#covy lucy
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milksetters · 1 year ago
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run! run away!
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whence-the-woody · 11 days ago
Lots more thoughts
Main takeaway is how much i fucking love Haymitch. I already did but so much more now. He's so funny, kind, smart, cocky, sarcastic, loving, rebellious and firey. He is a pure rebel through and through. He does an illegal job, hates the rich and the peacekeepers, dates someone whose family doesnt approve, hates bullies, he IS a rascal but far from harmless. He was down immediately to fuck shit up and just kept getting up and trying again. I adore him all the more, and Im more heartbroken for everything he lost.
So yes, alot of it was fanservice. Generally Im not mad about that in any media. The only times I was a little iffy was - 1, Snow talking so much about Lucy Gray to a random tribute kid and 2, the way plutarch apparently knows the future when talking about the rebellion. Those were a little on the nose for me and unrealistic. Haymitchs curiosity about Lucy Gray veered on far fetched at times but I can believe it because of his attachment to the Covy. My god LG is the DEFINITION of haunting the narrative and I love that for her
The propoganda message was so out there and on the nose. Partly its because we're hearing from a more aware character (Katniss bless her only noticed things after it was waved in her face 100 times). The other thing I think is SC just knowing that media literacy is dead and after so many years, she still has a message to get accross so this time she was just like LOOK. HERE. ITS ALL LIES. PROPOGANDA. TRUST NOTHING. NO ROOM FOR INTERPRETATION.
What that does do tho is make us question every single story Katniss ever told us about the games and the victors, which is wild. We shouldve known that already - so maybe SC was right to be so obvious about it
For me, in every single book, the games drag at least a little bit. This one was really interesting because some things happened so fast I got whiplash - Lulu, Ampert, the failed plot - then the part with Maysilee felt just a bit too long. Tho even her death felt quick idk. I adored him accepting her as a sister. The whole theme of siblings throughout was again a bit on the nose but so so important to the series.
I have to admit there were so many characters and I listened to the audiobook over 2 days so by the time we got back to Wellie I could not remember who she was. REGARDLESS her starvation and death her fucking brutal my god. Every death in the games was, I feel like Suzanne has gotten more comfortable over time calling them what they are.
The last few chapters were more what I thought the whole thing was going to be - a story we already knew but devastating nonetheless. There were of course details that made it all the worse - seeing the house burn, Ma and Sid holding each other, Birdie singing at the funeral, getting a reunion with Lenore Dove. All so so cruel and heartbreaking even though we knew what was going to happen the whole time
I love how Suzanne subverted expectation and showed us that the stories we're told are lies. There was so much more going on that we didnt know.
Also big love for her dumping so much lore in the first few chapters. Again, I can almost hear her being like FINE here have it already! then we can get to the important stuff and you can stop asking questions we already know the answers to
The early cameos made so much sense to me. The later ones initially surprised me but thinking about it they absolutely make sense too (of course other victors would be their mentors, of course beetee was a rebel all along). The only one that is still a stretch is effie. Dont get me wrong, love it, so glad to see her. But yeah that was fanservice with not a whole lot of logic. I was hoping for Tigress too ngl.
Overall its just left me with such an interesting feeling because so much of it we already knew and so much has been completely changed by learning more. Haymitch was such a fighter and it was taken from him. Mags always had such heart. Wiress was so smart. Beetee always so valuable he could get away with murder.
Ive been saying for years that the rebellion did not start and end with Katniss and Im so glad this book highlights that. It started before her parents were even together, it has always been slowly building. Beetee was already making plans and fucking with their systems. Haymitch set a spark, the rage was already there, all the pieces slowly came together. She was lucky and at the right time and had the right people and had so much fucking compassion that she became the centre of it but it was always coming. Haymitch promised 25 years before he would stop the reaping.
Finally, the epilogue. Oh my fucking god. I really thought we wouldnt get any Katniss or Peeta content. Or anything from the original timeline. It took my breath away to hear him call them his family. I was so proud that he finally shared his story, that they helped him keep his loved ones alive. But, as the hunger games always does, we're reminded that there are survivors but no victors. Haymitch spent his whole life imagining Lenore Dove with him. He self medicated to a point of no recovery. His belly will always be scarred. But he has his kids and his geece and his freedom. I sobbed through the epilogue and I really hope we see it on screen, it will ruin me.
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butyoucouldberadiant · 1 year ago
Something that was so especially frustrating to me in District 12 (in the book), was how if this was any other person, being taken away from the capitol and being in an environment where he’d mainly be influenced by Lucy Gray, the covie, and Sejanus might make him a decent human being.
But no. It’s Snow.
all the people sympathising with snow and saying they can't hate him anymore after watching tbosas... y'all let awful white men get away with ANYTHING as long as you find them attractive and it SHOWS
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
names/words i had on my discord notes channel labeled #_random-names
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Sad Absa - also, Absaulenne "Abby" Baker, a post mortem minor deity of the poor and homeless. Has a portal leading to every poor man or woman's pocket at once.
Dasalot of Plurality
Enwitta Tilda - Ñ personification
Akoros - loves shiny things. (Сорока)
Wyen Wyelen - y/n character, might be a shapeshifter thief rogue whatever.
Ty Wdym Iibho Imho Sodn Gom
Sonuva - bitch
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ufarhauseins#Gothic Ufarhaus Eins — A disobedient vanguard.
