#creta blockchain
kikodora · 3 months
World's Gaming Titans Launch Next-Gen Platform CRETA in Manila, Announces Listing in Coins.ph
The world’s leading game creators have come together in the country to launch CRETA, a multiverse gaming entertainment platform and the latest product of their collaborative genius. The CRETA token will be listed on local cryptocurrency exchange Coins.ph starting July 8. Thomas Vu, executive producer of global phenomenon League of Legends and Netflix’s Emmy-winning series Arcane, together with…
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gamesteam · 1 year
تدخل شركة كريتا Creta سوق الألعاب في الشرق الأوسط من خلال منتدى العالم القادم Next World Forum
- (ARAB NEWSWIRE)منتدى العالم القادم (Next World Forum)، وهو حدث للألعاب الإلكترونية الذي أقيم في الرّياض يومي 30 و31 أغسطس، جمع شخصيات مؤثرة من صناعة الألعاب والرياضات الإلكترونية العالمية. تم تنظيمه من قبل الاتّحاد السعودي للرياضات الإلكترونية، ويعتبر منصّة لمناقشات الصناعة، مع التركيز على النمو السريع لاقتصاد الرّياضات الإلكترونية ووجود اللاعبين الرئيسيين في الصناعة. منتدى العالم القادم Next World Forum منتدى العالم القادم (NWF) لا يوفّر فرصة مبتكرة لتعزيز نمو القطاع من خلال الاستثمار والتعاون فقط، ولكنه أيضاً يعمل كمنصة لتبادل الأفكار والحوار والمناقشات لتصميم المستقبل وإبراز الإمكانات. يعمل NWF كنقطة لقاء الأطراف المعنية بألعاب الفيديو والرياضات الإلكترونية للتعاون وتبادل المعرفة. يتناول مجموعة من المواضيع مثل اقتصاد رياضات الإلكترونية وتطوير الذكاء الاصطناعي وأسرع الألعاب نمواً في العالم. شاركت شخصيات بارزة من شركات الألعاب العالمية، بما في ذلك Epic Games وUbisoft وRoblox وBandai Namco وTencent وAtari، في الحدث، إلى جانب صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير فيصل بن بندر آل سعود، رئيس مجلس إدارة الاتحاد السعودي للرياضات الإلكترونية. انضم أيضاً ألكساندر هاروتيونيان (Alexander Harutyunyan)، المؤسس المشارك ومدير النشر في كريتا Creta، كمتحدث، حيث قدّم كريتا Creta، وهي منصة عالمية متعددة الأداء مبنية على تقنية سلسلة الكتل (blockchain) عامة وفعّالة، والتي لاقت اهتماماً كبيراً من الجمهور. تشير عروض كريتا Creta في الحدث العالمي NWF إلى دخولها إلى سوق الألعاب في الشرق الأوسط وتعكس التزامها بالدفع نحو التقدم في هذه المنطقة. شركة كريتا Creta كريتا Creta، مقرّها الرئيسي في دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، هي شركة تعمل في مجال منصات ألعاب metaverse القائمة على Web3. تتكون الشركة من مطوّرين وناشرين وخبراء في تقنية سلسلة الكتل (blockchain) المشهورين في صناعة الألعاب العالمية. ومن بين الشخصيات المهمة المنتج راي ناكازاتو (Ray Nakazato) وألكسندر هاروتيونيان (Alexander Harutyunyan) (الرئيس التنفيذي السابق لناشر الألعاب الأوروبي INNOVA) وسيوك هو يون (Seok-ho Yoon)، الرئيس التنفيذي لـ CCR معروف بتطوير قلعة الألعاب الوطنية الكورية. يوشيكي أوكاموتو (Yoshiki Okamoto)، المعروف بألعاب مثل Street Fighter 2 وMonster Strike، هو شريك رئيسي في المشروع، مما يجعل كريتا Creta منافساً في النظام البيئي التنافسي لمنصة Web3 metaverse. مع مشاركة هؤلاء الأفراد البارزين، من المتوقع أن تقود كريتا Creta الطريق في إنشاء النظام البيئي الأكثر تنافسية لمنصة Web3 metaverse. تتولى شركة "Diverse" التابعة لشركة كورية، والتي تتمتع بخبرة قوية في تكنولوجيا محرك