crqstalite · 4 years
Little Something. [Koth Vortena/F!Sith Inquisitor]
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Based on Koth's idle dialogue - 'Got a little something on your...there you go'.
Set Post Knights of the Fallen Empire, Pre-Knights of the Eternal Throne.
Oh what had she done to deserve this? A beautiful evening out, little to no threats to speak of...it seemed that things were finally turning up for the young Sith -- or Commander, as most addressed her these days.
Yes, they were in the middle of what seemed like a never-ending war against a galactic superpower. Yes, there was a new problem every damn day. Yes, the star fortresses would need to be dealt with at some point. Yes, her family and more importantly, her father was still missing and assumed dead. Yes, Senya and Arcann were out there somewhere after her failed murder attempt. Yes, the Gravestone was still under heavy repairs and wouldn't be ready for weeks more. And yes, SCORPIO and Vaylin were still very much at large and probably planning her demise from their fancy little Spire.
She hated SCORPIO with a passion. Arcann would always top that list, but SCORPIO was a close third after Vaylin.
But today was not a day to reflect back on their failures, on what was wrong. Today was a day to celebrate. And celebrate the Alliance would. Arcann was off the throne, and the Alliance was growing larger by the day with new recruits from across the galaxy. She may not have been the most perfect commander in the galaxy, Sith rarely were, but she was passable. She wasn't dead yet, which was a plus by itself. Odessen has finally hit it's summer cycle, just in time for their little party. The evening on Odessen was just beautiful, the day beginning to end but the party just starting. The valley is painted in colors of gold and pink with the lights sending shadows every which way. For now, she's not afraid of them.
Well, nothing with the Alliance was ever little. It had become such a widely anticipated and attended party that she and Lana had to move it down into the wilds below the main base to keep things from getting too out of hand. Corsha is very happy that after her little debacle with Valkorion, they'd sent a team down to clear out the forest from the little beasts that seemed to have a taste for flesh. It was very satisfying to watch as they were essentially exterminated, and she figures HK would've had a field day. There was no trace of Satele and Marr though, to Theron, Lana and her disappointment. She was beginning to think she may have imagined the whole thing, seventy-two hours of pure hallucinations as Valkorion played games with her mind. Wouldn't put it past him.
But now, they had a beautiful valley to be in tonight. All that was well would end well.
She just barely avoids getting knocked into by a Mandalorian, who ignores her for the most part and continues arguing with another of his brothers or sisters. She chuckles, today wasn't a day to be upset about the little things. Getting here in the first place was the good part. Senya wasn't here to sing for them like she'd promised, but there were plenty willing to take her place. It wasn't a particularly formal event, which is why their most recent and more violent...excitable allies were still in their armor -- beskar'gam according to Torian -- but some others had taken the opportunity to dress up a bit. She herself, itching to get back into her formal clothes had swiped at the chance, managing to find a dress somewhat like her favorite one that was surely still in her apartment on Dromound Kaas. A beautiful dress that hugged her hips, a dark red bodice with lacy sleeves up to her elbows, and a small slit that only ran about a third of the way up her thigh. She'd had to go for a style that cut off just below her knees, just in case a beast just managed to breach their little sanctuary, which was rather sad, she always adored trains. Her mother's planned wedding dress had one that was beautiful and lacy, which she hopes she'll wear one day.
Her face heats as she thinks of the man she hopes has to wait to see her in it.
She walks a tad faster to find the rest of the inner circle of the Alliance. In a small overhang decorated with string lights further away from the action, she finds that Theron hasn't forgone his red leather jacket, but has changed into clothes that aren't ripped or stained with blood. A little dressier, she'll give him that. He still wears his blasters, maybe expecting trouble, but the ever present datapad isn't anywhere to be found. Hopefully confiscated by Lana, who stands nearby and is surely joking with him, a rare smile on her red-painted lips. Her outfit has also been forgone for the most part, instead choosing a lightly armored forest green set.  Green had always been her color, the shade one would compare to the grass at night, striking against her pale skin. Her blonde hair had been pulled up into a ponytail at the base of her neck. She says something else that makes Theron roll his eyes, though a smile becomes evident.
They've relaxed into their roles well, her right hand man and woman. She wonders how the Empire and Republic have been able to get on without them, she surely wouldn't have won as many battles without Lana's battle prowess and Theron's admirable ability to retrieve intel as fast as he does, "Commander. Surely you're enjoying the festivities?" Lana asks, a smile in her voice as she turns from the disgruntled ex-SIS agent.
"Of course, you did well, Lana. I couldn't have done this on my own," She responds, praise evident and mirroring her smile. It's genuine, the aesthetic is beautiful and the mood is high. Lana is extremely talented, and she's very lucky to have her by her side (and not on the opposite faction), "Thank you for all the work you put in."
"It's nice to be appreciated. Thank you, Commander." She nods in acknowledgement, before doing a once over. Her expression changes into one of curiosity, "Were you expecting us all to dress as you have? I apologize for the lack of dress code."
Corsha laughs as she sees the Sith dart her eyes to the armored men and woman nearby, "No, I simply enjoy the finer things in life. Arcann hasn't exactly allowed me much time to wear things like this, so I'm taking advantage of the lull in activity. Maybe one day I can get back to being myself, but for now I'll take the small victories."
"I'm sure there's someone who appreciates it more than we do." Theron says, rather matter of fact as Corsha waves him off. She knows exactly what he means, and when her gaze leaves his, he chuckles quietly, "I don't know where he is."
"You could at least say I look nice before you tease, Theron," She rolls her eyes, feigning offense, and though he gives her the universal 'alright I'm done' gesture with his hands, the mischief twinkling in his eyes gives him away entirely. She doesn't know when he became such a joker, or why. He's enjoying this a little too much, but she lets it slide -- he isn't working for once. And, who knew he had a sense of humor anyway, "So rude. They were right when they said chivalry was dead in the Republic."
"Hey, don't have to bring factions into it, this is an Alliance," He says defensively, before leaning over to Lana as if Corsha's forgotten he's there, "Do they actually say that?"
Lana stifles a laugh herself, "Always. It's a popular saying, mostly among young women describing agents like yourself."
"Whatever they say, Hylo did amazing at bringing in the food," A shiver runs up her spine as she turns to the arrival of the final member of their original quartet. Koth has his dreadlocks tied up, a nice look that makes her blush a bit. His jacket isn't absent, but he's instead left it open, a black shirt and darker blue pants underneath it. His goggles are gone from their typical place on his head. Maybe he doesn't immediately see her, but when his dark eyes do land on her, they widen in a way she hasn't seen out of him before, and sets something ablaze within her, "Whoa, if I'd known there was a dress code --"
"There isn't. Corsha has simply decided to impress us all," Lana answers for her, and Corsha is sure that she's turning the same color as her lipstick, "Rather nice, don't you believe?"
