#creepy Aniket
sindyauniverse · 4 months
Now the mansion is owned by Sindura and her trophy wife Vidya.
Sindura: *drinking coffee*
Vidya: jiejie. What do you want for lunch later? I'll make it for you.
Sindura: you don't need to cook.
We have chefs for that.
But I do love your cooking.
Make some Tikka masala.
Vidya: ok sure.
Sindura: I picked out some jewelry for you. You'll tell me of you love them.
Vidya: aww, where did you buy them?
Sindura: Sagar's mom's closet.
Vidya: Sindura jiejie.
Sindura: I have my ways.
Harsh: *walks in*  Hey ladies! Hey Vidya.
Vidya: *feels uncomfortable*
Sindura: why are you still here?
Harsh: you didn't put me out. And I'm married to your sister, remember.
Sindura jiejie.
Sindura: *glares*
Harsh: Sindura ji. If you put me out, won't your sister be upset?
(Ji is for respect~ equivalent to Ms/Mr)
Sindura: how dare you threaten me!
Look. Get out.
Harsh: oh gosh, Sindura Ji. Can't I have some food at least?
Sindura: no.
Harsh: hehe, just what i thought. I'll just order takeout then.
Sindura: and I don't want you to stare at Vidya again.
Harsh: so I can't look at Vidya?
Sindura: no. Or else I'll call the police.
Harsh: got it, *grin* Sindura ji.
Vidya: thank God he's  gone.
Jiejie. Is Aniket still tied up in our guesthouse.
Sindura: yea, I moved him to the farmhouse.
He's chained to a chair with his mouth duct taped shut.
Vidya: oh! Well good then.
Sindura: I plan to torture him today.
And I want you by my side.
Vidya: of course!
Sindura: hmm. I have to showcase my trophy wife a little. *touches her face*
Wear something nice, meimei.
Vidya: *blushing*
Sindura: Vidya, I made Sagar a servant, if you want to know.
He was begging me not to get rid of him.
Vidya: oh.
Sindura: I hate him and his wet puppy face.
Vidya: i thought it was cute.
Sindura: it isn't.
Suddenly there was a flash of light, as if a portal opened up.
Xue yang: where are we!.....ugh. I'm hungry.
Yao: *looking around*
Mo xuanyu: Lan lips, what are you doing here?!!! You always follow us around.
Xichen: I'm A-Yao's emotional support Lan.
Su she: and what is that?
Yao: guys stop fighting. I think we're in a mansion.
Mo xuanyu: well it's ugly. You have a prettier mansion, Yao gege!
Sindura: HEY!!! Why are you causing commotion, in my house!!!
Xue yang: *looks at Sindura*
Sindura: who are you five?!!
Lemme call the police real quick.
Vidya: greetings. I'm Vidya Singh.
Sindura: *stands in front of Vidya and folds her arms*
Mo xuanyu: we're team dimple, the one and only. And your house is tacky.
Yao: xuanyu, be polite.
I'm Jin guangyao, and this is team dimple.
They're my harem.
Mo xuanyu: bet you don't have one!
Sindura: I don't want one.
Anyways. I'm Sindura Singh. The one and only.
Yao: nice to meet you.
This is xue yang, Su Minshan, Lan Xichen and Mo xuanyu.
We have used a teleportation talisman to go to Tibet. But we accidentally got teleported here.
Sindura: ah. I'm an expert with mad people. My brother was once mad. And still is.
Yao: we're not mad. We're telling the truth.
Su she: how dare you call our lianfang zun mad!! And that light you just saw was the teleportation warp.
For your info!
Vidya: really?!! You teleported??
Sindura: *rolls eyes* go book a hotel.
Xue yang: why, Sindura Singh? Too much hot people in the mansion?
Jiggy, yourself and I.
Sindura: flirt again and I'm taking your tongue.
Xue yang: *gasps* I met my match.
Mo xuanyu: you guys have the same name! Are you a couple.
Vidya: *looks at Sindura* are we?
Sindura: Vidya, we're married.