الألعاب عالية الأداء وقدرات رسومية متميزة، تطوير منصة "Creta". تعتمد هذه المنصة القائمة على تقنية Web3 وتستخدم تقنية سلسلة الكتل (blockchain) عامة عالية الأداء تسمى "Locus Chain" لإنشاء عالم افتراضي ضخم يختلف عن العوالم الافتراضية ثلاثية الأبعاد (ميتافيرس) الموجودة حالياً. يتمتع هذا العالم الافتراضي بقدرة على دمج وتوسيع العديد من العوالم الافتراضية (ميتافيرس) في حين يحافظ على جودة مرئية ثلاثية الأبعاد ذي واقعية عالية. تقدم كريتا Creta أربعة مكونات رئيسية في خدمة منصة Web3 الشاملة الخاصَّة بها: كريتا المتعددة الأبعاد Creta Multiverse (عالم متعدد الأبعاد يمكن توسيعه بلا حدود)، ومنصة ألعاب كريتا Creta Game Platform (خدمة ألعاب Web2 وWeb3)، وستوديو كريتا Creta Studio (يتيح إنشاء ألعاب ومحتوى عالي الجودة)، وسوبر كلوب كريتا Creta SuperClub (منصة مجتمع Web3 التي تربط منصة كريتا Creta بأكملها). القدرة على تقديم خدمة منصة Web3 شاملة مثل هذه يَرجع بشكل كبير إلى استخدام Locus GameChain، والذي يقلل بشكل كبير من تكاليف الخادم ويعالج مشكلات قابلية التوسع من خلال استخدام سلسلة Locus بتقنية سلسلة الكتل (blockchain). أعرب ألكساندر هاروتيونيان (Alexander Harutyunyan)، شريك مؤسس ومدير النشر الرئيسي لشركة كريتا Creta، عن تطلعاته قائلاً: "خلال هذا الحدث، رأينا مدى اهتمام الحكومة وحجم صناعة الألعاب والعوالم الافتراضية في الشرق الأوسط. نحن نسعى، من خلال كريتا Creta، لإظهار ما يحمله المستقبل لمنصات العوالم الافتراضية Web3 وخلق سوق جديدة تماماً للألعاب في الشرق الأوسط." تعمل كريتا Creta حالياً على الاستعداد لخدمة الوصول المبكر لـSuperClub، وهي منصة مجتمع Web3، المقررة في أكتوبر. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يخططون لإجراء اختبار بيتا مغلق (CBT) لأول عالم افتراضي (ميتافيرس) خاص بهم بنهاية العام. للمزيد من المعلومات حول كريتا Creta، تواصل معنا على: الموقع العالمي: https://CRETA.world/ الموقع الرسمي الياباني: https://Creta.co.jp تويتر: https://twitter.com/CRETA_WORLD تطبيق ديسكورد Discord: https://discord.com/invite/FWCd28vv36 تيليغرام: https://t.me/Creta_world_official_Group موقع (منصة) كوين ماركت كاب: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/CRETA-world/ جهة الاتصال: ديفيد وانغ (David Wang)، كبير مديري تطوير الأعمال في كريتا (Creta). [email protected] الموقع الالكتروني:  https://CRETA.world/   ار البيان الصحفي من خلال واير نيوزواير  www.arabnewswire.com) – وهي خدمة إخبارية للعالم العربي والشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا (MENA) ، ويتم توزيعها بواسطة EmailWire™ (www.emailwire.com) – خدمة وكالات الأنباء العالمية التي توفر توزيع البيانات الصحفية مع نتائج مضمونة       Read the full article
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gameinfinity · 2 years
Web3 Gaming News :
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Creta is creating the Web3 gaming platform, which consists of the metaverse, blockchain games, and a collection of Web3 gaming solutions, with the aim of creating and distributing engaging content with respectable business models.
The production team behind the well-known video game series Kingdom Under Fire and other well-known games that achieved significant traction in the Korean market operate the business, which is backed by professionals from the blockchain and video game sectors.
