#court mandated emu
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heartorbit ¡ 2 years ago
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a wahoo girl in a wahoo world
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rockinthebeastmode ¡ 6 years ago
A/N: Hiya! I just started this so I’m not sure when the next one will be up but I was eager to post a first part. This is a bit more plotted out than Bad Apple was so hopefully it’ll come out just as quickly 😂 This was previewed on the Dirty Little Secret prequel, so the first part should be familiar. It’s also inspired by the MCR song, Sleep. Hope you enjoy!
You can find the rest of my fics here.
@mmfdfanfic @eveerez @i-dream-of-emus @lilaviolet @laurielau @hey1tskat1e @tinakegg@kneekeyta@likeashootingstarfades @girl-looking-out-window @stinemarine @lurkernolonger@crystalgiddings1993 @milllott @milymargot @vivammfd @finn-nelson-for-the-win@ifinallyknow@isthistherightwayround @believethaticanandiwill
Let me know if you want to be added/removed from the tag list and if I missed anyone :)
His dreams always started the same.
They’re all together at home, smiling and laughing—a happy little family. His dad is making tea while he and his mum dance around the kitchen to the radio. All is well and good.
Then the flames appear.
They curl up around the curtains first, spreading across the fabric rapidly. They make their way to the counters and cabinets, quickly building up and out of control.
His parents don’t move. His dad spoons sugar into cups filled to the brim and doesn’t notice when the flame wraps around his shirt sleeves. He tries to go to him and pull him to safety but his mum keeps a tight grip on his hands. She’s still twirling around, her dress flying up, eyes sparkling in the orange glow.
He tries to yell at her to let go, but no sound comes out. He frantically tries to escape her grip and she finally releases him, dropping to a chair at the table. She grins at him, a wall of fire behind her.
The radio still plays but the words become garbled and staticky. He’s rooted to his spot on the tile, watching helplessly as his father goes up in smoke. His mum winks and gestures to the radio.
“Oasis ain’t half bad. Make me a tape of it, yeah?”
The fire reaches the table a moment later. Her expression has changed, becoming steely and menacing. The crackling burn of the wood drowns out her next words but he knows them well.
“I told you not to play with fire, Finn.”
“So. How are we today?”
Finn shrugged, keeping his eyes low. When the silence continued, he glanced up to see him raising his brows, expecting an actual response. He huffed a sigh, crossing his arms.
“Fine, I s’pose.”
Silence fell again and he tried a different approach.
“Y’know, these sessions are meant to help you, guide you towards rebuilding your life. Now, you can sulk and pout and give me one word answers all you want, but know this—you’re stuck here until we work through all of this mess.”
Finn nodded with a frown and his eyes fell to his converse, the laces jumping as his leg shook restlessly.
“Just because these are court-mandated doesn’t mean we can’t make the best of it, right?”
Finn hesitated before nodding again, sitting up straighter in his seat. If he was forced into it, he might as well give it his best shot—especially if it got him out of this mental prison sooner.
“We’ll start small. Proper introductions and all.” He held out a hand to Finn, smiling earnestly.
“I’m Dr. Gill, but you can call me Kester.”
Finn Nelson was normal by traditional standards. He grew up with both parents. He had decent grades. He had good mates. He loved music and playing football. There was just one problem.
Finn loved fire.
He loved the look of it: the bright colors, the flickering movement in the air, the crackling of the flames. Ever since he was a boy, he’d been fascinated with it. But not now. Not after his mum…
He shook his head, tuning back into the noises of the cafeteria. He moved the food on his plate around, curiously looking around the room between forced bites.
He hadn’t been here long, only about a week. He hadn’t really talked to anyone in that time, preferring to be the quiet observer. Today was probably the first time he’d talked to someone other than a police officer or nurse since he’d been admitted.
