#cressida s. [ ic ] now my troubles are going to have troubles with me.
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woodcries · 11 months ago
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' you should stay still-- i suspect you may have a concussion. ' in the years since she'd left the vault, her bedside manner had much improved, almost resembling her father's talent for it. however, the wasteland was a literal minefield and sometimes she couldn't bother with a proper introduction before she started pulling out her supplies.
@likemosaic / fallout starter call.
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screenviolense · 1 year ago
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  she had probably been told a million times not to offer aide to strangers on the road, given it seemed doomed to end in attempted robbery or worse. still, it didn't stop that pull at her heart that made it near impossible for her to just leave in a situation such as this while charon kept a safe distance.
  ' i don't suppose i could get some kind of confirmation you won't rob me once i let my guard down and offer you help. ' okay, maybe she had learned something in all of this. ' it's not you, it's... well, just about everyone else we've run into. '
@paddyfuck / staycation starter call.
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screenviolense · 1 year ago
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  cressida offered a tiny smile, glad at least that she could avoid an unnecessary fight. kneeling in the dirt, her hands moved to reach for her own belongings where she kept more than a few medical supplies. it had surprised her how rare doctors were in the wasteland when she'd first left the vault, but it only gave her more reason to practice the skills she'd learned from her father.
  ' can you tell me how it hurts? are you thirsty? ' that would give her some kind of starting point.
She'd been half-dead at the side of the road when the stranger had arrived. Anne had given up hope that she might cross paths with someone else, and with each step under the blistering sunlight, that fight had started to die in her. That fight that took her from settlement to settlement in the hopes that she might find something close to a purpose, outside of just existing on the mere pittance of caps that could be thrown her way for little else than grunt work.
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"I promise," Anne replied. It was quick, too quick. Most would see that as an ambush lying in waiting, yet, there was nothing for anyone to comfortably hide behind. "I barely got the strength to lift my head." / @screenviolense.
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woodcries · 1 year ago
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permanent starter call. for cressida (lone wanderer) / fallout 3. liking this means you're interested in interacting with this muse and are willing to receive starters and asks from them. knowledge of the source material is never necessary but always appreciated.
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woodcries · 3 months ago
@vaultdamned sent: For Spotify unwrapped lyric: 81 81. i say a little prayer - aretha franklin
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  ' 𝐎𝐇! 𝐈 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍-- 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐓 𝐎𝐍. ' the wasteland often offered very little in the way of variety when it came to entertainment, so when she had stumbled on a radio station that preferred to play softer, more romantic songs, cressida had become a quick fan. and while other stations reported the news, this one had focused more on how to do your hair or host a successful dinner party. presumably from pre-war sources, if she had to guess.
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woodcries · 4 months ago
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' in my head, i did everything right. '
@nonpareil / lyric starter call + supercut - lorde
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screenviolense · 2 years ago
@weroyals​ sent: ❝ that was a warning. ❞ — Charon to Cressida 
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          ‘ i don’t know. maybe super mutants shoot missiles at you as a sign of friendship. ‘ cressida murmured, brushing off some of the dirt on her skirt that had gathered when they had to scramble for cover before the blast hit the building behind them. still, she remained crouched behind some debris in case they came over to make sure there were no more pesky travelers around.
           ‘ that was a joke. ‘ she said after a few moments of silence, adjusting so she could peek around the corner. ‘
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screenviolense · 3 years ago
@wcrldcnfire​ sent: [ LIFT ]  for taller muse to lift up the smaller one and sit them on a surface where they can be eye level. Charon to Cressida: "Be. More. Careful." 
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          ‘ why do you assume i wasn’t being careful? ‘ while her carefulness was more than enough for when she was playing doctor, it did prove to be less effective when paired with more than a little naivete about the wasteland.  ‘ how am i supposed to know every time someone’s secretly a slaver or raider? ‘
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screenviolense · 3 years ago
@daggersandsparks​ sent: “i came to rescue you.” [for cressida]
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       ‘ you... you did? ‘ her voice sounded a little too hopeless, but she had her reasons. in the relatively short time she’d been out in the capital wasteland, she had learned that just about every act of kindness was met in return with someone trying to kill her. she’d been caught almost a dozen times by multiple mercenaries with instructions to kill her for just that reason. it was hard to believe anyone was still looking out for her, making it a lonelier existence than she would like.
       still, her eyes drifted toward the slumped form of a raider she’d managed to knock out with the handle of her revolver. ‘ you’re a little late, i think. ‘
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screenviolense · 3 years ago
@wcrldcnfire​ sent: " don't think i won't carry you if i have to. " [cressida from charon] 
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         cressida managed a weakened smile, despite the surge of pain going through her and her leg. it was one of the troubles of exploring the wasteland that a good manner of places were on the brink of collapsing and she hadn’t been quick enough to avoid the rubble. taking in a deep breath, she forced herself to stand up, hobbling over to him with an embarrassing hop.
