#covid 19 vaccine certificate
bathask · 5 months
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自閉症スペクトラムASDの精神障害者保健福祉手帳iPhone版デジタル障害者手帳アプリミライロIDのCoke ONアプリ障害者割引コンビニ行かぬし年8本無理で福祉施設のB型作業所ワクチン必須の接種証明書アプリ,サ終も削除戸惑?大人の発達障害アスペルガー/自閉スペクトラム症のA型事業所通所服連休も洗濯実行
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
The American Board of Internal Medicine last week revoked the certifications of Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik, following a two-year investigation into their promotion of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as treatments for COVID-19 and their statements questioning the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.
by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
August 14, 2024
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Mark Sumner at Daily Kos:
Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry signed a bill requiring every public school classroom to display the Ten Commandments after bragging that he “can’t wait to be sued” for this outrageous assault on the Constitution. But the legislation package does a lot more than force Christianity on children. For example, it also removes requirements for COVID-19 vaccinations and limits other vaccinations. Not only is the overall package a hodgepodge of religious right thirst traps, but the part about the Ten Commandments includes plenty of outright strange.
While the first five items were all crammed into the single bill about the Ten Commandments, Landry actually signed off on a package of items, including a prohibition on COVID-19 vaccine mandates. But that doesn’t really matter, since another bill in the package entirely eliminates school officials’ authority to check vaccination status.  To put a double underline under this prohibition, teachers aren’t allowed to ask about vaccination status, but if they somehow become aware, they’re not allowed to seat students in a way that might prevent the spread of disease in their classrooms. They also can’t prevent unvaccinated kids from participating in any in- or out-of-school activity. Because that would be “discrimination.” And you know how much Southern Republicans hate discrimination.
The legislation requires that students only be assigned pronouns according to what is called their "immutable sex" as found on their birth certificates. They can also only be addressed by the name found on their birth certificates or by nicknames “derived from that name.” Is Betsy okay for Elizabeth? How about Bess? Lizzie? Can you use Jack for John? Is Rory really an acceptable nickname for Lorelei? Teachers better be on top of these things because the bill makes them personally liable, allowing them to be sued if they don’t keep those nicknames and pronouns straight.
The “Let Kids Be Kids” act protects delicate ears from any mention of sexual orientation, gender identity, or sexual orientation all the way through grade 12. No teacher, coach, or other school employee is allowed to engage in any discussion on these topics. They’re also not allowed to reveal their own gender identity or sexual orientation.
While Louisiana’s infamous 10 Commandments in schools law (HB71) has generated lots of rightful criticism for inserting religion into public school classrooms, the bill was passed as part of a package of education items, including enacting an anti-LGBTQ+ Don’t Say Gay or Trans law deceitfully called the “Let Kids Be Kids” Act to apply to all K-12 school classes (HB122), prohibiting the inquiry of a student’s vaccination status or ways to safely contain the spread of diseases (HB908), and a forced misgendering law that students can only be assigned pronouns based on the gender assigned at birth and can only use their birth name or derivatives of it. (HB121)
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allthegeopolitics · 1 month
The indictment of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association in connection with undeclared diamonds from Saudi Arabia marked the far-right leader's second formal accusation, with more potentially in store. The indictment on Thursday by Federal Police, confirmed by two officials with knowledge of the case, followed another formal accusation in March against Bolsonaro, for allegedly falsifying his COVID-19 vaccination certificate. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.
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Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R) has signed a bill that bans state and local governments from mandating COVID-19 vaccines for workers after a similar ban expired last month.
The legislation signed Thursday is aimed at defending citizens’ “individual liberty,” Sanders said at a press conference prior to its signing.
The legislation also prohibits COVID-19 vaccinations from being required as a condition of education, or for obtaining a service or licensure, permit or certificate of some kind. Any potential risks and harms associated with the shots must also be recorded and published by the state.
The bill is different from the state’s prior ban on vaccine mandates, which first went into effect in 2021, in that it covers vaccines or immunizations for any subvariants of the coronavirus, according to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.