"Yeah, definitely," The answer is clipped, but it's clear he doesn't mean it that way. There's so much hidden beneath that one sentence that she isn't immediately able to say anything else. Out of earshot of anyone else, she'd probably get his real opinion, anything else he wanted to say to her. Koth had admitted over and over again he was horrible with words, which she didn't believe, and was even less likely to say much else in front of anyone else. Unfortunately Theron and Lana had very quickly realized their relationship had grown serious after the interaction days ago when they'd gotten back from Arcann's flagship (so maybe she had launched herself into his arms and had kissed him hard, completely high on adrenaline and forgetting there was anyone else present, but that was no one's business but her own) Lana had apparently suspected since Asylum-- and the pair acted accordingly. Like small children, of course. The teasing was well-hidden and far and few in between even before then when they were with the rest of the Alliance, at the very least, but it still annoyed her to no end when they'd gotten less subtle about it in the days past. One of them had better catch someone's eye soon, just so she can turn their actions on them and force feed them their own medicine, "Hylo's got a cake. Don't know where she got it from, but if you don't get any now, chances are you won't at all. Jeez, those Mandos have torn through Hylo's poor buffet."
"Considerate of you, Koth. You didn't just eat it all yourself first?" Lana teases. She really does want to ask what happened before her release from carbonite, as there are so many inside jokes the two have. Or whatever happened to the pair that made Lana faux paranoid about him literally eating everything. Surely a situation like the one on Zakuul, when the infamous three minutes phrase had been banned from any com channel while they were on missions.
"Hey, I'm not that big of a douche," He responds, a grin on his face. He's not offended, and Corsha doesn't understand why. Personally, she would be. Theron gives her a knowing look, as if he's just as confused. Lana nudges him gently a moment later, barely noticeable if you weren't paying attention, and starts off toward the rest of the congregation of the Alliance. Theron hesitates for a moment, before maybe picking up on what she was doing and follows after in a brisk pace.
"You said there was cake?" Corsha turns to him, brushing a curl behind her ear, "Hylo mentioned managing a few treats for the Alliance, but I wasn't expecting one."
"It's been a while since I've had cake instead of field rations," Koth responds, scratching the back of his neck before holding out the napkin covered package he had, "Brought you a slice."
"I thought you said there still was some left? I could've gotten my own." Corsha says, though gratefully takes the cake. It looks so sweet, like something she would've enjoyed immensely as a child. Her sweet tooth couldn't be denied, even in a moment like this, "Did Hylo say what it was?"
"Cake?" He shrugs, "Anybody's guess what flavor, don't think we can really afford to be picky, yeah?"
"I can afford to be picky if I wish, Vortena, not to mention the influx of credits we've received lately has been very helpful with getting supplies in. We've got escrow for once," She responds, a chuckle on her voice as he grins sheepishly. The cake is terribly sweet after she takes a bite, even enough that she has to keep from balking at it. It's some sort of fruit, not one she can name off the top of her head, but it's good. She'd have to go back for another piece, or see if they can get it more regularly.
"Cor," Koth catches her attention again after she's finished, and she turns to him, confused, "Got a little something." He says, lifting his hand to his cheek, surely to mirror where the offending crumb of cake was. She brushes just about everywhere near that spot, getting more and more frustrated as time passed, and he eventually gives up, growing closer and wiping it off himself. Her heart pounds, even though he doesn't linger long, "There."
"Thanks," She nearly squeaks, and he drops his hands to his side. They sit in an uncomfortable silence for a moment, though they watch as the party rages around them in a quiet roar. She smooths her skirt out after she finishes with the cake, careful not to get a trace of it on the immaculate crimson skirt. It hasn't been particularly long since they'd become a lot (a lot was saying a lot, more that just Lana and Theron could put their assumptions to rest and Torian, Major Jorgan, Gault and Vette knew now) more public with their relationship, if not also more comfortable with the idea of one (Koth had become her very first boyfriend, and she was sure that with as nervous as he was, that she was probably the only one who stuck around this long or had gotten this personal), yet she still fumbled in these situations. She wasn't extremely suave, and her social meter was very easy to deplete . Skytroopers didn't try to find out more about you or take you places they thought you'd like, all they did was chase after you and shoot at point blank range.
Boys weren't like that, unfortunately. Well, according to every holonovel she'd ever read on the subject, they weren't supposed to be. At least Koth liked the silence sometimes. He had a lot to say when he did get really fired up about things, but most of it didn't require a response from her. She could sit in the co-pilot's chair of the Gravestone and just listen.
Still, it was odd trying to be more than just friends. They'd kissed a few times, she'd nearly died in his arms, but there was something different about it now. Like there were expectations to how she should've been acting once they unofficially put the titles of boyfriend and girlfriend on each other, but this time there wasn't anyone to ask for help going forward. This wasn't a battlefield with clearly labelled maps and tactics. This was a new experience entirely, and she felt so horribly lost.
Well, there was, but not anyone she'd want to get help from.
"You do look...really nice, Corsha," He says, quiet enough that she has to strain to hear him, "Real pretty."
"Thank you, Koth," She plays with the lace on the sleeves, but makes the effort to make eye contact with him. And regrets it nearly immediately. Stars, who had the audacity to let his eyes be this pretty in the setting sun? Or make him this pretty to begin with? The way he looks at her...it makes her feel more safe than anything else, more loved than anyone else, "You clean up well."
"Good to hear it," He answers, his expression softening considerably.
She turns his own tactics on him, "You've got a little bit of cake...there." She states, moving her hand to where it would be on her own face, an invisible crumb on his jaw. He raises an eyebrow, surprised maybe as goes to wipe it off. Again, and again and just once more on the other side before he sighs in defeat.
"You've got me, blasted cake is staying there for all the trouble it's worth." He shakes his head, just before she grows closer and after a moment of hesitation, presses a kiss to his jaw. He's a lot taller than she is (there's over a decade separating them, but unfortunately Corsha wouldn't ever be as tall as either of her parents, or her boyfriend), but she's glad she doesn't lose her balance as she stands on her toes to reach. He stiffens, surprise evident in his expression as she steps back. She considers saying something, but decides against it.
"I'm sure someone needs me somewhere, seems that's all there is to life these days," She says, playing with the curls that barely graze her shoulders. Great, now she's hot and she can feel sweat beading at the top of her forehead. Where did all that confidence go, staring down Arcann for the second time only a few weeks ago? How she feared a man's reaction versus her own death would be lost to her.
"And if that's me?" Koth asks her, gently pulling her further into the alcove by the wrist, "You know I'm not good with words, but I'd be lying if I said I wanted to spend the rest of the party with anyone else."
"Not a fan of the noise?" She asks, still completely aware of him loosely holding her wrist. In his hands, she figures it must be rather thin. SCORPIO had a larger body than she did, the skinny girl who'd never really grown into her armor. Gah, it was always so easy to find her own flaws with him. She might've been the Commander of the Eternal Alliance, but it didn't immediately mean that she deserved him, "There are plenty of places to relax at further away from anything else."
"Do you really have anywhere else to be?" The world fades around her, pushed out of view of the rest of the party goers she's sure, "Because if you're going to pull something like that, you might as well do it right."
Do what right? She wasn't about to waste any cake on him, she might be head over heels but to waste such a treat on him? She hadn't lost her mind yet, to Valkorion, love or otherwise.
He fills in that blank for her, gently growing closer and tilting her chin up. It isn't forceful, not nearly as passionate as the last one, but still undeniably sweet. She leans into the touch, resting her hands on his chest, his arms resting around her waist. That sweet taste is back on his lips, but it is so very desired this time. She wouldn't go as far as to say all that cliche stuff she'd read about in the holonovels, but a shiver runs up her spine when he pulls away.
Okay, she'll say one cliche. She desperately wants to get lost in those eyes.
