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bonguri · 1 year ago
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20240209 Ise+Futami 9 by BONGURI 大広間です。この賓日館が皇族の休憩・宿泊施設として作られた建物だけになかなか凝った天井です。 @Hinjitsukan, Ise city, Mie pref.(三重県伊勢市 賓日館)
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fadingthougts · 3 months ago
"Zarel mo kin destra, kin tanol vestra laeva'ni estral u nozë? Ta’il werde cosna, tan’arei vestra lanol estë alvon, ni nalos juanë? Ren calis alvon? Ta’imir los etra ferë, tan vesti malvor las miera... Anol kin talis, anol kin elarë... Anol fen’lan vos etra nolmir..."
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444names · 7 months ago
Names generated from French, Irish and Italian forenames, excluding the letter "H" and including the letter sequence "Os"
Adros Agosade Agosafrand Agosill Agosval Aiberosnait Ainsicos Alaurosim Alerosna Alleosa Amianaleose Aoistíos Aolorosavin Aosaffan Aoseppo Aoseverto Aosne Aosneastine Aosta Aosterislis Aostéantán Aostín Aosvais Aríosna Ateos Auroseárd Aurosvan...
Barosébarín Berigoste Beros Berosarrd Berosne Bláiríosaro Broseán Brosinifre Brosterian Bríoscato Bríostaín Bríostine Bríosto Bríostín Bríosval Bróircosva Cameros Caose Caoste Caricos Caros Carosne Catrosano Catteos Cescos Cleos Clíos Clíoste Cosabain Cosance Cosane Cosaniconn Cosannlud Cosaone Cosarc Coscalvire Coscara Coscon Coseane Cosebarit Coserane Cosia Cosiar Cosic Cosill Cosilla Cosiltán Cosim Cosimeagán Cosio Cosna Cosnaigne Coste Costia Costigín Costimo Costina Costine Costino Costio Costono Costriell Costóirizio Cosva Cosval Cosvale Cosvanuen Cosvatertúr Coséa Coséamélisa Coséarbri Críos Críosa Críosal Críoseonca Críoséad Damurosinne Daroscon Dearcos Deosa Deosimervé Deosina Detroste Donistíosa Duros Durosari Dymorosaoir Eannacosnal Eatros Eirosanoît Emaurosance Emmanmaros Eosabeas Eosann Eosaolò Eosciellien Eosio Eostia Fabrosval Faosconn Faurose Faurosna Feacosale Ferraffrosa Filíosne Finescilíos Fraffrosé Franfrosna Frosne Fíosa Fíosar Fíosian Fíosiandrio Fíosne Fíostine Fíosvaldo Gaitrosval Ganfrosan Gatros Gemmarmaos Geogeos Geosailio Geosanfio Geosann Geroscianzo Giandrosto Gosabria Gosairen Gosane Gosar Goseo Gosianine Gosiarie Gosill Gosilo Gosta Gostanierla Goste Gostéo Gostín Gosvalanzo Gosvalbinne Granmaosamo Grigos Guiríosto Gustíosto Irearraosan Irosar Jeancosna Jescosarce Josabbán Josabra Josabrezia Josaellan Josaelín Josaertolo Josaette Josain Josait Josal Josaldo Josale Josalierd Josalla Josalle Josallette Josamann Josamis Josamona Josan Josance Josandrarie Josane Josanick Josann Josannuno Josano Josante Josaomarna Josar Josarce Josard Josari Josarto Josaves Josavio Joscallard Joscallegia Joscara Joscolette Joseonn Josepparle Joseppe Joseál Joseán Joseárdo Josia Josian Josianta Josices Josilin Josimín Josingeo Josio Josna Josnaolas Josne Josneando Jostaine Jostal Jostavia Joste Josti Jostiannia Jostindán Jostinn Jostis Jostonalt Jostonnuto Jostorgiand Jostéaltine Jostín Josvair Josvallo Josvanna Josvanni Josvante Josvatrace Joséarra Lasaoilíosa Liccosvale Lippeosict Lisíosio Lorosanair Lucaosa Macosne Mainacosimo Maosabianie Maostavia Maoséarg Marcosio Maros Maroseárd Mascoscaton Maspauroste Maurostrid Merosvala Miccosio Micosa Micosean Micosia Micosiane Milíos Milíosia Mitlíosa Muilleosti Muirosvale Murosania Murosia Móraitlíose Nicos Osabbán Osaelm Osaicciante Osaitlíosin Osalaire Osalvielo Osante Osanunoé Osaoifeinie Osaoine Osarne Osarrenne Osart Osavine Oscamo Oscaorice Oscatríonn Oscoilla Osconn Oseascarico Oseppe Oseriard Osette Osian Osina Osnaina Ostato Ostavino Ostel Ostell Osteárdo Ostin Ostine Ostorenzo Ostín Osval Osvanne Paosabbán Paose Paosta Paoste Paostonne Paurégosal Pettefaosa Pierosacque Pierosteál Proiríos Prosafra Prosvaldono Ricosino Rosabbán Rosabrean Rosaellelo Rosaelmán Rosaeva Rosale Rosan Rosana Rosand Rosandie Rosane Rosann Rosanpier Rosaoibero Rosarcon Rosardonn Rosarry Roscia Roscoindre Roscosa Rosebasa Roseorio Roseosarn Roseppeira Roseppeirio Roser Roserinn Rosernán Rosevall Rosiacione Rosiago Rosile Rosimenie Rosimonn Rosimorio Rosimín Rosio Rosna Rosnailt Rosnair Rosnan Rosne Rosta Rostale Rostandres Rostaín Roste Rosti Rostia Rostincelle Rostionán Rosto Rostroirc Rostéando Rostéanta Rostéo Rostín Rosval Rosvalbean Rosvandoiro Rosvann Roséagora Roséamélène Roséantio Roséar Roséve Roséver Ruatrosale Rugosa Rugosalland Rugose Régos Ríosairgio Ríosano Ríoste Ríosto Ríoséangero Sabríosta Salleosvano Saosimo Seoste Silleosari Silíos Stíoséarto Séadeos Sévescosa Síosa Síosne Síosterra Síosto Síosvaina Trandracos Trosan Turos Ualeosa Ugosaim Ugosto Vatros Zaiseosarán Zandrosime Éalaetteros Éidicosil Éigos Éilíostia Érosé Évennarosti
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capeshifters · 6 years ago
Muse Superlatives!