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/buggerare#Italian Buggerare L'Adep
Nesalgos (согласен)
Heoth Heis, an army leutenant blonde elf. (he hot, he is)
Van den Eynde
Shiphrah and Puah
Nair Leena Menon
Ad Mingus-Ogden (goddamn genius)
Arie Huston
Thorin Esau
Etan Houris
Irena South
Noah Rustie
Luci Meadow
Avie Bugfop
Jake Oxquiz
Aaren Ethos
Anthea Rose
Renato Ashe
Ernesto Aha
Ora Shantee
Serena Thao/Taoh
Shenora Tea
Milo Aubert
Morita Blue
Umberto Lia
Aderim Kaollat (tall oak Merida backwards)
Jimarcus Freeman
Travon Lamb
Garon Ottey
Isiah Richie
Hryhorii Epik
Calzada de Oropesa
Nomedra Ekilra Nellafra Nomedak Ekilak Nellafak Rellikra Rellikak Ogelra Ogelak
Emarginula Candida Anneveld Dubowitz
Tófa Angantyr
Heathoric Sifeca
Seo Eun-Yu
Maovais Meuveos
Doelan - a name which means "name"
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yanna /ˈjanna/ n. life (lifetime), life (soul)
Drazil - Lizard backwards
Grandol City. ...once called Urbos Grandom, then Old Grandom, then Grand Old City. Now Grandol City.
Ulagas = ULtrAGAS
Nedel = icen
Takor = tractor
Nollyopa, Liemauth, Retek, Dicleu, Efas, Desilatreun
Alazartis - Salaz(Ar)tist - Salazar Artist
Abamesis Abelia Abikia Abimia Abisasis Abolia Acaquia Acecia Acelia Acisia Adaquisis Adas Adatia Adavia Adehia Adis Adoris Afakis Afalia Afania Afatia Afavos Afazia Afekia Afesis Afihia Afitia Afokia Agakia Agehos Agequia Agihia Agilia Agobia Agosis Ahania Ahaquia Aharia Ahatia Ahes Ahimia Ahivia Ahos Ahosia Ahosis Alalia Alaquia Aletia Aliria Alisis Amalia Amequia Ameria Ames Amesia Amibia Amikia Aminesis Anagosis Anasasis Anasia Anitia Anoria Anosos Apakes Apemos Apesis Apilia Apodesis Aporia Aquaria Aquas Aquefia Aquenia Aquetia Aquinia Aquos Aralia Aregia Arenas Arezesis Arobes Asabia Asas Asebia Aselas Aselia Asenesis Asisia Asohos Asopia Atamasis Ataquia Atasia Atebia Atelia Atimes Atomia Avamia Avaria Avefia Avolia Avoquia Azagia Azania Azasis Azecia Azegia Azelia Azesia Azofia Azoquia Azotia Badia Bania Bapia Baquia Barisis Basia Basis Batia Bedia Begia Besia Besis Bifia Bigia Binia Birisis Bisia Bisis Bitia Bogia Bolia Bomia Bonia Boria Bos Bosia Botisis Cadia Cafia Calia Cania Caria Cas Cavia Cekia Cemia Cenos Cepia Cequia Ces Cesis Cetia Cezia Cigisis Cimia Cinia Cokasis Conia Copia Coquas Corosis Cotia Covis Dacia Dagia Dakia Dalia Dalosis Damia Daquia Daria Dasia Debia Dedia Dehia Delia Dequia Desis Dicos Diles Dimas Dirasis Diria Disos Donia Doria Dos
Ebakia Ebasasis Ebecia Eberia Ebetia Ebisia Ebodia Ebotia Eceria Ecesia Ecezia Ecisia Econia Ededia Edenia Edidia Edipes Edomia Efalia Efamia Efania Efas Efedia Eferia Efetia Eficia Efidia Efiquosis Efis Eforia Egagia Egalasis Egalia Egas Eges Egigia Egimia Eginia Egis Ehinosis Ehokia Ehomia Ehonia Ehoquia Ehotis Eladia Eledosis Elemia Eles Elicesis Elidia Elifia Elimia Eliria Elis Eloresis Emagasis Ememas Emenia Emequia Emes Emesia Emiles Emiria Emisis Emolas Emoquia Enamia Enania Enatia Enebia Enesis Enimosis Eninia Enogia Enolia Enomia Enoria Enovia Epamia Epapia Epasia Epekia Epimia Epinia Epiquos Epiria Epis Equafia Equaquia Equaria Equavia Equazia Equenia Equequas Equesis Equibia Equicia Equimia Equis Equivas Equocia Equotia Eradia Ericia Esabia Esapia Esemia Esepia Esesis Esetia Esevasis Esilia Esisia Esocia Esolia Esomia Esos Etacia Etania Etedia Etekos Etes Etesis Etetia Etitia Etolia Etolis Etosasis Evakas Evazisis Everia Evigia Evilia Eviria Evonasis Evotia Ezabia Ezafia Ezesia Ezidia Ezigia Ezimia Ezitia Ezofia Ezos Fania Faquesis Faquia Fas Fatia Favia Fedia Fenia Feria Fifia Fihosis Fikia Filia Fimia Finia Firia Fis Fisis Fitia Fofia Fohes Foria Fos Fosis Gabosis Gagia Gahos Gakia Gaquis Garia Gazesis Gecia Gegia Gemia Genia Gequia Geras Gesia Gesis Gezia Gidia Gimia Gis Gisia Gisis Godia Gohia Gokia Goquia Goresis Goris Hacia Hahia Halia Hamia Haquia Haros Hasis Hatia Havia Hazosis Hecia Hedia Helia Hemia Henosis Hequia Hesia Hesis Hezia Hinia Hisia Hisis Hitesis Hitia Hizia Hobia Hogia Hogosis Homia Homosis Horia Hos Hotia
