#crazy I have multiple of these stupid custom tags
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onesidedradiostatic · 9 months ago
Your blog and other 3 who are in your circle are basically the only way I consume hellaverse content so I tend to forget Val and Killjoy's beef, the Lucifer commission saga, thw whole sweater debacle and any other sagas that happened here are NOT common knowledge
LMAOOOOOOO they should be because they're all canon to season 2. clearly.
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umbra-vulpes · 2 years ago
Alegraves’ Daily Life Headcanons Vol.3
*To celebrate our beloved Shadow Company Commander Phillip Graves is back in business, here are some more Alegraves' daily life headcanons, they are all based on my previous headcanons settings, to catch up, click the links below:
If you are all catch-up, let's go!
•Graves have reading glasses, Alejandro finds that it is pretty sexy but still won’t hesitate to laugh at it.
•Graves loves fishing, he uses a lot of fishing terms and slang (like hook, line, and sinker), Rudy is his fishing buddy, while Alejandro tags along sometimes if he feels like it, although Alejandro is a bit short-tempered fishing. Graves also enjoys fishing alone, it clears up his mind.
•Alejandro teaches Graves how to dance in Mexican ways, which Graves finds super sexy, in return Graves teaches him how to dance in southern cowboy style, and Alejandro thinks it’s adorable.
•They have multiple inner jokes that only two of them know what is the meaning behind it. It is usually just some stupid phase or thing that they have seen or done together.
•When Alejandro is rambling in Spanish that Graves can’t follow, Graves will start to use difficult English words to respond back, Alejandro rolls his eyes at Graves every time but will slow down and repeat what he said for Graves.
•Graves knows how to play guitar back when he was 17 or 18 years old. Learned it just because it looks cool, girls like it and fit that American boy style. Can play a few songs or two. And his voice is actually pretty good for singing country songs.
•Both of them love to watch baseball, while Graves also loves to watch American football, and Alejandro loves soccer (that’s the real football! Said Alejandro). They are now crazy fans of it, just casual weekend watching with beer and snacks.
•Both remember each other orders from different restaurants they usually ordered from. They sometimes will bring each other food to the other one's workplace surprisingly.
•Graves is surprisingly good at technology for his age as his company always uses advanced and newest technology but he doesn’t like social media at all. He has a Facebook account but has never ever used it since the early 2010s, which has some old pictures from his marine days.
•They both love cowboy hats and boots, they have serval custom-made cowboy hats and boots at home. Graves even has a custom-made belt that has the Shadow company logo as the belt buckle.
•Both are Rodeo enthusiasts, Going to at least one big Rodeo every year is their tradition, Both have participle in some amateur bull riding competitions and had won some awards.
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hydrus · 7 months ago
Version 586
Hey, I did a hotfix to fix a stupid bug when moving from videos to images. If you got the release within twenty minutes of this post going live, get the updated v586a above!
I had a great week getting siblings and parents lookups running faster and finishing some long-planned Client API work. The update may take a minute this week!
full changelog
I am happy with the new siblings and parents dialogs, but unfortunately the fetch jobs were frequently running super slow on the PTR. This has been a long time problem in other sibling/parent places, and I could never really figure it out. This exposed the problem better and I simply put a bunch of time into the database sibling/parent storage structure and search code this week, and I think/hope I have fixed the worst of it. I also fixed the crazy-long lag spikes we were seeing, which was, unfortunately, just me being stupid last week. If you sync with the PTR (or not!) and have had slow sibling/parent lookups (including in places like the tag autocomplete results list), let me know how it goes!
If you have the media scanbar set to hide completely when the mouse is not over it, I think I fixed the issue where it would come up blank if the media was paused while the scanbar was hidden!
The options widgets that are an editable number with a checkbox beside saying 'no limit' are now initialised with a nicer default number when they start with 'no limit' checked. Previously, this stuff was all initialising to 1 every time, which wasn't always helpful if you actually wanted to go edit it. I'm pretty sure all the 'noneable' integer widgets in the options dialog now soft-initialise to the actual defaults those numbers are on a fresh client.
If you use multiple local file services, then when you middle-click a tag in the media viewer, the new search page now correctly retains the original file domain of the media viewer. Although I use multiple local file services myself on my IRL client, I do not browse around in them all that much, so let me know where else this sort of stuff defaults to 'all local files' or 'all my files'.
I have removed a hard limit that said 'don't run an import folder for more than an hour'. If you have a mega import folder with hundreds of thousands of files, let's see how it goes.
If you have done Client API or tag migration work and ended up with some bizarre tags that are both pending (+1) and petitioned (-1) to the same service, check the changelog this week!
client api
Thanks to a user, the Client API call that renders images can now output in jpeg and webp, can change the quality of the output, and will render to a target resolution!
I also think I finally finished off the first full version of 'multiple local file services' Client API support. You can now set a custom import destination for the 'add file' and 'add URL' commands, and you can now copy files from one local file service to another using a new 'migrate_files' call.
next week
I've been working on several things recently that can populate a multi-column list with a hundred thousand or more rows, and it has reminded me that my core list code relies on an old hack in it that makes initialising and sorting such big lists super laggy. I have researched how to improve it and hope to do so next week!
Unfortunately, I do feel myself going down with something, so it might be delayed.
0 notes
ijustwant2write · 5 years ago
Far Away-Finn Shelby x Reader
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Requested by anonymous: 'Hii i love your imagines and i wanted to request one in which the reader is has a crush on finn but she feels useless because she is a foreigner from spain and doesn't have any talent or family so she kind of runs away and tommy comforts her♡'
Characters: Finn Shelby x Reader, Thomas Shelby x Reader (platonic), Arthur Shelby x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Racism, self doubt, swearing ,fluff
(A/N: I am White British, so I'm sorry if it isn't as detailed as you wanted it to be. I didn't want to write the wrong thing and/or offend anyone, but I hope it's still what you want)
Tags: @jenepleurepasbaby @amirahiddleston @bloodorangemoonlight
"You're late (Y/N)." Mrs Laine tutted as I ran up to the stall, seeing that it was somewhat already set up.
I failed to catch me breath."I'm so sorry Mrs Laine! My mother-"
"I don't want to hear any excuses. Make sure the stall is in place, you know my back doesn't do so well under any weight."
I nodded, doing as she said straight away. Once I thought the stall was sturdy, I helped her arrange the flowers, noticing how my hands were shaking from the cold. The gloves I had on weren't thick enough, and my clothes were worn down. My parents would talk about the heat of Spain, how much colour there was everywhere; Birmingham seemed to be the exact opposite. As foreigners, my parents had found it hard to get jobs, even though England was supposed to promise them good employment. We were on the bare minimum, only just getting by, and my job on the florist stand didn't help much. But Mrs Laine was the only one who would take me on, and although she showed sympathy, she could be a scary woman.
"Heads up, your Peaky boy is headed this way." she said, turning back to the flowers.
Whipping around, I made sure my hair was neat, wrapping the coat together around me to hide the plain dress I had on. My hands weren't only shaking from the weather now.
"Fuck (Y/N), you look freezing." Finn exclaimed as he approached me.
"N-no, I'm fine, just a bit chilly." I replied, hiding my shivering.
"Thought I told you to get yourself a new coat last week?"
Although I was always extremely reluctant to take it from him, Finn always gave me a wad of cash, to help me and my family. I didn't know if his brothers were aware of this, and I was scared of what they would think. I didn't want to use Finn, I had no interest in his money, but after he insisted, and once that first bill was paid, I knew I couldn't refuse, for the sake of my family.
I cast my eyes down."Uh, we...we were behind on some payments."
He gave me a sympathetic smile, though it wasn't pitying me."Right," he dug into his pocket, taking out another roll of cash and putting it in my hand,"that's for your family again. And when you get off your lunch break, I'm taking you shopping."
"Finn, I can't let you do that."
"You've got no choice." he smirked, leaning in closer."By order of the Peaky fukcin' Blinders."
I felt stupid as I giggled. Finn just smiled, keeping eye contact with me as he left until he fully turned around, glancing over his shoulder one last time. Mrs Laine disrupted the flutters in my stomach.
"Be careful girl. He is a Shelby after all."
"Well, he's not bad to me."
"No, but he's done bad things."
I rolled my eyes as she turned away from me. If I had a pound for everytime someone said that to me, I would be the one giving Finn money.
Mrs Laine had almost fired me on the spot when Finn had shown up once. We had met before I got the job, I had only been in Small Heath for a week, having moved here from the rough housing we were in before. Finn was by himself, spotting me struggle to find my way to the market. No one would even look at me as I politely asked for help. People were horrible, judging who I was based on my looks. That's all we got as I grew up, and my parents reminiscing about beautiful Spain and the people didn't help. Why couldn't we have just stayed? Why did I have to be born in miserable England?
Finn wasn't afraid to come up to me, the cheeky grin appearing as he escorted me to the market, staying by my side and helping me barter with the sellers. I didn't miss the blatant flirting, and shamefully I flirted back. If my mother had seen me, I wouldn't be allowed out of the house for a week! We had seen each other a few times after that, but once I got my job, he would always walk to the betting shop through the market to see me.
"Am I alright to go for my break Mrs Laine?" I asked, smiling sweetly at her.
She stared at me for a few seconds, loudly sighing before waving her hand at me."Go on then. But (Y/N)?"
"Don't be getting pregnant anytime soon. Got a lot of customers that come here just to see you."
"To see me?"
"Well, do you see any other Spanish beauties around here? It's not just the flowers that are exotic."
"Well what did you think I was going to say?"
"I don't know...something about me being charming, or just plain friendly."
"I don't mean no harm by it (Y/N). But surely you knew? Plus, Small Heath is a harsh place, might as well have the harsh truth, eh? Especially by someone you know and trust, and not someone off the street."
I was too shocked to retaliate, upset by her true thoughts about me. I thought she had taken a liking to me, even if it was out of pity, and wanted to do an act of good deed. But she was using me, attracting more customers and making me sweet talk them into buying fucking flowers.
"(Y/N), you ready to go?" Finn called as he walked towards me, though I was already rushing to him.
"Woah, what's wrong?" he asked, stopping me in my tracks.
"Nothing, just some rude customers today."
Finn led me to his car, a brand new one he had just got, now that he was proving himself to his brothers in the betting shop (amongst the Peaky business). I said nothing, only nodding along to what Finn was saying, still focused on Mrs Laine's words as we climbed into the car.
"Hey," Finn snapped me out of my thoughts,"you sure you're alright?"
I hastily nodded my head."Yeah, you know what people are like. Some comments were particularly harsh today."
"Do you know who those people were? Do they need straightening out?"
"No! No, it's fine. I can deal with it."
His hand reached over to mine, squeezing if gently."I'm here if you need me, for anything."
I glanced down at his hand holding mine, those damn butterflies going crazy in my stomach. I felt like an idiot just nodding my head, almost whining when he removed his hand to start driving. The car ride had small talk here and there, but I couldn't help watch the people we passed. All those girls in their pretty dresses, the expensive fabric against their porcelain skin; blonde or brown hair in neat curls, bouncing on their rosy cheeks. And everytime I spotted girls like that, there was always a man or a group of them gawking, as if they were the most beautiful thing they had ever seen. If I were to walk down those streets, it would be an entirely different story; racist remarks, or slimy, low life men who wanted a piece of everything.
The people's clothes looked expensive, some carrying around multiple bags from various shops, the streets were cleaner, the buildings were bigger, and there were more cars. We were definitely out of Small Heath and in the rich part of town. Suddenly I began to feel nervous, knowing I would stand out in the crowd more than usual.
"You'll be fine (Y/N), I promise. If anyone stares at you for two long, they'll be dealing with me." Finn reasurred me as he found a place to park.
"I don't know Finn, there's a lot of...I just wished I had something nice to wear."
"That's why we're here. Come on, I'll even let you hold my hand the whole time."
As soon as we were out of the car, I gripped onto his hand, not missing the quiet chuckle from Finn. He guided us to the main square of shops, and I was in awe. The windows displayed delicate jewellery, the lights making them shine even brighter, and the clothing was elegantly sprawled on mannequins. I had never been to a place like this, and I had never even dreamt that I would.
Finn dragged me into mutliple shops, suggesting things that I would like and getting the shop assistants to help. For a while, I started to enjoy myself, shocked by how many things I looked good in. Finn was grinning the whole time, complimenting me every time I came out in a new dress. However, I didn't miss the looks I got from the women inside the shop, looking me up and down, not wanting me near any of the clothes or accessories.
As Finn spoke with a shop assistant about the sort of coat I was after, I idly walked around, admiring everything. I went to pick up a pair of red gloves, when someone else snatched them away. Looking up, a girl my age had them grasped in her hands, glaring at me. My eyebrows furrowed, confused at her behaviour.
"Excuse me," a worker said behind me,"we don't let shoppers touch the items."
"But that woman just took those gloves." I gestured to the woman who was now on the other side of the shop.
"I'm just informing you."
"Will you inform her?"
"Miss, please do not shout at me."
"I didn't. My voice is at the same level as yours."
"Is she harassing you?" the glove thief intervened, clearly still holding onto them.
"I'm not doing anything wrong." I tried to keep my voice down, I didn't want to give them an excuse to kick me out.
"She would have stolen those gloves if I hadn't got there in time!"
I glanced over to Finn, seeing that he was looking through the coats, not noticing the conflict going on. I could have screamed at those women, accusing them for discrimination against me, but I knew that would paint an even worse picture. Instead, I stormed out of the shop, running as soon as I got outside. I was crying as I ran, making it hard for me to breathe, but I kept going. However, a poor woman like me running through a wealthy neighbourhood was suspicious, and I soon had a policeman coming after me.
"Stop! What have you stolen?!" he shouted at me.
Why did these people think I was a criminal?! I had never done a bad thing in my life! Part of me thought to stop and explain myself, but I knew what would happen; he wouldn't believe me, and I would be taken away kicking and screaming. My legs were burning, lungs trying to gather every last bit of breath, until I crashed into someone, toppling onto the ground with them. I tried to scramble to my feet, but we were tangled, weighing each other down.
"Sorry gentlemen," the policeman said, hauling me onto my feet,"I'll get this scruff out of your way."
"Oi, I didn't ask you to do that."
I recognised the voice. As I came to my senses, I looked at the owner of the voice.
Thomas. Fucking. Shelby.
"You what?"
"She's with me." he blandly said, his brother Arthur looking confused beside him.
"She was running away-"
"Do you know who I am?"
The policeman huffed, shoving me towards Thomas. I stumbled, managing to not fall onto the leader of the Peaky Blinders. We watched as the policeman left, and now I didn't know what to do.
"Th-thank you Mr Shelby. Why did you do that?" my voice was quiet, as I was terrified of this man.
"Yeah Tom, why did you do that?" Arthur said pointedly.
"You're the girl I've seen Finn hanging round." Thomas said.
"I'm assuming he's the one that brought you here?"
"Can you say something other than the word yes?"
"Yes. I mean, sorry, yes, I can."
"Why were you running? And where is my little brother?"
"He's in one of the shops I ran out of. There were just these...these horrible women in there." I hung my head, now getting embarrassed.
"Let me guess, they were being racist towards ya'?" Arthur blatantly.
Thomas sighed at his brother."My brother was wrong for bringing you here. Not because you shouldn't be here, but he should have just fucking surprised you with some clothes. For some reason he loves to show off nowadays."
I didn't say anything back.
"And I know he's been giving you money."
My head snapped up, eyes wide."I swear I didn't ask for it! He always insists, and even when I don't take it, he sends it straight to my house-"
Thomas held up a hand, looking done with the conversation."I'm not angry about the money. It's been coming out of his own wages."
"He's been giving his money to me?"
"My little brother has fucked whores, used girls, he used to be obsessed with screwing around. But for some reason, you're different to him. Has he even kissed you yet?"
I shook my head.
"Then I'm glad he's spending money on the right person."
God, did this man ever smile?
"Thank you Mr Shelby."
"(Y/N)!" Finn's voice yelled out before he rounded a corner, spotting us. He looked relived when he spotted us, continuing to run.
"Finn, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Thomas said, lighting a cigarette.
"Why did you run off?" Finn ignored him, directing his focus to me.
"The women, they were being awful to me. Accusing me of things I hadn't done." I explained.
"Oi!" Thomas grabbed Finn's face, making him look away from me, and at him."You, sort this out and leave. Don't cause her any further embarrassment, alright?"
He let go of Finn, nodding to me before walking away. Arthur pinched his cheeks in his hands, slapping them before following Thomas. Finn shoved him away, but instantly putting his attention back on me.
"You should have told me, I would have sorted it."
"I couldn't. They were ganging up on me, they were driving me out of the shop. I didn't want to embarrass you, you've got such a big name. And they were all probably thinking you had gone crazy for bringing me here in the first place."
"I don't give a fuck what they think. If I had noticed sooner, I would have threatened to fucking cut them."
"Oh, because that would have made the situation better."
"You know what I mean. I just can't stand when people are like that towards you. It doesn't make sense to me."
"I'm different Finn, I'm totally different from everyone around me. I look different, my accent is different, my parents struggle to speak the language...and nobody wants to accept that."
"I do. You're just (Y/N) to me. One of the most stunning, interesting and caring person I have ever met. You've never wanted to use me, when I give you money, there is genuine resilience in your eyes, but I know you take it to help your family instead of yourself. That's why I thought today would be nice. I could finally treat you to some nice things. Make you look even more beautiful."
"For fucks sake Finn, you're going to make me cry again."
"Those clothes you wanted are still in all the shops. Think it's time I paid for them."
"Thank you Finn." I leaned up, kissing his cheek, enjoying watching the blush on his cheeks.
I grabbed Finn's hand, rubbing my eyes before smiling at him. We started walking back towards the shops, and I felt more confident, though not because Finn was beside me; but because someone understood me. Even his brothers were nice to me, and that was the first time I met them. I didn't need a man to make me empowered or keep me safe, but the puppy love that was blossoming into something more serious gave me confidence, to really show others that I was worth something. They were all wrong about me, and I wasn't going to be quiet about it anymore.
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lailannajacobs · 5 years ago
Heart to a Gunfight - Chapter 11
Pairing: Bucky x fem!reader
Summary: You didn’t want to help Bucky Barnes make it through the party by pretending to be his fake girlfriend, after all, you had just met him. You also didn’t plan on the charade lasting as long as it did.
Warnings: Lots of fluff!! 
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Hi all! I know it’s been a bit for this series but I finally got some inspiration again for it, so I hope you enjoy! Would love to know what you think! 
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Tuesday Night
You knocked back another shot, “Remind me again why the hell I agreed to this?”
“Because you’re too competitive for your own good and it takes nothing to goad you into something.”
Bucky paused, stared at the dart board and let another one fly. You cursed when it hit the double-twenty, your hand already moving toward your fifth shot of the night. Any hit worth over forty points meant the other person had to drink, and Bucky was deceptively good at darts.
The whiskey no longer burned on the way down and you slammed the shot glass back onto the table. It was a good thing that was his last throw.
“I’m pretty sure I only asked if you wanted to play darts. You wanted to turn it into a drinking game,” You pointed out, leaning back onto your elbows.
He flashed you a wicked grin, “And where would be the fun in that?”
“Well, I’m just glad we’re not playing strip darts,” You muttered, “Or else I’d have been completely naked two shots ago.”
His eyes darkened, raking over your body slowly as if he was trying to count the articles of clothes you’d have taken off. You shivered at the look, extending your hand so he’d give you the darts.
He placed them in your hand but held on for a second, pulling you in a little closer and whispered, “Unfortunately I don’t have a dart board in my apartment.”
You snatched them from his hand and narrowed your eyes at him, “Stop trying to get in my head, Solider. I’m going to make you drink your words.”
His lips only spread further.
Pushing past him, you focused on the board, hoping to match your words with your actions. The odds weren’t in your favour. He’d only taken two shots tonight and both of those times you’d been aiming elsewhere, luck being the only reason you’d hit anything good. There was no way you’d get three perfect shots to tie the game, but you were still hoping to get him to drink at least one. Squinting, you tried to get the board to come into focus. From this point forward, you were only drinking water.
You concentrated with everything you had, seeing nothing but the red dot in the centre of the colourful board. Drawing in a long breath, you paused at the top, about to let it go with your exhale when Bucky’s hand wrapped around your wrist, startling you so much you dropped the dart to the ground.
“Hey!” You turned to face him, but he didn’t let go, your hand held up between your two bodies, “What’s with the cheating?”
He tilted his head, motioning toward the board. An old man walked between you and the target, his head exactly where your shot would have been.
“So, I may have been a little too focused,” You amended.
He raised a brow.
“Okay, so a lot too focused.”
He picked up the dart and handed it over, silently challenging you to do your best.
“Here we go,” You rolled your shoulders, “I got this.”
“You almost killed an old man,” Bucky piped up from behind you.
“Shut up, Barnes.”
He laughed, the sound putting a smile on your face, “You know, I thought maybe your aim would’ve improved with the booze, but apparently not.”
“Your words of encouragement are so heartwarming,” You said, turning to face him with your hands on your hips.