And, she wouldn't mind him holding her like this a lot more often.
"Beginning to think maybe we need cake more often," He says, mischief in his voice as she leans her head against his chest for just a moment. Her heart is beating in tandem with his, and for someone that makes her want to take him so far away from here, "What do you think?"
She nods, grinning as she looks up at him. She tries something new, the word playing with her mind before she says it, "I'd second that, love."
His smile only grows, and it's the first time she's ever called him by the term of endearment. He presses another kiss to her forehead, and she laughs quietly, lifting her head to kiss him again. Stars, maybe inviting him to live with her in her apartment wouldn't be so bad after all.
He stills a moment later, mouth still open to say something else, a concerned look on his face, "What? Is there something wrong?" She asks, more curious than worried, but Koth usually had a good reaction time that she trusted.
"Don't look now," Koth shakes his head, a groan sounding. Not particularly caring, she turns over her shoulder anyways. It isn't immediately obvious what has him so worried, so she's about to go back and say it really was nothing until she spots Lana in the crowd. Talking with Gault, yes, but every once and a while her golden eyes dart back to them. She scans routinely for Theron, who's hidden better and is leaning against the table that used to be laden with food, but still a smirk on his face. Either he's planning on bothering her again later, or he's started a bet with Lana. She didn't have much hope on it not being the latter.
She gives a disappointed look to Koth that's mixed with annoyance, "Beginning to also think we need to find more hiding spots on base before Lana never lets us live this down."
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crqstalite · 5 years
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The Sith from the Outlands. The Pilot from Zakuul.
“I didn’t run all the way back here to watch you die.” “I wouldn’t disappoint you with a sad ending.” - “I know you can take care of yourself, but back on Asylum, I was sure we were going to lose you” “I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere.”
Corsha Revel Kallig + Koth Vortena. 21 ATC. -WHAT WE LOST IN THE FIRE. (COMING SOON.) [shameless - camila cabello]
fandom, make more content for koth. please. i love this idiot now. what we lost in the fire should be going up soon :)
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crqstalite · 5 years
OTP Meme
Tagged by @cavalier-life​ !
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height difference | mutual pining | first kiss | first love | wedding | in-jokes | lgbt+  | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing worldviews | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kids  | want kids | grow old together | relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date | share a jacket | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies | cooking for each other | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike/speeder rides | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts
tagging: @abbienormal​ , @a-muirehen​, @drthrvn​, @actualanxiousswampwitch​
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crqstalite · 5 years
Alone Together [Female SI/Koth Vortena]
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mentions of chapter viii: taking flight of kotfe. mentions of stab wounds. possible trigger warning for blood and things of that nature.
Destiny is a very fickle thing, Koth Vortena discovers as he and HK finish off the last of skytroopers and Knights that had invaded their small holdout on Asylum. Some people believed that they existed outside of it's will, yet most of the time it reared it's ugly head in just the way they didn't want in the end. Destiny would be there, waiting for them if they really wanted to push it off for as long as they could. Lana could say all she wanted, but he would believe it until the end of his days. As long as the job got done, right?
Yet, sometimes there really were people that existed outside of fate's will.
The Sith 'Outlander' that they'd picked up a few months ago happened to be one of these. She didn't put it down, per se (that already put her a bit higher in his opinions than Lana already), but instead took it in stride, making her own verses to the songs that destiny had already written for her. There was nothing that she saw as off-limits, even going far enough to be the reason they found the Gravestone in the first place, all with a grin on her face. There was still so much she didn't understand about Zakuul, about everything. The questions she had were rudimentary at times, yet only curiousity remained instead of frustration when things couldn't be done the way she was used to. She didn't see herself above Zakuul, she saw it as a new world, a new culture. She was quite confused about the nature of most things, including even wiring electricity within the Gravestone (Koth had seen that as a rather basic thing, he couldn't figure why she wouldn't know how to even do that).
Yet she still went on about her business, the little things changing in her wake. He knew who they had spent all these years trying to save.
The woman could shoot lightning from her fingertips. Forget needing to wire anything properly or right for that matter, just a jolt of electricity emitted from her was enough to give him sufficient light to go about his repairs. Probably enough to power the ship for a period of time while she was at it.
It was...fascinating. Amazing even. Yes, Valkorion had been able to do the same at a much higher capacity, and Vaylin was proficient in it to the point of being the High Justice within Zakuulan society, but it was riveting to watch it so up close. It crackled louder than he'd expected, startling him the first time she'd done it. Yet she was unbothered, as if it was a normalcy in her part of the galaxy not simply limited to those at the top of her society. He'd bid her a nervous goodbye once she left, her hair fuzzing up at the ends but otherwise entirely fine.
His focus changed from saving the Outlander from her tomb to wanting to learn everything about the famed Outlander within the first couple of weeks. Or Corsha, as he learned she preferred instead of the title bestowed upon her by Arcann all those years ago. It was a name he'd never heard before anywhere in his home, but it was...nice he supposed. If names could be nice that was.
She was different. Not a bad different, of course. Just a very unexpected kind of different. He would've expected some barbarian to pop out of carbonite with a vibrorapier by the way Lana spoke of her offhandedly (headstrong, easy to anger, constantly on the move and rather ruthless), but with the proper context in place now, Corsha was all of those things. Lana had simply forgotten to note her humor, her quiet thinking, her little tics that made her...her, and how soft she could be, how patient she really was. The way she smiled, the way she laughed, the way she reasoned with just about everyone, forgetting entirely about her prejudice against Zakuul and it's people. The way she complimented his piloting skills and his ability to repair even the most basic of machines with those wide amber eyes. Sure, she was absolutely ruthless on skytroopers and Knights and whatever came her way in the Zakuulan swamps, but she had mercy on those who begged for it, those she deemed worthy. She was eager to learn the ins and outs of slicing, yet headstrong and stubborn while she was at it. Seeing someone who used lightning on the daily get electrified by a rogue fuse was worth concern, yet all she could do was pout with her arms crossed in a corner as Koth asked Lana whether she'd be okay. The only thing his friend had done was laugh herself and respond that the woman would be just fine, if not a little peeved for the rest of the day. Confused, he hadn't bothered to talk to her about it, yet she only brushed her hair out and continued working in slight annoyance. If he'd been electrocuted like that, surely he would've died then and there, destiny forgotten.
And there she was.
That wasn't the only odd experience they'd had in the six months they'd hidden out on Zakuul, but it was one of the most memorable and the first time that Koth had seen a different side of her. She'd at first been cold, and Koth had his doubts about being behind an Outlander who wanted to see Arcann die. She was angry, nearly inconsolable for the first few weeks after they'd found the Gravestone, after they'd found her. Anything that stood in her way would be cut down violently with a red lightsaber the color of blood. He was entirely ready to give up and hide in Breaktown if this didn't work out, whatever Lana said. He'd protect Zakuul first, and leaving her as it's sole defender or as who was supposed to take the throne somewhere down the road in her current state did not seem like a very good idea. It was safe to say that in that moment, he lost a little bit of that hope.
