#couldn't flirt his way out of a wet cardboard box
starflungwaddledee · 2 months
Who wins starstruck or a aroace guy
both of them, because she's also aroace just like me!
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actually while i'm at it, here's the little animation i was working on for pride month but never got around to posting!
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in my self indulgent aroace worldbuilding i like to imagine that labels for orientations and genders are just kind of... not that much of a thing on popstar, because it doesn't matter at all to anyone. nobody has ever cared about stuff like who or how you love, and 90% of them are picking their own pronouns anyway.
that said, it's still nice to have a little self representation here on our primitive earth internet, where this kind of thing very much does need to exist and we deserve to be proud of it!
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bruhstories · 3 years
I Want You
Summary: You didn't know sharing a room with Sasha would drive you insane. Pairing: Sasha Braus/Blouse x Fem!Reader (modern AU) Warnings & Content: fluff, suggestive content (but not smut), language, weed, alcohol Word Count: 1.1 k
A/N: i tried to write in present tense and i think i like it more? also, where my sasha simps at?
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"I'm so glad you guys decided to move in with us." Jean sighs, putting down the last of the cardboard boxes. He's tired, but it's worth having Sasha and you around.
"Don't think we'll cook!" You scrunch your nose, a playful punch meeting his shoulder.
"Or clean." Sasha laughs, and your heart flutters at her warm smile. Sasha. You were in love with the girl since middle grade, always awkwardly hiding your feelings, especially since you weren't sure about what she felt for you.
"Don't worry, ladies, we'll do it together like one big, dysfunctional family!" Connie pulls all three of you in a group hug, your hand on Sasha's back numbing your knees. "Are you sure you don't mind sharing the same bed?"
"Nonsense, Connie. Y/N and I go way back, don't we?" The brown-eyed girl winks and you're melting like an ice-cream in the sun.
"Y-yeah! It'll be alright, I think."
The day went by quickly, spending most of the time unpacking and decorating, running to the store and ordering food. You were sore, exhausted, and all you wanted to do was go to sleep. But when Sasha walked into the room, a towel wrapped around her body, wet hair clinging from her forehead and framing her beautiful face, you were done for. Cheeks burning, eyes drifting elsewhere, you excused yourself to go take a shower. It was painful to be in the same room with her. It was even more painful to lay in the same bed with her. The first five nights were a nightmare — you couldn't even close your eyes without seeing Sasha's big, brown eyes staring you down, the corners of her mouth turning into a smile that was enticing, hiding something playful behind it. Every movement, every sound coming from your friend made you flinch, she looked so serene and fascinating, quietly snoring and dreaming of something you would never know.
"Y/N, you look like you need a drink." Connie hands you a bottle of something. "Can't sleep?"
"I just have to get used to the mattress." You lie, swirling the liquid before taking a sip. Vodka, again — it burns your throat as it goes down to your stomach, the molten feeling lingering on your tongue. "Got anything stronger?"
"I got weed." He shrugs, and it's good enough for you. Not strong, but it will definitely make you drowsy.
"We're baaaaack!" Sasha places two pizza boxes on the table, and Jean adds three more on top of them.
"Is someone else coming?" Connie can't help but ask.
"Oh, oh nooo, those two are for me!" She beams and you can feel butterflies in your stomach at the pure joy in her eyes. Jean sighs, handing you your pizza, and you use the heat to warm your thighs.
Why? Why can't you just get over your feelings for Sasha? Of all people, whydid you have to love her? It was painful to watch sleazy boys hit on your friend, because even though she'd reject them, they had more courage than you ever would. They had it easy — asking her out, flirting with her, buying her drinks. You? You had to watch those things over and over again, like your own personal hell.
"Thaaaaaank youuu for helpin' mee!" Sasha sings as you help bring her to your room, one arm wrapped around her waist, your hand grazing over her tummy skin. Her shirt's slightly lifted from all the drunken gestures, and your cheeks flush crimson.
"It's nothing." You lay her on the bed and turn on your heels. Being in the same room with her, both of you tipsy and high, only spells trouble. And you're not looking for trouble.
"Y/N," she barely speaks and you feel her fingers around your wrist, "stay. Pwease?"
It's eating you from the inside out. It's consuming your energy to keep it together. But you have to do it — for the sake of your friendship. The mattress sinks with your weight, halfway turned to look at Sasha.
