#crate and barrel rug
leoppii · 10 months
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Contemporary Family Room Raleigh Picture of a large, modern, open-concept family room with brown and dark wood floors, green walls, a stone fireplace in the corner, and a wall-mounted television
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jesslearnsthings · 10 months
New York Open Living Room
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Example of a large transitional open concept medium tone wood floor living room design with gray walls, a standard fireplace, a stone fireplace and a wall-mounted tv
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melhorsemsutia · 1 year
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Open DC Metro Example of a huge transitional open concept dark wood floor family room library design with beige walls, no fireplace, a brick fireplace and a media wall
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chinxe · 1 year
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Library - Family Room
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silasea · 11 months
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New couch finally got delivered 😍
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jinmark · 10 months
Contemporary Family Room Toronto
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Family room idea: small, modern, enclosed, medium-tone wood floor with a music area and beige walls but no fireplace.
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taurusdesign · 1 year
Lilith Chillin' Areas - Part 3 (Patio) (Availible for Everyone!)
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Hi, everyone! 
I'm here with a small set this month. We are continuing the Lilith series where we left off. I've taken a little vacation this month because I've been shutting myself away at home during the winter. Everything is fine now and I'm ready to make new sets. I didn't want to spend this month empty, and I was able to do a set, even if it was small. This time our theme is the "Patio". The highlight of the set is the pergola. When making this item, I tried a method that I had not tried before. If you've noticed on Maxis objects, sometimes there are small wear and tear. I was excited to try this for the first time. And I liked the result. I hope you enjoy it too. (Of course, I also added the untouched version.) The thing that bothered me the most in the pergola was the lighting. It is necessary to calculate the reflection of light on the object and paint it by hand, and this was really difficult. But I found another method, so I'm not afraid of making light anymore :) 
Anyway. There are a total of 12 items in the set. The inspiration for the set is the "Grotta Collection" belongs to Crate&Barrel. Although I couldn't do the exact same thing, I tried to compare it as much as I could.
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I think it was the most Maxis Match set I've ever done. Let's see, what will you guys think? The items included in the set are listed below.
Chaise Lounge
Coffee Table
Pergola (New and Used)
Pillows (2 version)
Potted Plants (2 version)
You can find everything included in the set by typing "Lilith3".
I hope you will like it! ❤️❤️❤️
Public Release: May 21st, 2023 (Availible for Everyone!)
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mtchee · 25 days
Bubbles Along the Surface - [Zhongli] GN
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A minor god awakened years after the Archon War, and with your brother, Osial, pinned to the depths below, you've made your own way in the world. In the most recent year, sailing with a merchant crew, you've forever decided to conceal your identity as a god, keeping to the life of a mortal with an intense fascination with the land of Geo. In all your years, its only now you have the chance to finally step foot in Liyue, meeting a tall and handsome man who eventually comes to be your beloved--but not without a few misunderstandings.
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cw: not edited, fluff, minor angst, second-person-pov, spoilers for liyue playthrough but nothing major, osial is [name]'s older brother, archon siblings fr, zhongli loving on you, a reassuring zhongli, feat. childe but really he only gets like four lines
| masterlist | genshin impact collection |
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Eons ago, after the Archon war, arose a young archon hidden in a dreamless sleep beneath oceanic depths, protecting them from the catastrophe above. Awoken by the change in currents, they rose to the water's surface whilst their elder brother was pinned to the crust below—for they was the beloved sibling of the God of Vortex, Osial.
Their own title, God of Bubbles, and it was they whom were responsible for the health of marine life and the ocean oxidation.
While their followers had either converted or were wiped out in the war, they retreated from their title as an Archon, knowing it would only get them into trouble with the rising seven who battled for their rightful seats in ruling Teyvat.
Though their stories never died.
Sheltered due to the war and then lost without their big brother, they began a new life as a merchant, sailing the high seas and traversing from nation to nation. Although the world had changed from what they had originally thought, they were open minded and of a bright spirit—and couldn't wait to explore.
"To Liyue we sail!" The captain called, a rugged but sweet man who practically adopted you, "they've new silks due for Inazuma on the second moon, if we get there early enough we can rest on some solid ground for a while. Lets give ourselves a holiday, ay?"
The rest of the crew cheered back ecstatically, having been docked in Schneznaya for more than long enough. They could use a change of scenery; most weren't built for this kind of cold.
You laughed at their eagerness, quickly aiding your mates in loading on the last few crates of supplies before the ship was to set off once more.
You made sure your route was clear of storm—well, as much as you could. Your power's influence was better equipped for the water's depths, not its surface.
But you made do.
"Excited, love?" Darla, a Fontaine merchant about ten years your senior (physically at least) approached, a wide and knowing grin on her face, "you've always wanted to go to Liyue, haven't you?"
You grin back, eyes closed as you giggle sheepishly, "You've heard all my rambles, haven't you? Of course I am! And we get to stay there for... how long? Oh! Almost two moons! Two moons! Darla, that's two months of exploring! I've always wanted to visit the adepti shrines..."
"Of course you have," The older woman rolls her eyes playfully, gently bumping into your hip, "calm yourself, dear. We don't want you to combust."
You laugh at her in good nature.
"How come we're staying so long anyway? Not that I'm complaining."
"Why do you think?" Darla gives you an incredulous look, "because you're the captain's pearl, that's why. He's always had a soft spot for you," she nods her head towards the old man by the wheel, "not that the rest of us mind. Gives us a break too."
They watch as while the evening prevails, the ship's leader bounds below deck despite his age and practically hauls up a barrel of drinks for the mates to share, letting out a bellowing laugh all the whilst.
You snort, "Mm, I see what you mean."
After a week or so of smooth sailing, you finally port in Liyue Harbour and settle yourselves at the available inns, unloading any personal cargo and clearing the ship for its future stocks.
The Portside is bustling with life, fishermen promoting their fresh produce and other sailors maintaining their boats. Your eyes are wide in awe at the architecture and vivacity, excitement only continuing to build within you.
"Oh, pa!" You eagerly turn to your father figure with pleading eyes, "the city's just past the docks, may I please—?"
"Just be back before dark, alright?" The captain huffs out with feigned exasperation, "some of the crew and I will be hangin' around the plaza for a bit. Some place called Third around Knockout? I dunno..."
He scratches the back of his head before letting out a puff of air as you launch yourself at him, arms latched tightly around his torso in a hug.
His once narrowed eyes widen while the colour pink tints his sun kissed cheeks, "O-Oi!"
"Thank you, pa!" You pull back with a gleeful smile, "I'll be back soon, I promise!"
You lean up and places a chaste kiss on his frizzy cheek before rushing off past the docks.
The male stammers as some of the crew snicker at him from behind, teasing him for putting up his so called 'cold exterior'.
"Yeah yeah... uh, b-be safe!" He calls out at last. He quickly whips around to those laughing, "who're you chucklin' at, huh? hUh?!"
Eager to explore, you find yourself in the middle of the plaza ahead of your crew and are immediately overwhelmed by the smell of food and a rush of people.
You can't help but grin at the sight.
You wander past the open shops and stalls, simply admiring the sights and everything the locals of Liyue had to offer. You feel your heart swell at the kindness of a sweet granny who ran a toy stall, the elder woman giving you a colourful paper windmill with the only explanation being that you had a beautiful smile.
You express your gratitude and wish for her good health before continuing onwards with more of a skip in her step, gift clutched to you closely.
In the midst of your exploration, you bump into a tall man, profusely apologising as you stumble for your balance, toy falling to the floor.
"Ah, no sweat!" The male replies, and you look up to meet deep blue orbs and a boyish grin. The ginger haired stranger leans down to pick up your fallen gift, handing it back to you whilst introducing himself as Childe.
"[name]," You reply politely, shaking his hand with a bright smile, "it's a pleasure! Uh, a-apologies for the collision..."
At your sheepish expression, the male only chuckles and waves it off, a certain glint appearing in his eyes at the mention of your name.
"You're not from around here, are you?" He tilts his head curiously.
"Oh, no, heh, I'm a—" You stop yourself momentarily, clearing your throat, "I'm a foreigner. I work as a merchant across the waters."
"I see, I see," His gaze grows half lidded, flickering to the glowless hydro vision by your waist, "you like the ocean?" His curiosity peaks as he notices you perk up immediately.
"Yes! Indeed, aha, it's practically my life."
He gives you a nod of understanding, and you indulge yourself in idle chatter before parting ways, the male heading towards the crimson stairs leading to the balconies above. It's then that you realise where you are.
Not in the plaza, that's for sure.
Finding yourself lost, you take note of the increasingly darkening sky, "Oh dear..." your stomach drops.
Your eyes dart around hurriedly in hopes of landing on something familiar, spinning around in a circle and only managing to loose hope.
Your chest tightens as the sun finally dips past the horizon, and you cuss quietly under your breath. Your knuckles grip the stem of the paper windmill closely, the toy being your only sense of comfort.
"Excuse me," A deep voice adresses you from behind and you jump.
You whirl around, wide eyes meeting the chest of the individual talking to you.
Wary gaze trailing upwards, you come into contact with almost luminescent amber isises, and a concerned frown.
"Are you alright? You seem rather... distressed."
You take in a sharp breath, eyes flickering—the man is breathtaking.
He is tall and of a strong physique, with wide shoulders and a toned, but slimmed waist. His clothes are dark, although intricate and rich with black and brown to gold features.
His hair is long at the back, tied neatly in a low tail whilst the front frames his eyes in curt strands.
You blink, "Oh, yes. I—uh, ahem. I-I'm not from here, you see? And, um, I appear to have found myself a bit lost..." you can't help but feel small under his stony gaze, hearing him hum lowly in response.
"I see. From where do you hail?"
"Oh, I'm a travelling merchant. I docked today with my crew and told pa—uh, m-my captain that I would be back before dark, but..."
