#covid-19 and severe obesity a big problem
tezlivenews · 3 years
मोटे लोगों को चपेट में ले सकता है कोरोना ओमिक्रोन वायरस, तुरंत घटाएं अपना वजन
मोटे लोगों को चपेट में ले सकता है कोरोना ओमिक्रोन वायरस, तुरंत घटाएं अपना वजन
Obese People At Risk In Omicron: कोरोना का नया वैरिएंट ओमिक्रोन पूरे देश में तेजी से फैल रहा है. अब तक लाखों लोग इसकी चपेट में आ चुके हैं. कोरोना का खतरा ऐसे लोगों को सबसे ज्यादा है जो पहले से किसी न किसी बीमारी से ग्रसित हैं. ऐसे लोगों की इम्यूनिटी काफी कमजोर हो जाती है. वहीं जो लोग मोटापे के शिकार हैं, उनको भी कोरोना का खतरा बढ़ जाता है. डॉक्टर्स का कहना है कि कोविड संक्रमित मरीज अगर मोटापा से…
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thebiohack · 3 years
Nutrition Blogs For The Healthy Lifestyle
As we know, in the past couple of years, the world faced a big health issue that is also declared a pandemic, COVID-19. Some parts of the world are still suffering from such a big problem. It leads to a big impact on individuals worldwide. As per the doctors, it affects people more, who have a weak immune system. Due to it, all individuals now start focusing on their health and try to keep themselves fit. When it comes to fitness, nutrition plays a big role. The body needs proper nutrition to heal and maintain a good balance.
All individuals don’t have expertise in medical and human body fitness. It is the main reason that’s why everyone starts looking for experts who can provide guidance to maintain a good nutrition level. There are multiple ways available for it, such as – in-private consultation, checking out nutrition blogs, contacting experts online, etc.
Easiest Way To Gather Knowledge
Everyone wants to choose a method that can be useful in saving time and delivering proper information without any problem. Online sources like blogs are the most suitable option here. In this way, you don’t need to travel anywhere for a private discussion with experts or face issues in booking an appointment and make adjustments to busy schedules.
You can access online sources when you want. Here, you don’t need to book an appointment or make changes to the schedule. You can check out experts’ blogs and their guidelines in your free time with ease. It is also a good way for people who love to read books or blogs.
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Best Nutrition Blogs To Follow
Sometimes, people don’t’ know what kind of sources they should access, where to check blogs, and which one is the best platform. Here, you will get some major suggestions regarding nutrition blogs.
How I Lost 30 Pounds in a Month – What I Ate and Drank
Many individuals face overweight and obesity issues. Due to these problems, they cannot perform multiple tasks or participate in activities. This blog will help you understand how you can maintain eating habits properly to fulfill health’s nutritional requirements and lose weight.
The Extraordinary Healing Benefits of Bone Broth and How to Make It
All we know is the extraordinary benefits of consuming bone broth. It will help your body to heal quickly and keep you fit. From a nutrition point of view, it is a great thing. Here, you can know how to make bone broth easily at home.
Should I Eat or Avoid Lectins?
Lectins are plant proteins that can benefit health in several ways. After some researches, it appears, lectins also have some negative effects. It puts everyone in confusion (ear or not). This blog will help you get more clarity.
Final Words
These are some major nutrition blogs that we find truly insightful for fulfilling your requirements. On the internet, you can easily explore much more options to understand how you can live a healthy life by avoiding all types of health issues. Good nutrition will not only keep you fit but also cure minor issues that cannot get detected yet. In case you have any doubt or problem, you should not ignore that. It is good to contact a medical or nutrition expert for more clarity.
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siritoycollection · 3 years
Why Do You Need to Stop Giving Mobile Phones to Kids?
One of the most common complaints of parents this decade is that their children are “addicted” to screens of laptops, computers, tablets and mobile phones. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and hybrid and distance learning models, most children are assimilating more screen time into their day. That's why it's more important than ever to minimize the use of electronic devices. In this blog I try to give ways to stop minimizing the addiction to mobile phones and how toys, especially educational toys can be really helpful for kids.
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While gadgets are a part of today's culture, they have adverse health effects. This is especially true for children spending substantial time learning on mobiles, laptops and tablets. It's important to utilize break times to get in some much needed physical activities. The parents have a plan to leave away devices somewhere else and engage kids in other productive ways.
According to studies and research by several renowned universities “The average time spent on screens is seven to ten hours a day”
Considering the fact that maximum brain development occurs by age of seven and further building by age 12, what children see, do or hear at this tender age will design their entire future. But in today’s digital world where everything is online or will be online, is it ideal to take kids completely off screens? - This is the counter question many of them ask. Often, due to the limited time, parents give these gadgets like smartphones to engage with their children.
Before we dive further, let’s first understand the big thing — screen time. It has today become a dilemma for parents and guardians because today’s kids are ‘digital babies’. On one side, you can’t take them completely off technology — because it will handicap them in the future. And on the other hand, they shouldn’t use too much of it or rather misuse it! We need to strike a good balance between gadgets and other activities like engaging with board-games.
Screen addiction basically is too much screen usage that makes a child completely lost in it and they end up feeling that screens alone will make them happy and these screens are everything. They reach a point after regular usage of these phones, laptops or tablets where they always want to go back to it every time they are free! Yes, these devices in all ways provide the best of the best i.e visually, auditory, sensorially! With a wealth of apps, games, devices, and content, it's easy for kids to become reliant on these gadgets for entertainment. And nobody, not even their parents/siblings, can compete/replace it. But too much screen time can tremendously impair a child’s development immediately.
         [Read about: Challenges faced by parents during Corona Pandemic]
And that’s not all, too much regular usage of mobiles especially can trigger the reward mechanism in the brain of kids – which makes the child more and more addicted. The reason this occurs is that screens in whichever form factor – tabs, smartphones, TV, video games, etc. are extremely stimulating.
Here are some impacts both immediate and long term of too much screen time on a child’s physiology:
1) Causes headaches
2) Leads to poor vision
3) Decline in physical activity
4) Affects posture
5) Causes obesity
So now let’s understand how can you as a parent nullify the impact that screen time has on children? How can you prevent your child from falling prey to this?
Foremost thing is that instead of relying completely on these screens to keep children engaged, parents have to focus on ways to improve their communication with the child. “Parents need to gradually draw them out of their comfort zone by talking to them to make them feel secure and confident. The key thing to understand is that children want to engage, and when there is no person around to do it, they begin to rely on devices and to stop these kids should have a wide variety of fun and educational toys in their shelves”
That said, you cannot expect kids, who spend hours on devices, to suddenly give it all up and chat with you. Don’t force them; just be around and they will gradually start getting comfortable talking and sharing things with you.
“Physical toys such as this from our collection Chota bheem & Friends and books support warm, verbally rich interactions and quality time for the parent and the child,” Ideally, parents should choose toys that are not over stimulating and encourage children to use their imaginations. When children solve real-world problems through casual games, social, emotional and behavioral skills will be developed and improved.
Encouraging your child to seek out and get involved in activities that don't need a screen like enjoying nature, playing soccer outside, or reading together a story-book, or even learning a new board game like chess are just a few ideas to name . It also helps to establish (and enforce) a daily schedule that everyone follows. Making it clear to your kids when they are allowed devices and when they are not, will help set right.
Keeping in mind the child’s interests and capabilities, start looking for alternatives, such those as mentioned below
a) Encourage hobbies – Hobbies help a lot in taking the child off screen. Pick up activities which are of interest to the children like dancing, singing, origami or painting.
b) Spending time for casual games – Toys play an important role in the learning process and overall-development of children. Sports and physical games always excite them. Casual Games and toys are the easiest ways to take the child off these gadgets. One such is our newest product Tangram Travel Game Magnetic Puzzle Book Game.
Get your children toys that are challenging, engaging and make them “learn through playing”. And it is through play that a child first learns to make decisions and solve problems. Some toys that would engage are:
A Mini Royal Enfield Bullet Motorbike model – This miniature toy is a wonderful way for children to experiment and learn about dynamics. Children can independently play the way they like it, in different directions, and adjust the speed to form interesting combinations. It improves the visual-tracking skills via the movement of wheels.
Thomas Train Track Set – Children love trains and traveling to reach the desired point. Each point on the number line depicts numbers and helps them understand that moving forward is addition. This toy not only keeps the children off screen but also is a great aid in development.
Parents are likely the only people in the world who are truly interested in what the child has to say and what the child feels. Engaging with them in fun-games and activities that are stimulating is a must to aid their development.
So parents, be smart and avoid devices that are likely to hamper your child’s development. I Hope that this blog helps you a lot in your parenting.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Shedding light on quarantine weight (Worldcrunch) “There’s a heaviness to the pandemic that’s weighing people down, including in a very literal sense,” writes Sylvain Charlebois, professor in food distribution and policy, in Canada’s daily La Presse. “Polls show that some 40% of Canadians gained weight since mid-March. In developed countries, this long period of self-isolation has caused waistlines to bulge—a serious matter, especially since obesity is a clear COVID-19 risk factor. The issue isn’t, of course, limited to this country. Nor is there one single explanation for why some people have put on a few extra kilograms. But governments are choosing to act now, during the pandemic, to raise awareness among their citizens. Leading the way is the government of Great Britain, where public initiatives include a ban on television and online junk food advertising before 9 p.m. Restaurant menus will also be required to display calories, while over-the-top marketing campaigns for calorie-heavy foods will have to stop: No more chocolate bars near cash registers that encourage impulse buying. About 60% of Britons are overweight, including the prime minister himself. Here in Canada, research suggests that about 25% of the people have used self-isolating as an opportunity to change their habits and adopt healthier behaviors. But there’s also evidence that more than half of the population has had more difficulty staying healthy during this period. Either way, the ‘Great Quarantine’—aside from the stress it caused—has changed our habits. While it is important to stay active to successfully lose and maintain weight, it is also essential to improve diets, as most people consume more calories than they need.”