"I'm here."
"Y/N, did I do somethin' to hurt ya?" She asks and it's so innocent and genuine.
"N-no, why would you think that?"
"'Caaause, I feel like you're avoidin' me. Are you mad at me?"
How could you ever be mad at her? No, you're only mad at yourself.
"You're drunk, Sash. It's probably just your imagination." You brush her off with a smile, but you can sense the knot in your stomach. God, it's like you're stuck in limbo. Her fingers trace circles on your shoulder, shivers running down your spine and you try to play it cool.
"I really wanna kiss you right now."
You freeze, eyes wide open and mouth agape. The words get caught in your throat, and all you can do is open and close your mouth like a damn fish, blinking slowly.
"You- I- you what?"
Her head is tilted and an impish smile creeps on her lips.
"I said I wanna kiss you." Sasha repeats, but her voice is lower. Her hand is in your hair now, fingers tentatively twirling with your locks.
"Why?" You're still shocked, and you don't understand if it's the alcohol, the weed, or Sasha herself talking to you.
"Because I like you, silly!" She giggles like a schoolgirl, and you don't even realise how much you leaned closer to your friend until you feel her hot breath tickling your skin.
"You... like me?"
"Mhm..." The words cease to exist when your lips meet in a clumsy kiss. You melt, face burning, arms giving in, you melt next to Sasha, and she pulls you closer to her.
"Wait, Sash, this is you, right? Not the vodka, not the dope, you."
"It's me, Y/N. It's just me." She kisses you again and the room is spinning, so you shut your eyes. Her lips are soft, and you dare to poke your stuttering tongue between them, her quiet moan urges you to go further.
Time seems to stop when you're with Sasha, and the only thing that can be heard is the beating of your hearts. She cups your face and grazes her thumb over your cheek, and you don't know what's real anymore, but you know that she kissed you. After waiting for so many long years, she finally kissed you.
"Sasha, I... really like you. I've been crushing on you for a really long time now. Are you sure you want this?" You chew on your lip. But you have to make sure this won't ruin the beautiful friendship you built with Sasha.
"I want you." The girl kisses you again and you drink her in. "I trust you. I like you. I want you." She says between kisses, and before you know it, her hand travels down your abdomen. "Now relax and let me make you feel good."
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tag: @fiaficsxo
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hyucksong · 5 years
to all the boys i’ve loved before; nct dream
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   You yawned as you sat down hastily in your chair, spinning around for a few seconds before letting yourself come to a slow stop, facing your desk. It was barren and empty, all your belongings packed away either in suitcases or khaki brown cardboard boxes.
  Your eyes settled on the seven letters that were tucked away in a little slot on your desk. They were left to be burned, but after reading a book about accidentally sent letters to past love interest, you were feeling a little cheeky. Maybe you could do that, but instead of accidentally screwing yourself over, you’d do it willingly. It was perfect, in your opinion. You’d be leaving the next morning, and all you’d have to do was shove them in the ’outgoing mail’ on your way out of the neighborhood. It was a scuff free plan, but even so you were a little nervous. After all, it is the digital age, they could really track you down any time of day. You’d just have to count on the impeccable laziness of the human race, and hope that god would strike you mercilessly before they found you.
   Besides, you were sure that even if you sent out all seven of the letters, only one person would do anything about them, somehow. And while that thought alone was nerve-wracking, it was something college-you could overcome, they were supposed to be an adult after all. 
   So, with a satisfied tight-lipped smile, you turned off your desk lamp, and crawled into bed, ready to put stamps on the damned letters and send them out in the early wee-hours of the next day.
   So, each member will have a one-part thingy. the first part will be the letter and random happenings between you and the member that made you fall for them and whatnot. then after all of the letters are done, i will write a little extra somethin’ somethin’ of you two somehow meeting and getting to know each other again :). like, the one post will have all seven members and you started anew, it’ll be small. 
   not my only work i’m working on, but they will be pretty simple...and i’m excited. so :)
   links will be added as i finish these babies!
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there’s zhong chenle;
   one of my two childhood best friends. i fell for him the second he smiled at me, when i was six. it was love at first sight, but as a six year old, the workings of love were nonexistent to me. but as soon as i turned thirteen, and he left a wet kiss on my cheek to commemorate the ‘special day’, i realized what i was feeling. so i wrote about it. it was the start of the letters, and the start of a long, drawn out heart break -- because zhong chenle didn’t like me back. it would take years to get over him and his overly-friendly gestures, and i found that i still loved him even during the rest of my crushes. it sucked.