His thoughts were interrupted by loud laughter from down the table and he glanced over at the two girls sitting down with trays. The two couldn’t be more opposite--one was incredibly small, with short brown hair and sunken eyes, and her clothes practically hanging off of her. The other was tall and a bit bigger, but curvaceous. Her long black hair swung with her movements as she talked, and Finn’s eyes stuck on her chest, taking in her Stone Roses t-shirt. He’d never met a girl into music like that. She looked over at him like she’d felt his stare and he looked down at his food hastily, his ears burning. When he glanced up through his fringe, she was smiling curiously at him before returning to her conversation.
“Ya haven’t touched your food at all. You know what Dr. Nick said,” she scolded. The tiny girl shook her head.
“I’m not hungry,” she replied, the other girl narrowing her eyes at her.
“I’m not, Rae!” she insisted, smiling shakily, “I’ll eat at dinner, promise.”
‘Rae’ tilted her head but backed off, shimmying in her seat.
“Did you see the cover of the NME my mum dropped off? Damon Albarn’s somehow gotten fitter since the last time I’ve seen him.”
“He is quite attractive,” ‘Tixie’ agreed, Rae’s eyes widening comically.
“Quite attractive? He’s so sexy, he’d make a priest kick a hole in a stained-glass window,” she retorted with a large smile, the smaller girl breaking into giggles and smacking at Rae’s arm. Finn couldn’t resist a snort and she looked at him again, still grinning.
“Alright?” she asked, raising her brows at him. He only nodded, his ears burning anew. At his continued silence, she waved him over, “Wanna sit with us? We don’t bite--well, I don’t. I can’t speak for Tix here.” Her friend smacked at her arm again but laughed, smiling at him encouragingly.
Finn hesitated before nodding and he stood, sliding his tray over to their side. He had no idea how long he’d be here but it wouldn’t hurt to make friends.
The nights here were the hardest. He never realized how comfortable his bed was until he’d spent a week in this cot. But the bed wasn’t the only reason he couldn’t sleep.
In the darkness and silence of the room, there was no buffer for his thoughts. His mind raced, images of flames and police lights appearing every time he closed his eyes. If he did manage to doze off, he was plagued with grueling dreams and woke up exhausted.
He wished he could be a kid again and his nan would tuck him in and sing him to sleep. She’d kiss his forehead as soon as his lids dropped and he’d fall into peaceful slumber. He didn’t know the exact reason why she’d stopped all those years ago. Maybe he’d outgrown it. Maybe she was too sick to continue. Maybe his mum ended it.
“Goodnight, love. Sweet dreams,” Margaret Nelson whispered to Finn as his eyes drifted closed, his breathing starting to deepen. She kissed his forehead and stood, turning to the door. Her hand went to her chest when she saw his mum standing in his doorway.
“Jennifer! You gave me a fright,” she said, chuckling lightly. Jennifer only narrowed her eyes.
“He’s getting too old for nursery rhymes, Peggy. You coddle the boy far too much,” she hissed, Finn’s nan rolling her eyes as she walked out the door past her.
“He’s five, Jenny,” she scoffed, shaking her head. Jenny followed, laughing sardonically.
“He’ll grow up to be a bloody fairy if you keep pandering to him like this.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she snapped. Jenny grasped her arm, making her turn to face her.
“Finn is my son. I want it to stop. Immediately.”
Peggy opened her mouth to argue but stopped when Jenny’s grip tightened. She nodded and Jenny released her, a sickeningly sweet smile appearing on her face.
“Good,” she chirped, rubbing Peggy’s arm where she’d held it, “G’night, Mum!”
Jenny walked past her to the stairs and she bit her lip as she glanced back into Finn’s room.
“Finn? Your dad’s here to see you.”
He nodded, a frown coming over his face. He rubbed his eyes, glancing at the clock. He’d slept a total of three hours the entire night. He’d tossed and turned for most of it, in between dreams, each one more harrowing than the last.
He followed the nurse to the common room, where he saw his father standing uneasily by the door. They hugged, barely touching, and sat on a couch, facing each other.
“You alright? D’ya need anything?” his dad, Gary, asked, clasping his hands together. Finn shook his head.
“I’m fine,” he said. His dad nodded briskly.
“Well, I’m off to a conference in London tomorrow. I’ll be gone for the next week so if you need anything, just call the number I gave them.”