No federal relief leaves states, cities facing big deficits (AP) State and local government officials across the U.S. have been on edge for months about how to keep basic services running while covering rising costs related to the coronavirus outbreak as tax revenue plummeted. It’s now clear that anxiety will last a lot longer. Congressional talks over another coronavirus relief package have failed, with no immediate prospects for a restart. The negotiation meltdown raises the prospect of more layoffs and furloughs of government workers and cuts to health care, social services, infrastructure and other core programs. Lack of money to boost school safety measures also will make it harder for districts to send kids back to the classroom.
Seattle police chief to resign following department cuts (AP) Seattle’s police chief says she is stepping down, a move made public the same day the City Council approved reducing the department by as many as 100 officers through layoffs and attrition. Carmen Best, the city’s first Black police chief, said in a letter to the department that her retirement will be effective Sept. 2. Cuts to the department have been supported by demonstrators who have marched in the city following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis but strongly opposed by the police chief. Measures that would cut $4 million of the department’s $400 million annual budget this year passed out of committee unanimously last week.
Powerful derecho leaves path of devastation across Midwest (AP) A rare storm packing 100 mph winds and with power similar to an inland hurricane swept across the Midwest on Monday, blowing over trees, flipping vehicles, causing widespread property damage and leaving hundreds of thousands without power as it moved through Chicago and into Indiana and Michigan. The storm known as a derecho lasted several hours as it tore from eastern Nebraska across Iowa and parts of Wisconsin and Illinois, had the wind speed of a major hurricane, and likely caused more widespread damage than a normal tornado, said Patrick Marsh, science support chief at the National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma. A derecho is not quite a hurricane. It has no eye and its winds come across in a line. But the damage it is likely to do spread over such a large area is more like an inland hurricane than a quick more powerful tornado, Marsh said. He compared it to a devastating Super Derecho of 2009, which was one of the strongest on record and traveled more than 1,000 miles in 24 hours, causing $500 million in damage, widespread power outages and killing a handful of people.
Trump abruptly escorted from briefing after shooting near WH (AP) A uniformed Secret Service officer shot and wounded a man during a confrontation near the White House that led to President Donald Trump being abruptly escorted out of a briefing room during a televised news conference Monday, authorities said. The White House complex was not breached and no one under Secret Service protection was in danger, said Tom Sullivan, chief of the Secret Service Uniformed Division. Trump had just begun a coronavirus briefing when a U.S. Secret Service agent escorted him from the briefing room. The president returned minutes later, saying there had been a “shooting” outside the White House that was “under control.”
Sen. Kamala D. Harris named as Joe Biden’s running mate (Washington Post) Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden has chosen Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) as his running mate. Harris will be the first Black woman and first Asian American to run for vice president, representing a historic choice at a moment when the country is grappling with its racial past and future. The announcement was made in a text and a tweet from Biden. Harris, 55, is the daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants. The first-term senator previously served as San Francisco district attorney and California attorney general.
Belarus’s Leader Vows to Crush Protests After Claiming Landslide Election Win (NYT) A day after the leader of Belarus, often called “Europe’s last dictator,” claimed a landslide re-election victory, his capital slipped into mayhem late on Monday as protesters barricaded streets and riot police officers beat back crowds of demonstrators with violent baton charges, stun grenades, tear gas and rubber bullets. The authorities described what began as peaceful protests as “riots” and vowed to crush demonstrators who have taken to the streets for the past two nights in Minsk, the capital, and in towns across the country. Struggling to contain public fury over a fraud-tainted election that gave Mr. Lukashenko his sixth term in office, the government on Monday shut down subway stations, sealed off roads and poured armed riot police officers into the center of Minsk. By nightfall, security forces and protesters were clashing violently in the capital, and in Brest, a city in the west of Belarus on the border with Poland, as well as in several other towns. In a sign that anger over the election had spread beyond affluent areas in the center of Minsk, Monday night’s protests also convulsed outlying districts of the capital dotted with bleak Soviet-era apartment blocks.
Fallout from Chernobyl’s forest fires (The Atlantic) While forests covered 30 percent of the land in the Chernobyl exclusion zone prior to the explosion of the reactor, today they cover about 70 percent as nature reclaims the poisoned region surrounding the contaminated facility. The problem is that, to some notoriety, trees are quite flammable, and when forest fires hit the forests around Chernobyl they release cesium-137, strontium-90, and plutonium-238, -239, and -240, and enough of those to expose firefighters to triple the annual limit of radiation for nuclear workers. Fires have become more frequent, and more severe: in April, a blaze consumed 165,600 acres, and researchers as far as Norway noticed a bump in atmospheric cesium.
China’s unrelenting crackdown on Hong Kong (NYT) Weeks after ramming through a controversial national security law, Beijing’s proxies in the city are extending their crackdown on protesters and pro-democracy activists. On Monday, Hong Kong authorities raided the offices of the popular tabloid newspaper Apple Daily and arrested its owner, media tycoon Jimmy Lai; his sons; and a number of executives affiliated with Next Digital, the newspaper’s parent company. Monday’s arrests underscored the speed with which the former British colony’s political freedoms—including rights to assembly and freedom of the press—are being curtailed by Beijing. Chinese authorities argue that their repressive measures are merely bringing law and order to an unacceptably restive city. But governments elsewhere are getting increasingly vocal about the danger inherent in China’s actions. Meanwhile, the Trump administration has locked itself into a punitive cycle of sanctions with China. On Friday, the Treasury Department targeted 11 Hong Kong officials, including Chief Executive Carrie Lam, with sanctions for their role in undermining the city’s autonomy. On Monday, Beijing fired back, slapping its own sanctions on 11 U.S. lawmakers and nongovernmental organization leaders as a symbolic riposte. “An assertive tit-for-tat risks further escalation, but at least sends a consistent message that Beijing is willing to impose costs on the U.S. in response to U.S. actions,” wrote researchers Adam Ni and Yun Jiang at China Neican. “So Beijing will almost certainly continue to adopt a tit-for-tat approach to responding to Washington.”
Lebanese demand change after government quits over Beirut blast (Reuters) Angry Lebanese said the government’s resignation on Monday did not come near to addressing the tragedy of last week’s Beirut explosion and demanded the removal of what they see as a corrupt ruling class to blame for the country’s woes. A protest with the slogan “Bury the authorities first” was planned near the port, where highly explosive material stored for years detonated on Aug. 4, killing at least 163 people, injuring 6,000 and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless. Prime Minister Hassan Diab, announcing his cabinet’s resignation, blamed endemic graft for the explosion. “I said before that corruption is rooted in every juncture of the state but I have discovered that corruption is greater than the state,” he said, blaming the political elite for blocking reforms. Talks with the International Monetary Fund have stalled amid a row between the government, banks and politicians over the scale of vast financial losses. “It does not end with the government’s resignation,” said the protest flyer circulating on social media. “There is still (President Michel) Aoun, (Parliament Speaker Nabih) Berri and the entire system.” For many Lebanese, the explosion was the last straw in a protracted crisis over the collapse of the economy, corruption, waste and dysfunctional government.
They return to homes damaged in Beirut’s blast to discover someone has already cleaned them (Washington Post) In the days following the Beirut blast, hundreds of volunteers have climbed chipped stairs and through blasted holes that used to be doors, armed with long brooms and shovels. They’ve entered homes, abandoned in the aftermath of the explosion that destroyed much of the Lebanese capital, and scrubbed blood off the walls, swept glass shards, and set aside torn doors and windows. With evident care, they’ve straightened people’s personal belongings: stacking books, hanging up broken paintings, righting religious statues. Often, the owners are nowhere to be found—or they return home to discover that the volunteers have beaten them there. “Every time I would come back to my apartment, which is obviously relatively destroyed, it would still end up being cleaner and cleaner,” said Adam, 32, who spoke on the condition that his last name not be used out of security concerns. A few volunteers had let themselves into his home through the hole where his front door once stood. “This has been the worst week of my life in a lot of ways,” he said, choking up. But he added, “I’ve never felt like I’m more part of a community though at the same time.” Hundreds, if not thousands, of volunteers have descended onto Beirut’s streets in the past week—some from other Lebanese towns, a few from as far afield as the United States and France—relentless in their efforts to clean up their city.
Violence in Congo (Foreign Policy) Nineteen people were killed in a series of attacks on three villages in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s eastern province of Ituri, according to Innocent Madukadala, a local chief. Madukadala blamed the Cooperative for the Development of Congo—a paramilitary group that has been accused of carrying out similar attacks in the past. The region has been a hotspot for ethnic tensions, with the farming Lendu people regularly clashing with the herding Hema over land usage. Tensions boiled over into full-scale ethnic conflict in 1999, which was brought under control only after the EU deployed a French-led peacekeeping mission to the region. Tensions between the two groups have recently surged. Since December 2017, violence in the Ituri area has left almost 1,000 people dead and displaced around 500,000 others. At least 636 people have died since the beginning of this year alone.
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cprcincy · 3 years
Obesity In Children In The Aftermath Of The Pandemic
There’s no doubt in the fact that the pandemic impacted everyone severely, including children. It took a toll on the physical and mental well-being of children too, as can be seen from the rise in the number of cases of childhood obesity in America. The responsibility lies with parents to make sure their kids don’t fall prey to this for their long term health since obesity is really a big problem in kids. Weight gain can not only lead to COVID-19 complications, but also obese or overweight kids are known to be prone to early onset of high blood pressure (HBP), diabetes, heart problems, and more. It is also associated with the immune system and proneness to an array of diseases. Not to mention the confidence, self-image, risk of anxiety and depression that obesity is also known to contribute to.
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Even being slightly overweight can go the wrong way, so parents watch out. A few tips for parents here:
1.      Make sure your kid indulges in at least 30 minutes of physical activity at home 4-5 times a week. Some exercises for home include skipping, climbing the stairs, dancing, swimming, which can ensure good health.