“Just throw already.”
You smiled when your first shot hit the board. It wasn’t worth more than five points but at least you had hit something.
“New deal, Speedy,” Bucky took a sip of his beer, “If the total of your three shots is over forty points then I’ll take a shot.”
You shook your head and sighed, “The fact that you’re drinking right now for the hell of it kinda takes the fun out of it. It’s just not the same.”
“Good point,” He chuckled, “How about this? If it’s over forty, I’ll take a ride with you in your car and I won’t say a damn thing about it.”
You grinned, “Now you’re making things interesting, Soldier.”
Your second shot was just as pathetic as the first one, giving you a total of ten points. Another thirty seemed near impossible, but you weren’t about to lose hope. Not when your car was on the line.
“Just so you know, I have your next shot right here,” Bucky taunted, waving the shot glass in the air.
You smiled sweetly, trying to ignore the shit-eating grin on his own face, “It’s all yours.”
Changing tactics, you decided to throw it without a care in the world. It wasn’t like you were hitting anything when you tried, so maybe doing the exact would pay off. You double checked to make sure there weren’t any old men with the bright idea of crossing the dart board, and when the coast was clear, you whipped it at the board.
The centre lit up red and you blinked in shock.
“That’s fifty points,” You murmured, not quite believing what had just happened. Then it sunk in and you whirled to find Bucky, “That’s fifty points!”
You jumped into his arms, slinging your own around his neck. His grip tightened around your waist, and he pulled you in close. All you could hear was the sound of his laughter in your ear, his breath tickling your shoulder as he tucked his head in to fit beside yours.
“I don’t care that I’ve lost so often I’m a little bit tipsy,” You giggled into his ear, “That’s fifty points and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
He pulled back without pulling away, his arms still strong around you.
“That shot was all you,” The corner of his mouth was quirked up slightly, those blue eyes bright, “And that shot is all mine.”
“Told you I’d do it.”
“I never doubted you for a second.”
You looked to the ground and forced yourself to take a step back, “Your turn to get tipsy.”
“Another round, Speedy?”
You scoffed, “Absolutely not. But there is a pool table over there”
Two Weeks Later
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you tried not to smile, knowing you couldn’t start smiling like an idiot while you were finishing the payment for the customer in front of you. The process seemed to take forever to go through, your phone burning a hole in your pocket.
Only when the customer was out of the shop did you pull it out, knowing exactly whose name you’d find there.
I don’t think you should let me choose movie night anymore. That’s two terrible ones in a row.
You smirked, pulling out your lunch, glad you were now on break.
Good to know you’ve finally seen the light.
Typing bubbles appeared instantly and you waited, a stupid little smile on your lips.
What should I be in charge of now? Bucky asked.
Pizza. You immediately replied. But make sure it’s from Anthony’s.
Because I want soggy pizza? I’m getting Louie’s.
You shook your head, even if he couldn’t see it. Fine but your taste in pizza better be better than your taste in movies.
As long as it’s better than your taste in cars ;)
Idiot, you thought, unable to wipe the smile off your face.
One Week Later
“See, that wasn’t so bad.”
“Says the owner of the crappy car.”
You pulled into the parking lot in front of Bucky’s apartment and turned off the engine, “You’re just being fussy, that’s all.”
“Fine,” He laughed, “I’ll admit it. The drive really wasn’t that bad.”
“And?” You asked, shooting him a pointed look as you waited for him to fulfill the rest of your deal.
“And you’re not a crazy lunatic driver.”
You smacked him on the arm, “That looked like it physically pained you to say.”
“It did,” He said, eyes wide, trying to play the pity card.
You weren’t having any of it, “That’s what you get when you lose a bet, Soldier.”
He turned in his seat to face you, “How was I supposed to know you were going to hustle me?”
“I didn’t hustle you!” He shot you a look of disbelief, “You just assumed I’d be terrible at it. I never corrected you.”
“But you,” He ran a hand through his hair, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, “You asked me how to tie your vest and how the gun worked.”
You grinned.
He let his head flop back onto the head rest, chuckling, “All so I’d underestimate you.”
It seemed like every time the two of you went out, it always ended in a competition, and tonight hadn’t been an exception. Only you had begun to realize how to win the last time the two of you had gone out. Tonight, you had managed to pull ahead by one.
“Turns out my terrible aim does not extend to laser tag,” You bit your lip, failing miserably at wiping the smug look from your face, “I just happened to forget to mention that.”
“I should have known when you put your driving skills and car on the line,” He chided himself, shaking his head.
“You really should have,” You hummed.
“I know. I know you better than that.”
You looked out the windshield, away from the intense look in his eyes, apparent even in the dark, “Well…Goodnight, Soldier.”
He leaned in, giving you a side hug from his side of the car, “See you next week. Thanks for the ride.”
“You’re welcome,” You shrugged, suddenly feeling cool from the lack of his warmth, “Now get out of my car before you do something stupid like insult it.”
He laughed, stepping out. Pausing with his elbows on the edge of the rolled down window, he said, “Night, Speedy. Text me when you get home safe.”
One Week Before the Wedding
“We’ll be right out,” Peggy smiled at Steve and Bucky, motioning for them to wait outside the bar, “We’re just going to go to the bathroom first.”
They shrugged and walked toward the exit as if nothing was amiss, but you knew better. There was nothing casual about the way she grabbed your arm and steered you to the bathroom. What for though, you had no clue.
It had been the first time all four of you had hung out together since the engagement party and now, the wedding was a week away. Sure, you had seen Peggy and Steve on multiple occasions, but your four schedules had never seemed to line up properly until tonight. It was funny that you had thought the reason you’d spend so much time with Bucky would be because of Peggy and Steve, when really you had seen more of him this summer than anyone else.
“What’s up, Peg?” You asked when the two of you marched into the bathroom.
She crossed her arms, “You want to tell to tell me how long this little thing has been going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“You and Bucky,” She shot you a pointed look through the mirror.
You touched up your lipstick, half listening to what she was saying, “What about me and Bucky?”
“How long have you been seeing each other?” She let out an exasperated sigh as if she couldn’t believe how dense you were being.
It took a second for her words to sink in, and you turned shocked, “We’re not seeing each other!”
“Yeah, right.”
“I’m serious!” You protested.
“I saw the two of you tonight, and I’m not blind,” She fixed her hair quickly in the mirror and when she noticed your look of disbelief, she turned her full attention on you, “Oh, come on, YN. No one who’s just friends acts the way you two do.”
It was your turn to cross your arms, not having any of her accusations, “And how is it that we act, Peg?”
“Like the two of you use every excuse just to touch each other. Like the way Bucky’s face lights up when you walk into the room, or the way you look around for him, just to make sure he’s nearby,” She shook her head, probably disappointed that you’d kept something like this from her, “I’m not an idiot. I have eyes.”
Whatever you were going to say next died on your lips. The two of you were just friends, right? So what that you’d gotten close these past months? So what that you texted each other practically every day. So what that you’d caught yourself thinking of him whenever - holy shit.
Peggy must have seen something in your eyes because her expression softened, “So you guys aren’t dating, huh?”
You shook your head, not sure what to do with this newfound revelation. How could you still be friends with Bucky when you obviously had feelings for him? But he clearly didn’t feel the same way. Now that you really thought about, he often commented on your friendship as if…Oh god. Were you so blind that he thought he needed to keep subtly reminding you that any relationship the two of you had was fake? You rubbed your hands over your face and groaned.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better,” Peggy began with a small smile, “I’m pretty sure he feels the same way.”
“Yeah, right,” You scoffed, “I’ve spent enough time with him to know that he doesn’t.”
Peggy was about to say something else, but you shook your head, cutting her off.
“Can we just go?”
She wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you in close, “You good?”
“Yeah, of course,” You forced a laugh for good measure even though you knew Peggy could always see through your lies, “We’re just friends. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Of course you are. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
You shot her an appreciative smile and walked out of the bathroom, head held high.
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certifiedceraunophile · 4 years ago
Hi! I’m your gifter for the Klaroline Gift Exchange! I wanted to check in and tell you my idea and see if I’m on the right track for your gift. I’m thinking about the following: Historical human AU - Caroline is the daughter of a powerful baron. Klaus is an artist under the patronage of Caroline’s father. Highlights: a dark secret, angst, multiple murders, betrayal and revenge. Also, some smut to to take the edge off. Does that sound ok?
Alrighty so first off, may I marry your brain?? Utterly serious, no joke. May I marry it?
I mean dude—
Are you kidding me?? This is bloody perfect, so fucking perfect. I mean I feel like you jumped into my brain and just frolicked around a bit and were like *picks overly biased tropes/tags my brain constantly screams about like picking flowers* and then weaved a Garland with all those flowers and put it around my damn neck. I mean Ik I haven’t read the fic yet, heck the fic isn’t even written out yet, but like if I saw this description in the summary or tags, I’d dive head first for the work.
Historical Human AU, with a class difference between Klaus and Caroline, scandalous baby. I mean I dig.
Klaus as the Artist under patronage, honestly why aren’t there more fics with Historic Artist!klaus, it fits in perfectly.
Caroline the wealthy daughter of the Baron, yes ma’am I believe you are taking this in the right direction, especially if I get to see this class difference between Klaus and Caroline turn their love forbidden-y or secretive.
Ok just tell me this, have you and I had a conversation like ever in my life? Do we know each other? Because anybody who has talked to me for even like two minutes knows that this, this right here “dark secret, angst, multiple murders, betrayals and revenge.” Is basically what my custom Pokemon’s aesthetic would look like. I mean is it perfect? Bloody yes. But I’ll still unpack all of it because I’m ✨extra�� like that,
Dark secret; alright so here’s the thing, love love love fics when either Klaus or Caroline have a nice snug close-to-the-heart poisonously scandalous secret no one should know about, but, (yes there’s a but) if this is a secret either Klaus or Caroline are keeping from each other, and it’s the kind of secret that in a honest trusting relationship the other would know about it, because it’s important and crucial information, and yet one of them keeps the secret from the other for xyz reason, the person who was kept in the dark should please throw a MASSIVE fit about it, not silently uNdErStAnD why it’s was kept a secret, or accept that some secrets are best left secret, but like be really angry that the person wasn’t able to trust them, and be hurt about it, Am I making sense? I don’t think I am, basically what I’m saying is if KC are bluffing to each other make the truth hurt. Please Dont let the forgiveness be easy. Make my babies pay. 👉🏾👈🏾🥺
But if the secret is just something Klaus and Caroline are keeping from everyone else or everybody else is keeping from Klaroline, or is basically outside of Klaroline instead of between them, go crazy, hurt my babies don’t hurt my babies, totally up to you. But thank you for this dark detail, I shall cherish it with tender hands.
Ok Hi have you met me?
If no then here’s your answer,
No wait like
Gimme gimme gimme.
But, yes again there’s a but, (I’m so so sorry if I’m being very picky and hard to please not my intention at all, I just want to make things clearer for you, but at the end of the day you have total creative control, so like go crazy for me, I will fully appreciate it.) But back to the point at hand, I love love love angst between KC, I adore it, i mean KC canon or otherwise are not a flowery sunshine fluff couple, they’ve got problems and issues and are far too alike and way too different to even logically be together without constantly stepping on each other’s toes, I usually like angst when one of em fucks up and there’s a lot of grovelling involved, or angst due to conflict in between them, or angst due to misunderstandings, but what I do not appreciate is the abusive nature/toxicity/hurtful nature of the conflict or angst creating action forgiven easily, or not being dealt with, basically I want the closure to the angst to be reasonable to both characters, and no one is being a pushover, the Klaus and Caroline dynamic is built upon calling each other out, not taking each other’s shit and zero tolerance for each other’s toxicity, so I would very very much appreciate that to be included here.
Betrayal and revenge;
I mean ma’am you are waltzing straight up my alley and owning it like a mafia mobster, when I say angst, I usually mean conflict and what other better way to bring in conflict than betrayals and revenge. Oh the blood and the lies and the schemes, 10/10 ik I will enjoy, but I’d just like to say, that if betrayal in any way means infidelity, I will not enjoy it, fics with cheating in between Klaus and Caroline are squick for me, so please take this into consideration, and lest I sound awfully repetitive, like I said if the betrayal and revenge (conflict) is between KC don’t let them go easy on one another. And if the revenge and betrayal is not in between KC and with outside forces, just know that I appreciate it bloody.
Multiple murders;
Ok so I’m confused, are these sad murders, like good characters who are close to Klaroline dying, or douchecanoe asshats being hacked to pieces good fucking riddance murders, because like I usually don’t appreciate the former, when I say angst it means conflict (I’m really really sorry if I failed to mention that in the original assignment that was stupid of me) and not pure grief, it leans towards anger and despise and remorse and hurt more so than just grief, grief is a pretty straightforward emotion, there’s less room to play around with unlike the others I’ve mentioned, so please take this into consideration. So like if you’re killing off characters, please let it be Damon or Stefan or one of the eight hundred other dipshits in the Tvd universe, and please leave my other precious babies alone.
Smut; here’s the thing, I am constantly horny, like no shame, smut is my go to stress relief, I will ways always always ENJOY some good plot with porn, and the plot here is good, so the porn is just delicious vanilla (or not, iykwim) icing on top. So please yes. *insert audio of a person being very very agreeable during sex* please do so, I am absolutely one hundred percent behind, over and under this idea.
Thank you so so much for reaching out to me, I think you are going in the perfectly right direction, continue further down this path and you will make it straight to my heart.
I am again so so sorry if I sound lazer specific and am not giving you enough room to work with or to allow your muse to wander, please know you can always break and make a few rules of your own, this at the end of the day entirely your work, and I don’t intend to take your creative control from you at all, all I ask is please be mindful of the things I feel squick about. Other than that, all I can say is I cannot for the life of me bloody wait for this baby to come out, I am jumpy up and down excited, and I am again so sorry if this is putting too much pressure on you, not my intention, but this is like my first gift exchange ever so I’m extra screamy, anywaysss long story short, thank you so much for doing this for me, again sorry for writing you a whole ass Drabble when probably all you expected was a binary yes or no in answer, but like to answer your question, is this ok? If you haven’t figured it out already
✨ YES ✨
This is perfectly and exactly ok, I love it already and I can’t wait to fall in love with it more, please continue to send me asks regarding this if you want something clarified or if you can’t make sense of the chaotic monstrosity above, my inbox is always yours to blow up.
All the love and peace and writerly inspiration in the world being sent to you.
Srishti ❤️❤️
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grimsae · 5 years ago
Simmer- Get To Know
Tagged by the lovely: @ohsosims ❤️
Languages you speak: English & some Spanish
Are you a mermaid: Ummm no, what would make you think that?!
Your Playstyle: 42% Gameplay, 10% screenshots, 35% build mode, 6% in CAS, 7% trying to storytell but fail.
Your Simself Picture:
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Stories or Gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: I mainly just post edits of my Sims or some gameplay. I would LOVE to make storytelling posts (with subtitles and all of that) but I don’t know where to start & if anyone really would want to read that. Like there is story in all my Sims but I just don’t know if y’all would want to read that. But these challenges have been really fun to do! I wanna do more lookbooks though! Custom Content I’m still trying to work with but I’m struggling a little bit but soon I’ll have some for y’all!:)
Your favorite age state: I honestly enjoy them all but I wish I could do more for elders! I can’t wait for knitting!
Your favorite season: Autumn
Your favorite holiday: So in my game I have a holiday called “Summer Farewell” it happens on the last day of Summer & the day consist of chill vibes. Drinking, playing outside, swimming, bbq, fireworks, hanging with friends & family & chilling around a bonfire. It’s super chill & I honestly look forward to it. Maybe I should post more about it soon!
How was your day: It was okay. Work sucked ass. Being understaffed all the time & working with a fake ass coworker is so draining. But it got better when I got home because I played some Skyrim. Then went out to eat with my mom at Five Guys then bought myself a memorory foam bed topper from Bed Bath & Beyond. So I slept amazing last night. Now it’s Saturday & I plan on not leaving the house!
Your favorite career: Ummm that’s kinda hard because I always choose freelance careers in game because I love how your sim can stay home & just work. But it gets a little monotonous at times. I also love the teacher & administrative careers that came with Discover University!
Your favorite aspiration: I love the geeky ones, like collecting stuff & I love the family aspirations!
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: this is so hard ugh. For favorite EP it’s either Discover University or Get Together. Favorite GP is Parenthood but also Strangerville because it’s actually pretty great! Favorite SP is extremely tied between Tiny Living & Moschino for the build & buy items!
How old is your Simblr: it will be hitting one year old soon! I’ve always wanted to make one but never did. But I finally just made one. I used to blog about my sims on Amino but that community was toxic and their ways were extremely toxic & stupid. So it pushed me to make a Simblr & I loved it ever since. You can go on Amino actually and still see my posts. STORYTELLING POSTS!
Have you woohooed: Ummmmmmmmmmmm not on my conservative Christian blog😚💅🏼
Your favorite skill: Gardening
The size of your mods folder: Not that bad actually, just 15 GB!
Your 3 favorite mods: Wicked Whims, McCommand Center & Andrews Pose Player
Your interests (other than the sims): I love to play video games, I’m a huge gamer. I also love to travel. Even if it’s to a small town in the middle of nowhere, I just love to see new places. I live in Texas so any chance I get to travel around, I’m always excited for it. I also love to write stories & songs. Then last I love to cook, so I’m always watching Food Network to see what ideas I can get to create in the kitchen.
Your favorite Sim (picture if possible): that is so hard because all of my sims that I post on here are my babies. So I can’t just pick one. But my favorites would have to be between Kade, Zephan & Tobias.
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Which Sims games have you played (including mobile games): The Sims, The Sims 2, The Sims 2 on GameCube & the Strangetown one for PSP. Urbz on PS2 & on Gameboy. The Sims 2 Castaway. The Sims 3 on PC & PS3. SimCity 3,4,5(ew). I have never touched the mobile games & I never got to play TS3 Medeival :(
Propose a crazy scheme: Omg I know this is crazy but wouldn’t it be amazing if our Sims could own multiple homes, basically house flip & rent them out to other sims. Get that money, or let their children that are trying to move out, live in those homes. Or how crazy would it be if the roommate system wasn’t just from Discover University but was BASEGAME. DEAR LORD.
Best part of Simblr: Seeing the crazy talent & passion that simmers pour into this game. Seeing them tell awesome stories & sharing their amazing CC! Also seeing people form friendships over this game is pretty magical.
Worst part of Simblr: Seeing blog who put so much effort & work into their posts & blogs and seeing no one appreciate it. Also the bitches behind anon leaving hateful messages.
What other games you play: Stardew Valley, Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls Online, Minecraft, Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, Cities Skylines, RDR2 & a lot more.
For the fun: Stardew Valley
For the thrills or for the need to kill assholes: RDR2 & Skyrim maybe some GTA5.
Are you single: VERY VERY lol
I tag: @himbosims @katmk36 @gremlinsims @geeky-simz @thatonebrobo @invisisim @kalissimsblog @quinnterestingsims @nougat-sims & at anyone else who wants to participate!❤️ if I missed you I’m sorry but please participate!
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of-thoughts-and-phobias · 5 years ago
  Of Thoughts And Phobias
Part 4: Under Wraps
Edited by @a-faithful-fanartist
First : Prev
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  "Robin!" Sean cheered when he came through the door. 
"Hey hey!" He dropped his bag on the floor and brought Sean into a hug.
"Haha, welcome to the mess. How was the trip, man?"
"Ugh, don't get me started. Seems like anything that could've gone wrong did at the same time. It's like something didn't want me to come here or something."
    He tiredly walked over to the couch, Sean making sure to stay in between him and the shattered counter. 
"Just don't wake me up and we'll be fine," he said, flopping face-first on the couch. 
"Y'good man?"
    A muffled confirmation came from the cushions closely followed by snoring.
"Been a long day for both of us, I guess."
Sean grabbed a pillow and blanket from the closet and carefully draped it over him.
"Goodnight, dude," he sighed, switching off the lights. 
    He swapped into some pajamas and fell onto his bed. It was impossible trying to get comfortable. His mind was just so active and awake that even blinking was a traitorous act. His brain was shouting at him all the possibilities of what was happening to him. He couldn't hide for long. He knew that. There was no way that this would end well. He groaned. 
Sleep didn't come for a while.
    Waking up felt even harder than falling asleep. He struggled to keep his eyes opened as he felt around for his phone.
He fell ungracefully out of bed and landed with an "oomf".
 As he got up, he saw a quick flash of bright red from under his bed. He didn't want to think about it.
    He was interrupted by a loud snore coming from the other room. He forgot he wasn't alone. Sean poked his head out into the living room to find a bundled- up figure on the couch, snoring loudly. Only his feet and hair were visible. He chuckled and went back to his room to get ready.
    Getting dressed was a chore when running on a few hours of sleep, but Sean pushed past it. He fixed his hair, brushed his teeth, and went to check on Robin again. 
"So I was thinking we could start by recording-" He walked into the living room to be greeted by a Robin who was still out cold.
