thegeekinterpreter · 13 years
New Year's Follow Forever
New year, new url, new friends... I've now been on tumblr for exactly year, so I thought I'd mark it by talking about the wonderful people I was fortunate enough to meet here. I LOVE THEM. NOW GO FOLLOW THEM.
Alex - You are the love of my life. The fact that I'm not the only one who feels this way (not by a long shot) just goes to show how wonderful you are; that bit of space our souls occupy must be quite crowded by now. I feel incredibly lucky to have met you, not just on here but in real life too, and am especially glad that you enjoyed having me around during that time. There will be tales, songs, and an entire film franchise written about our doomed romance, from our tentative first conversations to our wedding in a TARDIS in 221b and our double assassination immediately afterwards. I look forward to experiencing everything in between!
Chiara and Irene - Chiara, good luck with your Japanese, I'm sure you'll be better than I am by the time you're done! And Irene, you still need to set me up with your flatmate. Because reasons. Anyway, I hope we all get to meet up again sometime.
Ema - I think you were one of the very first people I spoke to, so I'm sorry we haven't been chatting recently. You are lovely, gorgeous, your artistic skills are legendary (as shown by this picture), and I still remember the Follow Friday-asaurus you made months ago which was just afhdafjkdhdaksdjh.
Jess - You are a mad bitey lady whose obsession with Gary Oldman is quite extraordinary, and never fails to make me smile. I'm so glad I decided to be courteous for once at that Q&A event, as I've thoroughly enjoyed your company whenever we hang out despite our bizarre and occasionally disturbing conversations. And don't worry, I'll come by your house again sometime to put your mum's mind at rest. 
Lauren - We haven't spoken much except via ostrich images, but I've been admiring you from afar for some time now (there is a fine line between admiration and creepiness)(I have erased that line). A physicist and astronomer, poet, lover of comic books, eloquent and gorgeous to boot... Welp.
Lex - Thou art my god. Thy word is gospel. And, unlike some gods, you are kind, loving, beautiful, brilliant... Then there's your interest in biology and your ability to write things that make me give up on my own... And not only that, but the reward you received this year for your work as a counsellor for a crisis hotline has shown to others what some have known for a long time: you are an exemplary human being. I love you. I feel honoured to have you as a friend, and knowing that the feeling is mutual does things to me that are best left to our private conversations. 
Madita - You are one of the friendliest and most lovable people I've ever met. I'm glad I was slightly rude in the queue for Scandal tickets by butting in on your conversation about Doctor Who as those two evenings we spent hanging out with Irene and Chiara was tremendous fun. I hope you'll visit London again soon, although I might just visit you before then anyway. 
[Honourable mention: wearsherlock - Because it's an awesome blog, and I'm somehow on the team. No, really.]
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