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vera800 · 1 year ago
Locasol Lore
I am plotting out the lore of my fangame, and been working on creating a plausible explanation for the existence of Ultra Space being created after the main Universe’s creation. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Long ago, before concepts, before ideas, before matter; was nothingness. Nothingness without any description— Nothingness without name. Said Nothingness over the span of time before time was a thing, gave birth to something unimaginable: a thing. Not just any thing, but a Thing that would change the course of the Nothingness forever.
This Thing soon began to expand, filling in space which didn’t exist. Eventually, the Thing began to tear. This thing, too much for the Nothingness, burst. A power of what could only be described as the ethereal concept of energy seemingly exploded. It was blinding. The Thing began to break apart farther, turning into the Unknown, unknown in origin or purpose.
However, the burst of the thing did not happen by chance. The Thing was holding something. The first of a long line of sentience. A being with no name, no memory, and no body. This Being awoke to a mess of an old order. Energy, Nothingness, and the Unknown. It began to use a stranger power to reform these masses of concepts into individual clusters. These clusters then began to take form. However, it wasn’t anything our minds could comprehend…
This Being, and these clusters, began the process of shaping the former Nothingness. Before the concepts of space, time, and antimatter were even concepts, there needed to be a plane of creation, a means, a way. The clusters of the former world taught the being how to create, and how to sculpt the mass into a desirable expanse, suitable for creation.
Satisfied with its work in creating what would later be called a realm, the Being used its newly learned power to create something new, something untold: a new universe. Preprepared and ready to be formed. This new universe was connected to the current one by a singular point, later called the Gate of Gods. The clusters, ready to fulfill their final task, bid their farewells to the Being, and left to make their own marks.
This Being, was Arceus.
Time passed on, the space changed and moved, and the matter had its equal; all thanks to Arceus and its creations Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. However, time passed, and nothing new was successfully made. After Giratina’s rebellion, Arceus was lost. At this time, the Gate of Gods, all but a distant memory, opened, and out came three mysterious gifts. Light in the form of the suns and the stars, Darkness in the form of moons and other planetary bodies, and substance in the form of atoms and molecules. Arceus was not forgotten by its former creations, and the knowledge of such was said to bring a tear to its eyes. This tear, is said to be the source of life for us organisms. Its anger, indecision, and gratitude are said to have created the sky, the land, and the water.
It is said that every eon, the original creations in the Locasolian Universe and Arceus in the Arcean Universe exchange gifts through the Gate of Gods, help the two forces shape their worlds in new, and marvelous ways. This event has been dubbed, The Exchange of Miracles. It has been told in ancient scriptures that the last Exchange had resulted in the eventual creation of personified emotions, knowledge, and willpower. The next Exchange of Miracles has been determined to be approaching, but a new threat to the Locasolian Universe could lead to its destruction, as well as the original creations, hailed as deities in this new universe. Necrozma, Stellverta, and Cosmoda.
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the-firebird69 · 9 months ago
Robert Paul Day | Pictures taken backstage of the COSMODA Runway in NY awaiting that stroll. Jason Lee, the photographer, did a remarkable job with some… | Instagram
This particular apocalypse is what our son will look similar to at about 6 foot 2 there'll be a bit bulkier so we're gonna try and find out another pic that the outfit in the costume is something that he can get. And he might look at the company and try and remember it somehow.
Thor Freya
that would be nice
heroes 4 hire costumes
and it is our real name good
Olympus approved to print
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uptownbill · 4 years ago
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Loki & Prince Akeem on the red carpet for Fashion Week 2021 for #cosmoda at the Marriott Marquis Times Square #loki #thor #PrinceAkeem #comingtoamerica #princeakeemcosplay #cosmoda #fashionweek #fashionweek2021 (at New York Marriott Marquis) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTuoaDwlGQn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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brettsinger · 3 years ago
George Perez RIP with Dan Hort - Ep 98
Today my guest is Dan Hort, the CEO and Founder of Onomatopoeia Art and Cosmoda The Cosplay Runway and we're talking about the recently departed George Perez. What is the premiere George Perez comic book? Who wrote New Teen Titans? Who were they competing with? Who is the greatest comic book character ever? Who was in the New Teen Titans? What characters did George Perez and Marv Wolfman create? Who was the greatest artist to ever create comics, according to Dan? Who were the original Teen Titans? How old were they? Why did DC create New Teen Titans? Who are Hawk and Dove? How powerful is Wonder Girl? What kept Dick Grayson sane? What's the deal with Donna Troy? How was George Perez with the fans? What happened in Crisis on Infinite Earths? What made George Perez a special artist? What made him a special person? What happened to Dan and Brett at New York Comic Con? How did George Perez affect the cosplay industry? 