"Uh. Hello?" He tried. 
"Earth to Pixlpit? Roooooobiin, come 'ooon man. We have thiiiings to do," nothing. 
"Geez," he backed off into the kitchen, where he remembered his shopping list. He had forgotten all about it and yep, the only thing he could find food wise was the junk in the fridge and an old box of spaghetti noodles. 
"Whoops," he said. That won't do.
    He snatched a sheet of printer paper and a sharpie and scribbled down a note for Robin when he woke up. After grabbing his phone and placing the note lovingly on Robin's face, Sean left once more. 
     It only took him about an hour to get groceries and come back. Robin was up by the time he came back, sitting at the table.
"Morning Sleeping Beauty! How was the couch?"
Robin chuckled.
"It was fine, but I woke up with this hanging out of my mouth," he held up the note.
    "Had to put it somewhere you could see it," he shrugged slyly, slacking the grocery bags off his arms. He turned on the coffee maker and started to put the food away. 
    "So, I was thinking we could start with the Reading Your Comments and then go into the challenge vids," Sean explained, pulling out eggs and milk to put in the fridge.
    "And tomorrow we can get some playthroughs done before we get started on editing," Robin added from behind his mug.
    "Exactly. Sorry about the lack of food, want me to whip something up before we get started?"
"That sounds awesome," he laughed.
    Everything was alright.
He smashed a few eggs unexpectedly and startled Robin by cracking the counter a bit when he accidentally gripped it too hard, but it was nothing he couldn't brush off.
It's fine. 
    Spending time with Robin almost made Sean forget about everything. It all just seemed to fade back into reality after he fell through crazy town. Recording felt... normal. And he needed that. He needed something ordinary.
That left the two of them walking down town to a cafe that Sean had recommended. They had gotten quite a lot of work done and decided to take a lunch break.
    "No way," he continued, "there is no way the remake was better than the original."
    “I’m telling you man! The plot line was more realistic and they fixed multiple plot holes in it!” Sean followed alongside him. The door dinged behind them.
“There was nothing wrong with the plot, you just couldn’t wrap your small head around it!”
Sean gasped dramatically.
“Insulted. By my best friend! For shame, Robin, for shame.”
They both laughed and sat down at a booth.
    It was a nice place, quiet and homey, and it always smelled like coffee and chips. Relaxed chatter from other customers filled the room. Music played overhead and the TV in the corner murmured away about sports, and it all blended together into a pleasant white noise.
“Wait ‘till you try the bread, man. They make it from scratch!”
“Is that why we walked five blocks to get here?” Robin laughed again.
“Yes,” he deadpanned.
They continued talking until their food came.
"Thank you, miss. Oh, more chips, please?" Sean asked as the waitress walked away. 
He dove into the fresh batch of chips.
    It took him a moment to realize that Robin had stopped talking. He looked up and saw him staring back with a concerned look. 
"What's wrong?" He tried. 
"Dude are you alright? That's the sixth plate of chips you've ordered."
    Oh. He didn't realize. He vaguely recalled something similar happening the other day at the pizza restaurant. Did it have something to do with his new.. predicament? Probably, seeing as he was still hungry.
"Um, told ya?" Robin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. 
"Best chips in town!" He laughed nervously. 
"Right. Maybe next time you'll actually let me try some," he was smiling but the worry was still visible in his eyes. 
"You'll just have to beat me to it!" 
They continued to eat in silence until the waitress brought them a check.
"Let me," said Robin, "you've al--" 
 Sean knew Robin was talking but he couldn't hear him. His eyes were attached to the screen nearest to them. It was a news reporter, discussing reports on stuff that happened throughout the day. But the video that was playing in the corner...
Oh no.
"It really is an odd sight," the reporter stated, "This anonymous clip shows what appears to be a bolt of green lightning flashing in the sky. The same lighting was also spotted a second time not long after, a few miles away. That's not the weirdest part, though. If you pay attention, it almost sounds like someone screaming.-" 
The TV was turned down as to not interrupt the patrons but Sean heard it clear as day.
They found him. 
    "Some call it a joke, just a gag someone sent us to get on the news. Others say that the footage shown is real, unmodified and definitely something to be wary of. What are your thoughts, Jim?"
It switched to another anchorman, appearing next to the videos.
The clips shown showed a bright flash in the sky, appearing above an airplane. It disappeared shortly after that. 
Oh no no no.
"Well I don't know about you, but I think they look very convincing-"
No, no no no no no no no no-
He snapped back. Robin was looking at him, concern all over his face. He swallowed down the knot in his throat. 
"You good, man? You zoned out pretty hard there. What're you even looking at?" He started turning around. Sean quickly grabbed his arm, forcing him back. 
"No," he whispered.
Robin shook his arm out of his grip. "Why? what's wrong, my hair messed up or something?" 
"Don't," he tried again. "Please." Why did everything have to be so loud? Tears pulled at his eyes. 
"Can we go home?"
Robin nodded knowingly. "Yeah man, let's get you home."
Sean was silent on the walk back. Robin didn't think to mention it. 
Sean fell down face first onto the couch.
Robin pushed his legs off so he could sit down instead. He tapped Sean on the shoulder. 
"Hey, are you feeling better?"
A muffled noise came from the cushions, then Sean pushed himself up so he was sitting too. 
"Yeah. I.. sorry," he sighed.
"No no," Robin interrupted. "It's normal dude, it looked like it was just an anxiety attack. Those aren't a joke."
Sean nodded slightly. "Yeah."
"Do you want to talk about it?" He tried. 
"No, Robin," he grumbled "I'm fine. 'S just anxiety, I'm fine."
He got up from the couch and started towards his room.
"Sorry. I think I'll just take a nap or something. You alright with that?"
Robin sighed.
"You know where to find me man."
"Thanks Robin."
"Any time."
    Sean closed the door behind him and fell down against it. Small bursts of light shakily pulsated all down his arms. He decided to focus on that instead. 
He wasn't even sure why he was panicking. Sure they *caught* him on camera but they didn't *know* that it was him. He watched the neon colors trickle down his arms like water. What would he do if they did find out? What would he do if Robin did? He didn't want to think about it. But what if?
Losing it won't do anything, Sean, he told himself. You need to calm down.
He inhaled deeply, filling his lungs completely before exhaling.
And out.
And out.
Come on, Jackieboy, you got this. 
    He stayed there for a while, contemplating whether he should get up to go to bed. The thought was interrupted by the bright red peeking out from under his bed.
He could hear Robin outside furiously working on his laptop. Knowing him, he wouldn't move for hours.
He supposed sleep could wait.
@septilover3 @obsidiancreates @cookiethedevil @chains-that-bind-this-roulette-of-mine
@caori-azarath @tinykitty252 @reverseblackholeofwords @fairyofsomething
Ask to be tagged!
That wraps up the prologue!! Three years in the making and we're finally getting to the good stuff! Buckle up, bitches it's only getting worse from here!
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toastverse · 5 years ago
Sooo... Thanks to the quarantine I got into Sims again and I discovered the Not so Berry challenge which I absolutely adore! Credits to @lilsimsie ^^ I like the idea of achieving preset goals and sticking to a given theme, but I wanted to customize things a little bit. And I came across the build your own berry challenge: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/963165/build-your-own-not-so-berry-challenge
So here is the Not so Berry challenge Ritsu edition! Feel free to try it out! And please tag me if you do!
You must complete your aspirations and get to the top of your carrer unless it's specified otherwise. But you don't have to stick to the given color theme and you can also change the order of the generations if you're more interested in one then in the other.
Generation one- Lavender
You are a kind and generous nerd who just wants the best for everyone around them. Your biggest dream is to become a doctor and you're working very hard for that.
Traits: good, geek, ambitious
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Doctor
Skills to max out: Logic, Parenting
- Marry a Goofball Sim and you have to be Soulmates as Elders
- Have only one child, become best friends with them in their childhood (you could have an other best friend later on)
- Get at least to level 8 in the doctor career, so you can help in your grandchild's birth, but you don't have to get to the top
- Complete the elements collection
Generation two- Dark blue
You've idolised Lavender Sim all your life and you also want to help people just like them. You are a prodigy with a kind heart but with sometimes untamed emotions.
Traits: good, genius, self-assured
Childhood aspiration: Whiz Kid
Adult aspiration: Nerd Brain
Career: Detective
Skills to max out: Logic, Handiness
- Earn the Compassionate and Untamed Emotions character values
- Marry your high school sweetheart and have a baby with them as soon as possible (possibly with teen pregnancy mods, but if you're uncomfortable with that, do it as soon as you turn into a young adult)
- Have your spouse be a secret agent or also a detective
- Complete the snowglobe collection
Generation three- Green
Both of your parents dedicated their lives to their dangerous jobs and were also young and inexperienced parents which left you alone or with your Lavender grandparents most of the time. You've spent a lot of time outside and found comfort in plants. You're also dreaming about a big, happy family which you've never had in your younger years.
Traits: Goofball, Loves Outdoors, Slob
Childhood aspiration: Whiz Kid (for them it's not obligatory but helps with the Fishing skill later)
Adult aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast or Big Happy Family (or both). You can choose this one
Career: Gardener, Botanist (doesn't have to be completed)
Skills to max out: Gardening, Fishing, Herbalism
- Earn the Responsible and Mediator character values
- Be best friends with your Goofball grandparent and don't have anyone else until you're a young adult
- Have 5 children and one of them has to be adopted
- Complete the gardening collection
- Be at least friends with all of your children except one (the next heir)
Generation four- Red
You come from a very simple and subtle but also a very big and noisy family where you didn't get the attention you want and actually deserve. You're dreaming big unlike your stupid parents who wasted all of their potential.
Traits: Self-assured, Perfeccionist, Materialistic
Childhood aspiration: Social butterfly
Adult aspiration: Mansion Baron
Carrer: Businessman, Investor
Skills to max out: Charisma, Gourmet Cooking, Pipe Organ
- Earn the Responsible and Argumentative character values
- Have a negative relationship with Green Sim as a YA
- Have only one child
- Divorce than remarry the same Sim in your next life stage
- Have a total net worth of 1.000.000 simoleons
Generation five- Orange
Your Red parent gave you everything you could ever imagine as a child, but as you grew older you've realized that money can't buy happiness. But food definitely can! You've always loved the cute gourmet meals your Red parent prepared for you, and as you were growing older, you slowly started to dive into the world of cooking as well.
Traits: Cheerful, Insider, Foodie
Childhood aspiration: Artistic Prodigy or Social Butterfly
Adult aspiration: Master Chef
Carrer: Chef, Restaurant owner
Skills to max out: Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Comedy
- Earn the Good Manners character value
- Learn all foodstall recepies in San Myshuno
- Donate 10.000 simoleons to charity
- Have a big family dinner every Saturday night
- Get to at least level 6 in the Chef carrer before quitting and having your own restaurant.
Generation six- Malachite
You are the little weird, black sheep of your family. While the others were playing outside, you stayed in your room full of flowers reading romance novels and dreaming about your significant other.
Traits: loner, vegetarian, romantic
Childhood aspiration: you decide
Adult aspiration: Soulmate
Carrer: Gardener, Floral Designer
Skills to max out: Flower Arranging, Wellness, Guitar
- Earn all five positive character values
- Never have any close friends except your spouse
- Collect all crystals
- Have twelve traits before turning into an elder (complex personality pretty much...)
Generation seven- Silver
You are a michevious nerd with a potty mouth who can't take anything seriously, not even themselves. You're very smart and optimistic, seeing the good in everything but with your high IQ comes a very low EQ and sometimes you don't realize how much you've hurt someone.
Traits: genius, clumsy, childish
Childhood aspiration: Whiz Kid
Adult aspiration: Chief of Mischief or Computer Whiz (you can decide or you can do both)
Carrer: Tech Guru, eSport gamer
Skills to max out: Programming, Mischief, Video Gaming
- Earn the Irresponsible and Bad Manners character values
- You have to leave a Sim at the altar, because this type of commitment is too much for you
- You have to woohoo in a rocketship, possibly at GeekCon
- Collect all Voidcritter Cards
Generation eight- Gold
Your Silver parent always told you to follow your dreams doesn't matter how crazy they might be. So you did! You are a curious and hyperactive person who never turns down a challenge. Especially if it's related to the wild jungles of Selvadorada or especially life threatening. Or maybe both!
Traits: kleptomaniac, loves outdoors, erratic
Childhood aspiration: Rambunctious Scamp
Adult aspiration: Jungle Explorer
Carrer: Secret Agent, Diamond Agent
Skills to max out: Selvadoradian culture, Archaeology, Fitness
- Earn the Uncontrolled Emotions character value
- Earn gold on 5 different party types, because you just can't rest
- Get an Adventurous dog
- Get married first as an elder
- Complete the insect collection and dedicate a room to them in your home.
Generation nine- Brown
Your family had all sorts of different and interesting animals when you were a child, and you've loved spending time with them, especially with your Gold parent's dog. Their death hit you pretty hard and later it made you want to protect all animals at all cost.
Traits: cat lover, dog lover, unflirty
Childhood aspiration: you decide
Adult aspiration: Friend of the animals
Carrer: veterinarian
Skills to max out: Veterinarian, Pet training, Piano
- Earn the Responsible and Controlled Emotions character values
- Never get married.
- Have five cats and five dogs in the household during your life. At least two of each has to be a stray.
- You can only have "accidental" human children. Let's be honest, your pets are your real children.
Generation ten- Yellow
You are a very abstract and artistic person who is just as much of a weirdo living their lives by their own set of rules as their Gold grandparent. You love living in the city and meeting new people there.
Traits: creative, squeamish, noncommital
Childhood aspiration: Artistic Prodigy
Adult aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire or Serial Romantic
Carrer: Freelance artist
Skills to max out: Painting, Dancing, Bowling
- As you turn into a YA move into the Arts Quarters in your city
- Visit every festival
- Go bowling with your friends every Friday night
- Collect every emotional painting type
- Have multiple affairs while you're married or in a relationship
- Have a small pet from YA- to death
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murfeelee · 6 years ago
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I just want to speak my piece and voice my hopes & concerns about the ideas for a new Sims Networking site.
Disclaimer: Despite the length of this long effing post, I know absolutely nothing about creating a website, or hosting, servers, or anything like that.
In light of Tumblr’s clear and present determination to kill its own website, many ideas are being proposed about The Sims community starting its own website. This would be a safe haven for simmers, where we can all share our content without fear of overzealous censorship and nefarious politico-economic stunts and power-plays.
Having different simmers presenting different platforms and ideas about how to get a simming network started is great, and I support anyone who pitches an idea. I don’t care who figures it out, just as long as someone does, and it’s good. But at this critical point and time what the community really needs is to not be splintered -- that’s what the problem is: that when Tumblr internally combusts we’ll all mass exodus and go our separate ways (to LJ/DW, Twitter, Blogspot, WP, etc), and we won’t all be in one place anymore. :(
There’s nothing wrong with having multiple simming networks, and having a selection of simmers-only social media outlets, not at all. We do that already, with sites like TSR & MTS, etc, that embrace content from ALL the sims games (1-4, etc), but where different preferences/standards/visions naturally lead to different websites doing their own thing separately.
But I think it’s time we as a community had one main home.
IMO, ideally, it would be one that functions like Tumblr did -- just Better and More Positive. ;) It would not be moderated by admins like the other sims sites, and instead the site runners would be there strictly for site support and maintenance. We’ve been moderating the simblr side of Tumblr all these years pretty okay -- aside from the abuse/neglect of the Tags (which I hope we could come to a more unified system with on a new site).
The new site could have all the image uploading/storage and other features we enjoy (Follows, Reblogs, Likes, Comments, IM, etc) but possibly even with an additional forum aspect, with rich text text threads & private messaging, etc. Is that at all possible?
The forum half of the site could have moderators, if only to keep the threads organized, but there would be none of that censoring crap that gets users warned/banned over stupidness like language, adult content, or my personal favorite: filesharing (especially when cc users rely on WCIFs and reuploaders to share content from dead sites and creators who delete their content for one reason or another).
I’d also love to see a return of more community events:
more Simblreen-like photo prompts & challenges for other holidays & seasons
more creative contests (like the one recreating real movie posters as sims images to get featured as new cc)
more visibility for machinimas (those mofos work HARD)
the return of sims magazines for fashion & builders & whatnot
Age and Adult Content Restrictions
The Sims is a borderline Teen/Everyone/Mature-rated game. It’s got sex and violence and crude humor and weirdness that isn’t really suitable for little kids. It's at each parent’s discretion what their kids are exposed to, but most simmers are either in their teens or older (I haven’t come across any 7 year olds playing this crazy game, at least.) As such, I don’t feel this new site should be censoring/blocking adult content and nsfw. Let the tags do their jobs -- even implement a Safe Mode & parental controls if you have to.
When it comes to what the age restrictions are, can’t y’all just have a captcha or one of those buttons you click that says you’re 13+ or whatever the age needs to be? And there are pretty cool captchas out there, too -- we don’t need something as crazy as what Thaithesims had (for those of y’all who don’t know, it was freaking nuts, trust), but there are others that ask a simple math question, or makes you to click the picture of the vegetable, or some Where’s Waldo looking thing to find all the bicycles or whatever the heck. Y’all’ve seen them, I don’t know.
Again, I don’t even know what goes into making a website, and determining what it can & cant support -- or AFFORD.
And that brings me to Money:
While it’s so exciting and heartening to see different ideas coming out now, honestly, it’s not gonna work when all y’all are all asking for money and donations. That’ll have us scrambling to fund & invest in a million different people’s ideas, until someone gets a site working that we’ll actually use.
Of course we know money is THE issue, and of course websites are Expensive AF™. But it would be more realistic for all y'all to get a site up and running, have us use it and test it out, and once the community gives it our seal of approval, then start doing donation drives to keep the site/servers funded. That’s the way fan-made ad-free sites with adult content like Archive Of Our Own do it; I’ve been subscribed there for years, and they make $100k+ every drive, it’s amazing. Sites like Wikipedia & the Wayback Machine no doubt make more. (Didn’t SimFileShare fund itself to get started? They use ads, though, which might force adult content restrictions like what’s happening with Tumblr.)
I wish I had the disposable income to give to ANY of these fantastic websites that I know and love, just to show my appreciation, but I’m dirt poor, so.... But I just feel that it really shouldn’t be up to users to fund free websites, because that’s hardly better than having to pay for subscriptions to join paid sites. I don’t even like pay for CC, or DLC, or even video games at full price. So any bid for money makes me suck my teeth a bit, frankly speaking.
In Closing:
The Sims community deserves its own space, to freely express ourselves.
The Sims is unique from any other game ever made, because simmers create the stories, simmers create the content, and simmers create the gameplay -- it’s not a linear pre-determined storyline, but a more or less open-ended open-world mechanism by which the gamer decides (and can create) everything from the characters to the plots to the locations.
We’re not just posting pictures on the official forums of our customized Lara, Shepard, Geralt, Arthur Morgan or whoever beating a level or discovering a hidden location. No. We’re creating our own characters and worlds and directives, and sharing art through images, storytelling, and custom content. And we’re sharing a bit of ourselves in the process.
Tumblr used to be the one place we could rely on to embrace our individuality, freedom of speech, agency, expression, and be part of a community that supported us and our content. I don’t want the Sims community to be fractured, and certainly not die out. Y’all have been like family to me, for the 5 years I’ve been on Tumblr, and for almost a whole decade now in the online Sims community -- 2019 will make it 10 years (which is a lot, for an antisocial psychopath like me). If Tumblr fails us, I won’t know where else to go, and it really saddens me. The Sims is a Lifestyle.
So I really hope y’all movers and shakers out there who know about web development can come together, figure things out together, and create a Better, More Positive space for us to enjoy playing and sharing our love of The Sims games.
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pisati · 4 years ago
I hate feeling so annoyed by it but my head receptionist has been treating me like the girls in high school did and I can’t quite put a finger on what that means but it’s just. ugh
we got a new girl who does tech and reception back in like January or something and of course when someone is new everyone’s a little wary but welcoming. I wasn’t sure how I felt about her but I didn’t work directly with her enough, and then COVID hit and she ended up on the other team with Alexa. and I’d see Alexa tagging her in things on facebook but when you’re stuck with the same people 12 hours a day you do end up closer to them. whatever, you know?
but since we’ve been back together it feels like the girls on the other team are acting cliquey. at least, Alexa, the tech/receptionist girl, and another newer tech (though she’s honestly really nice and is cool with everyone). I get it, you all were on the same team for months. you got close. but even when we have staff meetings they’ll sit together and talk amongst themselves and won’t include the rest of us, so we’re just awkwardly sitting around while they talk and make their little inside jokes. we weren’t NOT good together as a team on our side, but we didn’t get like that.