Ibapesis Ibapia Ibidia Ibisas Ibonia Ibopia Ibotia Icagia Icaquia Icasia Icasis Ices Icesia Icibia Icises Icitia Icolia Idehia Idenia Ideria Idogos Idoquia Ifania Ifavia Ifehia Ifelia Ifequia Iferia Ifesis Ifocis Ifodasis Iforia Ifos Igania Igatia Igecia Igedia Igoria Igosia Iharia Ihasas Ihepia Ihequia Ihetisis Ihigia Ihihia Ilepia Ilesis Ilipia Ilisia Ilisis Ilos Imamia Imas Imasia Imedia Imes Imifia Imikia Imilia Imosia Inemia Inenia Ines Inesia Inikia Inilia Iniria Inisis Inodia Inoria Inosia Ipaquesis Ipatia Ipenia Ipesia Ipinia Ipizia Ipolia Iporia Iquasis Iquelia Iquitia Iquolesis Iras Irasia Irequia Iresia Irikia Irinia Iriquia Irotes Irozosis Isebia Ises Isevia Isifia Isimia Itabia Itatia Itibis Itigia Itimia Ititia Itodia Ivakia Ivasia Ivesia Ivikia Ivisis Ivonia Ivosia Ivovia Izahia Izatasis Izimes Izimia Izisia Izosis Izozia Lamia Laria Las Lasia Ledia Lehia Lequas Lequia Les Lesia Lesis Letia Levisis Libia Licia Lifosis Ligia Lilia Liquia Lis Lisia Litia Lodia Logia Lokia Lolia Los Losis Lotasis Lotia Mahasis Malia Mamisis Marosis Masia Matia Mefia Memia Mesia Mevia Milas Milia Mimia Mis Misia Mobia Mofia Mokia Monia Mopia Moria Mosia Motia Nahia Nakesis Nakia Nania Naquia Nemas Nenia Nequia Nes Nibesis Nidia Nis Nitia Nolia Nomia Nonia Nopia Nores Nosia Nosis Nozia
Obasia Obelosis Obesia Obiquesis Oboria Obos Ocaquia Ocekia Ocenia Ocequia Ocevia Ocisia Ococia Ocohia Ocolia Ocosia Odas Odasia Odemia Odequis Odilas Odilia Odinia Odisia Odohesis Ofalia Ofas Ofasia Ofecia Ofegisis Oferos Ofesis Ofetia Ofodia Ofokia Oforia Ofos Ogasia Ogasis Ogavia Ogehia Ogemia Ogilia Ogis Ogokia Ogotia Ohanisis Ohehia Ohes Ohinia Ohitesis Ohitosis Olasis Olatia Oletia Oliquos Olis Olites Olopia Omakia Omomesis Omoquia Onaria Onenia Onimia Onopia Onoquas Opacia Oparia Oparosis Opelia Opemia Openia Opes Opibia Opinia Opiquia Opomia Oposia Oquegia Oquequia Oqueria Oquevosis Oquinia Oquoquia Oquotosis Orafia Oras Orasisis Orazia Ores Orevia Oriquia Orisia Oroquia Orosia Orotia Orozia Osagia Osatia Osemia Osesis Osibos Osilia Osohia Osoquia Otakia Otazisis Otesis Otihia Otilia Otohisis Ovegia Ovehia Ovequia Oves Ovesia Oviquia Ozafia Ozaria Ozilia Ozokia Ozolia Ozosis Pacia Pania Paquia Paria Pasia Patia Pavia Pazia Pecia Pehia Pekia Pepia Pequia Pigia Pilia Pimia Pipia Piquia Pisis Pitia Pivia Pizia Pofia Polasis Polia Pomia Ponia Posia Quacia Quahia Qualia Quapia Quaquosis Quas Quasia Quatia Quefia Quegia Quekia Quelia Quemia Quepisis Ques Quetia Quifia Quimia Quiria Quocosis Quokia Quonia Quoria Quosis Quotia Rabia Rahia Ralia Ranes Rania Rares Raria Ras Rasia Rekia Resia Resis Ricia Rihia Rilia Rinia Ris Risia Risis Rivia Rocia Rogia Rohia Romia Ronas Roria Ros Rosasis Rosis Salasis Samia Saquia Sasis Satia Sekia Senia Seques Serosis Ses Setia Sidia Silia Simia Sinis Siquisis Siria Sisis Sitisis Sobia Sogia Sokia Solesis Somia Sopis Soris Sosis Tabasis Tacasis Takisis Tas Tasis Tavia Tebis Tekia Temia Tenia Teria Tesis Ticia Tiquia Tiresis Tisis Titia Tobia Tomisis Tos Tosia Tosis Totia Vamasis Vamia Vas Vasia Vasis Velia Vequos Veria Vesia Vibesis Vimia Visia Visis Vivia Vogisis Vokia Vonia Vos Vosia Vozia Zabosis Zamia Zania Zapisis Zaquia Zaria Zasia Zatasis Zatia Zatis Zekia Zemia Zenis Zequasis Zequia Zesia Zikia
Zimosis Zisis Zizos Zocia Zolia Zoquesis Zoria Zos
kill > k word > kword > Quord