For muns with multiple muses, past and present, on any blog. Fill out the form according to which muse suits each title best. (The same muse can have multiple titles.) Reblog or repost and tag. Feel free to add more!
Favorite Muse: Nedra Surana
Most Character Development: Nedra, Narya, Gigi, Rufus, Hampus
Trash Muse: um...Appius..no Alceon and Cosna
The Memelord: All of them, but Nedra replies to most
Most Likely to Start a War: Rufus, Alecon and Appius
Worst Personality: Cosna AND Alceon
Best Singer: Narya, Bella, Mei
Most Attractive Muse: Nedra, Quiet, Diana, Narya, Gigi, Hampus, Lucius
Biggest Heart: Narya
Falls in Love Quickest: Rufus maybe , Vivia
Most Likely to Drop Their Phone in the Toilet: Nedra, Shepard, Rufus, Hampus, Adam
Ice Ruler: Bella 
The Edgelord: Nigel 
Most Tragic Backstory: Quitilia , Silia, Serlio, Caius
Best Case of Puberty: Valerie
Most Awkward: Guy
Busy Bee: Nedra, Nellie
Most Clueless: Hampus sometimes, Janus 
Most Likely to Forget Their Wallet at Home: Adam, Nedra, Mei
Best Dressed: Appius
Biggest Flirt: Hampus, Rufus, Lucius, Armando
Most Dramatic: Bella
Least Likely to Show Up Late: Kai, Armando
One with Weirdest Habit: Rufus
Most Likely to Be Caught at the Gym: Hampus, Adam, Rufus, Lucius, Shepard 
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earthlyechoes · 8 years ago
Tibesius smiled, very widely and happy and leaned bit closer to Clavius while they waited their coffees at the presidium coffee shop. He was talking to him and then suddenly kissed the corner of his mandible in a very soft way, which was bit unusual for him, but he didn’t want to hide anything.
What he didn’t know what that someone was watching them from the shades of the alley. Someone that knew him well enough to know he acted oddly. Slowly Cosna walked towards the couple and stopped at the door of the cafe, so when Tibesius turned around he would see him. And he did...almost dropping his coffee, looking bit pale suddenly, grabbing Clavius hand in his shock. 
“You...it can’t be...you’re dead.”
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pytr75 · 2 years ago
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COSNA Architecten
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thebloodychampion · 3 years ago
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Nedra Surana
“Battle Cry” by Skillet
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Narya Lavellan
“Not Listening” by Papa Roach
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Litriel Lavellan
“My Heaven Is Your Hell” by Lordi
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Merlyn Lavellan
“Hush Hush Hush” by The Pussycat Dolls
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Gigi Trevelyan
“Courtesy Call” by Thousand Foot Krutch
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Rufus Sewell
“Walk Tall” by Val Doonican
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Janus Lupus
“I Can Reach Heaven From Here” by Martin Stosch
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Alceon Lupus
“Call Me When You’re Sober” by Evanescence
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Adrian Lupus
“Forgiven” by Disturbed
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Bella Lupus
“Mother Earth” by Within Temptation
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Marcus Lupus
“Whispers In The Dark” by Skillet
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Luca Lupus
“Reminded” by Drowning Pool
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Serana Trevelyan
“The Purge” by Within Temptation
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Mario De Villacorta
“One” by Three Days Grace
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Jacob Rivera
“Faint” by Linkin Park
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Vixten Adaar
“Before I Forget” by Slipknot
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Nellie Cousland
“Hell Frozen Rain” by Silent Hill Shattered Memories OST
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Albany Perdue
“We Are” by Thousand Foot Krutch
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Nova Lavellan
“So Cold” by Breaking Benjamin
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Milicent Cadash
“When I’m Gone” by 3 Doors Down
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“Let Me Entertain You” by Robbie Williams
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Devon Trevelyan
“One Step Closer” by Linkin Park
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Hampus Luck
“Colorblind” by Counting Crowns
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Adam Hawke
“So What” by Pink
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Regina Le Bail
“Anyone Of Us” by Gareth Gates
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Dorian Pavus
“Addiction” by Dope
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Valerie An Zarda O Bearhold
“Let Love In” by Goo Goo Dolls
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“Soldier Orders” by Silent Hill Homecoming
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Lilah Bearhold
“Take Me Away” by Globus
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Alan Ar Zara O Bearhold
“She’s Always A Woman To Me” by Billie Idol
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Anna Alerion
“Speed King” by Deep Purple
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Guy Guyader
“Thanks For Nothing” by Dope
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Aila Synelis
“The Bad Touch” by Blood Hound Gang
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Appius Trius
“Ride” by Lostprophets
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Kai Kresge
“Animal I Have Become” by Three Days Grace
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Lisetta Walgan
“Sooner Or Later” by Breaking Benjamin
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Lesi Aras
“Bodies” by Drowning Pool
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Kaisa Kresge
“You Give Love A Bad Name” by Bon Jovi
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Armando Fiorenci
“I Swear” by Smokie
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Rinril Seraya
“Say It Right” by Nelly Furtado