"Ah, I understand," The male's stern features seem to melt ever so slightly at your stammer, and he gives you a small smile to ease your nerves, "do you recall where you are suppose to be?"
"Somewhere called Third Round Knockout, I believe."
You give him a sheepish grin in return, toy clutched close. The stranger's eyes lighten in recognition of the name.
"A place I frequent in my days of rest. If you would like, may I escort you to your destination?"
"Really?" You brighten hopefully as he offers you his arm, "you wouldn't mind? Thank you, sir!"
"Zhongli," He states as you link your arm with his, "you may refer to me as Zhongli."
He smiles at you softly, causing you to flush, and begins leading you back towards the plaza.
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"Mister Zhongli! Mister Zhongli!" You wave him down excitedly, the male breathing out a chuckle at the notion.
Throughout the following months, the two of you had bumped into each other once more and became well acquainted, soon becoming friends as you met up frequently.
The geo user became acutely aware of his new found friend's fascination with Liyue and was more than happy to show you around and tell you the many tales of said nation.
You got to know each other well within your first visit, you having been rather disheartened when the time came for you and your crew to leave--though the man had assured you that when you next returned, he would still be waiting.
"[name]," He greets with a gentle smile, opening his arms as you gleefully jumps into them, "how have you been fairing?"
"Good," You reply curtly, smiling up at him, "but better now that I'm here."
You laugh when he shake his head at you, "What about you? Are you okay?"
Zhongli tilts his head slightly with a confused hum, "I heard about the Archon's passing, news of it has already reached Fontaine although it was a few days ago. Are you alright?"
"Oh, that, yes," Zhongli clears his throat and composes himself, "indeed, it is tragic. However, I believe the Qixing has everything under control."
"I suppose. Something doesn't... feel right though..."
He leans forwards in interest, a certain glint in his eyes at your words.
"Oh? How so?"
"I'm not sure, I just feel as though Morax—uh," You glance at him momentarily, catching yourself before you blurt out something controversial.
As an Archon yourself, you swore you could still sense the presence of Liyue's God; though you doubt herself, chalking it up to the fact that you were an inexperienced Archon, simply sensing the ramenants of his power.
"N-nothing. It just feels, odd? Someone having the ability to murder a God, and the Geo Archon no less... Um, anyway..."
Zhongli hums, the glint in his eyes ever so prominent, "I understand what you are inferring. In any case, it will be a long time before any such revelations come to fruition."
He takes note of your nerves, watching as you squeeze your left hand nervously and swiftly changes the subject to ease your discomfort.
You traverse towards Yujing Terrace, where Zhongli breaks any silence by running his mouth on about the flowers maintained in the gardens.
"A dear friend of mine, Madame Ping maintains the flora."
"Really?" You hum, "what kind of silk flowers does she grow?"
"All three variations I believe," The man goes on to continue but is interrupted by a high pitched and child-like voice from afar.
"Mister Zhongliiiiiii!"
The duo pause and turn towards the sound, you tilting your head at the sight of a frantically waving, floating mushroom fairy child and a boy.
The unknown blond makes no attempts to hush his companion, simply shaking his head at her loudness before approaching.
Glancing to the side, you notice Zhongli's ease in their presence and calm yourself.
"Ah, Aether, Paimon, hello," He greets with a nod, "what brings you two here?"
"Oh, we were just about to meet Ms. Ningguang! We've got a special invitation to head up to the Jade Chamber!" The mushroom fairy child—Paimon—explains proudly.
"Oh? Impressive, indeed." Zhongli humours her kindly.
"Sorry, did Paimon disturb you?" The blond—Aether—asks, ignoring his companion's offended 'hey!'.
"Not at all," You give the two a smile, "don't worry about it. Zhongli was just going to show me around Yujing Terrace."
Your companion nods, "Aether, Paimon, this is [name]. A dear friend of mine."
"[name]?" Paimon blinks, "you mean like the—"
Zhongli clears his throat, "Anyhow, I suppose the Qixing won't be too fond of waiting. I take it you are prepared?"
Sharing a peculiar look with Aether, the two communicate silently.
"Right!" The blond scratches the back of his head, "we've just picked up a gift for Lady Ningguang. Hopefully it's good enough."
"I'm sure she'll enjoy it." The taller assures.
Paimon huffs and stomps in the air, "Hey! Why are you interrupting—"
"Anyway, we'll see you later then! It was nice meeting you, Mx. [name]!" Aether grins at you and waves before bolting off, leaving his companion dazed.
"I—uh, whaaa? Heyyy! Wait for me!" The floating mushroom fairy is quick to fly after him, the two fading from sight.
You laugh, mildly confusde, "Well, they're an interesting pair."
The male beside you releases the breath he was quietly holding, chuckling softly, "Yes, indeed they are. Now, where were we? Ah, yes, about the silk flowers..."
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You perk up at the sound of your name, peering up from behind the stock of open crates you had been counting.
"Oh, Zhongli!" You brighten immediately, hopping over the boxes to reach him.
"Hi! What are you doing here? I thought you had work today?"
Despite your concern, you give him a grateful smile, a familiar warmth creeping up your neck.
The man smiles at you contently.
"I took a small break earlier than usual, though my boss doesn't mind."
He internally winces and fights back a flush of embarrassment when recalling Hu Tao's thorough interrogation for the sudden departure.
He wasn't in any trouble for doing so, no—but once Hu Tao found out it was to see someone outside of work, oh boy...
"Ah, anyhow," he clears his throat, "I... wanted to ask you something, and I suppose I just couldn't wait any longer."
Your interest peaks. Unfortunately, so too does some of your crew mates--a few of them slowing in their work to eavesdrop on the conversation.
Zhongli takes in a breath, "I was hoping to be able to treat you to dinner tonight, if you would be interested?"
His amber eyes meet yours with a hopeful glaze. Despite his outward composure, he could feel his nerves skyrocketing once he took note of their minor audience.
Your eyes widen and you bite back a squeak.
Is this even real? Or are you just assuming things? Oh, you could feel the excitement bursting within you—wait, but you're an Archon... oh gods you forgot about that. Ugh, but he's so—
You snap out of your thoughts, embarrassment flooding you.
You quickly blurt out, "Yes! I-I mean, uh," you straighten yourself up as to not seem so flustered, "sure, ahem. Um... a-are you...?"
Zhongli let's out a subtle sigh of relief, closing his eyes as he allows a ginger smile to grace his lips.
"Yes, [name]. If you would, may I take your hand in courting?"
You tense and fight to push down an unholy squeal, mind racing. You could feel your mouth go dry the moment he reopened his eyes and made contact with yours.
You only manage to give him another giddy smile, nodding shyly with sore cheeks. Zhongli chuckles at you, taking a step closer and gently grasping your dominant hand in both of his.
"Then, I will see you tonight by the stairs of Yujin Terrace. Do not fret, my dear, you are perfect as always."
He brings your hand up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss upon its skin whilst maintaining eye contact.
He gives you one last charming smile before stepping away and leaving the harbour, ignoring the light blush coating his cheeks.
Later that day, as the sun kisses the horizon, you make your way from the inn and towards Yujing Terrace.
The night life in the plaza is bustling, the noise and chatter growing faint as you move farther from the docks.
Well into the city and past Luili Pavilion, the moonlight glinting across the shallow water catches your eye.
You slow and stop for a moment to peer into the pool, smiling softly as the golden bass and koi curl towards you. You glimpse a shadow passes from behind.
You giggle softly and, with a wave of your hand, summon gentle currents beneath the water's surface to play with the fish.
While the bass laze and let the gentle currents drag them along, the koi play along with the hidden tides, weaving in and out of the streams.
"Ah, there you are."
With a gasp and a jolt, you drop your hand to your side and step away from the waters edge.
"My apologies, [name]," Zhongli chuckles light heartedly, "I did not mean to frighten you."
"No! Not at all, aha," You quickly smooth any secret crinkles in your clothing and give your suitor a sheepish smile, heart racing in mild panic, "j-just nervous, I guess."
"Nervous?" The male quirks up a brow, "do I make you nervous, my dear?" Though his eyes--sharp as always--watch you attentively, the cheeky glint and subtle smile gives him away.
Stumbling over your tongue, you simply sigh and give him a pleading look, warmth creeping up behind your ears. Zhongli just smiles at you before offering you his arm; henceforth, commencing your date.
As evening turns into night, the moon rises higher and higher into the darkening sky with the two of you remaining arm in arm.
You find yourselves at the very top of the Terrace, where the annual Rite of Descension would have taken place.
Overlooking the sea of clouds*, you lean yourself against the railing, sighing softly as you gaze down at the waters fondly. Zhongli remains behind for a moment, watching you and getting lost in his thoughts before finally approaching.
He leans down beside you, facing the ocean although his attention is drawn to your being.
You hum in response.
"May I... tell you something?"
Your attention peaks at his hesitancy, and you turn towards him curiously.
Zhongli keeps his glowing eyes out on the ocean.
"What I am about to say must remain secret between us. It is something that only a select few know," His gaze never wavers, "and I hope it changes very little, if it changes anything at all, between us."
Your brows furrow slightly, and you give his profil a soft smile, tilting your head to the side.
"What do you mean?"
Zhongli takes in a breath, "You know my name, correct?"
Your frown deepends, "Zhongli?"
The male nods slowly, "Indeed. Although, prior to this name, I used to go by many others—the most famous of which is one, revered, throughout all of Liyue."
You lean towards him in your puzzlement, and it is only then that he looks at you.
"My name, is Rex Lapis."
He doesn't blink, and your heart stops.
You can't breathe.
Disbelieving of your own ears, you search his gaze for any sign of deceit.
Alas, he remains firm.
His sharp amber irises seem to glow in the low light, glinting beneath the moon.
You swallow nervously and take in an uneven breath, a single word passing through your lips.