Vidya: heehee.
Mo xuanyu: yas queen!! As you should!
We're all madly in love with Yao gege.
Vidya: ohh gege.
I call Sindura jiejie, Sindura jiejie.
Xichen: you know Chinese?!!
Vidya: duolingo.
Xichen: aww.
Su she: Lan lips, stop flirting with Vidya.
Mo xuanyu: *crying* Lan lips is cheating on Yao gege.
Vidya, I don't know what duolingo is. But I know about Duo hensheng.
Sindura: you better stay away from my wife, Xichen.
Xichen: Sindura, I would never.
Team dimple is always like this when I talk to anyone who's not A-Yao.
Mo xuanyu: you're such an attractive couple!
Sindura: thank you.
Now please, get a hotel.
Xue yang: Sindura. I think we can do it on the couch. We don't need a hotel.
Sindura: *glares furiously* 
Yao: don't be upset, Sindura. He flirts with everyone who's attractive.
Xue yang: AND YOU'RE HOT!!!
Vidya: Yao gege, please. Stay with us. You and team dimple.
Su she: you can book a hotel for Lan Xichen.
Vidya: Minshan, don't say that.
Sindura: but Minshan is right.
Yao: is that vermillion on your forehead? Are you a Jin.
Mo xuanyu: we all know that Jin guangshan can't keep it in his pants.
Sindura is maybe his long lost daughter.
Yao: you  have a point.
Sindura: Jin guangshan? And you're Jin guangyao?
The names are so similar.
Xue yang: Jiggy is our god and guangshan is just a womanizer demon. He's not very important. I burnt down a brothel with him in it.
Sindura: waw. Really?
Xue yang: yea babe. Jiggylicious told me to, so I did.
Sindura: did jin guangshan scream?
Vidya: Sindura jiejie, what are you asking him?!
Sindura: I was just curious.
Vidya: sorry, Xue yang. Jiejie is just fascinated with certain things.
Xue yang: ahahahahahah. I do worse.
Sindura: I have my ex husband tied up in a farmhouse.
Yao: gosh. I want to do that to dage.
Xichen: what?
Yao: what?
Vidya: that vermillion is a symbolism of marriage.
Sindura: our marriage.
Mo xuanyu: you guys are really really cute.
Yao: i hope you two have a happy married life.
Vidya: thank you Yao gege!!!
jiejie, a servant just told me that my ex mother-in-law wants water. He asked me permission before giving it to her and I just let them go ahead.
Sindura: that's fine. I'm fed up of this old bat actually.
Tomorrow she'll be moved to the geriatric home.
Vidya: mn.
Sindura: don't worry, meimei.
Mo xuanyu: is the old bat your mom?
Sindura: never!
My mom committed suicide because she had enough of being mistreated.
That other woman killed her.
Yao: oh that's so sad.
My A-niang was mistreated too. As she was a prostitute.
Xue yang: don't worry Jiggy and Sindura, I'll send all those assholes into the whore house. They can never get away with insulting you two!
Vidya: Xue yang is so righteous! Awwww.
Xichen: are you serious?
Xue yang: what do you mean by that, Lan lips?
Mo xuanyu: that's how team dimple is supported to be.
We're more superior than everyone else. 
Sindura: I also see myself as very superior.
I live with idiots.
Well, except for Vidya of course. She's my wife.
Vidya: Sindura jiejie. *turning red*
Yao: what makes you love Vidya?
Sindura: ah. Simply because.
The world is dark, and Vidya is the only sunshine.
Yao: aw.
That's what I say about er ge.
Xichen: *blushing* yeaa, I'm his sunshine.
Team dimple: *jealous*
Xue yang: important question. Who's the top and bottom?
Sindura: obviously I'm the top.
Xue yang: can you step on me?
Sindura: no.
Sindura: anyways, team dimple, you guys are hitmen?
Su she: yes. We're lianfang zuns henchmen and hitmen.
Mo xuanyu: except for Lan lips. He's inexperienced.
