#could i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh big mac
seannessy · 11 months
it has been nearly 2 years since i last touched this account. this is such a time capsule of what i was like as a dumbass 19 year old who was still trying to be archetypal popular vtuber number 3,990,379,113,745,004. to be honest i considered wiping out all the posts but i think it might be best to leave them up as a monument to mankind's potential to no longer be cringe after character development.
anyway i have no idea what im going to do here. i wont bore you with the typical twitter refugee story that you've heard 300 times already, but given the liberation from character limits i suppose i could probably just use this place as a personal diary to go more in depth on stuff and maybe go more in detail into my artworks.
or i could just. make people wait 400 words to find out the punchline of the joke was gay sex with a femboy again. the possibilities are endless.
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