#could also work as a pilot/flight attendant au lol
vicioux · 11 months
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hotel modern au sequel to the tybw ichihime chibis holding hands
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midnightlie · 6 years
But imagine flight attendant au with pilot Keith and lance attendant and Keith has a slight Texan accent as he talks over the comm thing... lol I’m on a plane and the pilot has an accent and it’s giving me ideas
thats so cute omg and i...............................got carried away with this
-there’s still a one-sided “rivalry” in lance’s case 
-keith probably absentmindedly blew lance off on one of his first trips so he decided forever more that keith was rude and also Public Enemy No. 1
-keith doesn’t remember that ofc and is generally confused (and irritated) by lance’s disdain and the excessive amounts of sass
-lance probably always ends up on keith’s planes lol
-”there are like a million planes in our fleet WHY is it always HIM romelle why is the universe so fickle and cruel”
-his face gets hot every time keith talks over the intercom tho
-he tells himself its bc keith’s voice is annoying. that cute little southern lilt? obnoxious.
-you know what it’s also really funny if they’re always running into each other at the airports
-in lines for coffee or food, in the bathrooms, in the crew rooms, and sometimes even in the same hotels
-lance has had it up to Here
-one day, he’s tucked into the quiet room in the one of the crew rooms, trying to nap during his short layover, and he’s trying really hard not to be emotional, but it’s his abuela’s 90th birthday or somethin and his whole family is throwing a party but he can’t be there bc he has to work and it’s making him sad.
-really sad. he hasn’t seen a majority of them in a long time because he’s kept so busy and he misses them a lot and abuela certainly isn’t getting any younger u know
-so maybe he’s crying a little bit.
-as his terrible luck would have it, someone walks into the quiet room just in time to hear that sob lodged in his throat and there’s a long, awkward pause after as lance tries to steady himself and the person just stands there so that’s–
-”are you okay?”
-of course it’s keith
-lance tenses and doesn’t dare turn around. probably says something harsh and sarcastic and mean and his voice is raw and he’s sure this is about to be like, the worst day of his life; he’s sure keith is going to tease him or mock him or something but
-keith simply says, “i’m sorry” and he leaves the quiet room, shutting the door behind him.
-lance doesn’t get any sleep tbh, but he is thinking about keith now instead of his family which is better but also worse in so many ways
-and when he leaves to catch his next flight, there are a few crew members watching TV and one eating lunch over a newspaper and he finds keith awkwardly slumped over in one of the uncomfortable chairs against the wall. he must have been exhausted to fall asleep like that. his neck is gonna be stiff and sore when he wakes up, and he must be cold because he gripping at his elbows even in his sleep. he needed a cot a lot more than lance did, and he forfeited that to give lance privacy.
-lance is kind of distracted for the rest of the day and he keeps thinking about how he should have done something. left a note or something…
-he decides that he could just buy keith a coffee as thanks except
-it’s like weeks before they are scheduled to fly together again and lance hardly sees him in between all that (which of course, right, like the one time he actually wants to SEE keith) and he thinks it might be weird at this point? but he honestly can’t stop thinking about it.
-so one night on a particularly long layover, he orders a pizza and makes his way to keith’s hotel room on the floor above his to like, finally pay it forward and get this nagging guilt off his back
-only he’s never seen keith dressed so casually - dark sweats, dark shirt, hair messy and slightly damp from his shower - and it’s…a lot to process.
-keith is sorta suspicious “you’re not trying to poison me are you?”
-”har har, very funny, just take it so i stop feeling like a jackass.”
-”besides the obvious, why do you feel like a jackass?”
-lance looks away and shoves the pizza into his hands and his face is hot, hot, hot with a blush he prays to god keith can’t see. “you had plenty of reasons to be a dick to me when you caught me crying in the break room and then you fell asleep in the common area and probably had a really shitty headache afterwards because those chairs are not comfortable so–that’s why.”
-and keith takes the pizza, but “you really expect me to be a jerk to you?” 
-”no, but sometimes i wish you would be one so we’re more even.”
