#cotl worldbuilding
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pessimisticshapewithablog · 6 months ago
I noticed something else on the Map of the Old Faith.
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Are those pentagram shapes with the converging lines Ley Lines?
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Ley lines are straight alignments drawn between various historic structures, prehistoric sites, and prominent landmarks...
...esoteric traditions have commonly believed that such ley lines demarcate "earth energies" and serve as guides for alien spacecraft.
Where Heaven and Earth meet...
It might also have something to do with Narinder's, now the Mystic Seller's, doorway.
I had a theory that because when we finally go to confront Narinder in the gateway, the lamb floats upwards, Narinder and his domain are not actually below the world, but above it. At the edge of where heaven and earth meet.
The Gateway is a point of connection to the outer spheres and/or the place between. Life, death, this world, or the next. A boundary between mortals and divinity.
This would, or could, make it a location of supernatural significance within the world of COTL. Hence, all those lay lines meeting there.
If those are Ley Lines, and judging by how many lines meet at those converging points, The Lands of the Old faith might be situated where a large amount of energy, magic, whatever, is being drawn to. That might be the very reason the Bishop's settled there, to draw on this power.
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thedamnedlamb · 8 months ago
I like the idea of the Lamb and Leshy being relatively friendly with each other when they first meet. Leshy doesn’t care what his siblings think if they find out about their conversations with the Lamb. The Lamb and Leshy have a lot in common in the beginning. They are both short, both are looked down upon by others for very different things but they both understand that feeling. They both enjoy the nature of the dark woods, and the chaos that is Leshy’s element. Both are new to being a crown bearer.
And then Heket is killed. This changes their relationship permanently. It’s no longer sweet and childlike (deities and demigods age differently.) Leshy begins to feel guarded around the Lamb he considered a friend. He begins to hate the Lamb and see them as an enemy….
And then Kallamar falls, and basically makes the still very inexperienced bishop the one in charge as Shamura can’t rule on their own with the head injury given to them by Narinder. Leshy learns fast. The Lamb becomes an immortal enemy.
And then Shamura falls…. And that wretched little lamb is the only constant in Leshy’s life.
Friends, enemies, nemesis, friends again, lovers
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livelaughlambbam · 9 months ago
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Just like any person who is sane about both Cult of the Lamb and linguistics would do, I responded to the massive monster lofi stream by using my day to turn all the random symbol's in Lamb's notebook into an alphabet for a language of the Old Gods, complete with phonology, grammar, and enough vocabulary to translate the Bee Movie intro and transcribe it onto a commandment stone. Exact translation of the text:
The edicts of flight state that a bee should not fly. Its inferior small wings cannot lift its inferior fat body. Honorably, the bee flies regardless. Why? Bees care not for our edicts.
It's pronounced: Tiirutyi ibri yatru ubribati nachyriapruip chyira yiwyuiba yitu ikri. Yitutiirua shrichyi lutlat trulru naishraubu ti pyichyi nachrik’ubu. Wratrarupru, tiichyira yiwyuiba usyapru. Riya lut? Yitutiit’ruchri yiwyuiba tuprat naubribati.
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harpyco · 3 months ago
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Updated version of this
I’ve received sudden urge to draw darkkids. And so here is it.
I’ve seen people made darkkids either living on land or under water. So I thought why not make both?
They are cool concept. I love seeing people making their own darkkids. That makes me want to create my own version and add them to my sky world.
I already had like five darkkid ocs sitting around for months and are yet to be properly introduced. Someday probably. Someday. 👀
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lambouillet · 6 months ago
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silly little jester !
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linkedin-offficial · 6 months ago
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finally made refs for these two! (+ some doodles)
also some news : im tentatively taking commissions! i never fully announced it anywhere but they are open. you can find more details here!
