corignem · 2 years
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INDEPENDENT MULTIMUSE ROLEPLAY BLOG FEATURING A VAST AMOUNT OF FANDOMS. loved dearly by andy. he/him or they/them. gmt based. 21+ SITE WITH MUSES/RULES/ETC. most solo blogs moved back here as of sept 2023. MEMES TAG. INTEREST TRACKER (not required but if u want!!). STARTER CALL.
affiliated with: @unheald + @etherealsinners 💚💚
current loudest muses/fandoms: newt geiszler, louis de pointe du lac, talia molloy, crowley, death, lestat de lioncourt ( now @ lebrat ), armand ( now @ hechose ), sebastian belgrave ( now @ goldtouched ),
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please do not follow me if you're under 18.
please do not follow me if you write a genderbend.
please do not follow me if you write a whitewashed character (example: mcu wanda).
do not interact with my posts unless we are mutuals.
i have one DNI: if you are friends with lilith (gone by ana, lily, nev // blogs like sheadrenaline, loyaels, countryserved, voynasoldat, lilithmemes, nevcommissions ) please do not interact with me.
discord is available to mutuals.
i do still have some solo blogs with fluctuating activity and those can be found here, on a post i will update anytime this changed.
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pcsitivibee · 5 years
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positivity for countryserved : a little bit of love for @countryserved / @voynasoldat who's having a rough day but deserves the world. lily has become one of my very best friends and she's such a good person. she's a great friend, lovely writer, and overall incredible human being. i don't know what this site would be for me without her. ♥
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stormweathered-arc1 · 5 years
. sleepy sex meme . accepting!♣ - cuddle with yours.. @countryserved .
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    HE’S HEAVY, this god of thunder, and WARM. there are moments when one may FORGET he’s a being of fury and war — that the soul and violence of a storm rages through his veins. it’s in THESE moments that he’s loose and relaxed and everything exists without pretense; the world spins ‘round without imminent DEATH or DANGER, and he can exist with just THIS: lounging sprawled on the couch, just his arm wrapped 'round steve, leaning heavily upon him and quite happy and content. this had started as a movie, but he’s an AFFECTIONATE soul in his heart; now he’s COMFORTABLE, the credits are rolling, and he gives a low, discontent sound in his throat when steve starts to MOVE; a single blue eye narrows and squints up at him.  ❛ are you in a hurry? ❜
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warwintered · 5 years
@countryserved​ replied to your post “i finally, capped all of cw”
but.... there.... are... fansites ?
there,, are,,
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worldwarvet-archive · 5 years
“Life’s tough, get a helmet.”
boy meets world sentence starters || accepting
“--ah, fuck.” His hand instinctively went to rub his brow where the can from the pantry had hit him. Picking up the now dented can from the floor, he glared up at the top shelf. Who the fuck put soup on the top shelf? And why the hell were there so many cans? This wasn’t the Depression anymore, they didn’t need to hoard food--or maybe Steve had a love for Campbells that was just unwaveringly thorough.
“You need to get your damn pantry in order, Steve.” Bucky shoved the soup can back into the pantry and grabbed the sugar instead (which was on the bottom shelf, c’mon), and put it on the counter.
Steve’s quip came with a stupidly satisfied smirk that he both loved and immediately wanted to wipe off his face. So he leaned over and flicked Steve’s ear. “I’m not taking helmet advice from the dumbass who has his ears exposed in his all the time. Now stop mocking me and get the eggs out of the fridge or get your ass out of the kitchen.”
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whiitewlof-blog · 5 years
so maybe he's taking a risk here , but hands find face , and lips easily crash into the other's. he kisses him. a kiss that seems to last forever to steve , pouring as much emotion into it as he possible can before he pulls away with a gasp.