-and that’s really honest but keith kinda sighs and half-smiles and then steps back from the door. “well, i hate to break it to you, but i can’t eat a whole pizza by myself.”
-they don’t talk a whole lot, but they do sit on the end of keith’s bed and watch a terrible movie on some local TV channel while they share the pizza between them and at the end of it all, when lance is walking back to his room later that night, his heart is pounding so hard in his chest he can feel his pulse at his throat
-a few days later, they run into each other in line at a cafe in an airport and keith buys him a coffee and a blueberry muffin as “thanks for the pizza” and lance is dismayed bc “no, dude, that was my thanks for being cool about my shitty attitude” but keith only smiles at him and insists
-they start getting along better after that
-a few days later, romelle is like “ok i know ur always talking shit abt kogane but merla saw you guys solving a crossword together in the crew room yesterday without biting each other’s heads off”
-”whats wrong with that? i got pop culture brain and he’s got random trivia brain - we make a good team!” 
-they exchange phone numbers and then they’re talking literally all the time, about anything and everything. they both have a hunger and passion for travel and for trying new things and they bond over the places they’ve been and the sights they’ve seen. and lance has gotta finally and fully accept that he really, really, really likes keith. like, really really. a lot. too much.
-on one layover where they again happen to be in the same hotel, keith knocks on lance’s door - dressed casually again in dark clothes and messy hair and jesus christ the muscles in his arms - and asks if he wants to maybe get a drink with him.
-maybe lance does.
-they get drunk. keith leans on the bar and fixes lance with those dark, glossy eyes and lance doesn’t know if he’s drunk more off the alcohol or the way that keith is looking at him. keith says “why do you hate me so much?”
-lance tells him about the first time they met and adds, “dude, what? i don’t. i never hated you, keith. i was just butt-hurt that some hot, sexy pilot couldn’t even deign to say hello to me on one of my first flights and it was easy to stay mad about it. if you haven’t noticed i have a tendency to be over dramatic.”
-and there’s a lot there, to focus on. a lot to pull apart. but keith rests his cheek in his hand, elbow on the counter and stares, face flushed with the heat from the alcohol. his accent has deepened a little bit. “you think i’m hot and sexy?”
-and lance is panicking a little bit, but not enough to make him close up. “i think you think you’re hot and sexy.”
-keith hums. “i don’t think that.”
-”well, you should.” lance feels that its suddenly unbearably hot in the bar, but he takes another drink.
-and after a moment, keith blinks slow and lance thinks the heat should be melting him from the inside out. he feels so hot over that look that he thinks he should die from fever on the spot. “you wanna know what i think?”
-because lance isn’t quite drunk enough, he says, “no.” and keith merely smiles at that before changing the subject.
-they manage to get back to the hotel at the perfect level of inebriation - not too drunk and not too sober - and bc im a gratuitous ho, they probably fall asleep together in lance’s hotel room, fully dressed (shoes and all), both above the covers, the TV on and the volume down low.
-lance wakes up in the early morning to a hand brushing the hair back from his face and a low “i gotta go back early, lance, but i’ll text you later.”
-if lance wasn’t still half-asleep, if his eyes weren’t so heavy and sticky, if he wasn’t feeling warm and drowsy and safe he might not have said “okay. miss you.” and he might not have leaned into that soft touch against his temple, but he does. he does. 
-if this was a fic something dramatic would happen about now. maybe lance has family issues or keith starts pulling away because of some personal problem or something but it doesn’t matter bc this is just supposed to be a cute list of hcs for an au like this LOL
-eventually, maybe a few weeks later after keith’s birthday (lance got him a book of crossword puzzles and keith calls him for answers he can’t get instead of looking at the answer key at the back and its very cute) lance finally texts him “what were you thinking that night when we were at the bar?” in the middle of the night.
-keith returns the text by calling and lance has a brief bout of panic before answering the phone.
-”i think you’re beautiful and i like the way i feel when i’m with you,” keith says by way of greeting. “i think i should ask you on a date, and i think you should say yes. and then when i take you home afterwards, i think you should let me kiss you.”