The latest COVID-19 vaccine, which was federally authorized for use this week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration, is specially designed to reduce major illness and illness from omicron virus variants that are currently circulating.
In total, Sanders signed 11 bills on Thursday.
A separate bill she signed restricts the public release of her travel and security records. That bill, which went into immediate effect, shields details about the security that the Governor and other constitutional officers receive.
These details include who travels on the State Police airplane and the cost of individual trips. Sanders argued that it was needed for her and her family’s safety, though some critics said it eliminates government transparency.
State Sen. Bart Hester (R), who co-sponsored the bill, said at Thursday’s press conference that all of the state’s elected government leaders are still able to see the travel receipts through audit. The law also requires the state to file a quarterly report listing the monthly costs of protecting the Governor.
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bighermie · 1 year
Florida Doctor Reinstated After Losing Board Certification for Criticizing COVID-19 Vaccines
Florida Doctor Reinstated After Losing Board Certification for Criticizing COVID-19 Vaccines https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/us/florida-doctor-reinstated-after-losing-board-certification-for-criticizing-covid-19-vaccines-5480957?utm_source=andshare
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rauthschild · 3 months
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We recently reposted news of an important Circuit Court reversal that affirmed the literal fact that mRNA injections are not "vaccines" by function and definition, and covered expert testimony from the creator of the mRNA product admitting that it is a bioweapon covered under the domestic biowarfare program that these mercenaries have attempted to legalize. 
Today, we bring more good news from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals -- the First Amendment guarantees owed to American Physicians have been upheld.  
They cannot be muzzled and punished and prevented from bringing forward their analysis of Covid-19 or anything else by unelected and unauthorized medical certification boards threatening to take away their medical credentials. 
As Americans, we are wondering exactly how such a situation could ever be allowed to exist, wherein certification boards issuing credentials for medical professionals could be turned into and used as instruments of political coercion.  
This, like so many other terrible institutions, comes to us directly from J.D. Rockefeller and his progeny, misusing their private fortunes to promote political and social and economic injustice. 
For those who are unacquainted with history, J.D. Rockefeller was the Chairman and lead shareholder of Standard Oil.  Standard Oil was not really an oil company despite the name.  It was a pipeline company in the business of building and installing and connecting oil pipelines and oil transfer systems. 
Rockefeller gained a choke hold and dictatorial power over who could move oil where and when and how much, and so, established an oil transfer monopoly by which he could dictate the ability of actual oil companies to deliver on their contracts. 
Standard Oil was busted as a monopoly in the 1920's. The disgraced moguls retreated to Europe and started the International Monetary Fund (IMF)--- and together with their European friends, the Rothschilds, they did the same thing to the banking industry that they had already been convicted of doing to the oil industry. 
These transfer control monopolies are unlawful, illegal, and immoral, but unbelievable as this is, they got away with it again in another industry, and weren't called out for it until 2015.  
They used Standard Oil to create a transfer and use monopoly on oil, and a transfer and use monopoly in the banking industry by controlling bank transfers through SWIFT....
Look around and what do you see?   Public utility monopolies.  Public transit monopolies. 
These are all very much in the same vein: 
In all these cases, a vital commodity -- oil, money, electricity, telecommunications, transportation -- is monopolized indirectly by controlling access to it.  
Could you indirectly monopolize the supply of medical doctors and apply coercion to them to assure that they recommend (and by omission of other options, induce the Public to buy) your drugs, your therapies and approved "countermeasures"?  
Enter the American Medical Association, the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board of Family Medicine, the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology -- and, of course, the Food and Drug Administration.  
Here's your pipeline system on steroids, controlling the supply and therefore access to medical services, defining the kind of medical service available, and dictating the availability and use of drugs and therapeutic protocols.  
All these "Professional Associations" and "Credential Boards" have been bank-rolled on Rockefeller money and "Federal" Grants -- that have also been largely awarded based on compliance with "standards" imposed by these same bogus "industry authorities" and promoted by the same monopoly interests. 