Then, he'd realized just how vulnerable she could be when he found her up in the middle of the night, datapad in hand with her feet up on the dashboard of the Gravestone in the cockpit. She'd been surely reading something, though frustrated with the tablet itself as he could hear her swear under her breath, possibly louder than she'd intended. At first she'd thought he was an intruder, as he'd flicked the lights on without a word and she'd gone for his throat with the Force. Thankfully the pain hadn't lasted long, once she realized it was him and immediately putting him down and leaping from her seat, the datapad clattering to the ground. The look of horror in her red-rimmed eyes would be one he'd never forget as she apologized again and again, a gentle touch on his jaw as he rubbed his neck in surprise. That had never happened to him before that day, but the way her golden eyes looked him over for injury first made him selfishly think he should surprise her a little more often, or at least startle her when she didn't expect it.
He'd shoved that thought away in the deepest corner of his mind, a little too much for him to deal with right then. This was their Outlander, not some woman he'd met in a market. She was probably someone who could kill him if he spoke wrong. His life probably would be in actual danger if he made this a habit. She'd sternly asked him why he was up so late after helping him up, wandering around the Gravestone like a lost ghost or Force spirit. He'd asked her the exact same thing a moment later. He didn't get an answer, not one he easily understood at least.
She'd been crying all by herself, in the cockpit no less, for some reason. He never did figure out why.
In the morning, he'd asked Lana just how old their famed Outlander was over breakfast. Lana had nonchalantly answered she had only been twenty three when she was put into carbonite -- nearly twenty four as if it were no big deal at all. Technically she was twenty eight, adding those five years of surely nothingness that had been hell on the galaxy, but with the mind of someone who was still just barely an adult, someone who missing a chunk of their life. It was enough to make Koth uneasy, knowing that their new savior was barely of legal age to drink on Zakuul (Lana had also mentioned rules were different in the Outlands and people tended to ignore them) -- much less lead an Empire. Not that she wasn't capable, of all the things she'd admitted to doing before Zakuul she was clearly some sort of highly powered individual. The way she'd dealt with the Knights alone, and had stood up to Heskal and his Scions recently in their adventures together definitely didn't make him see her as weak. The Order had never stood a chance either, as she finished them off in Breaktown, leaving not a single living soul in her wake.
Still, compared to Lana's thirty or his thirty-five, she was young. Very young.
Wouldn't mean he didn't respect her just because she was a decade younger than him. Just meant he had to be careful. Not that he wasn't, but that she had a patchwork of knowledge. She'd even admitted that it was anyone's guess on what she knew. Lightsaber techniques, yes. She could run circles around him when they trained together. Basic cooking, well apparently that wasn't taught as much at her Sith Academy or whatever.
He learned she was very much a cuddly kind of person about a month into their little excursion. Not a trait that she would admit it out loud, but whenever she'd work with anyone, Lana or him, there was always some element of touch. A gentle brush on their shoulder, a high five or two after a job well done. She'd even managed to get a hug out of Lana while they were still on a battle high, something Koth couldn't even imagine doing knowing the woman for as long as he had. He figured after so many years (that she was somewhat conscious for, as he learned) that all she could want would to be with someone else. She'd essentially been alone for as long as she could remember after Darth Marr's flagship had been brought down by Zakuul, no wonder she was so upset.
Then every single flirty line she'd dropped before they'd arrived on Asylum and even after. It seemed so natural for her, and it extended far past just normal concern for him. It wasn't shown to Senya or Lana, surely because she saw them differently than how she saw him. That was an issue he didn't talk about with Lana, in general concern for how the Sith would see him if she knew he was receptive to someone so much younger than the both of them. He did have morals, as unbelievable as that surely was to someone of her caliber. She was pretty, very pretty, and so much different from what he knew, it was impossible not to be attracted to her.
What if she had someone back home waiting for her, hoping she was still alive, concerned for her fate? He could only imagine what hunk of a man or beauty of a woman was pining after their long-assumed dead wife or girlfriend.
Sliding a hand down over his warming face, he sighs and adjusts his grip on his rifle as he peeks out from his cover spot, scanning the area for any further resistance from the landing party. Maybe he was overthinking this. These weren't things he should be concerned about, really.
He was definitely overthinking this. There were more important things to worry about than the touch starved woman from the Outlands. Like...oh he didn't know, the fact he'd nearly died at least three times today if not more. Who was counting, anyway?
Actually, he probably should be more worried about her, if anything. It had been a while since he'd seen her, and he wasn't sure how long it took to flip a few switches. Lana's com call had come in a while ago, so the docking system was down. He's getting a tad antsy, especially after HK had left to go and collect her so they could haul jets and get out of here, he figures that the situation as a whole warrants some concern. He'd been to Asylum plenty of times in the past, but he can't figure who might've been giving her a hard time.
He decides to follow her up. Technically he was supposed to hold position here, at least until she came back so that they could get back to the Gravestone together, no man left behind as Lana had advised with a stern tone, her eyes on him and Senya specifically. His heart rate picks up as his gaze darts to where he'd seen her last, had she been hurt? Who could be up there was anybody's guess, but something in his gut makes him abandon his post and hit the elevator's up button with more force that really necessary. Whatever he finds, he hopes it's not a dead body.
"My mother died from someone who was too crazed with the idea of power, Koth. If you think I'm going the same way, especially to someone not even that many years older than me, I suggest you get your head on straight." She'd once sarcastically told him, before slicing off at least four inches worth of hair off her head with a knife she'd found somewhere. Meeting his eyes as she brushes back what little is left on her head, she gives him what he's sure is supposed to a reassuring smile as she re sheathes the decorative knife on her hip, "I'm Sith, not a pushover, not to mention I'm your Outlander. Destiny said I'd save the galaxy, right? Don't worry about me, okay?"
A chill runs down his spine as he hears the telltale sound of a lightsaber clashing with something else, two in fact as he hurries down the hall just after the elevator docks with a shudder of duracrete against duracrete. His mind wanders to the darkest corners of his mind, afraid Corsha has done something horrid -- turned on them all or worse ending it all here with still so much of her young life to live. He doesn't hear HK's signature blaster rifle firing either, and trying his com, all he receives is little more than static. He can only imagine what lies she'd told them, to get them to believe in her. Why it was so easy to turn to what he shouldn't have been believing, he didn't know. Koth had no reason to doubt her, she'd give up her life to save both him and Lana more times than he could count. Nothing made him think that this would be the end of the line except pure unadulterated fear and adrenaline running through his veins.
A girl may have lost her life, and here he was assuming the worst. He shakes his head, pouring on the speed.
Just as he skids to the door, he catches a glimpse of both her crimson red saber and the ominous gold of Arcann's. Why the Emperor was here, stars he didn't know but he knows that she's fighting a losing battle. Lightning crackles at her fingertips again, but the man dodges with practiced ease before throwing her backwards with an unseen force. HK's smoldering corpse is by her feet as she hits the guardrail, still holding up her saber in defiance. Her scream is ear-shattering as she spins and even throws out a kick here and there, an attempt to knock him off his feet. She's wild, a hurricane of emotion, of speed as she fights for her life. She's powerful, and even he has to go on the defensive to keep her from getting a hit in. Her raw strength is best observed in awe from the sidelines, yet there she goes again, the sound of plasma hitting plasma loud in his ears as they duel. His first thought is to try and snipe Arcann from this distance, maybe just to get him off her case so they can get out of here.