2.      Ensure they are having a diet comprising an array of fruits and vegetables, while cutting back on junk food.
3.      Help your child maintain a proper sleep schedule, they should get sleep for 8 hours every day.
4.      Screen time regulation is equally important.
It won’t be wrong to say that these are things you already know, but ask yourself how much of it do you implement. A good way to counter this is by adopting the aforementioned tips as parents/as a family, so it rubs off on those around you (children).
It can be stated that food has been a major contributor to the increase in this problem (obesity) during pandemic. It is important to keep in mind that health care providers cannot help maintain the issue of obesity as much as parents can since doctors step in much later in the scheme of things when damage is already done. It is completely in the hands of the parents to nip the problem in the bud, before the child forms permanent habits as he/she enters adulthood.
It is important for parents and society as a whole to focus on:
1.      Optimal nutrition (whole grains, vegetables, fruits, hydration, while steering clear of the high fat, sugar and salty foods)
2.      Behavior change (parents should lead by example by changing their lifestyle- reduced screen time, more exercise- for their kids to follow)
3.      Environment (it is important to keep the surroundings clean and pollution-free)
These are some simple steps you can start with to rein in the modifiable risk factor for heart disease- obesity.
Undergoing CPR training in the hands of AHA certified instructors will hold you in good stead during untoward cardiac emergencies in out-of-hospital scenarios. Timely administering CPR can lead to a sudden cardiac arrest victim’s survival. To register for a class, contact CPR Cincinnati on 513-828-3488. Training takes place at 4225 Malsbary Road, Room 204 Cincinnati, OH 45242. Become eligible for an AHA CPR card at the end of training after going through a written exam and skills test. Post-training you’ll be prepared and confident to face any out-of-hospital cardiac arrest situation.
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swarajya7793 · 3 years
Significant Impact of COVID-19 on Vitamins and Supplements in the Food & Beverage Industry
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COVID-19 Impact on Vitamins and Supplements in the Food And Beverage Industry
The virus (COVID-19) ranging from common cold Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) has affected people in the entire world within a short period of span and has created a critical situation including economic and social challenges. Vitamin supplements are required by people suffering from a particular medical condition that leads to deficiencies. The intake of vitamin supplements helps in fulfilling the requirement of the body.
As per WHO (World Health Organization) there have been no cases of transmission of COVID-19 through food and food packaging but measures such as good manufacturing practices (GMPs) along with sanitation and cleaning of food processing equipment and facilities should be followed.
The supplement industry has increased among the multiple pockets as most of the consumer has raised their interest on overall health and wellness. There has been an immense growth in the vitamins required for supplement industry.
The U.S. VMS industry experienced steady growth of 6% per year from 2015-2019, surpassing growth in both related segments, such as functional foods and drinks (2% -3% per year), and the U.S. GDP (2% -3% per annum) for the same time span.
For instance,
·         The farmer favorability survey shows that 75 percent of people shared a favorable opinion of the U.K. agriculture, which is the highest figure since OnePoll started conducting the annual survey in 2012. This also marks an improvement of six percentage points in public favorability since June 2019, which is in addition to a further rise of five percentage points from June 2018–2019.
The demand was high till the end of the year of 2019, then pandemic came and caused critical situation in the market and led into supply and demand chain disruption. 
In July 2020, The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) have announced the Awards function for the Food and Drink Federation Association which will take place at The Royal Lancaster, London in February 2021. The annual awards recognize those involved in the industry's dedication and determination, actions that ensured that the nation was fed during the pandemic.
During the start month of 2020, corona spread took place and it resulted into lockdown in city, courtiers. These typical measures included social distancing, closing hotels, schools, restaurants and many other places such as stores. Due to shut down in the store facility and also transportation, there was lack in the products in market for consumers. Also, international borders were made closed which limited the supply of food products such and convenience and healthy foods, and because of this food supply chains were completely broken or drastically changed with food business. Consumers were not getting their food products and manufacturer was not getting enough raw materials for the production of healthy foods. Due to these reasons, demand and the market value for the healthy foods were decreasing.
As with the strict measures, the governing authorities reopened the transportation facilities and shops and many others, again the shelves in the shops are fulfilled with the food products and consumers are now able to get their choice of desired need.
Further manufacturers have taken few initiatives from their end by taking strict measures for the production of food products. Due to reopening of the supply chain has helped the consumers and manufacturer to get fulfilled with desired need, and now the demand for the healthy foods will increase with much high percent as it enhances the immunity of an individual. The immunity enhancement during the pandemic is much more needed, hence it has seen that eating habits of consumers are getting changed and they are now more inclined towards the healthy food products. It has also been estimated that consumer preference for the fruit intake has increased by 58.0%, protein intake by 37.0% and many others. Increasing awareness regarding immunity building by consuming healthy food has increased the demand for the products and now consumers want to increase their health in order to boost their immunity and reduce vulnerability to disease and illness.
Further, also the demand will increase in the future as consumers have now more aware that how much healthy food is important to fight with various diseases and this will be of help for the health food sector to grow at very high rate in the market in upcoming future.
The COVID-19 pandemic have drastically changed the food consumption pattern of the living being, which is counted as 8 out 10 people and have changed their ways of eating habits and have incorporated nutritional enriched food products in their day to day life.  For instance, According to the International Food Information Council’s (IFIC) 2020 Food and Health Survey, 85% of Americans made changes in the food they eat or how they prepare food because in the time of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  
The burst of pandemic panic complements a steady rise in the healthy food consumption and their sales that investors have largely overlooked amid the financial debacles of better-known food incorporated with vitamins and minerals, fish oil and probiotics among others.
For instance,
“'The COVID-19 Product Tracker helps us understand the needs of people about food throughout those hard times. This expertise has helped in informing the work of Ministerial Vulnerability Task Force, which will continue to do so.
 I want to thank the voluntary sector and the local authorities, who are working hard to identify a number of routes for UK governments to tackle. We are going to continue to play our part in fighting this global pandemic and ensuring that there is safe food.”
·         Heather Hancock, Chairman (Food Standards Agency)
 “Romania’s agricultural producers have been threatened by market shocks, supply chains and exports, thus facing increased uncertainty going into the season of harvesting in 2020. Making available additional farm funding will help farmers resolve these obstacles, benefiting rural communities and critical industries through and beyond the COVID-19 era.”
·         Mark Davis, Regional Director (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
 “They will continue to foster European unity to recover from the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Along with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank, the Commission is proud to endorse this financing arrangement with Agricover Credit, which aims to protect Romanian farmers.”
·         Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner (European Investment Bank (EIB)).
 “There’s a growing demand from governments to tackle the issue of obesity and a consumer trend towards healthier products. Sugar taxes, like the Soft Drinks Industry Levy in the UK, are being implemented around the world and it’s likely other measures will follow. Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic is also showing that people with obesity linked conditions are more likely to super serious complications. Health is emerging as a key investment risk,”
·         Mais Callan, Senior Responsible Investment Manager (Nestle)
“Consumers today demand healthier food options, including healthier snacks. This can range from snacks without artificial additives and preservatives or with less sodium or salt, non-fried or baked snacks or use of healthier ingredients like wholegrain.”
·         Olive Bai, Marketing Manager Of Savory Snacks (Kerry APMEA)
 “Consumers are also becoming more health conscious in general and the pandemic prompted even more to be aware of their health and lifestyles, Apart from learning and increasingly preparing their own meals at home, the growing availability of healthy snacks, organic and low-fat food options is also something appreciated by consumers.”
·         Freshippo CEO (Alibaba Group)
 “If you look at functional foods, there is a trend towards increasing nutrient density in foods which are already considered healthy, Especially in Asia; the customers want to come out with new line extensions. Innovation will remain a focus for many customers as they are looking to come out ahead in the marketplace,”
·         Anand Sundaresan, Regional VP Human Nutrition & Health APAC (DSM)
“Companies were mostly clearing their warehouse stocks, instead of investing in capacity building to meet the heightened demand for plant extracts, especially those that confer immune benefits. Even if the demand is big, the factories are not willing to increase their investments for capacity building. This means that production capacity will not see a significant increase,”
“At least 20% to 30% of the orders received across the member companies cannot be filled due to supply chain problems, and so many of us are getting for a slot to ship out our products,”
·         Yinjun Hou, The Chairman (Shaanxi Plant Extract Association)
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the global economy and population. A joint campaign to combat the coronavirus on states, departments of public health, and hospital community have contributed to economic slowdowns, regional lockdowns, and drastic public safety measures. Public health initiatives include raising awareness about calculating home quarantine, preserving food and healthcare supplies, and governments around the world are following strictly, especially to the poor. With rising customer understanding of immunity-boosting to avoid COVID-19 prevalence is driving the safe food industry market. In addition, taking into account consumer demand manufacturers claim their products as healthy with various ingredients added for boosting immunity. The delay caused by the impact on the logistics industry, however, indicates a decreased supply of raw materials and thus there is a restricted supply of such goods on the market that limits this business. Consumers have become more aware of home-grown food and are also searching for healthier alternatives, driving the organic food market. It is projected that due to the growing prevalence of COVID-19 and consumer awareness to improve the immunity with no additional supplements would expand the healthy food market in the coming years.
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Fitness Equipment Market by Product Analysis & by regional analysis - Global forecast by 2020-2025
With advancements in technology, today’s society is changing into a lot of enthusiastic about technology for his or her day to day activities. As each development or innovation has its execs and cons, it is aforesaid that technological advancement has restricted the regular physical activities. Technology has one or the other way has affected the human health within the recent past. This has created a larger want in society to extend the physical activities, to balance the weight and vessel fitness. Keeping oneself physically match is thought-about together of the simplest precautions to eradicate or avoid the risks of bound diseases. Fitness coaching centers have discovered a spontaneous growth, because of the quantity of health problems encountered in today’s world. Treadmills, stationary bicycles, muscle building machines area unit a number of the foremost common fitness instrumentation most well-liked by customers for vessel fitness and muscle building.