Dread fills your entire being, and fear overturns your heart.
Why would he tell you this?
Why would he tell you now?
Why should he have ever told you? You don't just say that you're a dead archon to your friends—
You feel deathly cold all of a sudden.
He knows.
All tension in your being drops into the weight of lead as the entirety of Teyvat comes to a halt.
He knows. 
He knows who you are, he knows you're a God, he knows all about you.
And for how long?
You feel sick to your stomach, and so you take a step back.
Seeing you fumble and your dreadful silence, Zhongli's firm gaze softens. He sighs quietly through his nose and moves towards you as he speaks.
He stops, face falling at the amount of fear in your eyes. He sees the unwavering fright in your very being.
The horrors of the war echo in your memories--whereby from stories or the experience of its aftermath.
Unadultered terror regarding your ultimate death as an archon sits like cement in your bone and tissue.
Zhongli watches, and you don't dare to breathe.
This wasn't how it was suppose to go.
He steps towards you again, but you fear to step back.
"Please don't."
Your voice wavers, almost a whisper.
It takes every fibre of your being not to retreat in immediate terror. But you know the power of a God, even if they no longer claim the title.
Zhongli's heart clenches, eyes widening as his mind begin to race once he notices your form trembling.
Though your hands were tense and nearly hidden by your sides, he could see their tight tremors. Barely glancing off to the side, he could see ripples surfacing from beneath the shallow pools of water decorating the Terrace.
They slowly grew bigger, and began to bubble.
"[name]... My dear, please. Calm yourself—"
"D-Don't!" Your voice barely raises, though your fear and desperation are apparent.
"Please... I...I don't have any followers. I don't have any land. I-I don't plan on taking anything, I swear I've basically only just woke up—"
His brows furrow, "[name]—"
"—I'll leave! I promise!" Your legs give out, and you collapse to your knees.
Your terror filled eyes no longer dare to look upon him, "I...I'm not a part of the seven but... I-I didn't..! I'd never..!"
A pitched cry forces itself passed your lips, "if I had a choice I wouldn't be here in the first place so p-please! Please... Banish me to the seas! I just--I... I don't want to die..."
Zhongli's stomach drops, "Oh, my dear—no..."
Sickness fills him to the brim and despair overwhelms him in waves.
He slowly lowers himself to your level, gaze soft as he does so.
"[name], please, look at me," Your lack of response causes him to sigh, but his patience is ever present, "here, how about you take my hand?"
Sniffling quietly, you tense when he draws closer.
"...I couldn't... M-Morax—"
"Whilst I retain the name of a former archon, the name you have come to know bares no such burden."
He keeps his hand outstretched, "So please, won't you look at me?"
It takes a moment of tension before you feel you foolishly dare attempt to make contact.
Your head lifts ever so slowly, and though you refuse to meet his eyes, you gradually reach out a trembling hand to meet his.
Zhongli breathes out a silent sigh of relief, gently tracing his thumb across your tense knuckles to soothe your nerves.
He whispers small praises of strength and gratitude, smiling gingerly when you look at him in alarm and embarrassment when he presses a kiss to your stiff fingers.
"There you go," He hums softly, "nothing is going to harm you, lest of all me, my dear..."
Slowly, slowly, the tremors stop and terror fades from your body. Exhaustion clouds you once you you're conscious of your senses.
Your embarrassment only grows at the awareness of your state: settled on your knees and with tear stained cheeks—not just in front of another archon but your (once upon a time) date no less.
Uh oh, you forgot about that.
You take in a sharp breath and look away to hide your face, clearing your throat as you attempt to pull away your hand.
Zhongli refuses to let go.
Instead, he stands, and gently pulls you up with him. Your voice wavers, feeling the dryness of your tongue, but Zhongli is patient.
He waits for you to gather your bearings.
"How," You sniffle quietly, "ah... how long have you known..?"
You refuse to meet his gaze.
Zhongli smiles gently, "From the very moment you mentioned your name."
"What?" You blink.
He chuckles lightheartedly, "No mortal would dare name a child after a God, my dear. Besides, your youth as an archon means you have yet to master how to conceal your presence."
While mortals may not be able to detect a God among the people, there is always a connection from archon to archon unless they wish to mask it.
As you are a young archon (though two thousand years old, you've been asleep for the past five hundred) with your elder brother trapped beneath the ocean depths, you lacked the guidance he would have provided.
You've managed to figure out a few things on your own, but your isolation from others of your being have left you clueless.
Zhongli smiles at you softly, "Not to worry, my dear. While I may have officially, well, unofficially, really—retired from being an archon, you are no longer alone. Do not carry this burden by yourself, hm?"
You take in a bashful breath, "R-Right. Thank you, uh, Zhongli."
He offers his arm to you once more, keeping a soft look upon his features as to keep you assured.
You glance between him and the ground, hesitation clouding your mind before you rationalise your thoughts—he had known about you from the moment you met. If he really wanted you gone, you would be.
But you weren't.
And so you give him a shy smile before accepting his arm, and you continue your night at a slower pace.
Though you both remain oblivious to the soulless blue eyes that observe you from within the shadowed darkness of the night.
A sly smirk traces his lips—a that plan would soon come to fruition.
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Nearly two weeks since that night, you help load up at the docks on a bright sunny day.
The ramp creaks slightly with every heavy weight carried over from land and on board, the workers chattering about as they go on with their business.
Zhongli and you had continued to meet up, occasionally for lunch, but more so in the evenings so you had more time to spend together. Your crew mates teased you relentlessly, but they were nice about it—thanks to your pa, that is.
He was in near tears when he first heard about it, sniffling about how his little one was all grown up, even when you've never been a child in the time he'd known you, but it was funny (and sweet) nonetheless.
Darla was ready for all the gossip, and gave you all the romance talk you could ever need.
Needless to say, you were incredibly embarrassed that day.
Particularly when Zhongli came to pick you up at the docks after seeing you were late. Never again will you let Darla speak to him.
Zhongli was amused though.
It was around midday when things began to get weird.
It was only you who noticed at first, though you brushed it off seeing as you would be the only one to notice.
You'd noticed the currents beneath the water's surface began to quicken, gradually turning into a swirl. Then the sky darkened, and the swirling currents moved further out to sea before breaching the surface—a vortex.
Thunder clouds rolled in and lightning struck the ground. At the sudden change in weather, the people of Liyue slowed in their works.
Panic came to fruition as the vortexes rose into the air, connecting with the storm clouds above.
Harsh rain pelted down on Liyue Harbour, the ocean waves rising and crashing down like a dominoes on the docks; the water became so rough it began to damage the boats and ships, fiercely pulling the wooden stakes of the docks.
"Run! Run!" People screamed, "move inland!"
"Away from the waters!"
"Move! Quickly!"
The harbour was in hysterics.
You felt pain grip your heart at the fearful screams of the people you had come to love, worry flooding you as the wooden stakes began to rock.
"[name]!" Your pa comes barrelling towards you with heavy footsteps, his rain drenched clothes weighing him down, "stay away from the boats! Get inside the buildings!"
He hurriedly nudges you away from the docking point, eyes rapidly blinking to get rid of the water.
"What about you?!"
You have to yell over the sound of the thunder and heavy rainfall.
"I'm getting the rest of the crew!" He calls back, "stay put!"
You can do nothing but nod, dumbfounded at the sudden turn of events.
As you turn to leave the harbour, a deep voice calls for you.
It's quiet, yet it rings throughout your head and echoes in your ears, and your eyes widen.
You recognise the voice, though it had been many centuries.
"Big brother..." You mutter under your breath.
You move your gaze towards the violent waters, seeing a small, snake like tendril beckoning you forwards. You feel a sting in your eyes--and not just for the pelting rain.
Nervous butterflies flurry in your chest as the rain falling around you grows lighter.
The voice beckons you, and you move closer.
It repeats your name again, "little one... follow..." the tendril falls back into the water, and you gasp.
"W-Wait! No!"
You rush towards the rough waters edge and collapse to your knees, peering into the depths.
Desperation clings to you and you loose all rationale, a cotton haze in your mind forcing you to no longer pay heed to the life you had built since your awakening.
"Brother! Brother, where are you!?" Your eyes dart around before spotting the tendril once again, and relief floods your system. It motions for you to follow before disappearing once more.
You follow.
Chasing it across Liyue Harbour and spying it from the ocean border, it popped up each time before dropping down and appearing someplace else.
Before you knew it, you found yourself by the cliffs of Wuwang Hill.
You struggle to see through the veil of rain, the thunder grumbling louder and louder. Through the thick of it, you spot the faint outline of a man, his back turned to you.
Shock almost paralyses your body. You find yourself slowly moving towards the man nonetheless.
The closer you gets, the better you can determine some of his features.
While tall, he maintains a lean build, ocean hued locks cascading down his pale back. His body is adorned in a loose hanfu, colours corresponding with the oceanic depths.
Your eyes widen when he turns his head toward you, lapis blue irises meeting with the [colour] of your own.
The smallest of smiles tugs at his thinned, pale lips, fondness softening his gaze.
"Hello," He greets, voice—though with a slight rasp—is rich and otherwise smooth, "little one."
Your heart races, a heavy breath leaving you before you bolt towards the man, tears streaking down from your eyes and mixing with the rain.
"Big brother!" You cry out, embracing his form from behind.
Despite your affection, the male keeps himself facing the cliffs edge. He places his hands upon yours, tracing your knuckles softly.
He hums softly, "My dear, sweet sibling," a sad look overcomes his features, and he gazes out towards the harbour.
At his lackluster, you sniffle before looking up confusedly.
"Osial..?" You question, eyes glistening.
He does not ordain you with a response.
Your attention slowly draws towards the city of Liyue, absolute horror filling you to the brim at the sight of it—vortexes reaching from between the sea and the sky threaten to swallow the buildings and wreck the stone mountains, whirlpools drawing closer to the bayside.