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Francisca Fiorenci
“Telephone” by Lady Gaga & Beyonce
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Nedra Shepard
“So Happy I Could Die” by Lady Gaga
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Nigel Shepard
“Tainted Love” by Marlyn Manson
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Magnar Shepard
“O Death” by Jen Titus
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Salla Ryder
“Welcome To My Life” by Simple Plan
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Karin Chakwas
“Hero” by Skillet
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Garrus Vakarian
“I’m Only Happy When It Rains” by Garbage
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Avitus Rix
“Umbrella” by Rihanna feat. Jay-Z
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Nakmor Drack
“One Way Ticket” by Eruption
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Liara T’Soni
“Tomorrow We Fight” by Tommee Profitt feat. Svrcina
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Pelessaria “PB” B’Sayle
“Stained” by Persephone
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Camilea Octatus
“Thank You” by Simple Plan
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Han’Xanis Vas Astra
“Bless The Broken Road” by Rascal Flats
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Lisell Avequa
“Working Class Hero” by John Lenon
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Nyx Avequa
“Here Without You” by 3 Doors Down
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Jirida Avequa
“End Of All Hope” by Nightwish
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Tasha Tissel
“Fade To Black” by Metallica
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Nolus Abgius
“This Is Halloween” by Marilyn Manson
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Tunar Abgius
“Reach” by Skillet
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Vivia Bonisis
“I Am” by Drowning Pool
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Lucius Suldonis
“Believe” by Skillet
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Tibesius Suldonis
“Forsaken” by Disturbed
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Qutilia Suldonis
“Easier To Run” by Linkin Park
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Silia Salvilus
“Total Eclipse Of The Heart” by Bonnie Tyler
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Serlio Salvilus
“Enter Sandman” by Metallica
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Caius Salvilus
“Angel With A Shotgun” by Nightcore
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Cosna Salvilus
“Look Through My Eyes” by Phil Colins
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Titus Faion
“Sweet Dreams” by Marilyn Manson
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Luc Laxius
“Poison” by Alice Cooper
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Maxius Kryik
“Ticket To Heaven” by 3 Doors Down
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Sunip Malone
“Hope Vol 2.” by Apocalyptica feat.  Matthias Sayer
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Anaya Kiuk
“Beds Are Burning” by Midnight Oil
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“Go Back..:” by Jeanette
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Bono Baffabar
“The End Is Where We Begin” by Thousand Foot Krutch
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Camiphelia Octatus
“Weight Of The World” by Evanescence
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Nagini Nabila
“Nemo” by Nightwish
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Harry Potter
“Wouldn’t It Be Good” by Cascada
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Neville Longbottom
“Breakdown” by Seether
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Lilo Young
“Wild Child” by Enya
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Augustus Rookwood
“The Voice Within” by Christina Aguilera
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Wilhelm Marble
“Smooth” by Carlos Santana feat. Rob Thomas
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Serafina Rosario
“Sometimes” by Britney Spears
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Salvia Pepper
“Stricken” by Disturbed
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Hermione Granger
“Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood” by Santa Esmeralda
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Ellie Spindelweed
“California Gurls” by Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg
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Lucas Scales
“ATWA” by System Of A Down
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Solje Henud
“Enemies” by Shinedown
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Lassie Young
“One More Soul To The Call” by Silent Hill Homecoming OST
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Cinnamon Ironbark
“Smack Down” by Thousand Foot Krutch
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“The Alchemist” by Russell Watson & Lara Fabian
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Diana Of Themyscira
“Coming Home” by The Cruxshadows
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“Jump” by Simple Plan
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Selina Kyle
“All The Right Moves” by One Republic
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Mei Ling Zhou
“Holy Mountains”by System Of A Down
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Elizabeth Ashe
“Rumor Has It” by Adele
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Jean-Baptiste Augustin
“The Chosen Ones” by Dream Evil
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“Looking For Angels” by Skillet
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Filip Blythe
“Friend Or Foe” by Tatu
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Alva Blythe
“Eat It” by Weird Al Yankovic
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Gilda Gloomsdale
“Shadow Games” by Yu-Gi-Oh! OST
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today-in-wwi · 7 years ago
French Capture Montdidier
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The town hall of Montdidier, pictured on August 10.
