#cos its not like these are actual realities of what all straight cis girls like during childhood!
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tumblunni · 7 years ago
its weird how like my fave genre of games could be vaguely categorized as ‘nurturing things’ yet i fuckin hated every single thing of that kind that was pushed on me as a child
like hell yes i love pet games and games where you get customization and a sense of progress on building your character, and like even i like ‘parent games’ when they’re that sort of thing instead of just weird shoddy gross baby diaper changing bullshit. Like wtf who on earth even wants a game about raising a kid where you don’t get to see them grow up and graduate high school and make you proud in one of 63 careers?? seriously i am still so salty that this is such an underutilzed genre and i still have to play creepy anime fanservice dos games from the 90s cos thats ALL I HAVE. Why u showing my perfect sweet videogame child in creepy fanservice costumes I JUST WANT TO SUPPORT HER ACADEMIC LIFE
but anyway lol WHAT I MEAN IS
even though i LOVE that stuff i fuckin hate all that cliche ‘girl toy’ bullshit I love character customization but I hate it when its framed as ~lol girls just inherantly love fashion oo catty girl time~ and you only have this one stupid sexist creepy giant boobs doll and no customization except costumes and the only costume options are either sexualized or really stereotypically ‘girly’ and also you have to be rich as fuck to buy all these stupidly overpriced individual outfit packs and then you cant even DO anything with your barbie! at least in a videogame you can have the novelty of replaying the same cool fantasy adventure with your different characters, and like.. it has actual substance BEYOND just the customization! And I mean you can see your customization in action in a 3D environment and having a Story and Cool Powers and a voice and animations and all that jazz! And interacting with canon characters without having to buy all those separately too, and then do terrible impressions of the voiceacting from the show on your own... cos man that’s what i used to actually do with any ‘girl toys’ i was given, i saw absolutely ZERO appeal in having fifty ordinary houses where you can do nothing but sit barbie on a damn chair and gossip about husbands or whatever. Like fuck that’s already lazy and awful cos you’re telling the kid to make up their own reasons to find any enjoyment from the damn toy, but at least cliche ‘boy toys’ got like... a story template. And one that;s actually interesting and involves fighting n shit, and their accessories actually GIVE THE TOY NEW FEATURES but yeah like even making up a whole new story about barbie being a superhero got boring quick, cos she wasn’t remotely relateable or interesting. Like I’m glad that nowadays they do more with the character but even if they’ve fixed some of the predjudiced shit she’;s still.. not interesting?? just gone from cliche fashion boring to absolutely personalityless ‘good role model’ with no defining traits whatsoever. So I used to just destroy barbies or make her the villain in everything, and had a big box of naked barbies with missing legs and stuff while i gave all their accessories to all the pokemon and digimon. Still really pissed at how few of the outfits would fit on Impmon! Seriously it sucks that also all the good ‘boy toys’ were really stereotypically macho in one way or another so i was barely ever allowed to have them and i felt like they hated me even when i did get to play with them. And the only tv shows at the time that I liked that weren’t ‘for girls’ or ‘for boys’ were pokemon and digimon, which were still kinda treated as ‘for boys’ but didn’t even get the ‘boys style’ of merchandise. like barely ever poseable dolls that i could use in more creative play, they were just like collectables you put on the mantlepiece. I WOULD HAVE KILLED FOR CYNTHIA NENDOROID BACK THEN!!! i used to break all my damn digimon trying to fit them into lil outfits or throw them around doing battles, and then i made myself hella sad. I’m sad I don’t still have that super broken but extremely loved patamon transformer doll, that thing was THE BEST! like man why did they stop doing those after the first season?? actually digivolving your digimon was the best damn idea! did they get sued by transformers or something...??? and