really want the sandwich more than I want you to stay.” You tip your head to one side. “If you hugged me again I’d say I want you to stay more than I want the sandwich, ‘cos you haven’t hugged me in a long time.” 
“Does that bother you?” he asks, the pad of his thumb working against your wrist. 
“No, I know I’m not supposed to want you to hug me.” 
“We’re friends,” he says, shaking his head, “good friends, aren’t we? It’s alright if you want a hug. I should be better at giving them.” 
When he was with Haley you wouldn’t have dreamed of wanting it, because your affection for him has always been more than a friend‘s. You’ve guarded the secret carefully over the years. What’s more unfair to a wife than to fancy her husband? But Haley left Hotch, and he’s been single for a while now, and you think that lately he’s actively dating. He’s always had pride in his appearance, but his suits are tailored again. His hair is left to grow beyond what’s easily maintained. He and Dave occasionally joke about him getting back out there —he doesn’t need to get out there, you’re right here. 
You can’t help frowning. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks. 
“I think I’m a bad friend.” 
“You aren’t a bad friend.” 
“I am, I have ulterior motives.” 
Hotch rolls his eyes. “Honey, everybody does. You’re fine. You’re a good friend. You know you’re the sole member of the team who’s remembered Jack’s birthday every year? Remembered mine?” 
“I don’t do that to be a good friend, I just love Jack.” 
His hand slips down to yours. He holds it briefly. “I know you do.” 
“It’s why I remember yours,” you say, shaking your head, annoyed he’s taken his hand back but ready to move on to better things. “Can you ask Derek for my sandwich now, please? Please, please, I’m so hungry I’m gonna die.” 
Hotch gives you a funny look. “How about I go and get you your sandwich? I’ll be very fast. I’ll go to Sam’s across the street, would you like that?” 
“Can I have maybe a donut too?” 
“Sure, honey. I’ll get you a half dozen.” 
“Sure. Do you want any in particular?” 
Hotch goes off to get you a sandwich and you click the button for more morphine without really thinking. You’re asleep before he gets back.
You wake up shaking. 
Aaron straightens in his chair. He hadn’t meant to doze off, but it’s nearing the end of your visiting hours and he’s been here since three. Your sandwich is stone cold in the bag and he’s not sure how he’ll get it warmed up.
Your arms are trembling badly. 
“Are you alright?” he asks. 
“What for?” 
“Hotch, where am I?” 
Aaron stands. “You’re in the hospital. You’ve had some morphine and it ended up sedating you. The shaking will calm down soon, but nothing’s wrong, okay?” 
You’re noticeably confused, and Aaron hates it enough to sew his fingers between yours. His are thicker by quite a bit, but he’s used to smaller hands. He’s careful with you. He can’t stop thinking about what you said earlier. 
The undercurrent of fear you’d been harbouring begins to ebb. You let Aaron hold your hand and settle back down into your sheets, turning your face toward him and shutting your eyes. You don’t seem sleepy. He’s not sure what’s wrong. 
When you say you love him, he understands. He loves you, too. He doesn’t think that he’s in love with you, but he could be. He’s had enough guilty daydreams about it, batted them away, moments doing the dishes or at the gym or when you’re standing together working a case, where he forgets to forbid himself the pleasure and imagines you in simple intimacies. He sees himself taking your hand. He pictures waking up to the smell of you on his pillows. When he’s especially pent up and you’ve haunted him with your bare face or a shy smile, he ends the day thinking of you. How he’d kiss your head with just a little of his weight atop you, or a lot. 
And then he feels so horribly wrong for doing it that he resigns himself to the distance between you forever. 
Aaron doesn’t know what you want from him, but he knows he could fall in love with you if given the chance. He has to determine how honest your morphine-confession was, and there’s no time like the present. 
“Are you feeling okay?” he asks softly. 
“Yeah,” you whisper back. 
“I brought you the donuts and a sandwich, but I’ll have to reheat it. I’m sorry.” 
“Did I ask for a sandwich?” you ask, startled.
“A hot one. You emphasised.” 
“Thank you, Aaron. I don’t think I’m hungry now, I’m kinda queasy.” 
“You had a little bit more morphine than you should’ve.” 
“Sweetheart,” he says under his breath, “that’s not your fault.” 
You squeeze his hand weakly. Any want to draw the truth from you is quickly dwindling. All he wants now is to make sure you’re okay. 
He spills himself closer to you and, without untangling your hands, brings your thin blankets to your shoulder. “You’re gonna be okay. The queasiness won’t last long. In fact, eating might help, but we can wait.” 