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amity206 · 2 years ago
A while ago I wanted to find some sort of reference for various skykid “skin”/shell tones… after not finding one, I decided to make my own
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The ones at the bottom right are much closer to blue, so would fit the shell tones from the Rhythm pants, but in my AU they represent skykids suffering from the corruption (as their light is fading, their skin becomes less warm and more blue, as blue is the color of dying light, like spirits and darkness plants)
Feel free to use this for your art or save to your files!
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justarandomlambblog · 10 months ago
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I was possessed by a thought
Modern-ish au but in a "thousands of years post-canon universe"
In which Lamb did not spare Narinder and when they saved the Bishops from Purgatory, actually put them to rest (aka sent them to the After) and oops, the Bishops + Narinder accidentally reincarnated while the Lamb wasn't watching
(Part 2 here)
In this life, the Bishops are still siblings and all were born with magic; Narinder became a priest, and though the other Bishops were raised in the temple alongside him they chose to pursue careers outside of the priesthood. Heket runs a restaurant (of course), Kallamar makes jewelry and sells crystals (he has healing magic so his crystals are literal healing crystals :) ), Leshy is a gardener and Shamura runs a bookshop (I'm sure you're noticing a theme here- their past lives are affecting their new ones). Their past lives' injuries have actually carried over, only instead of being injuries they're disabilities they were born with; Shamura their memory issues, Kallamar is deaf, Heket is mute, Leshy is blind, and Narinder has chronic pain (he WAS in chains for a thousand years, his muscles were ATROPHIED and his joints destROYED, and you cannot convince me otherwise). Not shown here; Narinder also uses a cane and on his really bad days a wheelchair.
Heket: Get a whole pumpkin Narinder, who can't lift more than 20 pounds:
Why do Narinder (and the Bishops) look the same and have the same name? Well. The world may have forgotten them, but the universe hasn't.
Aym and Baal are immortals from their time in the After in this world, and though at first they were resistant to helping the Lamb, eventually they saw they needed Help™ and had no idea what they were doing, and having been witness and aid to Narinder's job for centuries they knew how to help. Over the millennia they fell into the old familiar role of being the guardians of Death (Forneus is also an immortal so don't worry they're not separated again) and are in a constant state of Done With Lamb's Shit (/affectionate).
... I actually really love how Lamb turned out here. It was fun drawing them Older. And quite a flip with making them look older than Narinder. The society that's been built up is still religious but no one recognizes Lamb because they've changed so much over the last two thousand years, and the fact they're a sheep doesn't raise any red flags as sheep have migrated to the Lands from other continents. They're rare but not unheard of.
The Crown fits in by disguising as various types of pets, though no matter its form it always has one eye. This time it's a bird, and it recognized Narinder from a mile away :) The mind forgets but the soul remembers....
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bearandmoon · 1 year ago
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Winter ideas ☃️
Inspired by the Dukha and Inuit tribes🦌🐕
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beigetiger · 4 months ago
On one hand, Skykids don’t really have genitals and all probably look like mannequins, meaning that there’s no reason for a theoretical trans Skykid to have surgery scars.
On the OTHER hand, it could be that kids who start out with one gender but end up picking another are supposed to scar/tattoo themselves to symbolize it, which would be fun to explore and would also mean that there’s a ceremonial-type process for it.
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many-gay-magpies · 2 years ago
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An expansion of my headcannon of skykids being able to transform into the animals their masks are based off of! Typed versions of the image text and additional notes below the cut, because LORD do I have so much to say about this concept.
Image 1:
Bottom left text:
BODY is just the CONTAINER—Skykid soul is the LIGHT inside
Light takes shape of container at first, but has no one shape
Top right text:
Light grows used to assuming humanoid shape to fit container, but as a skykid strengthens their light, they remember/learn how to assume other shapes and gain the ability to mold their container to their will.
Image 2:
LIGHT is fluid, but the container is stiff and easily broken (at least at first). It takes a lot of slow, hard work to mold it, and MASKS are used to tell the container what shape to take/give the LIGHT a direction.