These "Professional Associations" and "Credential Boards" and unaccountable  "Administrations" were sold to the Public as watch dogs acting in the Public Interest.  
Instead, they have acted in the interest of unscrupulous and largely veiled corporate monopoly interests for profiteering and purposes of political coercion.  
As usual, the Perpetrators have used "storefronts" and proxies to do their dirty work, setting up these sanctimonious hidden monopolies to excuse, whitewash, and promote their criminal profiteering and political agendas.  
These self-important Associations and Agencies purportedly here to protect the Public from quackery and incompetence, dangerous drugs and fraud, have instead willingly promoted all the above, and worse, have expedited and unleashed an actual biowarfare program against the American Public -- for profit. 
Over the past five years these hidden monopolies have murdered millions of innocent people and maimed and poisoned millions more for profit -- and laughed all the way to the bank in the name of protecting the victims.  
They even charged you for killing your family, your friends, and your neighbors.  Ask Joe Biden and Donald Trump about the billions (with a "b") of Covid injections and PCR Tests they bought. Who paid for that?  Who profited from that? 
Their fellow-franchise pals in the Mockingbird Media have helped out by trying to cover it all up. Down play it. Spin it. Bury it, like the victims.  
These organizations are identified as Criminal Monopoly Interests so far as the American Government is concerned. They failed to protect the Public Interest to such a fantastical degree that there is no coming back. 
Like the American Bar Association, the American Medical Association needs to be dismantled and held accountable, along with these politicized Certification Boards, and the complicit Agencies. 
This Notification of Liability is not limited to pandemic injuries and may be freely applied to private monopolies and corporate government offices, agencies, and departments that create regulatory monopolies -- and which as incorporated entities, do not enjoy any degree of State Immunity. 
This Notification of Liability also applies to any incorporated court, insurance fund, or pension fund profiting from a direct or indirect monopoly.  
Promotion of Monopoly Interests, establishment of Monopolies, control of Monopoly Interests, creating a Monopoly by indirect means, obstructing the free flow of trade and commerce, impersonating a public government institution, office, department, or agency, establishing or enforcing fraudulent regulatory controls, engaging in monopoly inducement, and profiting from a monopoly are all Federal Crimes.  
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.
The United States of North America, in the Family of Nations, Law of Nations
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mediamonarchy · 5 months
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/20240508_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 Deep pfarma pfakes, medium rare admissions and saccharine histories + this day in history w/super-sized mental hellpf and our song of the day by Jesse Daniel on your #MorningMonarchy for May 8, 2024. Notes/Links: Deepfake video falsely pitches dietary supplement “created with Pfizer” as diabetes remedy https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2024/deepfake-video-falsely-pitches-dietary-supplement-created-with-pfizer-as-diabetes-remedy/ Video: Breaking: Pfizer Halts Diabetes Pill Trial Due to Alarming Side Effects | Redacted w Clayton Morris (Jun. 28, 2023 // Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QzKKJ0h5Jo Pfizer to discontinue twice-daily weight loss pill due to high rates of adverse side effects (Dec. 1, 2023) https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/01/pfizer-to-discontinue-twice-daily-version-of-weight-loss-pill.html Image: @Hybrid’s Cover Art – The Jigglenauts’ ‘Statistically Significant’ https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/20240508_MorningMonarchy.jpg The craze for weight-loss drugs has led to slim supply and big earnings https://sherwood.news/snacks/business/the-craze-for-weight-loss-drugs-has-led-to-slim-supply-and-big-earnings/ Video: ELI LILLY COMMERCIAL 2024 | “SHAME” | OBESITY IS A MATTER OF HEALTH. SHAME HAS NO PLACE IN IT. (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4J0EHCHYtw Lizzo’s fans criticize her for taking Ozempic to lose weight (Jan. 3, 2024) https://sandrarose.com/2024/01/lizzos-fans-criticize-her-for-taking-ozempic-to-lose-weight/ Lizzo Says She Is ‘The Beauty