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ksanastankevich · 7 years ago
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Жожка придет и в ваш дом Вообще я не виновата, это все Ира Так вышло, что я еду в Казань делать жожу 😱 А именно Лизкуу Короче старая мудрая женщина я теперь #jojocosplay #jojo #jojobizarreadventure #jojosbizarreadventurecosplay #lisalisa #lisalisacosplay #cosplay #battletendency #ksanastankevich #cosplayexperiment #vk
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dvnprops · 6 years ago
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So I'm really really struggling to get one of the big Props to behave and do what I've invisioned in my head and I've realised it's most likely because it's something I've never done before (magnets and lights). So I've decided that this is going to be a display only prop so I can have a play and experiment. I won't be using my better materials either hence why I want it to be a display piece only. Right now I'm trying for the welded look it I'm ot sure how well its working 😅 But this is what experiments are for! Using @poly.props white Foam Clay (because it's the one I like the least) as the "weld". Hopefully once it's cured and aintwd it'll look acceptable. . . . #cosplay #cosplaying #cosplayaccessories #propweapons #conventionprops #cosplayweapons #cosplayexperiment #polyprops #foam #abakhanmanchester #DVN #DVNProps (at Damhead, Manchester) https://www.instagram.com/dvn92/p/BuKySTnHmyW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r1sqhlogpmvj
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ksanny-funny · 8 years ago
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Cosplay test #4 Wata Mote - Tomoko
My wig… omg… it’s actually short, but i had a very interesting idea XD
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amellien · 8 years ago
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Hey guys! Guess the what photoshoot be tomorrow? 🌚 #cosplayexperiment #cosplay #Daria #adultmult #2x2 #sicksadworld #dariamorgendorffer #cosplaytest
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krazykatstudios · 5 years ago
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Going in to 2020 I started thinking about all the different people I’ve met. A lot happened in the last half of 2019, and while some of it was painful I came out better for it. I’ve met so many wonderful, amazing, talented people and had some great experiences. I’m looking forward to meeting more people and making more memories as we progress in this new year and decade. . . . . #cosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #cosplayfriends #meetingnewpeople #femalecosplayer #cosplayexperience #starwarscosplay #mandalorian #femalemandalorian #monsterhuntercosplay #yugiohcosplay #kingdomheartscosplay #voiceactor #kevineastman #cosplayphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/B7onljnjD-C/?igshid=1pfiw83fvhm6w
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setor-nor · 8 years ago
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Когда в душе ты президент 🌚 Дональд Трамп для @adamae_dono Ссорьки, автозагара мне не хватает хддд #cosplayexperiment #cosplayexperiment2k17 #president #donaldtrump #cosplay
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viviblanc · 7 years ago
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First attempt at a look I plan on doing for a special collab in the near future. This first try was to just test out an idea I had to get my skin blue without the use of body paints (Lacking the paints and money atm 😜) so I didn’t bother bringing it down my next and on my ears as well this time. So far so good though. The skin tone looks nice enough in the photo, but I am still not pleased with how it came out irl. Still too dark for what I’m going for. Oh well. It was a good first attempt and there is plant of time to get it looking even better. - - - - - - - - #cosplay #cosplaymakeup #cosplaymakeuptest #makeup #sfxmakeup #finalfantasy #shiva #shivafinalfantasy #icequeen #icequeenmakeup #rockstarwigs #cosplaywigs #cosplayexperiment #shivacosplay #mua #cosplaymua #bluehair #blue #spookydollvivi #cosplaygirl
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ksanastankevich · 8 years ago
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Ну тип первый закос в А2 От нее тут пока ровным счётом ничего, ну да пусть будет На самом деле я тестила главную часть этого перса (все поняли о чем я) ахахаха Вроде норм 👌 #nierautomata #cosplay #cosplayexperiment #nierautomataa2 #nierautomatacosplay #squareenix #a2 #a2cosplay #akinagasai #akina_gasai #cosplaytest
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dvnprops · 6 years ago
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As well as my antlers I will have two sets of Experimental Bunny Ears. These area still a work in progress, hence why there's only two sets. Im hoping for feedback mostly but they will be for sale if someone is interested 😁 . . . #cosplay #cosplaying #cosplayaccessories #cosplaybunny #cosplayexperiment #bunny #bunnyears #experimental #ukmaker #makersofinstagram #DVN #DVNProps #dokidokimanchester2018 #dokidoki #HeyThereMaker (at Manchester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp7Z90Lnss3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xom453tw3b26
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ksanastankevich · 8 years ago
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Tracer's emotions ✨ P.S. First unsuccessful attempt to create a wig. / Да, первая попытка создания парика с треском провалилась 😞 #cosplay #cosplayexperiment #costest #overwatch #overwatchcosplay #tracer #tracercosplay #akinagasai #akina_gasai #blizzard
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ksanastankevich · 8 years ago
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Cheers, love! The cavalry's here! #cosplay #cosplayexperiment #costest #akinagasai #akina_gasai #overwatch #overwatchcosplay #tracercosplay #tracer #blizzard
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ksanastankevich · 8 years ago
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Продолжаю страдать херней ✨ Commandant Steele from Borderlands #cosplay #cosplayexperiment #costest #borderlands #borderlandscosplay #steele #commandantsteele #steelecosplay #akinagasai #akina_gasai #telltale #telltalegames
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ksanastankevich · 8 years ago
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My bad trying in Demon Hunter I thought it would be better 😞 Bui I save it for the history :'D #cosplay #cosplayexperiment #costest #wow #worldofwarcraft #worldofwarcraftlegion #worldofwarcraftcosplay #blizzard #bloodelf #bloodelfcosplay #demonhunter #demonhuntercosplay #akinagasai #akina_gasai
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ksanastankevich · 8 years ago
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Плющек Не с тем париком, да и мейк надо дорабатывать, но пока как-то так Когда-нибудь я научусь нормально краситься, но это будет совсем другая история ахаххаха И я так и не решила, делать губы красными или черными :с #cosplay #cosplayexperiment #dc #dccomics #dccosplay #poison #poisonivy #poisonivycosplay #pamelaisley #pamelaisleycosplay #akinagasai #akina_gasai #new52poisonivy #new52 #dcnew52 #batman #vk
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ksanastankevich · 8 years ago
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Несколько человек написали мне этого перса, так что вот :'D Так как она была первой, то Трисс для @keydou_ph ♥ Нихера не похоже, но я правда пыталась :'D
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