#could also be a uquiz πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
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kissthenova Β· 2 years ago
idea i had at 3 am: powerpoint presentation game seinfeld quote or AJR lyric
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romqnticstylez Β· 1 year ago
hmmmmmmmmmmm um some of this si gomna be the same as urs okay so
irst rhis or that ALEX OR HENRY
thus ir that andrew garfield or leonardo dicaproo
titanic or oror orrrrrr um tfatws
tfatws or pjo series
pjo or hoo
og trio or leo jason piper trio
piper or annabethg
leo or percy HEHEHE EVIL LAUGH
chai or coffe
hindi or wneglish
if u coudk kill soneine and like u woudlnnot have consequences etc u knwo u would qalk free but only ine person who woudl it be
prev wasnot this orthat questib but do i care no
if u were acat wgat breed wouldu wabt DONT SAY ORANFE
umumumumum the idiotsor rge marauders
wolfstar or jegulus
jegulus or flowerppot
flowerpot or marylily
dorlene or marylily
omg hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
hMMMM ok idr anything since i never finsiehd the books and all. you know. ubt im gonna say alex bc he reminds me of leo
OK well wlell wel they r both soooooooooooo πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ however. only one of them is cool. so andrew 😻😻😻babygril
titanic imSORRY a sayr ofrgive me plspslpsl
ok pjo no hesitaiton. forgive me for my sins a. also sary
THATS SO HARD STOPP um ok lers see UHAISJDASKJD BRO FUCK YOU 😑😑😑😑😑 this is so hadr ughhghhklklg pjo is just. PJOOO and we got GORVERROROOR but no lost trio. and hoo has the lost trio..........but no grover...FUckukfc ok okosaodk im imsdun m it has nico and wiwlwllw too bro so muchslad pain and suffering ok im OGING TO SAY hoo..............................................................................because mark of athena and house of hades and the seven and percabeth is togehter ??? BUT PJO NO I CANT CHOOSE OSJSDAKSJLK BRO WY WOULD U ASK ME THIS 😑😑
umuumumum og trio. becuase. tlt forever<3 I SITLL LVOE U PIPER JASON LEO
annabehtj but piper is still my wife its ok
HOW DARE YOU πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ lets see hmmmmmmmmmmmmm leo is Literally Me but percy is also Literally Me..........................i am ocnea garal.....but i am also builindg silly goofy things garal.....................sceience garal...?..................aftermuch thought. i will choose................................................percy. BECAUSE U KLILELD HIM SO MANY TIMES HE DESRESVES TO BE CHOSEN AT LEAST ONCE wait i was gonna say someting else too umm ok fuck i forgot lol oops I WILL BRING LEO BACK WITH THE POWER OF ACATS Its ok
chai i am ANTI COFFEE sometimes. i dontliek
english 1021i3021391% hidni is alwys cHANGING its fcjkcgnin i DONT KNOW so many weird words. english ez. or maybe im biasde why is it so much easier to speak the first language u ever learend
hmmmm ok ok lets see i dont really have beef w anyone except my games teacher but hm. i could kill someone whos actively killig the earth or someting but idk whos doing the most damage hmmm ok ykw im killin g the games teacher SHE MADE MY BEST FRINED CRY and she has been. anti meowing at her for like ayear. so. bye woman
so real of u
ASKDJKASLJD ok o kolets see i dont acutally know the breeds of animasl very weell um exposed but ok anyways im going to take a uquiz hang on ok ok so at first i got norwegian forest cat but it was NOT me tbh butthen !! i got abyssinian and omg. yes. it's me. the desc is so real tbhbtbh ALSO hwen i searched it up the google image cat was orange lol so def fits
ts alwys but laufey so cool
THE IDIOTS we r ebtter no offesne maraudersgaiz
wolfstar bc i lovekjily<3
si flowerpot jily ???/????/? if yes then flowerpot heueh
dorleene bc jily yes and also their fanart is so. yes
okokok GODOBYE mewo mewo
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tracle0 Β· 5 months ago
hello!! happy STS!
okayy I love your gods! They are so fun! I did the uquiz and I got The Crow, which is. well. happens fdjskds
is there a common concept that receives a god but you refuse to give it one? how many gods did you create for your stories, if you can count ofc? πŸ‘€ do you have a favourite god? That one you keep favouring at the expense of others /lh /j
Hey hi! Happy STS! Sunday also starts with S. Bleed-over day...
Ah! Thank you!!!! The Crow is a good fun one. Actually, that's a lie, it's very rigid and strict. But crows are my favourite animals, so you get a thumbs up!
Hmm... the only thing I can think of at the moment is the moon? The sun has a god (the cockatiel!) But from my knowledge, I haven't given the moon anything yet.
Number of gods, ohhh, harder... but I have made a handy little chart to help me keep track :)?
