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plushie-sentai · 2 years ago
Reblog with ur favorite kamen rider and favorite Pokémon/partner Pokémon in the tags. For fun
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theghostofwilburtheworm · 11 months ago
how do you guys think senshi's pokemon team would look like?
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sofiiif · 6 months ago
Guys im bored and I miss nevermore here's my pokemon headcanon team of Lenore and Annabel lee.
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(It's based on them being opposite of eachother)
(All though I think Corvknight and Darkray rappresent Lenore better but I wanted to match Annabel first) (too basic team maybe???)
(I wanted to add more photos but tumblr said NUH UH)
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yuukikao · 11 months ago
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[fyi they no interested in bugatti it think?] Hear me out : If Friede has a ship- he can make/buy a train. Amethio when he rids corvknight looks like he's riding a motor bike so yes. Spinel uhm- just he looks funny riding a tesla :) [this is according too my poor knowledge hehe}
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imnotbowl · 1 year ago
I finally thought about a cringe and nonsense backstory for Amethio
prepare yourself mentally and blame my mind if it's stupid
so. at primary school he was just an unlucky boy and Idk why but his hair was all silvery. everyone often forgot about him for some reason, but he found Charcadet and Rokidee and they were his only friends. :(
then when he was 13, his dad forgot to pick him from school (what a nice dad) and it was raining much so he got mad- also because Charcadet was with him and he was sick(?) because he's a fire type so we know. so he decided to try to go back home alone, (without umbrella) but he met Hamber who offered him to join their organization. Amethio accept because his life sucks and they go to the main base. Moral of the story Amethio dyes half of his hair because it looked better and suited Corvknight's color.
oh and there were some posters around the city for his disappearance.
Have you ever noticed how Amethio's hair reflects Skarmory's and Corvknight's colours? I see it as a very cute thing
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now I have to think about some connection between him and Terapagos because Terapagos seems very mad with him so bye.
anyway omg in 9 hours and 3 minutes is 2024
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skylertheminish · 1 year ago
Daft short story thing done for a laugh. Guess this is a misadventures of the smol knights or something (and I thought it was cute and wholesome)
Bath time!
"Who'd think Galar of all places could get so hot" I know Galar had its sub tropics but that was further south. Not in the Highlands! "I hate this heat".
"Ah wheesh wi' yer complaining" my colleague hissed. Equally fed up of my whinging as she was with the heat. " we were called to help the folk here with their research". It was a pleasant change for sure! Being called to help some scientists dig up some bones and artifacts instead of ... well other more grim jobs.
Still didn't make the heat any easier to deal with!
"I shall complain and to my heart's content if I so choose" I retorted jokingly. Truth is I was having a good time! Along with a change of scenery it was legitimately interesting to learn about how people and Pokemon lived way back when!
Speaking of Pokémon they seemed to be enjoying themselves. From just enjoying the uncharacteristically hot weather to helping us on the site. The team consisted of a mix of Pokémon from Excadrill, obviously to help with excavation amd moving rubble, to a selection of other ground and fighting types typically found in such projects. Machokes, Gurrdurr and so on. This time accompanied with my team.
Bandit the Gallade
Buddy the Bolthound
Cinderace and of course the two most helpful little knights.
After hours of digging it was finally lunch time. My colleague was quick off the mark to the kitchen. She must know something I didn't. One of the scientists tried to argue with her but soon learned she wasn't going to budge. " Know something I don't Kate?"
"Aye" she looked at me before glancing gesturing to the other with the ladel " and your stomach will thank me too! I've had her cooking before. It's diabolical"
Pulling up a seat I replied "come on it cannae be that bad. Can't be worse than mine".
Kate just looked at me "...think I'll go check on the Pokemon" and just as well as I caught sight of Ceruledge. She was absolutely caked in dirt! "Aye wee lass, come here! Bath time".