Standard’ As She Celebrates Her Body (Apr. 17, 2023) https://www.outlookindia.com/art-entertainment/lizzo-says-she-is-the-beauty-standard-as-she-celebrates-her-body-news-278973 NYT, believe it or not: Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening? http://archive.today/3MItE The CDC lied; people died; Steve Kirsch supplies some additional facts re: today’s Epoch Times article that revealed the CDC cover-up of COVID-19 vaccine caused deaths https://kirschsubstack.com/p/the-cdc-lied-people-died EXCLUSIVE: CDC Found Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Caused Deaths; File presents evidence of a massive cover-up by CDC officials who found reasons to discard autopsies and death certificates that indicated COVID-19 vaccines were the cause of death. https://archive.ph/Qbu0S AstraZeneca cops to rare, deadly side effect of COVID jab as lawsuits mount https://nypost.com/2024/04/29/world-news/astrazeneca-cops-to-rare-deadly-side-effect-of-covid-jab-as-lawsuits-mount/ AstraZeneca admits in court that its ‘Covid vaccine can cause TTS side effects in rare cases’ https://archive.is/ZMy3S Video: Popular Covid jab reveals rare deadly side effect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl-KjxNGs6A Video: AstraZeneca Admits Covid Vaccine Can Cause Side-Effects In Very Rare Cases | IN18V | CNBC TV18 (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHMQ5jGHStM AstraZeneca withdrawing Covid vaccine worldwide; Company says decision is purely commercial as jab has been superseded by alternatives https://archive.is/BDgX8 November 2023: GP surgery blunder led to healthy 28-year-old being given fatal AstraZeneca Covid jab; Alex Reid suffered rare blood clot caused by vaccine after childhood records were used that mistakenly classified him as morbidly obese https://web.archive.org/web/20240430140823/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/11/14/man-died-blunder-astrazeneca-covid-jab/ April 2024: Coroner issues warning after healthy man, 28, died of a blood clot when he was given AstraZeneca Covid jab early due to GP blunder which wrongly recorded him as being an obese child https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13366353/coroner-warning-healthy-man-died-blood-clot-astrazeneca-covid-jab.html Here We Go Again: Gretchen Whitmer admin issues emergency executive order over avian influenza https://www.themidwesterner.news/2024/05/here-we-go-again-gretchen-whitmer-admin-issues-emergency-executive-order-over-avian-influenza/ 5/6/24: CH...
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mariacallous · 9 months
Kristina Collins didn’t know her photo was being used on Telegram. Over the past few months, an Instagram picture of Collins, a Texas-based doctor and dermatologist, has been used by scammers on the chat app to try to persuade people to buy false proof that they have been vaccinated against Covid-19 and other diseases.
“The last thing you want as a physician is for your identity to be used to promote misinformation,” Collins tells WIRED, adding that many doctors use social media specifically to make sure people have access to accurate health information. “When people are able to take that likeness and use it for bad purposes, whether it’s fraud, whether it’s misinformation, I think it’s really scary.”
The Telegram channel impersonating Collins wasn’t alone. Researchers at Logically, a UK-based disinformation detection company, have uncovered a network of around 60 Telegram channels selling Covid-19 vaccination certificates and other proof of vaccination documents, and claiming to sell various medicines. In 25 of the channels, administrators used a “Dr.” prefix in their username, with 13 of the channels using the real-world names and/or photographs of legitimate medical professionals.
The network has been operating since at least June 2022, with more than a thousand accounts on X posting links that push people toward the Telegram channels selling “vaccine passes,” according to Chris Proops and Maisie Draper, Logically researchers who investigated the activity. Overall, they say, the social media operation has reached more than 3 million people with over 62,000 posts, and cryptocurrency accounts linked to the efforts have processed $286,000.
The scam is the latest in a long line of Covid-19 and health-related misinformation and disinformation, which has broadly attempted to capitalize on conspiracy theories and some people’s concerns about vaccinations. It highlights how scammers can abuse social media platforms, particularly those with loose stances on moderation, and potentially erode trust in medical systems.