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Any god with a red dot in its middle is one I could write a story about, and/or have more details on. This is... also not quite all of them, oops? But hey, it's a chart! Makes about 19 by this count.
And oh, final one... I wouldn't say I specifically favour any god at the expense of others? I like to keep the stories balanced!
But.... at the same time, the entire world did spawn from the Crow and giving it a kingdom, and I love Glalis so very much. I have an end goal in mind for these stories, and it involves Glalis surviving, so it gets a lot of wiggle room and leniency.
Tbf, as long as it works within the worlds logic, and sounds about right for the various gods, I let them all get away with a lot.
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emersonfreepress Β· 2 years ago
i am honestly so curious if people requesting matchups who have also taken the matchup uquiz are getting the same recommendations! i assume the uquiz would measure compatibility on a more surface level(?) since the questions are more straightforward/less personalized and things are calculated in a very mathematical/indiscriminate way, versus the matchups could factor in some Secrets about the cast that are key to understanding them, authorial taste/vision re: potential dynamics, etc… much to think about!
look, if you want the psychic okomo, you go to the uquiz. if you want cupid okomo, you come to the blog around v-day. i don't make the rules, what do u want from me -
jk jk I've been wondering this too! You're probably right, but I'd love to know if my decision process is consistent across both πŸ‘€ To call the quiz mathematical to any degree is a stretch πŸ˜‚ but yeah, my personal recommendations come straight from a brain that takes the RO's lives and interests into consideration. So probably more accurate!
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themarcspector-arch Β· 2 years ago
OCs as Tragic Greek Figures
tagged by: @blissfulalchemist (thank you βœŒοΈπŸŽ†πŸ‘») to do this uquiz to find out who my ocs are as tragic greek figures.Β 
beatrice blood | original work in progress: seeing red
chimera-killer, pegasus-tamer, eater of your own soul: icarus flew too close to the sun, but you flew too close to gods who would prefer to remain untouched. could you not find enough joy in being a hero, a husband, a father and a king? olympus will never accept your presence upon its mountaintop, so best quit while you're ahead, before your horse bucks.
claudia dardashti | original work in progress: the palms universe & various
adept arachne, the things which you craft are born from years of careful practice, focused effort, and a drop of divine inspiration. your finished product shows the skills which you have honed over your lifetime, so take pride in that, but don't proclaim yourself a peerless artisan. and, by the gods, show humility when you've been beaten.
araceli del sol | original work in progress: the maiden is death
they did not have a description but πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€it fits from what i know of antigone. also random, i want to name a character antigone.Β 
tagging: @fayelistic / @moonsaints / @outfromthesea /Β @millertommy /Β Β @thelittlestspider / @andordameron / @sapphsoon /Β @theaisstillhere / @pretendsweetly / @stevienicksrps and anyone else who wants to do it. i know i’m probably missing people. so, if you want to do it, say i tagged you <3
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sleptting Β· 2 years ago
I feel like dazai lovers/kinnies/etc are bound to love chuuya /j /lh
Also yeah feel free to do a kin assignment if you feel like! I keep getting a certain someone on every uquiz I do but I'll keep that secret if you wanna kin assign me πŸ‘€
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Yes bc soukoku is real ( every art has us together wwe even have so many " we look like couples official art " soo yeee )
Also for the kin assignment could I send uu some questions in uur ask box ?
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space-specs Β· 2 years ago
What got you into dc πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€?
Technically, the thing that initially got me into DC was the animated Justice League show. My siblings and I binged the hell out of that when it was on Netflix one summer and then any other DC content we could get our hands on (Justice League: Doom movie reshaped my brain a little)
But what really got me into DC was stumbling on this uquiz during quarantine which led me back to this fic:
And it was all over from there, lmao.
Definitely would recommend this fic in general, lol. It's got a bunch funny moments, with some good emotional moments blended in. Also, it explores a lot of different dynamics and was what introduced me to characters like Duke and Cass and even Jason who weren't in any media I had previously seen. πŸ₯°
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1989doolittle Β· 3 years ago
Yo I took your uquiz could you drop a link to your sleepy classic rock playlist? πŸ‘€ I’m always looking for more songs to add to mine lol
but be aware it's not like. a super comprehensive playlist lmao. it's pretty much just catered to my taste because i genuinely do fall asleep to it a lot. also every song is either pink floyd or led zeppelin so be warned <3
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hellsitequizzes Β· 5 years ago
Great quiz! πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
anyone wanna take my uquiz I made while watching the labyrinth
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astrxlis-archive Β· 3 years ago
Hello Fox~πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž I'm just passing by to share this *new* trending quiz i found on uquiz. πŸ˜‰ It's a genshin personality quiz & there will be a question asking you to pick an animal (i'm telling you this because there's a "fox" option!!) πŸ₯³ Take note that the link will redirect you to my result (which is Albedo) so you could also read it right after opening the link and to make my ask shorter <3 so please just tap the "retake quiz" right below the result so you could take it !! πŸ˜šπŸ’ Take your time in replying to my asks, no need for an immediately reply :DD all that matters is that my asks went through and you're able to read it :> I hope you'll enjoy taking this one!! Tell me if you're interested with me sending more uquizzes πŸ‘Œ
β€” 🍰.
