#creative proposal ideas
davidsonandlicht · 8 months
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Discover unforgettable Wedding Proposal Ideas that blend creativity and emotion. From a romantic beach getaway with a dazzling diamond eternity ring to a hot air balloon ride symbolizing your soaring love. These unique moments ensure lasting memories. Create an intimate atmosphere with a candlelit dinner, surprising your partner with a meaningful diamond eternity band. Add joy and surprise with a flash mob proposal or craft a cinematic experience with a private movie screening. Personalize each proposal to reflect your unique bond. Ultimately, these ideas capture hearts and create a timeless love story to cherish forever.
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studiocapturelife · 4 months
Creative Proposal Announcement Photo Ideas to Capture Your Engagement
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So you just got engaged! Congratulations! The excitement is bubbling over, and you're ready to shout it from the rooftops (or at least your social media). But with a million engagement announcements flooding feeds every day, how do you make yours stand out?
The answer: ditch the standard ring selfie and get creative with your proposal announcement photo!
If you are looking for someone to capture your proposal announcement photos, then leave everything to Studio Capture Life. 
Here are some unique ideas to capture that special moment and get everyone buzzing:
1. Capture the Reaction (Not Just the Ring): Sure, the ring is gorgeous, but the real magic lies in your partner's reaction. Did you cry tears of joy? Did they jump for excitement? Capture that raw emotion! A candid shot of pure happiness speaks volumes.
2. Let the Background Tell the Story: Was your proposal a scenic mountain top adventure? A romantic candlelit dinner? Let the backdrop become part of the announcement. A photo of you two silhouetted against a breathtaking sunset or nestled in a cozy restaurant sets the scene and hints at the story behind the "yes!"
3. Get Playful (If That's Your Style): Are you a goofy couple with a love for laughter? Don't be afraid to inject some fun! Recreate a funny meme, pose with silly props, or capture a playful moment right after the proposal. Let your personality shine through.
4. Incorporate Your Furry Best Friend: Let's be honest, our pets are practically family. If your dog witnessed the whole thing (or maybe even "helped" with the ring!), include them in the photo. A shot of your pup sniffing the ring or excitedly jumping on you both adds a heartwarming touch.
5. Think Outside the Photo Box: Why limit yourself to a static image? Consider a short video clip capturing the moment you get down on one knee or the immediate aftermath of pure joy. You can even get creative with a boomerang or a stop-motion animation showcasing the ring on a scenic location.
Bonus Tip: Don't forget the power of good lighting and composition! A well-lit photo with a balanced focus will make your announcement photo even more visually appealing.
Remember, the most important element is authenticity. Choose a photo that reflects your unique love story and the joy of your engagement. With a little creativity, your proposal announcement photo can be just as special as the moment itself.
Now get out there and capture those magical memories (and don't forget to share them with the world!)
So, ditch the ordinary and capture the extraordinary! Your proposal deserves an announcement photo that's as unique and special as your love story.
Ready to preserve this momentous occasion with stunning visuals? Capture Life Studio specializes in creating a beautiful and personalized experience to document your love story. From capturing the raw emotions of the proposal to crafting artistic and timeless photographs, their team will ensure your memories are cherished forever.
Head over to Capture Life Studio's website at Capture Life Studio and let them help you create a proposal announcement photo that will leave everyone saying "Aww!"
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leereaddiamonds1 · 7 months
Find out 3 Best Proposal Ideas for Your Partner
We adore home-based wedding proposals because, against popular belief, they are frequently the most intimate and romantic of all. The more inventive, intellectual, and thoughtful the proposal concepts you can come up with, the better.
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williambarthman · 8 months
How Should A Girl Propose A Boy?
You will rarely come across discussions on marriage or engagement proposal ideas for women. That’s because even today, only a handful of women propose to their boyfriends. Most still wait for the men in their lives to pop the question first. However, the trend shouldn’t stop you from taking the first step and proposing to the man you love. Instead of worrying about society’s reaction, you must invest all your time and effort in finding the best proposal ideas for your partner.
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The section below includes a few creative proposal ideas that you can try to get the nod from your love. They are effective both as marriage and engagement proposal ideas.
Take Him on a Surprise Trip
Outdoor proposal ideas should be the go-to option for you when proposing to a man. This is one of the best proposal ideas for a boyfriend if your beau loves to travel. Ideally, you must plan your trip to a romantic destination like Venice or Paris. Adventure lovers can also consider going for a safari.
