#courriers de l'incorruptible
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tribundupeuple · 22 days ago
If you had a clue of what you have done to me and my family — me, Claude, Adéle and little Horace — you wouldn’t be standing here today. But I want you to for a moment entertain the thought — and it is only a thought, for you are certainly never going to see him again and I feel disgusted over the fact I ever let you hold him in your arms — of looking directly into my grandson’s two eyes and telling him the reason for why he now is an orphan and that your signature featured on the arrest warrants for both his mother and father despite the fact that you knew them well as the full-blooded patriots they were, having known Camille since you were 13 and prayed for Lucile’s union with him. If that thought fills you with even the slightest bit of remorse, then rest assured you have at least made my endless grief a few grains lighter to carry. Until then, I pray for your end and ask the Supreme Being to have mercy on you.
/ Annette Duplessis
You have every reason to hate me for I know what we promised. I know we swore that the tyrannical methods of the Ancien Régime, which associated a guilty man's family with his crimes and dragged them down in his disgrace, were behind us. I know we swore to be fair to all. I know we swore that the end of our misfortunes was tomorrow, and that the Terror had to begin and end at the very intent. I know that Lucille was my friend too, and I considered her like family.
But you must understand that there was no other choice.
Some cruelties are necessary. Some heart-rending sacrifices must be made. I did everything in my power to protect Camille and to try in vain to bring him to his senses, but I have no right to privilege him over the Revolution and I am not the only one to have decided his fate. Should it appear that my own brother was a traitor and a threat to the Revolution, I would kill him with my own hand.
As for Lucille, she made her choice knowing the consequences.
If someone has to carry this heavy responsibility, then fine. It will be me. And you are right : Horace deserves explanations. If one day he asks for them, he can come to me.
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tribundupeuple · 1 month ago
How to take care of wigs?
I am not a master wigmaker, and besides, I recommend that you seek the services of one rather than trying to maintain your wigs yourself. Nevertheless, I can offer a few tips based on my experience.
No matter where you buy them, they will always be very expensive accessories. Wigs made from human hair, especially women's, are the most sought-after, as they are said to be stronger, softer and longer than men's hair. Some wigs are crafted from horsehair, and therefore are more affordable, but the difference in terms of quality is obvious and it is still very expensive. This was the only luxury I allowed myself to buy because, as a lawyer, I had to take some care of my appearance, and my long years of illness had made my natural hair duller and less appealing.
It is preferable to keep wigs simple, so as not to risk falling back into old-world ways. But they can be stylized. Diderot's Encyclopédie gives a few examples of possible models, which were still in use at the time of the Etats Généraux.
It can happen that the wig frame becomes narrower and painfully squeeze the contour of the skull. Simply immerse it in warm water to loosen it.
If the curls also start to loosen, the length of the wig should be put through a curling iron, heated over hot coals. Don't let it get too hot though, or the wig will be damaged too quickly. Hold the iron close to a piece of paper and, if it starts to burn, let it cool down a little while.
You need to take care of it every day as if it were your own hair, detangling it regularly, wrapping it up for protection before curling, brushing and powdering in moderation, just enough to keep the curls in place until the end of the day. And I heavily insist on the moderation. The aim is not to look like a sack of flour.
Regarding the powder, I don't recommend using ceruse or mercury-based ones. Their whiteness is aesthetically pleasing, but they are highly toxic and corrosive to the skin. Starch-based powders are better options.
((sources : Le métier de perruquier au siècle des Lumières : l’expression d’un savoir-faire novateur ? ; La coiffure, bel art du XVIIIe siècle ; La poudre pour perruques, une histoire tirée par les cheveux))
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tribundupeuple · 21 days ago
React to the bicentenary movie pls (in that movie u have some sexual tension with Saint-Just, you guys looked like you were going to fuck at any take )
I watched this film while keeping in mind how a difficult exercise it was to retranscribe six years of events in six short hours, when so much has happened. Overall, the Paris I knew at the time and the few exterior scenes that take place there (the women's bread queues, the infamous misery that rubbed shoulders with the Palais-Royal district, the long and sometimes disappointing sessions of the États Généraux) are quite faithfully depicted.
I was filled with a sweet nostalgia for the first dozen minutes. They gave a fairly accurate account of our disappointments, hopes, illusions and projects on the early times of the Revolution, even if the idea of being a “main character” makes me very ill at ease. But there was already a certain... strange aftertaste. Firstly, presenting Marat as some kind of bloodthirsty madman against the Girondins' moderation, presented as wise and reasonable, felt very concerning to me. So did smearing my name calling me a dictator, but I have grown a weary habit of such unfounded accusations.
There are so many things that didn't sit right with me, I've probably forgotten some.
- The Comité de Salut Public is presented as a ridiculous bunch of cowards terrified of me (I can assure you that in real life, they are not afraid to stand up to anyone and certainly not to me, nor to voice their opposition), where Couthon, Saint-Just and I are unofficially the only ones making decisions. Let me remind you that there are twelve of us, and everyone has a say, otherwise what would even be the point to meet up so regularely all together.