Hearing those two words would either be a blessing or a curse. She loved baths! But she equally liked to be .... Let's say difficult. Luckily she chose to come over beeping happily, giving a lovely muddy hug! "Argh! You just had to get me all dirty didn't you?" I teased, catching sight of her adopted brother jogging over "don't you worry you're getting washed too!".
Prepping a bowl of warm water and sponge. The small knight continued to get mud all over me while refusing to stay still. " Having a good time aren't ya? Awfully proud of what you've done aren't you?" My complaining was met with giggling as she squirmed and wriggled around. Splashing all who got close enough with warm soapy water. It was relief when she took interest in the sponge as it meant no more splashes of soapy water.
"And done! Off ya go and play now" I would soon regret saying this as she took off chirping happily with the sponge.
"you've unleashed a horror upon us" Kate tossed her two pence in. And right she was! For no one was safe. All were going to have a bath!
She ran up to Bandit who just looked at her getting soap all over him before running off to her next victim. "I've got ya bandit" a sigh escaping my lips as I walked over to rinse the soap off of him. This was my mess after all.
Ceruledge had set her sights on some of the scientists. Her cleaning them was met with mixed results, although most just seem to think it was cute.
Then she set her sights on me. And I was going to be a pest!
"I see you there! Looking at me. Is it my turn? My turn for a bath? Well then... You'll have to catch me first!" With a smile I took off with the small Ceruledge giving chase. "You shall never catch me! I shall remain dirty" I teased, searching for somewhere to hide. Once said hiding spot was found I hunkered down thinking this bush would be adequate, Not seeing that Armarouge was giving away my hiding spot.
Hearing her brother calling out. She ran as fast as she could to catch me. But I was too slippery! Managing to escape her and ran straight into Bandit who got hold of me. Unable to escape I met my soapy fate "Noooo! Curses! I've been caught".
"Better luck next time" Kate chuckled as she gave the curry a good stirring.
"Aye am gonna-pfft. Need it" I managed to spit out. Lifting the infant Ceruledge up after being freed from Bandit's grasp. " Happy now? Did you have fun?" She gave nothing but happy chirping and giggles, still trying her best to get soap all over me. " Sounds like you-pfftt! Peh! I do so like the taste of soap"
She just smiled, couldn't see it obviously but I could sense it. Clearly pleased with what she had done and honestly...
I wouldn't have her any other way.
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corviknight-appreciator · 2 years ago
I approve of your appreciation for corvknight. They are quite good I do agree
I'm glad you appreciate corviknight too.
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teecupangel · 2 years ago
What pokémon would the Isu have!
This is most certainly connected to our ongoing “Pokemon AU” where… we mostly just focused on Desmond’s Pokemon team because it’s clear who our favorite is. XD
So… this won’t be complete teams and I’m just going for the Pokemons I kinda know (disclaimer: I’ve only finished 1 Pokemon in my entire life: Red and I used to remember the Pokemon rap for Gen 1 but not anymore XD)
A few of these picks are from the Pokemon AU reblog thread with @thewolfprince
Also a few legendaries here because the Isus are an ancient powerful race and they’re self-centered and arrogant enough to have legendaries.
Let’s start with the Capitoline Triad we know:
Because they’re the main Isus we know from the Desmond saga games, they will have the first legendaries, the Kanto legendary birds. For Minerva: Articuno, mainly because of Articuno’s Galarian form becomes Psychic type (which can be a reference to how she used Ezio to contact Desmond)
Absol: @saberamane mentioned in our discussion of which Pokemon Desmond could have that Absol has the whole 'sensing disasters' thing and tries to warn people which Minerva did try to do by leaving a message to Desmond via Ezio.
Gothitelle because it can predict the future and, apparently, can see the lifeline of its trainer (more reference to Minerva’s part in Desmond's life)
From @zero-saito: Zygarde since they are observers of nature and calamity
One of Athena’s most known symbols is the shield so… maybe Zamazenta or, if you don’t want her to have another legendary, Shieldon
Noctowl: Another symbol usually associated with Athena is the owl
Legendary Kanto Bird: Zapdos, Tinia is also known as Jupiter and Zeus, so he gets the thunder type legendary bird.