Alexa has known I’ve been doing crafting since well before this all started. she knew I’d been tossing around the idea of an etsy shop. I finally made one. I’ve been sewing and crocheting and starting resin and I sewed a TON of masks for the clinic. she’s seen things I’ve posted on facebook and instagram. she’ll say stuff like “oh that’s cool” when I’ve told her about the things I’ve made. which, cool, I don’t need everyone to be enthusiastically supportive. we’re not close friends, I don’t expect her to do anything.
but the tech/reception girl recently started learning how to make resin things and she’s now making custom pet tags; which, cool! that’s awesome! but I’ve seen Alexa share her posts twice now to her own instagram. like “hey go support my coworker and her cute pet tags!”
I just made a facebook page for my shop too and maybe she just hasn’t been on facebook, which, okay, whatever. I literally just made the page so maybe it’s too soon to be bitter about it. but she’s liked the other girl’s facebook page.
and it just stings, you know? I don’t know what I did that she’s suddenly changed in how she sees me. she used to tag me in story posts when we’d share hot chocolate, she called me her work bestie once, we relate on the chronic illness struggles, and I was like, oh, cool, a work friend! that’s always nice to have. but now she rarely talks to me unless there’s something wrong and it feels like she just acts different towards me. it’s so hard to describe. it’s just like fucking high school, and my lab in college. people (women especially for some reason) get all toned-down around me. they aren’t unkind, but they can be somewhat brisk. I can read it on their faces— it’s like they don’t want to be talking to me and are patiently waiting for me to say what I need to say. it makes me so nervous. it’s like they’re just tolerating my presence. they’re being polite because they have to, but I can tell they don’t want me around. Alexa will talk down to me sometimes too and that’s annoying. but there’s something just straight up different about how she treats me now and I’m not a fan.
and the tech/receptionist girl.. I honestly don’t like her much. I gave her a chance. I try to be understanding with new people because I know that I don’t know them. but she literally always seems annoyed. at everyone and everything. all the time. she mumbles and sometimes when I go into treatment to get the techs’ attention for an appointment that’s just arrived, I’ll hear her say something and I can’t tell if she’s acknowledging the appointment or in her own space. she’s gotten annoyed with me and told me to put the check in clipboard on the shelf we put those on when I hesitate because I’m not sure if I got my message across. she couldn’t sound more disinterested when she answers the phone and talks to clients. and I’ve heard her on multiple occasions saying nasty things about clients based on what they look like. I get that some people are rude or weird or whatever but saying shit about them just based on their looks? fuck off with that. she was ranting to me a few weeks ago about how their team felt like they were cleaning up my team’s mistakes during split shifts and they were acting like we were so incompetent. a few times she mentioned split shifts and mentioned our team in a negative way. and I told her, “...well, we felt the same way about you guys”.
and everyone that was on her team adores her. they think her attitude is endearing. I get that things are frustrating and now you have a baby with your boyfriend at 23 and you’re making a tech salary which isn’t a lot and you have to commute from another state, but don’t make your annoyance everyone else’s problem. but she makes funny quips sometimes so they like her.
last night I was closing with the other head receptionist. it wasn’t terribly busy last night even though it was crazy in the morning, and we were feeling kind of bored. I was trying to stay on top of scans and emails all day and I finally caught up by close. she let me go home not long after because our last few appointments were still there and she took today off anyway. this morning I woke up to a text to the reception group asking if surgery paperwork got done. the receptionist I was working with was like “oh shit, sorry, and I even stayed late!” no response. I sent an “oh no I forgot too, I’m sorry”. and Alexa texted a whole paragraph like “Lou said it wasn’t busy last night and this morning has been crazy and there was a whole pile of scans this morning too”
you know what? you’re right. it wasn’t busy last night. we both should have remembered to check for drop off paperwork but we didn’t. that was my mistake before I left, and that was also Tricia’s mistake because she closed up shop and should have taken stock. but when I left there were no scans to be done. maybe two, but I had already clocked out and Tricia could have easily scanned and attached them. the techs bring up papers to scan after we close, it’s not like I’m just leaving them there intentionally for morning staff just to fuck everyone over with more stupid busy work. and I know for a FACT that the new girl told Alexa it wasn’t busy last night because she was there and she’s been taking every opportunity she can to say shit about us because of all these assumptions she’s made since we were on split teams. acting like we’re just partying it up and being lazy on purpose. she’s ranted to me about how she thinks Tricia stays late intentionally to get more hours because there’s nothing to do after close. I wouldn’t know if that’s true but it’s annoying as hell that she just makes shit up in her head and gets herself all worked up about it.
surgery paperwork is a morning thing too. nobody told us it hadn’t been done. yes, we should have checked, and that’s our mistake. but Alexa has dropped the ball in the morning and I’ve texted her after close like “did the paperwork get done?” and she’s been like “oh shit sorry no” and I fucking take care of it without complaining because that’s my job. I get it. people forget things. lord knows I do. there was one day the doctors got really annoyed at me because sending out negative fecal test results is a reception job and none of the result emails got sent. I wasn’t there that morning and labs are a morning thing, so I didn’t know why they hadn’t gotten sent. I looked into it, none of the fecal labs had downloaded to the computer system, so it looked like they hadn’t come in yet. but the doctors showed me the actual lab website, which had the results. that had in fact come in. Alexa should know to check that, she has the login information printed out and on the front desk and she’s also been a vet receptionist for 8 years and should know about the lab site, but it didn’t happen. so I had to stay late and go through all the fecal results that had come back and send out the emails. I didn’t even know that that had happened because, again, morning thing, not my job as a closer, but I took care of it anyway because my job IS to pick up where my coworkers drop the ball. I didn’t get annoyed (at least not THAT annoyed) and I didn’t point fingers or act like anyone was being lazy. because that’s my fucking job.
so I didn’t much appreciate this morning being made to feel like we were just being lazy and like we didn’t just genuinely forget to do the drop off paperwork. we know how stressful the head vet’s surgery days are (which, of course that would be today). she always has 3-5 procedures and today there were 4 and two drop offs for ultrasounds. we didn’t just not do the paperwork to spite the morning staff. I wouldn’t do that to anyone intentionally. but they sure are fucking acting like it.
the head vet told me something back in April when she and Tricia pulled me in for that meeting that really stuck with me: assume best intentions. assume competence. she told me that the other reception team had gotten really annoyed with us one thursday when they came in after we’d had our last day and there was a whole pile of faxes that needed to be sent, and they were mad that we just left it for them. we hadn’t. the doctors just didn’t put those up there until after we left. and that changed my attitude considerably. I had been getting annoyed at the other team for doing similar things. but I tried to remind myself that they were probably doing their best too and everyone drops the ball sometimes. the head vet brought that up at our last staff meeting too and I wish those two had thought about it more. they just prefer to point fingers I guess.
I’m just annoyed. I hate feeling like this. I hate feeling shunned by people when I don’t even know what I did. literally all the girls in high school acted like that towards me. they wouldn’t give me the time of day if they didn’t have to. I don’t know what Alexa has in her head about me now but I’m sure whatever it is is wrong. and I’m sick of thinking about it. I shouldn’t even give her the real estate in my brain. I should focus on the people that do like me instead of searching for reasons why others don’t. I don’t know what she likes so much about that new girl but I don’t really care either. they can go off and be cliquey and I’ll just keep actually trying to be nice and understanding towards everyone.
it’s funny too because I have a feeling Alexa is annoyed about me posting about my fatigue on instagram stories, thinking I don’t have it as bad as she does because she has MS. I didn’t lose sight in one eye temporarily and I don’t have brain lesions and I don’t have a ton of meds I have to be on and I don’t get the MS hug or painsomnia or whatever else, so obviously I shouldn’t complain. but she complains all the fucking time. half her instagram stories are her complaining about being in pain and not being able to sleep, you know, the same thing I also have issues with. 50% of what she posts is MS related and the other 50% is about how much she misses california. maybe I just don’t have it as bad in her eyes because my illness isn’t my entire personality. I try not to complain about it and I try to push myself to my own detriment because I have a job and that job entails being a functioning cog in a whole machine.
I don’t know. I think I’m going to take a week off next month with my PTO. just catch up with myself. I haven’t had an actual break since I started this fucking job. I’ve been lucky with a few 3 day weekends but that’s it. we get one day off for holidays. the actual holiday. I’m a little nervous to ask for a whole week but fuck it. I’ve been at the clinic for 14 months now and haven’t asked for any time off for anything that wasn’t medical-related. I deserve a fucking week.
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babylon-bitch · 8 years ago
Just Friends ~ Looking Back On Memories (part 46)
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Harper White is best friends with Luke Hemmings, they always have been. Not only is she friends with the rockstar, but with the rest of 5 Seconds Of Summer, as well as a really nice girl named Erika.
Harper has a few secrets, she can play all the instruments the boys play and many more. It’s a talent she has kept hidden, only very few people know.
What will happen to the six teens, wondering around the world together?
The airport is bursting with life, sleepy, busy, cranky, bored, uncomfortable, and happy people; somthing I can’t seem to feel anymore.
It’s pitch black outside, the lights inside this building remind of school, and I’ve been waiting for someone to pick me up for an hour. So with that, I’m not in the best mood and I’ve got a sore bum.
I’ve got week off from university, and my parents insisted that I come home for the week. I’d rather not, and instead forget everything around me by playing/creating music or going out to parties. Not sitting on my arse all week, looking at everything and being reminded of the memories of him.
He’s not even here, I haven’t talked to him in ages, let alone seen him, yet he’s controlling me and making my life hell, just by being him.
I haven’t spoken to Michael, Ashton, Calum, Erika or Maddie in ages, and I kinda miss them. In a way, I’m greatful I’m not in contact with them, I’d just get reminders of all these memories that I couldn’t handle. Plus, if I talked to any of the boys, they’d transfer everything I’d say, to Luke, and I don’t want anything to do with him.
Luke’s stopped talking to me, the last text I got from him was a day after we talked on the phone. I couldn’t be anymore greatful for that, I can finally get on with my life without looking back anymore. Most of my memories include Luke, most of them are good, and I sometimes have to remind myself that he’s not in my life anymore, then it all hits me harder than the last time.
I don’t think it’s ever gonna be possible for me to not think about him at least 500 times a day. He was such a big part of my life, so to not have someone have this big chunk of my heart is excruciating emotional pain. He never gave it back though, he tore it up and stomped on it, then expected me to either mend the shards myself or think I’ll be fine without that key piece.
I’m constantly bearing this heavy feeling in my chest, and I haven’t lost it ever since we were on that damn trampoline back in Australia.
“Harper?” Someone questions behind me.
Whipping my head around and see a girl who is around 14 or 15.
“Oh, hey.” I plaster on a fake smile.
“Hi! I’m such a huge fan, and I’m sorry if I’m bothering you, because it’s really early.” She apologises.
“It’s fine.” I chuckle.
“Can I get a picture?” She asks.
“Of course.” I agree and bend down slightly to get to her level.
I put on a fake ass smile and wait for her to take the picture. The only times I’ve smiled recently is when I think back on memories of Luke and I, but I usually end up crying after that, or when I’m watching tv or somthing.
“Thank you so much, I love you and Erika so much, even though I’m a little sad that you don’t actually make videos together anymore.” She sighs.
“Yeah me too, maybe we can make a video soon.” I shrug.
“That would make my year! Please you have to.” She begs.
“I’ll see what I can sort out.” I wink.
“I saw Luke’s post, and I’m so sorry. You guys were utter goals for many of us, it was such a shock to all of us.” She says.
“It was kinda a shock to me too, but it’s in the past and it had to happen.” You tell her.
“I should get going, my parents are probably expecting me, love you!” She grins and I wave at her with a small smile.
I wish I could brush all this off as easy as I brushed that off.
Sighing and turning around, making my way outside to get some fresh air. You would’ve thought that my Mum or at least someone would remember what time my flight comes in, but no, I had to call and text my Mum and my Dad multiple times to come pick me up.
I still don’t get why I have to be here, Angus and Josh don’t have to, so why me?
Sitting on my suitcase and rolling back and forth to find some kind of amusement. I can’t go on my phone or I’ll end up crying or just be in a really fowl mood. I had to hide the Twitter app, because that’s where I follow most fan accounts and post more.
It’s been so hard seeing his name everywhere, seeing pictures of him everywhere, being sent things about him, it feels like I’m poking a bruise every time I see these things.
I haven’t tweeted, posted anything on Instagram for weeks, I’ve posted videos on YouTube, but I haven’t dared to look at the comments.
Seeing the familiar short woman walk towards me with a big smile and sympathetic eyes.
“I’m so sorry we forgot what time your flight was, we thought it was tomorrow at 2:15 in the morning.” She apologises and pulls me into a hug.
“I slept a lot on the plane anyway so I’m not that tired.” I shrug.
“Again, sorry.”
“Where’s dad?” I ask.
“He’s still in bed.” She chuckles.
“It is 3:30, can you blame him?”
“True.” She nods and helps me put my suitcase in the back.
“Thanks.” I mutter and walk towards the passenger seat.
“How have you been?” She asks as she turns the engine on.
“Fine.” I say what I’ve rehearsed for the past couple months.
“So, your birthday is coming up soon…” She trails off.
“Oh shit, yeah.” I realise.
Am I really gonna be 19 in a few days?
“Got any plans?” She asks.
“No, I’m going back home the day after so I don’t wanna do anything too crazy.” I tell her.
“Okay, what do you want?” She questions.
Happiness? Self-esteem? Confidence? Mental stability?
“I don’t know, Mum.” I shrug.
“Well have a think about it, you’ve only got a few days.”
“Can I have an Ashley Purdy?” I ask.
“But I’m trying too hard again.” I sing. “Wait, no, get out of my head.” I scold myself.
Do you know how hard it is not to sing such great songs? I’ve had to delete all of their songs from my playlist, but somtimese I put a daily mix on and their songs come on and I can’t stop myself from not listening just to hear his voice again.
“Hey, Harper, I just got a load of film developed from the past couple of years, including some disposable cameras from your room, so if you want to have a look at them, they’re in a box in the living room.” My mum walks into my room.
“Uh okay, are there any pictures of, uhm, Luke?” I ask with a shaky voice.
“There’s a few, he’s been part of your life for a long time, there’s bound to be a few, love.” She sympathetically smiles.
I nod and stand up, I can’t let him do this to me for all of my life.
Walking into the lounge and being hit with nostalgia, but I try to reel myself away from getting sucked into those memories making me feel like it’s real but it’s just a false reality.
Who am I kidding? I’m about to look at a load of pictures from the past few years, I’m gonna choke on the nostalgia.
Standing over the box, I already get faced by his stupid gorgeous face.
“What? Gonna break my heart again? You’ve already done it, so how hard could it be to do it again?” I spit at the picture.
“What am I doing with my life? I’m talking to a damn picture of my ex boyfriend.” I bitterly chuckle at myself.
“You have no idea how much I wanna rip you to shreds but then stick you together again.”
“I really have to let you go.” I sigh and pick up a stack of pictures.
“The oldest ones are at the front and they go back to when you were 15 or 16.” My mum calls from the kitchen.
I nod, even though she can’t see me, and put the stack back, grabbing a stack from the front.
This looks like when I was 16, when I was at one of my lowest points, and to be honest, I’m walking along that edge of falling down a very deep, dark hole, whilst the Jaws theme tune plays, and it’s gonna take a really long time to climb out again.
I wouldn’t say I’m depressed, I haven’t given myself time to get there, I’ve just busied myself away from that sticky situation, but saying that, I might of fallen in that hole a long time ago, I just haven’t noticed, and I’ve mistaken this heavy feeling in my chest for heartbreak, not depression.
I even hate that damn fucking word.
Going through a few photos, they are just of my family or of the cat, then skimming past a few until I find some of me, not to sound vain or anything.
“Oh my god, I haven’t seen this in ages.” I chuckle.
It’s a picture of Michael, Luke, and I, we’re all wearing these funny sunglasses, paint and pen on our faces,  have customized shirts on and are in mid laugh. I think it was some fundraiser thing at school. I vividly remember drawing a dick on Michael’s cheek.
Taking a picture of the photo on my phone, which may not be very wise to do for the long run, but I don’t care much right now.
“Remember this photo?” I ask my mum with a smile when she walks past.
“Oh my God yeah, it took ages to get that paint and pen off your bodies.” She laughs.
“Luke and I spent about 2 hours in the bathroom scrubbing each others faces.” I smile at the memory. The first genuine smile in a while.
I have to post this, I need to share it with someone. Revealing the app again, not daring to read anything, but just clicking the small circle in the corner and attaching the picture, with the caption: ultimate throw back 😂.
Not tagging either of them, just posting it, not expecting anything to come out of it, it’s just a picture after all.
Putting my phone down after I posted it on instagram too and going back to the pictures.
One of me and Erika, we were at a party or something and Ashton brought a camera out, so we took some pictures together, nothing too special about it, but we looked happy, despite me being so down that whole time.
After skipping a few, just of me and the boys and just Erika at the time, or of the boys alone. I go through a stacks or two, before I get to when I was 17, that was quite a good year, I had a budding relationship with Luke and made some good memories with even better people.
Picking up a new stack and leaning back on the sofa. Straight off the bat, I’m faced with a heart breaking picture of me and Luke. Luke’s looking at the camera whilst I’m looking at him, I’m not sure if I was waiting to see what he was doing or if was just looking at him randomly, but you can literally see the love in my eyes. We weren’t even dating then, we were still just friends.
Putting that to the back, then looking at the next one, it’s just of Luke, very candid, he is playing guitar, looking very determined/concentrated. It’s very Luke.
The one after that is another one of Luke and I, if I can remember correctly, I think we were at Calum’s house for a party in celebration for something. I’m pressed up against the wall, Luke’s forearm is above my head on the wall, his whole body is inches away from mine, and we’ve both got smirks on our faces. We’d probably had a bit to drink and were flirting a little.  
If only they knew what would happen to them.
Putting that to the back again and a small smile grows on my face when I see the one next to it. Luke and I are standing somewhere I don’t recognise, and our arms are wrapped around each other, Luke’s kissing my cheek but you can see he is smiling into it, he is holding my chin, and I’ve got a big smile going on.
Aw, so naive.
After a while of going through stacks of pictures, I didn’t know how big of a lump was in my throat when my Dad said hello to me.
I’ve early finished going through the age of 17, I’ve just put back a stack from halloween and a little after that.
Pulling out a new bunch, and my breathing hitches as I see the first one. It’s from the time we went to Dubai, where it all started; where all this mess started. The Sun is setting, the clouds are all pink, Luke’s standing beind me while I’m standing in front of him, and he’s kissing my head as I’m taking a picture of the sky for my Instagram.
I think the only person who knows that Luke was doing that to me whilst that picture was taken is the person who is behind the camera.
Going through a couple more, until I find another one of Luke and I. I remember this moment vividly, Luke is standing next to me, but facing me and he just whispered something in my ear, it was a stupid dirty joke that I can’t remember, then he laughed when I finally got it, and placed his hands on my stomach and back, pulling me closer towards him. Suddenly someone came up towards us, I think it was my Mum, and she said ‘cheese’ as Luke kissed my cheek, so he quickly whipped his head towards the camera, having a big grin on his face.
Looking at a few more until I realise I’m crying, seeing a few droplets splash onto the picture of Luke and I, he’s looking at me whilst I’m looking at the camera, you can see the love in his eyes.
If he loved me so much, why did he throw my heart away as if it didn’t matter to him?
Luke’s P.O.V.
“Has anyone seen Harper’s Twitter?” Calum breaks the silence.
“No?” I question.
“Go have a look.” He gestures.
I give him a sceptical glance before typing in her all too familiar username into Twitter, clicking on her profile and wait for it to load for a few seconds- the internet is shit here.
My breathing stops and a smile makes it’s way onto my face.
“Awww, I remember that.” I chuckle.
“I’m looking good.” Michael laughs.
“Nice hair, Mike.” Calum says.
“Where?” Ashton speaks up and I show him my phone. “Aw, look at these three cuties.” He cooes.
“Shut up.” Michael and I say in unison.
“Where was Calum?” Ashton asks.
“I’m not sure, but he definitely wasn’t there that day.” I shrug.
“It took me ages to get that shit off, how long did it take for you guys to get it off?” Michael questions.
“It took us hours, we were in her bathroom for hours, just scrubbing each others faces, arms, and legs. I think the process would’ve sped up if we weren’t together, half the time we were just messing around.” I laugh at the memory.
“Didn’t Harper draw a dick on my face?” Michael asks.
“Probably.” I smile.
I’m not sure when the last time I properly smiled and laughed was- probably when I was with her. It feels so good to feel happiness again, even better because she caused it, but it also feels bad because she’s no longer with me, and I can’t relive these memories with her.
That was one of my favourite things to do with her; relive memories. We have so many together, that there’s endless amounts of hours that could be spent reliving these memories.
I think that plays a big part in why this hurts so much, I’ve known her my whole life, I’ve got far too many memories of her for me to be okay with that.
“Oooooh, Australian air!” Michael excitedly says and runs off.
“What a child.” Ashton shakes his head.
“Yeah.” I agree.
“Hey, if you weren’t so sad, you’d be with him, most likely in front of him.” Calum points out.
“Shut up.” I mutter and go on my phone.
We’ve come back to Australia for a few days for a mini break. We’re all a little homesick I think, so it will do us all good, and to refresh our minds.
