#cpa eligibility
fintramglobal001 · 3 days
US CPA Webinar 2024 : Why CA Students Should Pursue US CPA 
🌟 US CPA Webinar 2024: Why CA Students Should Pursue US CPA 🌟 Join us for an insightful webinar on the benefits of pursuing the US CPA (Certified Public Accountant) designation for CA (Chartered Accountancy) students. In this webinar, we will explore: * The global recognition and career opportunities that come with a US CPA license. * How the US CPA complements the CA qualification and enhances your professional profile. * The exam structure, eligibility requirements, and practical tips for preparing and passing the US CPA exams.
📅 Date: 24 Feb 2024
⏰ Time: 5:00 pm
Register now to secure your spot and take the first step towards a rewarding international career in accounting!
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milescpareview · 10 months
Celebrating 12 Years of Excellence of Miles Education!
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Marking 12 Years of Excellence at Miles Education! Empowering accounting careers in India and expanding horizons in the US. Grateful for your support as we continue to achieve new milestones together.
To know more about us, visit: https://bit.ly/44fsVUP
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skaadoosh1996 · 1 year
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theblob1958 · 6 months
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Who is eligible for CPA course?
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Eligibility requirements for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) course and exam in the United States vary by state because each state's Board of Accountancy sets its own specific requirements. However, there are some common eligibility criteria that most states share. Here is a general overview of the eligibility requirements:
Education: Typically, you need to have at least a bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited college or university. The degree should include a specific number of accounting and business-related credit hours. The total number of credit hours required varies by state but is often around 150 credit hours. It's important to check your specific state's requirements.
Accounting Courses: You are usually required to complete a specific number of accounting courses, including courses in areas like financial accounting, auditing, taxation, and management accounting. The specific course requirements can vary by state.
Work Experience: Most states require candidates to gain relevant work experience in the field of accounting. This work experience is typically done under the supervision of a licensed CPA and can range from 1 to 2 years, depending on the state.
CPA Exam: Passing the Uniform CPA Examination is a fundamental requirement. This exam consists of four sections: Auditing and Attestation (AUD), Business Environment and Concepts (BEC), Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR), and Regulation (REG). Candidates must pass all four sections within a specific timeframe, which varies by state.
Ethics Exam: Some states require candidates to pass an ethics exam, which covers professional ethics and standards related to the practice of accounting.
Character and Background Check: Many states conduct character and background checks as part of the application process to ensure that candidates have good moral character.
Fees: There are fees associated with becoming a CPA, including fees for the CPA exam, licensure application, and renewal fees.
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cowboyjen68 · 1 year
Taxes. You CAN do this!
To those of you who have not filed your taxes (Deadline is tomorrow) or who are putting it off because it is too complex I have some good news. I paid a CPA for years, sometimes 200.00 or more to do my taxes. My parents helped me or did them for years and then, once married, I was convinced they were too complicated for me to handle. Most of us, even me with three jobs, a chiild and owning a home etc, are eligible for free tax preperation. Certainly we should not be paying 200 some bucks to some service that is just following along the same form we could be doing for ourselves.
TODAY go to irs.gov. There is an application to ask for an extension. FILL IT OUT. Get yourself more time to avoid loosing money in fees and penalties.
The IRS site will ask you some questions to help you find a FREE or discounted service to file your taxes on line. Look for a site that does your state (some list specific states and others say all states) for free if you file your federal with them and you can do it all at once.
If you don't have access to your tax records from last year you can contact the company you used last year OR follow the link they provide to access/set up your IRS account. This is good to have in any case because there is lots of good information about your income etc on there. It takes some back and forth on your phone/computer (you need a smart phone for quick IDME set up but there are other options). You can also get all your information off of the hard copies from the previous year.
Once you choose the right tax prep account from the IRS suggstions you simply follow the easy instructions and match my the form number listed on the tax papers mailed to you by your bank, employers, etc. Match the box numbers as you go. It is really a easy process if you just follow the numbers of each box. You will need your checking account and bank routing number for direct deposit AND your Adjusted Gross income (on last years tax form OR available from the IRS/you preparer) AND the "over payment" ie REFUND From state and federal last year. (Also available on your irs site or on the forms form last year).
They email and or text confirmation and if there is an issue they give you the specific space that needs correcting.
You CAN do this!
ALSO> rememeber to have your tax exemption 0 going forward to insure taxes are withheld all year so you are less likely to owe. (DO not claim yourself).
