snxwboarder · 4 years
Emoji Ask Meme
👻: Do you cover your eyes during the scary parts in movies?
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   “Never. Covering your eyes makes it more scary.” You have to face your fears head on.
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sunoskate · 3 years
@crbellum​ /  ❄
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“What’s the problem with it?” The problem is, of course, that Langa has moved onto his third burger and that he’s showing no signs of stopping or even slowing his consumption. “I’m hungry, so of course I’m going to eat...” And he’s already dreaming about the poutine he’s going to order for dessert. 
      Langa is a generous man, though. He slides one of the still-wrapped burgers over to Miya like a peace offering. “Here. You can have one of mine.”
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braveryhearted · 3 years
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( always accepting )
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@crbellum​ said:  "Your board's broken, huh?" Reki commented, taking a good look at Langa's board, then his own equipment. "Don't worry about that! I can either fix it or make you a new one!"
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Guilt washes over him as he wrecked another one of the boards Reki had loaned him. Maybe Langa shouldn’t had jumped the gun on this but he really wanted to impress his friend with a new trick to help in his next race. But patience was a virtue and that’s what he lacked sometimes. Perhaps it was time to reel it bit back a little. He tried to say in his own words that his board was fine and Reki didn’t need to come to the rescue like this over and over again but looking at the frayed wood and cracks in this one, he knew he shouldn’t be too ungrateful for any guidance. 
----“Sorrey. I think I missed the jump or something like that. I dunno. Skateboarding is a lot tougher than it looks. Snowboarding is a lot easier, I’ll tell you that much. When I look at this self inflicted disaster though, I don’t think the board will be coming back to skating life anytime soon and I really don’t want to trouble you more than I have already. So...uh...maybe we can work on a new one together? If that’s okay of course”.
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chisupamoved · 3 years
"Smash or Pass" + Osamu ( again, Oikawa )
open || Send me “Smash or Pass” + a name and my muse will answer with 100% honesty.
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was he really being asked this right now? maybe it was a joke being pulled on him as he been told he’d made it very clear that his ‘secret’ crush was hardly a secret as everyone could see it. with the ‘way’ tooru looked at osamu--- tooru had no idea what that even meant or how he could stop it. he was worried if osamu was aware of his real feelings that he’d be dropped and losing osamu was the last thing he wanted. but THIS game it was harmless right? 
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“well of course i do, who wouldn’t want to smash him?”
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kiyuomi · 4 years
@crbellum​  said  :  "Happy birthday, cuz. Me, mom and a few others got these for you." Komori was talking about the shopping bags they were previously holding, all placed on the nearest table. Each one had an accompanying gift card, mentioning who was the present from.
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 sakusa  spent  a  lot  of  time  around  his  cousin  and  auntie  as  a  kid.  if  anything,  for  the  better  part  of  his  adolescence,  komori  was  more  of  a  sibling  to  him  than  his  own  (  albeit  he’d  never  admit  that,  knowing  they’d  thrive  off  it  and  never  let  him  live  it  down  ).  it  wasn’t  through  anybody’s  fault,  nor  was  it  necessarily  a  bad  thing  –  it  was  just  the  way  it  was.  he  likes  to  think  he  was  dealt  some  pretty  nice  cards.
 hence  why,  despite  all  the  years  of  insisting,  he  should  have  known  better  than  to  think  he’d  be  able  to  fly  under  the  radar;  whatever  enthusiasm  kiyoomi  lacked,  komori  made  up  for  tenfold.  a  puff  of  air  tumbled  from  his  tiers  in  the  form  of  a  sigh,  although  there  was  no  ounce  of  actual  despondency;  in  fact,  the  only  thing  he  could  feel  was  the  slightest  warmth  at  the  notion.  ❝  you  know  you  didn’t  have  to.  i  always  tell  you  all  that  i  don’t  need  anything.  ❞
 he  is  one  of  the  lucky  ones,  after  all.  he’s  grateful  for  that  –  he’s  grateful  for  his  cousin,  too.
 ❝  thanks  for  visiting,  motoya,  ❞  and  he  means  it,  ❝  thanks  for  the  gifts,  as  well.  i’ve  gotta  ring  them  all  up  and  say  the  same  .  .  .  please  don’t  tell  me  i  have  to  sit  through  another  family  karaoke  session,  though.  ❞
≪  BIRTHDAY  –  inbox.  ≫
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sukeskate · 4 years
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@crbellum​​   said   :   ‘  why  do  you  act  so  weirdly?  ’ ( from Miya )
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                                  ❝   𝑾𝒉𝒂   ?   ❞                                   Reki   answers   questioningly,   as   if   he   didn’t   know   why   Miya   was   calling   him   weird.   When   he   looks   up,   several   sticks   of   Pocky   hang   off   of   his   lips,   as   if   he’d   been   trying   to   see   how   many   he   could   fit   in   his   mouth.   He   frowns,   jabbing   a   finger   towards   Miya   &   trying   to   speak,   incomprehensibly,   around   his   mouthful.   He   manages   to   break   a   few   sticks   in   half   in   the   process,   &   fumbles   clumsily   to   catch   them   before   they   hit   the   ground.                                   ❝  𝑹’𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅?   𝑴𝒆   ?   𝑺𝒂𝒚𝒔   '𝒐𝒖   !!!   ❞
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chatmiya · 4 years
“These clothes are ridiculous.” ( from Cherry )
2-6 Word Starters
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   “ YOU call them ridiculous i call them fashionable. “ he was tempted to bring joe’s name up but that would probably get cherry to react rather poorly so miya kept his thoughts to himself.
