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skylarmoon71 · 1 year ago
Miguel O' Hara - AU Scientist (Across the Spider-Verse) - Chapter 8 - Final
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Time has given you a chance to really think about all that has happened in your life. The truth is, you lost faith in a lot of things after you lost your uncle. Then Gavin. It felt like you were being punished constantly.
But you’ve come to understand that it’s just life.
You can’t control everything.
Your eyes drift over the news report.
A bank robbery, three people died.
You could have stopped it, had you not been afraid.
“Remember sweetheart, with great power comes great responsibility. Never forget that.”
That’s what your uncle said. You were supposed to live by those words, but you’d just gotten so bitter. You decided that if life was going to screw you over, you would stop trying.
Stop helping.
Seated on your bed, your eyes are trained on the trunk placed before you. The dust that has accumulated at the top makes sense. It’s been almost five years. Reaching for the lock, you twist it, breaking the metal. The pieces drop to the floor and you stare at the navy and ruby suit.
It looks the very same as the day you first wore it.
The spider insignia has a bittersweet feeling. You wear a small smile, reminiscing on the very first time you’d completed the outfit. The feel of swinging through the streets of New York. The rush after saving a life. That genuine satisfaction of making a difference. It’s weird, but so many emotions are all rushing back. You never planned to ever touch this box again. But Spiderman…that Miguel..his words won’t leave.
Even if he was an asshole, he was right.
You have the power to keep people safe with more than just your knowledge as a scientist. But your strength as a hero.
“I had a feeling.”
You’d left the door to your room open, so you aren’t that surprised that Miguel walks right in. He moves closer, staring down at the opened trunk. The suit makes his eyes widen just a bit.
“You told me but I..I still can’t believe that you’re the vigilante. Many people speculated that you had died.”
Exactly what you hoped.
“Are you going to join him, that vigilante?”
There’s a tightness in his voice.
“I am.”
You look over, and you aren’t surprised at the fear mixed in with understanding. You realize that Miguel is essentially powerless in this situation. He can’t stop you from this decision. The look on his face, you can tell he wouldn’t even try. Because he understands. Just as much as you do.
“This time I promise, I’ll protect everything I care about.” You turn to him fully and Miguel takes your hands.
“I’ll do what I can to ensure that you keep that promise.”
You smile.
“How did I ever get so lucky?”
There was a time where you truly thought that you were cursed. Yet, when you look at Miguel, all you feel is blessed.
“I should be asking the same question.”
You move closer, and he squeezes your hand a bit tighter. Miguel leans over, the very moment that you feel the familiar tingling at the back of your head. You flinch, turning to your side. The very same portal opens, and that tall figure steps right through. The suit is a dead give away. Spiderman looks less than pleased.
“Did I interrupt something?"
“Of course you did!! What kind of moron just pops up in a woman’s room! What if I’d been changing. HUH! I know you’re from a different earth but common decency should be universal!!”
Spiderman turns his head.
Your frown deepens and you massage the bridge of your nose. If it’s one thing you don’t miss, it's the random appearances of heroes in your residence.
Miguel is still staring at his superpowered counterpart.
“This is still a bit much to take in..sorry.”
You shake your head.
“You don’t have anything to apologize for.” You assure.
Spiderman may be wearing a mask, but from his stance you can tell he’s not very patient, or pleased.
“I didn’t come here for lectures. I need your help. People are in danger and you seem to know more than any other hero in my organization. You can save people, help people. You can’t tell me that you’ll turn your back on that. I need you to see how important this is.”
You sigh.
“No need for the speech, I’m going to help.” He tilts his head, clearly not fully believing you. Especially how much you fought in your first meeting.
“You will?”
“I told you, all you had to do was ask nicely.” The hologram that pops up at the side of his shoulder catches you both by surprise.
“Now isn’t the time Lyla.” He grouses.
“Artificial Intelligence..” Miguel mutters. You can already see the wheels turning in his head. The expression that he’s now wearing is just too cute. You grin.
“I can already see the equations running through your head Miguel.” He flushes when he realizes he’s been caught, adjusting his glasses a bit bashfully.