Xichen: ugh. Team dimple.
Sindura: can you guys drag Aniket here. I want to scare him a bit.
Mo xuanyu: no can do.
Yao: *opens fan*
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege doesn't take orders from anyone, and neither do we.
Su she: we only take orders from our boss.
Sindura: you guys are very obedient to your master.
Su she: very.
Now you got to ask lianfang zun permission.
Vidya: is he a god?
Su she: yes.
Yao: I'm actually not.
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege, you are. Please don't gaslight them.
Vidya: *bows to A-Yao*
Yao: oh my goodness, Vidya. Get up.
Sindura: *confused*
Sindura: lianfang zun. Jin guangyao. May I borrow your team dimple for dragging my ex here?
Yao: sure. To thank you for your hospitality, I'll tell you borrow team dimple.
Sindura: good.
Vidya: thank you so much!! Our dimple golden God.
Sindura: don't call him that.
Mo xuanyu: aww, she's jealous.
Sindura: Sindura is never jealous.
Yao: team d. Go get Sindura's ex. And torture him good.
Team dimple: *bow* yes boss! *took turns to kiss his hand*
Vidya: *mesmerized* is he like, Lord Krishna?
Sindura: stop it.
Later on, team d confronted Aniket, and xue yang ripped the duct tape off.
Aniket: ouch!!!
Who the hell are you people!
Mo xuanyu: *slaps*
Su she: yuyu, threaten him first. Then slap him.
Mo xuanyu: we'll beat you up! *slaps*
Aniket: did Sindura send you?! Don't trust Sindura!! She's evil! She trapped me here!!
Xue yang: wow. That's kinda hot.
I used to call Wen qing a lesbian witch when she threatened to stick her needles in me.
Aniket: who's wen qing?
Is she hot?
Mo xuanyu: *slaps him* being a pervert and a homophobe are both unacceptable.
Su she: come on, you ugly throw pillow. Sindura wants to talk to you.
Xue yang: about your divorce.
And she wants to teach you a lesson.
Aniket: I don't want anything to do with Sindura! Let go of me!!
Su she: yea, your not qualified to order us.
Aniket: who do you think you are!
Mo xuanyu: team dimple! *kicks* bitch!!
Xue yang: Sindura isn't our boss. Even though I want her to step on me.
Meanwhile, Sindura and Yao were having tea, while their golden retriever soulmates were drooling over them and having kheer.
Xichen: whats the name of the dessert congee again?
Vidya: kheer.
Xichen: ohhh.
Yao: your wife's tea is amazing, Sindura.
Quite gingery.
Sindura: thanks, A-Yao.
So you say the Jianghu is on their knees for you?
Yao: yes they are.
Sindura: ah.
I want that too. I crave for world domination.
Yao: I can relate.
Sindura: your xue yang wanted a lapdance from me. So i told him no.
Yao: savage.
Just ignore yangyang.
Xue yang: JIGGY!!!!
Yao: there they are.
Su she: we brought your trashbag husband.
Mo xuanyu: you can always count on team dimple.
Aniket: *trying to catch his breath*
Sindura: *smiling*
Aniket: you witch! Team dimple, don't listen to her!
Su she: like we said, Sindura isn't our boss.
Aniket: untie me!!!
Sindura: why?
That wouldn't be fun if I do.
Sindura: *looking at her ex with fake pity* poor poor Aniket. You're in such a condition.
Aniket: and you like to see me like this!
Sindura: you know me so well.
Do you know why you're in this state.
Because you try to upstage Sindura. And no one does that.
Aniket: tell your goons to let go of me!
Yao: they're not goons. They're my team dimple you're talking about.
Watch your words.
Sindura: oh come on, darling. You should be grateful that I kept you alive.
We all know what I'm capable of.
Vidya: *standing behind Sindura*
Aniket: Vidya! Vidya! Stay away from that witch!
Sindura: don't talk to my wife, you dick!
Aniket: how can you have a wife? You're a woman.
Sindura: because I realised that you're a piece of shit.