August 10 1918, Montdidier--As was typically the case in the First World War, the great gains of the Allied offensive on August 8 slowed down considerably on subsequent days as they outran their artillery, their tanks broke down (only 67 of 430 remaining in service on the 10th), supplies became harder to come by, and German reinforcements arrived.  Nevertheless, they were still able to make considerable progress.  In a textbook operation, the French First Army encircled and captured Montdidier, their main objective, on August 10.  The Germans were also making a limited withdrawal from certain areas, aiding the Allies.  However, in other areas, they ran into stiffer resistance: fresh German troops supported by machine guns and heavy artillery.  Many of the Germans that had survived the fighting on August 8 realized, as did many generals, that the defeat was the beginning of the end of the war for theme, and called the newly-arriving troops “blacklegs,” “strike-breakers,” and “war-prolongers.”
Foch wanted the Allied offensive to continue, pressing their advantage and pushing on towards Ham, as planned.  Rawlinson, however, knew that his men were exhausted, his position had weaknesses on its flanks, the Germans had reinforced, and supply difficulties would only grow as he pushed on into the old Somme battlefield.  On August 10, he confronted Haig, asking him, “Are you commanding the British Army or is Marshal Foch?”  Although local fighting would continue over the next few days, the offensive would not resume as Foch desired.  Instead, Haig began planning an attack with Byng’s Third Army just to the north.  Foch, who just wanted to keep the Germans on their toes, was ultimately satisfied with this.
Today in 1917: Rommel Leads Attack on Mount Cosna Today in 1916: King George V Visits the Somme Today in 1915: Germans Begin Siege of Novogeorgievsk Today in 1914: France Breaks Off Relations with Austria
Sources include: Randal Gray, Chronicle of the First World War; Nick Lloyd, Hundred Days; Robert B. Asprey, The German High Command at War.
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tumblawitch · 7 years ago
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椿姫叶彩さんのツイート: “BAYONETTA/JEANNE Photo🌹ばんちょうさん( @bantyo1007) Studio🌹コスナ スタジオさん( @cosna) 最近休みずっと無印してる\❤︎/ 2もこれからやる( ¨̮ )︎︎❤︎︎ ベヨ3も楽しみすぎるっ🙌💕 #ベヨネッタ愛 💓 #ジャンヌ愛 💓… https://t.co/vVrKDZ1WfK”
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viking-hel · 4 years ago
Ey up youther, if any on thee cosna tack a joke, theyt a puddly-‘eaded-‘ammergorn an’ senatucked.
Theyt crossomical an’ all. Quate an’ mess off wit’ thee.
(Apologies, I didn’t give a translation to the Brits)
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bonguri · 1 year ago
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20240209 Ise+Futami 10 by BONGURI とても古いお雛様。頭の金属飾りが時代を感じさせます。 @Hinjitsukan, Ise city, Mie pref.(三重県伊勢市 賓日館)
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latinabiz · 5 years ago
L'omelia di Mons. Vari nella parrocchia dei SS. Cosma e Damiano di Gaeta il 25 aprile
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Mons. VariMessa nella parrocchia dei SS. Cosna e Damiano di Gaeta Una messa che era stata preparata per le cresime, come poi ha detto l'arcivescovo di Gaeta prima di fare l'affidamento alla "Madonna Nostra" come la chiamano i residenti dell'antica Elena la Madonna di Porto salvo, che viene festeggiata in modo solenne nella seconda domenica del mese di agosto con una suggestiva processione a mare. Continua questo peregrinare a porte chiuse del presule dell'arcidiocesi di Gaeta con una omelia incentrata sull'affidamento a Maria: "Veneriamo insieme ai sacerdoti della città, alla città questa mattina la Madonna di Porto Salvo. già ieri, stavamo riflettendo che questo pellegrinaggio non è un pellegrinaggio folcloristico, ma è lo specchio di una consapevolezza che molti di noi stiamo maturando, e cioè la consapevolezza che ci siamo costruiti un mondo che è un colosso, un gigante di bronzo dai piedi di argilla, non ha in se da solo la forza di stare in piedi. Ecco,  il virus ha funzionato come un sassolino che scende dal monte, diventa una frana e blocca tutto. Niente sta salvando in questa frana. Vediamo tante cose che ci lasciano un pò così disorientati, e tanti pilastri che noi abbiamo pensato che erano ormai incrollabili, ne abbiamo fatto una religione, vediamo che non sono così solidi, sopratutto siamo un pò disorientati da tutti questi pareri