“They're directing people, anti-vaxxers primarily, on X to then move to Telegram and subscribe to the around 50 Telegram channels that they have,” Draper says. The researchers identified around 20 “campaigns” on the Elon Musk–owned social media platform that were pushing people toward Telegram channels. The first was in June 2022 and the most recent at the start of December.
Draper and Proops say the efforts used repeated messaging, often replying to “verified” accounts on X that are linked to anti-vaccination sentiments, and consistently mentioned conspiracy theories such as the “great reset.”
“A lot of it is playing on anti-vaxxers’ vulnerabilities to being paranoid about things like the next pandemic, or other kinds of vaccines, like the measles vaccine,” Draper says.
The Telegram channels, where administrators impersonate doctors, also follow similar patterns to one another. Many of the channels have names related to Covid-19 vaccinations, and they claim to sell pandemic-related travel passes, allowing people to enter the UK, US, Canada, and other countries. They can sell the passes for around $250 to $500 each, with payments often being requested in bitcoin. Photos of the documents they claim to sell look similar to the official versions of the documents.
However, the vast majority of countries no longer require proof of vaccination to enter them and haven’t done so for long periods of time—for instance, the UK removed travel restrictions in 2022. “Over time, we started seeing a trend change where it wasn't just Covid passes,” Proops says. The Telegram channels have offered tuberculosis test results, meningitis vaccine results, and documentation around hepatitis A and B, tetanus, polio, and more, he says.
The researchers say they believe doctors are being impersonated to give the scammers a veneer of legitimacy. The Logically researchers contacted several doctors who were not aware their identities were being used. One doctor, they say, had not heard of Telegram. Collins says she was not aware of her image being used in this way until she was contacted by Logically and WIRED. She added that her image had also been used on a scam Instagram account.
Since the researchers started monitoring the X accounts and Telegram channels last year, many of the accounts and channels have been removed by the social media companies; however, around half of the Telegram channels are still active. Neither Telegram nor X responded to WIRED’s request for comment on the accounts or whether Telegram was aware of the impersonation of doctors taking place.
A WIRED review of the Telegram channels still active shows regular posts from administrators and other members. Some of the channels have only a few hundred members; others have a few thousand. The administrators of some channels have been inactive for several months. Within the channels is a slurry of well-worn and debunked conspiracy theories.
One still-active channel claims itself as a “coalition of doctors” who can get people “genuinely registered documentation” for those traveling to the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and 15 EU countries. The owner of the channel uses the name of a legitimate US-based plastic surgeon who has around 50,000 followers on social media, and a photograph of another doctor. Draper says that within the communities, people “are sharing photographs of side effects of the vaccine and fearmongering about the future impacts of lockdowns.”
The channels also claim to sell the drug ivermectin, which the US Food and Drug Administration said should not be used to treat or prevent Covid-19 in 2021. One of the channels lists half a dozen different kinds of medicines it claims to be able to provide. One claims it is selling weight loss drug Ozempic, while another tells people to not get a flu shot.
“The landscape of misinformation actors is abundant,” says Aliaksandr Herasimenka, a researcher of political communication at the Oxford Internet Institute who has studied misinformation on Telegram and vaccine and health misinformation. Herasimenka, who was not involved in the Logically research, says he has not seen doctors being impersonated on Telegram regularly, but that those behind misinformation and disinformation can use a variety of tactics. He says misinformation efforts can often be run for political or social goals, while those using it to make money can be often overlooked. “There are so many people who try to make money using misinformation, they would use any opportunity to profit,” Herasimenka says.
There is no evidence indicating that the Telegram channels offer legitimate goods, and it isn’t possible to verify whether anyone purchasing items from them receives anything. Some channels have posts from “customers” who claim to have purchased items from the Telegram groups. One account, which claims it ordered a vaccine certificate and drugs to the US, shared a photo of the back of an envelope claiming they received their order. Other posts use generic photos of drugs or vaccine certificates to claim items were delivered.