How Big is The Global Fitness Equipment Market?
The Global Fitness Equipment Market is expected to be around US$ 13.50 Billion by 2025 at a CAGR of 3.89% in the given forecast period.
The major driving factors of Global Fitness Equipment Market are as follows:
Market initiatives for promoting physiological state by government and firms Growing range of gyms and fitness clubs Obese population in developing economies Improved lifestyle
Read more information about Global Market with Impact of Covid-19
To get Sample Copy of Business Report through this link: https://www.sdki.jp/sample-request-105923
The restraining factors of Global Fitness Equipment Market­ are as follows:
High cost of fitness equipment Competitive with the presence of several local and multinational companies Lack of awareness and knowledge regarding use of latest equipments The Global Fitness Equipment Market is segmented on the lines of its technology, treatment, application and regional. Based on product segmentation it covers Cardiovascular Training Equipment, Treadmills, Elliptical, Stationary bike, Rowing machine, Others, Strength Training Equipment, Other Equipment on Based on End User segmentation it covers Home Consumer, Health Clubs/Gyms, Other Commercial Users, Hotels, Corporate Offices, Hospitals & Medical Center, Public Institutions (Schools, Universities, and Others) others and Regional. Global Fitness Equipment Market on geographic segmentation covers various regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. Each geographic market is further segmented to provide market revenue for select countries such as the U.S., Canada, U.K. Germany, China, Japan, India, Brazil, and GCC countries.
This report provides:
An overview of the global market for Fitness Equipment Market and related technologies.
Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2016, estimates for 2017 and 2018, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2025.
Identifications of new market opportunities and targeted promotional plans for devices related to fitness equipment market
Discussion of research and development, and the demand for new products and new applications.
Comprehensive company profiles of major players in the industry.
Report scope:
The scope of the report includes a detailed study of Global Fitness Equipment Market with the reasons given for variations in the growth of the industry in certain regions.
The report covers detailed competitive outlook including the market share and company profiles of the key participants operating in the global market. Key players profiled in the report include Star Trac Health, Nautilus Inc., Fitness Inc., Body-Solid Inc., Precor Incorporated, Paramount Fitness Corp., NordikTrack Inc., Body by Jake Global LLC, ICON Health & Fitness Inc., Fitness EM, Johnson HealthTech, Motus, Impulse Health, Technogym, Elliptigo Inc., Cybex International Inc., Yowza fitness, Torque Fitness LLC and Burnswick Corp. others. Company profile includes assign such as company summary, financial summary, business strategy and planning, SWOT analysis and current developments.
The Top Companies Report is intended to provide our buyers with a snapshot of the industry’s most influential players.
The Global Fitness Equipment Market has been segmented as below:
By Product Analysis:
Cardiovascular Training Equipment
Treadmills Elliptical Stationary bike Rowing machine Others Strength Training Equipment Other Equipment
By End-User Analysis:
Home Consumer Health Clubs/Gyms Other Commercial Users Hotels Corporate Offices Hospitals & Medical Centers Public Institutions Schools Universities Others
By Regional Analysis:
North America Europe Asia-Pacific Rest of the World
Reasons to Buy this Report:
Obtain the most up to date information available on all Global Fitness Equipment Market
Identify growth segments and opportunities in the industry.
Facilitate decision making on the basis of strong historic and forecast of Global Fitness Equipment Market data.
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Original Source of this content: https://www.sdki.jp/reports/fitness-equipment-market/105923
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healthopathy · 3 years
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FDA Set to OK Pfizer Vaccine in Younger Teens⁠ ⁠ The FDA could expand the use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to teens early next week.⁠ ⁠ You can read the full story by tapping the link in our bio. ⁠ ⁠ In late March, Pfizer submitted data to the FDA showing its mRNA vaccine was 100% effective at preventing COVID-19 infection in children ages 12 to 15. ⁠ ⁠ Their vaccine is already authorized for use teens and adults ages 16 and older.⁠ ⁠ The move would make about 17 million more Americans eligible for vaccination and would be a major step toward getting both adolescents and teens back into classrooms full time by next fall.⁠ ⁠ Children and teens are at relatively low risk from severe outcomes after a COVID-19 infection compared to adults, but they can catch it and some will get really sick with it, especially if they have an underlying health condition, like obesity or asthma that makes them more vulnerable.⁠ ⁠ Beyond the initial infection, children can get a rare late complication called MIS-C, that while treatable, can be severe and requires hospitalization. ⁠ ⁠ Emerging reports also suggest there are some kids that become long haulers in much the same way adults do, dealing with lingering problems for months after they first get sick.⁠ ⁠ As new variants of the coronavirus circulate in the U.S., some states have seen big increases in the number of children and teens with COVID.⁠ ⁠ Beyond individual protection, vaccinating children and teens has been seen as an important to achieving strong community protection, or herd immunity, against the new coronavirus.⁠ ⁠ (at Times Square, New York City) https://www.instagram.com/p/COoneqQHtQr/?igshid=13it215hhpob5
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Iris publishers-Online Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine (OJCAM)
COVID-19 and Holistic Medicine
Authored by  Peter Morrell*
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The COVID-19 mortality statistics are quite chilling. 300,000 have died in the USA, in Brazil 190,000, 120,000 in Mexico and India 146,000, while France, UK and Italy are each approaching 70,000 [1]. And yet each of these deaths is the end of life of a real person who leaves a well of grief for the family and friends they have left behind, a point to which medicine now seems quite indifferent.
What was apparent at the start of this pandemic in March 2020 and that seemed to stand out as really new and unusual was the way that physicians disclosed details about the patients who have become infected. This did not happen previously for SARS or Ebola, about which no such information was ever revealed, and nor does it happen routinely for cancer or pneumonia. Most diseases reported by mainstream medicine are conceived of entirely as ‘generic entities’ simply floating around in society like ghosts that could attack any one of us quite randomly at any time, just as if we are all equally susceptible. Only in recent years has it become fashionable for clinicians to explore certain lifestyle factors such as alcohol consumption, smoking, diet and exercise as ‘predisposing factors’ to certain conditions such as heart and lung diseases, some cancers, obesity and diabetes.
In the first wave of the pandemic, physicians were at pains to identify and state publicly that the people who have had COVID-19 have tended to fall into certain categories, such as being older (aged 50+), diabetic, obese, ethnic black or brown, having heart problems, high blood pressure, asthma, chronic lung disease and undisclosed ‘underlying health problems.’ Clinicians seemed quite keen to identify these ‘predisposing factors’ as important ancillary aspects about the people who have had COVID-19, and especially those who have had the most severe forms of the disease and/or who have died from it. Such ‘risk factors’ helped to identify those ‘high risk’ people in society who merit much greater protection and shielding from COVID-19 compared to those who are not in any of those categories. Back in the Spring physicians made a point of identifying such factors and marking them out for public attention in a way that has not occurred before.
It may seem on the face of it quite unremarkable that such patterns have been identified in the types of patients who have succumbed to the worst forms of COVID-19, but such a therapeutic approach is much more the ‘bread and butter’ of the practitioners of holistic therapies, most of whom obviously take a broadly more holistic and multi-faceted view of health and sickness than mainstream physicians. It is therefore worth asking why physicians have suddenly and unexpectedly undertaken to identify and publicize so widely these underlying patterns for COVID-19 and yet to have not done so previously for bird flu, swine flu, SARS, influenza or Ebola. What has precipitated this sudden affection for a more holistic approach to an epidemic disease? Is it a welcome sign of greater holism in medicine? Or is it just a one-off event?
More recently, since about July, these ancillary health factors have been largely ignored by mainstream physicians and they have stopped mentioning them. They seem to have returned to their default position of describing the disease as an ‘entity’ and the deaths just as people who succumbed to it. There seems to be no further interest in exploring why certain people have succumbed or what it was about them—their lifestyle, diet, exercise, health, ethnicity, age, medication, etc—that might have led to their demise.
Why is mainstream medicine no longer interested in exploring these aspects? The reason would seem to be that they are focused
solely on the so-called causative factor, the virus, and on finding ways to reduce its transmission in the population. They are manifestly not interested in why certain people are disposed by their lifestyle and underlying health issues to succumb to this virus. And yet that is probably the most fruitful line of enquiry from a holistic medicine perspective. Is not prevention better than cure?
Taken together, all these events illustrate the usual and longstanding indifference mainstream medicine has shown towards the existence, relevance and importance of these background factors in disease, and the individuality of sickness symptoms and susceptibility. Mainstream medicine has for centuries been deaf and blind to the many subtle underlying factors in disease. It has focused itself exclusively on classifying a condition and then treating it as a ‘generic entity,’ potentially affecting all people equally, when all along the reality is that disease is an individual phenomenon, not a generic entity, and that these background factors are an integral part of the condition and critically important not only in identifying who will succumb to a particular condition—the high risk groups—but also in how it may manifest and develop in the largely unpredictable idiosyncrasy of each individual. They focus all their attention, energy and therapeutic ‘ammunition’ on the pathogen rather than on the patient. Remove the pathogen is the primary dictum, rather than exploring and restoring the underlying health and lifestyle of the individual.
Moreover, these points illustrate the claims of holistic practitioners that sickness is by its very nature an entirely individual, multi-faceted and idiosyncratic phenomenon and that disease classification and so-called diagnosis are entirely arbitrary and unnatural human constructs imposed upon nature— made rather than found—instead of being the product of genuine empirical observations about the nature of disease as it exists in reality.
All along they have claimed to be following the science but is that such a wise strategy? The big problem with science is that it simplifies, it reduces real, natural and complex things into simplified models and mechanisms. So often these models prove to be inadequate such as with the use of pesticides and the burning of fossil fuels, or the disposal of wastes like plastics. A scientific advance so often turns out to be an unforeseen backward step.