Aegislash (Aegis is the name of Zeus’ shield BUT Aegis is also usually associated with Athena/Minerva as well but Minerva already has a lot of Pokemons so yeah. Aegislash can be either Minerva’s or Tinia’s)
These Pokemons are related to the animals Zeus turned himself into for… sexy times: Tauros (bull) and Swanna (swan)
Legendary Kanto Bird: Moltres because the Galarain form becomes Dark type which does have a Pokedex entry of “Victims become burned-out shadows of themselves.” which can be applied to Clay.
Quaquaval: Apparently peacock is a sacred animal of Hera
Okay, so these next ones are based on Juno and Aita’s Olympos Project so these Pokemons can be Juno’s and/or Aita’s:
Dusknoir (Cyclops)
Tangela (Gorgon)
Tauros??? (Minotaur)
Shinx… maayybbee??? (Sphinx)
Dugtrio or Dodrio (Cerberus… look, there’s no three-headed canine-like Pokemon XD)
Lycanroc (Midnight Form) or Lycanroc (Dusk Form) (Werewolf)
Machamp (Hekatonchires… it’s the closest I could find XD)
Any Pokemons belonging to Aita will also be Pokemons his Sages will have.
For the Valhalla Isus, I’m just gonna focus on Odin and Loki:
Legendary Beast: Raikou
Corvisquire for his ravens (evolves as a Corvknight when Eivor gets it)
Loki (Aletheia too for Fenrir, Midgarsormen and Hel):
Legendary Beast: Suicune
Rapidash (Sleipner)
Poochyena for baby Fenrir… keep him as Poochyena. Possible alternative: non-Midnight version of Lycanroc
Serperior or Seviper (Midgardsormen) or, if you want to go Legendary, Rayquaza
Froslass for Hel, as a reference to her ruling over Niflheim (also dual type ice and ghost - Hel rules over those who died of sickness or old age)
Sidenote: Tyr gets Entei
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evilrat-sabre · 2 years ago
Thinking about my old Hermitcraft Pokemon AU
Here is my list of the Hermits and some notes.
X - Human in a electvire costume Ex - Human in a magmortar costume Tango - Tiny ampharos Zedaph - Bronzong with ram horn things Impulse - Galvantula with a big i mark on his back Doc - Shiny cyborg Alakazam Ren - Stoutland Joe - Ditto Zombie Cleo - Hisuian Zoroark Stress - Hoopa Keralis - Expurr with a weird furr patch that looks like a open mounth Bdubs - Leavany with big bug eyes Hypno - Hypno (he likes his name) Iskall - Reuniclus with metal parts stuck in parts of his body Welsknight - Corvknight with the color pallete of a skarmory Helknight - Skarmory with the color pallete of a Corvknight Cubfan - Was a fearow is a Articuno now(convex) Scar - Was a vaporeon is a Suicune now(convex) Grian - Bombirdier (Is an menace) Mumbo - Spidopops  (Is an lesser menace) Ijevin - Shiny ditto (Cannot change forms like a normal ditto, just his silhouette) Pearl - Lunala TFC - Excadrill Etho - Zoroark(Knows the move teleport) Beef - Kleavor (Uses his bloodied apron, has the butcher look) XB - Inteleon (Sniper mf) Gemini tay - Sawsbuck False - Braviary (She can have a little of psychic power from her ancestry as treat)
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proudpokemonmama · 2 years ago
Kelly's Sinnoh Pokémon
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All of Kelly's pokémon on Sinnoh region.