“Don’t you have to go home?” 
“No, I can stay if you want me to.” 
“Please, I want you to.” 
“You’re still on the morphine,” he says, rubbing your hand, “I can ask them to lower your dosage if you don’t like it, but you have to remember that it’s keeping you unaware of your pain.” 
You hesitate. “I don’t want it to hurt.” 
“Then it won’t,” he promises. You had more than your fair share of pain. 
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you whisper. 
“You’re welcome.” 
“This is all I want. For you to look after me.” 
He takes a measured breath. “I would love to look after you.” 
You turn your head half an inch to see him. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah, I think so.” He’s trying to blend the half of him you know at work with the half of him responsible for his outer life, the part of him that flirts with beautiful women at bars, the part of him that loved being a husband. “I don’t know what you want, and now isn’t the time, but,” —he prepares to be brave— “if you want me to look after you, then I will.” 
“You promise?” 
“I promise.”
“Can you kiss me?” 
His heart skips a beat. “No, honey, I can’t, I’m sorry.” 
“Not even on the head?” 
His stomach aches, but it’s a good feeling. Like worrying you lost something and finding it in the first place you’ve looked. “On the head I can do.” 
You squeeze your eyes closed in wait of his kiss, a light, chaste brush of the lips to your temple. The morphine makes you laugh, a girly, giggly bubble of it as you burrow into the sheets, like he’s tickled you. He’s twice as endeared when you squint at him like you’re waiting. 
“Can I–”
“One more,” he whispers, leaning down to kiss your forehead again. “Any more than that and you’ll die of embarrassment when you’re not drugged out of your mind.” 
“I’m not out of my mind. I’m just hallucinating. Or having a great dream.” 
He’s inclined to agree, but he knows with confidence he hasn’t had any heavy medication today. He gives you a fond look and sits back down, obliging you when you scramble to put your hand in his again. It’s a weight he could get used to holding.
“I really like you,” you confess quietly. 
He quite likes you in return. “That’s great, honey. Do you want to talk about it later? Maybe you can have one of your donuts.” 
You don’t take his misdirection as rejection, you just pull his hand to your chest and smile. “No thank you. I can wait.” 
He can wait too. 
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year ago
okay but when the team actually starts calling the reader and aaron mom and dad behind their backs and one day someone lets it slip out in front of them??
i just… aaron’s reaction?????
the parentals
i love this dynamic SO MUCH cw; fem!bau!reader, established relationship, fluff <3
as you and aaron entered the bullpen, you were both quick to notice the others huddled around spencer's desk, surely for a new session of physics magic.
a smile immediately twitched at aaron's lips, tossing you a mischievous look. as long as it didn't make a mess, or a disruption - per his and reid's previous discussions - he really didn't mind the recurring demonstrations.
but would he ever miss an opportunity to get the blood rushing in this scenario - never.
"be nice." you teased, laughing softly under your breath as you followed him over.
"i'm always nice." aaron playfully insisted, those brown eyes flickering in that way that just melted your heart. "what do you mean?"
"better be careful," emily's warning came into earshot as you neared, completely oblivious to the two of you - the timing just perfect. "or else dad's gonna ground you."
aaron's expression quirked at the title, his eyebrows lightly furrowing.
"oh please," spencer said, his fingers making quick work of whatever the experiment happened to be. "he's too busy with mom-"
jj's eyes happened to lift right at mom, made direct eye contact with you, and immediately choked back a laugh. some horror timidly filled her eyes, and she didn't cover up her sound too adequately. it caused the others to instantly look up too, and freeze.
"busted." jj mumbled, her gaze finding the ground.
aaron's smile resurfaced, crossing his arms. his tone was playful, yet confused and utterly amused nonetheless. "dad?"
spencer flushed. "uh..."
"oh c'mon. cut the crap." emily interrupted with an eye roll, looking between the two of you. "like it's not shocking at this point. just look at what the two of you were about to do, lecture us-"
"hey no," with a laugh you cut in, arching an eyebrow. "i don't lecture."
"exactly. he does," emily crossed her arms also with a smitten smirk - her point thoroughly exhibited. "you're the flexible one. see, mom and dad."
"i always thought rossi was dad." aaron expressed openly, a small chuckle shaking through his chest.
"no, you were always dad," jj shook her head, "rossi was mom, until," once again, her eyes found yours, smiling softly this time. "until someone else came around, and took on the role wholeheartedly."
you grinned, exchanging a quick, loving glance with aaron. "what's dave now, then?"
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