Barsolet - Laser Bot
Arthonis Evolia Arkadis Ardolis Eethria Larmonia Assendlea Andeis Andomiadis Anginnucis Apsilia Norsepia Lousia Readia Ashais Niolis
Erutanis Erutania
Astereadis Astereadia
Angirnoumis Angirnoumia
Amnulocis Amnulocia
Almacis Almacia
Tatwer Guyjos
Perohnal Tahner Fehdom Rehbel Gohd Pehron Ihron Wehser Nohric Lahke Mohner Furohrer Gohdan Lohver Bahner Hehroc Tahnin Godehder Forehver Dahrin Sohn Mahgic Suhgar Lenihdas Colehsol
Tsitra Diret
Nisuq Norep Relik Luxes Nisic Renaxella Retob Laner Narepus Rasab Nixet Dowyloh Rawas Ronemed Cisab Larutan Ecycib Ralusum Renad Et Natum Retom Retaf Nassi Nilatti
Soahn = John in Oceanic languages
Cartoonish - Caronis
ten yoko tate hane migi hidari harai ore kagi sori
Santane por Vida
Adel Marijo Aldo Marjie Almeda Jori major Delia Delora Jami
Jerold Maia Jodie Lamar Jodie Marla
Fenerin Issias Halangul Nandor Ahthaxias Nalogos
Criffon /krifˈfon/
infected - Dectenfi
Amga Olepha
Indaghinta - anti Gandi
Chall Cadomete
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tibb's_Eve Eve Tibb
Azalea Wood
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Vantil Volhel Lim Deldil Sael Firzaomval Menbah Yeorhamgal Khor Rahrem Varkhaerder Damdal Zangil
Walkil Giley Benelwin Adûnittô
Lobbach Arthur Hardy Monmouth Bernard Villemot
Fanuște Laenico Anio
Nevaeh - an actual name anadrome of "heaven"
Actantoc- Aftel- Alkoy- Almap- Alondog- Ampac'cl- Andomiad- Angikam'cisum- Angivil- Angsideecopr- Ankacl- Ankibr- Ankutr- Anseloow- Antemarno- Antemegange- Antendmemmoc- Antepmuiqa- Archal- Ardoarbstepl- Arluc- Arodef- Arryow- Artitsheasw- Aryomem- Astev- Astirorret- Atchapwost- Athardbib- Atyilibom- Atyiluaxes- Atyirnete- Atyissecen- Deab- Duisq- Eapl- Eaurub- Ebordraw- Ecklash- Edgifr- Eentaruag- Eenzampich- Efidwim- Egassem- Encardocca- Enirugif- Enoireh- Epecr- Ercorkfow- Erit- Erusosclid- Esouh- Etuoq- Gob- Got- Ibo- Iemboz- Ieul- Larutarnepus- Leewh- Lerros- Meacreci- Mom- Nexiv- Niocta- Niossepred- Niosulli- Niotacificesp- Niotatidemepr- Niotaton- Niotavonni- Niotiaceppra- Niotimba- Niotisoped- Patr- Raj- Rebstol- Rendef- Rengis- Retemarap- Ronoh- Rotagistenvi- Tackej- Tairtrop- Temphlap- Toc- Wal'ni'rethobr- Xif-
Annakant = Innocent
Kandaralla Magak Kallar Antar Warawalf Saltan Parfama Sadakar Saraäs Rahl Rahlastak Klangan Alahn Gastradar Tarrafarmar Wazardla Wamsakal Kahntar Fahlds
Anglasland Garmanland Fannasland Rassahnland Palasland Balgarahnland
Tennzeyl - Dancer Pàyjael - Baker Kuphe - Smith Dytzael - Teacher
Zimogorr Zimovikk
Bgunenber Annginbier Bengy Genibber Bunder, Bundre Gangy Bundber Bangeiney Buidener Gunger Buneder Gungy
Inommi Parattus = In Omnia Paratus = Ready For Anything
Jakk Antatlad - Jack the Untitled, a noble who disgraced his house and was stripped of all that was of it in him, including memories, using magic. Jakk dwelled the land and was an advisor for many people for periods of time, though, changing sides often.
Solcolrol - Scroll Dardak - Dark Elereder - Elder Masermater - Master Golgod - Gold Hanhadhas - Hands Aramas - Arms Rinrig - Ring Sartas - Stars Binerbider - Binder Joljot - Jolt Domeddomed - Doomed Morormodor - Mordor Citciy - City Loslot - Lost Toctuh - Touch Ferfas - Fears Ciphis - Chips
Sadaia Largaii - Large Soda
Largaia Sadaii
Van Buren
Negwaudrain - NewGuardian
Biornata Guia - giornata buia = dark day
Diniera M'oro - miniera d'oro = golden mine Aro Camico - caro amico = close friend Ama Laffilata - lama affilata = sharp blade Vontagna Merde - montagna verde = green mountain Suon Bovrano - buon sovrano = good ruler
Catdelming - catcalling
Asodas Audofon
Gib Bagul
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mestra Mestra, a shapeshifting lady.