#Gameinfinity #NFT #Web3 #Metaverse #Game #P2E
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Creta sold its first private NFT collection in 26 minutes
Creta sold its first private NFT collection in 26 minutes
Creta, a next-generation metaverse gaming platform, sold its first private NFT collection in just under 26 minutes DUBAI, UAE, August 15, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Creta, a metaverse gaming platform built with an application of the cutting-edge blockchain technology Locus Chain, has announced the sell-out of a private collection of NFT assets dubbed Genesis Pass on the 21st of July 2022. The…
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zipgrowth · 6 years
Your Syllabus to SXSW EDU 2019 (and Where to Find Us!)
Between the barbeque and baristas, the dive bars and dueling pianos, thousands of educators, along with entrepreneurs, investors, researchers and policymakers across the education industry, will descend on Austin, Texas, during the first week of March for SXSW EDU.
Now in its ninth year, the show has become a staple for convening a potpourri of ideas that span broad swaths of the education community, from instructional practices and school models, to social inequities and far-out visions of the future that seem more like a dream than reality.
This year saw more than 1,500 session proposals from 42 countries, including 49 U.S. states and Washington, D.C. From those, event organizers and the public decided on the roughly 400 sessions that made the agenda. Here’s a look at the most popular topics in the proposals.
There are plenty of hands-on sessions with practical tips to apply in the classroom. For the techy wonks, there are discussions on blockchain and interoperability. And in keeping with the city’s “weird” pride, this year’s schedule features delightfully creative sessions involving hip hop and puppets, tattoos and zoos.
We’ll be there, too! In addition to finding us scribbling notes from the seats and hallways, you’ll also find us on stage. Below’s a cheatsheet to where we’ll be, and the other sessions on the agenda that caught our eye.
EdSurge Sessions
In between hearty servings of Tex-Mex and meat, won’t you have time to stop by and meet? Here are the times when you can find EdSurge on stage.
Monday, March 4, 5 p.m. Where School Safety, Security, & Surveillance Meet Happy hour will have to wait, as we kick our sessions off with a sobering and important conversation that warrants your attention. From facial-recognition cameras to web and social media filtering software, surveillance technologies are finding their foothold in schools across America. Ostensibly these tools are for the greater good—keeping kids safe.
But how much surveillance is acceptable, and what are the implications for students’ privacy rights? EdSurge’s managing editor, Tony Wan, will pose these questions to Bill Fitzgerald (New Knowledge), Doug Levin (EdTech Strategies), Courtney Goodsell (Impero Software) and Stephanie Cerda (administrator at Austin Independent School District).
Tuesday, March 5, 11 a.m. SXSW EDU Launch Competition Judge Tony will try his best Judy Judy impersonation, as he joins Bridge Burns (University Innovation Alliance), Vince Chan (Creta Ventures) and Jonathan Rochelle (Google) to dispense advice and feedback for eight companies pitching their wares. Companies include an AI robot, student incubator and a startup called Pie for Providers. Join us for a slice of the action!
Tuesday, March 5, 4 p.m. Who Does Online Education Really Serve? Online education was supposed to provide access to quality education for those who can’t attend or afford traditional college. But it’s become increasingly unclear if online learning is living up to its promise for students, as concerns persist over quality, inequitable disparities in digital-learning participants and outcomes.
This session, moderated by EdSurge’s senior editor Jeff Young, will take the form of a series of lightning talks by Jill Buban (Unizen), Martin Kurzweil (Ithaka S+R) and Robert Ubell (New York University), followed by a panel discussion with the speakers.
Thursday, March 7, 2 p.m. Translating Research Into Practice When it comes to the constantly-evolving science of how we learn, what’s fact—or fiction? And how can educators and learners apply what research says into everyday practice? EdSurge CEO Betsy Corcoran will explore these questions and search for actionable tips with three executives from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative—K. Brooke Stafford-Brizard, Bror Saxberg and Priscilla Chan herself.
Monday, March 4
12:00 p.m. Developing Engaged Global Citizens of the Future: Swarthmore College President Valerie Smith explores how educators can equip students with the skills needed to support inclusive, diverse communities and prepare them to be proactive participants in the democracy and fight for a just future.
1:00 p.m. Arrested Development: Children, Trauma and School: The session may bring back memories of the TV comedy series, but the talk from former high-school principal Liz Dozier is serious matter. The CEO of nonprofit Chicago Beyond will explore “unconventional ways” in which her group has helped children overcome trauma and build the networks and supports they need.