The Logically researchers say the likelihood that the false documents have been sent to people is “relatively low,” and their main motivation is likely financial. Proops says that while the documents the groups claim to be selling are not of much use now, the networks could be used in different ways in the future. The continued use of the channels and spreading of anti-vaccination messages could also undermine trust in health systems around the world, Proops says.
Collins, the doctor who had her image stolen, says she is concerned that it will become easier for scammers or people looking to undermine health care professionals to do so as image generation with artificial intelligence becomes more available. “As AI gets even better, they can go beyond just taking your picture off of a website, and actually potentially make a video of you talking,” Collins says. This will make it “really hard for an average person to sort out if this is a fake account or not.”
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Brazil Federal Police Sees Fraud in Bolsonaro's Vaccination Data
Investigation is regarding the insertion of false data on Covid vaccination into the Ministry of Health system
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The Federal Police carried out this Wednesday (3) a search and seizure warrant at the address of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and the arrest of some of his closest former advisers. According to the Federal Police, the suspects allegedly attempted to insert false data on Covid-19 vaccination into the Ministry of Health system between November 2021 and December 2022.
In representation to Justice Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court, the Federal Police points Mauro Cid, Bolsonaro's former assistant, as the main articulator of the scheme. According to the authorities, Bolsonaro was aware of the fraudulent entry of data into the system. "Jair Bolsonaro, Mauro Cid and, possibly, Marcelo Câmara were fully aware of the fraudulent insertion of vaccination data, remaining inert in relation to such facts until the present moment", says the Federal Police.
Mauro Cid and Luis Marcos dos Reis, former orderlies, Max Guilherme de Moura and Sergio Cordeiro, Bolsonaro's security guards, Ailton Moraes Barros, candidate for state congressman for the PL-RJ in 2022, and João Carlos de Sousa Brecha, secretary of the City Hall of Duque de Caxias (RJ), Bolsonarist stronghold in Rio and the place where the fraud would have been executed, they were all targets of an arrest warrant. Former First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro is also being investigated. Investigators have identified two fraud attempts. In the last one, data would have been entered to state that the then president and the other beneficiaries would have been vaccinated and therefore be able to issue a vaccination certificate to travel to the United States.
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Vaxxed Pilot Dies During Takeoff
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By - Michael Baxter
December 4, 2022
Envoy Air flight 3556, an Embracer E175 operated on behalf of American Eagle, experienced an inflight emergency seconds after departing Chicago-O’Hare International Airport for Columbus, Ohio. The pilot-in-command, Patrick Ford, was speaking coherently and clearly to ATC when his voice abruptly ceased. A few minutes later, co-pilot Brandon Hendrickson informed ATC he had control of the aircraft and that Ford had fallen unconscious at the controls, and announced his intent to return to the airport immediately. The flight landed safely, but Ford was dead; Hendrickson and an off-duty American Airlines pilot pulled Ford from his harness as paramedics boarded the flight and desperately fought to save his life. It was later determined Ford suffered a fatal heart attack.
The above paragraph summarizes the official version of the incident.
However, a Real Raw News investigation on Ford’s untimely demise, aided by an FAA whistleblower, unsurprisingly revealed that Ford, who was 54 years old and in good health prior to his sudden death, had taken a Covid-19 booster shot two days before his final flight, a fact not mentioned on his death certificate or in his obituary.
Publicly available audio of the emergency is limited to communications between flight 3356 and ATC; absent is any discussion the pilot and the co-pilot might have had when Ford realized he was in trouble. During takeoff and landing, flight crews typically maintain a sterile cockpit, meaning banter is forbidden so pilots can focus exclusively on their workload. Most aircraft accidents happen during takeoff and landing.
In the case of flight 3556, though, Ford had told Hendrickson he was feeling “lightheaded and dizzy” shortly after Hendrickson raised the landing gear, according to an FAA insider who claims that Envoy/American Eagle and the FAA reviewed the cockpit voice recorder, which preserves the recent history of the sounds in the cockpit, including the conversation of the pilots.