Finn nodded and the two fell silent, Gary glancing around the room. Finn went to stand.
“We don’t have to do this,” he commented, his shoulders lifting. His dad’s face twisted.
“What’re you on about?”
“You said what you needed to say and you obviously don’t wanna be here, so just go.”
Gary’s brow furrowed and he shook his head and stood. He went to hug Finn but he had already turned away, waving over his shoulder.
“I heard you haven’t been sleeping well.”
Finn nodded through a yawn, too tired to wonder how he knew. Kester crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.
“Have you had trouble with sleeping before?”
“Not really,” he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. Kester nodded, pursing his lips.
“When did this insomnia start?”
“Probably when I got here,” Finn replied and slouched in his chair.
“Most people have trouble sleeping in new places. Being away from home can be difficult.” Finn shrugged and Kester raised a brow, “You’re not homesick?”
“Not really,” he reiterated, glancing to the side.
“What do you think is causing it?” he asked, Finn meeting his eyes for a moment before looking down and twisting his mouth.
He didn’t know if he should mention his dreams...he wasn’t a nutter, despite what the doctors and police may have thought. But he knew he should be honest, given his situation. It might get him out of here faster.
“I, uh...I have these dreams...well, more like night terrors,” he said, Kester leaning forward.
“Can you remember anything about these terrors?” Finn bit his lip and nodded.
“Most of the time it’s the same one...but others feel like someone is gripping my throat, squeezing…”
“You could be experiencing sleep paralysis--some cases reference a force holding them down, an inability to breathe clearly,” Kester started, Finn’s brow furrowing, “What happens in your other dream?”
He hesitated but looked at his shoes, willing himself to explain.
“Sometimes I see flames...sometimes I see people that I love dying but always…” he trailed off, his throat constricting. Kester raised his brows.
“My mum is always there.”
“And what happens with your mum?” he prodded, watching Finn’s face darken and his eyes close briefly.
“She, uh…” Finn stopped, trying to swallow past the lump in his throat, “She’s just there, really,” he finished, shaking his head.
“She doesn’t do or say anything?”
Finn remained silent, his eyes glazing. Kester’s lips flattened.
“We’ll come back to that,” he suggested and Finn sat up straighter, “Were you close with your mother?” Finn’s expression hardened.
“S’pose. Dad wasn’t really around.”
“The loss of a parent can be quite hard, especially at your age. Her appearance in your dreams could stem from that. We all deal with death differently.” His brows rose when Finn scoffed slightly.
“I don’t miss her, if that’s what you’re getting at,” Finn snapped.
“Why’s that?”
“I’d rather not talk about it.”
“Fair enough,” Kester sighed lightly, taking a cigarette from a pack on his desk behind him, “D’ya mind?”
Finn gave a noncommittal shrug but when Kester opened his lighter, he slightly flinched and closed his eyes. He hastily closed it.
“I’m sorry, Finn, I--”
“It’s fine,” he said quickly, “Go ahead.”
He lit his cigarette and put the lighter down, watching as Finn’s eyes followed it. He licked his lips when Kester exhaled.
“Do you smoke?” he asked, Finn shaking his head and his face turning stoic.
“No. Not anymore.”
“Probably shouldn’t at your age,” he joked and Finn smirked, “Did you quit for a particular reason?”
“I guess.” Finn rolled his eyes when Kester stared, waiting for him to continue, “My mum caught me in the house. Took my smokes.”
“What’s stopping you from smoking now?”
“Probably the fact that she died twenty minutes later,” Finn stated, biting his cheek. Kester opened his mouth to reply when Finn looked at the clock and stood.
“Time’s up, Doc. Laters.”
Finn wasn’t an animal person by nature but it was nice to watch the ducks float across the pond at the side of the hospital. He gazed at the ripples in the water, counting the rings.
“Mind if I sit here?”
He looked up to see Rae, shading her eyes from the sun and smiling. He scooted over on the bench and waved a hand at the seat. She settled down, stretching her legs out in front of her. Finn glanced around, his brow wrinkling.