-lance’s heart threatens to burst out of his chest as he stares up into the dark. “you wanna know what i think?”
-”i think you should have asked me a long time ago.”
-and they fall in love and travel the world together and its beautiful THE END
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ohnomybreadsticks · 5 years
Day 15 - Allen60 Pilots/Flight Attendants AU
This was a request from the wonderful @connorssock who is intent on dragging me into Allen60 - congrats it’s working!!! These two are too fun to write XD Apologies in advance for any terminology I may have mixed up, I fly international quite a bit but don’t know much about the lives of the pilots and flight attendants lol
By the time he reached the executive lounge, Silas was too tired to check who else might be following him as he flopped down onto the sofa. This last flight had been a nightmare - a 10 hour slog full of unhappy passengers and a lengthy stay on the runway. His feet were killing him, and he wanted nothing more than to lay back, close his eyes, and listen to blissful silence. Unfortunately, that was not going to be the case it seemed. Another body plopped into place next to him, a low sigh escaping as whoever it was made themselves comfortable. There was no touching of limbs, but it was close enough to make Silas crack open an eye. Oh fuck.
“Fancy seeing you here, 60.” Captain Allen greeted him with a grin. Silas groaned and opened both eyes just to roll them. Of course, just his luck, the stupid cocky captain would have to sit his perfect ass down on the sofa next to him. All he wanted was some rest, was that too much to ask? “Yeah, imagine that, both of us being in the executive lounge when we work for the airline.” Silas deadpanned back, and of course it made Allen chuckle. Everything he did was endlessly amusing to the man, despite his best efforts. Allen had taken off his captain’s hat and was running a hand through his hair, mussing it up but still managing to look stupidly handsome. It was enough to make Silas grind his teeth in frustration.
“You stayin’ out of trouble? I’m not there to keep an eye on you, so who knows what patrons you could be terrorizing.” Allen ribbed him, poking a very gentle elbow into his side. Silas rolled his eyes again and turned slightly so he didn’t have to crick his neck to watch the other man. “Oh you know me, robbing little old ladies, making babies cry, the usual.” His reply was extra snarky, the tiredness making it easier to sound as mean as he tried to make his image come across. But Allen simply smiled, eyes crinkling up at the corners as he said “Sounds like 60 alright. Tipped over any beverage carts lately? Or was that a special treat just for my flights?”
Silas knew what he was doing, knew this was all because of...the incident. They used to fly together, Silas on the hospitality team for the trans-Atlantic flights Allen usually piloted. But for months now the airline had intentionally separated their flight assignments, keeping the two separated. All because he had (intentionally) dropped an entire beverage cart’s worth of cold orange juice and milk on some guy. Watching Allen smiling in amusement at him, Silas knew Allen knew why he had done it. The guy had been hassling his twin, and poor Connor was too soft to stand up for himself when there was an unwanted hand on his ass every time he walked down the aisle. Silas knew too that Allen had vouched for him when he got dragged in front of HR with the threat of losing his job. Had spoken about his outstanding character and service and insisted his testimony stay anonymous… But Silas also knew that was all better left unspoken.
So instead he griped “They don’t even let me drive the drink cart any more, so unsuspecting laps everywhere are safe. And stop using that dumb nickname, it doesn’t make any sense.” Allen laughed at that, properly laughed, tipping his head back to get it all out. “Aw, come on, it’s because --” He was cut off by Silas socking him in the shoulder and insisting “The only 60 I care about is the 60 minutes of shut-eye I plan to get right now, so shut your trap.” Instead of protesting or continuing his train of thought, Allen simply reached up and gently guided Silas’ head down onto his shoulder. “Alright, this is your captain giving you permission to land here for the duration. I’ve been told my shoulder is a very nice pillow.” Silas was almost too shocked to snort, but he still managed somehow. He didn’t move though, except to snuggle just a bit closer so that he was more comfortable.
60 stood for the number of seconds it had taken for Allen to fall for the feisty flight attendant, but he also knew that some things were better left unspoken.
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