#couldnt think of anything for the other definition of spare so... bowling it is
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biblically-accurate-dca · 11 months ago
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@vanweek2024 day 6 - spare
vanny goes bowling !
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aharris00britney · 6 years ago
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CC .zip file, resource page, uploading sims, and some other stuff idk
Anonymous said: Hi! I was just wondering if you knew that none of the images on your resources page are showing. Not on my end, at least. I've gone back to check a few times, to see if it was just my internet acting up or something, but every time it just loads blank white squares
Heya lmao it should be fixed somewhat now. A few months ago my download page/resource page/sim download page all broke and I had to reupload images. It killed me to fix my download page and I am just now getting around to doing my resource page. I am still working on it but I fixed links for Macie and Taylor
Anonymous said: Could you make any male hairstyles?
I am not the best at male hair, but maybe in the future I will do some stuff. For now the only male hairs I will make are conversions and stuff. I’m sorry!
Anonymous said: Any chance you’ll make some straight middle parted hair? Like 2002 Avril Lavigne?            
TBH I wish I would’ve made my Madison hair as just the Cats&Dogs hair retextured/UV mapped because that is something I want now, but I don’t have a way to get it to be the same as my Madison hair. We shall see!
Anonymous said: are your sims for download? They are so gorgeous!
They are! The images on the download page I made for them are broken but you can find their tag here
Anonymous said: I feel lile u should post more about urself + I miss ur monthly playlists
okay I thought this was so sweet for some reason ;n; I don’t post much about myself because I don’t know if y’all would wanna hear about my life/problems lmao. Also my playlists is a whole problem UGH I made my Nov one and forgot to post it, and didn’t have wifi til like Jan and I don’t know what to do with them. I will put a little bit of what my life is rn lmao:
I am about to go back to Radford for my 2nd semester, and I am happy with how my classes are. I am going through some really messy boy problems like.... ugh. I am trying to work things out and people like @ayoshi​ @bowl-of-plumbobs​ @dogsill​ and a groupchat im in on discord have kept me from being miserable. I just can’t get it resolved til I go back and I have been gone for a month with it just... building.
@simspigccfinds said: How long did it take you to learn how to make cc?
Well I ‘knew’ how when I first started, but I wouldn’t say I got to the point where I knew how to make stuff 99% right until late 2017, early 2018.   Practicing and learning from trial and error is the best way I learned.
Anonymous said: I'm new here but do you like Red Velvet?            
yes! they are tied with BP for my #2 group. I love RV songs/videos, but I love the BP girlies so much bc they were my first kpop group ;n;
Anonymous said: idk if you've been asked this before (i went through ur asks and ur faq and i couldnt find anything about this but i couldve missed it) Would you ever consider making a big download for all of ur cc? I really wanna download it all but theres so much!
Okay with this idk how I would do it. I post three new hairs every month. Some of my old hairs I know have glitches and I would not want to include them. I am going to try to finish some revamps/updates of hairs and then see about a giant .zip file and maybe a merged package of all my hairs.
Anonymous said: I LOVE ALL UR HAIRS!!! I use them on all of my white sims ❤️❤️
idk if this was shade ewdgfvbn thank you?? I know I don’t make many POC hairs and I want to start doing more, they just take more time to perfect imo and I try to have X amount of hairs for voting everything, and 3 release every month so it is hard to get popping different hairs in and out in that limited time.
Anonymous said: Omg your sims are gorgeous, I love your creations! I am saving up right now but as soon as I have enough money to spare, I am definitely becoming a patron :)
thank you so much!!! I appreciate you even thinking of being a patron <3
@set-fire-to-the-stars said: HEYYY! First, I'd like to say your work is AMAZING and I really enjoy having your hairs in my game. I have a suggestion, because we're both LOONA stans... You know that one hairstyle YeoJin is always wearing? That would look so cute in sims 4...
thank you!! lmao the hair with the like 5 or 6 buns? Maybe!! It would be a bit tricky to do but I would like to try it one day.
Anonymous said: Just wanted to let you know that I have a friend called Lydia and her Hair is just as your "Lydia" Hair, it's so accurate that I had to giggle
lmao I am happy you got a giggle from it. I made it forever ago but I know it was based off of someone. . . .
Anonymous said: Hi! Do you have any hairs/cc for children? Thank you!
i don’t ;n; but @naevys-sims​ has converted a HUGE amount of my hairs to children if you want to check them out <3
Anonymous said: is it okay to edit your meshes for personal use only?
yeah haha for personal use is fine
Anonymous said: Hello!, i really like your cc. but, most of them doesn't seem to work with me, when i try to put it on my sim, it looks bald. do you know what's wrong with it?. thanks ~
You may just be downloading the recolors. Make sure to download the one that doesn’t say ‘recolors’ too.
@debsim​ said: hey i just want to say that you are my favorite cc creator and my sister is also born on the same as you lol :)            
thank you!!! lmao it is cool that me and ur sis have the same birthday :P
Anonymous said: I appreciate you so so much. I feel like i've already told you this but my god, you improve everything about my game. You've literally made my life happier and just, i'm so happy 😩❤
awe thank you!!! I just make simple hairs <3 I am happy that you think it improves your game. Thank you again
Anonymous said: I'd really love to see something fresh from you.  All i see on my dash is the same hair with small variations :/
all my releases are picked by Patreon Pledges through voting, so it isn’t up to me entirely. I just make/finish the hairs being voted on. All I can recommend doing to change that is pledge and vote sdgfvbb
@ssmorqqii​ said: Okay so this isn't much of an ask really but I just wanted to give you a heads up as an excessive cc downloader/user that your cc is HEAVEN. It makes the whole game so much better and I just wanted to thank you.            
thank you omg stuff like this makes me feel good about making content for the game <3 knowing that people think my hair changes the game enough to make it better. Thank you again
Anonymous said: do you use a cleavage overlay or special skin on your female sims?
I use two skin overlays and a default. That is it though besides makeup. No cleavage overlay
Anonymous said: How are your sims so pretty? Would you ever upload them? Like the one you’re using with get famous for example?
My sims are uploaded already to my origin and my blog lmao, I am planning to update them in the next few weeks though. DL page here
Anonymous said: not gonna lie that I followed you mainly cause you're a LOONA stan! <3
oh absolutely
Anonymous said: Another patron saint bitch. Sorry ugh
efvbn this made me giggle lmao ty
Anonymous said: sulsul! so I don't know how patreon works but when you pledge? do you have to pledge month to month or can i just be for one month?
you can pledge for just one month by pledging and then cancelling before you get charged the next month. I think you get charged a small fee if you re-pledge in the future though. So doing it month-to-month is a bit cheaper
@ssmorqqii said: hi this isnt a question but i just wanted you to know that i think youre pretty frikin great okay thank u            
thank you ddgfvbn i appreciate it
okay after this idk when I answered last so im gonna end it here. Does anybody read all of these things lmao efdhgb
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