- The three days leading up to my death were reduced to the point that the conspiracy against me was erased from the scenario. Where was Tallien? Where was Fouché? Why were the heinous acts committed by the representatives on mission deliberately elided when it was such an important detail?
- The fête de l'Être Suprême is showed as a grotesque masquerade, a festivity disguised in my honor. Saint-Just was not even present, as the film claims; he was alongside our soldiers of the Armée du Nord.
And Saint-Just is undoubtedly the most unjustly mistreated character. His speech at the trial of Louis XVI which was so important has been completely emptied of its substance, his contributions to the public debate and his sincere devotion to the Republic have been swept aside to turn him into some kind of cruel little servant at my beck and call. The slander aimed at my own person has no effect on me anymore, but seeing him insulted in such a lowly manner has made my blood boil with anger.
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tribundupeuple · 17 days ago
nibbles on robespierre
Could you please refrain from doing that, citizen? Resort to violence is an idea I resent but I will have to if you don't leave me other choice.
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tribundupeuple · 1 month ago
Is your dog a good dog
Brount is a very friendly and gentle companion. He wouldn't hurt a fly. But I find myself reluctant to punish him when he tends to misbehaving, like when he chews the drafts of my speeches. In fact, it's partly because of his antics that animals are now banned from the Comité de Salut Public.
I would like to take the opportunity this ask provides me to convey a message I feel is important. Animals are not objects of distraction, and the decision to get one must be the result of deep reflection. A dog, especially one as large as Brount and more prone to health problems, can cost a lot of money in veterinary care. You also need to have time to devote to them. Dogs are very sociable animals, so you need to play with them, walk them outside everyday and show them affection.
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tribundupeuple · 16 days ago
how do you feel over the fact that david drew you naked.
He did not dare.
*He checks Internet, his face turning red with embarrassment*
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tribundupeuple · 20 days ago
Hey Max <3
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also do you really hate cantaloupes lmfaoo
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I can't do this anymore, citizen.
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tribundupeuple · 22 days ago
How do you feel about the 'Mr. Peabody and Sherman' rendition of you?
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tribundupeuple · 1 month ago
What is the best version of you in the movies?
This "movie" thing of the future that is called "La Terreur et la Vertu". I felt like I was seeing myself (and all the decisions I made that led to my death) in a mirror, it was a disturbing experience.
I am not going to talk about the bicentenary movie unless you really insist. But know that I have mixed feelings about it.
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tribundupeuple · 6 days ago
what do you think of yourself in saint just et la force des choses lmfaoo
I don't understand why I ask Antoine to write so many reports in this movie, he is not my personal secretary.
Furthermore, I don't wear my wig when I'm sick and bedridden. It's a working accessory, and the last thing I need is to sweat excessively while wearing it.
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tribundupeuple · 10 days ago
Are you truly incorruptible?
There is only one way to know, citizen.
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tribundupeuple · 13 days ago
Mlle Duplay, what Monsieur, is the deal with you two?
- asking for her good and yours, my husband is a… work colleague: @marquess-de-sade-official
I know exactly who your husband is, Madame de Sade. This is why I'm not going to divulge anything about my private life. I don't know you personally well enough to confide in you.
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tribundupeuple · 19 days ago
the only person who works harder than you is me defending you in the comments of the oversimplified videos
Thank you for your service, citizen.
Here, an orange from my personal reserve, for you : 🍊
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tribundupeuple · 20 days ago
danton ; fouche ; louis 16
I know what you are trying to do with these kinds of impossible choices. You want me to send everyone to the guillotine and use my response to back up the words of those who call me a dictator. But I'm going to play by the rules.
First, the king must die, that's non-negotiable. Danton will take just about anyone and anything into his bed, and it will be a quick ordeal to get through. And the divorce law of September 20, 1792 allows me to separate from Fouché as soon as I've taken my wedding vows.
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tribundupeuple · 21 days ago
do you approve of your brother doing sick tricks on couthons commandeered wheelchair?
Excuse me ???
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tribundupeuple · 22 days ago
do you approve of your brother’s infatuation with that corsican general? (would you accept him into the family if things escalated?)
Augustin has the right to be friends with whomever he wants, even if I don't approve of some of his acquaintances (and I don't hide my opinion on this from him).
I have never met General Buonaparte in person, so I try not to have too many negative preconceptions about him. Augustin praises him all day long and speaks very highly of him. It is true that he is a very valuable strategist and military leader for the Republic, that he's good-willed and that his ranks and awards are all well-deserved.
But echoes also tell me that he has a bad temper, that he gets angry very easily, that he doesn't like having a higher authority above his head and that he seems to have very high ambitions. He did nothing wrong, yet I can't help but be distrustful of this profile of a charismatic, impatient and ambitious man who knows how to galvanize the men around him like a Roman orator.
And if things eventually "escalate", as you say, well... What can I say ?
He is my brother. If having this scary man is what makes him happy, then so be it.
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