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there’s lee donhyuck;
   or as i called him (and all his close friends), haechan. i ran into him in my first detention on my first day of high school. he quipped back to a particularly stubborn teacher, and it had landed him in detention. all i did was be late to my first class. we ended up seeing each other many other times, because he always talked back, and i always overslept. we got real close over the first half of freshmen year, and i fell for his (unexpected) maturity. he knew what he wanted in life, and i...found it attractive. but i stopped talking to him once i saw him flirting with two girls in the same hour. i figured i was no different. but sometimes i wonder what would have happened if i kept snoozing my alarm.
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there’s na jaemin;
   or should i say the school’s most misunderstood person? people see him as a nonstop flirt machine, but since i had to tutor him in geometry in the second half of freshmen year (he was failing second semester), i only saw him as a space-case that couldn’t understand the pythagorean theorem. i would be lying if i said his kind words and lingering gaze didn’t affect me. and while i didn’t buy into all the rumors surrounding him, i was still hurt from haechan. so, i ignored him if i didn’t need to talk to him. i think it hurt him. he was so much more than the rumors, he was empathetic and charitable. i think i fell for that look he got on his face whenever he saw a picture of something cute. it was...gentle.
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there’s lee jeno;
   he was my chemistry partner in sophomore year. a lot of girls liked him, but i really couldn’t see why. yeah, he was cute, but he managed to spill three beakers of acidic acid during the same day. not very charming, if you ask me. i avoided him at all costs outside of school. but i always ran into him at the animal shelter i volunteered at. and...i think that’s when i fell for him. the way he treated other living things with such care and love...no wonder he and jaemin were best friends. i found that he was really affected by other people’s thoughts on him, it was his biggest flaw. i was by his side as he went through the motions of people hating him for no reason. i think we would have dated, but the timing wasn’t right. he was going through personal things, and...so was i. maybe i should’ve stayed by his side.
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there’s park jisung;
   the other childhood best friend. chenle, jisung, and i were inseparable. jisung was the only one that knew about my major crush on chenle, and he was always there to comfort me. it wasn’t until sophomore year, that i realized how much i was hurting him. because he was so much more in love with me than i was with him. i found myself confused on my feelings for him and jeno, and that’s why i didn’t date either of them. we...don’t talk much anymore. it’s too awkward. but even so, i wonder if i can ever find someone so giving and selfless as jisung. he gave himself up for others, and when i figured out how much he sacrificed for me...i think that’s when i fell for him. he...just really would give me the whole world. it hurts me to think that i...hurt him. sometimes i wish i -- nevermind. it doesn’t matter anymore.
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there’s mark lee;
   my first boyfriend. for all of junior year i (somehow) didn’t like anyone, not even chenle. he found his first love, and after that i fully moved on. jisung hung out exclusively with chenle and never with me. i was alone. but once mark lee walked through the doors in december during senior year as the transfer student from canada, and sat next to me; that would change. he made me forget every pain i’d ever had with any other crush, he made me smile, and made me feel like i was the only one that mattered. but, later i found out that i was...nothing special to him. he was using me as a rebound for his longtime girlfriend from back in canada that broke up with him. that hurt. when i found out, he was so sorry, but i couldn't really blame him. maybe he was my rebound for chenle. maybe it would’ve worked out if we both tried again, or even in a parallel universe. too bad i wasted a whole year on empty love.
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and there’s huang renjun;
   in the summer before me leaving for college, i met a simple boy in a music store. he was arguing about the best vocal legends, or something like that. i wasn’t really paying attention. instead, i zeroed in on the book he was holding, it was about famous paintings throughout the centuries. all i did was tap him on the shoulder and tell him i liked paintings too, and walked away deeper into the store. but after that i bumped into him everywhere, from the coffee shop, the library, and yes, the music store. we bonded over our strong opinions and love for the arts. this love was...different. it was slow and steady, i could talk to him about anything. i could lay with him across from me on the couch for hours, and never get bored. it felt like the long-lasting type of love. we were never ‘together’, but it felt like it. he had to leave for china for family reasons. we never really worked things out. maybe he’ll come back. 
somehow, you see him again...
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