You spot giant tendrils of a hydra composed of water thrashing amidst the chaos, roaring and hissing as the rain pours heavy.
"Osial!" You cry out in terror.
"Brother—what's going on?! What are you doing?!" You remove your arms from the figure of the God, pushing yourself in front of him in a panic, "brother, please!"
The male's firm eyes do not falter, and he merely glances at you.
"It is for the best, dear one," A frown makes itself known on his once passive features.
You feel a swirl of emotions well up inside you, "What? No, no! Please—brother, Liyue is my home!"
Osial's gaze hardens, and anger clouds his view.
"Liyue," He spits the name, "has corrupted you, dear one," his fists clench by his side, and the large tendrils of water grow even more fierce, "he has corrupted you."
Your stature falters, "W-What..?"
The man only huffs, crossing his arms across his chest as he holds his chin high, "Do not act so naïve. I know who you confide with. You have betrayed me, little one."
"Betrayed you..? Betrayed? Brother, what are yo—"
"You have made treason with the one whom trapped me under our depths for millennia. You have taken side with Rex Lapis, the Geo Archon—he has taken you from me!"
The God's hair rises in opposition to the heavy downpour, locks twisting into the form of snakes that hiss, "and so I too, will take something precious from him."
His voice booms across the hills and across the waters.
From the edge of the Jade Chamber, Aether and his comrades divert their attention towards the sound of the yell, and their eyes widen.
You feel your heart break in your chest, "What..? No.. no! Osial! Brother—" you begin to scream, tears, like a waterfall, steaming down your face, "brother, please! Think for a moment! Brother!"
The elder ignores your cries of anguish.
Staring you down sternly despite the ache in his chest. He says nothing as he pushes you to the side, walking towards the cliffs edge once more.
He turns to you one last time, a sharp bite present in his tone.
"Once this is over, I will be back for you, dear one. And him," His eyes glint dangerously, "I will kill."
And then he leaps, vanishing into the furious, crashing depths below.
Your stomach drops, and the amount of panic coursing through you makes you dizzy.
You can't lose your brother.
But you can't lose him either.
And you surely wouldn't be able to cope without your beloved city.
So you run.
You race through the forest on foot, terror coursing through your veins.
While it would be faster to traverse through the waters in your bubbled form, it's current condition would render you immobile, and it would only be easier for your brother to hunt you down.
You hiss at the rain hitting your eyes, pushing through the irritation and the pain as you continues to run.
Not to the harbour, no.
It would be much to easy for him to find you there.
You must get away, far away.
Away from the waters, away from your brother, and away from him—your beloved, Morax.
Your body aches and your heart shatters, but you persist--never once sparing a glance over your shoulder at the chaos that ensues.
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You didn't know where you were, but even if you were far, the distance between you and the harbour still could not disguise the explosion from afar.
Your eyes widen at the light booming from whence you had gone, hands covering your gaping mouth as you fall to your knees with a stifled cry.
That was it.
It was done.
The fight was over, but you could feel it, in your heart, that it was not your brother who had won.
The breath in you chest is forcefully taken from you, and you can't find it within yourself to fight for it back.
You stumble into the nook of a mountain base you had hidden in, falling onto the cobbled and cold ground with tears. Your shoulders heave with your heavy and silent cries, before a loud scream escapes you, rocking the land and rippling the waters.
A searing pain grips your heart.
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Despite their victory and with their feet on solid ground, the traveller and the rest cannot help but feel unease.
After their win is assured, a shrill shriek of pain ruptures the air, having echoed from afar. The people of the harbour shudder and almost collapse, looking around in fear, worry, and wonder.
But the group know better, and Aether shares a look of alarm with Paimon—their attention is yet to be caught by the figure slowly and weakly rising through the bubbling of the ocean water.
Through your tears and anguished cries, your exhausted mind forces you into a deep slumber—your body rested in the cave.
You remain undisturbed for days.
Panic and worry consumes those who know you, unknowing of your whereabouts and your condition.
Zhongli, putting aside his contract, feared for you the moment of the attack.
News reached him quickly of Osial's anger towards Rex Lapis for having 'stolen' his beloved sibling, though information of Morax's mortality remain only with the adepti and the Qixing.
By request of the former archon, the traveller sought the help of the fellow adepti to track down the missing god, the Qixing keeping an eye out, though having to prioritise the chaos of the people.
Within the time of their search, you awaken in a daze. Though still heartbroken, your mind is in more ease.
You peek outside of your little cave, stepping out and glancing around. It seems that you made it to the border between Cuijue Slope and Tianqiu Valley, near the adeptus mountains.
About to leave your enclosure, a cold fear consumes you as a shadow obscures you overhead. You look up, spotting the retreating form of Cloud Retainer from above.
Panic grips you again, and you immediately return to your stone cold haven.
They've discovered your existence—they're after you.
After the defeat of your brother, they've come to deal with you next. Since the destruction your brother had caused, surely only death would befall you as punishment in suit.
Tears gather in your eyes again and you muffle a weep. Your body stiffens at the sound of a shuffle from the cave's mouth, and your throat tightens.
Slowly, you stand, keeping silent as the intruder grows closer. You take in one last breath, deciding to play defense as there was no where for you to go.
You summon your catalyst which rotates with your elemental, encased in a bubble with strands of water circling around it. In your spare hand you generates the first burst of hydro, ready to attack.
Anticipation and anxiety flood you as a head pops around the corner, followed by a body with a sword in their hand.
Without hesitation, you clench your eyes shut and let out a battle cry, throwing down your elemental and attacking at a rapid pace.
While your original attack is not powerful, it's continuous onslaught is fast and taxing.
Yells of alarm and pain are heard from the intruder, voices reverberating around the cave.
"Wait! W-Wait!"
"[name]—Wait! It's me! Aether—t-the traveller!"
"A-Aether..?" You slowly cease your attack and peek your eye open, gasping at the sight of the familiar blond male and his floating mushroom fairy companion, "oh! Archons..! Aether, Paimon—I'm so sorry!"
The traveller gives you a sheepish grin whilst Paimon shakes the remaining bubbles off her head, smiling at you.
"Don't sweat it!" The little fairy dismisses.
"So this is where you've been hiding, huh?" Aether comments, "are you okay?"
You shrug, weapon dissapating, "I..I don't know. I've been too afraid to leave, and had fallen asleep in my grief... I don't know how to feel."
The male hums, "Liyue has been looking for you, you know," his voice is gentle, "come on. Everyone is worried."
With a bit more coaxing, the traveller and his companion manage to lead you out of the cave.
You freeze at the sight of someone waiting outside.
Xiao had been standing guard the mouth of the cave, waiting for Aether's return. His hardened eyes meet yours, and you cower in fear, re-summoning your catalyst on a whim.
Your hands bubble with hydro.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy!" Paimon flies in front of you, waving her arms about frantically, "it's just Xiao! Paimon knows he looks scary, but Paimon promises he's really nice! Deep, deep down!"
You glance between Paimon and the adeptus, who eyes you back wearily.
"He...he's not here to kill me..?"
"Kill you?" Everyone is taken aback by the statement, "why would he kill you?" Aether furrows his brows worriedly, "we've been searching for you for days."
"And Zhongli's been worried sick!" Paimon chips in.
"Z-Zhongli..?" Your eyes flutter, and your guard lowers, "oh no... please—take me to him..!" And so they do.
A weary but rushed trip back to Liyue Harbour consisted of Paimon fretting over you and lowkey (okay, highkey) freaking out over the fact that you were indeed another archon, you fearing for your life whenever Xiao so much as glanced at you, and Aether reassuring you that no one wanted you dead. 
Reaching the harbour was like a slap in the face for you, of both uncertainty and relief--relief at the fact that most were safe, and casualties were little, but uncertain of how those who knew you would react to you returning, especially the Qixing and Zhongli.
You wondered if the Qixing will let you roam or imprison you for your brother's acts, or if Zhongli will shadow you in favour for his city--though that would be fair, you conclude.
They are his people after all. 
"Baby pearl!" Your head perks up at the name, head darting around in search for the source of the watery call, "oh, thank the archons!"
Your papa comes barreling towards you, unshed tears glistening in his dark brown eyes as he wraps his arms around your frazzled form, "you're safe..! You're safe..." 
"P-Papa..." Tears, once again, well up in your pretty [colour] orbs, and you sniffle at the tightness of his hold, "...papa..!"
You let out a cry, sobbing into his shoulder, "I-I'm so sorry..!" 
"You're okay, pearl, you're oka-y!" The usually stoic captain's voice cracks, and he sniffles with you. As your tears die down, he straightens himself and clears his throat, turning towards your onlookers, "thank you, for bringing [name] back safe." 
Paimon tiltes her head slightly, "Hm? Doesn't he know that they're...?" She eyes you shaking your head rapidly and a lightbulb goes off in Paimon's head, "Ooh! Paimon gets it. Yes! We kept them very safe indeed! Hehe." 
"Of course, sir," Aether nods respectfully, Xiao simply dozing off into his thoughts. 
"Papa," You gently call his attention, "have you seen Zhongli anywhere?"
The man scoffs, "Where haven't I seen him? He's been frantic since you left. He's either by the pavillion or the terrace. You've given the young man quite the fright."
You sweatdrop.
"Ah, y-yes..." You give your papa one more shaky smile, planting a grateful kiss on his scruffy cheek, "I'll be back soon okay? I promise I won't be going anywhere again."
"Hmph, you better... now, come on you lot! We could use a few more hands down by the docks!"
Xiao promptly disappears at that, with Paimon groaning and Aether simply smiling and giving a polite nod before heading off to help. 
With that, the young archon begins making their way towards the destinated areas, checking the pavillion first before heading up to the terrace.