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         What feels like decades of lust comes crashing into him with the force of a sledgehammer, seizing the air in his lungs and momentarily freezing his body. He’s caught up, in shock and adrenaline. So much so that he almost doesn’t remember to respond. He’s just begun to do so, keeping up with that passion for mere seconds before he -- 
“No, no -- “ 
Hand finds the back of Steves neck, tugging him forward for further bliss. That kiss isn’t over yet, he can’t just stop. That’s not fair. And if Steve needs to breathe, well, that’s fine, he’ll just turn his attention to the all too tempting column of his throat.
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❛ where did you learn that from? ❜
Bucky quirks an eyebrow as his lips pull up in a smirk. “Been doing some..” He pauses to lick his lips, looking in to Steve’s eyes in a challenge. “Research. Don’t you like it?”
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thunderveins · 5 years
ok , do it for steve.
𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄'𝐒 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄   /   accepting !
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗( purely aesthetic appreciation of looks )
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗💗 ( how close a friend they consider them )
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗💗( wanting to have sex with them )
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗 ( hoping for a romantic relationship )
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mxndwitch · 5 years
Send 📱 for five texts my muse didn't send yours, and one that they did
[ America’s ass ] Tony sent me to something called Target and I can’t find the exit anymore. It’s so big here, Steve! Why would anyone need a supermarket that big?! They don’t even have food![ America’s ass ] I bought you a new sweater. I shrank yours in the wash[ America’s ass ] I also bought a unicorn floatie. Do we have a pool somewhere?[ America’s ass] I’m going to send you a picture of the ugliest hat ever. [ America’s ass ] Oh, nevermind, idk how this phone takes pictures
[ America’s ass ] Sorry, I’ll be late for my training session. Got lost in Target and accidentally bought so much that I forgot what I was actually supposed to get. Busy day. Will be there in a bit!
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wcrldliar · 5 years
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❝    it’s long overdue.    ❞      the jacket is cool to touch.    clean.    untouched since that night a long time ago.    she’s still so unsure why she’s accepted them.   steve really didn’t have to;    and she didn’t truly needed it.     but there it’s been anyway,    sitting in her closet,    forgotten.    until now.     ❝    i cleaned it again.    just in case.    thought you might need it back.    ❞ 
   @countryserved    /   starter call.
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archerdeafenedmoved · 5 years
countryserved 👀👀
3-5 ICONS  |  ACCEPTING | @countryserved
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and a bonus thirst™ icon
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stormweathered-arc1 · 5 years
. kisses . . @countryserved . 
    THEY HAVE DANCED AROUND THIS MOMENT for so long; the god of thunder is no being of subtlety, after all, and he is broadly affectionate to all he cares for. but THIS: this has become something different. 
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       it’s gentle, this moment in time. he isn’t always. his spirit is a wild and fierce thing, after all, born of fury. but NOW: now, as his heart beats strong and vital and he SMILES against the mouth that brushes against his own.  a hand slides against  steve’s cheek, and when that kiss is finally claimed he draws in a deep breath and meets it with a low sound in his chest. it’s a gentle thing, but oh, it’s not innocent. it lingers, and he takes that single half-step forward so their bodies press TOGETHER.
       it lingers, and when it PARTS at last he chances the drag of teeth lightly over bottom lip, more TEASING that aught else, and when he catches steve’s eye, his own are BRIGHT and KEEN, but his smile is a fond and gentle. ❛ this was a nice surprise. ❜
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sihlvrmoved · 5 years
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i.     height  comparisons  with  lanky  ass  loki   ‘   accepting .  
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worldwarvet-archive · 5 years
“take it easy. you’re in rough shape.”
hurt sentence starters || accepting
There was a chance that he might have overdone it on the last mission. It was hard, getting back into the swing of things--falling back into step alongside both Steve and Captain America, trying to find some sort of balance between Bucky and the Winter Soldier. He’d fallen back too far though--he’d let himself handle all the dirty work of dealing with the terrorists and their bomb while Steve handled evacuations and the injured. And while by himself, he relied on old habits: not watching out for himself as closely, taking more risks than necessary if it brought an end to the mission faster, and he didn’t pad his shots to merely injure. By the time he’d realized what he had done, the bomb had gone into its final countdown and there was only enough time to get clear of the immediate explosion.
