#credit to grimwulf
The End, The Beginning
Ten Thousand Years ago, in the eternal city of Zin-Azshari....
Rumors spread like a viral disease: The Well of Eternity was unstable. Some chose to evacuate, others chose to question their beloved queen... But most had faith that all would be resolved presently. Not even dragons seen overhead could have shaken the proud Highborne's trust in their queen, not even the gossip telling of demons and slaughtered Lowborne could. It was only a matter of of time before they all were told, and things would resume presently. That was until a massive tremor shook the city to it's core, and another, and a third. Now was the time to panic.. for shortly after the offshore quakes were felt... It was seen. Elves of ever Creed were running in an adrenaline fueled fear, out of the city. Some made portals, others were too stunned to.. others still held their fates in the hands of the Queen. One such observer of said wave was a young thing, no more than eighty cycles of age. She stood outside her family home, a small cottage decorated with vines and flowers cultivated by the best Lowborne. Her eyes were trembling, staring at the deep blue wave towering over the city and moving closer. Fear and dread overtook her, it was unlike anything she had ever seen..!
The tremors rocked the city, once, twice, and that third final time, like the early morning chimes of a distant clock tower. Berisra cast her gaze skyward, watching as some of the greater pillars threatened to fall. An imposing crack spidered across the pristine surface high above and Berisra stood fast, eyes narrowing as she waited, watching. She heard the screams swelling in the distance, nearer the market. Her duty pulled her from the potential collapse, but she only made it around the corner. Her feet froze, anchored to the cobblestone. Berisra had never seen such devastation. And the pure, unrivaled power of her Queen. She felt a ball in her throat as she watched her Queen hold the barrier, the fearful cries of the people echoing off the stones. Berisra looked behind her in the direction of home. And then to her Queen. Berisra dropped her spear as her feet began to carry her. My daughter... She thought, "My baby..." She found herself panting aloud as she tore at the buckles of her pauldrons. Tears were welling in her eyes as she raced home, fueled by a fear she had never tasted before. She needed to get to her daughter. "Lysoria!" She began to scream as she grew close. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, as though drawn in the direction of the apocalyptic wave. "Lysoria!"
The collapse of the city was unavoidable, as it literally sank around the chaos of the Well. If they could see above them, they could see large chunks, Miles and miles upon Miles across being thrusted to the far flung corners of the world.. and here on the center was sinking. The wave itself, caused by a sudden decrease in elevation. It moved dreadfully, ominously slow, yet much too quick to see their city destroyed. Shockingly of all, the  din of the screams weren't growing louder.. they were enclosing, growing more and more quiet. It was only a matter of of time.. Lysoria could not take her eyes from the wave, mere moments from hitting, until her ears twitched. Her legs stepped backwards slowly, and she spun around to see her mother. She ran as fast as her legs would take her, abandoning the home, abandoning her journals, her training glaives, her entire life to go to her mother as if her life depended on it. The sea winds carried her feet faster than she would normally have gone, resulting in her slamming into her mother, having not stopped running, or slowed down. "Minn'da!" She cried as loud as she could. "I'm.. I'm scared". It was obvious, but it was the only words that poured forth as she buried her head into her mother, holding on tightly, hands almost digging into her skin.
The force of the two colliding forced a grunt from Berisra, but she held fast to her daughter, holding a hand to the back of her head to keep her from looking. Berisra knew there was no running. Not unless their Queen could teleport an entire city on her own. "It is okay," It wasn't, "I am here with you. Always." She promised, as she had done many times over the years. There was none more precious to her than Lysoria. And she would not leave, no matter where the waves would bring them. She squeezed Lysoria, not daring to pull away and reveal that tears streamed freely down her face. She muttered a blessing, a prayer, something akin to a plea, begging Elune for Her guidance. And in the short time that the two had united, the wave rose up to meet them.
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