#crash prone
sadowife · 4 months
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🌹 ,Crash-Prone Nero Claudius …
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No Kin, ID, Me tags.
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vio-lenceee · 3 months
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oh you dark one eternal outsider caught in the spider's web you've spun oh you blind one gentle and kind one seeing the world as a loaded gun wanted to show off my tav erasmus' scars that he got from his pact with gibbeth. it turned into something more... interesting 😏
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disrealities · 5 months
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An alter that is more prone to narc-crashing than others. They may be a symptom holder, or something similar.
This is exclusive to those with NPD. Tranid & similar fuck off ^_^
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tagging: @sanguinaryfreaks , @crow-collective15 , @deceasedchoir
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nekrophoria · 1 month
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some random, half assed pics of my favorite edgelord
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4mulaone · 11 months
the disrespect shown to charles leclerc across this whole sport . death by a thousand cuts
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bosspigeon · 8 days
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c0smiccom3t · 3 months
So.... I heard a version of Crash 5 never saw the light of day and got canned.
And now people are thinking Crash 5 as a whole got canned....
I need a moment.
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chaossurvives · 10 months
I’m so glad Lando doesn’t crash very often because every time he does it’s a big one
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fella-lovin-fella · 4 months
i almost just rolled my ankle by accidentally stepping on my laptop charger. and you know when you can just tell you've just avoided a Big Oopsy? this was one such case. i just feel like if my ankle would have rolled, it would not have been good
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nochi-quinn · 5 months
I finally manage to write for the first time in ages, get ~400 words in, and Stimuwrite crashes
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tswwwit · 2 years
Hihihi I'm here with another opinion. And its thats Other Bill is a dumbass.
Other Bill really though familiar Bill was weak because he was playing house with a human. So what if he's domesticated? Does he not realize that this is a version of himself who actually has something to lose. He's the most dangerous!! :/
Other Bill's thought process kinda went like this:
This Bill is Soft for this guy! It's clear when you look at the human's reactions - and even in the environment! All the context pointed right towards some domesticated moron.
And Soft Emotionally = Soft Everywhere = Soft Target. No threat at all!
Clearly this was some whimpering, wailing, quivering, pathetic Bill, that would fold under a bit of pressure. Honestly, he'd be doing the multiverse a favor getting rid of that guy! Squishing (or stealing) his (admittedly cute) human would be a fine precursor to putting him down.
Other Bill did not expect a Bill who was, well. Still very Bill. The mistake he made was thinking that because Bill went soft in one single place - that he'd gone all jello-like everywhere. Classic overgeneralization. Along with a lot of egocentric cognitive biases.
The other dumb thing Other Bill pulled was not changing his plan.
He could have course-corrected when Familiar Bill reemerged- even that first interaction showed him he wasn't dealing with a total pushover - but he figured, hey! If one dumb human could ruin this guy, what could he possibly do against another Bill?
And then he found things out the hard way.
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mayamelodyegg · 10 months
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straydogged · 2 months
oh yeah its all coming together
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the-armored-shade · 2 years
How long would you say the Little Radiance took to make? And how did you preview the animations?
Probably around 10 months working on and off again. I use Krita to make my skins, which supports animation so I can preview the animations as I draw them.
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Spritepacker (the program I use to put all the sprites in the right spot in the spritesheet) also lets you preview animations.
I also frequently test the sprites in game as I complete animations.
If you're interested in making skins yourself, there are resources in the hollow knight discord, including links to spritepacker tutorials and links to the individual sprites grouped by animation.
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estre doing estre things (putting that car in the wall)
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astronomicalunit32 · 2 years
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I just need people to know he calls you a little noodle. it’s amazing and he’s right I am a little noodle.
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