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This past weekend was unexpected and wonderful. <3 I guess those heart shaped glasses really did their trick! In all honesty, I'm beat and wiped out from lots of adventure and a hopeful future. I feel happy. My body is screaming at me to chill, but it was so worth pushing myself to persue new... Lol so here's the, well that happened fast part, I'm just as shocked as anyone would be, but when oppertunity strikes you have to take it and try. Who knows where this will lead but I have a few clues. Hahah- and now a quote from one of my favorite movies that is so utterly me -> #theclueshavebeendecipheredImustjourneyforth #moviequotes #whatmakesme-me #hadfun #greattime #whoknows #Godsgotthis #sobeautiful #happy #amazing #thatveiw #musicmoments #gaming #hopeful #findingoutmore #ferryterminaladventure #couldthisreallybehappening #Imeanreally #life #makethemostofit #herecomesthehashtagpalooza #theressomuchtolearn #discovering #whatishappeninginmylife #Godisatwork #thistimeavisitfromEMTwasagoodthing #workingoutdetails #cantstopsmiling #Idontbelieveit #likeseriously #newscaresme #newisntalwaysbad #thisisexciting #planahead #hitman2 #canIgosleepforaweeknow #soworthit #somanystairs #buildaladder #wow #callmecrazy #crazylife #mariocart #tryingtobetransparent #healing #gettingthroughit #tbiwontstopme #heds #hypermobility #pain #nopainnogain #usuallynotaphraseIusebutitseemsfitting #prettysuremyarmsandlegswilldetatchnow #lol #longpost #dontstomponyourfresh https://www.instagram.com/p/BnZEv-8HViJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fdtcrcpuaier
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