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Elimination Ceremony #2
Titans! Please gather in the living room, it’s time for the Elimination Ceremony. However, all of the votes are not in. Once again, Shea has incurred another strike due to a lack of participation. Shea, this is your second strike, another one and you will be ejected from the game.
With that aside, let’s get the party started. This week, Cole was Head of Household and nominated Victor and Cole for elimination. Victor won the Diamond Power of Veto and saved himself and put Derrick in his place making this week’s final noms Derrick and Theo.
I can now reveal...
That by a vote...
of 6 to 7....
You have been Eliminated. Please say your goodbyes, leave any alliance chats you have open, and leave the house.
You are all back in your teams titans.
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We’re Back!
Clash of the Titans is back with a third season and this time, we’re taking to the skies! Have you felt personally victimized by tribal councils? Do evictions stress you the hell out? Or perhaps you’ve never experienced an ORG before and want to take bite out of something new. No matter what, Clash of the Titans has a place for you!
Play in super fun challenges,
Make friendships with people from all over,
Take part in blindsides and possibly make enemies,
Undoubtedly, you’ll be in for a ride. Try something new and apply today! Applications close February 25th! Apply here.
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Winner Reveal
All of votes are in! It’s now time to see who won this season. Individual Votes will be revealed at the end of the post. With that out of the way, let’s see who won this season...
Pippa, Cole. After 47 days of clashing throughout the sky, 13 elimination ceremonies, and 12 immunity challenges, your fate come down between 7 votes. 6 jurors and a viewer regulated vote. I can now reveal...
That by a vote of....
4 to 3...
The winner of Clash of the Titans 3 is...
Congratulations Pippa! You have won Clash of the Titans 3 by a vote of 4 to 3. Thank you to everyone that participated this season and thank you to those who watched this season. That’s all for now everyone! Good night and see you all in season 4!
Individual Votes
Victor voted for Pippa
Drew voted for Cole
Julia voted for Cole
Kaitlyn voted for Cole
Ashton voted for Pippa
Rob voted for Pippa
The Viewers voted for Pippa
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Pippa’s Closing Statement
Frankly, I think I've played the best game I could. I may not have won individual immunities like crazy, but I played a sick social game and was never in serious danger of going home. I just hope you guys see I did my best and I deserve your votes! I would love to pull out this win so please really consider me! Congrats to Cole and all of us!
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Cole’s Closing Statement
I tried my best this game, and I really hope you guys vote for who you think impacted the game and who should win. I would love to win this game and I would be humbled to win this game and receive everyone's vote. Thank you!
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Cole’s Jury Response
Hey cutie pie, vote for me please ;)
I believe I did multiple things better than Pippa. I played a excellent social game which allowed me to never be the target pre-merge in the game or until F5. I also was way better than Pippa in challenges and won four individual immunities. I would like to mention that I was team captain at least 7 times total in the game. People trusted me with a lot of information and I actually talked to people so I could get them to trust me.
Ashton I am a pathological liar when it comes to these games, I wanted to get to the end no matter what I had to do and if I had to get blood on my hands then I had to. In real life, I’m a blunt and honest person and I hope you can forgive me for lying to you and the alliance in general.
I would like to explain the situation between Kaitlyn and I’s relationship. Firstly, I didn’t even know Kaitlyn applied to this game; when I saw she was cast I couldn’t believe it. My best friend being in the game made me so happy and I’m so glad I got to spend this experience with her. If I would have known she applied I would say it was unfair that she was in the game but: 1. She was never on my team pre-merge 2. She was never in power on her team, she just relayed information to me each week 3. When blinded by nudes wanted to string along a couple of people along with the alliance to the final 7 everyone had a stable relationship with Kaitlyn. You three (You, Roxy, Rob) could have easily targeted her the minute we made merge and end her game without me having any say.
Rob I believe you should vote for me just for the sheer fact of my immunity wins (4) and my excellent social game; I was captain literally every week once the entire game which means people trusted me collectively the most and that in itself is an amazing feat. I was also able to lay low and pin targets on people that weren’t me all the way to the final 5. The one time I was in danger and I was nominated I literally got one vote against me and Sydney got 8. Also i would really love to win this game, because I worked really hard on this game and would love to represent this season. So Rob please vote for me, I would be so grateful towards you. I love you, dude.