Her gold eyes bore into him, a warm hand over where the skytrooper had gotten him on his face, a skid mark nearly with their blaster. The bloody mark had been dribbling down his face for hours now, dried once they'd returned to the Gravestone. It was painful, not just getting shot, but also whatever she'd done to close up the wound as it feels like being ripped in two and then put back together again. Gritting his teeth, he manages to sit through it until she's through. Relief was instantaneous as soon as she was done though. Odd, but welcome as he makes to touch it, figure if it's actually closed up or just a need trick of hers, but her gentle touch lingered as she brushed her thumb over his jaw, stilling his hand by his side.
She's quiet. Maybe she's forgotten why she's here, but Corsha doesn't say a word. Neither does he. Her scars are deep all over her face, a burn mark now evident near her right eye. Her hand moves to brush over other old scars on his face, and the faraway look in her eyes make him think she's trying to puzzle piece him together -- that she's not all there in the moment. Maybe his confusion is evident because then he can't help himself to ask, moving his hand to graze her's, "Did you just heal me?"
It breaks her spell as she regains her voice, standing from her bent over position and pulling her hand away immediately. Looking away from him, she crosses her arms with a look of near distaste, though there's an element of concern in her voice "I did. I apologize if I hurt you, but that is Sith healing for you. Get used to it."
"Yeah, thanks." He responds. He's sure she hasn't heard him as he picks himself up as she moves to help Lana, kneeling down to do the same to the blonde woman, surely. The cut had healed up, as if it were never there. There's no scar to be felt, nothing there to make him think he'd been shot in the first place as he runs a finger over where her warm hand had just been. Corsha was all that was beautiful in nature. She was a miracle.
And a tad terrifying if he was being honest.
A shout catches in his throat as Arcann yanks her forward, and she shrieks as he stabs her through with his lightsaber. Time stops in that moment, mission forgotten as all he can see is the woman fall to the ground in a heap, a hand going for her side. Arcann stands over her as she struggles to pick herself up again, falling flat on her front as he arm goes out from underneath her.
He's frozen. This was the same woman who'd just been joking with him earlier in the day, making plans for what she'd do when she got back to the Core Worlds. The smile that had lit a fire inside him, how she'd playfully taken his goggles before returning them to him with a good natured chuckle.
And yet here she was, at the mercy of the blasted Emperor as she bleeds out on the ground, a hand clutched over her side as she keeps him at bay with an outstretched hand and her Force abilities. Arcann doesn't realize he's here yet, and he can't just turn and run as much as he desperately wants to. Blazes he might be next if he doesn't get out of here, and unlike Corsha he's not sure he could take a lightsaber to the gut and even still be conscious.
Still, he's not leaving her. Destiny be damned, he wasn't that horrible of a person to run as soon as the going got tough.
Plus, Lana would kill him for getting the Outlander killed, or at least letting her die when he was perfectly capable of doing something -- anything to save her. He didn't leave the Zakuulan military to look out for his own skin. He was here to make a difference in the galaxy, and make a difference he would.
Scanning the room frantically, his eyes land on a loadbearing chunk of duracrete just above the two. This could work, maybe, and also probably get him killed if Arcann noticed too soon. Or Corsha, if he doesn't land this just right. Or both of them, and they could kill this notion of rebellion before they even got out of Zakuul airspace. Well, nothing was ever concrete. He'd already lived longer than he thought he would, so he lines up the shot, and fires. All that training wasn't for nothing, but his hands are still shaking. Even with his eyes off her, her limp body would haunt him for months, maybe years after all of this was over.
It comes down with a crash, Corsha moving just far enough so that it instead knocks Arcann off balance and into the void below them. Once it's clear he's down for the count (Koth doesn't have enough raw hope left to think they've killed him for good), he rushes over, not even sheathing his rifle before kneeling down next to her.
He sucks in a breath, it's bad. Really bad, and her eyes are barely flickering open to focus on him. Her teeth are gritting together as she has one hand over the bloodied spot of her armor, surely trying to heal herself. She coughs, shuddering with pain before pushing herself up on her side, "Koth?"
"I didn't run all the way back here to watch you die." Is all he can whisper, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. Maybe it's a little too familial, but Corsha gently leans into the touch, her eyes closing in the moment it takes to do so. He helps her up into a sitting position against a crate as her hand glows an ominious purple over her wound as she struggles to get up further before he holds her down, trying to keep her from hurting herself further.
She chuckles, moving her hands to snap off her respirator before she hisses in pain, dropping her hands back to her side. He isn't immediately sure how to do so, but he manages to find the clasps to pull it off her only a moment later. Corsha holds his hand in her's for a moment, letting him drop the mask onto the ground with a clatter. She's still warm, yet he feels something slip against the back of his hand. Surely her drying blood, "I wouldn't disappoint you with a sad ending."
She doesn't acknowledge just how surprised he must seem as she takes a few labored breaths with her gaze pinned on him, blood still wet on her gloves before she yanks him forward by the fabric of his tunic, slamming her lips onto his. It's forceful, yes, enough to knock the wind out of him nearly but her body screams passion at him. Whatever force presence or signature that she had that he couldn't make heads or tails of, he's sure it's doing whatever Lana says it does.
Corsha tastes of blood. Tastes of metal, and as much as he'd like to continue with this (he's way warmer than he should be right now, and that's making him way more uncomfortable than he wants to be, but it's not unwelcome), he also knows that she's living on borrowed time right now. He'd be an idiot to ignore what'd just happened, and even stupider to believe that she'd be fine the way she is. He pulls away from her, her eyes opening slower than he wouldn't wanted and groaning quietly. Maybe because she's unsatisfied, maybe because she has to shift to let him go and the blood stain is only growing worryingly larger through her armor's fabric, "Corsha..." He warns.
"I know, I know. I'm not looking as hot as I would've wanted to." She rolls her eyes as she sarcastically reminds him, grimacing as she tries to push herself up with one arm before visibly stifling a shriek and slipping back down to her sitting position, "Not the way I would've wanted to confess to you, y'know?"
"Yeah, I can second that." He responds, looking around to scan for anyone else who may have arrived while they were...distracted. His eyes land on HK, who still hasn't moved even though what internal systems he has left has cooled his body so that he's no longer on fire. The poor droid wouldn't be coming back with them, and he can safely assume that Arcann is the one to blame. The assassin droid had been his confidant for years, and there would never be another one like him.
"He died trying to save me." Corsha whispers, a frown on her face as her gaze follows his,  "The docking system should be down. That much I got done."
"Thanks for that, really." He responds, softening his tone. Taking her in for a moment, he figures she can't be much weight if any. Limp, yes, but he should logically be able to get her back to the shuttle if he carries her back. And any adversaries were most likely dead, if all the metal corpses outside were anything to go by, "You think you can walk?"
"Doubt it." Her head lolls for a moment before she manages to pull herself back up again, which nearly makes him jump as he watches blood pool out of her mouth, a light cough making her entire body shake as she groans, "Koth, go. Get the Gravestone out of here."
"I'm not leaving you, Corsha." He responds firmly, but even watching every labored breath she takes makes his own chest heave. She was willing to leave herself behind in the wake of the attack on Asylum for the good of who, of them? Self sacrifice was one thing, but leaving behind someone who had so much hope for the future...
A tad frustrated, he slides his rifle back onto his back before picking up her lightsaber hilt and putting it in one of his pockets. He manages to get an arm around her after a moment of deliberation, to pull her up into his arms instead. Her face contorts into one of pain as she groans, the blood pooling on her abdomen and her hand goes there first, "Stars -- Koth you shouldn't have done that."