By breaking things down into smaller units, it is this analytical approach of science that spawns simple and fragmented models and mechanisms that only vaguely approximate to the actual reality they are designed to depict. By omitting the true complexity from their analysis, the models end up having at best only a partial correspondence with reality resulting too often in negative consequences when they are applied in nature. Such negative consequences can be seen in health science, medicine, ecology and pollution to name just a few.
This approach is founded it seems on a vision of the world that only sees parts and remains blind to the complexity of interconnected wholes. That is why the holistic therapies score so high: they are in tune with the interwoven reality—the warp and weft—of the organism’s structure and functioning. The same applies in ecology, where deep ignorance of the interconnectedness of living organisms in the ecosystem has allowed such widespread plastic pollution, pesticides in food, antibiotic and growth hormone traces in milk and meat and female hormones in our rivers and streams. And sadly, this fragmented view of life is also coupled with, and driven by, commercial gain and industrialisation on a vast and seemingly unstoppable scale.
In healthcare, surely without a deeper appreciation of lifestyle and other idiosyncratic factors, treatments will continue to be suppressive and uncreative and only lead to more sickness in the longer run. Crude drugs and vaccines do exactly that and have only conjured up an illusion of medical progress.
For example, it seems highly likely that closeness to nature helps us to fend off sickness and to be strongly resistant to pathogens, because our system has been exposed to them so many times from birth; in some respects, the COVID-19 pandemic can be better understood in relation to our disconnection from wild nature and thus our weakened defense mechanisms. The soil is a complex soup of pathogens but lo, those closest to it are so often the healthiest!
Allopathy involves the use of drugs, in strong doses and their application for all and every sickness local or otherwise. As Hahnemann discovered for himself it is merely a system of suppression of symptoms. It generalizes any sickness into a classifiable entity that can affect anyone. It is thus fundamentally unnatural; it is unnatural because it imposes human constructs upon groups of symptoms and gives them a reality, they don’t in fact possess. And instead of restoring the fuller health of the person, they merely attack the symptoms and the so-called pathogens.
Suppression is the use of crude drugs to alleviate symptoms based on clinical trials and contraries, and named diseases and on so-called local conditions rather than using minute doses of drugs and similar, or on the many other natural therapeutic measures, including lifestyle adjustments, which aim to improve the patient as a totality. Suppression is also based on generalizing rather than being cognizant of individualizing idiosyncrasy. And allopathy today seems to be engaged in all-out suppression from paracetamol, inhalers, antibiotics, vaccinations, pain killers, antidepressants, antihistamines; you name it, that is all they have on offer.
The individual susceptibility in sickness is important, not just in COVID-19, but also the rampant sickness in the 19th century— the role of urban poverty such as in cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, the importance of individuality, overcrowding and poor diet in diseases—all such dimensions of sickness are now systematically ignored. The only dictum seems to be to find the so-called pathogen and to destroy it, which of course is ultimately an impossible task: we share the planet with myriad bacteria and viruses and mainstream medicine might be better advised to change course and begin to explore how we might live in harmony with them rather than waging a futile and unwinnable war against nature.
To read more about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ojcam/fulltext/covid-and-holistic-medicine.ID.000629.php
Indexing List of Iris Publishers: https://medium.com/@irispublishers/what-is-the-indexing-list-of-iris-publishers-4ace353e4eee
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mangeshp7793 · 3 years
How COVID-19 Impacted on Vitamins and Supplements Market ?
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Impact of COVID-19 on Vitamins and Supplements in the Food And Beverage Industry
The virus (COVID-19) ranging from common cold Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) has affected people in the entire world within a short period of span and has created a critical situation including economic and social challenges. Vitamin supplements are required by people suffering from a particular medical condition that leads to deficiencies. The intake of vitamin supplements helps in fulfilling the requirement of the body.
The supplement industry has increased among the multiple pockets as most of the consumer has raised their interest on overall health and wellness. There has been an immense growth in the vitamins required for supplement industry.
As per WHO (World Health Organization) there have been no cases of transmission of COVID-19 through food and food packaging but measures such as good manufacturing practices (GMPs) along with sanitation and cleaning of food processing equipment and facilities should be followed.
The U.S. VMS industry experienced steady growth of 6% per year from 2015-2019, surpassing growth in both related segments, such as functional foods and drinks (2% -3% per year), and the U.S. GDP (2% -3% per annum) for the same time span.
For instance,
·         The farmer favorability survey shows that 75 percent of people shared a favorable opinion of the U.K. agriculture, which is the highest figure since OnePoll started conducting the annual survey in 2012. This also marks an improvement of six percentage points in public favorability since June 2019, which is in addition to a further rise of five percentage points from June 2018–2019.
The demand was high till the end of the year of 2019, then pandemic came and caused critical situation in the market and led into supply and demand chain disruption. 
In July 2020, The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) have announced the Awards function for the Food and Drink Federation Association which will take place at The Royal Lancaster, London in February 2021. The annual awards recognize those involved in the industry's dedication and determination, actions that ensured that the nation was fed during the pandemic.
As with the strict measures, the governing authorities reopened the transportation facilities and shops and many others, again the shelves in the shops are fulfilled with the food products and consumers are now able to get their choice of desired need.
Further manufacturers have taken few initiatives from their end by taking strict measures for the production of food products. Due to reopening of the supply chain has helped the consumers and manufacturer to get fulfilled with desired need, and now the demand for the healthy foods will increase with much high percent as it enhances the immunity of an individual. The immunity enhancement during the pandemic is much more needed, hence it has seen that eating habits of consumers are getting changed and they are now more inclined towards the healthy food products. It has also been estimated that consumer preference for the fruit intake has increased by 58.0%, protein intake by 37.0% and many others. Increasing awareness regarding immunity building by consuming healthy food has increased the demand for the products and now consumers want to increase their health in order to boost their immunity and reduce vulnerability to disease and illness.
During the start month of 2020, corona spread took place and it resulted into lockdown in city, courtiers. These typical measures included social distancing, closing hotels, schools, restaurants and many other places such as stores. Due to shut down in the store facility and also transportation, there was lack in the products in market for consumers. Also, international borders were made closed which limited the supply of food products such and convenience and healthy foods, and because of this food supply chains were completely broken or drastically changed with food business. Consumers were not getting their food products and manufacturer was not getting enough raw materials for the production of healthy foods. Due to these reasons, demand and the market value for the healthy foods were decreasing.
Further, also the demand will increase in the future as consumers have now more aware that how much healthy food is important to fight with various diseases and this will be of help for the health food sector to grow at very high rate in the market in upcoming future.
The COVID-19 pandemic have drastically changed the food consumption pattern of the living being, which is counted as 8 out 10 people and have changed their ways of eating habits and have incorporated nutritional enriched food products in their day to day life.  For instance, According to the International Food Information Council’s (IFIC) 2020 Food and Health Survey, 85% of Americans made changes in the food they eat or how they prepare food because in the time of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  
The burst of pandemic panic complements a steady rise in the healthy food consumption and their sales that investors have largely overlooked amid the financial debacles of better-known food incorporated with vitamins and minerals, fish oil and��probiotics among others.
For instance,
“'The COVID-19 Product Tracker helps us understand the needs of people about food throughout those hard times. This expertise has helped in informing the work of Ministerial Vulnerability Task Force, which will continue to do so.
 I want to thank the voluntary sector and the local authorities, who are working hard to identify a number of routes for UK governments to tackle. We are going to continue to play our part in fighting this global pandemic and ensuring that there is safe food.”
·         Heather Hancock, Chairman (Food Standards Agency)
 “Romania’s agricultural producers have been threatened by market shocks, supply chains and exports, thus facing increased uncertainty going into the season of harvesting in 2020. Making available additional farm funding will help farmers resolve these obstacles, benefiting rural communities and critical industries through and beyond the COVID-19 era.”
·         Mark Davis, Regional Director (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
 “They will continue to foster European unity to recover from the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Along with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank, the Commission is proud to endorse this financing arrangement with Agricover Credit, which aims to protect Romanian farmers.”
·         Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner (European Investment Bank (EIB)).
 “There’s a growing demand from governments to tackle the issue of obesity and a consumer trend towards healthier products. Sugar taxes, like the Soft Drinks Industry Levy in the UK, are being implemented around the world and it’s likely other measures will follow. Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic is also showing that people with obesity linked conditions are more likely to super serious complications. Health is emerging as a key investment risk,”
·         Mais Callan, Senior Responsible Investment Manager (Nestle)
“Consumers today demand healthier food options, including healthier snacks. This can range from snacks without artificial additives and preservatives or with less sodium or salt, non-fried or baked snacks or use of healthier ingredients like wholegrain.”
·         Olive Bai, Marketing Manager Of Savory Snacks (Kerry APMEA)
 “Consumers are also becoming more health conscious in general and the pandemic prompted even more to be aware of their health and lifestyles, Apart from learning and increasingly preparing their own meals at home, the growing availability of healthy snacks, organic and low-fat food options is also something appreciated by consumers.”