AND remember you can deduct your Vehicle registration from many state taxes (you will need the title OR at least the cost you pay, year, and WEIGHT of the model you own-I was able to google the weight using the year and model).
If you get hung up the IRS also lists free services to help you. Many libraries and local social sevices entities will have information on the free filing help.
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terrieblueberrie · 2 years
Almost 4 months in since turning 24 and I want to highlight some of my accomplishments and my goals for the next 4 months (because what is failure?) as we come into a new year.
Accomplishments: After all around many, many, MANY, failed exams I passed 1 part of the CPA Exam (BEC -75), I have paid roughly (since I have been slacking on reconciling my budget) $6,000+ on my student loans (I have a personal goal to be debt free and having student loans doesn’t fit into that dream), hung outside of the house with friends and did activities, got dressed to go out to nicer than average places (nice for me is no jeans and T shirts), and successfully gained more experience and knowledge at my job.
Goals: do better about reconciling my monthly budget, get eligible for a promotion, pass 1 more part of the CPA exam (Studying for AUD IYKYK), have better stress management techniques, go on one date.
I think this is it for now. I’m currently moving and operating on a 3AM-8PM schedule (my commutes can be FUCKIN BRUTAL). But so far this has worked for me I am mainly tryin to motivate myself to actually get up and stretch or workout instead of scrolling on social media for an 1hr+. Best of luck in the next 4 months and the new year. Peace and prosperity to you all!
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torbeag · 1 year
hello tumblr it's Tor here with a life update! those of you who caught my slightly unhinged semi-horny angstposting will know that I have been through the ringer recently in terms of interpersonal emotional things, but! things are looking up now! because tomorrow I have a date with a very beautiful very sweet girl (who happens to be exactly 1 foot taller than me, wild!). we will be having a picnic dinner watching the sun set over the bay and then I'm taking her out to the theater (for which I can get free tickets because I work in the industry* #perks). I'm still gay though for anyone counting along at home I'm just bisexual about it.
*oh yeah also not sure if I mentioned it previously but I never went back to my job at the physical therapy clinic after returning from Aotearoa. I only work for the theater now and I got a long awaited promotion back in January so I have an actual Career Job now.
oh yeah also I'm taking accounting classes to be eligible to take the CPA certification exam next year and since I was enrolled in college again anyway I'm also taking dance classes. final exams for this term are next week.
yes I'm stressed yes I'm drunkposting because I'm taking a break from my responsibilities but also yes I'm very happy! being in your 30s is amazing don't let anyone tell you different!
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fintramglobal001 · 3 days
Which US CPA Discipline Subject To Choose?
🔴Welcome to our latest YouTube discussion on an important topic for aspiring CPAs. Are you embarking on your journey to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and feeling overwhelmed by the choices of CPA exam disciplines? Join us in this insightful conversation with Pankaj Dhingra, an experienced CPA professional, as we dive deep into the considerations for choosing the right discipline for you. Thank you for watching this video! If there are any video suggestions that you would like us to make, please drop them in the comments. LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE!
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milescpareview · 10 months
The Job Opportunities For CPA in India
Why choose Miles to earn your CPA?
Miles is the largest CPA training institute in India. It offers the following:
200+ hours of CPA classes and classroom training over 28 Sundays. We provide Online Video lectures for those who need flexibility in their exam preparation or in locations where Miles classroom sessions are not conducted.
Miles CPA Review has original McGraw Hill books authored by Varun Jain. They have exam-focused notes that include multiple aids for conceptual understanding and memory.
Miles Online Test Bank Access for online practice questions and mock exams (8000+ MCQs and 500+ Simulations including enhanced Simulations and DRS).
Logistical support – Exam Eligibility, Foreign Credential Evaluation, NTS, UAE /US travel.
CPA licensure assistance.
Let us now understand the steps to pursue CPA licensure with Miles Education:
Step 1: February 2023, Start your CPA course with Miles.
Step 2: August 2023, REG - Batch Start.
Step 3: September 2023, FAR - Batch Start.
Step 4: November 2023, AUD - Batch Start.
Step 5: January 2024, BAR - Batch Start. 
Step 6: Earn your CPA Licence & open a world of opportunities.
There’s no more time to wait or waste, you’ve got Miles to be a CPA!