“Where’s your friend?” he asked. Rae sighed, her lips flattening.
“She’s in the hospital, on a feeding tube,” she answered, “I should’ve watched her better.”
“You can’t blame yourself for that. Got nought to do with you.” Rae turned to him and gave him a small smile before looking at the pond, watching the ducks.
“It’s nice to get out for a bit,” she said quietly, “Those walls fucking suffocate ya sometimes.” Finn nodded and tried to keep his eyes off of her and on the water.
“I heard your music playing the other day,” she started, her mouth forming a smirk, “Pretty shit.”
“You must not know shit about music then,” he responded, faintly defensive. She raised her brows at him.
“I know my music,” she said, “Y’know what’s great about reggae?” She didn’t wait for his reply, “Not a damn thing.” Finn scoffed, an incredulous smile forming.
“Well, maybe you haven’t given it a proper chance,” he retorted, Rae’s nose wrinkling, “I guess I’ll have to show you sometime.”
“You’ll show me your crap reggae? What a treat,” she drawled. Finn huffed a laugh and shook his head.
Their heads shot up when the nurse called for them to come inside and Rae shot him a frown. They stood to head back.
“Same time tomorrow?” he rushed out, his cheeks pinkening when she bit her lip for a moment before smiling at him.
“Sounds good.”
Jenny Nelson stood at the stove, a hand running through her hair restlessly. Her other hand moved bacon around a pan, the grease sizzling and popping.
“Finn, get away from the stove,” she warned, an edge to her voice. Finn stopped his approach and frowned, staring at the flames on the burner. He just wanted a closer look.
He chanced a step forward when Jenny put the pan down and turned to the cupboard. She muttered to herself as she turned away completely to reach inside and Finn stood next to the stove, his eyes watching the blue and orange flames flutter around under the pan. His hand raised to it, the warmth tingling his skin and a hand closed around his wrist tightly. He was pulled away by his arm, jerking to face Jenny, and he looked up to her murderous glare.
“What did I just say,” she bit out, kneeling to his level abruptly. His eyes widened and her grip barely loosened as she stared at him directly, “You don’t play with fire.”
He nodded, a light whimper escaping his throat and Jenny released him, standing and going back to the stove.
“Get out of here,” she berated lowly, her tone verging on threatening, “before you get hurt.”
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thisdaynews ¡ 6 years ago
Presidency Shuts Up Atiku And PDP, Releases A Damnable & Indicting Reports To Crush PDP Once & For All
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/presidency-shuts-up-atiku-and-pdp-releases-a-damnable-indicting-reports-to-crush-pdp-once-for-all/
Presidency Shuts Up Atiku And PDP, Releases A Damnable & Indicting Reports To Crush PDP Once & For All
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Presidency Shuts Up Atiku And PDP, Releases A Damnable & Indicting Reports To Crush PDP Once & For All
The battle for Nigerian presidency is getting more tougher as bandits of word keeps raging between the PDP and APC.
On Thursday, the presidency shocked Nigerians as they listed those assassinated during the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, administration.
Lauretta Onochie, the Special Assistant to President Muhammadu Buhari on Social media, urging Nigerians not to return the country to the reign of PDP in 2019, listed names of notable individuals assassinated between 1999-2014.
Onochie also noted that under the APC administration, the Nigeria Police had secured more arrest of kidnap kingpins than under the PDP.
She stated this in a post on her official Facebook page titled “Some Assassination and unresolved murders during the dark years of PDP ‘1999-2014’
The post read: “While many kidnap kingpins have been busted by men of the Nigerian Police and alleged suspects of murder cases arrested and arraigned before court of competent jurisdiction under the three years of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), that cannot be said to have occurred under the 16 years of PDP led government.
“The late Bola Ige, a former Attorney General of the Federation was shot dead in his bedroom in Bodija, Ibadan on December 23, 2001.
“Similarly, Chief Aminasaoari Dikibo, PDP Deputy National Chairman was ambushed near Asaba in daylight and was murdered in October 22, 2004.