I mean GEEZ its not like I didn’t like cute stuff or hugging stuff or being nurturing or friendly or whatever people claim is the ‘wholesome value’ that female stereotypes teach kids. but man all that shit just ruined the stuff i loved! its so alienating! and why is it always super low quality and limited?? fuckin Baby Alive Really Pees And Poops,And Does Nothing Else Ever And Has No Personality. yeah girls you sure wanna see only the bad sides of nurturing and be told over and over that your life is gonna be nothing but this as soon as you inevitably start wanting to marry boys, which is totally gonna happen according to every damn adult, and will feel like a death sentence to any kid with any other sexuality. like I fuckin got my Official Digimon Tamagotchi and it was like the whole world opened up to me, like wow Pets Can Actually Do Things Other Than Shit. And i mean at least in an lcd game thing the pet shitting actually serves some damn purpose and provides resource management gameplay to decide what evolutions you get, instead of just Somehow You Should Enjoy Changing Diapers, You Little Fuck. I loved that tamagotchi so much i fuckin broke it too, like WHY WAS KID BUNNI KRYPTONITE TO TOYS?? the battery crapped out cos like i held it too tightly and the case on the back got loose?? so it’d short circuit whenever it went into sleep mode and wipe all my save data. and i still kept playing even though i could never digivolve anyone beyond their first stage before it glitched out. And then I got THE PLAYSTATION VERSION WITH ALL THE GRAPHICS and just AAAAAA it was like the best fuckin thing ever. and Monster Rancher!! and Princess Maker!! kid me could spend 60 straight hours looking after nonexistant babies and talking dinosaurs and cry like a damn bitch when they died so DONT TELL ME I’m lacking in healthy nurturing skills just because i don’t wanna be mr marketing guy’s fucked up idea of a straight woman...
...man sorry this post turned into a really weird rant why did i think about this at 1am
also like even flash game internet dollmakers are better than the cliche stereotype dolls they were based on god I’m perfectly fine with collecting a bunch of things if they’re not forcing some offensive message down my throat! i still remember how confused and pissed off i was when i figured out that my little pony was supposed to be A Gender Thing too, like geez they’re fuckin horses. and the show was actually like THE ONLY THING i was allowed to watch that had actual adventures and fighting monsters and stuff! its so bad and minimal now that i look back on it, but like man it was all I had. No wonder i got so into pokemon when it came out, look here’s a thing to collect that’s all ABOUT fighting monsters! i always wanted figurines of the monsters from those dumb girly shows, it was so annoying that MLP g1 had that episode about ‘oh the Crabnasties are people too, they’re not evil just because they look gross’ and then WHERE IS MY COLLECTABLE CRABNASTIES THEN?? WHY CANT I PUT CUTE ACCESSORIES ON THEM?? fuck u that was the most memorable episode also actually why did i have to wait so many pokemonn generations for a crab that appealed to me? krabby is so boring, its just a crab with weird human eyes. and i’m inexplicably creeped out by that one from gen 3 cos its like an optical illusion, i thought the markings were its face! thank the gods for crabominable and also damn the gods for it being hated by 90% of the fandom for reasons I will never understand :( ...BUT STILL WHERE IS MY CRABOMINABLE BEAUTY PARLOR PLAYSET YO
fuck its 1am why am i still awake why can’t i stop thinking about dragon quest 9 but you play as crabs THAT WAS THE BEST FASHION SIMULATOR EVER, DAMMIT
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tshifty · 6 years ago
Yeah okay we’re going to talk about this, because recently I’ve heard a lot of noise from people who don’t know what they’re talking about and it has started to genuinely upset me. Taylor Swift released a song and music video titled “You Need To Calm Down” which is about shutting down internet trolls, takedown culture, and homophobia. That last element has apparently gotten people so worked up that they write out actual articles and think pieces truly under the impression that they’re Saying Something when in reality they’re just creating more noise and pretending something is problematic when it isn’t.