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zorkaya-moved · 4 years
🤗 🤝 ( with the nekoma kids )
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🤗 siblings
🤝 friends
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Yes. Please. Let Zarina become their big sister and be friends with the Nekoma kids. She is a hardcore bitch and just like with Nariko, getting to know her true self may take years, but she would care for Nekoma kids for sure because they spend every day together, which will bring a sense of familiarity and family to this cold-blooded bastard woman. It’d be really fun and interesting to see how it’ll progress. Zarina might be hiding away 60% of her life and her true self from them, but that won’t mean she doesn’t see them as friends, but in all seriousness, she won’t be able to tell most of them (as in 95%) about her true work and how she is with people who need to know their place. But all in all, yes, it may take time and it’ll be hard, but yes, give me that.
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innosen · 4 years
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@crbellum​ said:  “ have you eaten today ? ” ( from semi )
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❛    not    yet    ,    but    it’s    okay    ,    i’m    not    that    hungry    !    ❜    under    the    NIGHT    SKY    they    walked    ,    finally    heading    back    home    after    a    day’s    worth    of    project    making    at    a    classmate’s    house.    fortunately    ,    the    residence    stood    nearby    the    gymnasium    the    older    was    practicing    in    ,    which    allowed    chihiro    to    conveniently    come    over    after    her    project    was    done    and    wait    for    the    older’s    practice    to    end    as    well.    after    all    ,    her    parents    only    allowed    her    to    participate    in    the    activity    GIVEN    THE    CONDITION    that    she    had    company    going    back.    
as    if    on    cue    ,    stomach    gave    a    GRUMBLE    just    a    few    minutes    after    her    response    to    his    question.    roseate    cheeks    darkened    in    hue    at    the    accidental    AUDIBLE    CIRCUMSTANCE.    clearly    flustered    ,    the    girl    tightened    her    hold    on    the    straps    of    her    randoseru    bag    ,    as    dark    hues    kept    their    gaze    on    the    pavement.    right    ,    that    project    did    take    A    CHUNK    OF    THEIR    TIME    out    from    their    supposed    dinner    break    !    ❛    um    …    maybe    just    a    little    bit    hungry.    ❜
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taskfocused · 4 years
💛💕 with any of the fukurodani muses
pre-established heart symbols / @crbellum​
💛 = to have a platonic ship with my muse /  💕 = to have a family type relationship with my muse
( ooc ) new found family plot let’s gooooooo. a.kaashi’s main and sole support system especially when everyone else graduated!! he needs his seniors to cheer him on and encourage him when they know things are getting to him and making him overthinking again :’D
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2ndvice · 4 years
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@crbellum​ said: Heartily laughs at what is going on, as if he didn't have a good laugh for a while ( from Daichi )
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     ❝  And   just   what   are   you   laughing   at,   you   big   doofus ?  ❞   the   crows'   setter   questions,   a   glowing   spark   of   mischief   embellishing   the   chocolate   tone   of   his   irises.   HOWEVER,   Sugawara's   not   one   to   permit   his   friend's   melodious   laugh     (   which   most   certainly   has   the   vice-  captain   strongly   trying   to   suppress   a   smile   at   )     to   be   long - lived.   a   crushing   blow   of   his   elbow   is   delivered   to   the   brunette's   stomach !   something   he   should   be   used   to   by   now.
     ❝  Are   you   mocking   me   or   something ? !   Eh,   Daichi ? !  ❞
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tricksheart · 3 years
how does it feel to be loved by you?
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Akira’s result:  it feels like an adventure.
your laughter is like music, your eyes like city lights. you're so lighthearted and easygoing that you make everyone around you have so much fun, even in the simplest moments. your heart is a place of amusement parks and fireworks and three a.m. giggles. people feel energized every time they see you, but as much as you love people, it can get pretty draining. remember to take breaks when you need them. you're more than just the comic relief, and you deserve to be just as happy as you make everyone else.
