#cott oc saturn
nerdo-art · 8 months
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Here are some of the OCs from my fanfiction "The Other Side of the Drachma".
In order from left to right, we have: Saturn, Ananke, Pike, Hyperion, and Circe!
Saturn - This is Cronus' new chosen name. The heroes defeated him in this AU by making him a friend, no longer their foe. Now, he is Jay's main mentor, and the god that runs Elysium under Hades' watchful eye.
Ananke - She's the wily Mother of the Fates, Necessity Herself! She and Saturn reconnected after he was out on parole. One thing led to another, and they're now happily married.
Pike - Also known as the young King Picus from Ancient Roman lore, he's an Etruscan demi-god and son of Saturn. When he refused Circe's romantic advances back in the day, she turned him to stone. The heroes in this AU were able to revive him, but he'd already lost his arm. Now, he is a love interest for this AU's Herry.
Hyperion - With Cronus defeated, the heroes still have a major threat to face: Hyperion, the OG Sun God! He's the eldest son of Uranus & Gaia, has a terribly short temper, and he's constantly on the warpath to reclaim the throne of the gods. (He's just not very good at it.)
Circe - She's that Circe, from the Odyssey. Granddaughter of Hyperion, she is a powerful sorceress and commander of Hyperion's forces. She holds a soft spot in her icy heart for Pike, as well as Odie, who reminds her of Odysseus.
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nerdo-art · 8 months
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Here's some more of my CotT OC, Picus "Pike" Cassinius Saturnus, the young king of ancient Latium.
After he was revived from his time as a statue, it takes a while for him to adjust to this strange new future.
However, he's a great help to the heroes (especially Herry) for their Pre-History & Intro to Budgeting homework. Picus used to manage several major trade partnerships since the age of 13, after all!
And yes, his middle name Cassinius is based upon the Cassini-Huygens mission to map the rings of Saturn... Sue me...
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nerdo-art · 4 years
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Here’s my CotT OC!! Or FC?? He is Picus, as in King Picus from Roman lore. He only has been revived in my AU where Cronus is an ally/mentor to the heroes. “Pike” became a minor deity of farming and bow hunting in ancient Italy. He is a son of Cronus (called Saturn in the AU). Pike was turned to stone by Circe the witch, and was presumed dead for thousands of years.
In regular CotT universe, he was excavated and displayed in a museum. But in the AU, the Heroes found him before archaeologists and were able to revive him! Following this, Hermes granted him the gift of “you can also speak English now”, which helps him communicate with the gang. His left arm broke off over the centuries, so Hephaestus made him a new one. He stays mostly with Demeter to help her on the farm, but visits the kids in the city sometimes. 
 In my fanfic “The Other Side of the Drachma”, Pike has a huge crush on  AU Herry, and AU Herry has a huge crush on him. But they’re super oblivious. AU Neil is making it his mission to play match-maker...
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