“The sequence of events went quickly. Captain Ford informed Captain Hendrickson he felt distressed, dizzy, then seemed to change his mind, saying something to the effect of ‘Never mind, I’m ok.’ Hendrickson then asks if he’s sick, noting he looks a bit pale. Captain Ford says he got a Covid-19 vaccination a few days ago and is probably having a mild reaction. Ford is then heard talking to ATC and slumps forward in his chair and dies,” our source explained.
The federal government, he added, has applied enormous pressure on the aviation industry, including the FAA and NTSB, to avoid putting the word “vaccine” on incident reports.
“If a report with the word Covid-19 or vaccine crosses our desks, the report is amended to omit those words,” he said. “It’s obvious the government doesn’t want its vaccine maligned.”
The FAA and NTSB have buried hundreds of reports in which the clot shot may have been a contributing cause in incidents, he said. The number of pilot fatalities and illnesses have increased exponentially since the inception of vaccine mandates.
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bathask · 2 years
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Inconceivable in America. Outrageous. Top doctors are still being stripped of their Board Certifications to practice medicine. It’s the ultimate punishment for a physician. What, for being “misinformationists” and telling people to take Ivermectin? This, in the face of clear evidence that the doctors were right in the first place? Get the picture: the controllers of healthcare don’t care about evidence, or health, or anybody for that matter; they will crush you. ⁃ Patrick Wood, Editor.
The FLCCC Alliance categorically disagrees with the recent decision by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) regarding the revocation of board certifications of FLCCC Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Paul Marik, and FLCCC Alliance President Emeritus Dr. Pierre Kory. We believe this decision represents a dangerous shift away from the foundational principles of medical discourse and scientific debate that have historically been the bedrock of medical education associations.
Since May 2022, when the ABIM first issued a Notice of Potential Disciplinary Action, Drs. Marik and Kory have tirelessly defended their positions, providing substantial medical and scientific evidence to support their recommendations for early COVID-19 treatment and their critiques of vaccine risks. Despite presenting over 170 references in a detailed 60-page response submitted in January 2023, the ABIM has chosen to dismiss these robust scientific contributions in favor of a narrow, “consensus-driven” narrative.
“This fight is about more than just our right to speak—it’s about protecting the future of healthcare. When doctors are silenced for questioning the prevailing narrative, we all lose,” said Dr. Pierre Kory. “We must ensure that medical decisions are guided by expertise and evidence, not by fear of reprisal. Our commitment is to every physician’s freedom to practice medicine based on what they know is right.”
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ukftm · 1 year
I recently changed my NHS number and the GP has transferred all my medical records except my Covid vaccine information. They said that they couldn't repopulate my new record because the Covid information is entered through a different system. I was wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue and if it has been resolved?
Hi Anon,
There really should not be any issue updating any NHS system.
According to my research (gov.uk) your GP is the person that should update your details on your COVID certificate. So you may want to tell your GP what the government website says about it being your GP that updates this for you.
The NHS, especially GP surgeries are very good at placing responsibility on others, when they don’t know the answer. Too often admins in GP surgery’s make statements that have no reason behind them other than they just don’t know. So instead of being honest and just simply saying they need to go and find out before giving you incorrect information, they’ll say things like this instead. It’s important to know that your GP is the central person to your care on the NHS and they are responsible for your NHS records being accurate, matching across departments and being up to date.
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brilovesyou · 1 year
Its been a long as time since i’ve been here on tumblr. I would come on here in my teenage years horny looking for sex edits and videos of hard penis. I am very great at long story shorts so let me go ahead and give a summary of the last 7 years since 2016. 