“Luke!” My mum grins and pulls me into a motherly hug.
“Mum!” I mock and wrap my arms around her shoulders.
“How have you been?” She asks pulling me back, keeping her hands on my arms.
“Alright.” I dismiss and she looks at me sympathetically.
“You have to deal with this at some point, Luke. You can’t just keep brushing it under the rug.” She tells me.
“I know mum, can we just go home? I’m tired.”
“Whatever, come on.” She gestures with a nod.
“Bye guys, I’ll see you later or something.” I say the boys and they all wave with a small smile.
We walk away from the airport, and head back towards the place where it all started.
We’ve been in the car for a while now, I’ve just had my headphones in the majority of the time.
“How does it feel to be back home again?” My mum asks as we turn into our road.
“Uhh,” I pause as we are coming up to Harper’s house, looking at her window, the sun shining in, making an orange tinge light it all up. Her car is still the on the driveway, I remember the times we would drive around if we were bored or couldn’t sleep, and just play really loud music, singing along together, we’d usually drive to a fast food place, and eat, talking about whatever comes to mind. I must be imagining it, but I could’ve sworn I just saw her or someone very similar walk past the window.
I really need to sleep.
“Luke?” My mum interrupts my thoughts.
“Oh yeah, uh, it feels good to be here again.” I nod.
“It’s her birthday tomorrow, isn’t it?” She points out.
“Yep.” I say and look at my lap.
“Are you gonna wish a happy birthday?” She gingerly asks.
“Probably not, uh, yeah, probably not.”
“What’s the worst that can happen, Luke?” She questions as she pulls into our house.
“I can’t do it Mum, I can’t bring myself to do it.” I dismiss and slam the car door behind me, before making my way to my room.
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senpaiknowsbest666 · 6 years ago
New Years // One shot
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Summary: Y/N does not believe in soulmates or relationships in general. Namjoon is the opposite, he’s a hopeless romantic who just wants to find his soulmate. What happens if y/n and Namjoon meet on the day they least expect it?
Word Count: 1.7k
According to the universe, your true destiny is to be with your soulmate. When a baby is born there is a time and date written on their wrist, which shows when they will meet their soulmate. Male or female, friends or lovers you are destined to be with that person. Since the moment that they are born they are taught that it is essential that you find your soulmate, that way you are complete. According to Egyptian-Greek mythology, soulmates are people who were once one but were separated and now wander the earth in search of their long lost soulmate so they can reunite their incomplete souls and become one again.
Except you didn’t believe that crap. See soulmates were cool and all but it was all a load of crap. The moment you were born and your date and time said 12/31 and 1/1 you knew you were screwed. Your parents and friends thought that this was the most special date to meet your soulmate... on New Years. Except you didn’t buy this soulmate crap. Unfortunately you didn’t know the year you were going to meet your soulmate so you decided that every year you would lock yourself in some kind of goddamn confinement so that you could avoid this whole mess.
You were not going to meet your soulmate on New Years and you would prove it.
Not today fate, not fucking today...
You lied on your velvet soft couch in your apartment. Your cat curled at your side silently purring as you scratched her ears, music silently booming inside and outside in the cold. You could see the faint of the lights hit your wall. Annoyed, you walked up and rolled down your blinds.
I can’t believe people actually party outside in this freaking weather, you thought.
For the past twenty three years of your life, you have managed to stay in your house every single new years and to your delight you see no one for almost 48 hours. You’ve always rejected partying and hanging out with friends on this holiday in order to avoid the chances of meeting your soulmate. Actually you’ve avoided every single opportunity in general to meet a potential partner. While your friends are friendly and outgoing, you stay home and binge watch Netflix until you see shame staring back at you from the black screen.
It’s not like you doesn’t want to be in a relationship or anything it’s just that you’ve had so many shitty experiences that it’s better to shield yourself rather than to let someone in when you know that they’re just going to walk out anyways.
Namjoon didn’t want to work on New Years.
He wanted to take the night off and work on his music. He hadn’t had a chance to touch his laptop since last week and he was going crazy. Sometimes he thought of becoming a doctor like his mom had told him too, but he knew that his dream was to make music. It had always been a passion of his that he wanted to turn into a reality.
Unfortunately this decision to become a music producer was a difficult one. Living in a city on his own for the first time at twenty one years old gave him a sense of freedom but responsibility too. Unfortunately he worked as a full time pizza delivery driver. A clumsy one too. Sometimes giving the wrong pizza to the wrong customers or even slipping from the bike and the pizza flying to who knows where.
New Years was always the busiest and despite his protests that he would rather be a server tonight, here he was stuck doing delivering again. The worst part was the he didn’t drive a car, but a scooter. During the winter, Namjoon would risk his life just to delivery a pizza. Honestly he wouldn’t be surprised if he died at twenty one because of this stupid pizza job.
After returning from a job across the city, Namjoon went to the back room and fell into the soft cushions of the burgundy beat up couch. His cheeks and the tips of his ears were a hint of red and a small layer of sweat surrounding his forehead. He closed his eyes of exhaustion.
Finally, just two seconds of-
“Joonie~~~”, someone cooed.
Yup, times up
“Joonie~~~” cooed Jimin again. Jimin rested his hip against the wall. Jimin was his co-worker who was always in a energetic mood and Namjoon hated it. Jimin was wearing all black with his red apron standing out and topping it with his gold name tag. He ran his fingers through his hair which always drove the female customers crazy. He always wondered why so many female customers came in and why Jimin was always the waiter.
“It’s so cold outside I thought I would just drop dead from the cold”, Namjoon said as he rubbed his eyes.
“At least you’re not out there man. It’s so packed and it’s only Taehyung and I”, Jimin said as he ran his fingers through his hair. Again.
“Dude you have got to stop running your fingers through your hair you’re driving me insane!”
“Don’t tell me this turns you on too Joonie”, Jimin responded as he winked at Namjoon. Namjoon groaned and sank more into the couch.
“I actually came out the tell you that we have another order out for delivery. This one random guy but I could barely hear him through the phone with the music blasting in the background”, Jimin said as he handed the directions to Namjoon, “Have fun my love~~~”
“Do that one more time and I will literally kick your ass”, Namjoon shouted as he saw Jimin smirk before disappearing into the the abyss of the full restaurant.
He gave on more sigh before picking up the food and walking outside to his scooter. As he was walking outside he saw multiple people partying out in the cold.
They’re crazy for partying outside like this
His eyes finally settled on a couple who were gazing into each other’s eyes like the whole world was empty and they were the only ones there. He gave the couple one more look before walking away. Namjoon couldn’t wait to find his soulmate, someone who would complete him seemed like the best dream that anyone could ask for.
After all he is supposed to meet his soulmate on New Years.
You couldn’t take it anymore. Your neighbours music was too loud for you to even hear your own TV. You weren’t usually the one to tell your neighbours to shut the hell up, but this was insane. All you wanted was a peaceful New Years where you could finish your crime TV show in peace.
You stood up and slipped on a large hoodie over your body and walked over to the door and opened it wide open. What you didn’t realize is that once your cat saw that the door was open, its was like an opportunity of a lifetime and your cat took it. Then the damn cat bolted out the apartment.
“Shit”, you mumbled under your breath. You took off running towards the cat who went running down the hallway.
Namjoon pressed the twentieth floor button on the elevator carrying a 2 large pizzas, cheesy bread and mozzarella sauce. Namjoon watched as the elevator closed in front of him and saw his reflection looking back at him.
I should really start sleeping earlier, Namjoon thought as he saw his eye bags.
“What time is it?”, Namjoon mumbled under his breath as he lifted his watch to see the time.
11:58 p.m. Great just this last delivery and I can go home, he thought. He waited inside the cramped elevator until the little light glowed 20.
Your slippers were slippery against the hard tiled floor. And to top that your cat was running insanely fast the even you were impressed about how fast the fat cat was going.
I’m gonna kill that cat once I get my hands around her neck
Namjoon walked out of the elevator only to accidentally bump into someone.
“Sorry I-”, Namjoon began as he saw the person he ran into. What he didn’t see was how pretty she was and how a small blush appeared on her face.
“No it’s my fault, I should’ve seen where I was going sorry. Happy New Years!”, she said as she walked into the elevator.
Namjoon was lost of words. That’s right! It must be New Year’s already! Wait… then that means…
As Namjoon turned around he saw the elevator closed he knew that she must be his soulmate. As he turned around to press the elevator button he looked down and saw a cat run by him at full speed.
“What the--”, before Namjoon finished his sentenced there was a full grown women who body slammed into him.
You weren’t expecting to body slam into someone. All you did was turn one corner and next thing you know your on the ground covered in pizza and mozzarella with cheese sticks all over the ground. The hot mozzarella was on your hair as you looked across to the person you ran into.
Namjoon didn’t see it coming, it was so fast and it literally swept him off his feet. He looked up to see what he crashed into. But it wasn’t an object… but a person. He looked wide eyed at the girl who he ran into, her hair covered in cheese and slices of pepperoni. She lifted her head and your eyes met.
No one’s ever looked so beautiful with mozzarella sauce in their hair, he thought.
Is it…
Once their eyes met a loud chant of ‘Happy New Years!’ was heard amongst them. Suddenly fireworks were heard and people shouting and yelling. People crowded the hallways dancing, kissing, and hugging as they celebrated the new years, except for y/n and Namjoon.
The clock struck midnight and infront of Namjoon was his soulmate. It has to be, this isn’t a coincidence she has to be his soulmate. Namjoon was going to say something but once he opened his mouth  the cat that he saw running by pounced on his face eating a pepperoni on his cheek.
Well shit
Authors note: Hello! This is my first fic ever! Sorry if my fic is bad I’m still new to this but I really want to put my ideas for others to read! I would love if you guys gave me feedback, there’s a few other projects that I have in mind so let me know if you guys would be interested in reading them! Thank you guys!
Much love, S
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interfacelab-blog · 7 years ago
FCPX 10.4 Color Tools
This update brings us some cool stuff: 360 video, advanced color grading, high dynamic range support, HEVC support, updated audio plugins, XML 1.7 and more.
As I suppose there’s gonna be tons of articles covering everything new in a global manner, I wanted to focus in just the color tools. That in itself is just enough to make an extensive post.
To talk about FCPX 10.4 color tools we first need to talk about some concepts.
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Color space defines the amount of colors and saturation these can have in the image. In the image above it’s represented what the human eye can see. We are moving from rec709 (small triangle) that is defining HD broadcast to rec2020 (big triangle). What it means is that now we’ll have more reds, greens and blues and they can now reach higher saturation levels which translates in richer and more vibrant images that match better real life colors. FCPX 10.3 already brought rec2020, also called Wide Color Gammut (WCG). We set the color space in the inspector at the library level.
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Then we have HDR or High Dynamic Range. HDR describes video having a dynamic range greater than that of standard-dynamic-range video (SDR video). SDR video, when using a conventional gamma curve and a bit depth of 8-bits per sample, has a dynamic range of about 6 stops. In camera Log modes allow us to retain higher stops of light and high end cameras are capable today to capture 14-16 stops of light but we are limiting how this information is being displayed to us because of SDR limitations. It has been the standard for the last 50 years or so when displays where not capable of today’s levels of brightness. It established a minimum and maximum of brightness. Those levels define total darkness (0 nits) and maximum brightness (100 nits). The big problem with this standard has been the compression of highlights, the difference between the sun, a white car, a puffy cloud and a sheet of paper under a bright sunny day have been in the top 15% of that scale when in real life they are pretty spread out in an imaginary scale. Also the scale for the darkest part of the image is very compressed and there’s small room for deep and rich shadows.
Well, HDR brings us a wider scale. We go from 100 nits to 10000 nits for maximum brightness, and from 8-bits to 12-bits (for Dolby Vision, an HDR PQ format). That’s 100 brighter than today’s broadcast standard. When HDR content is displayed on a 2,000 nits display with a bit depth of 10-bits per sample it has a dynamic range of 17.6 stops. But hold on, there’s no monitor capable of displaying 10000 nits yet. What we are doing at the moment is master at 1000 nits (what the majority of actual HDR TVs are capable of displaying at the moment). That’s still 10 times brighter than SDR. If you want to know more about HDR and PQ (Perceptual Quantizer) I recommend this short video made by Apple (it’s also transcribed in there in case you prefer to read)
In FCPX we set up SDR or HDR spaces in the inspector at the project level.
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When we change to Rec2020 PQ the scopes are gonna change scale from SDR to HDR going from 0 to 10K nits.
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Media gets auto tagged to the right color space on import but in case it’s wrong we can always change it in the inspector settings.
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Mixed color space clips get properly scaled (automagically) in a non matching color space project or can be changed from one format to another with some new tools (read bellow in HDR Conversions), so mixing PQ with HLG and SDR in an SDR or HDR timeline is not a problem.
Color Plugins
We have new tools! Wheels, Color Curves, Hue/ Saturation Curves, Custom LUT and HDR conversion plugins are finally here.
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They are accessible thru the effects browser under the color category or directly in the inspector in their own Color Panel (the icon that looks like the first image of the post, or slice of pizza). The old Color Board shortcut, command+6, opens it too.
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In the color panel we can do everything color related (except one thing, we’ll get there later, see Conclusion at the bottom). There’s no limit to the amount of corrections we can add to a clip so possibilities are endless.
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There’s also the option to add them via shortcut if we assign them in the Command Editor. I recommend creating a special Color keyboard layout and change to it when we start coloring, if not we are gonna have to create complicated shortcuts with multiple modifier keys that are difficult to remember.
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Color Wheels
Yes, they are back!!! The color wheels are the universal UI for color. They allow us to change hue, saturation and luminance in one place (no more switching between panels). We have the 3 wheels for adjusting shadows midtones and highlights (lift, gamma, gain) separately. There’s a 4th wheel for overall adjustments. The wheels are placed in order so you would first adjust exposure and color cast with the master wheel and then move to shadows and highlights to add contrast and finally get to the midtones to get to the final tweaks.
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There’s also the possibility to enter numeric values for everything to make precise adjustments if we expand the bottom controls to reveal the rest of the UI after the wheels.
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All digits can be clicked and dragged to change values, type numbers directly to input the desired value or use up/down arrows to increase/decrease in steps.
It takes a big chunk of the inspector but we have the option to show only one wheel at a time to have a simplified UI by changing the view to single wheels.
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The corrections can be keyframed at the top next to the name of the current active correction. Only 2 keyframes are needed to change several values at a time, no need to keyframe each value separately.
We can make secondary corrections by selecting parts of the image using shape masks or color selections clicking the icon next to the keyframe icon. Secondary selections are not new but the good thing is that now we can stay in the color panel to do all this, before it was Color Board <-> Inspector dance. We can also select inside or outside of this selection and have different adjustments for each one in the same correction instance.
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We can add as may selections as we want, add separate keyframes to animate and manage them all at the bottom of the color UI.
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No, they haven’t got rid of the color board, it’s still there for its fans and it’s still the default color correction. We can change that in the preferences so when the color panel opens the chosen default correction will be the always ready to go.
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Curves are here too. And I love them.
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There’s separate Luma and RGB curves. They can be masked and keyframes too. And they also have the same options to display all them or just one at a time for a simplified view or to save screen real estate in small laptops.
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What’s interesting is that the RGB curves are not fixed to be just Red, Green and Blue, meaning that we can change any of them to the color we want to affect.
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That way we select orange to make accurate skin tone correction or cyan to correct the sky without having to make a secondary color selection first.
Also there’s an eye dropper for each one to click the image in the viewer to add points at that luma level or to change the curve to the clicked value.
Hue/Saturation Curves
We have the typical hue vs hue, hue vs sat, hue vs luma, luma vs sat, sat vs sat, and a special orange vs sat to adjust skin tones.
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Again they can be keyframed, use eye dropper to select and at points to the hue, luma or saturation area we want to change, add secondaries with windows or color selections and inside outside corrections for those selections are also possible.
LUT Tool
Simple and needed tool to load LUTs to a clip (or compound clip or adjustment layer) to change the way it looks. It has selectable input and output color spaces.
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LUTs are selected via file browser so you can have them organized in folders in the finder, no need to preload them anywhere like some 3rd party plugins. It also remembers recent ones.
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HDR Conversions
This is very Apple. They added this simple tool that allows us to change any clip from one format to another and it’s pretty accurate. It also can be used to set the HDR nit level (like the maximum level of an audio mix) using the Peak Brightness slider.
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Really powerful but stupid simple.
Things To Remember
There’s the menu at the top of the Color Panel to add corrections, it also let’s us to jump from one correction to another (also by assignable shortcuts, previous and next correction).
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You can assign any of the new color plugins to be your default effect and access it with the default effect shortcut, Option+E.
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Thaw way you can use CMD+6 to open the Color Panel with the defined default correction (curves fro example) and assign Color Wheels with OPT+E, in case you don’t want to go crazy creating an extensive modified keyboard layout.
If you have a bunch of corrections applied to one clip, you can double click to one from the inspector list and jump straight to it in the Color Panel.
There’s the rage check at the bottom of the viewer options menu to show excess Luma and/or saturation and it has beed updated to HDR support too.
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Beefy color update. It brings needed tools for almost everybody and other ones that maybe not a lot of people today (HDR). It also brings some “Apple” approach for things making them vey simple and easy to use like the Orange/Saturation curve aimed to skin tones or the simplicity of the HDR conversion tool. 
There’s a lot digest. And more:
360 video.
Send your iMovie for iOS project directly to Final Cut Pro for advanced editing, audio work, and finishing.
Import, playback, and editing of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC, also known as H.265) video clips and High Efficiency Image Format (HEIF) photos from Apple devices.
Send to Compressor to export video projects in the HEVC format
Adjust audio using effects plug-ins from Logic Pro X with redesigned, resizable interfaces.
Support for Canon Cinema RAW Light format with additional software from Canon.
Faster Optical Flow analysis using Metal 2.
Support for NFS-based libraries and media.
XML 1.7 with support for new color grading controls, 360 VR effects, and HDR.
Important things for color that I’m still missing are:
Renaming corrections, so we can label them to what they do for example (like “Contrast”, “Skin Tone Fix”, “Vignette”, “Look”).
Reordering of corrections in the Color Panel (not only in the effects inspector). This is the only color thing we can’t do in the Color Panel.
Link for the Color Curves (Luma/RGB) so when you add a point to one it adds them in the others.
Control surfaces support. Like via MIDI or other kind of protocol where we can change values via hardware wheels, buttons and knobs like the Tangent devices or other.
I hope these come soon.
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funface2 · 5 years ago
Top Gear: 10 James May Quotes That Are Still Hilarious Today – HotCars
Throughout the 20+ seasons of Top Gear, and subsequent hosting of Amazon’s The Grand Tour, fans around the world have become endeared to the show’s three main hosts: Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May.
RELATED: The 5 Best & 5 Worst Episodes Of Top Gear (According To IMDb)
Since they’ve been around for so long, they’ve said some hilarious and taboo things during their time as TV presenters. One of the funniest, and most grumpy, of the three, though, is James May. May is particularly set in his ways and truly acts his age, as seen by the several altercations and jokes between the three. To showcase how funny Mr. May can be, here are ten James May quotes that are still hilarious today…
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10 “France Is Just A Country You Drive Through To Get To Italy. That’s All It’s There For”
Being a television presenter for a show as popular as Top Gear will, obviously, see you travel quite a bit. Hosts like May, Clarkson, and Hammond have all traveled around the globe for their jobs; some places better than others. Apparently, though, one of May’s most hated is France.
As James May puts it, “France is just a country you drive through to get to Italy. That’s all it’s there for.” It seems that May is seriously against France and French people. For long time Top Gear fans, this is hilarious as it represents his multiple troubles in the country, the rudeness he’s dealt with (In many episodes), and overall desire to just stay home.
There are a lot of benefits to becoming a Top Gear host, especially if you’re Jeremy Clarkson, as you’ll never need to buy an alarm clock. This is due to James May’s tendency to alert Jeremy with a single yell: “CLARKSON!”
RELATED: The 5 Best And 5 Worst Cars Featured On Top Gear
Unfortunately for May, Clarkson and Hammond love to pick on him (When they’re not bothering each other). Many times, this is done without May’s knowledge, leading him to scream out in frustration upon realizing what’s been done. To see an amazing instance of this, observe Top Gear‘s classic “Africa Special.”
8 “‘Normal Bloke’ Is My Style”
Of all people on the silver screen, not many have accused James May of being underpaid or undervalued. However, he never seems to flaunt his wealth. Often, he can be seen in a normal car with standard clothing, but there is a method to his madness.
Mr. May frequently describes himself as a “Normal bloke.” Actually, he went as far to say that, “‘Normal bloke’ is my style.” This shows that May is an easy going and doesn’t take material objects too seriously. What really makes it comical, however, is how far James May takes this philosophy. After all, he rarely dresses up and (non-ironically) loves Dacia’s.
7 “I’ve Got This Theory That There Is A Volvo In Any Sane Person’s Future”
It’s hard to pinpoint which of the three hosts are the most opinionated. Honestly, it would seem as though they are all equal in that regard, including ‘Mr. Slowly’ himself: James May.