1. My game can easily split up into 3 main sections: Social, Make big moves and lie, Win immunities till the end Beginning: In the beginning of the game, I socialized with every single person in the game even if they weren’t on my team. I was able to develop a relationship with every single person in this cast with ease causing them to trust me. My original team (Stratus) lost literally every challenge and I was only nominated once the entire time. Oh and I also was captain during that entire phase of the game, so if we ended up winning I chose who went on the block.
Middle: We made it to jury, I knew blinded by nudes wasn’t going to help my game at all. This is where I recruited people like you, alex, drew and Pippa to be my backup incase they caught onto me playing both sides. Once drew got eliminated I realized I had to switch up what I talked to my alliance about. I needed Roxy and Ashton to leave immediately; they were extremely scary jury threats and I knew if I sat next to either of them in the end I would have lost completely so I decided to overthrow the alliance causing Roxy and Alex to leave in the double, it was a mean move to make but it needed to be done so I could be here writing out these answers.
End Game: This is the part you left in :( I knew at this point, there was no social game I could play, all my cards were shown and I had no one to hide behind anymore. I just had to power through challenges and eliminate people who threatened my security on winning this game and that’s why I ultimately chose Pippa to go into final 2 with me because I knew rob would at least have two confirmed jury votes vice-versa Ashton.
2. I made it to the end of this game because of my excellent social game, my cutthroat decisions and my four individual challenge wins.

I’m a horrible artist
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Pippa’s Jury Response
Frankly, I didn't know anyone could be more bitter than me and that's saying something considering I'm the most bitter bitch who's ever lived. I also have a few pro tips for you but considering I'm trying to be ladylike, I'll refrain from saying them. It's very well known I'm a big social player. And while I wasn't present for the first couple votes due to scheduling conflicts, I sure as hell didn't sit back for the others. Pro-tip: Just because someone doesn't talk to you continuously throughout the game, doesn't mean they don't have one. We all knew you and Cole were in it until the end and frankly, I didn't really know If I wanted to align myself with cole until f8 or so. And with him came you and that's really the only way we would have ever talked. As for getting to the end, I made sure I was rarely nominated and I made friends with enough people that I had votes in my back pocket and allies on both sides. And no, despite you thinking (and probably constantly telling the jury) that I'm the biggest bitch who has ever lived, I did not plan to vote you out in that draw. But when the time came I realized something- with you AND cole in the house, no one ever stood a chance. So, sorry, sue me for making a move that brought me to f2 and benefited me in the end. You were a great player and would've won this whole thing. And frankly the only reason I'm saying all this is because I know I won't get your vote!
One thing I did better than Cole? First, I wanna say Cole is a gem and I never ever wanna drag someone for playing a super good game! Not my style frankly. But I will say that imo I had a better social game than Cole did. I didn't always stick with my same #1 ally. Sure, Drew and I were pretty close but Drew is also one of those people who wins 9/10 in an FTC/Finale. I was able to switch over to the different sides and cut people off who I knew wouldn't have benefited me. When I learned Ashton was coming after me, I was quick to cut him loose although I thought him and I were close. And when Ashton came to me with a plan to kill off Kaitlyn or Cole with Rob because we were all so buddy buddy, I knew how fake it was. Cole may have been a comp threat, but I certainly wasn't afraid to do some flipping when needed.
You didn't ask anything but I just wanna say ur cute
The position was inbetween intentional and unintentional? I knew Alex had to go since before we had even made it close to merge. He barely talked, barely played, and was no real threat other than the one of being a goat. So when the double came and it was time for someone to go, I was a big "kill alex" advocate. Julia, noah fence bb, was never ever ever my ally and was therefore never someone I worried about. Julia was the cannon fodder in my equation....aka expendable. So when they both were gone, it was like a christmas miracle had come at last. Suddenly, I was inbetween 2 groups who I knew were solid with each other and i was sure I was going to be dead. So I aligned with Cole, especially when I found out you were going after me. And when the dreaded vote came, I realized that I held the power. obviously you were going to keep rob and cole was going to keep kaitlyn. I had the chance to change the game. So instead of being a chump and letting myself get slaughtered later down the line, I took my chance and cut off the showmance that had been brewing since these house doors opened. By doing so, I gained Rob's trust and no one wanted you to get to the end. You're game play was strong enough you could've won and frankly, taking you out was an easy decision.