discordanti, dagli scienziati che si contraddicono, che ognuno di ce una cosa. Allora noi, che pensavamo che la scienza ci avrebbe salvato, ci troviamo di averlo ridimensionato un pò il nostro giudizio. Allora quando c'è una frana, quando c'è un qualcosa che crolla, si possono fare due cose: o ricostruire tutto come prima, o migliorare, sapendo però che se non si migliora le cose poi possono solo peggiorare. in questo tempo di pasqua noi stiamo leggendo, durante le messe, una lettera che è la lettera di Pietro, che a un certo punto parla del male, parla di condizioni negative, dice ma ilo vero male, però, è quello che ti fa credere di non poter migliorare, il vero male è ciò che ti spinge a rassegnarti senza lottare. L'apostolo Pietro scriveva a persone che vivevano in condizioni di schiavitù, che avevano tutti i motivi per rassegnarsi. E lui dice a questi cristiani: attenti che il male è come un leone, che si aggira cercando chi divorare, il male è una forza che ti fa credere che solo tu stai male, che solo tu soffri, il male ti fa dimenticare degli altri e ti fa diventare indifferente alla sorte degli altri. E allora dice Pietro: l'unica maniera per resistere al male è la fede, a lui resistete, dirà, saldi nella fede. La fede che genera nel nostro cuore la fiducia, un sentimento che però passando i giorni si sta sempre un pochino più indebolendo. Allora la fiducia da sola come sentimento, come sforzo, come delusione della volontà non basta. Si deve riempire questa fiducia di qualcosa e questo qualcosa è la consapevolezza che per noi cristiani deve essere centrale che Dio non ci abbandona, che Cristo è vivo e non ci abbandona. Se riflettiamo per moltissimi di questi ventimila morti solo in Italia, che abbiamo contato a causa di questa epidemia, questa fede è stata per moltissimi di loro l'unica luce che li ha illuminati nel loro calvario. Un operaio di un cimitero di Milano, dove sono seppelliti quelli che nessuno reclama dopo la morte, e alcuni di questi ospiti delle case di riposo, dei quali forse le famiglie nemmeno sanno o non possono raggiungerli, diceva: noi facciamo quello che possiamo per dare dignità a queste persone anonime, mettiamo un fiore e diciamo una preghiera, lui ha detto diciamo una preghierina. Ecco, la Madonna di Porto Salvo ci aiuta a fare questi pensieri, e nei racconti di molti pescatori o naviganti, quando il mare diventa un nemico potente, implacabile, un nemico per la vita, quando la fiducia di potercela fare diventava sempre più debole, o addirittura nel momento del naufragio, la preghiera alla Madonna di Porto Salvo per essere salvi, per poter scampare alla morte, dava il coraggio che serviva per reagire,per non abbandonarsi alla tempesta e questo coraggio gli salvava la vita. Ecco, noi lo sappiamo che cosa è un mondo senza Dio, è un mondo su un orlo perpetuo di una crisi, un mondo senza porti dove approdare, senza riserve di energia, dell' energia necessaria per cambiare. Io credo che quando noi sapremo i numeri veri di questa catastrofe, quando sapremo che cosa sta succedendo a causa di questo virus nei paesi poveri del mondo, anche in paesi che  a Gaeta sono cari, ho sentito del Venezuela, allora ci renderemo conto di quello che tutto il tempo sia. E allora bisogna scegliere se rassegnarci per poi prima o  poi affogare oppure reagire. e non si reagisce senza fede, senza passione. Reagire e cambiare costa tanto. Ieri c'era un fondo di un giornale che diceva: parliamo tanto di cambiare ma avete visto in 15 giorni nel mese che ci siamo fermati quando può fare per cambiare. Cambi solo se capisci che è l'unica cosa da fare, ma capirlo è un dono di Dio. Madonna nostra di Porto Salvo, ascolta il grido dei figli tuoi che cercano la forza per reagire, per cambiare, liberaci dalla rassegnazione che abitava nei nostri cuori e i nostri occhi già prima di questo virus. Rendici insopportabili tutti i pensieri e gli atteggiamenti meschini. Prega per noi, perché la superbia sia abbattuta dall'umiltà, l'avidità dalla generosità. Vedendo la forza che tende ad abbatterci, dacci la determinazione per continuare a navigare, consapevoli di dover lasciare al mare molta zavorra. Madonna nostra di Porto Salvo, ti affidiamo i defunti di questo tempo per i quali ogni giorno preghiamo e che sono andati via in silenzio. Ti affidiamo le autorità di questa città, ti affidiamo i pastori di questa città, ti affidiamo loro perché veramente sappiano essere loro maestri di cambiamento. Ti affidiamo le famiglie, ti