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Levi, the lucario (male♂)
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Move set: Swords Dance, Meteor Mash, Close Combat, Bullet Punch, Aura Sphere, Detect, Double Team, Drain Punch, Bone Rush, Shadow Claw
Ability: Steadfast
Levi was a troublesome little riolu when he met Kelly, not that he was mean…
But his reckless and obsessive desire to find strong opponents got him into sticky and dangerous situations;
He constantly challenged some of Kelly's Pokémon to duels and was either ignored or humiliatingly defeated in one blow, but he was absurdly stubborn;
The first time Kelly saw the little riolu was when she visited her grandparents at the ranch in Turffield and saw the little pokémon trying to attack Rebeca a Tyranitar, who didn't even feel the attacks or felt the tickling of the attempts;
Kelly could feel his frustration and felt a little sorry, but then she saw the aura pokémon faint and the idol freaked out;
Quickly helping the pokémon and took it to the small house to give first aid;
Even though Kelly's mother was retired, she was able to examine the pokémon enough to ensure it wasn't serious and they could take the little one to the pokémon center;
Being advised by her mother, Kelly called for Nox the corvknight to take them to the pokémon center;
The pokémon received the proper treatment, it was a case of malnutrition because what the exams indicated was underweight due to not eating for days and anemia;
After waking up he still refused to eat, Kelly questioned why and received the answer that it would be a way of showing weakness and he didn't need to be pitied;
… That was the pokémon's response, but Kelly just thoutg it was a ridiculously irresponsible attitude;
Neglecting health to satisfy the ego… This made her extremely upset and this did not go unnoticed by riolu who felt a disturbance in the aura around him;
That Riolu froze upon seeing Kelly's serious and disapproving countenance, it looked like a mother silently scolding her children;
And well, the pokémon received a lecture for almost an hour and that was the scariest moment of his entire life;
After the scold, Kelly said that even if he continued to be a wild pokémon, he would be welcome to join the trainings along with her and her pokémon;
When he was a riolu, Levi was a small tsundere so he didn't appear for the first few days after he returned to the wild;
When Kelly and her mother were preparing to return to Motostoke, the little riolu appeared, challenging her to a battle;
It was a close contest, but Kelly emerged victorious and captured Riolu;
The pokémon received the name "Levi" and under the tutelage of Kelly and her most powerful pokémon, riolu became formidable until it evolved into a powerful lucario;
After evolving, Levi became one of Kelly's faithful "squires";
In competition he was one of Kelly's aces, but that was until he witnessed an event that left a lasting impression on him, not to say it was almost traumatic;
There was a time when Kelly was overwhelmed with all the commitments of being a singer, pop idol, influencer, and highly regarded Pokémon trainer;
Especially when all it takes is for idols to use a persona, be it something other than themselves;
She tried to ignore everything and pretend that everything was fine by pushing herself harder and harder, but it didn't last long when during an event in Sinnoh she simply fainted from so much stress;
Levi was the pokémon that was keeping her company and witnessing the one that helped him become strong succumb like that was terrifying;
After the incident, Levi himself decided to receive training to become of emotional support, making good use of his abilities to read auras;
Thus, Aura Pokémon can prevent Kelly from suffering burnouts, since the daily life of a pop idol can be tough and extremely exhausting, both physically and mentally;
Levi is still a relatively active pokémon in pokémon battle, but most of the time he continues to serve as an emotional support pokémon and watch over Kelly.