“The gruesome cold blood murder of Dr. Harry Marshal on March 05, 2003,
“Janet Oladape, PDP leader in Odigbo LGA clubbed to death by gunmen on August 13, 2002.
“Alhaji Ahmed Pategi, Kwara State Chairman, PDP, murdered at Aiyetoro, in Kogi State, on the 15th of August, 2002.
“Barnabas Igwe, Chairman, Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) and his wife, Abigail Igwe, murdered on the 1st of September, 2002.
“Victor Nwankwo, younger brother of Arthur Nwankwo, founder, Eastern Mandate Union (EMU) assassinated on August 29, 2001.
“Momoh Lawal, relation of Akaaba, former Chairman, Okene LGA in Kogi killed on March 5, 2001.
“Odunayo Olagbaju, member, Osun House of Assembly, killed in Ile-Ife on December 21, 2001.
“Chimere Ikoku, former Vice Chancellor, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, was killed in his residence in on 20th of October 2002.
“Dele Arojo, PDP guber aspirant, was killed by unknown assailants in Lagos on November 25, 2002.
“In February, 2003, Chief Ogbonnaya Uche, All Nigerian Peoples Party (ANPP) senatorial candidate in Imo State was assassinated.
“Theodore Agwatu, Principal Secretary to the Governor of Imo State, was killed in February 2003.
“Mrs. Emily Omope, an Alliance for Democracy (AD) Woman Leader died in March, 2003 at University College Hospital, Ibadan after an acid attack in December, 2002 by unknown persons.
“In February 2003, Ogbonnaya Uche, ANPP senatorial candidate for Orlu was killed in his home residence by unknown gunmen. Killers are yet to be found till date.
“Andrew Agom, A member of PDP Board of Trustees and former boss of Nigeria Airways, was also killed on March 4, 2004. Agom was on the entourage of the former Benue State governor, Senator George Akume, when he was killed.
“Death moved to the South West on May 15, 2005 with the murder of leading financier of Oronmiyan Group, a socio-political organization, Alabi Okoju, at Gbongan, Osun State by assassins.
“In July 2006, Lagos PDP gubernatorial aspirant, Funsho Williams was killed at his Dolphin Estate home in Ikoyi.
“Former World Bank consultant and PDP guber aspirant in Ekiti State, Dr. Ayo Daramola, was also murdered in 2006.
“Kehinde Fasubaa, a look a-like twin brother of Taye Fasuba, then Ado-Ekiti LG Chairman was killed on January 03, 2009. Taye Fasuba himself escaped death in 2004.
“Dipo Dina, fell to the bullets of assassins On Monday, January 25, 2010 around Covenant University, Ota. The late Dina was defunct Action Congress (AC) gubernatorial candidate in 2007.
“JOURNALISTS WERE NOT SPARED: Unlike now that we are all free to tweet nonsense at President Muhammadu Buhari, in the years under review, your freedom to life as a journalist, after excising your freedom of speech was not guaranteed. –
“Godwin Agbroko, Chairman, ThisDay Editorial Board was assassinated on December 22, 2006.
“Another ThisDay journalist, Abayomi Ogundeji, was murdered on August 17, 2008.
“Bayo Ohu of Guardian Newspapers was shot dead on a Sunday, September 20, 2009 by a gang of 5 men and a woman in his home in Egbeda, Lagos. Bayo Ohu was working on the certificate forgery story of former Customs Controller General, Abdullahi Dikko before his murder.
“Igwe Nwankwo was shot dead on February 15, 2000 in Anambra State.
“Nicholas Okhuakhua was shot dead in June 2000, in Lagos.Mohammed Shuaibu was shot dead in September 2000, in Lagos.
“Obatou Mumbo was shot dead on October 17, 2000 in Onitsha.Idowu Braimoh was shot dead on November 5, 2000 in Ondo State.
“Joseph Osayande was shot dead on December 4, 2000 in Benin State.Chief Layi Balogun was shot dead on December 10, 2000.
“Monday Ndor was shot dead on August 19, 2001, at Port Harcourt.Onyebuchi Ede was shot dead on August 23, 2001 in Ebonyi.