“Sorry, it’s just impressive. “
“It is.”
You agree.
“It’s weird isn’t it, you both have the same face.” Lyla is now inches away from Miguel's face, and he stares at her in interest as she takes a selfie with a filter attached. You can’t help but laugh. Despite Spiderman’s sucky attitude, it’s clear that he is indeed gifted.
“He’s kinda cute actually.” Lyla mutters.
“Hey, I’m just saying. Throw on a pair of glasses and look more innocent and boom.”
You glance over at Miguel. It’s hard to picture him with a frown 24/7.
“I’m glad you’re my Miguel.” You lean over placing a kiss on his cheeks and he blushes.
“I’m leaving.”
He turns his back and you giggle. It must be a bit awkward watching you kiss a different version of him. He tosses something over his shoulder and you catch it in your right hand. The very unusual watch is what you expect.
“I’ll be in touch.”
Hopefully he’ll give you a heads up before he appears again.
“Welcome back.”
You can’t fight the smile at the statement.
Without another word, the portal reopens and he steps back in.
Miguel looks back at you.
The future is uncertain, but maybe this time, you’ll do it all right. 
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kasaneteto · 1 year ago
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VERY RARE eyeliner W from debin can i get a round of applause 😎 also my outfit rox very gnc for the work dinner
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miserye · 7 months ago
debating flying abck to texas for kpop boy group world tour hnmmmmm
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janeway-lover · 2 years ago
I need inspiration to finish this WIP so here have this
“Crowley, you gotta see this.”
“Hastur, if you try and show me another puddle of puke I will walk out,” he says with a sigh. They had been closed for 30 minutes, but the last table (a sorority here to kick off a bachelorette party, ugh) had only just left. 
“Nah, man, it’s not that. You remember that dude you were totally drooling over earlier?” 
“No,” he insists, although the blush on his face would prove otherwise.
“Yeah, okay. Anyway, I’m checking my receipts, right, and look at this,” he says, brandishing a receipt under Crowley’s nose. He snatches it from Hastur’s hand and holds it out to read. And then reads it again.
“Does that say fifty dollars as a tip?” Hastur nods. Holy shit. He’s hot, nice, and rich. Fuck. Crowley doesn’t have a chance with him. 
“Yep. He’s not my type, though. So when he comes back around looking for a sugar baby” - here he falters as he dodges a slap from Crowley - “I’ll make sure to send him your way.” He does not manage to dodge the second slap.
In which Crowley is a host at a local restaurant and Aziraphale is the new regular
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emodennis · 2 years ago
some context: i'm marching with my new coworkers & managers, but we work at the lgbt center and it's pride so idk how "work appropriate" it has to be
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im-tempted · 1 year ago
you are gods strongest soldier actually and you shoulld be allowed to kill. Or at the very least Maim
Working in customer service is like if people where legally allowed to fuck with you and you are not allowed to leave your weird little box
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lavellun · 1 year ago
my week in a nutshell
monday: i'm finally adopting a cat 🥰
wednesday: i'm literally losing my job 🙃
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provokedgoalie · 2 years ago
printed out some hockey word searches at work lol
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mysticfishphantom · 2 years ago
Now Im gonna post some babies from work. Theyre all adopted or at rescues or fosters now, i just dont delete things off my phone.
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grrrrrrrbarkbarkbark · 1 month ago
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This is good and correct information. It also sucks because it's describing FEMA and NCCC uniforms which are MANDATORY.
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reecanseo · 3 months ago
Reecan Interiors Envisions Life And Design Together
Reecan Interiors can also provide an elegant interior by coming up with custom made designs.
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ananya211 · 1 year ago
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Upscale coworking Space in Chennai, prioritize aesthetics, showcasing luxurious furnishings, stylish interiors, and ergonomic office setups that not only elevate productivity but also embody the level of professionalism aspired to by insurance agents.
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janeway-lover · 2 years ago
Hey, look at that, I finished it! This is the WIP I posted about yesterday, and I can't believe that actually worked.
Anthony Jay Crowley was a lot of things.