Aniket: you're insane! Vidya is Sagar's wife.
Sindura: who are you to tell me who and who not to be with.
You think you're the perfect guy?!
Aniket: Look. I'm taking my son.
Sindura: Aniket. He's my son too!
Vidya: and I adopted him, and I'm Very happy with Sindura jiejie.
So Frick off.
Sindura: vidya, it's f*ck off.
Vidya: right!
Aniket: Sindura, you witch. You took everything from me! I hate you! You're vile!
Sindura: all you do is put him against me! You were my worst mistake!
Aniket: because you're evil!
And you'll pay for all what you did! You don't have any love!
Sindura: so what if I'm evil. It's not your business.
And don't you think you talk too much?
On a good day, I would have already shot you. *leans in* with a straight face.
Aniket: at least there is one thing straight about you.
Sindura: *punches him and breaks his nose*
Aniket: agh!!! Sindura!!! *screaming and cursing*
Sindura: SHUT UP!!
Aniket: you broke my nose!
Sindura: and I'll break your neck!
Mo xuanyu: bitch!!
Aniket: *cursing again*
Sindura: there he goes again.
Can someone shut him up.
Yao: xue yang. Do your specialty.
Xue yang: *severs his tongue* haha. Sindura, you want me to make tongue tea out of it?
Sindura: no way. I don't want his tongue in my mouth.
Vidya: we're vegan.
Xue yang: got it.
Yao: excellent.
Sindura: *picks up a stick*
Aniket: *trying to scoot away*
Sindura: *grinning* don't run.
Stay still.
Aniket: mmgmgmgggg!!!! Mmmmggf!!!
Sindura: *eye twitches*
Vidya: beat the heck out of him. He's such a creep.
Sindura: *starts beating him*
Yao: I'm glad Sindura is having fun..
Xue yang: yea Jiggylicious.
An hour after~~~
Xue yang: Jiggy, can we kiss?
Yao: not now.
Xue yang: *pointing at Sindya kissing* but the hot lesbians are doing it!
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sindyauniverse · 4 months
Sindura was in her room, plotting as usual, to take back her property and get rid of Sagar. And take back her PROPERTY from Sagar.
Sindura: by tomorrow, I'll throw thar creepy Aniket and Sagar out of the house.
If they try to gangster me, then I'll pull out my gun.
Aniket will be back from Vegas tomorrow, and there I'll lock him in the guesthouse. Later I'll frame him for a crime he didn't commit.
*smiles* then Sagar will go right down with him.
Perfect plan. *chuckles again*
(Sindura thinks of Vidya's lips amd eyes, as it's the first thing she notices)
Sindura: Vidya is another obstacle. She always distracts me. No one distracts Sindura.
But then she's Sindura's. Only Vidya can distract Sindura.
There was a knock on the door.
Vidya: jiejie!
Sindura: oh gosh.
Come in.
Viidya: *opens the door* Jiejie, I brought some tea. *rests it on the table*
Sindura: *glares*
Vidya: jiejie. I know you like tea during the night, so I decided to make some for you.
You know, I feel very lonely, since Sagar is partying in Vegas with your husband.
Sindura: you feel lonely?
Vidya: yea.
Sindura: *stood up* I feel lonely too.
Vidya: because your husband isn't here?
Sindura: ew. No. *closes the door and locks it* Aniket doesn't know what's romance. Not even viagra works for him.
Vidya: what's a Viagra?
Sindura: something that helps you exercise.
Vidya: oh. Why did you lock the door?
Sindura: *walking over to her* why do you keep asking questions, Vidya?
Vidya: *shy and blushing too*
Sindura: *Kebadoned her and lifts her chin. Her thumb touched the bottom of her lip.
Vidya: *confused, then she wanted to run*
Sindura: stay put!
Vidya: yes jiejie.
Jiejie, you're so close. What do you want?
Sindura: everything Vidya.
The property, my wealth. And you.
Vidya: Sindura jiejie, I didn't know you were so romantic. And I thought you hated my guts.