“Chibueze Idah was shot on August 23, 2001, in Ebonyi. Ogbonna Odimbaiwe was shot on August 23, 2001, in Ebonyi Shot.
“Ifeanyi Nnaji was shot on August 23, 2001 in Ebonyi. Odunayo Olagbaju was shot on December 20, 2001 in Ife, Osun State.
“Eyo Eyo was shot on April 2002, in Calabar.Ifeanyi Igbokwe was shot on April 18, 2002 in Lagos.
“Musa Dayo was shot on May 9, 2002 in Bauchi State.Christopher Ogbonna was shot on May 26, 2002.
“Maria-Theresa Nsa was shot on June 11, 2002 in Cross River State.Chief and Mrs. Barnabas Igwe were shot on September 1, 2002 in Onitsha, Anambra State.
“Ogbonnaya Uche was shot on February 8, 2003 in Owerri, Imo State capital.Theodore Agwatu was shot on February 22, 2003 in Owerri.
“Marshal Harry was shot on March 5, 2003 in Abuja.Bala Mai-Haice was shot on March 17, 2003.
“Ajibola Olanipekun was shot on June 21, 2003 in Ibadan.“Dikibo was shot on February 6, 2004, in Delta State.
“Lateef Olaniyan was shot on July 16, 2005 at his Ibadan residence.Peter Eboigbe was shot on August 11, 2005, in Benin, the Edo State capital and there is more.
“We don’t WANT to go back to a period of blood orgy. God bless Nigerians.”
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dynasty-news-blog ¡ 7 years ago
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Democracy Day Message HON. SERGIUS OGUN REELS OUT ACHIEVEMENTS, TASKS CONSTITUENTS ON PEACE, UNITY MAY 30, 2018  BLOG By Kingsley Ohens 0 Comments Democracy Day Message HON. SERGIUS OGUN REELS OUT ACHIEVEMENTS, TASKS CONSTITUENTS ON PEACE, UNITY Full text of the message as released by his media team yesterday: Nearly three years ago, I was privileged to take the oath of office as your elected representative in the lower chamber of the National Assembly of our dear country, the third to serve you in that capacity since the return to democratic rule in 1999. Today, I remember that day and the processes leading to it with profound gratitude to God Almighty and to all who worked very hard to ensure the success of our tedious journey from Agbazilo to Abuja. As we celebrate Democracy Day which interestingly shares a contiguous proximity with the third anniversary of my inauguration as a member of the the 8th session of the National Assembly, it is proper for us to take stock of our gains in the past 36 months. In the light of this, please permit me to run through the list of our modest achievements so far. On AGRICULTURE, I initiated the establishment of the Agbazilo Mechanized Constituency Farm Oria. The farm which sits on a vast expanse of fertile land has an administrative block, farm warehouse, borehole, two tractors, ploughs, harrows and other powered tools. The farm is fully mechanized in every sense of the word – from clearing, planting to harvesting . Two hundred young men and women benefitted from the first farming circle, with one hectare allotted to each beneficiary. After harvest, proceeds from the sales of the crops go to the beneficiaries. The farming scheme, no doubt, would help to reduce the rate of youth employment while reigniting the flames of agricultural revival. Away from the mechanized farm, I facilitated the refurbishment of the Federal Department of Agriculture Ubiaja in order to revive and reposition the agricultural establishment for better performance. On EDUCATION, I rehabilitated a block of six classrooms at Ugboha Secondary Commercial School and constructed a block of two classrooms at Otoikhimhin Primary School Ugboha . Work is in progress at Uzogbon Primary School Ugboha where a block of three classrooms is being constructed. I completed a block of six classrooms at Iruele Primary School Uromi and a block of three classrooms at Ukpekimiokolo Primary School Uromi- both projects were initiated by my predecessor Rt. Hon. Barr. Friday Itulah. Between 2015 and 2018, I Enrolled NECO/SSCE for 2,400 final year students( 600 students per year) and granted automatic university scholarship to the overall best six Sergius Oseasochie Ogun Foundation NECO/SSCE Mock Exam candidates each year, as stated above. I sponsored the distribution of free notebooks to all public/private nursery, primary and secondary schools in the federal constituency with each pupil/student receiving five notebooks in 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively. At the tertiary level, I presented #100,000 and #50,000 cash prizes to the best graduating Esan HND and ND students in Auchi Polytechnic in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Moved by the desire to ameliorate the