He was the type of man that mothers used to warn their daughters about in high school. He had dark red hair that no one could agree about whether it was natural or dyed. He had a tattoo below his ear. He wore all black. He never took off his sunglasses.
And most importantly, he was ready to burn this restaurant to the ground with everyone inside it.
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xsaintseraphx · 2 years ago
I wish I had a friend.
But I'm insufferable to be around with.....
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koussevitzky · 5 months ago
There are children abound I am so afraid
My parents are very anti social and they’re hosting a party today that isn’t exclusively family for the first time ever today anything could happen truly
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fuck-customers · 8 months ago
I'm still a bit mad about this so here we go-
My place of work closes at 5. These two customers come in like ten till and get a bunch of plants (I work at a plant shop). The one guy wants delivery, fuck me cause delivery orders take a while to do with all the damn paperwork and he has like 15 plants. I tell him the delivery fee, he asks if it's subjective on the amount of plants he gets, I explain it's a flat fee and that it gets delivered by a box truck. He decides he's gonna go back and get more plants. At 4:51. I tell him we close at 5 sharp, he says okay, but we all know that doesn't mean jack shit. He spends like another 10-15 getting more plants.
While he's going back there I start writing up the information for delivery. Plant name, gallon size, quantity, price, ect...
One of my coworkers comes up with the golf cart full of plants. There was probably 15+, atleast. It's like 4:55 now. He says the lady is still shopping in the back and has another cart full of plants. Fuck me again. He says she has a Beep and isn't gonna fit it all in there and is probably gonna do delivery. Double fuck me. I haven't even counted the cash drawer yet. I start writing up this first order. Again, all the details. Everythin.
One other coworker says she already got the prices of plants for the second order (the second cart, on top of the golf cart, the customer brought up) in the register computer. I say she (customer) wants delivery, so she walks away. Just leaves, as I'm writing up the order. Thanks for the fuckin help.
This is where I get more angry than I already was. Manager comes up, asks what's going one. It's past 5 at this point, we're closed. Except we're not cause both these fucks are out in the garden gettin more plants. I explain *both these customers want delivery. She says I can't do two things at once and that we need to 'divide and conquer'. First of all, divide and conquer my ass. I am conquering, no one is helping me. One cowroker even left while I was doing the order write up. I already wrote up all the information for the first order (besides stuff like customer address, I just did the plant details) and I'm pretty much almost done with writing up the next order. Bitch customer number 2 then is up front and loading plants in her car, which no one told me, which the coworker who brought them up who's helping her SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME the customer was taking certain plants. My manager and I have a back and forth, me basically explaining 'I already wrote down the information for BOTH orders'. She then makes me hand her my paper with order 2 on it and she basically disregards my entire work I just did, redoing everythin. I literally had it under control, I wrote down EVERYTHIN (that I could do). Plant names, quantity, prices, gallon size, and it was over 40+ plants in the end. At this point I'm pissed cause it's like 20 past five, neither one of these customers have their order written up officially (I use a scrap paper first then write nice on the order form), I don't want to leave in rush hour traffic and neither customer is upfront actually paying for their order.
Eventually another coworker comes up and helps the other other one who's still slow with doing orders. I give her all my information I wrote up for order 1. Weather or not they actually used it, idfk. I'm just pissed that all my effort went to waste for NOTHING for my manager to tell me I'm doing it 'wrong'. I was *this🤏 close to just clocking out and leaving since clearly no one wants the actual effort I put into these two damn fiasco of orders. Someone else can count the two cash drawers out, if you're gonna disregard my effort then you clearly don't want it and you can get someone else to do it.
This and the other shit that has been piling on, like my coworkers not helping me when we get busy and me feeling singled out for 'not checking customers out fast enough, not being vigilant of the front' makes me want to look for a new job. I'm tired of hustling my ass just to be told I'm slow at it, that I'm not cognizant, that my effort isn't enough. Why they don't get on my coworkers, idk. They do fuck all while the phone is blowing up and I have a line of customers upfront. They literally have 20 minute chats with the manager while I'm gettin slammed with customers or I'm actually doing somethin productive. It's only been six months but I'm already thinking of leaving.
Posted by admin Rodney
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