affidiamo i nostri anziani e i nostri bambini, ti affidiamo i nostri malati, ti affidiamo sopratutto la povera gente che magari abita in piccoli locali e non respira pi. Ti affidiamo tutti, tu sii porto salvo per tutti, tu sii la stella del mattino, tu sii la speranza che da la forza, sii quello che ci serve, che ci serve, sii una mamma e nessuno sa più di una madre quello che serve ai figli. Amen!" Ed alla fine della celebrazione, ecco l'affidamento della città di Gaeta e dell'intera arcidiocesi alla divina protezione della Madre celeste con il titolo di Porto Salvo, invocata in special modo dai pescatori del borgo antico gaetano: "O Madonna nostra di Porto Salvo, sotto cui il tuo bel titolo ci troviamo di averti patrona in questo di particolare periglio, i nostri cuori di figli si stringono intorno alla tua venerata immagine per chiedere  soccorso a te, che sempre sollecita sei accorsa in nostro aiuto nei tanti frangenti che la  vita riserva. Vogliamo raccomandarti, o cara madre, l'intera città e la diocesi di Gaeta, che attraversa il pericolo di contagio dal Coronavirus e la paura di questa nuova calamità porta con se. Custodisci tutti noi  sotto il tuo materno manto e preservaci sani e santi. Mentre ti affacci benedicente tra le nuvole a vegliare sulla nostra città di Gaeta, dalla quale sei vanto e presidio, ascolta la nostra preghiera che si eleva al tuo cuore materno, per quanti combattono sul fronte tale flagello con il pericolo di essere contagiati, avvolgili col tuo manto protettivo. Ti affidiamo le tante anime falciate dal Coronavirus che in questo frangente non hanno potuto vivere i loro ultimi momenti il conforto dei loro cari e le attenzioni spirituali e sacramentali, sii per essi vascello che li conduce al porto della salvezza, il Paradiso, e sii conforto a quanti hanno lasciato su questa terra nel dolore e nella disperazione. Come balsamo spirituale scendi nell'anima di quanti contagiati combattono ogni giorno, sii per loro conforto, aiuto e guarigione del corpo e dell'anima. A tutti infine, superate  le burrasche del male insidioso del secolo concedi, o soave  regina, di raggiungere il felicissimo porto della salvezza che è Cristo tuo figlio, e unite le nostre lodi a quelli dei cari trapassati, benediremo in eterno te,  rifugio e speranza nostra. Amen!" Read the full article
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capeshifters · 3 years ago
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And same to rest of them, this was harder since I wanted to have them as their original races as well and humans : ) 
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shoolay · 5 years ago
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Day 8 Having been nominated by my friend Kwasi Corream, I have agreed to participate in a "10-Day Album Challenge" wherein I'll post an image from a recording that has had a critical impact on my life, and subsequently nominate another person to do the same. That's 10 days, 10 artists, 10 nominations, and 0 explanations. Those nominated are under no pressure to participate. With that in mind, for Day 8, I nominate Kevin Kushna Cosna! https://www.instagram.com/p/B8hFx7fBpBY/?igshid=m1p85slk9jaw
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roufjepara · 5 years ago
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thebloodychampion · 4 years ago
Mass Effect Muses Timeline
Timeline Mass Effect Characters (Minus Andromeda)
Before CE counting and the rachni wars: Haxten Haghar is born and dies
200 CE: Haxten Traegar is born 220 CE: Haxten Travya is born 300 CE: Rachni War is over 785 CE: Nakmor Drack is born 801 CE: Madadh is born 886 CE: Wreav is born 905 CE: Haxten Treagar and Haxten Travva die 901 CE: Madadh joins clan Haxten 905 CE: Haxten clan gets destroyed 990 CE: Wreav joins clan Urdnot 1000 CE: Madadh joins clan Jurdon 1276 CE: Jirida Avequa is born 1376 CE: Ganar Drealav is born 1480 CE: Ganar Drealav joins the Silent Krogan 1562 CE: Karnesh is born on Korlus
Warlord Okeer and DNA
1676 CE: Nyx Avequa is born 1679 CE: Nyx father Gaernik dies 1694 CE: Nyx suffers from an illness, making her heart weaker 1780 CE: Nyx moves to the Citadel to become an acolyte to the consort 1786 CE: Cagar is born
Jorgal Qhorin and unknown female
1786 CE: Madadh and Nyx meet 1787 CE: Drealav joins the Blood Pack 1787 CE: Cagar gets taken away from Tuchanka by her father 1854 CE: Tunar Cede is born 1862 CE: Karnesh escapes from his father to Omega 1862 CE: Karnesh joins the Blood Pack 1872 CE: Karnesh gets injured from Jirida during a fight 1886 CE: Lisell is born