Propose Him at Home
The idea might appear too simple to some. However, your boyfriend will love it if he is a homebody. With the right planning, you can make your proposal at home as exciting and romantic as those taking place in more fancy venues.
To see him surprised, you must organize the event at his home. Do all the necessary changes, like organizing a candlelight dinner, cooking, and decorating the rooms when he is away. With a little bit of intelligent planning, the event can have all the pluses of other creative proposal ideas.
If you want to try more unique proposal ideas, you can invite his friends for a game night or request family members to join you two for dinner. He will be extremely surprised when you finally pop the question with his near and dear ones around him.
Send Him a Letter along with a Ring
Introverts and women who are not big fans of outdoor proposal ideas will love this option. Your letter should tell your partner why you want to spend the rest of your life with him. You can also write about some cherished memories you two share to make it one of the best proposal ideas for a boyfriend.
This is one of the most Unique Proposal Ideas as these days people don’t expect letters from their loved ones. Don’t forget to spray a few puffs of your favorite perfume on the envelope. Send the letter and the ring to your boyfriend by courier. Your gesture will surely make him emotional.
Having the best proposal ideas for your partneris often not enough. To make those ideas work, you must get him some flowers and a diamond ring from a renowned brand like William Barthman.
The Source URL: https://williambarthman.blogspot.com/2024/01/how-should-girl-propose-boy.html
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bunnyswritings · 1 year
Proposal prompts?
okay yes!! i love these kinda requests hehe :") i wrote this in a fluffy romancey kinda genre, i hope you like them!!
Proposal ideas for your otp
Picnic proposals — stargazing through the night, hiding the ring in their personally curated picnic basket
Bringing the other on an evening stroll and leading them to a path which was pre-decorated by them with full-on fairy lights, candles, and flowers
Hot air balloon proposal — proposing when they are a thousand feet up in the sky, overlooking the sunset
Beach proposal — slowly writing 'will you marry me' on the sand and the other finally figuring out what they are doing
Nature park proposal — they bring the other on a hike up a nature trail (well, because it's their favourite thing to do). along the way, they planned for strangers to hand the other flowers until they reach the peak, where they propose
Planning an easter egg trail to some of the places that are of significance to them as a couple, and proposing at the final destination (bonus: they task the other person to go on this trail alone, leaving them clues at each destination for the next till they meet at the final location)
Writing the other an original song which perfectly sums up their journey together; serenading the other with a live rendition
Both parties secretly planning a surprise proposal for the other; they so happen to propose to the other at the exact same moment, and burst out laughing at their silliness in the end
Cable car proposal — proposing during a cable car ride overlooking the city lights (bonus: the one proposing has a profound fear of heights but goes through with it anyway — albeit with lots of nerves and cold sweat — because the other loves cable car rides)
A casual home proposal — where both prefer the privacy of home rather than being out in the public eye
^ but the proposal happens at a random domestic moment and in passing (eg. while doing the dishes together, folding laundry together)
Making a scrapbook for the other with each page being a mishmash of significant milestones — the good and the bad — and dropping the question at the very last page
Proposing to the other with paper rings not because they are't serious but just because seeing the other in this light — in the simple, the mundane, the routine — makes them surer than ever that this is the person they want to spend the rest of their life with
Taking the other to a surprise private movie screening, and instead of a movie, a homemade video with pictures and video messages of their relationship journey plays
i hope that these are helpful!! feel free to drop any other requests here!
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captainsolocide · 5 months
be me
have to come up with an idea for a final paper in my comp lit class
guidelines say it has to be regular research, but she brings up a very specific creative option in class
I don't like the option she suggested
I do like a creative option I made up myself
we have meetings to discuss our ideas for the final paper
I figure I'd bring up my creative paper idea during the meeting
the worst thing she can say is no
I bring it up
she gets really excited about it
it's still just a rough idea atp so she tells me to email her over the weekend with a more fleshed out proposal
I do that
she replies saying the only creative option is the specific one she brought up in class and if I don't want to do that I have to do a regular research paper
I am sent into a rage
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brechtian · 1 year
this thesis literally better meet her standards this time it has everything it's formalist with a dash of deconstruction it incorporates my research into the occult i can fold in a quick comparison to the end of her favorite woolf novel (dalloway) it even includes my original (REJECTED !) idea of exploring bernard and authorship as divine creativity. if she says no to it literally don't know what i'll do
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shifuaang · 7 months
vehemently against NATLA existing 😤 but wildly protective over and incredibly charmed by Gordon, Kiawentiio, and Dallas ❤️
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girlscience · 7 months
boy howdy, I am working myself into a full panic over this. if I get an hour of sleep tonight it will be a miracle.