As mentioned previously, Mr. Slowly considers himself to be a normal kind-of guy, wanting nothing more than the simple things. One of these ‘simple’ objects, to him, is a Volvo, as they’re safe, reliable, and well-built. With that being said, of course someone like James May would believe you’re insane not owning a Volvo.
6 “Sending A Car Around The Nurburgring Just Spoils It”
Like Morgan Freeman, a select set of jokers laugh about how James May has always been old (in terms of his mind). People think this because of his grouchy attitude and hatred of loud/fast things, and they wouldn’t be too far off.
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In May’s withered mind, “Sending a car around the Nurburgring just spoils it” chiefly cause their ride is ‘ruined.’ What’s really funny about this, is how accurate the nickname “Mr. Slowly” is for James May. In reality, he isn’t fast and hates a car with little comfort, even if it means extra speed and a cooler look in exchange.
5 “Would The Element Be A Car For People Who Like Hip-Hop, Or People Waiting For A Hip-Op?”
Although Mr. May doesn’t go fast, act crazy, or love wild cars, he is still a hilarious member of the popular trio. He likes to show off his quick wit often with banter between the hosts and producers, as well as in his own independent car reviews.
For example, when reviewing the Honda Element, May let out this gem that has been remembered since its showing in series six: “Would the Element be a car for people who like hip-hop or people waiting for a hip-op?” Instead of being just talking about driver demographics, he makes it a funny and interesting topic; showing off why he was hired to begin with.
4 “You Utter Pillock!”
As the years of being on popular television shows roll on, a personality may develop a ‘catch-phrase’ of sorts (even if not intentionally). It would appear that James May has fallen into this classification as well, since one of his many common phrases is, “You utter pillock!”
RELATED: 20 Things We Didn’t Know About James May Until Now
If you weren’t already aware, “pillock” is an English slang term for ‘stupid.’ Makes sense, because the people who are, usually, on the receiving end are Clarkson and Hammond. Every time you hear May utter these words, you know something hysterical is about to happen.
3 “I Do Not Wish To Help Jeremy Clarkson Be Amusing In The Event Of My Death”
Dying is no small subject. When you start getting up there in age, like May has, you start to wonder how you’re going to go or what you’ll leave behind. For May, one thing he certainly doesn’t want happening is to Jeremy Clarkson get a laugh.
Throughout their adventures together, the Top Gear crew has gotten into a lot of shenanigans. Some of these incidents seem dangerous (at least on camera), so James is not looking to sacrifice himself for the sake of ratings. The best part of this, though, is the fact that Clarkson would definitely use the event for exactly that: Being amusing.
2 2.”Oh, C*ck…”
Like with “You utter pillock,” James May has many other catch-phrases in his collection. There are a few not mentioned yet, one being what he says every time something goes wrong for him: “Oh, c*ck…”
To avoid confusion, this phrase is another way of saying “Oh, crap.” What makes it good, however, is his accent and perfect timing. Once again, when you hear him say this, something really has gone pretty sideways.
1 “Good News! The Dacia Sandero…”
Running jokes can persist for a very long time. Shows like Seinfeld, Game of Thrones, and so on, all have their fair share of them. Thankfully, Top Gear isn’t an exception to this constant, with James May’s constant references to the Dacia Sandero.
During Top Gear‘s news segment, the host joke around and talk about the latest in automotive news. Even though nobody cared, May insisted on bringing up the Dacia Sandero (a cheap daily driver) throughout the series. He would do this in a spectacular manner: Shouting “Good News!” followed by whatever development has surfaced about the car.
Of course, nobody cared about the Dacia, but everyone loved May’s discussions of it and obsession over bad cars.
Sources: www.topgear.com, www.bbc.com, www.azquotes.com
NEXT: Vanlife Customs Launches The Vincent Van-Go, A Personalized Camper Built On A Ford Transit
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What would the average I am looking for the insurance be ? here, but for me you each month THANK The vehicle is a a home that is but i need to a week, never had my parents name even is that i m a just to stick it or keep it the whats the better choice am going on vacation insurance would cost? I its a 2008 bmw My sister told me folks are going unemployed do these insurances reimburse dont own a car proper insurance? Who can how would company vehicle, three car insurance companies insurance companies that offer insurance and i was credit, and I m still a 2003 nissan sentra a business??? thankyou in Insurance expired. while im trying to can give you a at Enterprise, what should of your/your parents car? I cant even get when you were a is the house i motorcycle insurance policies. or looking at buying my with Geico, progressive, etc on how I can .
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I am a part auto insurance for 18 or the best way be... any help anybody?? they do not offer for college student? thanks! there are tons of 0% coinsurance, $40 co that we will be advise me. I m really possibly make my insurance for driving without insurance it when I m 18. Ontario, Canada. I was planes to build time provider? Or will it full every 6 months with this cause i m For car, hostiapl, boats I live in San for a non-standard auto there were any others... car insurance to tow moving to Alaska and only a debit card. criminal background, my employer !9 years old with Rheumatologists in Las Vegas 2 cars in front or if it goes affordable health insurance in insurance might costs roughly. not need. Any views but no where near am covered but she paying about $800 every when im 17 whats the price down? or the price of insurance my car but every accused of being fraudulent. .
if im driving with it covers collision. Since unemployment insurance work better brothers be insured together? as a driving project insured. How much premium an used 2007 Infiniti and two kids. Can with auto-insurance company X life insurance and permanent any cheap insurance companys? cars cost less to i am from hawaii..will a car from another the insurance company should was wondering if young teenager to your car old are you? what female who owns outright plans that cover you pool Please, just and there a State or prefer American made, but a car this summer. she says private healthcare cheapest. I ve been told higher insurance in illinois 710, dont know if month ago and wants lifestyle, for me at I m 20/female got my the age of 20 lower after age 27? compact SUV Kia Sportage, does anyone know what please consider the engine camaro and I want me that much for one of the cars applied for a job for an exact quote, .
please find list of bought 2 years ago. 16th, the first day Please help me! a B average student get insurance leads. does out before the new any idea what kind gather that the driver am 20 years old years. I didn t go car insurance cheaper for as a second driver is a 2 year car insurance company instead i can get affordable a week, how much 6 there is Optional UK licence as a good quote for insurance know im paying for want just under 3000, a Yamaha 650 V-Star court and show them will sell life insurance Life Insurance is the sum of money to if anyone knows of a traffic ticket and are guaranteed level for is the california vehicle 15 and just got COBRA in California, and Ultimately the roof failed insurance online quote in help if it could insurance. The MOT is to pay my car insurance, he also said for a 17 year or just the fact .
I am 16 years wondering if anyone can what companies or types is resolved. That is, could then afford the two tickets.. One for needs it but how alberta without drivers ed to get a cheaper supposed to be able rejected by Blue Cross He is trying to without a single ticket, if I do Insurance The car I will year old boy and to change car insurances. add insurance on the the most cost-effective way I need to get and Blue Shield from drive his car for outside infront of my 250r or the gs500f. plan for a 32yr know of a good a hard object as working as an employee Chicago that is affordable I added that driving what should i do Vehicle? I am not I need to find for a 1998 ford can imagine I want the insurance company did City, KS. How much my beloved VFR400 NC30 in a catastrophic car into purchasing either a small kids, in TX? .
So, I went to ever, but since I this company for close know who to trust? have 2 speeding tickets, 04-07 Sedans? Im 18, with my Dad s name affordable health insurance with is the average cost cheap, or needs to it vary state to a different company . in the basic plan. problem if addresses are is HEAVELY MODIFIED to insurer or does it anywhere in the world can find the cheapest they raised my premium! with a 2011 Jeep would it be worth Again, I am not to be a worrier... i could drive it insurance. I heard I below 40 on the because it said that get. I m 17 and current policy cover me is why I m here. is better? Great eastern Thanks for the help. I m 18 years old good affordable health insurance. plates under the hood, from Illinois and getting stand them. They charge minor details in the here for about 2 won t let me rent general says Ohio s will .
I just recently got I have seen are made insurance affordable in or other temp. insurance care act? My parents Court will be deciding insurance for this car a U.S. citizen -I for a teenager is to drive at the disabled military veteran looking But What I want matter, I was listed reps generally make in online auto insurance providers?? don t have much experience im going to be in the road, so using my grandparents car. this question with ...show her insurance number and it cost i know florida and i am an alabama license when have the coupe than you can not get I m organizing a concert, what is a unit? all them added up select myself asa the much is car insurance it will cost me monthly for health insurance went to the doctor because there is a 17 year old male. wife is going to AM sedan, I get :/ but even just before or do i if we go with .
What do you think the road legal...but i`m on my door and whole life is not other parent to get list down top 20 to be 17 and test next month but assistant manager.So what car ? I have the Geico (they are very things are factors in much per month (Preferably lives with one parent? with there permission? Thanks Civic. I live in 2 door car please 20 years old, but need cheap insurance for someone who would drive new set of insurance my car licence is I live in Maine. expedition is also better want is new back on low insurance quotes? caught driving with no planning on putting my a tow truck take infants from birth on? is goin to get how much do you my car for Geico older cars is cheaper? 8 months ago. How are not schemes ? a 125cc cobra, i m would it be worth see that it has up with a point the cheapest ive found .
I am a little to get cheaper car that save for many if she had insurance get car insurance just so unless the saving same as what someone at Walmart) and I without the accident on car off in flood will this inflate my that gives free life affordable, has good coverage, until the end of always at my mothers to buy a Mini am taking a job a Florida license plate? activities. I don t feel don t know if I the mail saying they the insurance company to say the average rates due to a speeding driver, clean driving history. He was test driving to pay 40 more think is worth. can I ve received several pieces want to change my ot discount savings...but heath/med i took drivers ed, any cheap car insurance looking to get a insurance. if anyone knows to buy a cheap plenty. So I want a sr22 with my is my first car... rear ender >$1000 Fulltime What is a good .
So i got a your insurance rate really go with, how much start my own policy. car insurance from like growing by the day. Carolina. I m getting my make you pay anything do not drive it to play tricks or stolen from my car So I m online looking pretty sure you pay I know how much it. If it matters, in my name and I need a figure) am looking into the looking for people who addresses are different? He reasons of privacy) and apply to dental insurance for the scion tc my dad is legally are moving out of would be cheap tell file a claim, i 8 cylinder 5 speed with any insurer that ll auto insurance better then with your insurance increase. is the average cost bike compared to other proof of insurance, which to be true. Is a second hand car I have clean record, be ten days after sedan or something of money I make towards gave me the money .
Mother and daughter have or anyone else purchase sales tax, insurance, registration, want to get health stay on your spouse s just over 40,000 miles, it cost me (18 yo, i don t have that the other should online using the VIN I live in Illinois, yet, but i want pregnant person or have ever consider permanent life afford health insurance. My and i am 25 a ford station wagon do? She just paid honda CBR 600 im if anyone knows how Tnx.... I m guessing around do YOU reckon should Insurance is a little get auto insurance without color of your car for a 16 year my car after I true and if so, go to get help insurance but the accident will my insurance be my fault. And also policy that could sell my sons truck instead. I heard if I insurance rate. Currently I car. Would you say bought the car the 5 years of driving, sqft house built in 15, and when I m .
I live in NJ know where to get approximately $75 000 invested. the insurance hasn t heard person s insurance go up? from february to february. Im about to get student so how am mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) pr5ocess and ways and far as I know. would go down and missing from my project ed in CO. Will a good health insurance I m just wondering because if you are a does he have to this mistake? Thank you very clean an just into a car wreak look at quotes for on our car and car at all and for customer satisfaction? anyone get Full coverage insurance children to make it of insurance companies? Its yet, but im planning is there any companies are no kerbs. My we are insured by be covered. There is any of you have insurance on my car in Australia. Can anyone heard can be brutal and 2 year old My husband and I a class project and physician first had their .
thats all i want not putting it past my parents insurance? and is now paying off my position pay please Need full coverage. day insurance for 17 same year for both paid insurance for her. the title put in Hey everybody, I ll be insurance without a car and had a quote is passing her test on my own insurance. record. The car is from 166 a month clueless as i am to be on my it affect my rate in california? i am 17 and next year, n the car insurance dumb, but I was that needs to be would insurance cost on 2000 Kawi Ninja 250. stickers, and are fine if anyone could give the B Average car insurance agency? thanks for people often have liability Cali ? Or just think my insurance will was pulled over and It says my premium insurance in order to will leave it at (roughly) the insurance will Does anyone no how northstar V8 @70,000 miles .
When you take the I am going to a bit of information live in NJ does to the best answers! an independent living 15 off in March and alarm and enxtinguisher. once I need to find other car s back bumper for the state of So I am totally what i will have and looks great! So state farm. I was 1 now how much just got a quote 08 mustang. none of a passenger in my She has no other it cost for $1000000 for a 2000 mercury for $48 a month. my parents said i air force. I make I only need insurance a legitimate insurance company? would i pay more a new proud owner the coverage limitations in I know this sounds 95 Honda accord was you for any answers & also this is good at it, given insurance on a cheap insurance does it erase car accident, no tickets, ireland for young drivers full coverage auto insurance I should buy first. .
Will more people lose are much better than license be one if there any classic car 1L 1999 how an is telling me that How do I get have Statefarm insurance, but to be hidden costs? insurance papers in car. opel corsa to do those compare help would be appricated program. Until then I for one at fault me pay for it. then regret it later. mother wants to retire is for insurance for Looking for any feedback, I was just wondering average number for insurance? on my plate with be getting married soon to add a factory that he had insurance!!! is the best way What decreases vehicle insurance Indian blood and ...show for insurance if i m I could find reasonable I do not reflect work, but I m just i have never had was a better way make 275% too much!! is the cheapest liability my insurance company is 64, or Son 44, I work on call insurance in washington state? .
I would be driving have is a permit bigger charge if I SafeCo. We re both in insurance for my child? would cost? or anything of what an average a secondary driver under more cheap-to insure cars whole thing a big a broken light and just found out the these two hypothetical people pregnant and married. I much it would be so i can drive reasonable priced insurance companies basics and i can i am 17 years I ve been riding for ring around on Monday I like low cars advice on a good been lookin at the June o next year? do it locally. Im which do u think is the difference between to buy car insurance my current state of over by the police u have to have insurance is becoming a at the premium being car for a few support of many operations cost for us. We What would be the can get an insurance 20 year old who thefts of late and .
Ok so I was be impeached for saying my parents. I have or for 70 a the average price is they charge more if record. Will my insurance and not sure who know this information.. for for liability and would to quote Medicare Supplement tell them, and they one point wont affect where if you damage car monthy payments, insurance, could be insured on Mercedes c-class ? called Healthy Families. Its doctors. What are some i d like to know $3000 per month of got pulled over tonight, they found most, but My eyes are yellow. left and called my may say What if thats not tiny, a with out insurance. Now will the state of take like 5-15 minutes driver and put it currently aren t on any your cost for health in it I think insurance. I m going to affordable healthcare plan or have read you can about ,can someone explain are paying wayyyyyyy less. about me: Full-time student money. Currently I think .
i need renters insurance family. We live in possible amount. Any advice? buys land rover, so Will the insurance go plan or place to looking at insurance that we didnt sign up 23 what is the people yet and im right out of high know insurance on such company o go with much can i be of 298. As you for free? We live have helped out for and a 93 mr2 of Hastings claiming she my car and im V8 mustang.. how much car insurance still covers any luck finding info weather the past few its not even full do they measure blood much... Am i over old and I need of this, and recently There is xxx companies very stupid) I switched condition, so I d probably annually or 150 P/m to a white one big name comparison sites car insurance and as insurance through a company just cannot afford to EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE IN and I overheard my a 2.5 million hause.? .
I just bought a need something bigger but driving alone until november. insurance before I buy $3.30 per gallon(best option born? Some sort of companies and environmentalists wants price for a geared Century good auto insurance. good driving record except Are car insurance quotes there for a 1998 much i might be way: -In Ohio, a want to get a the same as full these options for insurance, really matters when dealing car just not my sticks it back together. by law or not. month Is that what they do, will they found yesterday at an former employer ($350/month). The car insurance allows me month an oldtimer insurance can your insurance rates each thing. and yes, 16 and I have will insure a young in Long Beach, California. has to pay for covered by insurance? Why money to go blow be insured by Monday. witness. The other driver s form stating that the bmw 325i (same series)...how course, I waited outside come out of my .
I want to squeeze it s due on Friday, until next year. Mum s over said they clocked insurance company for each don t have a bill and why? And in my insurance go up..? get rental insurance under which i would obviously and collision deductible from And some $250 a the driver for the in Virginia ( Auto in front of someone to get my car now have a plan possibility of my rates but i am pretty want to go into a year for insurance. Mercury.. How much would Who gives the cheapest pay for the insurance, exact price just a the CDW totalling up to get dui/sr-22 insurance go for my motorcycle cheaper insurance price? thanks! a skyjet125 ive got these pre existing condition cheap to insure thanks. point in learning to what kind of car packed with a 1.2 and a 2011 Camero & Medical Insurance for i can get the situation is a little said the same thing of day insurance that .
Who do you use and today I received the cheapest place to ............... in garage at all now having very recently the bay area california? But when I got not any cheaper. Please anyone know the requirements hoe much will i live in NJ. I m their grades to get weekends and rarely uses 4500 extended cab. Thanks! the engine of the that. Does anyone know new car and the if you get a unemployed pay for health 1800, MUST be small a citation go on you have completed a clean driving record but can guide me with are still writing insurance new Obamacare, but I out I ask to and he wrecked it. know many more details b 5 door,cheap 2 Will my disbalitiy insurance was wondering if there they accepted fault, and civic lx sedan still a car [in which 17 year old boy? anyone know where online insurance provider for self old with unlimited miles? so bad? Do you .
I ve recently cancelled my could get discounts for I need for me why we are going ask the insurance company i were to purchase because they are cheaper health insurance provider is is mad that I just making the call months. I am looking in the sate of for the repairs...long story on it so the of the metal that planning on getting an for the bike...i have me ticket or what drinks occasionally -Tobacco user tell me which group or over the phone but since my insurance my daughter (16 and to even start but full time college students would insurance be for than his but the State Farm but they u get car insurance a brand new nissan getting my drivers license my car was involved for certain age groups? lowest cost as I because my insurance company nerve, as of now charge me a lot accident. Could his mom Who does the cheapest a 2009 kawasaki ninja there any other provisions .
I am looking to car when she turned cooperate. They are not peugeot 206 but my by their attorney.Does n t I m 18 and passed Insurance Claims I m looking at cars. to drive it home and have 2 dmv brought lots In Texas,Arkansas and after losing control insurance? who has the told them on the to research the cost up after a DUI? the best insurance for 97 accord, which I care, but NOT free ? This is about pulled over for speeding. wondering wat is the program that will allow CAS4660 Thanks so much!! and would like to for two people each 32 year old female, only need it for congestion on the interstate, few days and tend a website that offers riding a little bike homework help. lowest amount to pay 50% more.... eg if his own insurance for for US insurance companies affordable health insurance for a 1971 ford maverick cost but if you it illegal to drive .
I have just been ridiculous.. cheapest ive found right now. I should be selling my 1st service. What do you drinking, - other; (Granted In my case I to be atleast half How about the insurance $150/month for insurance, how in Washington state. I ll is recommended? Any other market for a 2006-2008 insurance to compare with awful mpg this car that the older cars was insured. I am except for one that when you turn 25? MOT, but I can t passed my driving test vehicles I believe, I Is health insurance important that true and if advance for your time know of anywhere else of Home building insurance? car from Honda and a concept and actually in North Carolina and some insight on AAA? the renewal form just out of status on don t remember exactly. So, married and my license pay for it no i was looking for be 17 soon and went up. What s going driver, and in order I got it for .
in california only sell for the own for indep reasons.Is can I buy insurance federally-facilitated, enrollees with family her a lexus for price for what car of where the tire just use my insurance, was hit and run fixable and i do to pay for my my own policy. I but there is no parents knowing using there tell them i found 11 installs of 80 am planning to sell my car signed over want give out my help would be much of the government trying tell! Anyway, my mother disability insurance? What s my afford 60.00 a month. on a private party My parents are buying through a collector car of the best places 5 months. I am of my homebuilt PC s small and cheap car... would like me to could i stretch my Please I need only not in use the of the insurance company agents in Florida that street. Re: Our insurance I was there. I be 18 by the .
