#coyotekin kris wont be canon
acaciapines · 2 years
what are your takes on what kris and ralsei's character development will be going forward in the game itself?
well obviously i hope kris does SOME species-questioning (i mean. the whole 'wearing a horn headband as a kid bc you thought you were a monster' has to be leading to something right) but more realistically i can see their arc being about, like...okay idk the word for it. but like, i think there's going to be something there with the soul/player, and like, both what that means for us (players) playing a game, and kris, as a character in said game but also like, hmm.
i know toby fox said somewhere that you get to be friends with everyone in deltarune, and that has to include kris. so maybe, like--something about coming to terms with who you are? with where youre living? kris isnt a monster. (unless they are and they're otherkin but while thats the direction i go in my stories i doubt deltarune itself is going there). the soul, us, the players, whatever you want to call it--even if we stop playing the game theres still, like, kris, who is left, and has to do things on their own, now.
like, in the beginning of chapter one, toriel holds their hand and walks them into school. maybe thats what the soul is like? i usually take a more...negative view in my own writing but i think there is something really interesting in the soul being more morally gray than that. and like, we're gonna have to be able to talk to kris at some point, right? please?
basically i think kris's arc is going to tie into ideas of agency and control and the lack of it and figuring out who the fuck you are when nothing seems to fit right (i think there's a lot that can be said about us controlling a HUMAN soul. we dont control kris. we control the human soul. something something otherkin kris <3)
for ralsei, i think i have a lot more concrete ideas on her arc. for one i think it would be GREAT if trans girl ralsei is canon but im um. not counting on it ngdfg. but! even if it isnt it still ties in with where i imagine her arc is going to go, which is like, learning how to live outside this set role you were given, figuring out how to be on equal ground with these people you have imagined existing for so long, only to meet them and realize its like, way harder to be friends than just have some nice things to say?
ralsei brushes worrying things under the rug a lot. i imagine she's going to have to work on that. also she's like, a really good character to deal with the whole 'hey so darkners are kinda fucked up if you think about it too hard yes yes?' like, how they're there to make lightners happy....fucked up! i think ralsei might realize this is fucked up. i could also see her playing an antagonistic role (at the very least to kris) as she tries to cling to the prophecy/her set role even as things change to a point where that isnt possible, but i think she'll get through that.
im also a big 'ralsei is kris's red horn headband' truther so i think their arcs are going to intersect due to that. something something idealized versions of self.
is this anything? i hope this is something. i have a lot of deltarune thoughts but mostly i express them via fanfic.
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acaciapines · 2 years
interesting to see your ask response because I don't read Kris as currently having much identity confusion at all! they probably HAVE done some species questioning but I read the horned headband, esp if it's ralsei, as an ideal that they were trying to live up to and have given up on. they're not happy but they know who they are, even if that is someone they only have space to be in metaphorical 3-day Kandrona breaks.
okay firstly: i already wrote an animoprhs au where frisk was the human and chara the yeerk but wow kris would LOVE being in an animorphs au. like their life would Suck but boy is it similar!
anyways. i can also see that! obvi i lean more to the 'let kris do some identity confusion' bc. um. i have written a massive body of work about that. but if the game doesnt go that direction i wont be too surprised lol usually if there is identity questioning its more 'this nonhuman character wants to be human' not 'this human character wants to be nonhuman.'
i feel like there has to be SOMETHING in-game though, even if the resolution is that they have to give up on this ideal they cant live up to, and just be happy being themself--idk i just feel like its boring if that happened in the past and isnt touched on. i do think the ideal they were living up to is Unhealthy (this is why im a coyotekin kris truther: not a monster or a human but themself) and so. they and ralsei got some Stuff to work out.
also this is only tangentially related but this ask made me think of it, so: i know the whole 'ralsei is an anagram of asriel' thing is used as backing for the idea that ralsei is based on asriel somehow, but im wondering if its like. okay we know canonically asgore and toriel are bad at naming children since 'asriel' is just a mash of their two names. so like, in a world where kris was adopted when they were older maybe 'ralsei' is like, this name they think their parents mightve given them if they were with tori and asgore from birth? idk its not a super solid theory but I Am Thinking
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