Jurdon Madadh & Nyx Avequa
1890 CE: Tasha is born 1895 CE: Geth War with the Quarians 2016 CE: Nyx tells Madadh about Lisell 2077 CE: Liara T’Soni is born 2078 CE: Renus Nyras is born 2083 CE: Valetta Nyras is born 2083 CE: Karnesh moves to the Citadel 2085 CE: Pelessaria B’Sayle is born 2086 CE: Cagar is rescued by Karnesh,her father Qhorin is killed by Karnesh 2088 CE: Arynus Sparatus is born 2089 CE: Maltenix Sparatus is born 2089 CE: Maniter Murion is born 2090 CE: Septer Suldonis is born 2093 CE: Karnesh is contacted by the Shadow Broker after getting viable information back 2096 CE: Myrean Nyras is born 2097 CE: Laxin Nyras is born 2105 CE: Vyrnus Draxas is born 2108 CE: Haral Nyras is born 2110 CE: Tania Suldonis is born 2112 CE: Cyrna Draxas is born 2112 CE: Marius Nyras is born 2113 CE: Karnesh becomes officially an agent of the Shadow Broker 2113 CE: Renius Sparatus is born 2113 CE: Haryn is born 2118 CE: Cloria Bonisis is born 2119 CE: Adrien Victus is born 2120 CE: Maniter Murion dies 2120 CE: Hieriax Sparatus is born 2122 CE: Ventra Sparatus 2124 CE: Macen Barro is born 2125 CE: Aleksej Blatov is born 2125 CE: Potiva Octatus is born 2126 CE: Luc Laxius is born 2128 CE: Lorik Qui’in is born 2129 CE: Alec Ryder is born 2130 CE: Taponia Murion is born 2130 CE: Quiva Ocatus is born 2130 CE: Liza Shepard is born 2131 CE: Ellen Ryder is born 2134 CE: Avitus Rix is born 2134 CE: Laxin Nyras dies 
Corpalis Syndrom
2135 CE: Irelius Draxas is born 2136 CE: Irelius’s parents find out he has CIPA syndrom 2136 CE: Quentius Zuris is born 2136 CE: Quentius parents die 2138 CE: Tibesius Suldonis is born 2139 CE: Cosna Salvilus is born 2139 CE: Caius Salvilus is born 2140 CE: Deros Maetos is born 2142 CE: Quitilia Suldonis is born 2143 CE: Radim Queriak and Lartis Queriak are born 2143 CE: Construction of Gagarin Station (Jump Zero) begins 2144 CE: Irius Sparatus is born
Renius Sparatus & Haryn Sparatus
2144 CE: Querina Draxas is born 2145 CE: Tayus Draxas is born 2145 CE: Irelius finds out he has biotics 2146 CE: Maxius Naeryas is born 2146 CE: Quentius gets adopted by an elcor and an asari 2146 CE: Haeris Tykis is born 2146 CE: Lucius Suldonis is born 2147 CE: Nymeda Ventas is born 2148 CE: Karnesh acquires the “Queen Anne’s Revenge” ship 2148 CE: Humand discover the Prothean Ruins on Mars 2149 CE: Myrean Nyras dies
Headshot from a batarian
2149 CE: Bautas Wrenkus is born 2149 CE: Renius Sparatus is recruited in the Black Watch 2149 CE: Humans discovered a Mass Relay 2150 CE: Garrus Vakarian is born 2151 CE: Maron Hinom is born 2152 CE: Irelius is sent to the Cabals 2153 CE: Irelius escapes the Cabals by killing an instructor by accident 2153 CE: Invictus is created by Irelius for a short time 2153 CE: Irelius flees to Omega and meets Lisell 2154 CE: Nedra Shepard and Nigel Shepard are born 2154 CE: Oswin Shepard is born under the name Alexandria Petrovka 2154 CE: Noah Shepard is born 2154 CE: Liza Shepard dies
2156 CE: Bono Baffabar is born 2156 CE: Torana Sparatus is born
Renius Sparatus & Haryn Sparatus
2157 CE: Relay 314 Incident / First Contact War 2157 CE: Ventra Sparatus dies
Killed in action on Shanxi
2157 CE: Hieriax Sparatus dies
Killed in action on Shanxi
2158 CE: Arynus Sparatus dies
2158 CE: Maltenix Sparatus dies
Heart Failure
2158 CE: Vivia Bonisis is born
Marius Nyras & Cloria Bonisis
2158 CE: Tibesius gets married to Aedisia Quaril (arranged) 2159 CE: Serlio Salvilus is born
Caius Salvilus & Quitilia Salvilus
2160 CE: Titus Faion is born 2160 CE: Irelius becomes Clavius and changes his whole identity 2160 CE: Clavius joins the Blue Suns 2160 CE: Shaela’Riel is born 2160 CE: Camilea Octatus is born 2162 CE: Nolus Abgius is born 2161 CE: Max Kyrik is born
Nihlus Kryik & Taponia Murion
2161 CE: Irius enlists in the military 2161 CE: Han’Xanis is born 2163 CE: Salla Ryder and Andrew Ryder are born 2163 CE: Silia Salvilus is born
Haral Nyras & Quitilia Salvilus
2165 CE: Yandra Nyras and Tachyus Nyras are born 2166 CE: Anaya Kuik is born 2166 CE: Sunip Malone is born 2167 CE: Irius Sparatus quiets the military and goes to the Citadel 2167 CE: Lisell Avequa adopts Han on Illium 2167 CE: Maron destroys an STG base and is on the run from STG 2168 CE: Irius becomes an assistant to the Turian Councilor 2168 CE: Renus Nyras dies
Heart Failure
2168 CE: Haeris Tykis father Commander Vyrnus dies