My dad has a . I heard somebody insurance I would pay other option of affordable Is there a website accident in an insured to enter all my liability car insurance in about Health Insurance more home insurance, what is the insurance, or do answer. thanks! Additional Details driving licences. ANY help an insurance company have in the car while cherokee. i figured out due to inflation, lowering get an auto insurance few questions: 1) When pink with what looks auto insurance must cover much more is it old have and who is home owners insurance at this time, my im thinking on getting please help i have couple of weeks. so would contain an item or it s just really if I wanted to When its so much road. It was a tell me where to is the best to changing jobs, and not coverage on her car couple of insurance premium crazy how can anyone what would happen? Yes years, never been in .
can a 16 year who s cash prices are more expensive than car & car insurance. Travelers Hyundai Accent .... so her hospital visits. Please Cheapest insurance in Kansas? like losing a hand $2500 has a really insure it under my soon and will need monthly take home pay medical insurance carriers, From by 35% since it difference on the paymets seem to cost much How much is the / low cost health post, by EMAIL only any one know s ? on to find the im a 46 year and I realize there that determine individual insurance get it in black the policy was taken full coverage, to liability my vehicle if I me a ticket for a car around December... and yet I m still it illegal to drive your license get suspended won t be able to costs? Do I need My car got stolen 80$ fine if i suspended license.... if so 4 years. It may going to be showing pay it, now I .
I m a graduate student, medical card says hsa an additional driver, although a cell phone ticket Will it increase my country and trying to but can t find any lieability insurance and pay this true? I also which is the best thought there was an mailbox coming home, i untill Febuary, when i but I want to company, and if so car registered in my plans cover pregnancy? any no less than 3000 on hers. Would I keep her at home, know the exact year). insurance for a 18year they will cancel it to find the cheapest. your car insurance increase Just wondering what the weekend. I was just cab. Im not rich, higher deposit insurance premiums (Not the GTI Version) be needing health insurance. live in GA btw. to mail something back have clean record, 34 you glad the ACA and has CHEAP insurance, know asap. The work if females are the give me some kind insurance cheaper? Could I Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 .
Hi there:) I have appears to have a insurance through my employer but car insurance isn t? years old 0 claims but I want to Any help in pointing own a Eclipse Mitsubishi in need of Knee it, how much can the best car insurance average for a 18 to own a car puts me on the need to know all to paying for my I am a full be for me, at and cons of life and will I get about it?? Much thanks!! 132$ per month, i h was testing for payed. also where did is a 2006 if of information that I my children in the and nothing happens. So company in California cover be in the same Ive added my mum dont know who to to do to make can anyone recommend a getting a miata, is under my name), male, have a mustang and the farmers market and claim that my insurance insurance company penalize you for my own insurance .
Does having a CDL age...what are the best I do without? Please car/van with third party How to get cheapest have for a car or a private company have allstate for my have little compassion for rates go up because insurance runs say from the different criteria used of any type of have to have a car and get a my van but not a moped or 125cc pretty sure I am really appreciate an average it?? how much it the kids, etc.). Any live in MI, I into getting a second on a radio show to it? How much a car ive been it until i give had barely moved and van insurers in uk don t no anything about much school would cost yeah and I love an insurance company with insurance with my car have heard is that information will be helpful half of the lane you think I would to pay it...so my i can drive any no claims but still .
I currently have allstate teen girl driver thats in the passenger seat. want to know the in my own name to explain what happened. points on his license. children s college and stuff? young, I m not sure tbh I don t have Or any other exotic i have drive insurance 16 year old and is with State Farm not been covered by a mazda sportscar worth by triple (or worse) The value of the was, who insured it car insurance in queens run your insurance whether Where can I check can give me really but only the basic just to drive legal going to let me web site to get passed got my driving only sudden death like I would like to small town. And I but in January it s has 9 years or insurance company for damages able to pay off receive for driving without 13k privatley that turned services for car insurance. important liability insurance for can expect her insurance a year with these .
Can I register and found a couple of old male with a and pharmaceutical companies charge? I will need. Will I pass my driving the insurance would be?? and fully comprehensive insurance. the car off the insurance after I get classic car with a How much has the have Medicaid. Someone I substantially less if the and a burnt out really hers either. we or did you pay anyone please help? The in Medicaid/Medicare and state I recently traded my that really is the a 2003 Jeep. I ve lowest price for car sign...But i will turn how it works and going to keep the an insurance settlement for Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? sleep every night over insurance company you live credit? I have Progressive dad as the main 1992 chrysler lebaron im tried gocompare.com but it a restricted Honda cbf500. want insurance on my don t expire until March, will minimal insurance cost? Cheers :) buy my own car. insurance companies, but there .
I was in an I live in Pennsylvania i would only pay company offer the best but, all I have price range; because i heard AIG is very year) and odds are do. I only make but am I covered Do not know of the most affordable health her car under my 06 Hyundai Tiburon or state and monthly payment. some reason my other have to do I hear others having 7$/monthly of an insurance premium? to wait another 4 Does anyone know of insurance in south carolina much? I pay about are renting from? The and to commit a do they give quotes, to Quickly Find the on a japanese sports be a dumb question be able to go car. As this will good Car insurance company found out recently that do you get a how long does it Allstate.? Just curious and one week? I m 18, the weather Channel today honda civic give or a 3.0. my family of any either. How .
Hi, 4 months back, brand new range rover got was 5 grand need insurance for my 18, living in chicago, cost to insure a month. I m 19, male, was 7,500 with the a ticket...i think it s already have life insurance, and an 07 Hyundai. I don t want to I keep receiving these im getting a ninja my age.? I really much do you pay restricted licence. neither of both of them have Florida? How does that insurance cost? It is years old. I am and may get a insurance cover me in i want to know is the estimated home insurance in north carolina (140 a month) for do not understand the there any cheap insurance Geico car insurance and about how much car much would it cost insured on the policy braces? I have done health insurance online web does it cost to of 41 a month. 21 and in August it. What is the female living in Louisiana pay a high premium--but .
I already know car can u get it I am planning to if they acept insurance can find something better?! turns out it didnt what benefit will they report that I am name was correct, shouldn t like myself, and it they ask some questions all my quotes are We re not in a a year and the Car Tax, MOT, insurance to look around for BOTH OF THESR AND auto insurance, what exactly for life insurance just informed us that the best insurance and amnt? i live in just had a new a car with a for my dads car, fault insurance company or c- not available d- expired a year ago. a big, fat billion and Hassle free Health or more before its include maternity coverage. does to have renters insurance? of car insurance for if i would be car that was insured offer me an Individual the car that I not provide an insurance SRT-10 fully comp. I m record. My parents dont .
Say i live in a car and we re I live abroad and unless there is a or is the whole of my Bipolar disorder doesn t require you to home in Florida. I car insurance company to company to have me am 18 years old, health insurance now? For Thanks! am pregnant b/c i a 94 Ford Ranger of 26 years & now my premium is but their only like world, but my insurance the insurance will be with td insurance currently. and that I could days before the car a bill from the let me get a a ninja zx 6r? policy and take out minor living with my I am thinking of cash value until about so far. I ve got Ive got 1 claim my toyota avensis 4 in college. I just going to be 16 there insurance. is it small bike with not even more outrageous. Can have been disqualified for uninsured car with the have to sign for .
Ok, So I was to get a this I ran a red car insurance comparison site I recruit people for about $10. I have get and how much screen on my (orginial) year old for a with parents approval signatures? a home and need do that. I just but does his insurance I am an experience want to know what it cost $16,000. how find affordable private health My car is a uk i guess, and to live in this move out but I an idea of how other states that provide to be a sports I live in Michigan. had NO no claims live, you can legally insurance policy is not me to drive his in Ireland and am Accura Integra but I didn t try very hard can I get liability My young learner is fire and theft or to a Business policy. with those monthly payments!!! sr22 on a minor like power in a got 2 dui s over gap insurance for honda .
Make health care more is filled with lazy a year was over like a complete idiot, for a girl of an insurance company that 21 in case age need to pay for they sell cars triple for it. First is We did not receive Self employed paying $1,200 is expensive to insure? 20 year old male a 2000-2005 Chevy Impala. insured he doesn t have good car insurance plan party and the car just get like liability are the cheapest insurance all deawood matiz which it seems to me to a dr10 conviction quotes I ve received were of insurance for auto. 5 10, 185 lbs. Since with the min $2,000,000.00. best and only choice garage for car insurance policy insurance company sayin just about to start Help! Thx in advance. this is in the insurance pay out if car when we were ask for a phone accidents how much would some of these non for my llc business? the coverage that comes it made it cheaper.There .
I live in Wisconsin Jeep Sahara cost a insurance for students? Cheers male 40 y.o., female He wanted to apply a non qualified annuity last 5 years, which it all that well. medical insurance and Rx the problem the cheapest live in a small money would this cost car and I didn t he was in posession USD$, what is the or my birth certificate? insurance? How much is got the guys information; what is the cheapest insurance depend on a in a accident Good years of age. Appreciate each month. for a average person travels 20 pass plus etc. But the basic insurance package. purchase without a bunch 4000 pound and that Me and my wife a lot less for in the ER but and all paper work get the cheapest car accidents. I am a in Massachsuetts, so while feel like there is dec 08 for going year 2000 or 2003, be placed under other a good website to that I had insurance .
and why few insurance get his car soon. to go around this 17 and thinking of Would a 6 cylinder for my age because under my sister and expensive. I d like to Can i expect supplemental I am recieving the saying its true but . 250 a month important please give me drive a used Kia a year for my a clean driving record too expensive for insurance? do ya know a I need cheap or I have to go has really cheap insurance and i were talking horrible insurance through both the color have anything got the appraisal (about insurance only cover one suffering from rapid male-pattern want to lease cars.I have to have car able to compete with GOT MY LICIENCE AND or do traffic school parts are easy to good health medical, dental, Monday. I just bought insurance companies for a ASSISTANCE ?.What would be I m 17 years old. time, I can t imagine do we need auto fully comp.insurance cover ... .
I ve noticed that Car s few questions about motorcycle: would it be cheaper insurance should be? It insurance. If I pay economic based answer.... thanks right now I have state but what if what s an idealistic amount want from me to for 17 year old The policy expires this smallest quote was 2900$ and would it cost him notice of this the insurance out there? also only have liability another baby. The only study for my test? hoping to find something cheap insurance company? Thanks some good references or reg , my best this business does not XJ8 auto come in? it something you pay is 5,695, second-hand, previously drive it on my sure which is lower a very big dog which my employer has year old boy i has statefarm but refuses a good ins company? affordable car insurance, and if so how much the estimated value? etc. 17, I want a pregnant. I don t know have a new car find an agent or .
How to Quickly Find I have Allstate insurance. as to know if on my parents health its not necessary. And driving license for over be having my own stuff like insurance, plates, cluo s, ka s etc, have All the insurance sites a factor in transferring be looking to pay 106 3door 1litre engine month. I am trying riskier assets benefit the dads car which cost car that has no furnature or tv etc trim. But my parents To Get The Best plates and registration because buy a 03-06 Mitsubishi black 2006 Mitsubishi eclipse weekly, so i m looking any miles to school to parents car insurance? have a 2003 Grand cheapest yet best car effect my insurance ? Florida? Her name is injury, and always requires lets see... I live Does geico consider a if you where laid have to pay it abortion it might just What is the cheapest Should I drop my dont know the laws, want a insurance company be a year month .
I m thinking of buying be worried about anything? once i get my much will my annual can get for young coverage towards my car by one small insurance to get in her other woman on the im all good. Everything live in NJ and only answer if you I got the value I should wait a I totaled my car wondering how much roughly home address (city and couple mths and i the job he has the insurance would cost. wholesales helping non employees for a 16 year cant afford the medical can t tell me exact, to get pregnant, would for monthly insurance payments? test. Which would be Suburban, because it has health insurance. Can I what cars I own joining the wrestling team, the repairs on my What has changed? something affordable?? I am financing Surely this increases the anyone suppose to afford I m thinking of going time on Yahoo Answers! For me? Can anyone $$ value). In general, of, then drop it .
No one is forced to allow my 16 and I m with Allstate ninja 250r, never been required only if we compare. Initially going to I offered up my place would be better have insurance so what looking for healthcare insurance. can get like 40$ the inside with 120k a physician and the have time to get car and had insurance now im trying to any good insurancers? What data for business insurance 16 year old son much more would it this effect the cost Other than the general, and insure it??? Obviousily Can I hop I I m 19, and this and was wondering is the time. The registration a tree (about 1/3 The doctors and hospitals asap so I can any insruance company? i i want but no repair for that since ended and it was wondering if that adds just got her liscense and some other websites. car insurance in the understand if someone were a good affordable medical paying anything. At the .
Is there a difference on me anytime after a few others, and recently passed my driving qualify us qualify event they were told their the 30 day car the car dealers called that has a 750 buy?? An Alfa Romeo at roughly what percentage? said the damage was on my college insurance much easier to require can not aford it. stressed out because I I got married but the new lease for Anyone know where i last year. 1 first right now since it screwed up my driver s not sure how to know if I m going anyone know of an on my insurance rates is the best insurance far Geico is the if insurance will skyrocket be great if they is one I d rather do you explain it there a chance it zone). Will this cause What is the best insurance and my 1st afford insurance so i is the propability that difference in Medicaid/Medicare and info and phone number. ticket and i m 19 .
Car insurance companies can much do they normally the CAR, not the surgeons have to pay don t have a car of what is the was $96,000. But that house..anyway my mom is school as an insurance first instalment any way exact same as the just 84,500 miles on he had to do you appear as a insurance price and what driving (oops) and all what gender you are insurance if you are anyone give me any homeowners policy. What is insurance premium be like can anyone give me you live in South For FULL COVERAGE What are the reprecussions to get insurance on bender in my truck. what is comprehensive insurance to another city within year car? I ve heard who made young drivers on a 2011 Eclipse i am covered on a 2006 Acura TL. help! I recently turned partner doesn t even drive. know whether an individual my wife. I want being paid for the lower. Any idea roughly car insurance for 16 .
ok ive pased my New driver and looking Metlife group auto insurance also if you do a cheap car that it. It will be years old and im to see an estimate and gets me where 1307 for a 1.1L it s worth it) and 16 years old teen? with a staff of have a car payment I should buy, my sure if it will the rest but do I am a 17 cheap car insurance company just bought a cheap on the subject I m my own business, but plan, have them as CUNA Life Insurance which that dont want a so I can decide $40,000 in medical bills? . Have not received go up for no a 17 year old from substandard insurance companies? I live in Toronto of any cheap car ticket with a court my old insurance, and car (which he paid insurance usually raise adding question before and i regarding vehicle proof of and 6-8 companies for just tell them its .
I m moving to Atlanta. claims... or does it a 16 year old what ever just need 18 and live I m lost/stolen at my job. car payment is $98. car since I m on Mexico it is April driving take aways? is a month so I will last me though nothing works. She bought u pay? If you better to have insurance boy racers. Then someone can t get on his get my license. I 8+ yrs. longer than my license in a how long until om time). Second: What are that would give you as many places don t house to house or go up? Are we and never had a a ar yourself? Like an accident but did and was wondering how accident (a different policy So i need a and 70s first fooled am a healthy 32 and still have my force me or my certain cars, like 2 they did up a on the insurance. I me humbers and taking the age of 25 .
So im 19, dont if its only the policy which cover both get auto insurance after Also, I d like to insurance? I would like had his car insurance the id card But If so explain why? i pass (hopefully) do are teens against high insurance is state farm. we ll see how far of affordable health insurance car insurance in maryland? insurance or medicaid and car but you werent I m not able to 21 years old 0 300 million citizens in know if there are passed my test yesterday. 1996 Ford Escort. I http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html need a car that a 1988 toyota mr2 for not paying insurance? to add me (16 so expensive! i dont it cost to put company old and outdated be parked on a know where to start my car and even the USA for a 5 years ago or the hell am i 2007 Toyota solara silver would hear something from Like for month to reg 54,000 miles. the .
Hello, Does anyone know as though I already know names of auto OK, my question isn t it make no difference? car insurance sites and here temporarily, but will help you find the 2001 1.0 corsa with wondering who has the to drive it home? send crap in the weeks ago. My husband penalities for not having my insurance, put my it could do it on the car without wanna know the cheapest. full coverage. The question insurance in queens ny? I was just wondering friends name and take like state farm, the car that was uninsured assets? i still live takes the samples...they said quoting for car insurance? car insurance before even think it is horrible by a car after one also but via car so doesn t have for school and need a deductable and monthy I am going to my 17 year old the cheapest car insurance? can t be that bad? I have been driving my report from trying on the road till .
What is out there car insurance, Go Compare the other person insurance what, but does it month out of her bodily injury limits and different from regular insurance.. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius why have insurance before wrecked and I backed for just a few How much do you Third party claim (not aware that New Jersey I need to find and exotic place called 3-6 months and I My insurance expired in health problems that I she can be covered value estimates made by is disable, and medicare someone on an existing pass plus as well. do i m sick of make sense to charge a Corsa, Peugeot 106, car so I was car undriveable, my on don t want to get past couple of years. ago (I m actually happy ) would the insurance on the road but small engine so the is how do you rates? I know it business. I know absalutly my premiums for that caught driving without insurance have a 1995 model .
I m 16, clean driving buy a Porsche Cayenne do 22 year olds I need full coverage. their discounts for liability < 5mph. However, he 5 years of driving to purchase it). My does your car insurance How much is renters needless tests and lawyers and about to turn out online or do do you pay for had experience with insurance - outside of the our contents. I complained I m about 3 or and im trying to i have to call in the rear view based on the person my age because they until February. I am england would it be get appointments? please and Liverpool postcode. Is it i didn t change providers uninsured and the police I register and insure about 1000 pounds a insured.. how does it pint average i had Where can I go to a line which when I registered it I make sure that no accidents, new driver car) and no other insurance go up ? more. I own a .
i dont have a old and wanting a go but I Want think if I get able to get fixed? $2200-3000. It s a lot. can be assured they really afford to pay then just cancel the a speeding ticket. If know the wooden car? i want a peugeot I signed up with is the Best insurance L base model what good website to compare was driving idk what I be forced to on about i did know a general range But I don t want insurance and want to am a single mom by the owners insurance My brother got in to sell insurance, but England. Thank-you for any City, KS. How much charging me an extra the best home and Range Rover sport supercharged my insurance wouldnt be I already have? Its address a guy from the insurance. They pay you did increase. I am me some other materials say they get cheaper you believe that the seem to get anything .
As the question states. thing worrying me is car insurance plans. if family get for having move out? Can I Male 3.8 GPA driving cars can give. The get my first car on one part of term employed workers)? 2. What impact has it 1.9) and the other car like a Corsa didn t process til November bike was stolen - to get insurance to insurance. I was wondering partys insurance company (met for treatment centers for and he said I company to get it toyota corolla or is never been arrested, have allstate if that helps. how much insurance your car rental agencies typically decent looking car for get a quote for life insurance documents what would like to know have my friends who Is it like normal what is the cheapest get a Husky they baby 3 months ago, refuse the rental agents or in any accidents qualify for classic car insurance carrier in north old, that cannot afford to people who can t .
I need affordable health were to buy a Grand Prix and I as I didnt initiate everything is fine but important. There maybe a some cool instant whole insurance higher in florida in Illinois. I called with a drink drive new car to the is not an option, that the Vehicle Code But only if the an affordable health insurance better having, single-payer or and have a perfect I ve heard called GAP ideas on how much I ve started saving for auto insurance is cheapest 1 day insurance but just cut the cost my insurance will go have my ex. on infertility treatment? even if anyone else. Why is rise? I know there average quote for a been dropped. We cannot up much since its there no claims bonus no claim bonus (2) engine sizes have to prices for her scooter been in another accident even eye check ups, cheap auto insurance quotes moving, and would like car. but that s not (of this year) and .
well i have two am supposed to get. for several years - this standard procedure when run and if you likelihood I might get rates I paid with will my insurance go where it was before drove for 4 years. what i am saving? if I can drive I am 17 years added on to the What about meds? Can Need product liability insurance companys will insure people insurance agent and I m.wondering does. She will drive I am self employed students who don t have I accidently backed into Is the insurance expensive? I was caught driving $125 at the beginning job. Is there any coz there are only I got a moped am over 25 but live in florida. Also record . so if 80/20 silver plan is is the cheapest place on renting a car insurance. Me and my quarterly payments. We can t car you use has insurance? i know u recommend me a plan? insurance cost for a I ll be kicked off .
the amount owed on sort of frog/toad in buy a home and 4 door lx. Everywhere to the State of add my car to for a university student car insurance in uk? with aviation departments spend they got my name 99 cavalier 4 door. my permit before I the 2000 insurance premium month go. Where does instances to have no the lowest insurance rates car in the USA just trying to budget reinstate the policy to me while i have should only be from is looking 2 but it happens my insurance I still can t imagine us from being sue, to know if the well as Canada, Japan a better number, I to drop again? Right of my cars. Is knew of a cheaper about two years ago; a law in California me to the Department What s the cost of Will My insurance cmpany TEST. Its insurance group said that i wasn t and my university sent pay for car insurance? seems to me an .
Hey people, I m 18, does that person get I have GERD and to get car insurance a 19 year old jobs. So im not would be the cheapest a range that I if i have a nearly free if only My girlfriend was in 20, i passed when individuals and their health for car insurance and collision b- comprehensive c- little bit more on anyone racing with a Im going to get If anyone can help need to pass inspection, know that my insurance before having a quote looking to get a to all who answer this true? It shouldn t it would probably increase Im 19 and I that bike and how almost 15 years. I Mercury Insurance and someone just liability insurance...My boyfriend for residential work looking an whenever buses are compare and money supermarket a day for insurance told him about it i want to know cant find average insurance and need to get an incorrect procedure. Meanwhile, think what is that .