I graduated high school , didn’t go to college was broke. Got hella jobs because I was a barista from 2017 -2018 ; 2018 in November I went to Amazon. Was lit cause amazon had the bag back then. $15/hr 4-5 hour shifts and im what 19/20 with my friends. It was lit as fuck. 2019 my dad passed my first year of college and I failed all those damn classes. I was studying Biology & that shit is very hard. I lost all my motivation due to my dad being a dead ass. I met my highschool crush , he went through my then best friend to get my snapchat so he could be my guy. Jalen is someone I never would have thought to look my way because looks are deceiving. Jalen is one year older than me and he was a star football player when we were in high school. I was just a nerd, so I didn’t even know he knew I existed. Jalen is the best guy ever and we are still together. COVID came 2020 and cleaned the fucking earth, rest in peace to all fallen souls. COVID was a silent killer and I too had caught COVID from my sister in which i didn’t have any symptoms ; I too can be a silent killer. I hated to know i was asymptotic whatever the fuck and I am glad same time. My sister was sick as fuck when she had it and it was bold. I am vaccinated , no booster foh , only got vaccinated because I had to go to JA for 2022 ; my mother got married to Gerald. Gerald is lit and has two daughters, Sierra & Sadyah . Sierra has my second neph King who is 2 years old now. I love my new extended family, they are lit. Anyways during covid I stopped working at amazon because they fired me LMAO. Anyways my bud got me this WFH  job with the State of Michigan and I worked there from 2020- 2021. Job was hell but i had to be employed wtf, i was making $15/hour and after a year of claimants telling me im a stupid bitch and know nothing I got a raise to $18/hr. I was a temp worker with Robert Half so they sent me to a new project when covid “ ended “.  I was sent to Centene to do Dental Insurance and I’ve been working there since 2021- 2023 which is current. I make $21.08 and it is pretty lit fr. I live in an apartment with Jalen and my two cats. I WFH, have a catering business , a nail business and new ServSafe Certification. Still in cc working towards my culinary degree, i finally decided to follow my dreams instead of the ones i thought would make my parents happiest. I have clientele with food & nails. Need riches so me & Jalen can be married & buy our trucks & house
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insidethis4head · 2 years
Public Health of today
The days of having commercials of how dangerous smoking is and PSA (Public Service Announcement) such as TakNak, a PSA showing multiple variety of the public rejecting a stick of cigarettes are not necessary long gone but they are not the biggest trend at the moment.
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source: http://cikgutancl.blogspot.com/2008/06/remaja-sekarang-tak-nak-atau-mereka.html
As an ex smoker myself, it is safe to say it did not work on me but I vividly remember that I will doubt myself when I wanted to have a puff thinking about all the advertisements and signs everywhere such like the one above. The doubt alone in my opinion makes it successful PSA, just that maybe I was just a little too on edge when I was in my rebel stage in life. 🤡
Today, the way the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) pushes out public health with the most affect would obviously the use of social media such as Twitter and the creation of the hit app, MySejatera.
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source: https://www.edgeprop.my/content/1769410/ministry-health-mysejahtera-not-spying-app
The past 2 years, our beloved Director-General of Health of Malaysia, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, made a huge move of being hyper active on Twitter. He was fact checking questions and replying to them on Twitter on a a daily. Even though he is not as active as back then, I still see him retweeting and liking issues that he thinks that need more attention and he will always have my respect for reaching out to wider audiences knowing not everyone is into traditional media like the new.
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Source: Twitter
On the other hand, the creation of MySejatera was just a brilliant move. I see it as killing two birds with one stone by making it mandatory to have the app to both open a business or even as a consumer so everyone has to download the app. This makes tracking a big amount of the public with ease. Down the road of the pandemic, they started updating the software to help with Q&A about Covid-19 and what I would say killing the third bird, using it as the app to track an individual's vaccine status. The app also helped with setting dates for everyone's vaccine, advice on what to do if one is feeling unwell after the vaccine and gave everyone a digital certificate on top of that.
Nowadays as we approach the endemic and monitoring of the virus is not that big of a deal, the app still keeps the records for the individuals with the additions of other information about other common health issues which is really neat.
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I am going to be real, I usually am not very proud of my country but aside of our passion for food and certain sports, I confidently say I am very proud of our health care and their commitment to help advice the public with any health problems without breaking the bank.
Forget about the PSAs about quitting smoking, it may not have bring me to a healthier lifestyle but they sure did make me feel good about what I have in my country right here.
This is Loren's Beautiful Mind, thank you for staying in my dangerous place. Peace ✌
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