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Lancelot, the toxicroak (male♂)
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Move set: Swords Dance, Gunk Shot, Drain Punch, Sucker Punch, Low Kick, Earthquake, Thunder Punch, Venom Shock, X-Scissor, Poison Jab
Ability: Poison Touch
Lancelot was just a croagunk who was abandoned when he met Kelly was still on her journey days around Sinnoh;
The two met when he was just wandering the streets and looked out the window of a restaurant and saw trainers and pokémon interacting in such a happy way;
He used to live happily in this way with an old lady, but after her passing the children drove him out of the house to sell the land, and since then he has wandered about in various places;
Lonely and nobody willing to relate to him, somehow that hurt the poor guy even more;
Kelly was in that restaurant to enjoy some rest and having a good time with her pokémon before her next gym battle;
As expected of an empath, Kelly felt the croagank's negative emotions and as expected she couldn't stay silent;
Telling her pokémon to wait for her, she went outside the restaurant and caught the attention of the dual poison and fighting type pokémon that stared at her;
With a smile she introduced herself and struck up a conversation before inviting him to join her and her Pokémon for dinner;
She was aware that the pokémon would think she was doing this out of pity, but her sincerity warmed the pokémon's hurt and lonely heart;
Unfortunately, that happiness was short-lived, as the moment came when Kelly and her pokémon needed to return to their journey to the next city, so they paid for the meal and left the establishment;
The pokémon knew that he would be alone again and would never meet Kelly again;
But he was surprised when Kelly crouched down to be at the pokémon's height and said that she might not know what difficulties the pokémon has been through so far, but he wouldn't have to face alone any difficult times in the future;
She then took out a Friend Ball and asked if he wanted to continue his journey alongside her;
The pokémon immediately touched the pokéball activating the capture system and allowing itself to be caught;
The pokémon received the name “Lancelot”, inspired by a fairy tale story where the knight was an excellent person in combat and the right hand of the king;
Living up to his name, Lancelot is one of Kelly's most powerful fighting Pokémon and usually occupying one of the main team's positions such as Starry the deoxys when its trainer keeps a low profile about her rare or legendary Pokémon;
He's especially good at double battles when his ally in battle is Arthur the Haxorus or Lokine the buzzwole, Lancelot's trustfull buddies.
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Eris, the absol (female♀)
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Move set: Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Superpower, Play Rough, Pursuit, Psycho Cut, Perish Song, Mean Look, Psychic Terrain, Role Play
Ability: Super Luck
Kelly found Eris in her youth and during her journey when she passed through a village;
When she was passing by she heard an uproar as the villagers were holding some kind of protest against an absol that was causing trouble;
Upon hearing the name of the pokémon species, she remembered what her grandfather had said about how they were misjudged and blamed for the catastrophes when they tried to warn humans about;
She knew the story about the time her grandfather was on his journey and was saved by an absol who warned him of a flood when he stopped at a village to rest and restock supplies;
It was then that she heard a howl and was horrified to see a bound and gagged absol with multiple injuries;
Okay, she just didn't stay silent and called her partner Seiji the Samurott and joined the fight with her johtonian karate giving the group a beating;
Kelly quickly left the group of idiots aside and went to help the poor pokémon, freeing it from its restraints and giving first aid;
When that group of villagers tried to complain, they were soon silenced by the image of an angry Kelly appearing to be surrounded by a dark aura;
And well, none of them were spared and when she said none were none at all, not even the mayor escaped a good scold from Kelly;
Kelly then talked to the pokémon and asked if something was about to happen;
The pokémon hesitantly said that it saw a group of suspicious people mining in the area of the dam that diverted the course of the river and that the dam had been damaged so as soon as a storm came a large scale flood would devastate the village;
The mayor was impressed to see Kelly's ability to understand pokémon;
There have been times that he heard about people who could understand pokémon and how to communicate as if they talked as humans, but never imagined that he would witness something like that;
He quickly organized a party to investigate the dam and everything the pokémon said was true;
There were mining tracks and traces of pokémon moves in the main structure of the dam that would undoubtedly collapse in the first storm;
The mayor then apologized to Kelly who simply mocked saying that they shouldn't apologize to her but to absol who was wronged;
Having no mercy she attacked them verbally saying that judging a pokémon without knowing it only showed how ugly and rotten their personalities were and that made them horribly petty people;
If they judged a pokémon that was trying to warn them of danger and even risking its life to protect them only to be wronged, what would they do if it was a person?