Aintes Loukäm
Ankahnt - Ancient
Anvantar Mantar Davalapar
Kakato Rakata
Hythloday - from the book Utopia
Klaatu Verata
Jelkä https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Proto-Uralic/jelkä "trace, footprint, mark"
qiamind qisgird qicanlion qingno
Harmac - (p)harmac(y)
Standart Standartovich
Aeferhogt Alevraan
Zebedon Arabeda
Jad Gamantis
Duenacáir Duenagáir
Artyar Deny
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вфкл ьфпшс Vefekol 'af-Pewec "dark magic" in ru keyboard
Jyhwgufodic Eba
Christopher Justice
Aldus leaf ❦ ❧
kintsugi -> Iguntsik -> Tiguntsike / Miguntsiki
activityscentclass discoverybirthdaymaid animalskypicture brickwomanrain inventionarchearthquake bbwbwubwuh screwcableplay partybirdcomparison impulsehaircuttaste spidertrainamount rhythmrailbeds boardcoaloranges incomewaxbulb runindustryvest slaveclubform campstationcorn powerstockingword effectshamewaste additionfrogdistribution coachbasketbadge labormarkerveil bikemilkinventor fleshtopsuit currenthallcanvas iciclechinpunishment trailpipegroup zootwistring moontreesmash
Ig-Ea Ar-Ater Ette-Hor Agnificen Orgeou Ajesti Iblica Onstrou Errifi Exua Aradoxa Requenc Arrio Lacksmit Mpt-Anva Eroi Rosio Orrosiv Rehistori Erewol Ate-Elo
Eugor It's just "rogue" backwards
airëailin - holy lake Nilëairai - egonym
palda ambar - wide world, "worldwide" Rambahaldapë
Adhegellelpmemengeorcischothov - God Help Me Overcome This Challenge
Efeanirosgoth The fear is gone
Craetora Dencar Guldan Sylvar Yrun Sevyur
-an, -anna, -elle, -eli, -im Kinig- Lorid- Tasik- Farim- Colid- Sitar- Lonig- Forim- Harid- Johin- Turik- Lanid- Canit- Lisit- Linit- Tirim- Worim- Kihan- Nexit- Minit- Parik- Molid-
Harim- Halit-
letmesoloher Rehol Osemtel
Celessil - celestial Finannil - financial Esennil - esential Merurril - mercurial Docorril - doctorial
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Ahkrepo Arehkanpo Arepedto Arepohkan Arinepo Ohkanpera Opedtera Opehkanra Operahk Operina Rinotas Rohkantas Rotahks Rotasehk Rotyras Sahktor Satohkanr Satorin Satyror Sehkator Tehkannet Tenehkant Tenetyr Tenyret Tyrenet
Eugor (Kinigan Woolseller Normesis) - a robbing hood who ended up in a monastery at age 5 but ran away at age 15, seeing conflict since his view of what's good was different from the ones taught there (he is chaotic good, the priests - lawful good or lawful neutral). Has skill with writing and charisma, knows parlay art and is good with improvised combat/running away. Knows but refuses to use some basic priest spells. Steals from the rich and gives to himself and the poor.
Cantar- -is Mavamant- -in Salvant- -il Acad- -ix Salhaat'- -ios Dragan- -ias Lazard- -io Avaan- -ia Achta'- -iel Garman- -ien Anglas- -ius Franch- -ind Fannash- -ium Arash- -im Atalaan- -iom Talkaan- -iam Rassaan- -iare Akraan'- -ion Paland- -ilus Kang- -iax Ralar- -iac Manarch- -ist
0 notes
daniwoitkowski · 4 years ago
What is Black Twitter?
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Social media has become more ingrained in our daily lives, especially now during the Covis-19 pandemic where we had to embrace alternate ways.
Twitter is a platform that purpose is to spread information fast, short content for our tech-heavy, attention-deficit modern world. Unlike Facebook such as you're hanging out in your own living room, you can catch up with friends and can still guard your privacy. Twitter would be more like bar scene where people talk to strangers, drop one-liners, and engage with personalities from all walks of life.
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Twitter is the only social network where everyone is on an unrestricted even playing ground for concise communication. Twitter, along with other social media platforms has made leaps and bounds toward correcting social injustice through movements and cultural trends through hash tags, such as ones used especially by black tweeters who circumvent traditional channels to get their voices heard.    
Black Twitter is one such channel that can be defined as a network where culturally connected people attempting to draw attention to issues in black communities. It’s not a separate platform from Twitter, it’s a community within the Twitter platform to draw attention to and for black people.  What’s important to understand is that black people found a way to use social media to change the world. From civil rights movements or presidential elections to simply people loving, creating, thinking and commenting, it’s all there right at your fingertips.  
Countries have been overthrown, careers have begun and ended, based around events on social media platforms. Unfortunately, Twitter like every other social media platform is full of anti-black trolling, along with many other racist contents. As a result, some black people were seeking refuge in more controlled spaces.  
What is the origin of Black Twitter? Honestly this one is different depending on who you ask. One source mentioned that It all started in a newsroom not too far from Walt Disney World. Sometime around 1992-1993, Barry Cooper a sports reporter for the Orlando Sentinel taken an interest in digital media realized something in her sports coverage online (2020, May 19). Another source explains they felt that in 2010, Farhad Manjoo wrote this article called, “How Black People Use Twitter,” and the response to it on Twitter was aggressive abbreviated to “Black Twitter” (2018, Nov 28).
However, in the beginning of viral Black Twitter there were responses on such movements like the 2012 YouTube documentary pertaining to the efforts to finding kidnapped children in Ugandan. The video received over 120 millions views in days, and receiving donations towards the cause (2019, Dec 23).
Black Twitter, has hence been responsible for bringing our country’s eyes to horrifying acts against black people, such as the killing of Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Where moments after the Brown’s death witnesses to spread news of the event through the Twitter hashtags #Ferguson and #MikeBrown (2019, Dec 23).
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How about in 2013, when George Zimmerman was acquitted for killing Trayvon Marting. Thus began the birth of the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter (2019, Dec 23).
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During this time that we find ourselves living through Covid and practicing social distancing, social media is more vital than ever before and there is power in numbers. Black Twitter, has proven this in many ways with how it promoted ‘Black Lives Matter’ and raised awareness around the such unjudged racist deaths.