"I know. But I'm not leaving you behind, and I don't think you're in any condition to get out of here on your own." He reassures her, even with the confused and fearful look in her near dead eyes. She's dying, and she knows that. Blazes, he knows that as she doesn't try to fight him on it. Corsha weighs about nothing as he shifts her in his arms.
"I really should be dead, you know that right?" She asks, her voice weak as he picks up his pace, Tora's voice shouting at them both through the communicators, "No one gets stabbed with a lightsaber and lives...not usually."
"Then I guess you're about to make history." He responds, her eyes close on him just as they make it back to the elevator and his heart drops, "Corsha, stars stay with me!"
"I'm up!" She yells, before coughing up what he's sure is nearly an entire lung, blood spilling out her lips and onto her silver armor plates. Upon closer inspection, Arcann must've stabbed her much closer to her lungs than he'd thought at first, "For now."
"Yeah, not liking that for now bit." He responds, punching in the code to the shuttle and slipping her down into one of the passenger seats. Relief washes over her expression, her hand glowing again over the stab wound. He kneels down next to her, her lidded gaze looking down over him, "Bravery in the face of danger is only attractive when you survive."
"It's more romantic if I come back almost dead." She gives him a strained smile as he stands, in the last moment he gently kisses her. It feels wrong in a way, but if she's annoyed, she doesn't acknowledge it.
"Stay alive for a couple more minutes?" Koth asks, and she nods absentmindedly, maybe not actually hearing him. He doesn't know. For a moment, he wants to ask if Lana can come to get them, if not just so he can stay with her for only a few more minutes. What this was, he wasn't entirely sure yet, but the galaxy wouldn't lose her. Not today.
He hopes, as he starts the shuttle and pulls away from the station.
"Staying alive, that's all we can hope for, isn't it?" Corsha had asked him, Lana and Senya somewhere else in the ship. She laughs, brushing her hair back so that her eyes are on display, "My mom would second that, my father's probably pissed with Zakuul at the moment but I'm sure he's doing what he can to keep his life together without me."
"What was he like?" Koth questioned, curious but also not trying to push her much further than he already had. When her expression drops to one of sadness, he opens his mouth to take the words back -- to change the subject before she can do it.
"He wasn't your typical father. I only knew him for three years before all this, but he's still all I had. Maybe he didn't do everything that he could've or should've done, but he was always there for me, supporting me in everything I did." Corsha says sadly, before turning back to him, "He taught me how to shoot a blaster and how to cheat at sabaac, so that's definitely something."
"Sounds like a good man." He answers, "Can see where you might've gotten it from, you've got a good aim with a blaster."
"Thanks, Koth." She gets up from the co-pilot's chair before lazily walking over to him, "I'm sure I got my good looks from him too, don't you agree?"
She's baiting him, he knows that she is, but she's entirely right,"Yeah, sure."
The moment they hit the Gravestone, his concern is still on her. His mind wanders to her every few seconds even though they're trying to fight their way out a blockade, dodging shots and putting out fires left and right. Stars she's a distraction but he'd be lying if he said he didn't want to care about her.
The second they hit hyperspace can't come fast enough as the bright blue light fills his vision, the Eternal Fleet essentially forgotten for a moment as the rush of adrenaline peaks. The crew of the Gravestone is safe for the moment, and he's piloted them to relative safety. Not a bad job if he does say so himself.
Corsha collapses shortly after that, maybe only cortisol was holding her up too. At first he thinks she's dead, that he wasn't quick enough to get her back, that he let her die under his care. That she was about to become the latest addition to his list of lifetime regrets. Senya (oh Senya of all people) confirms after a moment that she's simply out -- passed out from loss of blood. It isn't a pretty picture, red dribbling out of her mouth and painting her like a horror holovid's protagonist. Yet she's still beautiful. She'd sacrificed her life for them, and he'd return the favor one day, he hopes.
He takes watch over her over the next two days, even though Lana says he really doesn't need to. She's in good hands, the force healing and bacta/kolto mix that Ralo had recommended is doing it's best to fix her. It doesn't close up the wound entirely, and she most likely would want corrective surgery to fix it, at least cosmetically with all the scarring and bruising present. He has more things to worry about, like piloting the Gravestone to Odessen (where that even is, he has no idea -- some place Lana found and didn't tell him about, not unusual but it isn't on any star maps), but his focus is on her. She seems more relaxed than she was when they first brought her aboard, and he can't keep himself from just gently rubbing over the back of her knuckles. Outlander or otherwise, she's still important to him. Now more than ever.
Corsha opens her eyes two days later, bleary and sore. Confused almost, as she has to shade her eyes from the sharp lights of the room. The entire time that he and Lana are speaking to her, her gaze is riveted to him. She considers all the things Lana says -- that she's running an Alliance as soon as they touch down on Odessen. That she's the hero this small rebellion of people from the Outlands want to follow.
But her entire focus, her entire world is him as soon as the blonde Sith leaves the medbay.
And for some reason, he's okay with that. Because he wants to be her entire world. As long as they're alone together in that little medbay with all the three minute intervals in the world, he's happy to leave the safety of the galaxy in her warm, callused hands.
Zakuul is his home, the planet he'd always fight for no matter what, no matter what anyone else could say. But Corsha Revel-Kallig has also made her mark on him, and maybe one day he'll have a home in her.
Because they're alone in this little galaxy -- but they're alone together.
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crqstalite · 5 years
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“When they declared you KIA, I fought it. I couldn’t let go, they said. It almost earned me a psych discharge. As the years went by, I started to believe them...where have you been?”
“...until the Alliance freed me...”
“So I’ve been the only one losing sleep.”
“There were dreams. I saw you die. I saw everyone die.”
“Now you know they were only nightmares.”
“We’ll both sleep easier tonight.”
I most definitely did not spend one of the last days of my sub playing speed-running Hakio through the early chapters of KOTFE to get another Jorgan kiss because I didn’t have any with those two. The second line of the caption, I intended to write about her time away from him, but there’s a spoiler for Shadow of the Sith with the reason she was ripped away from Aric, so I kinda cut corners.
Totally blindsided by this because I was very sad about this reunion but also very happy that she got her man back. It’s such a sweet reunion too, with the little callbacks to their time fighting together, Bioware had better get on their keyboards and program some new vanilla romance interactions next update. There’ll definitely be a special chapter for these two included somewhere soon.
I also figured I should actually play some of my outlanders through Knights but I’ve been too lazy to level them through Shadow. I think Corsha’s going to be next to go through because she’s romancing Koth (I’m prepared to be disappointed, no worries), which I’ll use as a template for Mierrio’s story.
Also like, some of the Knights armor sets are actually kind of nice, like the Trooper one you receive right after Chapter IX. Recolored it in white and orange, chef’s kiss, these screenshots were beautiful.
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crqstalite · 4 years
For Corsha: 🌙 What are some of your OC’s favourites? Favourite food, colour, season, stuff like that! Give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked! and 👹 How does you OC act around different people and how does their personality change to match the environment they’re in? How do they act with: friends, family, strangers, children or their lover(s)?
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww. this one has been in my inbox for a while now, im so sorry XD
corsha revel-kallig. -favorites: she’s a big fan of little candies and fancy cakes. is terribly notorious for being the one to put in requisitions for said little candies. she likes odessen’s winter cycle best, plenty of opportunity to show of new coats and snuggle up in her quarters. her favorite color is red.