I'm going to assume you meant the Kaitlyn/You vote? If so, I did, in fact, vote for you. Cole had aligned with me, and after being alone when Drew, Rhone, Shea, and Karen left the house, it was nice to have an ally. Our real goal was to get Ashton out but we all knew he had an idol. So I convinced him to play it. I told him that the vote was def him and not you and so he played it on himself. The plan was to take cole kaitlyn and I to f3. I was alone, i thought I had no chance of winning against them anyway and I'm usually very loyal, even if we had only aligned a few days before. It was supposed to be you, ashton, and probably me after that. But sitting in that spot, I realized that even Cole wasn't a knucklehead and would not vote me out for spite, especially when he knew you and ashton were together. I did, in fact, really plan to take you to f2. It was going to be the ultimate deception and I know you would've probably voted out Cole and not me. I'm glad Cole's beside me, but I also wish you were here!
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Rob’s Jury Statement
Hey guys, congrats on making it here to final two, it’s been such an interesting season.
Pippa, you were able to make it to the end as an underdog, and I’m happy for you. There was a majority alliance you weren’t a part of and you managed to beat the odds and make it here. My biggest question is, at F5, did you actually vote for me originally before the revote and not Ashton? People have said you voted for me and switched it, but I want to hear it from you. Also, were you actually planning on taking me to the end, or did you actually want to take Cole as well? Thank you.
Cole, I do love you. However, I’m not sure if you actually mean it. By the end, you have come off to me as a liar, you came up to me and told me at the double eviction, to vote for Alex and Kait. I asked you, if you were okay with that since I knew Kait was your bestie, and you said you had to do what you had to do. Except, you didn’t vote for either of them, and instead voted Ashton and Roxy. I would have been fine if you wanted to do something differently, but you didn’t tell me. That’s just an example. There were other times but I’m going to keep this short. You won immunities, and were definitely sociable. My question, why should I, ME, vote for you to win?
Congrats you two again, and sorry if this was pretty short. I was rushed!
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Julia’s Jury Statement
Pippa you dodnt talk to me once Cole you flipped and betrayed me. Grovel at my feet peasants.
My questions fornyou is :
Draw tge jury
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Ashton’s Jury Statement
Hey! Congrats on making it this far.
Firstly Cole, Are you a pathological liar? If not then I don’t understand why you would never admit that you voted for me and Roxy during the DE in game. When asked who you voted for you lied and then when i asked why you flipped you lied..why?
Also do you think it was unfair that you basically had an extra vote along with you the entire game in Kaitlyn? She was your loyal follower, neither of you would ever turn on eachother and i think that is part of the reason why you're here. (Also before you say it has drawbacks that it could make you a target I had no idea you were as close as you were till F7)
Pippa, at the final five you were in a great position as a swing vote between two pairs. Was this intentional, and if so how’d you intentionally get into this spot, or did you get lucky and stumble into it?
Thanks for your answers. Good luck!
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Drew’s Jury Statement
I mean.......yay you guys. I don't have any questions. Congrats!
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Victor’s Jury Statement
Congrats on making it to f2. I was out early so I'm not really sure what went on. I want to know one thing you did better than the other person. good luck.