Recorded 5-21-22 via Zoom
Check out Comics Who Love Comic Books!
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metaoflocasol · 7 months ago
Great! I’ll try keep it as concise as possible. Ahem:
From what I understand, the common theory of creation as that Arceus was birthed from and egg, created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, who then created the universe. In this alternate universe, Arceus (who is often referred to as The Genesis by ancient texts and Necrozma itself) first created the Cosmatic trio from the remnants of the shell of his birthing: Necrozma of Light, Stellverta of Darkness, and Cosmoda of Nullity. With this trio, they created the foundations of the universe were built: the potential (energy), the cosmos, and the void. Once done, Arceus then created the Ultra Space, a separate dimension as a gift for the three, to which they could shape as their own.
From there, it follows the commonly accepted theories of creation for your world. In Ultra Space however, that is where many of the changes are made. The Trio created a condense landmass, later named Locasol. Turns out humans are an example of convergent evolutions, yet I’m more partial to believe that the trio took inspiration from Arceus’s design.
Civilization came and went, and eventually three main factions arose, each worshiping one of the trio who made their home there. This was until a dark mass threatened to destroy the dimension, akin to an Ultra Wormhole, yet acting light a blackhole. It was called “The Darkening Void”. The three Legendaries destroyed the Dark Materia, which gave birth to another legendary, Darzmateria, who represented the dark matters and energies of the universe. It’s very existence is what causes the Ultra Wormholes, although it seems that it has little direct control over them, and they are just effects of its influence. When dormant, they are more uncommon, yet awoken from its slumber, it can cause a massive crisis as latent energies are released after long periods of time.
As for the radiation caused from Ultra Space, I can’t really think of anything noteworthy about side-effects on humans, as we use them to traverse dimensions on a much wider scale than perhaps done in your universe. It can create mutations in genetic material, but only after extreme exposure: like hours of direct contact with no protection. The heat and winds caused by these wormholes are far more dangerous than any potential mutations caused by controlled travel through them. Most I can think of is rashes, minor changes in bodily pigments (eyes, hair, skin, etc), and slight changes in mental and physical states; yet that last one might be more related to the act of this form of transportation.
Now for my favorite part, the Pokémon! I’ll begin with a brief summary on the three legendaries.
Necrozma - while documented in your world, there are still many undocumented secrets about it. Such as it can change the pattern of its armor-like scales when in possession of more of the Z-crystals that once made up its body. Ultranecrozmium Z, however, is Necrozma’s very soul, to which its removal caused the death of his Ultra Form, and subsequent light-drain. It can manipulate all organic and inorganic light, no matter from what source or location.
Stellverta - they are almost like a counterpart to Necrozma, being the embodiment of darkness. While Necrozma is a prism in design, Stellverta is more a living tapestry. It shrouds and envelopes the world around it, creating absolute darkness wherever it goes. It seems to take after the moon in some regards, with one floating above their head. The ancient people never tried to harness their power, thus it doesn’t have multiple forms. It does however lie in a sleeping form most of the time, where the cloth-like wings completely wrap around them.
Cosmoda - they are the removal of both light and darkness, the nothing, or more the inbetween that comes from them. Cosmoda throughout history has taken many forms, and many faces; from a mass of planters bodies, to a watery monolith, to a globe to which the universe could be seen within. However, it seems that ancient texts have agreed upon one thing: that it has the potential of limitless influence upon itself and the world. Necrozma described their physical form from the days of creation as “Potential undefined, noticeable through the lack of notice, rather than the belief of it”… whatever that means. I’ve seen modern depictions that depict it as a living embodiment of nature, tethered to the very continent, however.
Each of the three Legendaries have created their own Pokémon too, to act as living fractions of their power and to guard their sacred resting grounds!