Defining Black Twitter, however, is still to be difficult to explain perhaps rightful so coming from a non-black person as myself. Do you have to be black to part of Black Twitter? Most sources I found states, you do have to be black. But is that in itself a racism answer? I think not, I am not black and cannot pretend to be black. Even though I will stand with the black movement and attempt to emphasize... I will not have the same fear walking down the street as a black person. We must not pretend racism doesn’t exist. We must acknowledge, we must educate, we must help pass along the word.  
Source Cites:
David Dennis Jr. (2020, May 19). https://theundefeated.com/features/a-blessing-and-a-curse-the-rich-history-behind-black-twitter/  
Lucy Turner, Logic Design. (2020, July 29). Social Media Impact on Social Movements like Black Lives Matter. https://www.logicdesign.co.uk/blog/social-media-black-lives-matter/
Donovan X. Ramsey, The Atlantic. (2015, April 10). The Truth About Black Twitter. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/04/the-truth-about-black-twitter/390120/
Whitelaw Reid, UVA Today. (2018, Nov 28). BLACK TWITTER 101: WHAT IS IT? WHERE DID IT ORIGINATE? WHERE IS IT HEADED. https://news.virginia.edu/content/black-twitter-101-what-it-where-did-it-originate-where-it-headed
Andre Wheeler, The Guardian. (2019, Dec 23). Ten years of Black Twitter: a merciless watchdog for problematic behavior. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/dec/23/ten-years-black-twitter-watchdog
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swoopingsilver · 6 years ago
Eh, im bored, might as well
OC List
Original series:
Cassandra (Cassie, Cass-Cass, Red Riding Hood)- risen demoness with long wavy black hair, tawny brown skin, and gold eyes. Pale amber feathered wings like an owls. Snarky, full of secrets, loud. A warrior and leader through and through.
Coverson (Covy)- risen demon, dark blonde hair, pale skin, greenish hazel eyes. Creme colored feathered wings. Quiet, but can be fearsome. He and Cassandra are swordbrother and swordsister, which is a bond among demons of friendship and comradeship. A warrior, but his quiet nature makes him suited for a follower, not a leader.
Oliver- risen demon. Cassandra’s little brother, whom she essentially raised. He has similar features, but his hair is more brown and his eyes a darker gold. His wings are bronze and feathered. Unlike his sister, he is a healer. He is gentle, stubborn, and bright.
Jason- demon. Cassandra’s eldest brother. He has much lighter skin than the other two siblings, and his eyes are more brown than gold. He has the dragon/bat like wings of demons, which are an almost iridescent black. He has the familial dark hair. Even though both siblings are risen, he remains loyal to Hell. Impulsive, trusting, somewhat nïeve.
Micheal (Mich, General Feathers)- the archangel, narrator of the stories. Dark blue eyes, curly brown hair, pale freckled skin. Silvery blue feathered wings. Much like Cassandra, he is a leader, although he has doubts and hesitations that make the tasks difficult. He and Lucifer are identical twins. Reserved, determined, respectful.
Lucifer (Luci, Icarus)- Fallen Angel (well no shit). The King of Hell, the embodiment of Hubris. He looks like his twin, Micheal, but after his Fall, his features darkened- he has tar-black feathers and eyes that are much deeper blue, almost violet. Temperamental, silver-tounged, a pleaser to get his way.
That’s all of the major characters as of now, I may need to return and edit it as I continue to write.
Warrior Cat OCs
Runningflame- my first gal. Can’t remember shit about her. Orange tabby with a white bib, paws, muzzle, and tail tip. Green eyes.
Lilyclaw- pale gray shecat with long fur and faint tabby stripes. Amber eyes.
Rockheart- gray tom with white throat and muzzle. Diatonic eyes, Brown in one with a slice of blue, half in the other.
Other various OCs
Steel- young girl who lost half her face in a bombing incident, leaving her with a surgically implanted half-face of machinery. The material is what lead to her name, and she now leads a group of others who have sworn vengeance against those behind the bombing.
Numberous OCs from old RPs, ask me about them!
So thats it, feel free to send in asked about them or to draw them or whatever, my goal this year is to draw some if not all of these characters.
I’ll reblog some character asks and see if anything comes in!
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travllingbunny · 3 years ago
Everdeen for Bathsheba Everdeen, the protagonist of Thomas Hardy's Far From the Madding Crowd - as Suzanne herself said, because both Katniss and Bathsheba struggle to know their own heart.
Coriolanus not so much for the real Roman general but mostly for his fictional version/protagonist of Shakespeare's eponymous tragedy, whose main flaws were arrogance and disdain for the common people.
Then Suzanne goes up to 11 with this in TBOSAS, to the point that several major characters have names that basically spoil their fate and/or role in the story:
More literary references - Wordsworth's poem Lucy Gray (even included in the novel). Other Covies also have their names from old ballads.
A really on the nose Shakespearean reference with Volumnia being a major character in the above mentioned Coriolanus, as the titular character's domineering mother who shaped his personality. "Gaul" might evoke Caesar's infamous ruthless campaign against the Gauls.
And then there are all the names from the Roman historical figures, from Crassus (famous rich general who crushed Spartacus' slave rebellion) to Sejanus, another major Roman political and military figure who *spoiler* no, seriously, actual Roman history is a spoiler here. That and the last name Plinth. Capitol residents mostly take their names either from Roman history or Greek or Romsn mythology (even some of the minor characters' names like Livis or Persephone are...interesting for potential hints).
Hey ok but can we talk about the names in this book like how you have Gale (a stormy turbulent wind that tosses things around and knocks them over) and Peeta (corruption of Peter meaning rock) and I don’t know about Katniss but in universe it’s an edible root—buried but it *grows* to sustain life— which I think are significant
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years ago
S.D. Governor Gives State High Marks in Handling the Pandemic. Are They Deserved?