-little facts: no one is allowed to touch her face, she just won’t allow it. no one is terribly sure why, but they’d abide by it. she’s not completely incompetent using technology, but whenever she can go without it, she will. her eyes are an odd shade of orange -- not exactly red, but not exactly yellow either. she actually isn’t half bad with a blaster either, but is much more comfortable with an electrostaff or a techblade. she prefers trousers to robes anyway, regardless of sith function or whatnot.
-personality:    -with friends she’s at the very least amicable, if not also a bit of a bully. not to say she doesn’t care about them, but she’s very mischievous once she’s comfortable around them. they know she’s simply being friendly...sometimes.     -with family, you could probably believe she was an entirely different person, if not also not even sith. a softer version of herself if that. because it’s just her and her father these days, she spends a lot of time with him. sometimes there isn’t much to talk about, so they sit in a comforting silence just enjoying the other’s company.    -with strangers, you’d consider her a typical imperial type. cold, unflappable. she doesn’t care much for people who she doesn’t know the name of, and definitely wouldn’t risk her neck for them.    -with children...she’s not a fan of children. they are small and constantly need help -- somehow they’re in thirty places at once and she surely can not reliably keep an eye on them. do not send any children to her for her to babysit. she isn’t liable for what happens.    -with koth, she’s more awkward than anything else. she isn’t terribly sure even how to show love, not that she grew up with it at all. with no example or template on how to act, it’s a learning experience. but there are always little things that’ll remind him she hasn’t given up on them, from little touches during meetings to quiet affirmations of love that come once in a blue moon. thank you for asking! (and waiting so long lmao)
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crqstalite · 5 years
State of the Galaxy. [midnightspxce]
A quick State of the Galaxy post. Probably will be updated as these stories progress, but I’ve noticed while rereading I keep assuming people know things already from my shitposts and have gained telepathy but that’s not always the truth. Kind of my own ‘Canon Defiance’, because I take canon and yank it to how I like it. If you’d like to pull any head canons on timelines or ages of canon characters, feel free to. This was kind of a passion project of mine because once I get involved in something, I get involved.
I also am horrible at remembering ages. This is as much for you, the reader, as for me, the author.
If you don’t want to read this whole mess, here’s the timeline I reference a lot. I defy it all the time and twist and turn it into what I want, but anyways. Same thing with ages of companions here. 
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In this story, the first canon defiance you’ll notice is that in-between the beginning and end of the vanilla story is two years, instead of the widely accepted three. Well, for most characters. Then there’s another year to Assault on Tython/Korriban Incursion, or Chapters 1 + 2 of Shadow of the Sith (13 ATC). As mentioned in the book, there’s another two years in between then to Shadow of Revan, which is Chapters 3-12 (15 ATC). Ziost takes place months after that, currently Chapters 13-16 (to be updated). Just after Ziost comes the first chapter of Knights of the Fallen Empire. Five years passes (20 ATC), and then there is a two year period of the expansion there (22 ATC). Another year passes to Knights of the Eternal Throne (23 ATC) A year passes to the end of Nathema (24 ATC). Another two years passes to the end of Onslaught (26 ATC). This is all subject to change because I’m kind of horrible about sticking to a timeline (and with Onslaught so far in the future of the story nothing is set in stone), but it will be updated if I change my mind.
Now, I’ve deduced there are sixteen years in between the vanilla story and the end of Onslaught. Because of this, here are the ages of both OCs currently mentioned in the story and some canon characters. You can skip this if you don’t care.
Major Characters - Tri’ama Amarillis - 20 (10 ATC - Vanilla Game), 36 (26 ATC - Onslaught) Naji Iresso - 20 (10 ATC), 36 (26 ATC) Mierrio Revel - 21 (10 ATC), 37 (26 ATC) Whyatt Grace - 19 (10 ATC), 35 (26 ATC) Dhyndre Djaal - 17 (10 ATC), 33 (26 ATC) Khaak Beniko - 28 (10 ATC), 44 (26 ATC) Ba’shira Cadera - 18 (10 ATC), 34 (26 ATC) J’nell Wryen - 40 (10 ATC), 56 (26 ATC) Khelan Hyllus - 29 (10 ATC), 45 (26 ATC) Hakiojkl Jorgan - 30 (10 ATC), 46 (26 ATC)
Minor Characters [ + mentions] - Raegia Amarillis - 50 (10 ATC), 66 (26 ATC) Yusaits Amarillis - 57 (10 ATC), 73 (26 ATC) Typarnk Amarillis - 24 (10 ATC), 40 (26 ATC) Scorvs Amarillis - 26 (10 ATC), 42 (26 ATC) Kadasha Amarillis - 17 (10 ATC), 33 (26 ATC) Bisauur Sae - 18 (10 ATC), 34 (26 ATC) Vza’haria Atiya - 35 (10 ATC), 51 (26 ATC) Jaak’lo Khethak - 27 (10 ATC), 43 (26 ATC) Synntai Pakar - 24 (10 ATC), 40 (26 ATC) Ryean Wystern - 26 (10 ATC), 42 (26 ATC) Xev’heng Lumere - 31 (10 ATC), 47 (26 ATC)  Xalzon Dajev - 43 (10 ATC; deceased) Weit’hara’jel - 44 (10 ATC), 60 (26 ATC) Weit’axis’ion - 23 (10 ATC), 39 (26 ATC) Zhonani Zaares - 26 (10 ATC), 42 (26 ATC) Aethree Zaares - 27 (10 ATC), 43 (26 ATC)
Canon Characters - Theron Shan - 22 (10 ATC), 38 (26 ATC) [tbd]* Lana Beniko - 27 (10 ATC), 43 (26 ATC) [tbd]* Andronikos Revel - 34 (10 ATC), 50 (26 ATC) Malavai Quinn - 34 (10 ATC), 50 (26 ATC) Felix Iresso - 29 (10 ATC), 45 (26 ATC) Torian Cadera - 19 (10 ATC), 35 (26 ATC) Vector Hyllus - 31 (10 ATC), 47 (26 ATC) Aric Jorgan - 30 (10 ATC), 46 (26 ATC) Zenith - 34 (10 ATC), 50 (26 ATC)
All of these ages, beyond my OCs, are just speculation at the moment. Especially *Theron and Lana (I remember seeing someone assume she was fifty-ish and their reasoning made sense so if I find it again I’ll link it here), because their ages are all over the place through the fandom. Also did anyone notice that all the men are so damn old compared to where most PCs are head canoned as? Except for maybe the force blind classes, all the force users are assumed to be pretty young, like in the 18-25 range. Andronikos, Quinn, Iresso, I’m looking at ya’ll. And Zenith. He can’t be romanced in-game, but Bis was 18 in 10 ATC, and he’s assumed to be 30-40. If anyone intends to cancel me over this in the future, in my defense, I always headcanon my characters young. Not to put this all on Bioware -- but to put this all on Bioware.