Skykids imbue their mask with their light so that when they wear it, it connects to them and allows the transformation to occur.
Change happens in increments, not all at once—learning to shape oneself takes TIME.
Small notes: "Small changes first" above the drawing of the two hands, and "Most stick to an anthropomorphic form" beside the fox skykid.
Additional Notes:
This process is also why Skykids are born wearing masks. Because light is fluid and has no single shape, the light of a newborn Skykid has not yet learned how to be humanoid, and is at risk of breaking the fragile body it inhabits, therefore: Megabird gives newborn Skykids a basic mask to “teach” their light how to maintain its shape inside the container. It takes a lot of effort to obtain the blank/“faceless” mask because it takes a lot of effort for Skykids to maintain a humanoid shape without the assistance of a mask.
Also potentially how the chibi mask works (in a world where chibis aren’t just toddlers/babies)—the mask tells the Skykid to be small.
The process of becoming a Morpho (workshopping the name) is long and arduous, and involves a lot of studying the animal one wants to take the shape of, before then making the mask that will guide the shape-change. Though most of the Skykids who take an animal form choose a more anthropomorphic default, it is possible to transform completely into the animal of choice, and this is often done for fun or stress relief.
Possible that the Eden cycle strengthens the body and makes it more malleable to change? Something to do with repeatedly dying and being reincarnated and becoming more familiar with/at home in the body you possess. Kinda like how exercising is just you tearing muscles in your body so that they grow back even stronger.
Masks can also of course be just masks. A lot of Skykids like to wear animal masks without doing any of the actual Becoming; its fun to disguise as a little creature sometimes!
Unlike human beings (and potentially ancestors?), who are all full of guts and bones and stuff, Skykids are pretty much all light in there, and the outside is just a shell. They can eat and drink and everything, and it’s fun, but it all gets burnt up instead of being digested or anything and they don’t need it to survive. Also how Krill work; they’re starved for light, and Skykids are full of it, but there’s this pesky little shell in the way, so the Krill have got to crack it to get the light out.
This is slightly inspired by the legends of the Selkie, with the masks being akin to the seal pelts that the Selkie wear to turn themselves into seals.
The body/container is what protects Skykids from having their light too badly damaged and allows them to walk the realms of Sky, but it is also what limits them in their ability to shape-change. In a hypothetical situation where a Skykid was completely unrestrained (i.e. pure light without a body, like we are in Orbit), they could potentially become any and every light creature available to them.
Essentially: Skykids = light, and light = all light creatures, so Skykids = all light creatures.
I’ll probably think of more stuff to add to this later, but for now that’s about it. I’m already thinking up possible animal forms for my singular sky OC lol (because even though I looked it up and that mask is technically a serow mask, it could very easily be any number of other things, like a dragon or a giraffe).
Bonus content: a little bird guy, and closeups of the random fox guy I made without their cape and hair (because I put way too much detail into parts of their outfit that weren’t even going to be visible). I’m for sure drawing them again <3
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thedamnedlamb · 8 months ago
Lamb of Chaos- you’re my bestest friend Leshy <3
Leshy (Harshly)- I want you to just DIE already
Lamb of chaos- I loooove you too! I’ll tell beloved Narinder hello for you!
Leshy (very quietly and hesitantly)- thank you, wretched beast
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bilehwit · 4 months ago
Hi, another ask kinda indirectly related to the Bilehwit AU
But what are some of your personal headcannons about the bishops, that may or may not be in this au but as a personal interpretation of their character?
+ Who's your fav Bishop(excluding Narinder for now) ?
Favourite has to be Kallamar - gay coward??? Me coded fr fr.
That being said, I somehow always write more about Shamura???
But headcanons!
🐙My man has a skin tone for gold, and he lets it be known by wearing enough to be heard janglin' a mile away.
🐙He has never once in his life done that! (He has done it 1 billion times, but he must appear better than thou.)
