#cove james holden YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT
crowdeerdire · 17 days
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WAIT WAIT WAIT I DIDN'T THINK THIS WAS REALLY APART OF THE GAME!! I had seen someone post it but I thought it was edited??? AND THEN?? SUDDENLY??? I GET THIS REACTION??? I've played this game so many times (major comfort game) AND I'M STILL FINDING NEW LINES??
AHHHH edit:
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This is the other line I got for the first time in this playthrough? And I got it after Baxter first visited and was flirting with you? And I said I didn't mind and Cove was like... :eyes: So yeah, if you're trying to get that line that's all I can give you for right now! I hope y'all get Cove canonly calling your horny on your playthroughs!
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sugar-omi · 1 year
Can't imagine how the boys would handle an angsty young teen. Not even if they're goth/emo, just really rude brats who says stuff like "whatever" or "you don't know me" stuff. I've met a lot of teens who were just rude for no reason or just flip out out of nowhere.
I see Baxter being a lil strict honestly, I mean I know some people hc as the "fun dad" and I agree but I kinda see him as strict dad too. Derek is def not taking the attitude well. I feel Iike Cove would have a hard time and try and be understanding.
cove: very awkward. doesn't know what to do at all. you two have to put your brains together and he runs to his dad like "wtf do I do." and then cliff reminds him cove WAS THAT TEENAGER.....
yeah eventually you work it out. you give them a lock on their door, headphones for those car drives so they can live out their angst, their favorite ice cream, and you leave the door open for whenever they come to you guys for a cry<333
baxter: throws the sass back at them sometimes. tries to be gentle though bc he doesn't wanna be dictator-strict, but sometimes slamming the door n yelling isn't acceptable.
constantly ends up taking his kid out for their favorite ice cream or restaurant bc he either sassed them back at the wrong time or said smth they didn't like even though it was meant to be helpful (times to stop speaking in riddles huh b-man)
derek: scared n confused LMAO tries to be helpful n nice but just gets iced out. isn't use to it since even nico was warmer at this age but he figures it out
you gotta remind him to give them space bc derek can be a bit overwhelming, but still do stuff w them bc then they'll get too deep in their teenage angst n think he doesn't love them which isn't true
oh he's freaking out too btw, runs to his parents bc hello?!??!
OR YOUR MOMS. omg derek/baxter/cove running to your moms bc Liz was pretty icy as a teenager so they run to them for advice n I just love imagining this big/put together man being comforted by 2 lil old ladies bc their teenager is being cold and angsty.
when they get rude though, is when all of em put their foot down. saying whatever and smacking your lips? slamming doors, ignoring them? sure you can get away w it to an extent but saying smth mean is when we need to sit down and talk, bc you can't say whatever you want to your family, it isn't happening.
which actually works bc those 3 are just big goofs. especially derek n cove, but naxter is funny bc he's still so dramatic yk. but seeing them so serious and angry straightens them up, especially cove. imagine COVE JAMES FUCKING HOLDEN yelling at you??? being STRICT??? yeah pretty scary stuff from your dad
baxter definitely drops the cool, calm, n collected act. all those big words? fancy words? fancy cryptic sentences? disappeared. he goes from fancy dad into civilian dad mode.
they're doing their best though. so please be nice to them bc they wanna make sure their kiddo/s never feel bad
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violetarks · 3 years
Cuddling With Him
Game: Our Life: Beginnings and Always
Characters: Cove Holden
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Cove Holden:
cove holden
cove james holden
the window man himself
cuddles are pretty much every night for him, bc he can get them whenever we wants, and he usually wants cuddles all the time
you'll hear knocking on your window and then go over to see cove in his pajamas
he's smiling at you awkwardly before you open the window, allowing him inside
cove: "sorry to come in unexpectedly"
y/n: "i always expect you at this point"
he's already shuffling to your bed as soon as you say it's alright to
to cuddle with cove, you're gonna have to already be so close and stuff with him, so he won't just do it out of the blue
definitely has to trust you enough, as well as trust himself enough
probably started at 16/17-years-old with the cuddling
often is right after he and his dad say 'goodnight' and shut their doors, then he texts you asking if its okay to come over
you always say 'yes'
i mean
hes your adorable, seafoam boyfriend
how could you decline??
the position is usually one of three
one: someone is laying partially on top of the other, head in the crook of the other's neck and arms around their waist (this is often cove on top of you) whilst the person laying beneath has their arms around the other's neck and brushing fingers through their hair (usually you)
two: spooning, the big spoon's face nuzzled in between the little spoon's shoulders, arms wrapped tightly around them as their legs tangle up (it varies with who is big spoon bc cove doesn't mind, but secretly really likes being held after a hard day)
three: facing each other, someone's head nuzzled into the others' chest, both pairs of arms wrapped around the other so that they can stay as close together through the night as possible (often, cove hugs you so tight that you end up feeling sore the next day, to which he feels to bad about so he offers to buy you lunch later in the day)
lets just say he buys you lunch a couple times a month
he's incredibly warm???
like very????
he probably doesn't like wearing too many articles of clothing, but even so he never??? shivers??? out of coldness???