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Shan, while relatively new, is still probably one of the most solid timelines I’ve had thus far. There’s not too much canon defiance here, only that instead of two years like in Shadow of the Sith, Shan has three years for Lexulle’s class story (13 ATC). Then there’s a year to Shadow of Revan hits in 14 ATC. Lexulle has Malcom late 14 ATC, another two, nearly three years passes to early 17 ATC, which is where they are now at the beginning of Knights of the Fallen Empire. After that (22 ATC), Knights of the Fallen Empire, Knights of the Eternal Throne and the traitor arc take place over the course of about three years respectively (25 ATC). A year passes through Jedi Under Siege and Onslaught (26 ATC).
There are sixteen years in between the beginning of the game and Onslaught.
Characters: Lexulle Kallig - 22 (10 ATC), 38 (26 ATC) Malcom Kallig-Shan - 0 (14 ATC), 12 (26 ATC) Andronikos Revel - 32 (10 ATC), 48 (26 ATC) Theron Shan - 23 (10 ATC), 39 (36 ATC)*
*As always, I will eternally struggle with Theron’s age.
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This one. Is the bane of my existence at the moment. It’s a bit of a struggle because the main part of story, or at least the part that is a big part of the first arc takes place before the main story. Figuring that out while keeping mind of Andronikos and Mierrio’s ages was definitely a fun challenge. Andronikos and Mierrio had Corsha in 7 BTC, making him 20 and her 21. Skip forward nearly a decade to Shadow Of Revan/Ziost (16 ATC), which is actually on par with the SWTOR timeline. Kind of. Five years forward to her unfreezing in carbonite (21 ATC). After that it should follow the sort of official timeline, three years from then to the traitor arc (24 ATC).
There are fourteen years in between the beginning of the game and Onslaught.
Characters: Corsha Revel-Kallig - 17 (10 ATC), 31 (24 ATC) Koth Vortena - 28 (10 ATC), 42 (24 ATC)* Andronikos Revel - 38 (10 ATC), 52 (24 ATC) Mierrio Andeyr - 39 (10 ATC), 53 (24 ATC)
*Bioware. Really. I know Corsha is aged down pretty far compared to my average quizzy (20-24), but even so he’s still so OLD compared any force sensitive class I personally head canon. I even aged him down six years compared to the guide I found and he’s still almost a decade older than her.
These are all just my own personal headcanons for the expansions, not at all to be taken as canon unless you’d like it for your own stories. I do not see how realistically they managed to to shove all of this into their arbitrary thirteen years between the vanilla story and the end of Onslaught but I choose to defy canon at the moment. I love the writers, I really do, but why are all my male love interests a decade+ older than my characters?
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crqstalite · 5 years
how about 2, 5, 27, 33, 46, and 47?
For the Big Fat Domesticity Meme!
I also may or may not have a problem with this OTP. I love these two nerds to the end of the Earth (and I don’t have any other screenies of my other toons with their lovers) I don’t want to acknowledge Khaak’s existence at the moment (still playing with the idea of whether I should play her through Jedi Under Siege forward just to see what happens), and I’m pretty sure somewhere in my Archives I did this meme with Mier/Nik already, though if you’re so inclined I will do it again. Alas, Lexulle and Theron will come another day, as well as Corsha and Koth.
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Commander Mellena Shan + Theron Shan
2. Who flirts more?
To put it bluntly, Theron. Mellena is less of a flirt and more of a heart-felt complimenter, and Theron is very good and sweeping his wife off her feet. Literally, and figuratively. It catches her by surprise sometimes, but she loves it when she hears a too-sweet-to-be-normal-concern over the comm (even it’s an open channel), and he likes to hear her voice giving him encouragement on missions.
5. How did they start living together? Do they move? How do they choose the place?
Theron moves in with Mellena into the Commander’s quarters shortly after Disavowed (she’s understandably uneasy about having people sleep with her after the Quinncident), and that’ll be explored more as Shadow of the Sith is written. There are some spoilers to where they reside now (post-Onslaught), but I can safely say Mellena is out of her element and Theron is trying to keep things under wraps before reporters kick their door down. Theron is pretty minamalist, whereas after they get married, Mellena is determined to make their quarters look a little more lived in. A small holo of their wedding picture is on a night stand somewhere
27. Who leaves their stuff lying everywhere?
Minimalist or otherwise, Theron isn’t exactly the cleanest person to ever hit Odessen. Given it’s organized chaos (and Mellena doesn’t exactly have time to go all mother rancor on him and get him to clean it, nor does she care too much but she is the cleaner person in the relationship), and often if she’s blearily awake and he’s gone, sometimes she’ll end up dressed in his shirts or one of his jackets if it gets left behind. The Alliance forces get a good chuckle out of the Commander and her husband’s antics, to say the least.
33. How do they refer to the other in public? How do other people refer to the other? (i.e. “my partner”, “ask your father”, ”dad and papa”, ”how’s your wife?”, etc)
Theron likes to refer to her as either Commander (to Alliance forces outside their inner circle), Mell to the advisors (Hakio, Mier, etc; if he’s panicked he’ll ask ‘where the hell is my wife?’), babe when they’re alone or out of earshot of others. Mellena refers to him as her agent (it’s odd at first due to the history behind the title; mostly to Imperial forces during Onslaught), typically as Theron to the advisors, and love when they’re alone or out of earshot of others. Most Alliance forces refer to them as simply the Commander and her agent, though the advisors refer to them as partners, husband and wife. Mivonie does like the endearing term brother-in-law (most typically used in ‘what did my dumbass brother-in-law get up to now?’ with a defeated sigh), Mierrio and Hakio refer to them both as Shan (they like the chaos with the new recruits), Khelan employs Commander and Agent, and Khaak, Lana and Ba’shira prefer their names. Their marriage isn’t a secret :p
46. Morning routine?
Theron and Mellena usually get up together, as both of them are sleep-deprived gremlins. Sometimes Theron convinces her to stay a few more minutes (just for sleepy kisses and more if he’s lucky to catch her in a good mood), sometimes Mellena forces him back down with her if he was working particularily late the night prior. Breakfast consists of caf (though Mellena tries to get onto tea, it fails miserably), food if they’re lucky. Dressed, and then out the door to see what the galaxy has fallen into the few hours they’ve been sleep.
47. How do they make up after a fight?
These two don’t fight a lot, but when they do it is hell on Odessen for anyone unlucky enough to run into them. If Theron’s the reason she’s mad, she’s stubborn until he outright says she was right and is often rather hostile towards anyone at all. Sometimes Mivonie can calm her down before it gets bad, but other times, she has to run out of gas first, mostly by fighting training dummies or raging out in the forest where she can’t hurt anyone. If Mellena’s the reason he’s mad, he dives back into his work, cold, aloof and apathetic. People can reason with him all they want, but that definitely do not mean he will listen. There having been screaming matches in the war room before, and no one wants to be there for it. Mivonie and Lana are typically mediators for said fights, but sometimes no one wants to get involved with the Shans marital issues. ‘I hate you’ is forbidden to be said between them, with the adverse emotional reactions to the phrase. One or the other eventually does come to their senses and tries to apologize, and there have only been a few recorded instances where that doesn’t work and end the fight entirely. But, neither can last long without the other, and someone will crack from their strained relationship. It’s never always one or the other, as both are very aware of just how lucky they are to have the other. Whatever the reason for the fight to begin with is discussed, and they also figure how not to have the same problem again. Theron stops work early to have to the night with his wife, and Mellena makes it so they’ll be on the same patrol schedule, just for general examples.
Wooo this was a long one! Thank you Dela for another ask, it was really fun!
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