“We did have tragedies and we did have losses. But we also got through it better than virtually every other state.”
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem on “The Ingraham Angle,” Fox News, Feb. 2, 2021
Covid-19 has pushed states to adopt unique approaches to protect their residents, but few have garnered as much scrutiny as South Dakota. Its governor, Kristi Noem, refused to enact a mask mandate or close any businesses. She argued these precautions were a matter of personal choice, even at large gatherings, such as a July 3 political event at Mount Rushmore and the annual motorcycle rally in Sturgis that was connected to covid cases in Minnesota and other nearby states.
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This story was produced in partnership with PolitiFact. It can be republished for free.
She sees success in the approach.
In a recent television interview, Fox News personality Laura Ingraham asked Noem, a Republican, why she believes news outlets criticize her handling of the pandemic. Her response: While her state sought to protect high-risk populations and keep hospitals from overflowing with patients, she said, it was done in a way that still allowed residents to earn a living.
“That was a unique approach that, for our people, really worked well,” she said in the segment. “We did have tragedies and we did have losses. But we also got through it better than virtually every other state.”
That got us wondering. Are we really “through” the pandemic? And on what measures is this statement based?
We first reached out to Noem’s office to ask these questions.
In an email, communications director Ian Fury didn’t address the first question. On the second, Fury cited South Dakota’s standing in these categories: vaccine distribution, unemployment, the number of people moving to the state and the state’s budget surplus.
Fury dismissed using an “apples-to-apples” comparison between South Dakota and other states on measures such as deaths and case counts, saying such assessments are flawed because the timing of surges and the metrics used can vary by state.
Expanding the Lens on How South Dakota’s Doing
Several measures can offer clues as to how a state is managing the pandemic, experts said.
In the health category, the number of deaths per capita is one way to track the most severe covid cases, said Kumi Smith, assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Minnesota.
This metric is not a real-time snapshot of how quickly the virus is spreading in a community, given the lag in reporting deaths. But, Smith said, it can provide “a much fuller picture of what’s going on with the pandemic” than case counts alone. That’s because case counts can wax and wane depending on other factors, such as the availability of coronavirus tests and which populations a state prioritizes for testing, she said.
In South Dakota, 1,815 lives have been lost to the pandemic, making its per capita death rate 205 deaths for every 100,000 residents as of Wednesday, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The state’s death rate ranks among the top 10 in the nation.
Another key metric is positivity rates — or the percentage of people tested who have the virus. It can indicate whether a state is regularly testing enough residents, said Dr. Amesh Adalja, an infectious diseases physician and senior scholar at the Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University.
Positivity rates vary by how they are calculated. Data from the South Dakota Department of Health and the CDC shows the average weekly positivity rate peaked in the spring. Few tests were being done at the time, which means every positive result would have had a greater impact on the rate. Johns Hopkins’ covid tracker, which uses a different method, shows the state’s rate peaked in November.
High positivity rates can indicate a lack of adequate testing that allowed the virus to spread unchecked, said Adalja. “Their death count may be even higher,” he added, because some of those cases may not have been properly tested and identified as caused by covid.
Last week, the positivity rate hovered slightly under 7%, as reported by the state. Johns Hopkins researchers placed the figure closer to 20% as of Feb. 3. Both are above the 5% maximum rate recommended by the World Health Organization to reopen a community.
Hospitalization data — specifically, the number of intensive care unit beds occupied — can also help gauge how a state is handling the pandemic, public health experts said. By comparing the number of beds occupied in intensive care units during the pandemic with the year before, said Smith, the metric can show whether hospitals could keep up with the demand caused by the virus.
News reports indicate some South Dakota hospitals struggled to keep up with demand in the fall when the state’s outbreak peaked. As of Wednesday, state data shows, about half of adult and pediatric ICU beds in the state were available.
Public health experts noted South Dakota has emerged as a national leader in distributing covid vaccines, ranking among the 10 states with the most residents vaccinated per capita. While the vaccines do offer a way out of the pandemic, “I do think that we are still at the very, very beginning of a very long end,” said Smith.
And the Economy?
Most of the metrics Noem’s office highlighted related to South Dakota’s economy. And, indeed, the state has the lowest unemployment rate in the country and ended the budget year with a $19 million surplus.
How did the state manage to pull that off during a pandemic?
Evert Van der Sluis, a professor of economics at South Dakota State University, said several factors helped. The state experienced less of an economic decline than initially projected at the start of the pandemic because of federal aid, conservative revenue projections and a multibillion-dollar investment in wind energy, he said.
South Dakota — where agriculture is the top industry — also benefited from billions of dollars in direct federal government payments to farmers, said Van der Sluis. While some of these payments were connected to the pandemic, others helped offset the financial losses caused by fallout from a U.S. trade dispute with China.
However, Van der Sluis said, these indicators don’t capture the depth of the damage caused by the pandemic.
They also don’t necessarily highlight how a state has done better than others because they don’t take into account that variations in population density, tax revenue and industries all influence how a state manages an outbreak.
“We can talk about economic well-being,” he said, “but some of the enormous harm done by covid is not reflected, at least in the short run, by economic measures.” It may become apparent in long-term measures like health care spending and lost productivity, he added.
While the lack of lockdowns also may have played a role in keeping South Dakota’s economy afloat, said Lucy Dadayan, a senior research associate at the Urban Institute, there are other states that raked in cash while implementing strong public health measures. Case in point: California.
As reported by Politico, California defied expectations of an economic downturn because of tax revenue from its wealthiest residents and their stock market gains. Ultimately, Dadayan said, a state’s ability to stay financially afloat is dependent on a variety of factors — which makes it more difficult to draw comparisons between states and their economic performance during the pandemic.