Anxiety pulses in your heart momentarily, but you quickly dismisses it--like papa said, Zhongli had been frantic, so you have nothing to worry about. 
Making your way up the stairs, you ignore the eyes of a certain ginger who walks opposite to you, watching as you pass him by.
Reaching the top, disbelief takes over your very being.
Your jaw drops and your shoulders sag at the amount of shock coursing through you. 
There, atop the end of the terrace, was Zhongli talking to a man only a few blue hairs taller than him.
His clothes are slightly tattered, and still loose, reflecting colours of the ocean depths. His skin, though pale, is slightly bruised. And although his brows are furrowed ever so slightly, the smallest of smiles rests confortably on his thin lips. 
It was Osial. 
Your brother.
Your brother. 
Talking to Zhongli. 
The geo archon. 
How in the abyss were you suppose to react to this?
How the hell are you suppose to approach them?
Do you say hi to your brother first? Would Zhongli be offended? Or do you greet your lover? But wouldn't Osial be mad then? You couldn't really just waltz over either, you'd just been recovered from hiding. What does someone even say after that?
Your mind races with these conflicted thoughts, eyes dazed and mouth still agape in shock. 
You blink.
"Ah, [name]," Your brother addresses you first, the two men turning their attention to your figure, "dear one..."
His gaze is soft, a regretful look on his features. His shoulders are no longer held back and squared, and his chin is no longer held up so high. Sadness overwhelms him at your lack of response.
You continue to stare, only taking small, slow steps towards them. 
"I..." He sighs, "my dearest kin... I am so... sorry. Truly. It was I, who was corrupt, not you. Never you." His throat tightens, but he continues.
"So many years under trapped under the surface made my mind weary, and I was easily influenced by those you call the Fatui. I had not meant to hurt you, or cause you great fear... My mind was overwhelmed by anger when I was told that the very God who entrapped me had stolen you, forcefully entrapturing you," Osial closes his eyes in remorse, "it is only now that I learn it was all a ploy, and for that, I deeply apologi--"
He stops mid sentence, eyes snapping open in surprise with a silent breath. 
Once within arms length, you had thrown your arms around his waist, nuzzling into his chest with watery eyes. Osial looks down at you in bewilderment, Zhongli quietly chuckling at his expression off to the side.
You sniffle. 
"I'm just glad you're still here, big brother..." 
Blood rushes to the male's cheeks at the sentiment, and his own eyes begin to gloss over with unshed tears. He takes in a sharp breath, holding you close and tight. He rests his chin atop your head.
"As am I, dear one... I had taken you for granted..." Osial is the first to pull away, smiling down at you gently.
He cups your cheek in his hand, caressing it gently, "My, how you've grown... so beautiful and mature now. I've missed you, little one." 
"And I, you, dear brother..." You smile tearfully back up at him, leaning into his familial touch. He places a loving kiss on your forehead before releasing you, stepping away and looking towards the former geo archon.
Your eyes draw towards the dark haired man, stomach fluttering while your heart does flips. 
Zhongli smiles down at you fondly, gaze soft. He steps towards you, outstretching his arms before pulling you into a secure embrace. He nestles his nose unto your head, breathing in your familiar scent.
"You had me so incredibly worried..." You flush at his bold affection, nuzzling him back. 
"I know... I'm sorry." 
He pulls back to look at you, cupping your face in his hands, "It's alright, my love. You're here now, and we're safe. Everyone is."
Your breath hitches in your throat, heart thumping from his endearment. He leans closer to you, nose brushing against your as his eyes grow half lidded.
"...I'm overjoyed that you're safe--"
"Ahem," Osial clears his throat, interrupting you.
Your face blossoms in heat with embarrassment, and you turn away in shame from your brother. Osial's arms cross with a deadpan look on his face.
"Not in front of me, you overgrown reptile," Osial hisses.
Zhongli rolls his eyes. 
"Blink, then, you water-born cretin." 
With that, Zhongli leans down and captures your lips in a long overdue kiss.
A squeak escapes you at his uncharacteristic vigor, though you figure he's doing so to get on your brother's nerves. Despite that, you can't help but indulge, eyes fluttering shut and humming into the kiss.
Your mind goes haywire at the feeling of his tongue gently running over the plump flesh of your lips. You can feel his breath through his nose caressing you, the air breaking upon contact with your skin, and he moans lowly against your mouth. 
Osial gags at the sight, "Alright--alright! That's enough! Get your filthy hands off of my family, you decrepit fossil!" 
It's safe to say that his protests went on unheard. 
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nightmarist · 11 months
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Gale's Tent
Big beautiful blue color (MtG blue?)
Interesting sigilled rug, it's pretty and technical without being ostentatious. Little sitting corner with a basket, a crafe of water, a little pillow, a scale I don't recognize, an hourglass, some herbs, a bag?, a simple bowl, and a ball.
A desk with a potion rack, plus a crate full of potions, and a chest.
A crystal ball, a telescope, some notes and a quill with inkwell, an empty potion bottle, a funnel, piles of books in and out of the tent, a barrel.
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hamsterbellbelle · 4 months
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CC list #1 for Shady Ripperdoc Center🎦:
CC list #2 HERE
Home Improvement || Cheap and Chipped || Hippocrate Medical CC || Netrunner set || Pipes || Pipes || Wallpaper || Plastic Curtain || Lightbox || Cyberpunk restaurant neon sign [Patreon] || Vertical ramen sign [Patreon] ||
Animated fire barrel || Animated steam drain || Animated steam || Bar bottles || Bathroom aids || Bathroom towel || Beckoning cat || Bed/cabinet/counter || Beer bottle || Blood bags || Blood splatter ||
Cabinet/plate shelve/mini boiler || Cardboard box || Carboard rug || Ceiling exit sign || Ceiling/Floor - A - B - C -D || Cereal boxes/table stain || Clothes basket/clothes/shoes || Clothes rack - A - B || Coffee tray || Conduit || Cork board || Cyberpunk neons/vending machine ||
Detective board || Dirtied pots || Dirty dishes || Door panel || Door || Door || Drain || Drink crate || Elevator || File cabinet || Floor dirt || Floor mess || Folding chair || Food clutter/frying pan || Fridge ||
Garage door (deco) || Graffiti van || Graffiti || Graffiti || Hanging clothes || Ice bucket || Ice machine || Janitor cart || Laptop (deco) || Lattice beam || Light strip || Light ||
Mailbox || Medicine cabinet || Metal beam/spandrel/platform/vent-fan/divider || Mirror || Morgue door ||
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sims4t2bb · 11 months
weekly update
Hello everyone, and happy Sunday! We hope the weather has been just how you like it (☀️ in the northern hemisphere, ❄️ in the southern hemisphere!), and that your upcoming week is filled only with the best things.
The updates for this week can be found under the cut — onwards and upwards! ✨
— Base Game
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Caress Stacking Crates, The Fairest Trade Crate Display, debug April Showers Watering Can, Book: Gardening, Bug Spray, Clipper, Extract Bottle, Fertilizer Jar, Handsaw, Ingredients Sack, Spray, and Welding Torch conversions by @tvickiesims have been added.
— Expansion Packs
Cottage Living
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Debug Burlap Sack, Flower Bucket, Onion Crate, Simple Living Cookbook, Soil Sack, Soil Sacks Pile and Water Spigot Planter conversions by @tvickiesims have been added.
High School Years
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Armoire for the Ages conversion by @simsco has been added.
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Debug Barrel Half, Metal Planter (Large), Metal Planter (Small), and Wooden Planter Box conversions by @tvickiesims have been added.
Growing Together
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Dining is Groovy! v.1 by Kindermade; Dining is Groovy! v.3 by Kindermade; GreatShapes Great Nights Bed; Not Your Grandma’s Drawers, Your Table; Privacy is Groovy! by Kindermade; and Woven Whims Cane Weave Double Bed conversions by @simsco have been added.
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Antique Rug (Of Mysterious Origin) conversion by @communicores has been added.
Horse Ranch
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Rancher's Water Feature, debug Rounded Metal Planter (Large), Rounded Metal Planter (Small), and Rusty Garden Flower Sculpture conversions by @tvickiesims have been added.
— Game Packs
Outdoor Retreat
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The Gordian Smooch and Lumber Jack’s Coffee Table conversions by @simsco have been added.
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Debug Bucket, Hand Fashioned Planter Box, and Handmade Garden Pot conversions by @tvickiesims have been added.
Dream Home Decorator
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Smooth Single Slumber and Swingin’ Single Bed conversions by @simsco have been added.
My Wedding Stories
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Not Quite the Ghost Chair and Woven with Love Chair conversions by @simsco have been added.
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Kristopher's Planter and debug Industrial Palette conversions by @tvickiesims has been added.
— Kits
Book Nook
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The Genremax Loveseat (+ add-on), Perfectly Round End Table, Rounded Coffee Table, and The Self-Care Book Tray conversions by @simsco have been added.
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booksdaydream · 8 months
The Blind Rider Ch20
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Magnus signalled to you towards it, giving you space to move in front of him. “After you.”
“A secret room?” You whispered fascinated, your tone almost dream-like, as you followed his instructions and descended the stairs with him behind you.
The clock door closed behind him with the same noises, as you reached the bottom and a metal gate that raised. You crossed it as Magnus followed quietly, entering a large room made entirely of stone, with six large columns that turned into beautiful arches onto the ceiling into ribbed vaults. There were some metal gratings on their middle as the only source of natural light, although some simple fire chandeliers were tied to a couple of them, matching groups of scattered lit candles around the room. There were wood crates, barrels, and other long forgotten storage that clearly started to create spider webs from being there forever.
However, there were some signs that people frequented the place. In a corner there was a pensive with a triptych without its former resident, only a vague scenery painted clearly missing someone, while on the other side was a board with white chalk writings that looked suspiciously like Sebastian’s handwriting. You approached it carefully to inspect, realizing there was a spot with a rug that looked fluffy and inviting with some assorted pillows. You smiled, “Magnus, what is this place?”
