#crime investivation AU
ghosthunthq · 4 years
The Bones in the Acid 2
By: @sprghosthunter
Prompt:  crime investigation AU
“What?! You promised me a DNA sample!” Mai shouted over the phone. She slammed her hand down onto her desk and groaned into the phone, “I thought you were the best at this kind of stuff!” 
“If you would give me a moment to explain,” Oliver’s tone was stern. “There was a lab accident with one of my interns, and the remains were damaged. They are far more fragile, and no longer viable to provide a reasonable sample.”
“Could you get a partial sample? Anything?!”
“Maybe…but I have had no success thus far. If they hadn’t been doused in acid originally, perhaps I might have been able to get…something by now.”
Rubbing her palm over her face, Mai mumbled, “Well…what else can you get for me? Can’t you figure out where he grew up, based on chemicals or something?”
“I am currently examining the isotopes, but given the damage to the bones I can’t guarantee that I will find anything helpful. I did, however, find one thing of interest.”
“Oh?” Mai’s tone changed and she tilted her head, “You did? Well, what is it?”
“There is a nick in his lower left mandible, where his carotid artery should have been.”
Mai slouched back into her chair, “So, his throat was slashed?”
“Yes. I’m also in the process of figuring out what, exactly, created the wound.”
“A knife… obviously…”
She could hear Oliver rolling his eyes over the phone. “Yes…I’m trying to determine what components are in the steel, as well as the shape of the blade. It will narrow your search for a murder weapon.”
“Well, call me back as soon as you find out!”
…line break…
Holding the mandible with gloved hands, Oliver frowned. He had been staring at it for a while, determined to find something he hadn’t yet seen. As he rotated the bone in his hand his cell phone began to ring. He ignored it, as Oliver didn’t care to break his focus. Shortly after the phone ceased its ringing, it began again, much to Oliver’s dismay.
Sighing, Oliver reached into his pocket and answered it, expecting that Mai had called to exchange new information.
“Has your brother called you this week?” It was Luella. Oliver glanced at his watch and frowned. It was nine in the evening. He had lost track of time again…
Oliver blinked before continuing with his examination, “No.”
“He hasn’t called me. He always calls me on Tuesdays.”
“It’s possible he forgot. Gene is rather irresponsible at times.”
“Noll! Truly, I’m worried! He’s not answering his phone! Or his email!”
Annoyed, the anthropologist set down the remains. He held his phone between his shoulder and ear as he removed his beige gloves.
“I’ll go and check on him then…” Oliver was certain it would be a waste of his time.
…line break…
He gaped as the gears in his mind turned. With a tentative step, Oliver entered the ransacked flat. The floorboards creaked with each step he took and his fingers tightened around the phone in his grasp. He couldn’t find the will to dial for help, not that anybody needed it.
Finally, after shaking his initial sense of shock, Oliver pocketed the mobile device. Directly ahead, he observed shattered glass at the base of the mint-tinted wall. Oliver knelt down before the shards. He pulled a photo of his brother and himself from the jagged rubble and frowned. 
Had… There been… Was there a fight…?
Oliver continued his investigation of the flat, photo in hand. The television in the living room was lying on the floor, portions of the screen surrounding it. The sectional had also been overturned, navy fabric torn to shreds, and the coffee table was snapped in two. 
“Gene… you idiot…” Noll hissed, reaching for the bedroom door, “You better be here…”
But when Oliver opened the door he was greeted by another mess. A broken mirror hung on the far side of the room, offering Oliver a partial reflection. The mattress laid beneath a mangled bed frame, flaunting a number of its internal springs. Clothes were strewn about, and the blinds had been violently ripped from the window.
Among all the damage was no sign of Gene.
…line break…
Mai raced up the stairs of the complex as her team loaded equipment into the elevator. She had been at home, nursing a cup of hot chocolate when Oliver gave her a call. He had been silent while she demanded information, and once he spoke to her, he explained that he needed a team out at Gene’s apartment. The reasoning behind Oliver’s request had Mai dressed and in a car within minutes.
Gene was missing.
As Mai conquered the third flight of stairs, she encountered Oliver in the hall. He was squatting by an open door, staring down. In his hands was a crumpled photograph.
“Naru…?” She was surprised by his vulnerable appearance.
The scientist was quick to stand and compose himself. His expression, as almost always, was vague as he looked at Mai. However, the sapphire coloring of his eyes shone brightly, allowing for a glimpse past his facade. 
“Oh… Naru…” Mai whispered. She moved to hug him, offer some sort of comfort, but he shifted back, away from her.
“I was unable to find his wallet. I assume it was taken… Do you think your team can track his account?”
Mai frowned. Of course they could… and they would… but… Mai knew Oliver would have known that.
“You… think it’s a robbery gone wrong?” She bit her lip.
Oliver shrugged, “I don’t know… but that’s how it appears, minus the fact I was unable to find any traces of blood.” He tossed the small light he had been keeping in his pocket to Mai. 
Mai almost burst, but she restrained herself. He had gone through the crime scene! Without anyone else!
“I’m going back to the lab…” He walked past her. “I want to try and confirm my suspicion.”
Her face drained of all color as she recalled what she had said that morning. The description Oliver gave of the poor man they had discovered… they were similar to Oliver, which meant… it wasn’t impossible for them to belong to Gene.
“Wait!” Mai grabbed onto his sleeve. Oliver glanced at her. “We don’t have the evidence to-”
“We very well might,” Oliver interrupted. “I’m going back now to find out.” He gently removed his arm from Mai’s grasp and continued walking. When her hand latched onto him again, he sighed.
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
Mai released him in an instant, obviously hurt by his offered condolence. She tightened her jaw and raised her hand, ready to slap him. Before Mai could smack her hand against his cheek, she stopped. Her fingers curled into her palm and she turned away from Oliver. 
The damned idiot…
“Here…” Oliver placed a hand on Mai’s shoulder. When she faced him, he placed the picture he had been holding into her breast pocket. “You should be the one to have this.”
Unable to fully understand, Mai stepped away and wrenched the gloss print from her pocket. After observing it, she bared her teeth and spun on her heel, prepared to tell Oliver off for being such a moron, but he was already gone.
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