        ‘ don’t worry. i’m ready to go. ‘
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screenviolense · 3 years ago
@wcrldcnfire​ sent: [ HESITATE ]:     startled by a sudden hug from the receiver, the sender pauses for a moment, before hesitantly returning the embrace. [cressida / butch] 
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        he may not have wanted to admit it out loud, but after all the years he’d spent pushing her away, they were the only ones that understood each other. the only ones who knew what it was like to leave the vault and enter a world they were completely unprepared for. and while he hadn’t been tossed into quite the same situation, she could understand just how lonely rivet city could be. so she moved to hug him despite the history between them, maybe too tightly.
        ‘ it’s not always going to feel like this. ‘ cressida murmured, voice soft. ‘ it was bad for a long time and it felt like all i had was a voice on the radio to keep me company. but it gets better, i promise. ‘
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screenviolense · 3 years ago
@wcrldcnfire​ sent: “Again, no, to every word that’s coming out your mouth.” [from charon to cressida] 
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              ‘ that hardly seems fair. ‘ cressida huffed, though she still managed to keep her lighter disposition about her as she kept pace up with him, head still swiveling between him and the few she had been trying to help behind them. she wasn’t going to tell him what to do, but she admittedly felt a little less sure of herself the moment she was left completely on her own.
                ‘ i know you don’t trust them, but i won’t ask you to help them. just stay in case they try to pull something? ‘ she folded her arms over her chest, hoping it made her look a little more convincing. ‘ you’re very tough. people take me more seriously when you’re standing next to me. ‘
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screenviolense · 3 years ago
@wcrldcnfire​ sent: '  fall in love with someone that makes you feel strong.  ’ [charon to cressida]
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           the words out of his mouth almost made her sit up straight, completely forgetting for a moment the display of half damaged magazines and books she had been sifting through for something salvageable in front of her. ‘ what brought this up? i didn’t think you were much for advice. especially not about... well, that. ‘
          truthfully, she didn’t have much hope for falling in love at all, given how hostile most seemed to be and that was the friendlier people and not even the secret cannibals
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screenviolense · 3 years ago
@wcrldcnfire​ sent: ❝ it was the best i could do under the circumstances. ❞   [cressida from butch]
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             ‘ no, it’s... it’s more than i could ask for. ‘ it was hard to feel very festive about her birthday, given it had been quite some time since she’d ever gotten the chance to celebrate it and the memories it brought back were bittersweet. he likely understood that too, put in the same position where they were both far from home. it only hurt to think about what amata was doing now and if the two of them even crossed her mind. if she was smart, she would have tried to shove the date from her memory.
             ‘ i’m just... not feeling very hungry. we can split it if you want. ‘ she raised an eyebrow at the last bit, seeing if she could get something of a smile.
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woodcries · 9 months ago
while social cues were never her forte, she could sense the apprehension almost as quickly as it came. many were unwilling to pass up free medical care, no matter who they were. it was a small kindness in a land that simply didn't have many to offer.
' i don't care if you're in some kind of trouble. ' cressida said, her tone flat and direct as she undid her neckerchief and held it out so they could dab away some of the blood and dirt that was caked on their face. ' but in your state, even if you can physically walk away, you might not be able to handle what comes at you next. '
"thanks," joss says, for lack of anything better to say. i'm sorry i hit my head? sorry super mutant behemoths exist? they put their pistol back on their hip, painfully aware of how much ammo they blew on that thing. then they sit, trying to sit straight, fighting bad posture. blood drips down their grimed up face, but they don't wipe it away. if that mine hadn't gone off, joss would probably be squished under one giant green foot right now.
too late, they realize their gunner mark is showing, and try to pull their hair back down over it. does the medic know what a gunner is? joss hopes not. they try to stand to get away from their would-be doctor, and wobble a little bit from blood loss. "actually, i'm fine. i think. sorry. just need some water."
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