As for more of the “regular” Pokémon here, there are the UBs, which actually are different than traditionally described in the National Pokédex. For one thing, the Beast Boost ability is only attributed to the “Alphas” of a tribe/group. The large majority have different abilities. They also do have a breeding type, the Cosmic Type, which is incompatible with any other type, even Dittos! They also don’t seem to breed outside of Ultra Space. They do also technically have different genders, but it is more complex than body structure. It is more based on community roles and chemical balances rather than anatomy. All of the documented UBs actually have pre-evolutions too!
A few Pokémon from your world have pre and post evolutions here too! Like Spiritomb, Falinx, Cradily, Whisash, Crawdaunt, Altaria, Drampa, and Eevee!
There are also rumors of two of Regi’s creations living here: a Grass one and a Psychic one, but I wouldn’t put too much merit on those claims.
Trying to think what else… There are also regional forms here as well. While most of Locasol is fungi based, we have integrated many plants from you world into our soil, which turns out to be very rich and nutrient heavy for your plants. The first Pokéballs weren’t made from apricots, rather a special metal that fell on Locasol from comets. Oh! And we have our own unique fighting system here too, which seems to mirror the fighting style of Ancient Hisui, which relied on powerful and agile strikes. Ours however is more advanced, being able to also change random stats, change defense, and the effectiveness of moves!
Oh my, this is a lot longer than I originally thought it would be… apologies if I rambled on too much, it’s not often I get to share about my home with people, much less alternate realities of Ultra Space inhabitants! Thank you for letting me share about my homeland!
What about your version of Alola? What is it like?
Good afternoon, my name is Meta Solari,
I am a resident of Ultra Space- or at least an outlier version of it, as so far no other person on this sight knows about the continent of Locasol, of which I speak.
Locasol is the mainland of Ultra Megalopolis, divided into three main sectors, each one named after one of the legendary Pokémon of the Cosmatic Trio: Necrozi (my home), Stello, and Cosmu.
At least in my version of Ultra Space, there are many more Ultra Beast that are undocumented anywhere else. Perhaps I may be of assistance in finally shearing some light on these undiscovered Pokémon and region?
I don't know how useful your data would be to us here in Alola, as that's where most of me and my coworkers research lies, but shouldn't just be focusing on the practical use- I think it's always good to learn more, even if nothing applies to my own home.
I've never heard of this legendary trio before, nor your region! And I doubt a duckducklettgo search is going to help in my case lmao. So go ahead :] I'm all ears!
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beautifuldiz · 3 years ago
So I had an awesome time at New York fashion week. Got to walk the runway in NY TimesSq wearing an original cosplay made by me and worked with some amazing people. Thank you to @lostcoscommunity @cosplay.runway for the awesome opportunity. Lost cos the movie will be releasing soon and Full fashion show available on Cosmoda website www.cosplayrunway.com
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vera800 · 1 year ago
If you thought the last few Pokémon game final bosses were hard, you ain’t ready for Locasol
Things can still change, but this is gonna be one of the most climatic fights yet!
But it is gonna be a 2 v 2, the final boss has 19 Pokémon, and there are 4 waves, and you and an ally team up to win
1st wave
You and Tello vs ——— with Corshattaunt, Galestrum, Golisopod, Jungela, Grimtearteer, and Samuribal
You and Stari vs ——— with Milotic, Snaphound, Noivern, Frosslass, Wattzing, and Blacephalon
You and Meta vs ——— with Xurkitree, Plagipede, Demoglide, Cheelsaw, Korhlo-o, and Solpater
You vs Darzmateria
*dramatic cutscene that almost ends in a tragic death*
Ultra Necrozma, Ultra Stellverta, and Ultra Cosmoda vs the ULTRA WYRMHOLE (tm)
*another dramatic cutscene*
*main story credits*
And it’s not gonna be regular 2v2s, no no no. If this were to be a game, the teammate AIs would be really advanced, like switching to flying types to protect from your Earthquakes, using Pollen Puff on you to heal your team, and several tactics used by many topic competitive teams (minus the legendaries). If in story form, then the same thing, really.
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comiccrusaders · 4 years ago
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#SAVETHEDATE: #Cosplay Runway @ New York Fashion Week by #CosModa! @cemberfrostt @catschuller #DanielHort #NYFW http://ow.ly/ykkT50G4jV1
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metaoflocasol · 1 year ago
I would like to thank you, Mr. Ketchum. You have done me and the rest of my people a grand service. Allow me to properly introduce myself, I am Meta Solari, future inheritor of the Dancers of Necrozma. Our mission is to help restore and furthermore save Necrozma from the fate that has befallen it by human greed. Your selfless actions not only saved many universes from certain death, Ultra Space as a whole, but our Lord too.