Yoinked from: @aeohn​ Tagging: @arcanalight​ @crbellum​ @matador-of-love​ @infntxm​ @more-than-a-princess​ @parieha​ @praeteritus-memories​ @biggergiants​ @kingspuppet​ @jesterofinaba​ @phntmhrts​ @electricea​ @trivialitiiies​ @psychcdelica​ @pnthrrd​ @fantomuthief​ @chavrim​ @lunaetis​​ @revolver-jesus​​ and anyone else who wants to do this. Say that I tagged you.
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chisupamoved · 4 years
"Smash or Pass" + Iwaizumi ( for Oikawa lmao )
open || Send me “Smash or Pass” + a name and my muse will answer with 100% honesty.
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He let out a snort, “ew big pass.” He was supposed to be answering honestly here but when was Tooru really one for being totally truthful when it came to his feelings. Even with Iwaizumi he had to bend the truth SOMETIMES---- he was sure he’d get a pass if Iwa was asked the same thing, he didn’t want to make a fool of himself and make things weird between them.
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5thbears · 4 years
bold what applies to your muse.
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social status: upper class / middle class / working class / poor
favorite time: day / night
favorite place: indoors / outdoors
food: meat / poultry / fruit / vegetables / snacks / sweets / grains / nuts / seeds / dairy / seafood / eggs
drink: tea / coffee / water / juice / alcohol / milk / soda
transport: on foot / automobile / wagon / aircraft / boat / carriage / animal / spacecraft / taxi / skateboard / bus / subway / bike / sleigh
clothing: t-shirt / blouse / henley / smock / polo / turtleneck / flannel / gown / sleeveless / kimono / tunic / waistcoat / tank top / tube top / vest / jersey / karategi / tuxedo / dress / western / jeans / trousers / shorts / bell bottoms / overalls / breeches / skirts / cargo pants / tutu / sweatpants / leggings / coveralls / capris / tights / pinstripes
extras: coat / duster / hoodie / trench coat / robe / cloak / blazer / shawl / windbreaker / topcoat / sweater / puffy jacket / cardigan / denim jacket / poncho / apron / cape / overcoat / quilted vest / parka / bomber jacket / raincoat / tailcoat / varsity jacket
footwear: none / socks / stockings / combat boots / shoes / platforms / sneakers / pumps / sandals / moccasins / flip-flops / stilettos / ballet shoes / galoshes / high-tops / boots / c*nverse / cleats
headwear: none / beanie / straw hat / fedora / headscarf / snapback / beret / bandana / knit cap / top hat / ushanka / bonnet / sombrero / cowboy hat / veil / bowler hat / headband / toupée / wig / tiara / ribboned hats / crown
weapons: hands / teeth / firearms / spear / knife / baseball bat / pepper spray / dagger / stun gun / bayonet / sword / staff / brass knuckles / hammer / makeshift & improvised / chain / stones / grenades / molotov cocktails / club / bow & arrow / crossbow / scythe / chainsaw / superpowers / magic / poison / baton / machete / axe
tagged by:  found on @memetaped​ ! tagging:  @kokoro-ippai​, @nexilium​, @loversmeet​, @biggergiants​, @crbellum​, @mxlignxnt​, @ofallflavors​, @glxtzy, @memorin, @memoiria, @throughskiesandsea, @settobi
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zorkaya-moved · 4 years
Magical girl au when lol
kyuubey saw this woman as a kid and still said ‘fuck no, she’ll kill us all.’ SO WHO KNOWS
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innosen · 4 years
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interrogation starters / highkey accepting
@crbellum​ said: “ tell me, what happened?” from kita
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COMPLETELY    DRENCHED    from    head    to    toe    was    she    ,    as    a    result    from    the    sky’s    unrelenting    tears    the    whole    afternoon.    while    her    school    bag    had    been    a    tolerable    makeshift    shield    against    several    droplets    ,    its    effectiveness    eventually    wore    off    as    soon    as    the    UNEXPECTED    DOWNPOUR    CAME.        ❛    oh    ,    um….   ❜    gaze    was    cast    to    the    side    at    the    frankness    of    his    tone.    on    the    edge    were    her    nerves    at    the    fear    of    being    reprimanded.    with    a    deep    inhale    ,    the    child    opted    to    tell    the    truth.        ❛    i    saw    a    cat    all    alone    by    a    dumpster    on    the    way    home    and    it    was    really    shivering    bad    from    the    rain.    i    just    had    to    leave    my    umbrella    with    it.    ❜    
heart    was    about    to    be    relieved    of    the    tension    UNTIL    a    certain    realization    dawned    on    her.    oh    no    ,    that    umbrella    …    the    one    he    placed    in    her    bag    before    she    went    off    this    morning    …    it    was    his    !    OVERWHELMED    WITH    PANIC    ,    fingers    gripped    at    the    hem    of    her    soaked    school    uniform    as    worried    obsidian    pools    finally    met    with    his    cedar-hued    ones.        ❛    i    promise    i’ll    buy    a    replacement    one    !    ❜
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