·         Freshippo CEO (Alibaba Group)
 “If you look at functional foods, there is a trend towards increasing nutrient density in foods which are already considered healthy, Especially in Asia; the customers want to come out with new line extensions. Innovation will remain a focus for many customers as they are looking to come out ahead in the marketplace,”
·         Anand Sundaresan, Regional VP Human Nutrition & Health APAC (DSM)
“Companies were mostly clearing their warehouse stocks, instead of investing in capacity building to meet the heightened demand for plant extracts, especially those that confer immune benefits. Even if the demand is big, the factories are not willing to increase their investments for capacity building. This means that production capacity will not see a significant increase,”
“At least 20% to 30% of the orders received across the member companies cannot be filled due to supply chain problems, and so many of us are getting for a slot to ship out our products,”
·         Yinjun Hou, The Chairman (Shaanxi Plant Extract Association)
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the global economy and population. A joint campaign to combat the coronavirus on states, departments of public health, and hospital community have contributed to economic slowdowns, regional lockdowns, and drastic public safety measures. Public health initiatives include raising awareness about calculating home quarantine, preserving food and healthcare supplies, and governments around the world are following strictly, especially to the poor. With rising customer understanding of immunity-boosting to avoid COVID-19 prevalence is driving the safe food industry market. In addition, taking into account consumer demand manufacturers claim their products as healthy with various ingredients added for boosting immunity. The delay caused by the impact on the logistics industry, however, indicates a decreased supply of raw materials and thus there is a restricted supply of such goods on the market that limits this business. Consumers have become more aware of home-grown food and are also searching for healthier alternatives, driving the organic food market. It is projected that due to the growing prevalence of COVID-19 and consumer awareness to improve the immunity with no additional supplements would expand the healthy food market in the coming years.
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orbemnews · 3 years
‘It Takes Time’: I.C.U. Workers Help Their Former Covid Patients Mend LOS ANGELES — Three days after being released from Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital, Gilbert Torres returned on a stretcher, a clear tube snaking from his nose to an oxygen tank. It was the last place he wanted to be. But Mr. Torres, 30, who had just spent two weeks on a ventilator in the intensive care unit, wasn’t there because his condition had worsened. He was there to visit a new outpatient clinic for Covid-19 survivors, intended to address their lingering physical and psychic wounds — and to help keep them from needing to be readmitted. Several medical centers around the country, including Massachusetts General Hospital, have created similar clinics, a sign of an increasing appreciation of the need to address the long-term effects of Covid. Other hospitals that already had I.C.U. aftercare programs have added large numbers of Covid patients to their rolls: Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital, for example, has treated more than 100. And some institutions, like Providence St. Jude in Fullerton, Calif., have recovery programs that also serve coronavirus patients who were never hospitalized. “We put a thousand percent of our energy into these patients,” said Dr. Jason Prasso, one of the intensive care doctors at M.L.K. Hospital who created the clinic there. “We feel accountable for them getting better even after they leave the hospital.” Well before the pandemic, doctors knew that some patients recovering from critical illness developed a constellation of symptoms known as post-intensive care syndrome that can include muscle weakness and fatigue. Depression, anxiety and cognitive impairments arise in about half of people who have spent time on ventilators in an I.C.U., studies suggest. About a quarter of these patients develop post-traumatic stress disorder. The risk is higher among those who have had respiratory failure, long hospital stays and treatment with drugs to sedate or paralyze them — all common in the sickest coronavirus patients. Dr. Prasso and his colleagues created the clinic at M.L.K. after realizing that many patients whose lives they had fought to save were getting little follow-up care. The hospital is in a low-income neighborhood where health services, inadequate even before the pandemic, have grown more scarce. Since opening in August, the clinic has seen more than 30 patients. Visits, which happen on Tuesday mornings and include a physical exam and a mental health screening, often entail discussions of housing, food security and employment problems that can arise because of long-term symptoms. Patients are also offered spiritual care. The first to walk into Mr. Torres’s examination room in February was Rudy Rubio, a hospital chaplain who had visited him often in the I.C.U. The pastor asked if they could pray together and offered to get him a Bible. Mr. Torres, whose parents fled war in El Salvador, grew up in the neighborhood and worked cleaning big rigs at a Blue Beacon Truck Wash. Although he was morbidly obese — a risk factor for severe Covid — he enjoyed running and biking and rarely needed to see a doctor. He had no idea how he contracted the coronavirus or became so sick that doctors needed to insert a breathing tube within hours of his arrival at M.L.K. For days before he began showing signs of improvement, they feared he would not survive. “You were spared,” the chaplain told him at the clinic. “What are you going to do with this opportunity?” When Dr. Prasso entered the room, Mr. Torres did not recognize him at first without his protective gown and helmet. “It was you,” he said when the realization dawned. As the doctor examined him, Mr. Torres said he was able to walk short distances but was worried that if he did his oxygen levels would drop. “It is a little bit of a mind game,” Dr. Prasso said. “You may feel short of breath, but your oxygen can still be totally normal.” The clinic would arrange to get Mr. Torres a portable oxygen machine because small tanks were in short supply nationally, the doctor said. He explained that it could take anywhere from a few weeks to several months for patients to wean off; some might require it indefinitely. Updated  April 1, 2021, 5:02 a.m. ET Mr. Torres brought up another problem. A physical therapist assigned to visit him had canceled. “A lot of the agencies are a little bit resistant to going into people’s homes right now because of Covid,” Dr. Prasso told him. He said the clinic could enroll Mr. Torres in a pulmonary rehabilitation program instead, so that he could work with therapists focused on the recovery of his lungs. Mr. Torres shared that he was anxious and haunted by memories of beeping I.C.U. monitors and a sensation of choking. He had barely slept since returning home and had not yet seen his 5-year-old son, who was staying temporarily with grandparents. Mr. Torres was afraid of breaking down in front of him. “Everything that you’re feeling is normal,” Dr. Prasso reassured him. “Just know that what you went through was a trauma. It takes time for that to heal.” The two exchanged memories of the moment Mr. Torres’s breathing tube was removed. “You begged me to get the tube out, and as soon as we took the tube out, you asked to have it put back in,” Dr. Prasso said. “It was hard to breathe,” Mr. Torres said. “I didn’t want to be awake.” “This guy had a vise grip on my hand,” Dr. Prasso told Mr. Torres’s partner, Lisseth Salguero, who had joined him in the exam room. Family members, themselves at risk for mental health problems, are encouraged to accompany patients to clinic. Ms. Salguero had developed Covid symptoms the same day as Mr. Torres had, but recovered quickly. Since he had returned home, she had been waking up to check Mr. Torres’s oxygen level at night. “I’m happy as long as he’s OK,” she said. The extraordinary stress of an I.C.U. stay in the era of Covid-19 is often compounded by near-unbearable loneliness. Visitor restrictions meant to reduce transmission of the virus can mean weeks separated from loved ones. “I kept asking for someone to hold my hand,” Mr. Torres recalled. “I wanted contact.” The staff members became de facto family. “You have nobody except for your nurses,” Mr. Torres said. For those I.C.U. nurses, caring for Covid patients while being among the few conduits to their family leads to deep emotional attachments. Nina Tacsuan, one of Mr. Torres’s nurses, could not hold back her tears when she saw him in the clinic. “Thank you for keeping me alive, giving me a second chance,” Mr. Torres told her. “I’m grateful.” “You’re my age,” Ms. Tacsuan said. “It was just really hard the whole time.” Often, the experience ends in heartbreak: At the time Mr. Torres was hospitalized, only about 15 percent of Covid patients at M.L.K. being treated with ventilators had survived to go home. Those who do survive, like him, inspire the staff to keep going. But usually I.C.U. workers lack opportunities to see their former patients once they get better. The clinic has changed that. Ms. Tacsuan and a nurse manager, Anahiz Correa, joked that Mr. Torres was no longer welcome in their I.C.U. By the time the transport ambulance picked him up to go home, Mr. Torres said he was feeling much better than when he had arrived. He reunited with his young son, Austin, a couple of days later, and he has continued to improve in the weeks since. Mr. Torres visited the clinic twice more, in February and in March. Although he ended up declining outpatient rehabilitation — opting instead to climb stairs and do other exercises on his own at home — he said he felt cared for and was glad to have gone. A social worker there connected him with a primary care doctor in M.L.K.’s system for more follow-ups. An osteopath manipulated his back and taught him stretches to help relieve lingering discomfort from his time in the hospital bed. And last week, at his most recent appointment, the clinic staff strung up a congratulatory banner and shouted “Surprise!” as he entered, to mark his “graduation” from having to use an oxygen tank. He still needs more strength and stamina to be able to return to his physically demanding job at the truck wash, he said, but “I’m doing a lot more stuff.” And he is no longer haunted by anxiety, he added. “I feel great.” Source link Orbem News #Covid #ICU #mend #patients #Takes #Time #Workers
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swarajya7793 · 3 years
COVID-19 Impact on Global Immune Health Supplements Market | Data Bridge Market Research
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COVID-19 Impact on Global Immune Health Supplements Market
The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly hit the nutritional progress of most of the countries across the world. The persistence of the Covid-19 for a longer period has adversely affected the most vulnerable groups of population including adults aged more than 60 years, mothers, and children. Globally, countries are expecting drastic decline in dietary quality in low- and middle-income countries as a result of loss of income, shutdown of businesses, human and goods movement restrictions imposed by governments, de-globalization, and breakdown of food markets due to both demand shocks and supply constraints. Healthcare facilities have been operating out of their limits towards combating Covid-19 and diverting resources from a nutritional care including micronutrient supplementation, prevention and treatment of child malnutrition. In normal times, malnutrition remains a multidimensional problem and during the pandemic situation it has taken a major hit. Thus, global population will be more focused on building higher immunity level during and post-crisis situation.
Covid-19 may lead to drastic reduction in global dietary quality
The Covid-19 crisis has majorly affected the primary diets which demanded fruits, vegetables, and animal-based foods, as main sources of essential micronutrients in the diets. Micronutrients – vitamins and minerals are vital to maintaining health, disease prevention, and well-being. They are not produced in body and are derived from the diet. The six essential micronutrients are Iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Iodine, Folate, and Zinc. The WHO estimates that more than 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiency globally. Most of the countries in Europe and Middle East demonstrate widespread inadequacy in the intakes and/or status of vitamin D, vitamin A (retinol), folate and selenium in specific age groups.
The number of undernourished people in the world has been on the rise since 2015, and is back to levels seen in 2010–2011
NOTES: * Values for 2018 are projections as illustrated by empty circles.