*No reproduction of this text allowed without credit*
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thevaudevilledemon · 2 years
I thought about Donald and Gladstone being wild west outlaws so...
There are very few laws in the west, well there plenty but not for the outlaw, the rugged, bloodthirsty individual with a bounty on his head and reputation that keeps him safe from all but the boldest, bravest and stupidest. Some outlaws follow their own rules, some don't kill the unarmmed, some don't kill women or children, some only kill when they need to, but there is one law all outlaws follow; Do not mess with The Unlucky Shot, leave Donald Duck alone.
This is a law that is unwritten, but a law all must follow. He is no sherrif, no marshall, not even a decent shot. Duck couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. However, he is one of the most connected men in the whole country. His mother was Horty McDuck, the sister of the powerful lawman Scrooge McDuck, and his father was Quackmore Duck, the son of the Ol' farmer Elvira 'Grandma' Duck, herself a relative of the Coot family. Scrooge and Elvira are two people you never want to cross, and these connections go deeper. Donald is cousins with Gladstone Gander, Mr. Lucky himself, and though they vie for the affection of the lovely Lady Daisy, when push comes to shove, Donald and Gladstone can put aside their disagreements and shove. Don't forget his other cousin, Fethry 'Red Hat' Duck, and his brother Abner 'Whitewater' Duck. Abner could snap your gun in two with his bare hands, and Fethry, well he is a wildcard, we are unsure if he is on the side of the law, or the lawless, it seems he is both whenever something happens to strike his fancy. Beyond the familial connections, he is a member of the Final Five, a group of misfits who became one of the most feared gangs in all the state, and The Three Caballeros, the most eccentric bounty hunters. With the McDuck clan at his side, his grandma and cousins around him, and his friends, it is common knowledge that even talking about messing with Donald Duck is a death sentence, however, one day someone did decide to mess with the Duck.
I remember that day quite well, it was as hot and dry as any other day, and equally as loud and bustling. Carts and Wagons and Carriages were being pulled across the town by the dozens every half-minute. Workers were dragging crates and barrels into store rooms and dragging them out to the porches, dropping each one with a loud thundering slam on the heavy, dry wood. Store bells rang with such a consitancy that it was surely impossible for the shop clerks to keep up. I myself was just sitting outside of the hotel, whittling away at some dropwood I picked up the other day, a large man walked out of the hotel, he stopped. I turned to look at him, and I quickly turned away, I knew who he was, from one glance I feared for my life more than when I faced any other crooked scoundrel, for that before me was no regular wanted man, it was Dead End Pete, a man whose wanted poster warned everyone, "Bringing him in alive will get both of you shot on site, Dead only. $1000 for his body full of holes, double that for his head alone."
I prayed he didn't see me, but see me he did. I heard the sound of his pistol being cocked, I felt it placed under my chin, I felt his hot breath. He told me to put my knife down, I dropped it faster than I dropped anything else, it bounced off my knee, I heard it clunk against the wooden boards. I heard Pete's pistol fire, I was so scared, I didn't feel he had pulled his gun away from me, not until I heard him walk away, his heavy boots making some of the wood creak under his weight. I opened my eyes, he hit a random bystander, she lay dead on the ground. Everybody backed away from her, I caught a good glimpse of her, and I myself nearly fainted, it was Della Duck, Donald's twin sister. There she lay, dead, and killed for no real reason, or so it seemed. I remember, I remember looking at the crowd, and wondering how many more would be killed just by being near the two when they fought. Dead End Pete started a war, that the whole town would suffer from.
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legendofzoodles · 2 years
From Shadows
Chapter 1 || Quietude
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My eyelids feel heavy as they slowly flutter open. Propping myself up on my elbows, I sit up to better take in my surroundings and frown. I am no longer at the Ordon Spring, but instead in a small room inside of a treehouse, sheltering me from the pouring rain.
More specifically, in someone's bed.
Sighing, I drag myself out of the warm covers and examine my body, raising my eyebrows upon noticing the bandages. White sterile strips of fabric had been wrapped around my head in a haphazard and clumsy way. Perhaps my messy hair had made it difficult for whoever did it.
With a quick glance at the entryway, I carefully slip off the bandages and neatly roll them up. 
After setting the small pile on the old pillow, I quietly push myself off the bed and stalk towards the the lone window. Observing the dark melancholic sky, I trace the rain racing down the glass with my finger and press my forehead against the cool glass. 
Cautiously, I approach the open doorway to see a quaint wooden balcony overlooking the rest of the small living space. I’m alone here, I’m sure of it. It’s too quiet for there to be another person in here with me. Although it’s not like there’s silence, ambient noise from the rain and wind outside made that impossible.
A small smile graces my features as I explore the interior little more, carefully, for I am still in a stranger’s house. 
This homeowner's resourcefulness is most impressive; not only is the house built in a tree, but all of the furnishings- including picture frames are all made of the same wood as the tree. Chairs, tables and cupboards all have the same distinct style to them. Clearly they’d been created by the same craftsman. 
Once I’ve seen everything on the upper level, I walk back over to the balcony. Grasping the wooden bar, I peer over to see the lowest floor and gasp. It’s more spacious than I had anticipated: there’s a woven rug in the centre, a farmer's pitchfork on the wall, several crates and barrels for presumably storage purposes. Over the open fire stands a metal pot, full to the brim with a simple but hearty looking soup.
I probably should just leave through the front door. However...I’m not in any immediate rush right now and I’m curious. After descending the ladder, I walk further into the space and look around some more. 
Various pictures on the walls show people from the village. All either posing for the painting or captured doing their everyday work. Their smiles radiate a warmth I cannot describe. The aroma of homemade soup is comforting. This entire house oozes personality and cosiness. Which makes me wonder why this place is outside of the village. Whoever lives here is clearly an active member of the community and has people he cares about.  
While walking around I take a note of the horse saddle and wooden sword that are stationed readily by the front door. I was about to reach for the handle when something catches my eye. An old rustic-looking blanket strewn over something large and rectangular, sits unassumingly behind the ladder. My hand lingers on the door handle for a second, before I go over to the blanket and slowly peel it off, revealing a strange wooden bookshelf that comes up to my shoulders. I say strange, because it was completely filled with mostly books, along with a few scrolls and loose papers. Not regular ones though, these were ancient tomes and manuals, most of which were about magic. 
Specifically dark magic. 
Up until now, I had believed that whoever lived here was a normal, if a little lonely villager...however this discovery is concerning. This sort of forbidden craft is something a simple tradesman in a rural province has no business dabbling with. My suspicions about this person rose as I picked up one of the larger books from the collection and flicked through it’s pages. It’s beautiful dark grey hardback cover with intricate silver patterns felt cold to the touch. 
I frown. This book is the work of the Interlopers. A powerful tribe of sorcerers and magic users that existed hundreds of years ago. This group of people were knowledgeable, skilled, powerful...but too ambitious. I still mourn that potential. It was unfortunate that such a talented group of sorcerers were banished from Hyrule. Had they not tried to defy the Kingdom things could have turned out different... but going back to the book, this particular volume contains a few spells even I’ve never seen before. Interesting. 
The burning feeling of a presence from behind suddenly pulls me out of my emersion. I frown for the second time today. Whoever it is, owns this collection and therefore this entire house. Preparing to confront the individual, I subtly adjust my posture and turn around, slamming the book shut for extra effect. 
The person in front of me is young man. He was leaning a raised arm on the ladder, his narrowed eyes flicking between me and the book I had clutched to my chest. He perfectly fits in with the rest of the house. Yet he looks nothing like what I imagine a human who owns resources of dark magic would look like. Perhaps my assumption is outdated, but in my mind I had envisioned someone old, far removed from the world and for lack of a better term, depraved. Someone who purposefully lived this far from the village in order to practice forbidden spells and enchantments undisturbed. 
Yet, the man standing before me is neither old nor shifty looking. The only unusual things about his appearance are the the white patch on his cheek and bandages covering the back of his left hand. 
Instead of ancient fancy garbs, he wears simply pieced together Ordonian style clothing made for working in the fields, and tattered furry sandals. Instead of a tiny, frail and hunched figure, he is tall, with broad shoulders and a muscular figure probably built from regular hard farm labour. Meaning...he wouldn’t realistically have the time to dedicate himself to learning such a demanding craft.
Nothing about him makes sense. Perhaps, someone else owned the collection? But then how could one explain the single bed on the upper floor? No, the only logical deduction is that he surely lives alone.
We continue to stare at each other. I notice that he doesn’t seem all that surprised by my appearance. Which makes sense since he must have seen my face and hair while he was haphazardly putting on those bandages. But this is surely his first time seeing my eyes...doesn’t he find them unusual? Purple is not a natural eye colour for humans and coupled with my long silver hair, I must look very strange to him yet he’s completely unfazed. His lack of a reaction doesn't put me at ease though, I wish had a hooded cloak; at least then I could hide from his dark blue eyes. Which to my surprise, don't reflect hostility but rather a lively curiosity.
"You...can read the ones not written in Hylian," he observes, voice deep and just below normal speaking volume. 
"I-I can, yes." I say and look away slightly. 
He is still staring at me! His gaze is distant yet intense, like he’s trying to see through me. It's obvious he has questions, while his face is mostly unreadable his eyes are practically gleaming with intrigue. Is he really not going to say anything else? No matter, I’ll just take the initiative. "How and why did you acquire these artefacts? They're centuries old- lost to time along with the scholars who wrote them- yet here they are now in the possession...of a farmer..." my eyes narrow in suspicion and my voice lowers slightly as I finish the sentence.