Every living being deserves respect and everyone should know them before simply judging;
Kelly was taught to respect the eldery and those more experienced, but only when they deserved it;
And if so, they totally deserved to be destroyed just as the way she was doing;
Leaving that aside, she offered her help in order to repair the dam, after all she was not heartless in ignoring that it could cost innocent lives;
After a few days, everything was properly fixed and Kelly would continue her journey;
But not before absol asked to go along, after all even with the problem solved the pokémon no longer felt comfortable living in the village;
Kelly, even though she was not a Pokemon therapist or doctor, knew that all that was traumatizing for her and welcomed her into her team;
Her name came from a manga character with which the protagonist named "Eris" was a kind hearted person, but she was constantly misunderstood until she met her pokémon partner who was an absol.
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theelf-online · 2 years ago
My top 3 Pokémon!! Lampent, Corvknight, and Coalossal!! Also known as my favorite members of my Shield team, Pyrex™️, Johanna, and Basalt!
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Open tag anyone free to do this!
screw it, i’m starting a pokeganda picrew game!!
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use this picrew to make your pokemon as humans!! i made my top 3 favorite pokemon: chimchar, munna, and pikachu!!
feel free to ignore the tag if u dont do these :)
@baby-pokeganda @terrakionn @oshawottpropaganda @oshawottpropaganda @piplup--propaganda @budew-propaganda @shiny-pokeganda @rotom-pokeganda @electric-type-propaganda @carnivora-pokeganda @pokebro-pokeganda @bunny-pokeganda @galarian-ponyta-propaganda @pokeganda-propaganda @sawsbuck-pokeganda @fox-pokeganda @normal-propaganda @zolty-pokeganda @turtle-pokeganda @johto-pokeganda @marill-pokeganda @blissey-pokeganda @fighting-pokeganda @kirlia-pokeganda @flower-pokemon-propaganda @all-pokemon-propaganda @meowthandpersianpropaganda @starters-propaganda @gliscor-propaganda @glameow-pr0paganda @charmander-propaganda @grookey-propaganda @scorbunny-propaganda @donphan-agenda @charjabug-official @zubat-propaganda @ninetales-propaganda @luxray-propaganda @luxray-propoganda @porygon-ppreciation @porygonpropaganda @kangaskhan-appreciation @minccinoappreciation @intelleonappreciation @victini-appreciation @timburr-appreciation @manaphy-propaganda @serperior-propaganda @chesnaughtappreciation @whimsicott-propaganda oops max amount of tags!! ok thats it i guess
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ghoulsister1 · 3 years ago
⚔Marty The Corvknight Has A Message For You⚔
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His Message:
"Remember to take care of yourself, no matter what. Drink plenty of water especially since its Summer. Also treat yourself tonight. Order some pizza, get a milkshake and relax. Maybe catch up on a series you love watching or even do a rewatch of a series you love. Take care!"
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ladyowltonspokemon · 3 years ago
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satoshi-in-gotham · 24 days ago
"She's so pretty!! Like a mini corvknight! Even the name fits her." Satoshi exclaims excited, still looking at Polaris before nodding in confirmation to Danny's word, a thoughtful look appearing on his face. "That's very interesting. Our world works the same way considering wild pokemons fight to survive and depending on the species we sometimes eat pokemon too." He says excited, making some gestures with his hand while at it.
- @danny-nightingale
Heeeyy Danny..... I'm not in trouble am i..? Did i do something wrong that i am not aware of,,?
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nerochan95 · 6 years ago
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So, that Pokemon Direct was great right?!
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stellar-chrondrite · 5 years ago
Late night post. I badly want to construct Galar teams for YGO characters.
Yugi / Yami with Hatterene? Kaiba with Duraludon? Bakura with Grimmsnarl?!
Yeah ... I think after I’m done with a few more Shiny Hunts I’ll be searching these Pokémon out and building teams. I’ve never had stronger YGO vibes from a Pokémon game than Sword and Shield.
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