Source: FAO
Obesity is major Covid-19 risk across the globe, especially in the U.S.
The U.S. demonstrates high rates of obesity which makes it significant risk factor for Covid-19 hospitalization. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The age-adjusted prevalence of obesity among U.S. adults was 42.4% in 2017–2018. The prevalence was 40.0% among younger adults aged 20–39, 44.8% among middle-aged adults aged 40–59, and 42.8% among older adults aged 60 and over. There were no significant differences in prevalence by age group (Figure 1).
Among men, the prevalence of obesity was 40.3% among those aged 20–39, 46.4% among those aged 40–59, and 42.2% among those aged 60 and over. Among women, the prevalence of obesity was 39.7% among those aged 20–39, 43.3% among those aged 40–59, and 43.3% among those aged 60 and over. None of the differences by age were significant.
In the U.S, approximately 42% of adults have a BMI over 30, the threshold for obesity, and more than 9 percent are classified as severely obese with a BMI over 40, according to the CDC. People with obesity can have other high-risk health conditions, such as hypertension or diabetes.
Prevalence of obesity among adults, by sex and age in the U.S. (2018)
Source: CDC
New York University’s Langone School of Medicine performed a retrospective analysis of BMI stratified by age in Covid-19-positive symptomatic patients who presented to a large academic hospital system in New York City. Patients who were PCR-positive for Covid-19 during March 4, 2020- April 4, 2020 were extracted from our electronic health record system and analyzed. Though patients aged 30,the BMI range of individuals in this study appears representative of the nation, as 36% of the patients have a BMI >30. There is geographic variation in reported mortality, as South Korea, China and Italy report case fatality rates of 0.8, 2.3 and 7.2, respectivelyand regional risk factors such as prevalence of smoking, pollution or aging population has been cited. Unfortunately, obesity in people <60 years is a newly identified epidemiologic risk factor which may contribute to increased morbidity rates experienced in the U.S.
Global restrictions on movement of goods and people have hampered food supplies
The Covid-19 economic crisis has also affected the supply chain of nutrition rich foods as they are highly perishable. The government restrictions on movement of goods and people and breakdown in any part of the supply chain – from farmers to traders, processors, distributors, and retailers can break entire supply chain of essential products. Every country is gearing up to offer quicker public food distribution programs to mitigate problems to deliver perishable and non-perishable staples, oils, and pulses towards all income groups. Global lockdowns have resulted into labor shortages, restrictions on logistics, and food security issues.
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Online orders significantly driving the immune health supplements market
Global awareness about immune health supplements over a past decade was on rise due to companies efforts on offering such products to cater to changing lifestyle patters, rising chronic illness across the globe, and rising prevalance of infectious diseases. Consumers buying pattern had decent growth in the across the segments of immune health supplements including dietary supplements, superfoods, infant formula, and sports nutrition products. However, this Covid-19 pandemic has resulted these supplements to perform even more strongly as this pandemic has been entirely centered on health, immunity, and disease. Online supplements are further skyrocketing as it helps in social distancing, helping population tune up their immune systems in advent of less nutritional diets. Consumers are ensuring sufficient intake of micronutrients by cinsumption of healhty diets and immune health supplements to become resilient to infection and in general illness. Moreover, the spread of Covid-19 pandemic, seems to bring a huge and permanent shift in consumer buying preferences with a curent surge in demand for immune health supplements to further continue for a longer period.
The online retailers have also put a step forward in focusing their efforts on improving online shopping experience through better online education, and targeted marketing. The overall effort from big retailers like Amazon, its copetitors, and other startups have enhancing their online experience to increase the comfort level of consumers for buying products under health supplements category over internet. Few online portals have live chat options to instantly address specific consumer querries to dissolve previous barriers of online shopping. Both the manufacturers and online retailers are collaboratively offering solutions for building human health immune systems during this pandemic and in future.
Vitamin C and D supplements are more effective in building immunity
Globally, researchers are working together to cater the immunity building supplements during the covid-19 pandemic. Adrian Gombart (Oregon State University) collaborated with researchers at the University of Southampton (United Kingdom), the University of Otago (New Zealand) and University Medical Center (The Netherlands) to research about use of immune health supplements to maintian high immunity levels. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and omega 3 fatty acid found in fish, generally known as DHA are critical health supplements for immune function. Vitamin C has roles in several aspects of immunity, including the growth and function of immune cells and antibody production. Vitamin C also functions as a powerful antioxidant, protecting against damage induced by oxidative stress, which occurs with the accumulation of reactive molecules known as free radicals. It also helps in reducing severity of upper respiratory tract infections including common cold. It significantly improves symptoms in people with severe infections, including sepsis and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) resulting from viral infections.
Vitamin D receptors on immune cells also affect their function. Precisely, Vitamin D influences human response to infections. It enhances the pathogen fighting effects of monocytes and macrophages — white blood cells that are important parts of your immune defense, decreasing inlammation and help promoting immune response.
Researchers urging public health officials to set nutritional recommendations as nutritional levels have been drasticslly reduced due to covid-19 pandemic. Consumption of these supplements will complement the entire nutritional focus on the immune system along with social distancing, handwashing, and vaccines.
Global Immune health supplements manufacturers: Perspective & Initiatives
“We are pleased with our solid end to the year and strong start to 2020. Ourteam’s execution of our long-term strategic plan, Lifeway 2.0, is demonstratedby the sequential improvement in our sales trends in the fourth quarterresulting in our ability to reinvigorate growth which has accelerated into thefirst quarter of 2020 with net sales expected to be up 2% to 4% year-over-yearincluding a really strong March monthly sales.During this time of shelter-in-place as a result of COVID-19, 40% of Americans are more proactively taking care of their physical and emotional health and 17% are consuming more immunity and overall self-care supporting products such as probiotics and vitamins. Kefir has emerged as a top 2020 consumer choice for gut health and it continues to rise with people becoming increasingly educated on the importance of a healthy, functioning gut and how it can determine consumers overall well-being. Based on a 2017 study from The Nutrition Society the health benefits of fermented milk drinks such as kefir included improved digestion, anti-inflammatory effects and the stimulation of antioxidants which can aid disease prevention. We believe Lifeway is well positioned for long-term growth and value creation with strong industry tailwinds to fuel our business as we increasingly serve consumers looking for more self-care, immunity and gut health options during this time of global health crisis and uncertainty.”
·         Lifeway Foods, Inc., America’s leading supplier of the probiotic, fermented beverage known as kefir.
Shaanxi Plant Extract Association, which has over 100 companies, mentions China had come to market standstill due to Covid 19 pandemic. Business started resuming in early march and they are receiving orders from the U.S. and Europe for their immune—boosting plant extracts.
·         Yinjun Hou, Chairman, Commerce Department, Shaanxi Plant Extract Association
Mead Johnson and Enfamil, valuing their partnership during the Covid 19 pandemic continue to produce safe formulas, vitamins, and products in regards to health and safety of infants and children around the world.
·         Christina J. Valentine, North America Medical Director, RB/Mead Johnson Nutrition
Glanbia Nutritionals' researchers saw online grocery ordering with in-person pickup increase from 12.3 percent to 14.1 percent, while online ordering with home-delivery rose from 7 percent to 11 percent. This shift hints at consumers’ growing efforts to reduce their exposure to COVID-19 by adjusting their shopping habits and rising preferencce for nutritional products.
·         Glanbia Survey
“Sale of vitamin C dietary supplements on the Chinese e-commerce giant JD Singapore supermarket chain Fairprice and Chinese e-commerce giantincreased five-fold in advent of Covid -19 pandemic in the month of February’20. The virus outbreak was the cause of the surge consumption, and its higher online sales was attributed to consumers preferring to order delivery online.”
·         JD, Largest Retailer in China
Sales of immune-boosting products such as vitamin C, curcumin, zinc, selenium, detox lungs, and probiotics products have been growing since the Covid outbreak. We are trying to raise awareness in the public, through the digital and social media, giving them the information on what to do to avoid the infection to virus. We are utilizing influencers and nutritionists to write about the importance of the nutrients for the stronger immunity and anti-viral purposes.
·         SushilKhaitan, CEO, Pure Nutrition, India
GSK Consumer Healthcare is prioritizing actions in its supply chain to deliver more products that are in high demand, due to COVID-19. This includes increasing production for pain relief brands such as Panadol and multi-vitamins and dietary supplements such as Emergen-C and Centrum.
·         Emma Walmsley, CEO, GlaxoSmithKline plc
“In February, DSM shipped 50 tons of Vitamin C from its Jiangshan site in China to Hubei province to help fight the outbreak. Our Scotland plant has been producing Vitamin C regularly and during the outbreak it has also received strong demand for Vitamin C products.”
·         Jiang Weiming, President, DSM, China
Source: Company Websites, Magazines, Nutrition Journals, Portals
Covid-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the global population and economy. A collaborative effort on governments, public health departments, and hospital fraternity to fight the coronavirus has led to economic slowdowns, global lockdowns, and extreme public safety measures. The public health measures including creating awareness about home quarantine measuring, maintaining food and healthcare supply, especially to the poor are being strictly followed by governments across the world. During this pandemic situation, public awareness about maintaining high immunity levels have become a serious concern. Majority of the global population have been changing their buying preferences to online or localized buying of food products to maintain healthy diets as well as increased purchase of immune health supplements to meet the nutritional needs to maintain high immunity levels. Many researchers and health supplement manufacturers are urging governments to build awareness about consumption of health supplements. They are also encouraging the population to consume health supplements for self-precaution to fight the Covid-19 situation and continue to maintain their immunity levels at higher rates to immune themselves from such infectious diseases in future. Thus, the global immune health supplements market will mark sudden surges during the Covid-19 pandemic and is projected to significantly grow over a long period due to permanent changes in consumer buying behavior of health-related products witnessed globally.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Friday, March 5, 2021
Water crisis continues in Mississippi, weeks after cold snap (AP) Mississippi’s largest city is still struggling with water problems more than two weeks after winter storms and freezing weather ravaged the system in Jackson, knocking out water for drinking and making it impossible for many to even flush their toilets. Residents in the city of 160,000 are still being warned to boil any water that does come out of the faucets. “I pray it comes back on,” Jackson resident Nita Smith said. “I’m not sure how much more of this we can take.” City officials on Wednesday continued distributing water for flushing toilets at several pick-up points. But they’re giving no specific timeline for resolving problems. Workers continue to fix dozens of water main breaks and leaks.