"Found ‘em." He simply replies, eyebrows rising slightly at my slightly accusing tone. Wordlessly, he lifts his arm off the ladder and stretches outward as he moves towards me. I take a few hesitant steps back in response and unwittingly bump into the bookshelf. It takes me a second to realise that he wants me to hand it over. 
There’s no harm in giving it back, so I do. “Where? In the forest? Somewhere in Hyrule perhaps?”
He skims through its pages, stealing glances at me now and then, saying, "The first two shelf levels were hidden in a chest in what’s now my basement. I found the rest over time in Faron," he shuts the book with his left hand and puts it back in its slot. "I’ve, never been to Hyrule.” 
“Why do you keep them here?”
“The folk here here ain’t so keen on magic," he says, reaching around to fold up the old blanket. “I can’t have this stuff out in the open.” 
“Oh no, that’s not what I meant,” I say hurriedly, making him pause midway through shaking off the dust. “I was asking, why keep them at all? Wouldn’t it be easier to bury them in the forest or something like that?"
He slowly shakes his head and sets the heaped blanket on a nearby crate. “Shoulda, but I’m too curious.” 
There’s silence again after that. I can’t really think of anything to say in response. Curiosity is a feeling I know all too well. I can’t fault him for wanting to collect them and try to understand them, even though they’re dangerous. I have to admit, that response landed a chord with me. 
“You hungry?” he asks, walking over to fireplace and taking the boiling pot off the heat. “The soup’s done.”
He’s looking at me expectantly, pot lid open and ladle in hand, ready to start serving. “Um, sure thanks,” I say, and walk over to the small table next to the wood stove. A quaint dining set up. 
A ghost of a smile flashes across his face as he fills two bowls with the steaming broth and sets them on table along with a couple of wooden spoons. He ushers me to sit down on an ornate dining chair and places a bowl, spoon and cup of water in front of me. I thank him and he nods, before setting out his share of the meal.
As he’s slicing some hearty looking bread, I’m becoming aware that I’m sitting on the only available chair. “Excuse me? Would you like this seat?”
The farmer seems to have gone off speaking or something, because he only shook his head in response, before putting the slices of bread in a woven basket in the middle of the table and picking up a barrel to sit on.  
"Shall we switch places? That doesn’t seem very comfortable," I say, feeling my voice quiver as I stifle a laugh. His legs are comically close to the ground, making him appear shorter than me.
To this, he sits upright and adjusts his posture. "S’okay, thanks."
“Alright,” I respond, before picking up the spoon and digging into supper. The soup was delicious! It was pumpkin based, with chunks of the fruit swimming in hot liquid amidst other fresh ingredients, earthy and mildly spicy. The bread is good too, full of nuts and seeds with a soft and fluffy texture. They’re great separately, but as demonstrated by my quiet companion, it’s even better to dunk the bread in the soup. 
When’s the last time I had a meal like this? In fact this is my first time having pumpkin soup and I have to say, with each spoonful it’s climbing up and up my favourite food list. In fact, I haven’t eaten since I arrived in the kingdom. For some reason I can’t stop smiling; I’m glad I took him up on his offer.
After finishing off my second slice of bread, I go to pick up a third to help mop up the last splashes of soup left in the bowl when my fingers brush up against the farmer’s. Immediately, I draw my hand back and apologise, letting him grab a slice first. However, he gently pushes the bread basket towards me with a small yet knowing smile. Why is he looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face? 
As nonchalantly as I can, I touch the back of my right hand to my mouth and draw it back. Distressingly, I am greeted by tiny but noticeable bread crumbs stuck to my skin. He did not provide any napkins and the 3/4 sleeve of my dress isn’t long enough for me to wipe around my mouth without being obvious. If I were to use my hands it’ll look even worse. Partway through my mental crisis, I look up and almost snort. 
The man is drinking the last of his soup by having picked up the bowl and raising it to his lips, the rim of the ceramic bowl barely covering me from his line of sight. Taking this opportunity, I pull on the hem of my sleeve and quickly wipe away every stray crumb from my face. 
I am about to continue eating when a loud snort almost makes me drop my spoon. The sound came not from me, but from the farmer. He then takes a sharp intake of breath, putting the bowl down and covering his mouth and turning away slightly. Not a lot sound is coming out, but it’s clear from the sharp irregular way his chest rises and falls that he’s coughing. 
Oh dear, maybe the soup went down the wrong way?
To be honest, I’m not sure how to react to this. If I could just be myself, I would laugh away the tension and ask if he’s okay. But that wouldn’t feel right considering we haven’t said a thing to each other during the meal and I don’t want to embarrass this stranger. Yet, he’s being too obvious for me to believably pretend to not notice, and besides if I did that, it would just be awfully inconsiderate. 
“Is everything ok?” I ask tentatively, leaning forward to get a better look at him.
Without speaking, he gives a couple unconvincing nods and raises up a hand to stop me from leaning any closer. It’s not like there’s much I could do to help anyway. So, I resolve to go back to finishing my meal, while he downs the rest of his water, before collecting his bowl and bringing it over to the wash basin at the end of the room. 
With his back to me I quietly allow an exasperated sigh escape my lips as a sort of release from controlling my reactions. Ugh, I’m being so awkward. Turns out acting like a regular human is much harder than I remember it being. I used to be so good at this, so why am I so nervous? Wait, nervous? No, I’m not- why would I be-? 
I’m just rusty, that’s all. 
I polish off the last of my soup and the farmer comes over to collect my bowl and cutlery. He wouldn’t let me help out, so while he cleans up I remain at the table. He didn’t take away the bread basket, and I kind of wish he had because there was one large slice left and I really wanted it. Although, it would be polite to leave it as a courtesy, so I held off on snatching it up. 
At this point, other than to look at more of those books, I don’t see much of a reason to stay here; the storm may still be raging outside however the rain has lightened up somewhat and I do not mind spending the night in the woods. Of course, in time I’ll have to think of some way to reward this person for helping me and treating me to that wonderful meal. That’ll have to wait though, right now I have more pressing things to concern myself with.
“Hang on.” I hear him say, which surprises me, and not just because it’s the first thing he’s said in the last 20 minutes or so. Does he somehow sense that I’m ready to leave? Or am I just being too transparent about it?
“Ok, why?” I ask.
He doesn’t immediately answer, instead he finishes drying the last cup with a piece of cloth, sets it on a rack to dry with the other things and then goes over to a storage cupboard to fish out a smallish wooden box. I observe as he comes back over, puts the box on the table and brings his little barrel closer to where I’m sitting. 
"How’s your head?" he asks. His voice cracking and sounding a little horse from all the coughing earlier.
“Oh, don’t worry it’s fine. I’m not injured,” I say and subconsciously graze my fingers from my temple over to the middle of my forehead. Where my symbol/crescent marking should be. “I left the bandages you'd wrapped on the bed upstairs; that was a...nice gesture."
“Your hair was in the way,” says the farmer, lightly ruffling his own messy locks as he said this. I almost smiled.  
“Hm...it is a lot,” I agree, fiddling my fingers through the front pieces of my silver hair. If I were to undo my updo, my hair would fall to the ground in a heap. “Now, I appreciate your hospitality-”
"You can use magic."
My eyebrows furrow at his interruption. Is it that a of big deal to the people living here? Why is this of any interest to someone like him? Better yet, how in the world does he know that? He has the faintest smirk on his face and his eyes have that gleam of intrigue from before. That’s what makes me realise that the medical box is still unopened.
For the first time, he takes the initiative, continuing with, “I was coming back from the Faron woods early this morning when I saw a bright flash of light coming from the Ordon Spring. When I got there the light was long gone, and I found you lying unconscious in the shallow waters. I tried to wrap bandages around your head cuz I thought you’d knocked it.”
That explains how I inexplicably woke up here, as well as a couple other things. Again, I didn’t know how to react to this. That’s the most he’s ever said. It’s like the script has been flipped and now I’m the one being grilled for information. 
“What were you doing?” he asks.
What do I say to that? Should I just tell him? Nothing bad or good will happen if I tell him, it’s not like there’s anything he can do to stop what is coming. Plus it would be nice to talk to someone about all this. I sigh, “Have you heard of the Spirits of Light?”
He shakes his head so I continue, “Well you see, I was trying to contact the Spirit of Light that dwells in that spring: Ordona. Except, it didn’t work- it didn’t work for any of the others either- and it’s really starting to worry me.”
“What do you mean ‘it didn’t work’?” he asks, smirk fading into a serious expression as I talk. 
“They didn’t respond,” I say, leaning an elbow on the table and resting by cheek in my hand. “Or rather...they couldn’t.”
“Why?” he asks, leaning in a little closer, resting an elbow on the edge of the table.
“Um...” I clench the fist propping up my cheek and take a deep breath. “They most likely are either hiding like in Ordona’s case or...they’ve already been taken, like I suspect Eldin and Lanayru.”
“By what? Is something after them?”
I nod and look off to the side, uncomfortable that I now have to sort through all this. “Yes, the Twilight Invasion. The faux leader of a tribe called the Twili by the name of Zant took his people, corrupted them with a dark power and brought them with him to take over your world of light: Hyrule. And I’m afraid they’ve already conquered much of the kingdom already.”
“Will they come here?” 
“Yes, without question I’m afraid,” I say and study his face for a reaction. 
I had half expected him to dissolve into panic or fear, but to my surprise he only slightly raises his eyebrows. “That explains why the forest has gotten more dangerous lately; prolly this terrible weather too. And these Light Spirits can help?”
“Not just help, they’re the only beings that can drive back the Twilight,” I say, “But their presence is fading from this land...it’s only a matter of time until...” My speech trails off, ending with a slow exhale through gritted teeth. 
The farmer crosses his arms and looks down as if in thought and after a bit of silence he speaks, “If the Light Spirits can’t help is there anything else we can do?”