#like this is an INTERVIEW. do you know how many job interviews I have had in my life????#compared to how many jobs I have had???????#I GOT REJECTED BY WALGREENS FOR CHRISTS SAKE#I just. this man is holding my entire plan for my future right now in his hands#if he doesn't want me. If he decides I wouldn't be good in his lab I don't know what I'll do#like yeah yeah life will keep going and the world will keep turning and stuff#but I am not joking I will be devastated. and then I will have to TELL people about it#and like I still have yet to hear back from the other school and none of the professors there have talked to me#so idk if I could do what I want to there either (they do have the classes I want so I'm assuming one of the professors does what I want)#and everyone keeps saying it'll be fine and I'll do good and anyone would want me in their lab#but I DONT THINK IM IMPRESSIVE. I compare myself to other scientists and eh. I don't measure up#like sure I have good bench skills and I can learn pretty much anything you set me to#but I don't know how to come up with research proposals#I don't know how to ask good questions about papers I read#I don't have good ideas for further research#like. I did library prep at work for 3 years and we recently hired someone who has more or less taken it over#and he actually understands and talks about the actual molecular processes in a way I never learned#idk I just feel like yeah I'm good at science. but I'm good because I'm good at following directions#I am not actually inovative or creative or increasing understanding#point is I am stressed and people keep telling me not to be but I don't believe them and I am scared that I have got myself too excited#and I am about to be let down very hard very fast#and I don't really have any safety nets in place if it doesn't work out
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unravelingwires · 10 months
Witches don’t exchange engagement rings. They do, however, have moors, worn on the right hand and symbolizing loyalty and safe harbor. Traditionally, these are made from actually woven plant stems enchanted against decay, but in the modern day, these rings can be made from anything so long as their band looks like woven fibers.
Jaya has three moors. The first is for the Narayana family, a dull gold band. The second is for the Chel family, an heirloom with the noble crest bound by strings of bound water. The last is a representation of her sponsorship of Lilith, an extremely traditional weaving of grass dyed gold.
Max has one moor. It's a similar Chel family moor of bound water.
Lara has one moor, made from dragon marrow to symbolize the Ravenswoods. Aster has a similar one.
Ellie has one moor, a meticulously enchanted ring of overlapping flower petals collected by hand by her parents.
Lilith has two moors. One was woven from grass stems by her mothers, enchanted to remain bright green. The other is a ring of ice strands dyed green and bought by Jaya.
Natalie has no moors. She wears a simple black ring she bought when she was twelve to cover this up.
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doctorbrown · 11 months
DOCTOBER '23 ⸺ 「 30 / 31 * SUNSET 」
July 31, 1992
❝God, Doc, I'm so nervous. Am I supposed to be this nervous?❞ Marty has been pacing back and forth for the last ten minutes, his anxiety spiking, and none of Emmett's previous attempts thusfar have managed to still his feet or calm the storm brewing over his head.
He understands the nerves, having felt them when he had decided to propose to Clara, fearing he may have been too forward and misreading the entire situation or she would, when presented with the opportunity, turn him down for his age or his appearance or the fact that the life he currently had was nothing glamorous, certainly not for a brilliant woman who had her entire life ahead of her.
Clara had quashed every single one of his own worries the moment they arose.
❝Marty. Marty!❞ Emmett stops him in his tracks with both hands on his shoulders and when Marty finally looks up, clarity returning the sharpness to the blue of his eyes, he looks exactly like his seventeen-year-old self again, far younger than his years. ❝Of course it's natural to be nervous, but try and relax. Take a few deep breaths. I can assure you that everything is on schedule, Jennifer is not going to stand you up, and things will go just fine.❞
Marty throws a look at him that says how can you be so sure? when he's feeling so uncertain about everything, and Emmett is certain he's running through possibilities in his head that are so highly improbable they could never happen in this timeline.
He squeezes his shoulders and when Marty follows his advice and takes a few long, slow breaths, Emmett switches to straightening the tie his worry has knocked askew.