rising wave of unemployment and mass migration of young men and women to Libya, I granted scholarship to 187 young school leavers to undergo a three-month intensive technical training programme at the National Institute of Construction Technology Uromi so that they can acquire relevant skills and become self reliant. On ROAD, I facilitated the construction of Ugboha-Anegbete Road, Oria Road ( one kilometre) and rehabilitation of Uromi Angle 90 – Ubiaja Road. I also Facilitated resumption of work on Adaokere-Ukoni Road(ongoing) and the reconstruction of failed sections of Uromi-Agbor Road, even as I mount pressure on the federal government to expedite action on the dualization of Ewu- Uromi – Agbor Road. On SKILL ACQUISITION &ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT, I donated 5 tricycles, 20 motorcycles, 50 sewing machines and 20 grinding machines to constituents to curb the festering effects of the economic recession which held the nation to a criminal ransom in 2016. I sponsored the training of 200 farmers on the production of cassava bread, cassava cake, cassava chips, fruit juice and other recipes. My constituency office in collaboration with the National Directorate of Employment organized skill acquisition training programme for 100 young women on cosmetic production. In addition to the foregoing, I sponsored the first ever music talent hunt in the federal constituency and rewarded the winners with mouth-watering cash prizes. On HEALTH, I initiated and sponsored free medical outreaches at Uzea, Emu, Ewohimi, Ubiaja, Oria, Ohordua,Ewatto, Ugboha and Amendokhian, Utako, IIdumoza and Efandion-Uromi in 2015, 2016 and 2017 and 2018. I facilitated the provision of medical equipment worth millions of naira for Uzogbon Primary Health Care Centre Ugboha, Olinlin Primary Health care Centre Uzea and Illushi Primary Health care Centre. I facilitated the installation of solar lights at the premises of Uromi General Hospital. On WATER, I did my little best to ensure the completion of the Northern Esan Water Project. I Constructed a borehole each at Uzea and Emunekhua in response to the demand of the people of the two communities for hygienic water. On ELECTRICITY, I facilitated the upgrading of BEDC substation at Oyomon, Uromi, and the restoration of power supply to some communities that were disconnected by BEDC On EMPLOYMENT, I secured employment for some graduates in public/ private establishments and recommended many for possible consideration. On MOTIONS and BILLS, I have sponsored the following motions and bills on the floor of the House of Representatives from 2015 till date. 1. Urgent Need to Rehabilitate the Roads Linking the Otor Bridge and Connecting Delta/South Eastern States and the Northern Parts Of Nigeria 2. Urgent need to investigate the activities of the Nigerian oil industry regulatory authorities and the need to complete all ongoing and outstanding unitization processes of straddled oil and gas fields and for other matters connected therewith 3. Need to provide welfare and rehabilitation centres for the critically – ill and physically challenged 4. Need for a comprehensive audit of all sources of revenue in Nigeria 5. Urgent need to complete and commission the Northern Esan water supply scheme 6. The need to investigate reported massive fraud in Nigeria’s N117 billion rice import quota scheme 7. The need to investigate allegations of financial scandal and gross abuse of office by Pension Transitional Arrangement Directorate (PTAD) management 8. Need to compel the  Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority and other relevant regulatory authorities in the Aviation Sector to conduct routine checks on the state of Aircrafts operating within Nigeria and make public the reports 9. A resolution for the immediate establishment of an emergency response and ambulance bay by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), at Ewu Hills, along the Benin-Abuja Federal Highway, Ewu,Edo State 10. Urgent need to mandate the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria to beef up and strengthen  security apparatus and checks at our Nation’s Airports 11. Need to revive farm storage facilities to boost Agricultural production and distribution in Nigeria 12. Need to regulate the indiscriminate levy of Agricultural  produce, livestock, etc on our Federal Roads 13. Need to stem the serious flooding at Illushi and Ifeku Island communities in Esan South East Local Government Area of Edo State 14. Need to mandate the national agency for food and drug administration and control to check the ensure that food and drinks prepared and served in hotels, fast food restaurants and any other restaurants meet globally accepted hygiene standards 15. Urgent need to impress upon the executive arm of government the importance of obeying court orders. 