Sindura: that's how I am. Well let me tell you a secret. I thought you didn't fit in, but then you became my obsession.
Vidya: I want to tell you something too.
I always wanted to get a place in your heart.
Sindura: *squeezes waist* really? You don't mind that I'm mean? Cruel? Evil?
Vidya: *puts her hand over Sindura's mouth* youre not evil. Don't say that. I like how you're strong, and mean. It's so cure.
You're like a grumpy cat.
Sindura: *laughs* My beautiful Vidya has a way with words. *caresses her cheek*
Vidya: *smiling*
Sindura: *leans in and kisses her, while squeezing her arm.*
Vidya: *closes her eyes*
Sindura: *whispers in her ear* You're Sindura's. *then licks her ear* understand? Only Sindura's.
Vidya: only yours. *kisses her in return*
Sindura: perfect. Now no one should know about us.
Vidya: I won't tell anyone. *holds her hand and kisses it.
Sindura: *smug* very good.
Vidya: so what now?
Sindura: oh Vidya. Talk less. *gently grabs her hair* come with me.
Vidya: I'm so excited!
Sindura: oh really?
Vidya: you're surprisingly gentle.
Sindura: I can be rough if you want.
But I'll be gentle for now. You better watch out next time. Once I get rid of these pests. *pushes her on the bed.
Sindura: *embraces her* Vidya......
Vidya: jiejie. *rests her head on her shoulder, while Sindura fondled her*
Sindura: *laughs* ah yess. That's the spot. Yes!
Vidya: *moans*
Sindura: *rips of her sari, revealing her top and stomach, that she kissed*
Vidya: *moaning again* Sindura jiejie. *kisses her deeply, then took off Sinduras bracelets*
Sindura: youre so naughty.
Vidya: *sucked her neck*
Sindura: *grinding on her body* I'll destroy you..
Vidya: please do, jiejie!! I'm all yours!!
Sindura: *giggling*
Vidya: why aren't you moaning.
Sindura: baby, *caressing her lips* Sindura doesn't moan. She enjoys. I love yo win. And I feel I have won. Such a sweet victory.
Vidya: hmm. Jiejie. What if I become evil? What will you do.
Sindura: you don't have the courage to. *kiss* only I can be evil. *kiss* that's how it is.
Vidya: *snuggles* sure then.
Sindura: that creep call me a witch. But I must admit I'm a witch in bed.
Vidya: haha, I see that.
Sindura: * kisses* my lovely Vidya. *licks her chin and lips* Vidya. I'm going to get rid of Sagar and Aniket tomorrow. Then we'll get the mansion to ourselves. No one to interrupt us.
Vidya: please spare them.
Sindura: why?! I will never!
Vidya: but....
Sindura: this is our ticket to our freedom and prosperity, Vidya.
Sindura goes in the middle of the room, stretches her arms and smiles menacingly.
Sindura: everything will be mine. Everything that I have lost! There will be a reign of terror!*Outstretched her hand* Vidya, will you rule with me?!
Vidya: *dazed* (She's so hot, dark and mysterious.)
Sindura: Vidya. Sindura doesn't ask for help or company! You better consider it as a phenomenon.
Are you with me!
Vidya: *runs towards her, and grabs her hand* I'm with you.
Sindura: *grinning* so lovely. *touching her chest* as expected of my Vidya.
Come on. Shown me some more skin.
Vidya: well untie my top.
Sindura: of course.
Thereafter, Sindura goes behind her, and moves her hair away, then unties Vidyas top.
She caresses Vidyas back and pecked it. Then those little pecks turned into a lick.
Sindura: tastes so sweet.
You know, I think I should shoot them instead.
Vidya, you better stay in this room. You may come out after the gunshot.
Vidya: ok, my gangster wife. I will stay put.
Sindura: you're so obedient. I love that so much.
After all this drama, I want you to dress up like a bride.
Vidya: *blush* ok.
Sindura: nice. *grabs her* let's snuggle together. It's late. And I can't wait for tomorrow. *grin*
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