most of the time, he's the one holding your hand bc youre cold
sometimes cove will sleep over the covers bc it gets pretty hot for him, but it never lasts for long bc he can't cuddle you properly like that
he likes cuddle sessions in the afternoons
usually at that time, people are off doing what they had planned, so the house would be empty if you two didn't have plans already
the safest place to cuddle is in each others' rooms
you learnt that cove incredibly hates getting interrupted for
your mothers were out on dinner with kyra and cliff, and your sister was out with her friends on a road trip for the week
you guys were in your living room watching some movies with blankets wrapped around each other with snacks on your lap
his arm is around your waist as your legs are stretched over his lap, your head against his shoulder
cove: "but if she was so worried about her leaving the tower, then why didn't she like... have a better door? or just not cover the entrance with just a bunch of vines?"
y/n: "cove, what was she gonna' do? her only concern is being young"
cove: "if it was a real concern, then she would've had a better door"
when your door swings open at 10:36 PM with the adults walking in, all jittery from a night out
cliff: "oh! the kids are here!"
cove stiffens up in his spot as they all file in, door closing behind them
you're munching on snacks and waving at your parents when suddenly cove just
shoves you off of him
you fall on the floor with the snack bowl clutched to your chest, blanket now over your face as the parents gasp and try to hold in their laughter (Mum and Cliff)
ma: "are you alright, sweetheart?"
y/n: ",,, yes. i think."
cove is frozen as he watches everyone walk closer
you stand up and place a hand on his shoulder and he shakes out of it before apologising, saying that he didn't mean it, he was just surprised
this was at the start of your relationship
he still does it, months later
latest time was when cliff walked in on you guys in his room after out in the water, he was tired so you went to take a nap
cliff, barging in with fruit arrangement: "hey, sport! do ya' think you could go over and—,,,"
y/n: ",,,,"
cliff: ",,, i thought that from last time i'd learn to knock,,,"
y/n: "yknow what, we should really leave a note or something for you"
cove wakes up and shoves you off the fucking bed before realising what he's done and helping you up, offering a small 'sorry, sorry'
so you guys cuddle in each others' rooms
when you guys can't visit each other (rarely, but does happen for homework reasons) cove cuddles his extra pillow, putting it in the place that you sleep beside him in
gets super sad
cuddles give him happiness but since its not really you here he's holding, he doesn't feel like it
will then call you to talk while you do homework
at least he can hear your voice while he's cuddling a makeshift you
he gets really happy when he hears you shuffle in your bed, signaling that you'd be going to sleep as well
y/n: "what side are you sleeping on?"
cove: "um, the usual. i'm facing my wall, so i'm sleeping on my left side."
y/n, shuffling around: "okokok, and your arms?"
cove: "oh, uh... waist,,, i think?"
y/n: "alright, i'm finished"
he's confused before you say that now you're cuddling your own pillow like you would with cove
he's tearing up now, smiling bc you miss him just as much tonight
decides to visit you at 11:49 PM bc he wants real cuddles instead of the pillows (might be a lil jealous of your pillow bc it's getting cuddled by you)
likes to have snacks and/or drinks on the table nearby so that you only have one good reason to leave, which is going to the bathroom
wants to hold you more than have you hold him
after all these years of pining, he doesn't want to let you go
but sometimes he doesnt feel worthy enough
so when he feels your arms wrap around him from behind, he can't help but smile softly at it and tear up a little bit
turns around and hugs you just as tightly, listening to you talk about how much you love him and just about your day and asking him about his
kisses your forehead and/or cheek before falling asleep
asks if you want to go to sleep before actually dozing off, bc he doesn't want to keep you up while he sleeps
if you want to stay up a little longer, then he'll go on to talk about random shit
if you want to sleep, he'll doze off along with you
going back to people interrupting you, cliff doesn't seem to mind too much about it, but cove feels awkward
so cliff will start a conversation with you while cove is holding you, his back to his dad in the kitchen and his face buried in your neck, embarrassed
cliff, pouring a glass of juice: "how're you mothers, y/n?"
y/n, rubbing cove's back: "they're good, liz is back in town for a while, so they're catching up with her."
cliff: "ah, that's great to hear! do you want anything to eat or drink?"
y/n: "oh, i'm alright, thank you."
cliff: "and you, cove?"
cove, voice muffled by your shirt and arms still tightly wound around you, still very much so embarrassed by the situation but promised you he wouldn't push you off this time: "mm... n—no thanks... um, do you need something?"
cliff: "haha, that would be my que to leave. see you two later!"
goes into his bedroom, texts cove to tell him when he's allowed out again
solid cuddler
doesn't have much experience
but has hugged you and interacted with you enough throughout the decade he's known you, to understand the things you like and dislike
if you ask, he'll say all the experience he has is with you
cove: "i don't really know anyone else that well"
y/n: "you're adorable"
cove: "oh, um... thanks."
good 8/10, except for the fact that you have to do whatever needs to be done (bathroom, washing, whatever) before cuddling him, bc he wont let go for a long time, also you still feel a little nudge in your side whenever he hears someone call you name or footsteps coming closer whenever you cuddle together
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