16. Calling on the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA) and the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) to as a matter of urgency do rehabilation works on the Irrua-Uromi-Illushi road, Uromi-Agbor road and the Ewohimi-OnichaUgbo road 17. Urgent need for Federal Government intervention to tackle gully erosion challenges in Emu Town, Esan South East Local Government Area of Edo State 18. Need to encourage the establishment of crèche facilities in Government offices and buildings 19. Need to investigate the procurement process employed in Nigeria’s High commissions and Embassies with a view to cutting cost and fighting corruption. 20. Urgent Need to Investigate the resurgence of Avian Influenza popularly known as Bird Flu. 21. Need to investigate the scarcity and incessant hike in the price of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (popularly referred to as cooking Gas) in Nigeria 22. Need to investigate the recurrent occurrence of Lassa fever in Nigeria. 23. Urgent need to investigate the positioning of advert billboards on pedestrian bridges and  their effect on the security of pedestrians 24. Need to consider the construction industry for priority forex allocation *stepped down 25. Need to investigate the relatively high cost of malaria tests and drugs in government hospitals 26. Need to regulate the use of Bisphenol A (BPA) plastics in production of bottled water 27. Need to evaluate the effect of withdrawal of HIV funding by international donors 28. Need for the review of Nigerian Public Financial Management System and Supreme Audit Institution 29. Urgent call for the removal of surcharge on mutilated notes by the Central Bank of Nigeria 30. Call for a cost analysis of the monies recovered by the EFCC and the cost of prosecution of cases 31. A call to control the manufacturing and use of single-use plastic bags (polythene) and replace with biodegradable or fabric material 32. Need to increase tobacco tax to curb public health danger and fund healthcare services 33. Need for the implementation of the National Broadband plan 34. Urgent need to stop the killings/attacks of herdsmen on Ugboha community in Esan North East/ Esan South East Federal Constituency, Edo State 35. Continued implementation of the Federal Capital Territory Statutory Appropriation Act, 2017 and for other related matters, pursuant to sections 122 and 299 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as amended 36. Free Advice and Treatment of Breast Cancer Centre Bill, 2016 37. National Centre for Agricultural Mechanization Act (Amendment Bill) 2016 38. Nigerian Institute of Agriculturists (Establishment) Bill 2016 39. Labour Act (Amendment Bill) 2016 40. Public Officers Protection Act (Amendment Bill) 2016 41. Nigerian Law Reform Commission Act (Amendment Bill) 2017 42. International studies (Regulation Bill) 2017 43. Public Officers International Medical Trip 44. Federal Capital Territory Emergency Management Agency 45. National Orientation Agency Act (amendment) bill, 2017 46. National Health Act (amendment) bill, 2017 47. Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Outdoor Signage and Advertisement Agency Bill, 2017 48. National Institute of Construction Technology and Management (Establishment) Bill, 2018 Time will fail me to enumerate, in detail, all the good things we have done, and are doing to make things better for our dear constituency, and our great nation. Suffice it to say that the task of making our constituency a better place is the responsibility of us all. To this end, I urge that, you all cultivate in your heart, a commitment to do more to support my efforts in every way possible. As we zoom into the final lap of our four-year term, let us therefore resolve to place the higher interests of peace, unity and development above all other considerations. Together we can achieve more! Long live Esan North East/South East Federal Constituency! Long live Edo State! Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria! Signed. Hon., Barr., Dcn Sergius Oseasoshie Ogun Member, House of Representatives Esan North East/South East Federal Constituency Edo State.
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