#create assignment
parkerstorms · 2 months
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im sorry i dont usually do this but this post pissed me off so fucking bad and op has replies turned off (because of course they do)
fellas. is it gay to wear pink and have long hair and sing and dance? cause i didn’t realize we were using bioessentialism in movie analysis now that’s crazy
sarcasm aside this is literally why i don’t go in tags anymore because none of you are media literate. not a single one of you. longlegs is not wearing makeup in the movie. it’s shitty plastic surgery; that’s why his lips are red. you can literally tell by just looking at him that it’s not lipstick. the clothes he wears are all off-white or white. the falsetto he’s doing is very obviously meant to mimic that sort of “goochie goo” baby talk a lot of adults unironically use towards children. also coding? ‘coding’ is not when you interpret something from a movie as anything you want because you feel like it. coding is an intentional act committed by creatives to further their story and allude to specific real life things for a specific narrative purpose. it is an intentional act of storytelling. it is not you looking at a movie and assuming something as fact based off slight vibes
and i’m just gonna say it. if you see a male character with long hair that’s acting generally creepy in the vicinity of a child and automatically assume that that character is being coded as a transwoman, YOU ARE THE ONE BEING TRANSPHOBIC.
like holy fuck some of y’all have never actually looked inwards once in your life and it shows
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hell0jon · 4 months
Started drawing that jonathan sims head archivist of the magnus institute london statement begins guy and then remembered I wasn’t blessed by the gods with the ability to draw hair
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This is all you’re getting
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dias-in · 2 years
Start With This: Word Count
After I fell asleep on my couch, I woke up to find someone in my kitchen.
I could blame the haziness of those first few moments of being awake, maybe I could claim delusion; a dream following me out of my subconsciousness into the waking world, but in my bones, I know that’s not the truth. The person I saw was not a thief, or a ghost, though I suppose it was something of an apparition. I knew the second I saw her delicately extend her leg, carefully balancing her weight on the left side of the ball of her foot. Having done the same thing in the exact same way, I know it was me.
It's not just the way she was navigating the squeaks and creaks of the kitchen floor that made me think this. Her hair, wild and messy from sleep looked almost exactly as mine did as I watched her. Plus, I recognised the sleep shirt she was wearing, it was a favourite of mine and I had worn it to the point that it became entirely unwearable. So now I also know that it is me from the past.
How was I certain that it was a me from the past rather than a me from a different dimension or something? I don’t know. It’s like. . . you know when a cloud covers the sun, and you can tell just from the quality of the light what has happened? I could tell from the quality of the time.
I guess it’s also that something like this has never felt like an impossibility to me. I used to talk about such things with my dad.
That thought, of course, got me thinking; why the fuck couldn’t I have seen my dad? I have dreamt about it for years. Getting one last chance to say goodbye. But maybe that’s why?
If I had seen my father, rather than just some past version of myself, I would have bolted off that couch in a second. I would have been so happy, so ecstatic to see him again that I would not have even considered that there might be negative consequences, that he might not even know who I am.
And I mean there must be rules right? Or at least laws, like the laws of physics, that dictate how different times interact.
So maybe this time it had to be me rather than dad. It doesn’t actually matter; she is gone now.
But hey, if nothing else it means there’s at least a chance, no matter how slim, that dad has seen me.
Create: Use a random number generator to generate ten numbers between 1-100. These ten numbers are now your word counts for each section of a ten-paragraph writing piece. Follow the counts exactly and pay attention to how the word counts impact the pacing and flow.
So, the numbers I got were:
2. 100
3. 78
4. 60
5. 26
6. 34
7. 58
8. 23
9. 20
10. 21
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
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hell's coming with me
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viiiofcvps · 8 months
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Another scanned doodle from some downtime this morning :>
How clear is it that I have never drawn a horse before in my life lmao
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waywardmillennial · 2 months
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watcher founders texting 'good morning' - inspired by this meme
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w1lmuttart · 5 months
Found an old design I made of star boy back when everyone was rewriting the movie Wish lol
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Went with both their true form, as well as a human form to blend in on earth. Anyway I like this guy so theyre mine now :)👍
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hongluboobs · 7 months
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wish her happy birthday IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!
(I made these for an assignment but I think they're neat so I will post them here <3 we may get proper Birthday Art created for that purpose later! depends on my schedule)
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hurryupmerlin · 1 year
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what if, instead of jaig eyes... jiggly eyes
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wonderarium · 2 months
ive done it. ive finally started watching the x-files.
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m4ddl4dd · 27 days
Shoutout to Raph for creating the best character in the TOTTMNT series💝💝💝
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brother-emperors · 8 months
@garland-on-thy-brow #get romancedramad romeboys.
(metal gear solid voice) on it boss 🫡
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the first and last ones are scene re draws, in order: the live action adaption of sci mystery, the heirs lmao
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strawberri-draws · 5 months
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Doodles from This is how you lose the time war (read it for class and it was very good)
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winter-mornings · 1 year
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The Poison Court
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julls · 11 months
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Bhaalist: Hey Bhaal whats up Bhaal: Hey Bhaalist, did you give my Bhaalspawn more muscle like i asked? Bhaalist: ....what Bhaal: I told you to make them meatier
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realbeefman · 1 year
dr daddy issues famously wanting to fuck his dadboss house. and of course everybody is familiar with allison "i can fix him" cameron. but can we please please talk about little ms "took over my old boss's boss's job (being the one he'll lust and pant after like a slobbering dog)" mr king of repressed homoerotic tension eric foreman's Deal. what was going through that man's mind when he tried to fulfill the same role his former boss's girlfriend played. NONE of the og fellows are beating the "in love with house" allegations unfortunately
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