Also, read: Job Opportunities for CPA Course in India
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sudoscience · 2 years
Okay, can someone explain this to me, please? I applied for a job at the IRS ("Revenue Officer", to be specific). The job announcement said to be eligible I needed 3 years of experience in the field OR a bachelor's degree in any field. I have a bachelor's, so I applied, and they said I wasn't qualified. I told them that's not what their announcement said, and they emailed me back and said I "lacked the required specialized experience and, therefore, were not eligible for the position and would not be referred." Am I reading something wrong, or is their HR department just stupid?
Here's the exact text from the announcement:
You must have three (3) years of general experience, one (1) year of which was at a level of difficulty and responsibility equivalent to the GS-04 grade level in the Federal service. General experience for this position includes having a general knowledge and understanding of business and financial practices, and that demonstrated the ability to deal effectively with others. Examples of this experience may have been gained in work such as financial, accounting, purchasing, merchandising, investigative, civil or criminal law enforcement, data processing, or similar activities in commercial or government enterprises. It also may have been gained in work that provided knowledge of credit operations and practices related to the collection of delinquent accounts;
Four (4) year course of study leading to a Bachelor's or higher degree in any field of study from an accredited college or university;
Certificate as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) obtained through written examination or membership in the bar in State, territory or the District of Columbia;
You may qualify by a combination of experience and education.
I mean, I'm pretty sure working as a cashier/assistant manager at a gas station for four years doesn't count as the kind of specialized experience that they're looking for, but I have a bachelor's degree in linguistics (which is definitely a field, the last time I checked), and I'm quite certain the University of Texas at Austin is accredited. Wouldn't you think that meets the requirements? America, explain!
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What is eligibility for CPA?
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The eligibility requirements for becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the United States can vary slightly from state to state, as each state has its own Board of Accountancy that sets the specific requirements. However, there are some common eligibility criteria that are generally applicable across most states:
Education: You typically need to have at least a bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited college or university. The degree should include a certain number of accounting and business-related credit hours, which can vary by state. A typical requirement is 150 credit hours, but this can vary.
Accounting Courses: You usually need to complete a specific number of accounting courses, including courses in areas like financial accounting, auditing, taxation, and management accounting.
Work Experience: Most states require candidates to have relevant work experience in the field of accounting. The amount of required experience can vary but is commonly around 1-2 years of supervised work under a licensed CPA.
CPA Exam: Passing the Uniform CPA accounting course Examination is a fundamental requirement. This is a comprehensive exam that assesses your knowledge in various areas of accounting, auditing, taxation, and business law. You typically need to pass all four sections of the exam within a certain timeframe, which varies by state.
Ethics Exam: Some states also require candidates to pass an ethics exam, which covers professional ethics and standards related to the practice of accounting.
State-Specific Requirements: Each state may have additional requirements or variations in the above criteria, so it's essential to check with your specific state's Board of Accountancy for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
Character and Background Check: You may be required to undergo a background check and demonstrate good moral character as part of the application process.
Fees: There are application fees associated with becoming a CPA, including fees for the CPA exam, licensure application, and renewal fees.
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medtalksblog · 2 days
Professional Indemnity Insurance for Doctors: Safeguarding Your Medical Practice
Doctors are the only professionals who face the risk of a financial liability in the course of practicing their profession. Professional Indemnity Insurance can protect them both financially and legally when they are sued for negligence.
For patients, doctors are healers who restore their health from critical medical emergencies. However, human errors are inevitable, leaving doctors vulnerable to claims from patients who experience loss due to perceived or actual negligence, mistakes, or oversights. While such claims can significantly threaten a medical practitioner's financial stability, medical insurance plays a crucial role in mitigating the risks and protecting the professional interests of doctors across the board.
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What is Professional Indemnity Insurance?
Professional Indemnity Insurance, also known as Medical Negligence Insurance, is designed to financially safeguard medical practitioners against legal costs and claims for compensation. It provides:
Financial Protection: It relieves doctors from personal liability for compensation payments and settlement fees, allowing them to focus on providing quality care without fearing financial implications.
Financial Assistance: It also covers the cost of defending oneself in court (Cost of Decree), facilitating medical professionals with monetary support and economic stability in case of a lawsuit.
Regulatory Compliance: Professional indemnity insurance is a legal requirement for practicing medicine in some regions. 
What the Policy Covers?
The policy typically covers liabilities for a year from subscription, facilitating a predetermined sum insured, known as the Limit of Indemnity. This limit applies per accident and per policy period. Any expenses beyond this sum must be borne by the doctor. Indemnity insurance policies should be separately obtained for doctors and hospital staff and renewed annually to cover claims arising under the Consumer Protection Act (CPA).