🐙Scared of Shamura when they're not lucid.
🐙Once drunk Leshy under the table only to then get decimated by Heket.
🐙Many spouses, does not like sexual activity. In my eyes he's asexual but a hopeless romantic.
🐙Will stop whole processions to look at bacterial growths on the floor.
🐙East Asian - South Korean, modern day would be a K-Pop beauty influencer.
🌱 Is Chaotic, but not in a fun way, more in a "Oh my God 3 people are dead" way.
🌱Used to biting to show affection.
🌱Cries when he's angry.
🌱Wants Shamura to be proud (they are.)
🌱Turns spouses into Witnesses. Also doesnt know what a spouse is/is for.
🌱Is the most physically violent.
🌱Ate scraps of metal on a dare (digested with no problems.)
🐸Hates mushrooms (shockingly).
🐸Bought a cowboy hat.
🐸Likes to garden and cook but hates washing up.
🐸Says shit like "four score and twelve moons ago" to piss off Kallamar.
🐸Likes writing on Papyrus.
🐸Egyptian and will complain about heat.
🐸Lesbiab. Lesbaen. WOMAN LIKER.
🐸Tells you to go fuck yourself if you compliment her looks.
🕷When lucid, talks about the good old days.
🕷Most crimes committed as a mortal.
🕷Writes nursery rhymes for their followers.
🕷Used to have dancing rituals to gather sin - now can barely twitch their legs to a beat.
🕷"Oh, thank you Leshy- sorry, Narinder." "I'm Kallamar." "That's what I said." - common occurrence even before.
🕷Wants a pet so so bad. Do not give them one.
🕷Attracted to people with long hair and excellent grammar.
🕷Once did a kickflip so bad they had to kill the elderly congregation watching them.
🕷Tanzanian and speaks swahili when angry.
🪦Likes to bite Kallamar ("I can't help it, cats love fish." "I AM NOT EVEN CLASSIFIED AS A FISH." "You could be.")
🪦Indian, but spent so long in Purgatory he can no longer handle flavourful foods. At least at the start.
🪦Didn't realise Bilehwit had an ACTUAL CRUSH on him and thought they were like. Just that devoted. Pious. That's why they never took a lover.
🪦Cat baths when no one looks - gotta look constantly refined.
🪦Uses his third eye to scare people, namely children.
🪦I Would Never pt, except he definitely is still doing it while you watch.
🪦Finds children hilarious (to torment).
🪦Best dancer, worst singer of the Bishops. Can play music very well though.
🪦First time in Bilehwit's tent, he paid no attention because they were arguing. Then snuck in later to actually see the place.
And that's all my headcanons!
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harpyco · 1 year ago
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Allow me to present you Voidkids.
Void entities that like to copy others’ appearance and behavior. Literally dragging you wherever they take you.
(Want to draw them? Sure, you can. Don’t forget to tag me.)
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kat-idk · 6 days ago
question for anyone who does Sky worldbuilding
How do you handle things like the Home portals, the Secret Area, or collabs? Stuff that is more on the game-y side of things. I ask because I’m kind of on the fence about whether or not to include the Secret Area and the realm portals in my version of Sky and want to hear other people’s takes on it.
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amity206 · 1 year ago
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The markets of the Isle of Dawn, and a mysterious traveler who offers you potions and is more interested in the stories you have to tell than your candles…
When you leave, satisfied with your recharge potions, you see her talking to another traveler - a figure clad in brown, wearing a wide hat with glowing orbs dangling from the edges. As she moves, golden loops of jewelry clink together.
Possible reference for an OC… it’ll need more refining but they’re a traveling potion maker who loves gossip, stories, shiny things, and good company. In addition to potions they carry magical ingredients, scrolls, message boats, and other trinkets.
Feel free to ask any of my OCs (or me) questions in my inbox, I’d love to share more hehe
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