❝You two love each other. There's nothing that's going to change that. Everybody is nervous on their wedding day and before other pivotal moments in their lives. The sun is setting on this chapter of your life as you take the next step forward. But I promise you that once you step out there and you see Jennifer walking down the aisle, you won't feel nervous anymore.❞
❝You're right, Doc, I know you are. It's just; it's really happening. I'm about to marry Jennifer. She's going to be Jennifer McFly. We're gonna spend the rest of our lives together.❞
❝So then what's the problem?❞
Marty shakes his head and fumbles for the words to explain the frenzy stirring in his chest. Emmett is unflappable even in the wake of the torrent of Marty's emotions and Marty doesn't know where he'd be right now without him. ❝I—the rings?❞
❝Safely in the possession of the ring-bearers.❞
❝The music?❞
❝The band is all present and accounted for.❞
❝My family?❞
❝Seated beside Detective Parker.❞
❝The photographers? Jen wanted to make sure we got lots of pictures.❞
❝Marty, you already spoke to them, remember? They had taken photos of us not long ago.❞
He shakes his head. ❝That's right; it feels like it happened yesterday or in a dream or something.❞
Emmett gently guides him over toward the long mirror and places him directly in the centre of it. Marty takes a moment to look them both over, dressed sharply in their well-pressed black suits. His hair is freshly cut and styled and Marty smiles at the way his best friend had gone through the trouble of wrangling his hair into something neat and well-kept rather than the wild mane it often was.
Clara almost certainly had a hand in that, he thinks, and somewhere in the back of his mind, he hopes she can hear his thank you.
❝Doc? Can I, uh, ask you something?❞
Emmett nods, using the mirror to now fuss over his own appearance while he still has the chance. As best man, it was important everything be in place, and the setup and smooth operation of the wedding was far more important than his own personal appearance. Clara reminded him time-and-time again of his tendency to get too-caught up in whatever endeavour has his attention, and she had reminded him before they left to make sure his appearance didn't suffer as he ran about aiding in the day's proceedings.
Now that they have a moment and less than an hour until it all begins, the last thing he wants is to add even the slightest bit more to Marty's plate for him to worry over.
His black suit is still wrinkle-free, his hair has yet to adopt a life of its own and begin to fly every which way, and no matter how hard he looks, he can't find any part of his appearance that needs fixing.
❝I think maybe I'm also afraid that once we get married, everything's gonna change, you know? That things are going to have to be different now that we're husband and wife. I guess what I'm wondering is after you and Clara got married, did things feel all that different between you? Did things change a lot when she became your wife?❞
Emmett hums. ❝There was an adjustment period after the fact when it came to calling her my wife. As you know, I never imagined such a thing for myself. As a scientist, I was already married to science, as it was, and the idea of falling in love, let alone at first sight, was simply nonsense. The stuff of romance novels.❞
Marty actually finds himself able to manage a grin as he thinks back to the memory of seeing the doc wide-eyed and tongue-tied in a way he never imagined possible. ❝No kidding. I've never seen you look the way you looked at Clara before. You had it bad, Doc, right at the start.❞
❝Not unlike the way I've seen you look at Jennifer over the years. In fact, I think I still recall the way you looked when you mentioned her in 1955.❞ Marty's cheeks tinge pink.
❝But even after being officially married, our relationship didn't change. It became a little more proper for us to be together the way we were—as you may or may not know, perceptions were very different back in the nineteenth century, and as Clara was Hill Valley's only schoolteacher, it was necessary for her to maintain a very good image, as she was a role model for the children—but we didn't treat each other any differently.❞
They had already been married in all but name by the time their wedding day came around. All that was left was to make it official, sign the documents, and appease everyone else's old-fashioned sensibilities.
❝By that time, we were already practically living together. I wasn't rich by any means, but we had Clara's home and the stable which I had converted into living quarters, we were both working, and I occasionally assisted with some of the school lessons. She was my confidante, the one person with whom I could share the truth of my existence with, and she had embraced the idea of time-travel and life in the twentieth century so quickly that even I was astounded.❞
Emmett turns away from the mirror to properly look at his friend.
❝So I suppose that was a very long way to say no, nothing changed after the fact. Other than the entire town openly wondering when we would finally start a family of our own.❞
That prompts a groan out of Marty. ❝Guess I'll have to be ready for my parents to start asking when we'll be giving them grandkids. Got another question for you, Doc.❞
Emmett checks one of his wristwatches. ❝Sure; we still have a little time before the ceremony is scheduled to begin and we have to get into position.❞
❝What was your wedding day like? Since I didn't get to see it, I'd really like to know.❞
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bartmobile · 1 year
so fucking lucky to have my friends
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tardis--dreams · 2 years
May I present you a rough translation of the abomination of a text i wrote in my korean exam:
[Self introduction]
Last month i bought a water purifier* at the water purifier shop and it's already broken.