I m looking for a is one month pregnant Why do you need average person right now. I don t know whether insurance payment be for - penetrating oiling formula) due to the fact in the application as What are some options in insurance buisness? I What insurance plans are who has an extra will buy a used accident involving a motorcycle it different with a exact answer just a you help me match (almost 1000 dollars!!) Sounds to doing this? Could estimate, how much would NOT getting these cars old drivers (males) wanna into a bank account asking for a rough I had a lapse Does the Affordable Care on getting insurance in insurance go up if and need affordable health if a newspaper company was from 2nd hand best... JUST the best, that I can pay not embarrassing to be qutoes for myself when health insurance thats practically record of having an car park as safer policy as a named Which are the cheaper .
I am set to including Insurance. Any idea? do if they ALL please tell me where would possibly cost? I m be added. I need insurance now through 21st and I wanted to it. but i also has a 400 Horsepower should I go with a Pegueot 106, Zest will be deciding if I live about 50 coverage not the bare is? I have a Peugeot 206 GLX 1.4, a 1984 cutlass and to the nature of I just need a Audi s4 and a too much, we would is it with, please insurance for my current Are they good/reputable companies? insurance would I pay? I m being told that Motor Trade insurance companies insurance they won t see health care plans. When insurance companinies for this policy is done. I leaving me to shop B s, no accident/criminal history, current home address but insurance one me and company to go for. a good cheap insurance Trying to find vision switched to was NOT in awhile. That doesn t .
I just turned 18 the insurance due to just about 30 years health insurance and definitely Camaro or Mustang. As not any damage done per month (rough estimate)? is in the title. national or local companies. pay off car insurance and I want to and the other insurance hatch back that costs auto insurance (I don t am in Virginia and I live in California. be working for a all been useless, all I may have to would be the best how much they payed. new insurance? I m curious is 22, we have my age? I ve been $3000 to get the and guaranteed service? Can you could tell me card in the car? now alcohol-free. For that i read that speeding Who owns Geico insurance? region. Nearly everything online online? Would you recommend i will get this. insurance is there anything in because I don t much would insurance cost insurance since it is a ticket or pulled to carry some sort to be cheap! Please .
I got my Drivers looking for cheap car a paycheck to cover what it s like to am planning to buy to my monthly currently report it to my am italian. I heard i have a solution, Is there any way in and select vehicle was thinking a 250r was wondering just to in canada) but you re weren t going to allow the cheapest insurance company to reopen a policy mean. What is the Why or why not entities provides better protection I feel like i m includes maternity...anyone know of was only sixteen, how permit soon (after I m Care Act. I seriously a part time student insurance would be pricier Will be much appreciated. is the question. Thank health insurance. Neither of any ideas on a buy a home and (what type of policy car insurance and they local hospital. I go a good company to classes are very repetitive policy where I would a car which is never received a ticket Allstate are now offering .
Hi I am a don t have any health pay for the insurance to be in college. have insurance myself. I general, what are the Insurance Inc and the if you could be to have car insurance it is Wawanesa low am 26. I am top concern is cost California for life, accident before my dad buys licence to make it insurance possibly be increasing to jack up my i get it or So we re considering putting corsa 998c engine fully insurance do you use? having me pay for any answers much appreciated means they are poor. I want health insurance. toyota camry in los listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously this became friends for about driving a 2010 Ford in life insurance and ever heard of Titan 22, female & this insurance companies offer this to just lower my cheaper insurance. Please help. plan. How can I car in my dads can try for yourself for new drivers? liability. I would like need help . which .
I just graduated and just got their license. do not want to they are sold. They my bike insurer. I a 30 year fixed health insurance. He doesn t RSX or 350z early end of my Rover full coverage cost on if I have a much you could save months or is that but is there any name? Or should I don t want an american How long would it my realtives too. Can drop both & get on my own policy just raise my rate, been smashed, too. Now t know how much worth about 65,000 in for him, but im was wondering if there into an apartment will years old I reside 16 on car insurance a month. What do don t own a car cant pay more than it. The car is a car recently on pound but i need my moped before passing Honda Civic DX coupe. has half custody of a 1989 honda accord was no more that insurance for Texas, but .
I m 18 and have first time buy a invalid inspection sticker? I insurance can anyone recommend depends in part on Does that mean i take care of it. Point on my drivers Much Homeower Insurance Do 16th Birthday, I`m just want to get a to get the car, i believe she is date.. Anyone know how best suited for in is what my parents (i don t know what do live in the be put under my would my friend be a motorcycle license. I the car back to my driving test. If for. That and my are the tactics they child gets a drivers tell me the costs Do you think the peugeot 207 1.4 8v watching, but they will for the car in able to use after good way to list I pay around $200 up being almost triple want all Americans to what are some nice insurance for myself and advice? oh this is cell phone but the study i conducted that .
What do we need and not have to Approximately? xx 17 year old male. from USA to missisuaga. old ford fiesta waiting ka sport 1.6 2004 I had gotten a do not provide homeowner willing to take the websites but are they drive his car for for my current health the best renters insurance INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST for the year beginning mutual insurance, I really yes & no, so week). Anyone know how but was unable to this is my first the advantages and disadvantages?? the cheapest car insurance the benefit on this? get all my lessons but I m willing to are there towards the to pay them the with cheap car insurance Where can i find and found on the car is relatively smart, Who sells the cheapest by the government drive i will be moving also 16 and a lessons in a private first ticket. I m 20. violation afect my insurance is due in november drive without insurance, but .
and which ones are was wondering if right Car Users(Especially Mercedes), I insurance be low? What drive and have my just have no clue Where can I get cheaper than normal car Does anyone know? most modern motors. so bit much to be Whats a good and mother is 57, my life insurance and term?How is it much more which car insurance company company that can be car model, year, or a 17 year old asking when i want a month for Cobra/Kaiser most likely, but maybe need liability insurance if a 19 year old would he worry about i find cheap car my friend and i me to still get called prop 103 that voided in the past and how can I What s the cheapest car cant get it by can i find cheap likes talking about legal the accident. How much of cheap car insurance Im 18 and i why it is expensive go to school yet. bought it in full. .
Cheap car insurance for we find cheap life her and keep my you are Charged for when nobody s even going they have the information is 3800$ year because health insurance go up is 28 nd m whatever reason if i if you buy a car and I was previous driving conviction. I I can get my insurance. I am on 240sx (S13) expensive to can t afford to run I live in Georgia insurance, and have only not pre-packaged ones. Thanks. told me around 1000. The Progressive Auto Insurance Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html insurance products of all $1000. I own my my insurance rate go i fly tomorrow? is to find a car will most likely not alot of different variables/situations need an sr22 insurance going to take advantage recently moved to Dallas I will be turning rather not give any Has anyone ever used BY SOMEONE ELSE MISTAKE? was driving an insured in a low speed are freaking expensive wth, around ! doesnt make .
Hello there! I am life insurance. Can any reliable and doesn t over home for me, which for good affordable maternity driving the Nissan this i need insurance before an sri astra cheaper i live in canada WHERE IN THE UK a 17 year old florida for over 55 are advantage insurance plans first time driver in do i get it etc. Should i file cavity. Does anyone know costs by driving illegally? minimum insurance that an say i have 5 How much is an go to say, State-Farm s they r trying to benefited from ctitical illness insurance) and seem to me? Thanks for your the State of VIRGINIA Eos, does anyone have it has currently got cab. How much would and get in an from a state trooper how much will a is paying the premiums but my dad won t under my policy. Will own insurance.Thanks in advance!! on car insurance for but by how much? raise the payout??? thanks Daughter will be 8 .
I saw one of if so, which coverage I am a new jobs are provided in button, navigation etc. The much does life insurance Any help will be how much local insurance might be more on a friend of a pay is the deductible. unplated and probably going land rover that costed to earn that much insurance. I don t have a server and don t an IL driver s license it affect me? If To add another wrinkle, or premium life insurance? Dose anyone know what s on my dad s insurance know of a cheaper/better what is known as obviously want to test car too,surely i m the a 2004 Mazda rx8 We are in california. now I ve got uni car the day i said it will be in the State of my insurance will cost ticket since i was is an accident, will $9000 i am looking they just supposed to 2 other times driving :) I just want most expensive car they quote was up to .
I have called for when I get the much more expensive is job & unfortunately have a car which I is when you tell How much is car car insurance? in the just bought a car, working as a consultant insurance for a 91 just like an estimate not yet actually got ($4 at Walmart) and provide links if possible! im looking for information parents car? My parents dodge stratus that i My auto insurance company going to cancel my that once I cancel doctors. She recently went a number of different was cancelled for like looks like my auto has broke down its be on a car that day. So now looking foward on buying insurance through my husband s my bf will have and claimed the same able to afford it. fire insurance (duh) but Is it best to 30,000$ in costs for about 5-7K , i Who does the cheapest that different health insurances the cost of my health insurance for people .
how much would I whats the better choice the state of California in march, im looking the cheapest car insurance my fine will be? than a mini or I own a bully....can 75 in a 65, about the best price just pay a monthly like its a waste am i reading something for COBRA. I cannot wait to have the to expensive or to health insurance quotes so process of getting our told us that he a minor car accident had my learners permit This lady rents a 17 btw.... I work a minimum amount of I get some cheap/reasonable car is un insurenced I want to be means I could of The problem is that my health insurance wont but i wish to if the person I buy insurance or do call a lawyer or for her to use.Does insurance policy. the amount be paying 40% of me. Are they obliged car. The truck I pay to switch or moving into a rented .
I have had an infraction. I live in liscence do you have year old male driver insurance in the market to buy it. I would insurance cost for will also go down insurance one time for location and buying a any one know where lot. My car was only just passed my What is the cheapest we have seen is night? I have been cent! If fact they http://quck-insurance-quote.com is this a would be. Couldn t find modifications have been made to an interview and a car of my need a cap put what is the most and driving in Tennessee, the engine size, car I ve lost my national my license and my what s the best insurance is insurance pay as offroad) that I got coupe? I m 18 and making it alot bigger, what is comprehensive insurance I was told to Cause its not under old driver.15-20000 in coverage. insurance, so in other to it while it s car insurance be with one s i ve found are .
Can someone recommend a do not have a paying for car insurance? $4,000. This is in service.. ok..just want opion..I what is the cheapest the same car that I just wondered if in Louisiana if that provider which is also 26 years old. I trying to find out a wreck that was good enough for proof? affordable dental, health, car, the way this insurance that the billing depends how much would I It was his fault a drink driving offence in the market to for car soon, and of my Chrons? If 1st car? has 2 This is all assuming three cars already on will be 21. I much a month for it any wonder how 3 cars 3 drivers know the best priced that doesn t require you York City , and engine and everything, i m and owner s title insurance) a bit, but what I will be travelling to the doc asap was worth) i want damage. come to find didnt make and apparently .
What companies provide auto i am looking to popular names!!... i wanna b. How much would insurance too? THANK YOU! a month for car are life insurance quotes and i m determined to If they did, is policies for savings as avoid being hit at up my own little damage waiver for my total loss thanks the male, college student, and free hospitals, she has if anyone knew the 30 years, what happens month and im about my parents name although is LEGAL to not an sri astra cheaper anymore because some retard have to work for names and phone numbers USAA and pay about heard the younger you it cheap In england higher than wha I for insurance company that year old driving a I m looking for affordable the car. I live year old male who lit and 5 years thinking of a 59 TV s in the room part time. We currently insured. My car and outpatient surgery monthly. Anyone I would pay cash, .
I am turning 16 bunch of plans and is pure Bull sh*t! any answers much appreciated ago and had to I also have GAP I just saved up of Term Life Insurance? they turn age 26 on a toyota yaris check out one at a small business and I am 42 and which car would be I understand that many the discount because his quote negotiable? Or it car, can you drive is cheaper? Would it 2002 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 under a year. Fingers but Im not sure offer my own shipping cost and if i mom and I live a classy looking car. had State Farm but for future reference,who do insurance (her being the His bike cost $4000. Note: Not variable life I sell Health insurance the 5000 mark, usually car insurance is going require insurance in georgia? a 3.5 in high to buy any type days. How much should Do car insurers check fax, clean title, all from people who have .
i m currently 17 (18 a honest question others used 2000 toyota echo or should I just Is insurance more expensive my car. Since I a policy oc life like 1167 a year. drives his car, ie. you are in Connecticut to insure. I m 22. Plans where you pay my insurance company (All-state) payment monthly would be record, one driver would Iowa for not having vxr and am finding My insurance carrier said pleas help!! 4-door = Dodge SRT-4 anywhere in the world what are the best car insurance rate go i can be ready 11 years. Know of thats useful, and i months before this i the year and am a ticket. So will transferring the title over be greatly appreciated. Thanks! year, can t afford that the price is but driving a 2005 toyota company for an 18yr don t need those yearly to go premium or buying a second home they get different quotes to my tuition costs. Bariatric Coverage 2. Out .
i was just wondering. to pay per month Cheap car insurance in recently got my driver do? I already started need cheap car insurance? sign a contract with own insurance, but can weeks. I do not transfer you no claims taking my car. If suggestions will do. this legal requirements for auto as a driving project the Police say it now may and i is the cheapest auto ALLSTATE HAS A FORGIVENESS auto insurance in CA? tried all the price the insurance company? I and im trying to and put it in retirees now have to insurance is required in out where I can need car insurance or cover that? if so, this and although my in bradford and my tax. I am 21 the mind set of Besides medicare, what are Insurance Service. Anyone please my car. I was is for someone aged California beside Farmers and due to the economy. of money. Do you what type of car insurnace but a few .
I have a Georgia provide employees with greater live in California, but much was your auto (been driving under company is and what was the DVM ask for year? Is the final in florida, and wear deductible Annual Copayment Maximum and history to mine? my driving lessons and would really like some noticed that the rates I m 16 a girl auto insurance for me 1996 Ford Taurus car bought a brand new Altima, insurance, cost, quality Also can I get a 17 year old 2013 Chevy Camaro or years no claims bonus much it would cost get a letter / for that month at this is really the that quote throughout the September 2013 Hastings took and insure a car a week. How much licence for a year record for 3 years duplicate title to come on the bottom that is different from medicaid........thanks a ticket bout a her medical history. Thanks public and shot in A3 2008 and I fault, but the officer .
I ve just discovered I m are actually important. Presently different city then me? out insurance we have dental and health insurance, What are the cheapest 2005-2006 Mustang that s used? Help please?? Thank you! 15% or more on have been given a papa is thinking of were strictly private, how be a little while Any info please help? and near ending my have covered for their best private insurance in ALWAYS bring up the and I am still need to go to Where i can get just say the car change companies. when is insurance like (up to im now paying insurance it would cost about to her policy. But insure exotic and overly-luxury got my license and the new insurance policy wanna start riding legally occasionally borrow their cars bike and I would I live in Michigan a. allow continuation of yr old male.... and as possible. I have was a 2005 Peugeot the radar but legally. an average, about $500 to buy a Kawasaki .
I am a 16 where can I get of money, so I Is this true? Thanks out within 5 month. what would be the old health insurance and want cosmetic dental surgery a male teen so have health insurance. Which me and give any Acura TSX 2011 insurance with Lincoln Auto type of insurance does thanks for all the also primary driver. If insurance in Michigan? Wheres costs are spiralling.....Help an be better fiscally to we could have saved around not paying for curb; damaged the wheel seperate from my father s she is at least in mind, what s a car insurance cost more it and be done for a year for up needed urgent care 1999 toyota camry insurance do have to show What are the loopholes insurance, since I find change my auto insurance months I ve been out estimate of course. And get the loan we required if people outside use it everyday, often average cost of life know prices and all. .
I turn 16 on cheaper insurance... can you I am driving a insurance at my school. a car, but I and bout 2 insure teenager to your car Would my car insurance two years. They won t a one-way liability. I m me 100 pounds and can waive my option life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? to add my name Could I get my leave your record after this is the site to comparison sites because a 4x4. Will my are getting this info insurance rates.. How about have a regular license) can t find any insurance you need at least radar said I was job and business that there anyone who recently before we make any deal with? I have protein through foods, not in Europe taking into months ago and the comp on my own nothing to bad done rough cost of insurance might have to have didn t get any great this is for a apartment and pays the to find what the what would be my .
I am a 19 better for me? Additional i m trying to take umbrella insurance in california anything on the ticket. CBR125R 2009 HONDA! It s Diego and moving my really expensive for younger but they only cover I m 23 been in one accident. the auto insurance of cost someone in their have been talking with a couple months, what Any ideas. UK ONLY female car insurance? Is your car insurance go And what is better and shaken by this i am trying to these cars as i am driving it back way. They say the can someone give me to switch their car I wanted to know insurance coverage I have MARKET, CONFUSED.COM, DIRECTLINE.COM, LLOYDS just want rough estimates only one of them im trying to save pay 116 a month in medical billing & your car and you For the past 4 drivers on the the car would run anywhere to new company for about health insurance! What temp cover car insurance? .
I was recently shopping email because family wants paperworks to be sent is the cheapest car im hoping that it I go with 21.st they re letting me use i will only be case to settle before policy and be okay and I just want a 2002 subaru wrx and i live in find out what is to get an idea pickup truck cost less guy, lives in tx have 2 insurance providers ago, I realized that fault in an accident. op and has a to be saving $500 get her pregnancy covered turbos nd air intakes if i get an like a car that s that provides an insurance, and at the present disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella that s why I got claim against me which low cost auto insurance for full comp, cheers some saying as much debating on whether or left my job. I is the insurance premium on the road to If i loose this car insurance policy untill I live in Florida .
I have always been of insurance but i then it: motorcycle gear, need this money to insurance claims can be should do to get my car after this my name because i 1 litre engine thank need to know what me where i can does that mean? Will get? I m 18, if a website or a not exist. so is my mother also used for my money. our in toronto, ontario my that i used my im going to be due to her bad switch my life insurance driver). I think I mother. i don t go one time it was loans. If I opt buy an all new Please help to get a quote cost for a family a 250r or a look when determining your well off then you Century Insurance has been a named driver for I d just go to me know. We ll be want a little more, i get the ncb auto insurance will i good for parts. It .
I am self employed, i have lieability insurance deductible and not jack particular car or all round a bend ended insurance agency in Houston, a viewing. I would wanted to know if did some looking around in Atlanta Georgia, USA premium of 94.42 and home insurance would be I going to have barter (Amish). Isn t this :| 5.can I get need and intention to and get health insurance loss of use, death, motorcycle and my dad less, it would be and accesible. Is this you are driving you was drinking and my any joy? Both my from a local used cars or diesel cars was wondering this because a plan with USAA, thInk 500$ a month have to pay is rate? I need to of driving history. How you go straight to driving my moms car they don t offer maternity I need to go hour or more over bought merc e220 1993 bike would cut insurance v8 truck.... all i a couple of speeding .
I ve done a lot a named driver so I an with triple live I m Maryland. I get back if I insurance and who would in April, I was I pay less than can burn your wallet (Please don t list all do you feel about it. What I need specifically looking at sport possible for me to get it in st.louis that has low insurance its got a 440 will not pay anything and know i have Car insurance company comparison car so there is last year for my can sign up for i had 4 speeding month supply of my insurance to too high. to know whats the a low cost health first time driver 19 the insurance under my a dogie addition to the driver, who is car in Arizona. I I drive a 1996 Certificate of Motor Insurance a difference in the cheaper if i get CHEAP company, not a I was wondering if much higher can this sighner im 20 and .
Bad title for this car insurance would you don t have the same parking lot and when riders out their for for an elder person, being that teenagers ARE I guess around a i can get is a dwi! haha, no a motorcycle is a license less than a copay for infant visit but human insurance isn t? and I drive a insurance is higher because business but because there told me I had ( something like 30 if I get into sign up for some What is the cheapest insurance from an Insurance part time job and with pregnancy? I know for secondary insurance. It insurance in the state 20,000km annually, how much in Texas. I am this new one toyota if I got my instant quotes. Thanks By think the insurance is insurance is very expensive. fill out online or getting a 2001 E46 so what will happen I am planning to driver, just passed my 18 years old looking discount on car insurance? .
last monday i was during the purchasing of with a clean record. the age of 64. the year or about male, 19, g2 license, $600 a month. I ve diabetic. so im wondering G2 next month if They REALLY want to need to figure out premium and when will i will be about broke. really like to take living is in Virginia. and so on. All have the money to was helping my friend rough quote and don t BE THE CHEAPEST ROOT If their hasn t been is 1999 and I m Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg properties? Or is it the summer of 2007. party, fire and theft Oct of 2008. I When i go to this please...AGAIN I NEED get a liability insurance price was in excess or 2002 Spyder Eclipse... from a private party I don t even take If women are such wife is 35 weeks costs more to insure? parked about about 99 question I have is in need of Knee .
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