And now he was paying for his negligence. Beyond the cuts and bruises, he had dislocated his right shoulder, broken ribs, sprained something in his knee, and had multiple aches from taking a bad landing. Which all paled in comparison to the short circuiting going on in his left arm.
He couldn’t clearly remember what had happened, but some of his plates had been pried apart and the resulting explosion had sent shrapnel right into his lifeline. It hadn’t severed it, not completely, but frayed enough of the cable that the metal hand essentially had tremors, and any movement sent a shock of electricity up his shoulder and directly to his brain.
Which might’ve been fine if not for the turbulence on the flight back to the compound, with each bump and jerk of the plane sending a new jolt of agony through his body. He had to take it off--there wasn’t much other option. Maybe he was weak for giving up so easily, but the pain was too great and he simply couldn’t take much more. Cradling his metal arm, he struggled to sit, Steve hovering nearby and urging him to try and keep resting.
“Help me take it off.” He struggled to sit up by himself, fumbling for the spot under his arm that would start the decoupling process. Another shudder from the ship left him feeling weak, a small involuntary whimper leaving his throat as he grit his teeth. “Can’t do it myself, help me.”
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whiitewlof-blog · 5 years
Randomly kiss him. | Accepting.
“Just because you’re all beefy now doesn’t mean you can still eat like a scrawny kid, Steve.” 
How on earth did Steve Rogers live so damn long when he takes such horrible care of himself? Yet, Bucky doesn’t mind. He has to admit that caring for Steve and helping him is as natural as breathing at this point, and it’s nice to have a little sense of familiarity amid the foreign time he’d found himself in. 
The plate of food warms his hand, for mere seconds before he places it in front of the Super Soldier. Whatever has been bothering him has been all over his face, but he knows better than to ask before Steve is ready to come forward with it. 
He moves to step away, to get his own food -- but the scrape of the chair on the wood floor stops him. Bucky turns back around, with full intent to scold his friend and tie him to that damn chair if he has to --- only for him to barely glimpse those kaleidoscope eyes seconds before his mouth is caught and claimed. 
His immediate reaction is to tense, lungs seizing up and not allowing breath in the moment of shock. Steve Rogers is kissing him. 
Bucky shoves him off, his own eyes wide and chest heaving. He can already see the furrowed brows and puppy look, hear the ‘Buck’ before lips even part. He doesn’t let it happen, cool metal catching Steve at the back of his neck and pulling him back in. This kiss is firm, needy even. There is no doubt, no hesitation in this. Only the love that for so long had gone unsaid.
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@countryserved said:
35. My muse dies in your muse’s arms.
There was no hesitation, no second thoughts, only movement as he jumped in front of Steve, whose shield was still on the ground a few hundred feet away. He just barely felt bullet enter his chest as another shot rang out. He grabbed Steve roughly by the shoulders and threw the other to the ground just as the second shot hit him in lower back, right on his spine. His breath left him even but he ignored it as he quickly flipped his knife from it’s holster and threw it as hard as possible, straight in to their assailant’s heart. 
When the danger was passed, he allowed his body to collapse to the ground, vaguely feeling himself being pulled in to Steve’s lap, the blonde’s arms gripping him hard. His eyes fluttered opened to look in to the blue eyes of the man he’d followed in to battle his whole life. The corners of his mouth, stained with blood, pulled up in to a smile as he reached up to pat Steve’s cheek. “Til the end of the line,” His voice cracked halfway through, a wave of pain rolling over his body as his body attempted to repair the damage done. 
But it was useless, his spinal cord had been snapped and a bullet sat in his heart. He could feel the heavy metal as it kept the blood from flowing through his body correctly. His fingers gripped the front of Steve’s shirt tightly. “Steve, I...” His teeth clenched on the words as another tremor went through him, his whole body feeling lighter due to the blood loss and lack of flow. “Always..” The word barely left his mouth before his eyes rolled back and his last breath shuddered out, his body finally shutting down. 
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