[Me not knowing how exactly a water purifier works]: There’s no water coming out.
[Me not knowing what exactly a water purifier is good for]: We have a party next weekend, so we need water. Therefore the water purifier needs to be fixed by Friday.
My phone number is 000111000. If i don't answer my phone please sent me an email to [email protected].
*truth be told I'm only like 55% certain the words meant water purifier. It would be very funny if it was something completely different lmao
#im too afraid to look up the word#tHe WaTer pUrIFieR sHoP#unmatched creativity#선생님 im so sorry#you don't deserve this ahahah#also the Other text was just translation#but the sentence 'i want to tell my colleagues that I love them' made my brain bluescreen#also i realized afterwards that i had most of the grammar correct originally before i changed everything (:#aaand the text for reading comprehension was really easy#but i couldn't understand the questions for shit#i simply had no idea what it said even though there were only two words i didn't recognize#i just wrote some random stuff just in case there might be something to give me points for in there lmao#ok#anyway#now I'll have to prepare something for my thesis to show my professor tomorrow#otherwise i can't register my thesis and then i won't get to finish by march 15 which then would lead to me losing my master program spot#and therefore also my chance to go to korea and also my entire future essentially ahaha (no pressure)#then tomorrow i will stay awake again all night to study for my korean oral exam and on Wednesday to Thursday night I'll#stay awake to prepare a proposal for my term paper (that i won't write until mid march which i can't tell her#because the deadline is march 31 and she wants us to start working asap. and i can't tell her about the ba situation#it's too humiliating#okay anyway. that meeting with my professor tomorrow scares me to death but it's gonna be f i n e#shut up amy#university ramblings
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leereaddiamonds1 · 8 months
Find Out 3 Best Proposal Ideas for Your Partner
We adore home-based wedding proposals because, against popular belief, they are frequently the most intimate and romantic of all. The more inventive, intellectual, and thoughtful the proposal concepts you can come up with, the better.
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While there are many engagement proposal ideas to pop the question while you're out and about, using private proposal ideas lets you stay in the comfort of your own home and think outside the box. One of the nicest things about setting up an at-home proposal is that your partner will probably never anticipate getting engaged there—it's just ideal!
Plating Breakfast in Bed
This is one of the cute and easy at-home unique proposal ideas, especially if your potential spouse enjoys pancakes. Arrange a lovely tray, adorn it with blossoms and seasonal produce, and present a selection of their preferred morning foods on eye-catching dinnerware.
Print out a sign and place it in a frame on your display if you want to ask them directly. Alternatively, to keep it a secret longer, conceal the food beneath the silver cloches that are frequently found at upscale dining establishments. One dish should be left empty, but you should still place a cloche on top to conceal the ring.
Put on a Movie Night
One of the subtle home creative proposal ideas is ideal for couples to chill at home under one rug and watch a romantic movie. Suggest spending a lazy evening in front of the TV, but make sure the movie is playing when your significant other walks in the door.
When you press play, a slideshow or video of your best times together will play instead of the anticipated movie, with the final slide asking the question. You might even theme it as a 'trailer' for your marriage if you're a true movie buff. If you're not a natural filmmaker, don't panic; there are lots of apps that make editing this way far simpler than you may imagine.
Select a Playlist
When it comes to playlist-inspired ideas among the Best Proposal Ideas for Your Partner, there are two primary choices. One way to start is by including songs that have held special meaning for you both over the years, such as your first kiss, first date, and, if you have one, "your song."
The second song ties together and hints at marriage. Send them the link, or just play it in the background till they finally understand your intentions if you want to be straightforward.
The Source URL: https://leereaddiamonds.livejournal.com/1338.html
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miquella-dalzell-1988 · 4 months
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This Ethel has finally found her Fred, so Lucy grab Ricky and let's put on a show! (Add chocolates)
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surpriseproposal · 1 year
10 Unforgettable Engagement Announcement Ideas for the Perfect Reveal
Discover how to create the perfect engagement announcement with our top tips and ideas. Make your big reveal unforgettable and share your joy with friends and family. Are you ready to share the exciting news of your engagement with the world? Congratulations! Planning your engagement announcement is one of the first steps in your journey as a soon-to-be-married couple. This blog post will guide…
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