Necrozma is the eldest of a trio of creator beings that created Ultra Space, representing light (Necrozma), darkness (Stellverta), and mattter (Cosmoda). After being stripped of its power all those years ago, it became angry and pained, seeking to restore itself to its rightful place. Many universes suffered because of this, freezing to nothingness without light. But because of your actions, those same universes are thriving once more.
I would like to extend an invitation to you, as well as the Ultra Guardians as a whole to a ceremony that is to be held in your honor. On top of this, I personally wish to show you more of Ultra Space. There are many wonderous creatures out here, none the likes of which you’ve seen. Locasol is a large region, and in the Nercozi sector alone, I can promise that you will see Pokémon you’ve never seen, nor could dare to dream, before.
Please extend my offer and gratitude to the other members of the Ultra Guardians as well, for this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for both my people, and you yourselves. I will personally take charge of any and all transportation, accommodation, food, and ceremonial preparation in regards of your stay.
If you have any questions regarding the offer, please feel free to contact me through this account. I hope to hear back from you soon.
Regards - Meta Solari
Were you part of the team that helped Necrozma regain some of their former light?
Oh you mean the ultra guardians? Yup that's right! I was part of it! Now necrozma is out there bringing light back to worlds instead of taking it away!
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Ultimate Guide To Best Lunch Bag for Work
Lunch bags or lunch boxes of yesteryear have been replaced with ones which are of more sturdy material (as opposed to the boring brown bag) and available in a multitude of patterns and dimensions. Lunch boxes are no longer just for children. Nowadays, they arrive in many versions for adults as well. In fact, as more people become health conscious and eco-friendly, lunch boxes are now environmental friendly and also quite economical. You can carry one for work and also for other activities such as hiking. Did you know that a 'brown bag' lunch makes roughly 100 pounds of refuse in a single year? Because of this alarming factor, the smart thing to do is switch to an easier, reusable, and sustainable way out. And the answer lies in eco-friendly lunch boxes.find more
One unique bag idea that's available in the market is the anti-theft lunch box. These fantastic bags are designed with 'mold' or fungus designs so that people would stay away from your packed meal, thinking that your precious sandwich is spoiled. What a splendid idea indeed. In modern times, lunch boxes are now washable, reusable, lead-free, trendy and great for every day use. They're made from a vast array of materials, from jut to cotton and other recyclable materials. Manufacturers have also become more inventive, producing lunch bags which are not just environment-friendly and inexpensive, but stylish ones which would bring about much envy from schoolmates and co-workers alike.
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A great promotional gift idea is to procure customized lunch bags for clients. These lunch box can make for wonderful advertising. Clients and prospects would be thrilled to receive such thoughtful gifts, and because they are useful and practical, may even use them as totes. Decorate and customize promotional lunch box with eye-catching colors and your Company's motto and contact details, and distribute these gifts at conventions, seminars, and trade shows. They would surely blow the conventional 'pen idea' right out of the water! Be sure to have them made out of recyclable materials to show clients that you do care about Mother Earth. Bags as promotional products are an inexpensive way to show how much you care and cherish your clients' business. With people with more discerning taste, they might want to consider designer lunch boxes. Famous chef Mario Batali for example, has in collaboration with Cosmoda, put out a range of insulated lunch bags which are elegant and practical.
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metaoflocasol · 1 year ago
Ultra Space is a location past the boundaries of time and space, sort of a connector of many different worlds. It seems for many others’ experiences with Ultra Space describe it as place of no inhabitants, but my version, at least, has a bountiful continent!
Most know of it because of the Ultra Beasts, or UBs for short, that appeared in Aloha a while back. It is also the key to inter-dimensional travel.
This iteration was created by Arceus as a gift to the Ether Trio, It’s original creations that predate the Creation Trio: Necrozma, Stellverta, and Cosmoda.
Welcome to Rotomblr!
I assume you’ve already learned about the multiverse thingy?
Oh, hello! The warm welcome is very appreciated.
And yes, it’s been thrust upon me rather quickly, but I’ll just stick to trying not to question it… No matter how much my curiosity eats away at me.