People have gotten super worked up about the line “Cause shade never made anybody less gay”, as well as the music video in its entirety. I’ve seen people say all kinds of bullshit, from “she’s queerbaiting” to “the lgbtq+ community doesn’t want or need this” to “she’s just trying to make money by hopping on the bandwagon”. Let’s try to unpack some of this.
Firstly, she isn’t queerbaiting. Period. Yall saying that honest to god don’t even understand what queerbaiting means. Showing support, representation, and allyship is not queerbaiting. If she had kissed a girl just for shits and giggles in the video, that would be queerbaiting. She didn’t. And you know what, we’re gonna tackle this next one in two parts. Firstly, if you are straight and cis and you’re out here bitching about Taylor Swift’s lgbtq+ allyship and saying that it isn’t needed or wanted? You need to take several fucking seats and shut your mouth. Now, if you’re in the lgbtq+ community and saying that? You also need to sit the fuck down. If you’re lgbtq+ and you personally don’t care about Taylor’s allyship, if it doesn’t affect you or help you? I don’t give two shits. Because newsflash – it helps a LOT of other people. Her allyship means literally the world to me. It makes me feel heard, it makes me feel seen, and it makes me feel accepted. And I’m by far not alone in that. If her speaking up about lgbtq+ rights doesn’t make you feel anything then honestly nobody cares. But for people to try to take that away from the people that it DOES help? That’s abhorrent and selfish. Sit the fuck down and let us enjoy feeling heard.
And as for her hopping on the bandwagon? Yall haven’t been paying attention, because she has been outspoken for the lgbtq+ community for years. Whether or not any of you will admit it. For years she has spoken about how people should be able to love who they love, she has included it in her songs, and she has donated to countless lgbtq+ organizations. She didn’t jump on this bandwagon in 2019. And not to mention the fact that she literally does not need to do this to sell albums or break records. I don’t care if you don’t like her, but you can’t deny that she is extraordinarily successful. And given that she started in country, her getting political and speaking in support of the lgbtq+ community is actually costing her a lot of her original fanbase, who are republican. For Taylor Swift, someone who has for years been regarded as “America’s Sweetheart”, to come out in support of the lgbtq+ community (among other political platforms)? Is a HUGE deal. And if you can’t see that then that’s on you and you can take a fucking hike.
And you know what? The whole entire music video is filled with open politically active members of the lgbtq+ community. If the song, or the music video, were problematic in literally any way shape or form, do you genuinely think any of them would have participated? Do you really think that the cast of Queer Eye, that Hayley Kiyoko, RuPaul, Hannah Hart, Ellen DeGeneres, Billy Porter, Ryan Reynolds, Adam Rippon, Laverne Cox, etc… do you really fucking think that Todrick Hall WHO CO-PRODUCED THE VIDEO wouldn’t have said something?!?! Do you actually think you are so entitled to twisting something beautiful into something problematic that you know better than every single lgbtq+ person who worked in and on that video? Take a fucking sip babe.
I’m not asking you to like the song, or to like the video. I don’t give a flying fuck if you are not a Taylor Swift fan. But to watch so many people come at her and her fans for this song and video is revolting. It is not baiting, it is not bandwagonning, and it is not problematic. What’s problematic is the fact that yall are so bored out of your goddamn minds that you can’t even think critically before screaming on the internet about hating something that you don’t seem to even understand. She is going out of her fucking way to show support for the lgbtq+ community, and you know what if you don’t want it then I don’t give a fuck because there are so many of us who do appreciate it and who do genuinely feel more accepted because of it. And honestly the motherfucking tea is that none of you understood the point of the song, or of the entire reputation era, if you’re sitting here bitching about her. She does not give a fuck. She didn’t do this for yall… she did it for her fans, she did it for people who don’t have a voice, she did it for people who are fighting every day to feel accepted. I don’t care if this song isn’t going to be your next pride anthem. But it’s my pride anthem, and it’s a lot of people’s pride anthem, and I’m done watching yall try to take that away from us just so you can get a few retweets.
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