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Kaitlyn’s Jury Statement
I just want to be clear right now, there is no way in hell that you’re getting my vote, Pippa. You know that saying about hell freezing over? Well, not even then would I vote for you. I do, however, want to ask questions to both of you to help guide some of the other jurors that aren’t 100% certain yet. Pippa, I’m under the impression that you did absolutely nothing until you had to actually wake the fuck up in final 7 because that’s when your vote actually counted for something. I believe you were the perfect goat to take to the end because of this. Like your best game move was taking me out even though I didn’t even want to win because never would I turn my back on Cole. That’s probably the only thing I can give you credit for. Even though your jury management and how you went about it sucked so hard that Michael could come back from first boot and I would still vote him over you. With all that out of the way, I have a couple questions, one is just because I’m curious and the other is for anyone that still thinks you had good game play…. 1). What crucial role did you play in early/middle game? I don’t want to hear about the end of the game, I want to know how you got to final 7 and what important role you played in the house to get there. (Pro-tip: Being a goat isn’t a good strategy.) 2). This one is just because I’m curious so I’m not going to drag you with this question but when you called me to tell me the plan that you and Cole discussed… did you plan on not following through with it or like what happened that week exactly? Because if you changed your mind last second, like I get your thought process behind it but if you literally knew the entire time you would still be voting me out in that tie than why even lie like than in the first place? Like that was so extra if that was the case lmao. Now onto Cole. I obviously do not have a negative thing to say about you like duh. You had a strong early/middle game with getting captain every week, that majority alliance, and me and you feeding each other information back and forth. Then in the end you won immunities to make sure you made it to the end. Not only did you have a strong early/middle game but when your game had to change and you knew you would be in danger for making that change, you were able to win immunities. I obviously don’t think there is any contest here of who played the better game but I’m going to ask you a question anyway to help out my fellow jurors come to this conclusion on their own. 1). I believe that most of the jurors aren’t sure how much you actually were doing throughout this game. So can you explain like in a quick summary of your early/middle/late game and highlight crucial roles in which you had a huge impact on the game? 2). How do you think you made it to the end in this game?
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Cole’s Opening Statement
Hey jury! I would like to thank you all for helping me to get to this point. I truly loved getting to know each and every one of you personally and being with this cast, I wouldn’t ask for anything different. Anyways, time for me to start begging for your votes to win this game. So basically I played a complete social game but when I needed to win challenges I did. I was captain every week except once, and I won 4 individual immunity challenges and I feel so humbled to be here at the final 2 with Pippa. I was completely loyal to blinded by nudes alliance until I realized that I wouldn’t make it past final 7 if I just went with the flow. If I would have out my best friend Kaitlyn out of the game during the double I wouldn’t have gotten past final 5. I needed to do what was the best for my game to get to the end and that’s what I did. I hope you can all forgive me “blinded by nudes” alliance members and vote for me to win. I tried my hardest to get to this point and I truly feel I deserve to be here in the end and win this whole goddamn game. Thank you for every thing and I hope you all vote for me to win.
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Pippa’s Opening Statement
So first i'd like to open by thanking ben for being merciful towards all of us because without him i'd be dead somewhere. I believe I played a strong game. I'm not sitting here at the final 2 by my looks and wits alone. For those who don't want to see me win, that's fine and dandy but I personally believe I'm a great candidate to take the title of the titan who clashes. By becoming friends with almost everyone, winning when I had to, and fighting my hardest- I got to where I am. I wasn't afraid to take risks or make decisions that were good for me but might hurt others. Not gonna lie, this opening statement is super damn hard when no one's asking you questions! So ask away, I'm here for it.
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Finale Announcements
Pippa, Cole, Congratulations on making it as far as you possibly could in this game. The power will now shift to the jury of your 7 eliminated peers and your job now is to convince them to give your their vote to win. Here’s what the next few days should look like:
Opening Statements due Tuesday, April 18th @ 8 PM EST
Jury Questions and Speeches due Wednesday, April 19th @ 8 PM EST
Finalists’s Response due Thursday, April 20th @ 8 PM EST
(Optional) Closing Statements due Thursday, April 20th @ 9 PM EST
Winner’s Vote due Friday, April 21st @ 8 PM EST
Winner Reveal, Friday, April 21st @ 9 PM EST
Hopefully I have full cooperation from everyone and we can wrap this season up quickly. Of course, i expect so lateness so this list is a guide for the week. If you follow it, i can as well.
Once again, Congratulations everyone, we are almost at the end of a great season.
Good Luck Finalists!
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