‘It’s Madness’: American Factories Scramble To Secure Critical Supplies (NPR) For American factories, business is good these days. Almost too good. Unexpectedly strong demand for furniture, appliances and other manufactured goods is providing a windfall to many of the country’s industries. But as factory gears spin faster to meet the surging demand, a big headache is emerging: Supply chains are getting stretched more than ever, and critical components are proving a lot harder to procure. Take the word of Drew Greenblatt, the president of Marlin Steel in Baltimore. “The economy is snapping back in a big way,” Greenblatt said. But hinges that used to arrive from his supplier in a day or two now take three weeks. Steel he uses to make pail handles is back-ordered for months. More robust consumption caught many factories by surprise, and they’re now struggling to catch up.
Vaccine robbery: New ground for organized crime (Bloomberg) Billions of doses of coronavirus vaccines will travel the world over the coming months, valuable cargo that is in the crosshairs of organized crime and paramilitary attacks. An individual shipment of coronavirus vaccines can be as high as $70 million per load, and freight haulers are putting only their very best, most experienced and trustworthy drivers on the case. Interpol is bracing for an increase in armed robberies of vaccine shipments, and on the dark web purported vaccines are going for $200 per dose. German freight hauler Aircargo Transport has souped up a dozen trucks for vaccine shipments, a $300,000 load-out entailing an alarm system, a panic button and a kill switch.
Police request 60-day extension of Guard at US Capitol (AP) The Capitol Police have requested that members of the National Guard continue to provide security at the U.S. Capitol for another two months, The Associated Press has learned. Defense officials say the new proposal is being reviewed by the Pentagon. The request underscores the continuing concerns about security and the potential for violence at the Capitol, two months after rioters breached the building in violence that left five people dead. And it comes as law enforcement was on high alert Thursday around the U.S. Capitol after intelligence uncovered a “possible plot” by a militia group to storm the building. The more than 5,000 Guard members currently in Washington, D.C., are all slated to go home on March 12, ending the mission.
Virus surge forces Sao Paulo to shut as Buenos Aires reopens (AP) A swell of COVID-19 cases is halting samba steps in Brazil’s biggest metropolis while Argentina’s capital tiptoes its way back to the tango floor. The two biggest cities in each of the neighboring South American countries are headed in opposite directions. Sao Paulo, home to almost 12 million people, is bracing for the worst two weeks yet in the pandemic and the growing risk that its once-resilient health care system will collapse, Gov. João Doria told reporters Wednesday. More than 75% of the city’s intensive-care beds are occupied by COVID-19 patients and some wards—like those of the private Albert Einstein hospital—are full for the first time. Meanwhile, the nearly 3 million residents of Buenos Aires are enjoying an easing of their restrictions, with authorization to attend movie theaters taking effect this week. On Wednesday, official figures showed just 26% of intensive-care beds were occupied by COVID-19 patients. The low hospitalization rate also enabled local authorities in mid-February to reopen bars and restaurants until 2 a.m.—something long sought in a city famous for its all-hours culture. That means Buenos Aires’ famed steakhouses are reigniting their fires, while counterparts in Sao Paulo extinguish theirs.
UK government may start offering financial rewards for becoming healthier (The Guardian) The government is expanding access to weight loss services and may start offering people financial rewards for maintaining a healthy lifestyle as part of the fight against obesity. The Department of Health and Social Care is giving the NHS and local councils in England £70m to pay for up to 700,000 overweight or obese people to go on weight management courses, such as those provided by Weight Watchers or Slimming World, or work with a personal coach to help them shed unwanted pounds. In addition, it has asked Sir Keith Mills, the creator of the Nectar and air miles reward schemes, to look into whether financial incentives would motivate people to eat better and exercise more. He will look at whether initiatives such as the national step challenge in Singapore could work in England. Citizens are offered cash payments if they do a certain amount of physical activity, such as walking and running, and their progress is measured through wearable devices.
Germany Places Far-Right AfD Party Under Surveillance for Extremism (NYT) For the first time in its postwar history, Germany has placed its main opposition party under surveillance, one of the most dramatic steps yet by a Western democracy to protect itself from the onslaught of far-right forces that have upset politics from Europe to the United States. The decision by the domestic intelligence agency will now allow it to tap phones and other communications and monitor the movements of members of the far-right Alternative for Germany party, which not only sits in the Federal Parliament but has become entrenched at all levels of politics in nearly every part of the nation. News of the move came on the same day that France banned Generation Identity, a militant youth movement considered dangerous for its slick rebranding of neo-Nazi concepts, and as lawmakers in the European Parliament in Brussels forced the party of Hungary’s semi-authoritarian leader Viktor Orban out of the mainstream conservative group.
Myanmar crackdown on protests, widely filmed, sparks outrage (AP) Footage of a brutal crackdown on protests against a coup in Myanmar unleashed outrage and calls for a stronger international response Thursday, a day after 38 people were killed. Videos showed security forces shooting a person at point-blank range and chasing down and savagely beating demonstrators. Despite the shocking violence the day before, protesters returned to the streets Thursday to denounce the military’s Feb. 1 takeover—and were met again with tear gas. U.N. special envoy for Myanmar, Christine Schraner Burgener, described Wednesday as “the bloodiest day” since the takeover. “I saw today very disturbing video clips,” said Schraner Burgener, speaking to reporters at the U.N. in New York via video link from Switzerland. “One was police beating a volunteer medical crew. They were not armed. Another video clip showed a protester was taken away by police and they shot him from very near, maybe only one meter. He didn’t resist to his arrest, and it seems that he died on the street.”
‘The East Is Rising’: Xi Maps Out China’s Post-Covid Ascent (NYT) Xi Jinping has struck a confident posture as he looks to secure China’s prosperity and power in a post-Covid world, saying that the country is entering a time of opportunity when “the East is rising and the West is declining.” But behind closed doors, China’s Communist Party leader has also issued a blunt caveat to officials: Do not count out our competitors, above all the United States. “The biggest source of chaos in the present-day world is the United States,” Mr. Xi said, a county official in northwest China recounted in a speech published last week on a government website. He quoted Mr. Xi as saying: “The United States is the biggest threat to our country’s development and security.” That warning, echoed in similar recent public comments by senior officials close to Mr. Xi, reinforces how he is seeking to balance confidence and caution as China strides ahead while other countries continue to grapple with the pandemic.
Powerful quake hits off New Zealand, prompting evacuations (AP) One of the biggest earthquakes to hit the South Pacific in modern history forced thousands of people in New Zealand to evacuate and triggered tsunami warnings across the world Friday, but it did not appear to cause injuries or major damage because it struck in remote ocean. The magnitude 8.1 quake was the largest in a series of tremors that hit the region over several hours, including two earlier quakes that registered magnitude 7.4 and magnitude 7.3. The earthquakes triggered warning systems and caused traffic jams and some chaos in New Zealand as people scrambled to get to higher ground, but their remoteness meant they did not appear to pose a widespread threat to lives or infrastructure.
Israel condemns ICC investigation (Foreign Policy) The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, has announced plans to investigate alleged war crimes by Israeli forces and Hamas in the Palestinian territories from June 2014 onwards. The Palestinian Authority’s foreign ministry referred to the move as a “long-awaited step,” while Israeli President Reuven Rivlin condemned it as “scandalous.” In a statement referring to the Palestinian “situation,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken opposed the ICC decision and questioned its jurisdiction.
Concerned about the spread of Ebola, CDC lays out new rules for travelers from Congo, Guinea (Washington Post) Federal health officials said this week that airlines will be required to collect contact information for travelers coming to the U.S. from Congo and Guinea, two countries that have experienced recent outbreaks of the Ebola virus. Officials say the information will allow them to monitor and identify anyone who develops symptoms so they can be isolated and treated. In addition, health officials will be able to warn those who may have been exposed. Health officials said experience with previous Ebola outbreaks showed the virus, which is spread through contact with bodily fluids, is highly contagious and can spread quickly among people who come in close contact with a person who has been infected.
Ethiopia’s deadly Tigray crisis (AP) Civilians massacred. Journalists arrested. People starving to death. Ethiopia’s government is under growing pressure to allow the world to see firsthand what has occurred in its embattled Tigray region as its Nobel Peace Prize-winning prime minister rejects “partisan interventions.” That pressure is expected to spike this month as the United States chairs the United Nations Security Council and addresses the first major African crisis of the Biden administration. Millions of dollars in aid to Ethiopia, a key security ally in the region, are at stake. Last month The Associated Press exposed the killing of an estimated 800 people in the city of Axum, citing several witnesses, and a week later Amnesty International reported “many hundreds” killed there, citing more than 40 witnesses. Soldiers from neighboring Eritrea, long an enemy of Tigray’s now-fugitive leaders, were blamed. Ethiopia continues to deny the Eritreans’ presence, even as senior officials with the interim Tigray government that Ethiopia appointed are increasingly outspoken about them. There is growing concern that Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who won the Nobel in 2019 for making peace with Eritrea, has now teamed up with it in war. Eritrea called the AP story on Axum “outrageous lies.” Amid the denials, untold thousands of civilians have been killed as Ethiopian and allied forces pursue the former Tigray leaders who once dominated Ethiopia’s government before Abiy took office in 2018. Each side came to regard each other as illegitimate, then turned to fighting.
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drbakularora · 4 years
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