Getting a Medical Insurance
Various organizations in India offer indemnity insurance policies for medical practitioners:
1. Indian Medicolegal Consulting Services or Professional Protection Groups: These services handle medicolegal issues and administrative problems. These organizations provide insurance coverage through nationalized companies and offer legal guidance and advisory support.
2. IMA National Professional Protection Scheme: This scheme offers legal aid to its members and aims to protect doctors from harassment or litigation during their professional practice. However, only life members of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) are eligible for the scheme. 
3. Professional Indemnity Policies by National General Insurance Companies: These policies are available for individuals, hospitals, and diagnostic centers. However, no short-period policies are allowed. 
4. Online Insurance Services: Comprehensive Professional Indemnity Insurance tailored to meet the individual needs of medical practitioners can be harnessed from online insurance aggregators. The easy-to-navigate online platforms allow doctors to compare different policies and select the one that best fits their needs.
Selecting the right Professional Indemnity Insurance policy requires careful consideration.  Policies tailored to specific specialties can provide more relevant coverage. Understanding the policy coverage and its exclusions is crucial before choosing the policy.
In a profession where the stakes are incredibly high, having the right insurance coverage is not just a precaution but a necessity. Doctors must be encouraged to consult with insurance experts to tailor a Professional Indemnity Insurance policy that best meets their needs and ensures comprehensive protection for their practice. 
Policy Wordings PI Medical Practitioners. [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jun 18]. Available from: file:///D:/downloads/Downloads/7_Policy%20Wordings%20PI%20Medical%20Practitioners%20_%20Misc%2022_GEN074.pdf
 Kumar S, Haque MA, Tehrani HY. High stress in doctors. Indian J Psychiatry. 2020;62(5):458-463. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6951135/
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saicpa01 · 3 days
Transform Your Financial Management: Partner with Sai CPA Services
Effective financial management is crucial for the success of any business. At Sai CPA Services, we offer comprehensive accounting solutions tailored to your unique needs. Here's how our services can transform your business:
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In-House Payroll Managing payroll in-house can be a daunting task, but our expert team ensures it's handled efficiently and accurately. We manage everything from wage calculations to tax withholdings, ensuring compliance and timely payments to your employees.
Invoicing & Payments Streamline your invoicing process with our professional services. We handle the creation, distribution, and tracking of invoices, ensuring timely payments and improved cash flow. Our system reduces errors and administrative burdens, allowing you to focus on core business activities.
Tax Deductions Navigating the complex world of tax deductions can be challenging. Our knowledgeable team ensures you maximize your eligible deductions, reducing your tax liability and increasing your savings. We stay updated with the latest tax laws and regulations to provide accurate and compliant advice.
General Ledger Maintenance Maintaining an accurate general ledger is vital for financial transparency and decision-making. We offer meticulous general ledger maintenance services, ensuring all transactions are recorded correctly. Our team regularly reconciles accounts, identifies discrepancies, and ensures your financial records are accurate and up-to-date.
Financial Statement Preparation Accurate financial statements are essential for evaluating your business’s financial health. Our experts prepare detailed financial statements, including balance sheets, income, and cash flow statements. These documents provide valuable insights into your business's performance, helping you make informed strategic decisions.
Partner with Sai CPA Services Choosing the right accounting partner can significantly impact your business’s success. At Sai CPA Services, we are dedicated to providing personalized, high-quality accounting services that meet your specific needs. Our experienced team is committed to helping you achieve financial clarity and business growth.
Ready to transform your financial management? Contact Sai CPA Services today and let us help you navigate your accounting challenges with ease and expertise.
Contact Us: https://www.saicpaservices.com/ https://www.facebook.com/AjayKCPA https://www.instagram.com/sai_cpa_services/ https://twitter.com/SaiCPA https://www.linkedin.com/in/saicpaservices/ https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va9qWRI60eBg1dRfEa1I (908) 380-6876 1 Auer Ct, 2nd Floor East Brunswick, NJ 08816
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ifcpltd · 4 days
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Curious about becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the USA? Discover everything you need to know about the CPA USA course, including eligibility, syllabus, and exam structure. Unlock your career potential today!
Join now: https://tinyurl.com/mt62mzk8
Connect with us for more information: 📲+91 9903100338 📧[email protected]
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