“Mm...well for now, not much. Nothing can be done until this storm dies down. Then my last resort will be to locate- I’m sorry, we?! I gawp at him. “This is something far beyond your limits. There are forces here more powerful than you could ever imagine. No, what you can do is evacuate the village, drop everything and get as many people out of here as possible. Even once you get out of the province, keep travelling every few days because there’s no guarantee that the Twilight will stop expanding, and you don’t want to be stuck in it.”
“What happens if we do?” 
“I don’t know specifically...sorry, but you won’t survive long,” I say, hating that I can’t be more useful. Not just the fact that I can’t seem to properly warn this innocent man but also how ineffective I’ve been at stopping the invasion. If I’d done my job better, if the princess had just listened to me, if I’d gotten to the Light Spirits sooner...none of this would have happened. 
“The protector of this village is Rusl, he can lead the evacuation,” he says, with a strange intensity in his eyes. Is it determination? Or something else? I can’t tell. “I’ll help you stop the invasion.”
“What? You don’t have to...” I wasn’t sure how to dissuade him from joining me, but one thing he said did stand out to me. Glancing at the sword and horse saddle by the door I say, “I was under the impression that you were the village protector.”
The farmer shakes his head somewhat sheepishly, “I’m not.” 
Without thinking, I blurt out, “Then why are you isolated like this?”
I regret asking that the second I opened my mouth. The effect that question has on the farmer is immediate. His expression hardens, but only for a split second before he returns to a neutral expression. “There ain’t a special reason; I just prefer living here...but going back to this Twilight problem; you said there was something you need to locate?”
Placing my hands together on my lap, I look off to the side, “Not something, someone. And it won't be a straightforward journey, I don't really know where he is, or who he is.” As I say this, the boy tilts his head slightly in confusion so I quickly add, "I know it doesn’t make much sense, but I only know that he should exist and he’s the only one who can end this now."  
“How will you know when you find him then?”
“I’ll just know,” I respond. “I’m sure of it.”
After a short pause, the farmer takes the medical box and goes across the room to put it back in the cupboard. “Where’d you even start looking?”
“Wherever the Twilight hasn’t gotten to yet I suppose,” I say.
He leans against the cupboards and says, “Like here?”
“Um, sure,” I say, fiddling with hands. He’s so strange, taking all of this information in without even batting an eye. His lack of reaction to the news of an incoming invasion, is just weird. “May I just say, you’re taking all this surprisingly well. I expected a little pushback, but you’re just accepting everything I’m telling you.”
“I trust you.” Is all he says, giving me a little shrug. 
It feels like my first time seeing him properly. He stands tall and assured, radiating a friendly aura extenuated by the gentle orange glow of the fire. Friendly. His eyes are kind- how could I have not noticed before? Considering he has brought me, an odd-looking stranger, into his home and has been very hospitable...
“I forgot- thank you! For everything,” I say suddenly.
He’s surprised by my outburst. His face subtly brightening into a mixture of delight and he goes to sheepishly rub the back of his head. “There’s no need for that.”
“No, there is,” I say, shaking my head and standing up, “You’ve given me food and shelter from this storm. I’m busy now, but someday soon I’ll be back to repay your kindness.”
His hand falls to his side, “You’re leaving?”
“Well...” I hesitate. There’s no reason for me to stay right? 
“You’re welcome to stay longer,” he says, taking a step forward. “At least until the storm clears.”
“Thank you but...I don’t like the idea of doing nothing while the Twilight continues to expand,” I say truthfully.
“Nothing can be done in this storm. You said so yourself,” he says, “Wait it out here.”
“Are you sure?” I ask.
He nods, “We won’t be doing nothing. You’re welcome to the whole book collection, if you share what you know.”
This piqued my interest, and subconsciously I shift my eyes to the shelf, focusing on the spell book I didn’t get to finish earlier. “Could I also borrow couple?”
He immediately picks up on my excitement and nods with a smirk. He gestures to the lone slice of bread sitting in it’s basket on the table and walks behind the ladder. “It’s yours.”
Flustered, I quickly look at the bread slice before snatching it up and taking a huge bite, my face heating up when I catch him glancing at me from the corner of his eye. After a couple more bites I join him and together we raid the bookshelf for as many books, scrolls and journals we can in our arms (although funnily enough the farmer wouldn’t let me carry more than one). 
We end up sitting side by side on the large mat in the middle of the room, enclosed in a circle of open books. Quite the cosy scene. The roaring thunder had died down by now, with the sound of the heavy rain lightening up to create a sort of peaceful ambience. Not that it was silent, well, I was still doing most of the talking- translating texts and explaining foreign symbols to my companion. It’s quite enjoyable teaching him, for he’s an attentive listener and asks specific purposeful questions. 
Once it gets late, I start to get tired. Every other sentence is punctuated by a hefty yawn, in addition to me constantly pausing mid-sentence and forgetting to absorb the information, making me reread whole paragraphs. While I was finishing a page the farmer silently stands up and ascends the ladder for something. I wonder about waiting for him to get back before continuing, but the book is practically finished and he probably read ahead anyway. After he leaves, I close the book and stretch out my arms, in a manner somewhat akin to a drowsy kitten- probably looking really silly.
Before I have the chance to stand up myself, a warm quilt is draped over my body. Startled, I look over my shoulder to see him adjusting the quilt comfortably around my shoulders. "I'll bring more bedding. Or, use bed if you don’t wanna sleep here."
"Oh no, it’s ok, I'm not tired yet," I lie, not wanting to retire for the night just yet. Why I’m so tired, I have no idea. I must have slept hours after I passed out in the spring, that should have been enough to restore my energy. "Thank you for the blanket though, I was starting to get cold,” I snuggle into the blanket. “Also, I don't really mind where I sleep, it is your house."
He doesn’t answer but I assume that he heard me; as I’m turning the page of a new book he comes and sits next to me again. I don’t think anything of it until, he takes part of the blanket and wraps it around himself, shuffling closer until we’re practically touching. 
"Um, what are you doing, farmer?" I mumble. Not so much protesting the gesture (I don’t actually mind it) as supposed to just being curious to what prompted the act. 
"I’m cold," he replies quickly, only to pause and stare ahead, like he’s just thought of something monumental. “...my name’s Link.”
Wasn’t that also the name of...?
Tearing my eyes away from the book and I carefully study his face, but...no, the more I look the less I see a resemblance to…him. It must just be coincidence. His eyes hold a very similar spark I suppose, but other than that I don’t see anything connecting them. 
Speaking of Link, he’s now gazing intently at me. I feel my face heat up with embarrassment and I instantly break eye contact. Oh, of course, he’s wants my name. Going by the ears, it’s clear he’s Hylian (which raises some questions about why he’s never been Hyrule, but that’s not important), so I have to give him this name: "I'm Luna."
Thanks for reading!
From Shadows: Link’s backstory
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shopofthemoment · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: new Crate & Barrel ✵ Kupla Pom Pom Cotton Spa Bath Rug ✵ Soft White ✵ 24” x 36”.
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galpalgoods · 2 months
Creating Your Dream Retreat: Backyard Oasis Ideas on a Budget
Your backyard is more than just an outdoor space; it’s a potential oasis waiting to be transformed into a serene retreat where you can unwind, entertain, and reconnect with nature. Contrary to popular belief, creating a backyard oasis doesn’t have to break the bank. With a bit of creativity and strategic planning, you can turn your outdoor area into a picturesque sanctuary without exceeding your budget. Here are some budget-friendly ideas to help you create your dream backyard oasis:
Define Your Space: Start by defining the purpose of your backyard oasis. Do you envision a cozy reading nook, a vibrant garden retreat, or a space for outdoor gatherings? Once you have a clear vision in mind, delineate different areas within your backyard accordingly. Use elements such as outdoor rugs, potted plants, or decorative screens to create distinct zones for lounging, dining, and relaxation.
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Upcycled Décor: Turn trash into treasure by upcycling everyday items into stylish décor pieces for your backyard oasis. Look for discarded materials such as wine barrels, tin cans, and wooden crates that can be repurposed into planters, lanterns, or outdoor furniture. Get crafty with paint, stencils, and embellishments to transform these items into eye-catching accents that elevate the aesthetic appeal of your oasis without breaking the bank.
Thrifty Furniture Finds: Furnishing your backyard oasis doesn’t have to be costly. Shop smart by scouring thrift stores, garage sales, and online marketplaces for budget-friendly furniture finds. Look for sturdy pieces that can withstand outdoor conditions such as wrought iron chairs, wooden benches, or rattan loveseats. With a fresh coat of paint or some decorative cushions, these thrifty finds can add comfort and style to your oasis without draining your wallet.
Low-Cost Landscaping: Enhance the natural beauty of your backyard oasis with low-cost landscaping solutions. Invest in drought-resistant plants and native species that require minimal maintenance and water. Create visual interest with strategic plant placements, varying heights, and textures. Incorporate affordable landscaping elements such as gravel pathways, mulch borders, or decorative rocks to add structure and definition to your outdoor space without breaking the bank.
DIY Water Features: Transform your backyard oasis into a tranquil retreat with the soothing sound of water. Instead of splurging on expensive fountains or ponds, consider DIY water features that are budget-friendly and easy to install. Build a simple bubbling rock fountain using a waterproof basin, a submersible pump, and decorative stones. Alternatively, repurpose an old wine barrel or a salvaged trough into a charming water garden or mini pond.
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In conclusion, creating a backyard oasis on a budget is entirely achievable with a little ingenuity and resourcefulness. By incorporating DIY projects, upcycled décor, thrifty finds, and low-cost landscaping solutions, you can transform your outdoor space into a picturesque retreat that reflects your personal style and provides a peaceful sanctuary for relaxation and enjoyment. Let your imagination run wild as you embark on the journey of turning your backyard into your dream oasis without exceeding your budget. For more information, visit us: galpal.net Email Us: [email protected]
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