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ultranecrozmaflashbang · 1 year ago
You have nothing to apologize for, young one.
I suppose our universe’s creation is one of the more outlandish ones, in hindsight. Yet I fight it quite fascinating that neither Stellverta nor Cosmoda exist anywhere else, but matter.
May the sun shine brightly upon you
Hello 👋! I am Solaris. I am new around here, so I have been going around introducing myself trying to make friends it is nice to meet you!
Solaris (@solaris-arceus)
A mortal Arceus… how strange…
Tell me ancient one, do you remember me? Or was I not a part of your ethereal design?
Either way, pleasure to meet you, Solaris
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vera800 · 1 year ago
Locasol Lore
Smogon is canon to Locasol. It is a way for the Arcean Universe and UltraSpace inhabitants to communicate and participate in battles without any dangerous travel.
The two universes are connected by many wormholes. One grainy one mentioned a while ago, and a few other stagnant wormholes. Ultra Beasts like Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, Stellverta, and Cosmoda can open new, temporary ones at will.
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vera800 · 1 year ago
Locasol Lore:
Church of Light
//time is measured in Locasol time, which will be explained later down the line. Simply it is based on 5 seasons, 20 months, and 25 days. A week is 5 days. It is normally written as mm/dd/yyyyy
The Church of Light is a group of Necrozma worshippers in the region of Locasol. It started 20,000 years ago by the advisor of the late King Greppal, Teza Vitch during the Void Mass.
The Void Mass was an unprecedented phenomenon in which the first natural Ultra Wormholes opened up, connecting the Locasolian universe to the Arcean universe. The wormholes began to expand farther and farther, swallowing the world they knew. The people thought it was the end of the world, and Teza told the king that the only way to save his kingdom was to summon the ancient dragons. Necrozma, Stellverta, and Cosmoda. 
Light, Darkness, and Matter. After they were awakened, they were able to quell the wormholes, and ended the destruction of Locasol.
The dragons were celebrated as heroes. Every year from then forth, a weeklong celebration called “The Week of Salvation” was held. Over the centuries, the clans that lived on the sacred grounds of Stellverta and Cosmoda celebrated with less and less fervor. The Necrozmic clan however, held these traditions with them throughout the centuries.
A celebratory group, called the Dancers of Necrozma, was dedicated to upholding Necrozma’s honor during the first celebration. They had a leader, the brother Teza, Hetcha. Ownership was passed down through the Vetch bloodline.
84 years ago, a man named Indus Vitch claimed his place as leader. However, he forced his own beliefs onto the Dancers, making Necrozma out to be an all powerful god. By this point, the history of The Void Mass was a myth, and the Dancers easily believed him. They became blind to the reason for worship, and followed Indus wherever and whenever. People began calling them a cult, which signified the end of the Original Dancers of Necrozma. Indus reformed the Dancers into a church, worshiping the legendary Necrozma. He created a Cult of Personality with him at the center.
Indus had a son, Meta, who was destined to inherit the cult. Meta disliked his father; he believed that Indus stained the history of their people for his own ambitions.
One day when Meta was 16, he was wandering the nearby forest when a sin of Devisoars attacked him, fatally wounding him. From out of a Wormhole, Ultra Necrozma amerged and saved him from death. Necrozma’s sacred light healed his wounds, and gathered in a necklace that showed the sun in space, like looking through a glass.
From that day, Necrozma and Meta developed a bond, learning to work together and harness the power of light. Meta learns that his father’s teachings were wrong; Necrozma was nothing like his father said. Indus is unaware about Meta’s meetings with his deity, and thinks he is skipping on his duty as a future religious leader.
Locasol Lore Announcement
After learning about wtf goes on in Cult of the Lamb, I am rebranding the Cult of Light into the Church of Light
More information will come later on this week
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uptownbill · 3 years ago
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Mauve Ralph Lauren suit for New York Fashion Week 2022 #ralphlauren #Cosmoda #LostCosTheMovie #lostcoscommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CaLzrvmswmr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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uptownbill · 3 years ago
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New York Fashion Week 2022 Walking in the Cosmoda Show representing my upcoming movie #LostCos in which I play Ramses @lostcoscommunity #lostcoscommunity #lostcosthemovie #Ramses #BillJohnson #actor #Cosmoda https://www.instagram.com/p/CaKi1D-FxvE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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