3:30 p.m. Media Lit: A Make-or-Break Competency for Teachers: As students engage more and more with media, how are they to make sense of what’s reliable—or not? And how are educators supposed to prepare to teach media literacy lessons? Hear from speakers representing KQED, PBS, the National Association for Media Literacy Education and the Relay Graduate School of Education.
4:00 p.m. A Hidden Dimension: Equitable Science Classrooms: Perhaps you’ve heard of the Next Generation Science Standards. But what does it take to make access to quality science education truly accessible for every student? This workshops offers educators a glimpse into how science class can be redesigned to be more inclusive and accessible for all cultures.
Tuesday, March 5
11:00 a.m. Beyond the Hype: Adopting Predictive Analytics: Data analytics can only be as useful as how well they’re implemented. College officials from four large public universities share their trials and tribulations with using these tools, and offer a glimpse of how predictive analytics can be used properly to boost learning outcomes for low-income students.
12:30 p.m. Ban the SAT: College Admissions Redesigned: Standardized test score can be predictive of a lot of things—including inequitable admissions practices. Hear what led Hampshire College to ban standardized test results as an admissions requirement, and what the school has learned since.
2:00 p.m. Learning Science Truths All Educators Should Know: Left brain, right brain, learning styles and preferences. With the emergence of findings from neuroscience, psychology and other learning sciences, how can educators sort through what’s real or not? Researchers from three universities and Sesame Workshop offer a primer on what teachers should know.
5:00 p.m. Who Is Your SEL Program Not Serving? It’s not hard to get behind and support social-emotional learning. But what does it take to turn SEL from a feel-good idea into something that works in the classroom for all students?
5:30 p.m. From Courtroom to Classroom: An Inmate’s Tale: If prison is supposed to prepare inmates for society, then the current system is in dire need of improvement. A former inmate-turned-lawyer offers a glimpse of the education system behind bars, and how it falls far short of preparing learners to readjust and succeed outside.
Wednesday, March 6
11:00 a.m. Students’ Safety or Privacy? Why Not Both? Are safety and privacy zero-sum rights, and must one be sacrificed for the sake of the other? Speakers from the U.S. Department of Education, privacy advocacy groups and a school district explore how to find the right balance between the two ideals.
12:30 p.m. The Future of the K-12 Education Industry: From BigChalk to Pearson, then to Renaissance and now Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Jack Lynch has steered education companies through plenty of change in the digital era. Here’s his forecast for how the K-12 industry will continue to evolve and shape teaching and learning.
1:00 p.m. U Good? Empower Students to Manage Chronic Stress: For children, school can be stressful—for many reasons that originate beyond the classroom. Speakers from the American Public Health Association explore how educators and school communities can provide the support and strategies to help students cope with violence, food insecurity and other difficult situations.
3:30 p.m. Transforming Refugee Education Through EdTech: Disasters manmade and natural have displaced families, leading to growing population of refugees. This session explores how technology has been leveraged to support refugee learners and provide them with some opportunity to continue their education.
4:00 p.m. Improving Equity Through Unbiased Data: Data is not objective; in fact, the way it is collected, organized and analyzed reinforces bias and inequities. This session will explore how to be mindful when leaning on data to make inferences and decisions about students’ educational journeys.
5:00 p.m. Race, Social Media and the Role of Schools: Educational activism is on the rise and more visible than ever before. In the wake of transformational movements that connect students and teachers across social media, how should schools respond? This session explore how educators can support student activists and transform social justice struggles into teachable moments.
Thursday, March 7
11:00 a.m. Progress and Challenges for AI in Education: Artificial intelligence has moved beyond a pitch deck buzzword, and into reality as it shapes how adaptive learning and assessment tools operate. At this session, a pair of AI experts join an edtech investor and head of the superintendents association to explore what’s currently possible—and what’s not.
12:30 p.m. Is Your Marketing Plan Sinking Your K–12 Startup? Unfortunately, the best edtech products don’t speak for themselves, and are no guarantee of a successful business. Karen Vaites, who’s led marketing efforts for four different edtech organizations, offers the ins and outs, dos and don’ts when it comes to creating a marketing plan.
Your Syllabus to SXSW EDU 2019 (and Where to Find Us!) published first on https://medium.com/@GetNewDLBusiness
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