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“The horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change.”👣 ~ Maya Angelou . . #expandyourhorizon #mayaangelou#expandinghorizon  #newstepsinlife #takestepsforward  #stepoutofyourcomfortzone #lifebeginsoutsideyourcomfortzone #changeyourlifetoday  #youcanchangeyourlife #everyjourneybeginswithasinglestep #yourlifejourney  #manifestingchange #settingnewgoals  #settingnewintentions #createanewreality #destinycoach#changeyourreality  #destinyreading #spirituallifecoach  #findyourlifepurpose #findyoursoulpurpose  #yourfutureawaits #fulfillyourdreams  #fulfillyourpurpose #findyourdestiny  #discoveryourdestiny #exploreyourfuture  #destinyawaits #thefutureiscalling  #followyourpath https://www.instagram.com/p/By4B5GAH58f/?igshid=8mj57d7zlw3u
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evvamarkiewicz · 8 years ago
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#solareclipse at the edge of Leo. There is a lot of fire energy in the universe today... today you must make a choice. Either the low and the high form of energy, breakdown or break through... rise or fall... ascension or de-scension... complete old cycles. Start new ones... live your authenticity. Blast of to new spaces... step into your power. Choose your beliefs. Rise high with love. Explore, research. See harmony. You have an opportunity now to go towards the most amazing life ever. Don't fear. Find the beauty in this moment. #KARMA it's a dream making time. Don't give into low energies... #createanewreality #changeyourlifeforever
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