hi 🍰!!! πŸ’–
first of all, thank you so much for linking the quiz to me!! i had a lot of fun taking it πŸ₯° and absolutely, feel free to send any quizzes you come across that you find interesting! your result as albedo def fits you very well, especially the bit about the sense of friends and family 🀭🀭 you also do give off aesthetically pleasing vibes hehehe would it be too much of me to assume you think of me whenever you see something fox related now? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ as for my result, i got xiao.
very introverted, you feel awkward when it comes to socializing and meeting strangers, you enjoy your alone time and you are a very reflexive person. however, there's a bunch of people that you admire and care for, and you would give your heart and soul for those people to be happy, and you need to know that they wish the same thing for you
also, related to another ask you sent me, would you be ok with a belated birthday gift?Β πŸ‘€
take care and see you soon!!
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astrxlis-archive Β· 3 years ago
Hi Fox!!! This is just me checking in daily to check on you !! :D
First and foremost: there is nothing you have to apologize for :DD i actually appreciate you taking your time in answering my asks despite the busy sched so πŸ₯Ί just you being able to read my asks is more than enough!! πŸ˜ŒπŸ’ž I just hope my asks can bring a smile to your face at least 😀 it must be hectic on your side, and hopefully you could rest easily and take a breath sometime. We'll always be here supporting you!! πŸ’ž And what food did you actually ate today?? Did you decide on some beans and rice?? I hope you have eaten well, don't starve yourself now 😀😀
I was also debating whether i should send you an ask or not earlier, since i have found some Our Flag Means Death quizzes @ uquiz and i remembered you watching or liking it 😌 and here i am, writing you an ask ~
Here's both of the links i've found:
( my result for this one is Izzy Hands:
You feel like no one appreciates you. Like you do the things that need to be done, the ones that other people never do. And you're right. But do other people ask you to do those things? Or do you just take on burden after burden, not trusting anyone else to help and fuming silently because now the weight is all on your shoulders? It's ok to rely on others sometimes. Sometimes the things you do might be better left done by others, or undone altogether. It's a hard path you walk. I wish you luck and shade at the end of it. )
(my result for this one is Oluwande:
You know how to dress for the occasion, be it casual or something that requires a bit more finesse. You’ve a fondness for bold colors, but you know how to balance them beautifully.)
β€” cheering on you, 🍰.
hi 🍰!!! πŸ’•
thank you for stopping by! how are you?? getting an ask from you always lift up my mood πŸ₯° and thank you so much for the support!!
so i ended up not washing my pans, meaning i didn't cook anything. i woke up in pain today, so ended up skipping my morning classes, and slept in instead so i could power through afternoon classes. there's still the evening ones... but then i'm free and will be able to sleep early and wake up late tomorrow, hopefully. i did eat well, so dw!! i'll cook some dinner for myself tonight, too.
dude, thank you so much for the quizzes aaaaaaaa 🀩🀩 i had a lot of fun taking them!! and thank you for including your results as well! i wasn't expecting the izzy result for you kfjfkdj idk if you've watched the show, but izzy comes across as bitter to me, something i'd never associate with you. as for the olu result... that's interesting πŸ‘€ do you think the description for both fit you??
my result for the first one was Jim
Listen, I get it. It's so much easier to bear your own burdens. You've never felt like saying things out loud changes anything anyway. And when people know you, you're pinned down. They make assumptions, and expect you to act a certain way one day and the same way the next. You know better than anyone: to live is to change. To stand still is to die. But have you considered that by resisting the attempts of others who want to get to know you, you've chained yourself to your own silence? Take a deep breath. Make a mundane observation to someone you care for. The boulder is easier to push with two sets of hands.
and for the second one was Israel "Izzy" Hands
You're a bit goth, aren't you? There are other colors besides black, gray, and navy blue, you know. You might give them a try, someday. (And no, blood doesn't count as an "accent color")
i also saw this one on the trending quizzes and thought it was cute, so if you wanna share your result with me, i'm interested! mine was the ground beneath us is solid
sitting under a tree in summer. the sound of light rain on a metal roof and old wooden coffee tables. getting so absorbed in a story that hours pass without you noticing. you probably judge people who don't use coasters. your best feature is your hands. you're often pretty logical, but you're also very gentle. you're not aggressive, but you do have strong opinions. you like gardening. you have a deep need for comfort and security. you like things to make sense. you're afraid of circumstances out of control, but letting go helps you live so much more vividly than you could ever imagine.
hope you're well!! have a good day/night πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
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