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mehdizareiran · 5 years ago
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#humansciences house #tehran seminar on #coup_d’etat 19 Aout 1953, supported by USA and #britain against Nationalist and Legal government of #dr_mohammad_mossadegh با ايران در نشست واكاري يك رويداد تاريخي ( #كودتا ي) ٢٨امرداد (١٣٣٢) ، برعليه دولت ملي #دكترمحمد_مصدق ٢٨-٥-١٣٩٨ #خانه_انديشمندان_علوم_انساني https://www.instagram.com/p/B1WQSYwDHh_/?igshid=1rn53euxapc13
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argentiaertheri · 5 years ago
The zone, originally covering six city blocks and a park,[15][16] was established on June 8, 2020 by George Floyd protesters after the Seattle Police Department (SPD) left its East Precinct building,[2] and was cleared of occupants by police on July 1, 2020.[3][17]
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitol_Hill_Autonomous_Zone
Many scholars consider a coup d'état successful when the usurpers seize and hold power for at least seven days.[1]
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coup_d%27état
No one seriously expected to defend Cap Hill from the entire force of the US government indefinitely. That was never the point. I’m already seeing people use this as a gotcha to say the whole thing was pointless and foolish and to mock us for ever believing that a better world is possible
Cap Hill has inspired tons of other actions during these protests and will continue to inspire more for as long as this generation of activists lives. But even beside that, it was good in itself. The supplies distributed, the shelter given, the education and solidarity and joy, the care given, the safety and piece of mind, all of that was good and worth doing even if it never amounted to anything else
The revolution isn’t an event, it’s a process - if it even exists at all. It’s about fighting back, making space, doing good, finding places to be free. That freedom is worth it by itself, even if it’s temporary. Stop waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel and build a better world now
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data2364 · 6 years ago
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Colm Meaney as Cowen   2006  in Stargate Atlantis  "Coup D'etat"
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trulyourmedicine · 8 years ago
Vocabulaire: Le petit prince, chapitre I (français- espagnol)
Ainsi: así
Autre: otro
Besoin: necesidad
Bouger: moverse
Chef: jefe
Chez:en casa de
Copie: copie
Côté: costado
Coup: golpe
Cravates: corbatas
Dessin: dibujo
Donc: luego
Donner: dar
Dû: debido
Égaré: extraviado
Ensuite: después
Fauve: fiera
Fermés: cerrados
Fois: vez
Insuccès: fracaso
Lorsque: cuando,en el momento que
Lucide: lúcido
Mâcher: mascar
Métier: oficio
œil: vista,mirada
œuvre: obra
Ouverts: abiertos
Partout: en todas partes
Pendant: durante
Peur: miedo
Plutôt: antes,más bien
Proie: presa
Raisonnable: razonable
Réfléchi: reflejado
Réussi: acertado
Tracer: trazar
Vécues: experimentadas
Vierge: virgen
Voilà:he ahí
Vraiment: verdaderamente
Vu: visto
Coup d´ œil: vistazo,vislumbrar. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coup_d%27%C5%93il
Pourquoi un chapeau ferait-il peur? : ¿ Por qué un sombrero podría dar miedo?/ ¿ Por qué habría de temer a un sombrero?
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soniake · 10 years ago
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Can I be pendant in G'necklace 😗😗 #gd #Gdragon #coup_d'etat #coupdetat #necklace
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