“It all matters,” she said.
Our Ruling
Both public health measures and fiscal stability represent important pieces to forming a full picture of how the state is handling the pandemic, experts said.
As Van der Sluis noted, these metrics are blunt instruments when measuring the damage done by the death of a loved one.
In addition, comparing states wholesale is difficult, given their differences and the dynamic nature of the pandemic, as various sources noted. And, though South Dakota is experiencing a decline in case counts, with 109,580 cases to date and growing concern nationwide about the virus’s emerging variants, it’s hard to say the state has “come through” the pandemic.
Noem’s statement on South Dakota’s performance cherry-picked the data, emphasizing the state’s economy while giving less weight to the lives lost and the burden of disease its residents suffered. We rate it Mostly False.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: COVID-19 Outbreak Associated with a 10-Day Motorcycle Rally in a Neighboring State — Minnesota, August–September 2020,” Nov. 20, 2020
South Dakota Department of Agriculture, “South Dakota Agriculture — Facts & Impact”
U.S. Department of Agriculture, “USDA Announces Details of Support Package for Farmers,” July 25, 2019
CNN, “Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota Led to a Covid-19 Outbreak in Minnesota, New Report Says,” Nov. 21, 2020
CNN, “No Social Distancing Planned for Trump’s Mt. Rushmore Fireworks Event, Governor Says,” June 30, 2020
NBC News, “Weeks After Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, First COVID-19 Death Reported as Cases Accelerate in Midwest,” Sept. 2, 2020
NPR, “South Dakota Is Asking Congress for Flexibility in Spending Relief Aid,” Aug. 3, 2020
United Van Lines, “Annual 2020 United Van Lines National Movers Study,” Jan. 4, 2021
South Dakota State News, “South Dakota Closes the 2020 Budget Year with a $19 Million Surplus,” July 16, 2020
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Unemployment Rates for States: December 2020,” Jan. 26, 2021
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, “Differences in Positivity Rates”
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, “Testing Trends Tool: Track Trends in COVID-19 Cases and Tests,” Feb. 10, 2021
Fox News, “Kristi Noem on Becoming a Media Villain for Defending Liberty,” Feb. 2, 2021
South Dakota Department of Health, “South Dakota COVID-19 Dashboard,” Feb. 8, 2021
White House COVID-19 Team, Joint Coordination Cell, and Data Strategy and Execution Workgroup, “COVID-19 State Profile Report — South Dakota,” Feb. 9, 2021
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, “South Dakota: State Overview,” Feb. 10, 2021
NPR, “COVID-19 Hospitalizations Surge in Dakotas: ‘It’s Like We Opened Up a Spigot,'” Nov. 14, 2020
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Trends in Total and Cumulative Incidence Rate of COVID-19 Deaths in South Dakota Reported to CDC, per 100,000 population,” Feb. 9, 2021
Argus Leader, “Some COVID-19 Patients Flown out of State as S.D. Hospital ICU Capacity Dwindles,” Dec. 4, 2020
ABC News, “Doctors Fear More Death as Dakotas Experience Virus ‘Sorrow,’” Nov. 7, 2020
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, “Daily State-by-State Testing Trends: South Dakota,” Feb. 10, 2021
Argus Leader, “Wind Energy Expansion in South Dakota to Bring 888 More Turbines, $3.3 Billion Investment,” Sept. 6, 2019
Email statement from Ian Fury, communications director for South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, Feb. 3, 2021
Telephone interview with Dr. Amesh Adalja, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Feb. 5, 2021
Telephone interview with Kumi Smith, assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Minnesota, Feb. 4, 2021
Telephone interview with Evert Van der Sluis, professor of economics at South Dakota State University, Feb. 8, 2021
Telephone interview with Dr. Jeffrey Engel, senior adviser for the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, Feb. 8, 2021
Telephone interview with Lucy Dadayan, senior research associate at the Urban Institute, Feb. 5, 2021
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
S.D. Governor Gives State High Marks in Handling the Pandemic. Are They Deserved? published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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mrevaunit42 · 7 years ago
Sooooo Just for curiosity Who would voice Covy?
haha I’ll try to remember my list but i’ll keep it short. Just Nova, Connor and Jack in this session! now let’s see
Nova: Tara Strong, Laura Bailey, Luci Christian or Kate Higgins. 
Connor: Jason Ritter. *that’s it. my only choice.* 
Jack: he’s alot harder to pin down to be honest., Right now, really just to see how he handles a more laidback, trouble making character, I’d pick Dante Basco 
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milksetters · 1 year ago
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devotion, and everything that comes along with it
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francocovi · 8 years ago
SWAN LAKE promo 3min from Franco Covi photographer on Vimeo.
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lucavantusso · 8 years ago
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SWAN LAKE - Teatro Carcano Centro d'Arte Contemporanea di Milano Una produzione Jas Art Ballet coreografato da Giorgio Azzone e con la partecipazione di Sabrina Brazzo, Andrea Volpintesta e Gioacchino Starace. Mariacaterina Mambretti, Viola Vicini, Silvia Pisani, Elena Meola, Odette Marucci, Giuseppe Paolicelli, Douglas Zambrano, Mirko Casilli, Kevin Regonesi, Salvatore De Simone, Luci Salvo Sam Manganaro, Costumi Atelier della danza MP, Video Franco Covi, Distribuzione Maria Meoni. © Luca Vantusso - www.lkv.photo
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milksetters · 1 year ago
covy (ocverse) :3
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