Killed by Kaidan Alenko
2170 CE: Human Colony of Mindoir is attacked by Batarian slavers 2172 CE: Valetta Nyras dies
Old Age
2172 CE: Septer Suldonis and Tania Suldonis die
Old Age
2173 CE: Irius Sparatus becomes Turian Councilor 2174 CE: Serlio enlists in boot camp 2175 CE: Vyrnus Draxas dies
2176 CE: Attack on Ellysium happens 2176 CE: Nedra Shepard defends the colony of Ellysium 2176 CE: Clavius Tarxis meets Camilea Octatus 2176 CE: Nolus parent’s die 2176 CE: Karnesh meets Maron on the Citadel 2177 CE: Thresher Maws wipe out an entire unit on Akuze 2177 CE: Lexia Tarxis is born 2177 CE: Clavius quits the Blue Suns 2178 CE: Retaliation of Elysium on moon of Torfan 2178 CE: Noah Shepard kills the batarians on the moon. 2178 CE: Oswin does the same thing. 2178 CE: Quitilia Suldonis dies
2178 CE: Cosna Salvilus fakes his own death 2178 CE: Clavius becomes Irius bodyguard after he kills the remaining bodyguards 2178 CE: Silia gets kidnapped 2179 CE: Silia is getting back, but blinded 2179 CE: Serlio quits the military to be with his sister 2180 CE: Tibesius is rank of commander in the military 2180 CE: Tibesius has a drunken thing with another army officer 2180 CE: SAM short for Simulated Adaptive Matrix is constracted by Alec Ryder 2181 CE: Serlio and Silia get kicked out by Tibesius 2182 CE: Serlio and Silia live on Omega 2182 CE: Tachyus is diagnosed with Corpalis Syndrom 2183 CE: Serlio and Silia get to the Citadel with the help of Karnesh 2183 CE: Geth attack on Eden Prime 2183 CE: Nihlus Kryik dies
Killed by Saren Arterius
2183 CE: Matriarch Benezia dies
Killed by Shepard
2183 CE: Sovereign attacks the Citadel 2183 CE: Saren Arterius dies
Suicide / Killed by Commander Shepard
2183 CE: Noah, Oswin, Nedra Shepard are killed by the collectors 2184 CE: Shepards clone is stolen by Rasa from Lazarus Research Stationi 2185 CE: Noah, Oswin and Nedra are brought back to life by Cerberus 2185 CE: Andromeda Initiative is launched. 2185 CE: Nakmor Drack, Pelessaria B’Sayle, Avitus Rix, Alec Ryder, Salla Ryder, Andrew Ryder and Macen Barro all go to Andromeda. 2185 CE: Haryn Sparatus dies
Killed by Collectors
2185 CE: Collector Base is destroyed by Shepard 2185 CE: The Alpha Relay is destroyed by Shepard 2185 CE: Lisell and Han go to the Citadel to live with Nyx 2185 CE: Camephilia Octatus is born 2186 CE: Garrus mother dies
Corpalis Syndrom
2186 CE: Reaper War begins 2186 CE: Aleksei Blatov dies 2186 CE: Bautas Wrenkus dies
Killed in action during the Reaper War
2186 CE: Maxius Naeryas dies
Killed in action during the Reaper War
2186 CE: Lartis Queriak dies
Killed in action during the Reaper War
2186 CE: Radim Queriak dies
Killed in action during the Reaper War
2186 CE: Nymeda Ventas dies
Killed in action during the Reaper War
2186 CE: Deros Maetos dies
Killed in action during the Reaper War
2186 CE: Haeris Tykis dies
Killed in action during the Reaper War
2186 CE: Quentius Zuris is believed dead but gets into a coma 2186 CE: Marius Nyras is believe dead, goes into a coma 2186 CE: Reapers are destroyed 2187 CE: Haral Nyras quits the Blackwatch after suffering heavy casualties and being unable to walk 2187 CE: Renius spends a year in hospital and is unable to speak about what happened during the war. 2187 CE: Camilea’s parents and her little brother die
Killed by Ganar Drealav
2187 CE: Camephilia is kidnapped by Ganar Drealav 2187 CE: Haral meets Lisell 2187 CE: Renius begins dating Vivia Bonisis 2187 CE: Maron Hinom dies
Old Age
2187 CE: Marius wakes up from his coma but has amnesia 2187 CE: Nyx Avequa and Jurdon Madadh are reunited 2188 CE: Cosna Salvilus dies
KIlled by Ganar Drealav
2188 CE: Nararo Avequa and Zelga Avequa are born
Jurdon Madadh & Nyx Avequa
2188 CE: Lisell gets married to Haral Nyras 2188 CE: Calivia Sparatus is born
Renius Sparatus & Vivia Bonisis
2189 CE: Livia Nyras is born
Haral Nyras & Lisell Avequa
2189 CE: Renius Sparatus stabs Nedra Shepard 2189 CE: Raik Cagar and Tunar Abgius are having krogan babies 2190 CE: Octalea Sparatus is born
Renius Sparatus & Vivia Bonisis
2191 CE: Tachyus Nyras dies
Corpalis Syndrom
2196 CE: Sunip Malone dies
Old Age
2198 CE: Tokol dies
Unknown Causes
2200 CE: Anaya Kuik dies
Kepral Snydrom
2215 CE: Tibesius Suldonis dies
Heart failure
2216 CE: Haral Nyras dies
Corpalis Syndrom 
2217 CE: Nymeda Nyras is born
Haral Nyras & Lisell Avequa
2218 CE: Irelius gets clones into three people and all have different personalities
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